权力的游戏城堡壁纸 谁知道权力的游戏城堡壁纸里 黑城堡的号角声,哪里有下载?

The Rains of Castamere Sigur Rós - Game Of Thrones: Season 4 (Music from the HBO? Series)
《权力的游戏》又一次在编剧的大开杀戒中季终。这一季刚开始时还生死未卜的琼恩·雪诺,不出所料以史塔克家私生子的身份,成了北境之王。10岁的莫尔蒙小姐再次霸气抢戏,她毫不客气地数落其他北境封臣:“你们说好了效忠史塔克家族,史塔克家族需要你们的时候,你们干什么去了?”前几集里,当琼恩·雪诺和他血统纯正的妹妹向封臣们四处求援时,除了莫尔蒙家族,所有人都对他们关上了大门。 最终为史塔克家族冲锋陷阵的是野人。上一集里,野人们被波顿大军的铁桶阵围攻,死伤过半。然而他们和临冬城没有半毛钱利益关系,有的只是对琼恩·雪诺的一腔义气。在长城以南,野人就是小偷、强奸犯、杀人犯的代名词。人们谈及野人能吃不下饭;北境的孩童听说野人来了会放声大哭。只有琼恩·雪诺知道,他们和七国国民虽有不同,但没那么不同。人类总是对“非我族类”怀着敌意、恐惧和偏见,奥兰多枪杀案本身和其刺激出的对立情绪如此,《权力的游戏》中的维斯特洛大陆亦是如此——不仅仅是当他们面对野人的时候。琼恩·雪诺(影视剧照/图)琼恩·雪诺是“圣母婊”吗琼恩·雪诺曾经坚定地认为,消灭绝境长城外的野人,是他作为守夜人义不容辞的责任。那时,他还不曾真正地了解野人——正如他的野人女友耶哥蕊特反复在他耳边念叨的那样:“你什么都不懂,琼恩·雪诺。”雪诺什么都不懂,他原以为,野人和守夜人打了这么多年游击,是因为他们从未得到过“冬之号角”。传说中,“冬之号角”能唤醒地底沉睡的巨人,也能摧毁绝境长城。几乎所有长城以南的人都觉得,野人们一旦拿到“冬之号角”,就会让长城化为瓦砾。然而,琼恩·雪诺却在野人国王曼斯的帐篷里看到了“冬之号角”——他们早就得到了它,却从未使用它。野人们只想翻越长城,躲避异鬼。他们不想让绝境长城倒下,而是想要留着它抵御异鬼。也因为要抵御异鬼,雪诺想促成守夜人军团与野人的和解。然而,他显然低估了这件事的难度。他自己固然爱上了一个女野人,知道野人们勇敢、果决,甚至部分认同他们的生活理念(比如没有等级之分,男女都可战斗),其他守夜人却不是如此。雪诺的小跟班奥利,曾经亲眼目睹着全村人被野人杀死,他的父母在他眼前,被野人一刀割喉。你让奥利如何接受野人越过长城、住在黑城堡?即便是一个普通的北境居民,恐怕也很难接受那些烧杀抢掠的野人与自己为伍。尚未做透思想工作的雪诺就冒然迎接了野人。如果黑城堡有灌水论坛,琼恩·雪诺肯定要被骂作“圣母婊”,但黑城只有白刀子进红刀子出。琼恩·雪诺挨了来自守夜人兄弟的六刀,奥利捅进了最后一刀。虽然在处理内部矛盾上有点笨,但只有琼恩·雪诺,才能做联合野人和工作。作为艾徳·史塔克的儿子,他和他的父亲一样正直、宅心仁厚,因而能获取野人的信任。但是作为私生子,他又比一般的北境人更易放下偏见,设身处地去理解野人——就像他自己渴望被理解那样。还记得在临冬城,琼恩·雪诺与提利昂的那段对话吗?提利昂:“让我给你一些忠告,私生子。永远不忘记自己是什么人,因为这个世界不会忘记,用它来武装自己,就没有人可以用它来伤害你了。”琼恩·雪诺:“你又知道身为私生子是什么滋味?”提利昂:“全天下的侏儒在他们父亲眼里,都是私生子。” 在维斯特洛,偏见无处不在全天下的侏儒在他们父亲眼里,都是私生子。全天下的私生子,在维斯特洛受到的白眼都堪比野人。私生子琼恩·雪诺从小就被父亲留在身边,这简直像童话故事。和雪诺大战的波顿家族私生子“小剥皮”,小时候差点被家奴丢进水井;国王劳勃·拜拉席恩的私生子,也只能被委屈地藏在君临城的贫民窟里。“大家都认为私生子的血脉出自欲望与欺骗,天生便反复无常、背信弃义。”马丁在书里这样写道。在维斯特洛大陆上,偏见无处不在。女孩子要拿缝衣针,男孩子才能做骑士。珊莎·史塔克和她的父亲艾徳·史塔克一样,搞不懂妹妹艾莉亚·史塔克为什么那么喜欢舞枪弄棒。同样的性别偏见,在塔斯的布蕾妮身上体现得更为彻底。从小,她的身材比男人还高大,肩膀过于宽阔,胸部像飞机场,穿上淑女装总是不伦不类;但当她穿上铠甲,横刀立马,又总会因为性别受到嘲笑。她这辈子遇到的第一个不嘲笑她的人,是蓝礼·拜拉席恩。她因此效忠的第一个人就是蓝礼。“以战士之名我要求你勇敢,以父亲之名我要求你正义,以母亲之名我要求你保护幼小和无辜,以处女之名我要求你保护所有的女人。”维斯特洛的骑士们要在典礼上宣誓。以这几条来衡量,布蕾妮虽然因为性别,永远无法成为一名骑士,但毫无疑问,她却是整部剧里最具有骑士精神的人——尽管这些愚蠢的骑士誓词本身,在西蒙尼·波伏娃这样的哲学家看来,也是一种饱含性别偏见的道德准则。