
《权力的游戏》第三季3月31日首播 美国推出周边啤酒 英语影视资讯
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Beer will be coming along with winter for the Season 3 premiere of &Game of Thrones.&这款啤酒将会随着《权力的游戏》第三季的首播随之推出市场。Iron Thro
beer will be coming along with winter for the season 3 premiere of &game of thrones.&&
iron throne will become available in march and will be available nationally on draft and in corked 750 ml bottles. the suggested retail price is reportedly $8.50. even more exciting: brewery ommegang is planning to release more brews tied into the world of westeros in the future.
本文相关应用▼权力的游戏(Game of Thrones) 第3季 第10集 第01期_权力的游戏 第三季_VOA英语网
权力的游戏(Game of Thrones) 第3季 第10集 第01期
-走 让开 -北境之王万岁 - Go, move out! - The King in the North!
北境之王万岁 The King in the North!
北境之王万岁 北境之王万岁 The King in the North! The King in the North!
北境之王万岁 北境之王万岁 The King in the North! The King in the North!
北境之王万岁 北境之王万岁 The King in the North! The King in the North!
北境之王驾到 Here comes the King in the North!
北境之王万岁 北境之王万岁 The King in the North! The King in the North!
艾德瑞克&萨斯菲尔德爵士 Ser Eldrick Sarsfield
戴斯蒙&克雷赫大人 and Lord Desmond Crakehall.
艾德瑞克&萨斯菲尔德爵士 Ser Eldrick Sarsfield
戴斯蒙&克雷赫大人 and Lord Desmond Crakehall.
你在念叨什么 What are you doing?
我的名单 I have a list.
是你想杀的人吗 A list of people you mean to kill?
罪名是嘲笑我吗 For laughing at me?
你觉得我看着像乔佛里吗 Do I look like Joffrey to you?
不 杀人还是有点过分了 No, death seems a bit extreme.
不过呢 死亡的恐吓... Fear of death, on the other hand...
你应该学会无视他们 You should learn to ignore them.
夫人 我受人嘲笑的历史 My lady, people have been laughing at me
可比你的要久远多了 far longer than they've been laughing at you.
我是侏儒 小魔猴 小恶魔 I'm the Halfman, the Demon Monkey, the Imp.
你是个兰尼斯特 You're a Lannister.
而我是叛徒奈德&史塔克可耻的女儿 I am the disgraced daughter of the traitor Ned Stark.
可耻的女儿和小魔猴 The disgraced daughter and the Demon Monkey.
我们是天生一对 We're perfect for each other.
那我们该怎么惩罚他们 So how should we punish them?
谁惩罚谁 Who? Whom?
艾德瑞克&萨斯菲尔德爵士 Ser Eldrick Sarsfield
和戴斯蒙&克雷赫大人 and Lord Desmond Crakehall.
我可以向瓦里斯大人打听他们的龌龊事 I could speak to Lord Varys and learn their perversions.
叫戴斯蒙&克雷赫的一定是个变态 Anyone named Desmond Crakehall must be a pervert.
我听说你也是个变态 I hear that you're a pervert.
我是小恶魔 I am the Imp.
自有一套准则要遵守 I have certain standards to maintain.
我们可以&羊换&戴斯蒙大人的床 We could sheep shift Lord Desmond's bed.
你在他的床垫里挖个小洞 You cut a little hole in his mattress
往里塞羊粪 and you stuff sheep dung inside.
然后把洞缝起来 整理妥当 Then you sew up the hole and make his bed again.
他的房间会臭不可闻 他却不知道哪儿臭了 His room will stink, but he won't know where it's coming from.
珊莎夫人 Lady Sansa!
我妹妹生我气的时候总这么干 My sister used to do that when she was angry with me.
而且她老是生我气 And she was always angry with me.
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Latest News相关资源汇总 · · · · · ·权力的游戏第三季豆瓣:权力的游戏第三季IMDB:  对于即将到来的第三季,该剧的原创作者乔治·RR·马丁(George R R Martin)也透露了一些细节。乔治·马丁是《权力的游戏》的原作者,他也从宏观上掌控着剧情的发展。对于即将筹拍的第三季,马丁在自己的官方博客上介绍道:“与前两季一样,第三季的长度也会是10集!原创小说的第三部《冰雨的风暴》(A Storm of Swords)中的剧情,将会大部分或者全部呈现在电视剧的第三季中。”权力的游戏第三季
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"Game of Thrones": When everyone's favorite fantasy drama returns for its third season, there are some Stark family reunions in store.
美国电视连续剧权力的游戏第三季 Game of Thrones Season 3于日在美国HBO首播至日结束共十集剧情根据乔治·马丁的小说冰与火之歌系列的第三部冰雨的风暴拍摄 在原著中有大量涉及儿童法律和道义上敏感话题和色情内容但他们都将这些内容一一过滤并尽量让权力的游戏在不越线的同时也能保持该作品的原汁原味
- 来自原声例句


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