按键精灵 win7+p

18:43:30 |
来源: 按键精灵资源站
本帖最后由 天心的我 于
18:45 编辑
前台代码[code]&p&Rem A
FindPic 0,0,,&Attachment:\1.bmp&,0.9,intX,intY
If intX & 0 And intY & 0 Then
MoveTo intX+25, intY+4
LeftDoubleClick 1&/p&&p&i=1
Goto A&/p&[/code]后台多线程代码[code]Dimenv HwndEx1, HwndExc3
Hwnd = Plugin.Window.Find(0, &第三方测试平台 - 游戏漏洞爱好者修改版
HwndEx = Plugin.Window.FindEx(Hwnd, 0, &#32770&, &发送数据包&)
HwndEx1 = Plugin.Window.FindEx(HwndEx, 0, 0, &自动&)
Hwndc = Plugin.Window.Find(0, &功夫西游 - 猎豹安全浏览器&)
HwndExc = Plugin.Window.FindEx(Hwndc, 0, &Chrome_WidgetWin_0&, 0)
HwndExc1 = Plugin.Window.FindEx(HwndExc, 0, &Chrome_RenderWidgetHostHWND&, 0)
HwndExc2 = Plugin.Window.FindEx(HwndExc1, 0, &WrapperNativeWindowClass&, 0)
HwndExc3 = Plugin.Window.FindEx(HwndExc2, 0, &NativeWindowClass&, 0)
BeginThread A : BeginThread B
Plugin.BGCP2_02.FindPicture HwndEx1,0,0,,&D:\3.bmp&,30,0.9,x,y
Call Plugin.Bkgnd.LeftClick(HwndEx1, x, y)
Plugin.BGCP2_02.FindPicture HwndExc3,0,0,,&D:\1.bmp&,30,0.9,x,y
Call Plugin.Bkgnd.LeftDoubleClick(HwndExc3, x, y)
Call Plugin.Bkgnd.LeftDoubleClick(HwndExc3, x, y)
//线程B找图和双键[/code]今日: 1607|昨日: 8819|帖子: 7847965|会员: 816132|欢迎新会员:
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Powered by
粤公网安备 25NirCmd - Windows command line tool
NirCmd v2.81
Copyright (c) 2003 - 2016 Nir Sofer
- Edit, merge and fix the AutoComplete files (.NK2) of Microsoft Outlook.
NirCmd is a small command-line utility that allows you to do some useful tasks without
displaying any user interface. By running NirCmd with simple command-line option, you can
write and delete values and keys in the Registry, write values into INI file, dial to your
internet account or connect to a VPN network, restart windows or shut down the computer,
create shortcut to a file, change the created/modified date of a file, change your display
settings, turn off your monitor, open the door of your CD-ROM drive, and more...
Examples of what you can do with NirCmd
Open the door of J: CD-ROM drive
nircmd.exe cdrom open j:
Close the door of Y: CD-ROM drive
nircmd.exe cdrom close y:
Speaks the text currently in the clipboard (For Windows XP/Vista/7/8).
speak text ~$clipboard$
Speaks the text stored inside speak.txt into speak.wav filename (For Windows XP/Vista/7/8).
speak file &c:\temp\speak.txt& 0 100 &c:\temp\speak.wav& 48kHz16BitStereo
Increase the system volume by 2000 units (out of 65535)
nircmd.exe changesysvolume 2000
Decrease the system volume by 5000 units (out of 65535)
nircmd.exe changesysvolume -5000
Set the volume to the highest value
nircmd.exe setsysvolume 65535
Mute the system volume
nircmd.exe mutesysvolume 1
Unmute the system volume
nircmd.exe mutesysvolume 0
Switch the system volume between the mute and normal state.
nircmd.exe mutesysvolume 2
Create a shortcut on your desktop that switch the system volume between the mute and normal state.
nircmd.exe cmdshortcut
&~$folder.desktop$& &Switch Volume& mutesysvolume 2
Turn off the monitor
nircmd.exe monitor off
Start the default screen saver
nircmd.exe screensaver
Put your computer in 'standby' mode
nircmd.exe standby
log off the current user
nircmd.exe exitwin logoff
Ask if you want to reboot, and if you answer 'Yes', reboot the computer.
nircmd.exe qboxcom "Do you want to reboot ?" "question" exitwin reboot
Turn off your computer
nircmd.exe exitwin poweroff
Turn off all computers specified in computers.txt !