在维斯特洛大陆,蓝礼是另一种被施以偏见的人:同性恋者。这或许可以解释,为什么他能对布蕾妮抱以理解,而不是嘲笑,就好像私生子琼恩·雪诺更容易理解野人一样。他和“百花骑士”洛拉斯的恋情,在小说中还只是暗示,到了电视剧里,完全被正面展示。蓝礼死得早,他不必遭受后来的恐怖宗教打击,他的爱人却死得惨烈。教团势力因瑟曦·兰尼斯特而起,因瑟曦·兰尼斯特而灭。瑟曦制造了教团武装这个魔鬼,最终却控制不住它,只能用最极端的方式来毁灭它。第六季最后一集里,绿火从教会底部燃烧,随后爆炸,君临城里的重要角色因此死了一半。瑟曦与自己亲弟弟的乱伦,在整个君临城人尽皆知。因为权力,他们曾可无视人们的议论与偏见。但当审判的权力转移,瑟曦也厄运难逃。她被扒光了衣服,在君临城游街。那些得意洋洋向她吹口哨、吐口水、扔鸡蛋的人,甚至不足以被浪费笔墨载入维斯特洛的偏见链条。异鬼(影视剧照/图)面对异鬼,我们什么也不懂人类和异鬼,说到底也只是战争的双方,他们有没有可能达成和解?至少琼恩·雪诺坚信一点:异鬼大军的主力——尸鬼,是可以保留一部分生前记忆的。在《冰与火之歌》里,死人来不及焚烧,被异鬼唤醒之后,成为没有痛感、没有意识的行尸走肉,便是尸鬼。琼恩·雪诺亲眼目睹了奥瑟变成尸鬼后刺杀莫尔蒙总司令。他发现,奥瑟记得莫尔蒙是谁,也记得住他处在什么位置。尸鬼假若真的拥有人类记忆,也就有被唤回人类意识的可能性。异鬼本身,也并非极恶之徒。毕竟,他们原本也只是人类的异化。刘慈欣的小说《三体》里,三体人进攻时,整个地球似乎都统一了思想。而在维斯特洛大陆,情况会复杂得多。如果我们把异鬼设想成威胁地球的环境问题,这个道理就更为清晰:异鬼虽然可怕,但它依然可以成为权力游戏的筹码。最后,让我们来重温,两年前,乔治·R·R·马丁在接受《纽约时报》采访的时候是这么说的:“人类历史上真正的恐怖并非来自半兽人,而是我们自己。”
记得投票选总司令的时候,学士投的最后一票给jon,好像是25票?(不太确定,大概就是二十来个)。投票给索恩的也是这么多,那么黑城堡总共加起来才几十号人。(投票选总司令我想应该是全体人员都要参加的吧?)而joh从长城那边带回来的野人何止百把号人,从长城上俯视的画面,没有5万,只怕1万是有的。而且已经进了黑城堡。索恩杀掉jon而且承认了,看他的意思不光是为了做总司令,而是必须对抗野人(不然那些人也不会同意杀掉jon)。他拿什么来对抗野人?野人的数量明显数倍于黑城堡。 而且长年生活在极北之地,打仗的能力不会比黑城保的十兵差。那么问题来了,黑城堡不止百把十号人?
权力的游戏 S08 E01 泄露剧本
权力的游戏 S08 E02 泄露剧本
原文:(来自 知友@李星万 的回答)
Game of Thrones Season 8
Episode 1 Leak (Script)
Aftermath of the Night King&s attack on Eastwatch By The Sea. Tormund and Gendry are able flee the scene. Undead Viserion sets Crows and Undead afire. Lord Beric Dondarrion stays behind to fight the White Walkers (dies off-screen?), but not before killing the White Walker that killed Edd. Edd is stabbed to death by a White Walker. Tormund and Gendry ride for Winterfell, whilst we see a burning Castle Black in the background.
Daenerys, Jon, Tyrion, Davos, Jorah, Brienne, Podrick, The Hound, Missandei, Varys and Theon arrive in Winterfell. Davos remarks that it has gotten much colder and darker since he has left with Jon. Jon and Arya are first reunited. Daenerys meets Sansa Stark and Sansa asks whether she and Jon are in love now. Daenerys don&t give a proper response to that. Sansa doesn&t seem too pleased with Jon returning to Winterfell and Daenerys&s presence. Jon notices this and chats with her. She mentions Littlefinger&s death and how he has always betrayed them right under their nose. She says it is plain stupid to work together with Cersei Lannister. The Hound and Arya also have a conversation with each other. Arya tells the Hound she didn&t regret to leave him behind without having him killed off. The
Hound answers that Arya should have had him killed off right there, especially with the things he has seen beyond the Wall.
Euron Greyjoy arrives back in King&s Landing with the Golden Company and meets up with Cersei Lannister and the commanders of the Golden Company in the Throne Room. Cersei
thanks Euron for having the sellswords shipped to King&s Landing. Cersei orders the commander-in-chief to take Storm&s End and to have the army gathered in the fortress. Robert Baratheon once told her that the fortress has stood for many centuries and she&s sure that it will keep standing during the Long Night as well. Since there&s no Baratheon holding the castle any longer, it wouldn&t be too difficult to just take it themselves. They&ll need to protect themselves during the Great War. Later that night, Euron Greyjoy is about to have sex with Cersei Lannister. Euron jokes that she won&t miss her brother after she finds
out what he can give her. Cersei&s face says enough. She isn&t too pleased with Euron in her bed. Possible nudity to be seen here. The following morning Euron leaves with his ship &The Silence& to ferry the sellswords to Storm&s End to take the fortress. After he comes back, he tells Cersei he wants to be her king. Inside the Silence, Euron has a conversation with Yara Greyjoy about Queen Cersei. Yara point-blank tells him that she knows he isn&t interested in
being Queen Cersei&s pet/husband at all. Euron laughs and tells her his good friends from Braavos will take care of that problem soon enough.