multiremote copy &c:\temp\computers.txt& exitwin poweroff force
Dial to &My Internet& connection
nircmd.exe rasdial &My Internet&
Disconnect the &My Internet& connection
nircmd.exe rashangup &My Internet&
Make your Internet Explorer windows 75% transparent ! (192 / 256)
nircmd.exe win trans ititle &internet explorer& 192
Minimize all your Internet Explorer windows
nircmd.exe win min class &IEFrame&
Close all your Internet Explorer windows
nircmd.exe win close class &IEFrame&
Close all your Explorer windows (My Computer, folders, and so on)
nircmd.exe win close class &CabinetWClass&
Hide all your Internet Explorer windows
nircmd.exe win hide class &IEFrame&
Show all your Internet Explorer windows (after you made them hidden with previous example)
nircmd.exe win show class &IEFrame&
Center all top-level windows
nircmd.exe win center alltop
Remove the title bar of My Computer window.
nircmd.exe win -style title &my computer& 0x00C00000
Return the title bar of My Computer window that we removed in the previous example.
nircmd.exe win +style title &my computer& 0x00C00000
Set the My Computer window to right-to-left order (For hebrew and arabic languages)
nircmd win +exstyle title &my computer& 0x
Set all child windows of
My Computer window to right-to-left order (For hebrew and arabic languages)
nircmd win child title &my computer& +exstyle all 0x
Create a shortcut on your desktop that closes all your Internet Explorer windows
nircmd.exe cmdshortcut & &~$folder.desktop$ &Close All IE& win close class &IEFrame&
Create a shortcut on your desktop that hides all your Internet Explorer windows
nircmd.exe cmdshortcut & &~$folder.desktop$ &Hide All IE& win hide class &IEFrame&
Create a shortcut on your desktop that shows back all your Internet Explorer windows
nircmd.exe cmdshortcut & &~$folder.desktop$ &Show All IE& win show class &IEFrame&
Set the Windows Calculator as top-most window (above all other windows)
nircmd.exe win settopmost title &Calculator& 1
Set the Windows Calculator back to regular window (non top-most window)
nircmd.exe win settopmost title &Calculator& 0
Create a shortcut to Windows calculator under Start Menu->Programs->Calculators
nircmd.exe shortcut &f:\winnt\system32\calc.exe& &~$folder.programs$\Calculators& &Windows Calculator&
Hide the desktop window
nircmd.exe win hide class progman
Show the desktop window (After hiding it in previous example)
nircmd.exe win show class progman
Hide the start button on the system tray
nircmd.exe win child class &Shell_TrayWnd& hide class &button&
Show the start button on the system tray
nircmd.exe win child class &Shell_TrayWnd& show class &button&
Hide the clock on the system tray
nircmd.exe win child class "Shell_TrayWnd" hide class &TrayClockWClass&
Show the clock on the system tray
nircmd.exe win child class "Shell_TrayWnd" show class &TrayClockWClass&
Kill (terminate) all instance of Internet Explorer processes
nircmd.exe killprocess iexplore.exe
Create a shortcut on your desktop that opens the door of K: CDROM drive when you run it.
nircmd.exe cmdshortcut &~$folder.desktop$& &Open CDROM& cdrom open k:
Create a shortcut to NirSoft Web site on your desktop
nircmd.exe urlshortcut &http://www.nirsoft.net& &~$folder.desktop$& &NirSoft&
Add NirSoft Web site to your Favorities under Links folder.
nircmd.exe urlshortcut &http://www.nirsoft.net& &~$folder.favorites$\Links& &NirSoft&
Create a shortcut to NirSoft Web site on the desktop of all computers listed in computers.txt
nircmd.exe multiremote copy &c:\temp\computers.txt& urlshortcut &http://www.nirsoft.net& &~$mon_desktop$& &NirSoft&
Set the display mode to 800x600x24bit colors
nircmd.exe setdisplay 800 600 24
Create a shortcut on the desktop that set the display mode to 800x600x24bit colors
nircmd.exe cmdshortcut &~$folder.desktop$& &800x600x24& setdisplay 800 600 24
Copy all shortcuts on your desktop to another folder (f:\temp\desktop).
nircmd.exe execmd copy &~$folder.desktop$\*.lnk& f:\temp\desktop
Restart your Apache server (under Windows NT/2000/XP/2003)
nircmd.exe service restart apache
Create a shortcut on your desktop that restarts the Apache server
nircmd.exe cmdshortcut &~$folder.desktop$& &Restart Apache& service restart apache
Restart your IIS
nircmd.exe service restart w3svc
Restart MySql
nircmd.exe service restart MySql
Open the desired Registry key/value in RegEdit
nircmd.exe regedit &HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion& &CommonFilesDir&
Open the Registry key that you copied to the clipboard in RegEdit.
nircmd regedit &~$clipboard$&
Disable the screen saver
nircmd.exe regsetval sz &HKCU\control panel\desktop& &ScreenSaveActive& 0
Enable the screen saver
nircmd.exe regsetval sz &HKCU\control panel\desktop& &ScreenSaveActive& 1
Change the date/time of the specified filename (creation time and modified time)
nircmd.exe setfiletime &c:\temp\myfile.txt& &24-06-:11& &22-11-:56&
Copy your desktop folder path to the clipboard
nircmd.exe clipboard set ~$folder.desktop$
Copy your start menu folder path to the clipboard
nircmd.exe clipboard set ~$folder.start_menu$
Copy the content of info1.txt (simple text file) to the clipboard
nircmd.exe clipboard readfile &c:\My Files\info1.txt&
Add the text content of clipboard to info1.txt
nircmd.exe clipboard addfile &c:\My Files\info1.txt&
Clear the clipboard
nircmd.exe clipboard clear
Create all folders specified in &c:\temp\folders.txt&. The folder path names are
separated by CRLF characters.
nircmd.exe paramsfile &c:\temp\folders.txt& && && execmd md ~$fparam.1$
Install the specified .NET assembly in the global assembly cache (like gacutil)
nircmd.exe gac install &C:\temp\MyAssembly\bin\MyAssembly.dll&
Empty the recycle bin in all drives.
nircmd.exe emptybin
Answer 'Yes' to a standard Windows message-box.
nircmd.exe dlg && && click yes
Wait 2 seconds, and then save the current screen to shot.png
nircmd.exe cmdwait 2000 savescreenshot &f:\temp\shot.png&
Save 10 screenshots in a loop, and wait 60 seconds between the screenshot save calls.
The filenames of the screenshot will contain the time and date of the saved screenshot.
nircmd.exe loop 10 60000 savescreenshot c:\temp\scr~$currdate.MM_dd_yyyy$-~$currtime.HH_mm_ss$.png
Wait until Firefox is closed, and then say &Firefox was closed&
nircmd.exe waitprocess firefox.exe speak text &Firefox was closed&
Run RegEdit with SYSTEM user (On Windows 7/8/Vista/2008), which allows you to view all hidden system Registry keys
nircmd.exe elevatecmd runassystem c:\windows\regedit.exe
System Requirements
This utility can work in all versions of Windows operating system: Windows 9x/ME,
Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10.
Versions History按键精灵后台增加一个移动鼠标的命令
<p class="detail" data-data='我鼓捣好了一个后台脚本。 但是鼠标总是乱动。
麻烦那个大师帮忙增加一个。 鼠标移动。 或者鼠标归位 移动或归位游戏坐标 507,393 Hwnd = Plugin.Window.Foreground() &#39;得到当前窗口句柄While true &#39;循环Call Plugin.Bkgnd.KeyPress(Hwnd, 115) &#39;后台按F4Delay 1000 &#39;间隔1秒,自己设Wend &#39;循环
增加这里面。 或者麻烦您在写一个。 帮帮忙吧。 鼓捣2个小时了。'>我鼓捣好了一个后台脚本。 但是鼠标总是乱动。
麻烦那个大师帮忙增加一个。 鼠标移动。 或者鼠标归位 移动或归位游戏坐标 507,393 Hwnd = Plugin.Window.
Plugin hw=Window.MousePoint()Plugin text=Window.GetText(hw)Plugin class1=Window.GetClass(hw)VBSCall GetCursorPos(x,y)Plugin win=BGKM6.ScrToCli(hw,x,y)MessageBox "窗口句柄:"&CStr(hw)&VbCrLf&"窗口名:"&text&VbCrLf&"类名:"&class1&VbCrLf&"鼠标所在位置的窗口坐标:"&win用以上脚本可找坐标 前面坐标跟后台坐标是不一样的 要下载BGKM6.dll插件才能正常运行


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