Daenerys, Jon, Sansa,Tyrion, Davos, Missandei, Sam, Varys, the Northern Lords and the Knights of the Vale gather in the Great Hall of Winterfell. Sweetrobin and Yohn Royce are also present in this scene. Sam reunites with Jon and the two share a hug. Jon tells Sam he&s glad to have him back. The Northern Lords aren&t too pleased to accept Daenerys as their Queen. Daenerys defends herself very well, but she doesn&t get the support of the North just yet. Lyanna Mormont tells Daenerys Targaryen that she will never call her &Your Grace&, because she only knows one King and that&s Jon Snow, the King in the North. Tyrion smiles and mentions that she&s a ferocious girl on which Jorah replies that Mormonts don&t stand back for anything. Jon tells them there&s no time to argue with each other and brings up that there hasn&t been word of the Lannister army yet. Sansa responds that she warned them not to trust Cersei Lannister. Tyrion mentions that they can trust his brother Jaime but Daenerys doesn&t seem to agree on this one. The group discusses how they will defend the North against the Night King&s army. Jon Snow tells Robin it&s wise to bring the Eyrie into the fold and to lure the Night King in there. Robin doesn&t really seem to care and accepts Jon&s proposal. After the meeting, Daenerys tells Jon that the Northerners really are stubborn and
small-minded people.
Theon Greyjoy visits the Godswood of Winterfell and thinks of his friend Robb and meets with Bran Stark. He immediately apologizes to Bran for everything he has done against House Stark, but Bran tells him there&s no need for that. He knows that Theon has redeemed himself by saving his sister Sansa. He has seen how much he has suffered at the hands of Ramsay Bolton. Theon asks him how he knows all of this but Bran doesn&t respond to that. Arya and Brienne are training and Jon is impressed by his sister&s fighting skills. Arya mentions that she has never forgotten to stick her enemies with the pointy end. He asks Arya why she didn&t join the meeting in the Great Hall of Winterfell. Arya answers that Sansa is way better in those things than she is.
In Volantis, Lady elisandre enters the Red Temple. She&s again welcomed by Kinvara. Melisandre tells Kinvara that she&s played her part in the Great War to come. She has united ice and fire. She has served King Jon Snow, the prince who was promised and brought him back to life. Kinvara tells Melisandre that she&s served their God well on that part, but she also made a lot of mistakes where she needs to pay for. Kinvara tells Melisandre that their God demands one more sacrifice of Melisandre which requires her to return to the North. Melisandre answers that she isn&t allowed to enter the North. Kinvara smiles and answers Melisandre that she could benefit from her punishment then.
We see Jaime Lannister at an inn when he meets up with Bronn. Jaime&s surprised to see Bronn and asks him why he followed him. Bronn answers that there&s nothing left for him in
that stinking city and he&s up for some adventure in the North. Jaime is glad to have Bronn by his side. Bronn asks Jaime why he has left the woman he loves the most, but Jaime doesn&t fully respond to his question. He then asks what he&s planning to do now he has left King&s Landing. Jaime tells Bronn he&s on his way to Riverrun to bring the garrisoned Lannister army back to the fold. Bronn asks him why he would give up the castle he has been occupying. Jaime answers what purpose that would have? What does he gain with that? For all he cares, Edmure can have Riverrun back.
Tormund and Gendry arrive in Winterfell. Jon Snow asks Sansa why Bran didn&t take the time to join the meeting in the Great Hall and didn&t even come to speak to him. Sansa tells
Jon Bran has changed a lot and calls himself &the Three-Eyed Raven& now. She tells him not to expect much of a conversation with him. Samwell comes in between and tells Jon there&s something he and Bran urgently needs to tell him. Bran first sees Jon in the Godswood when he&s looking into the past. Jon mentions that he has encountered a warg beyond the Wall. Sam responds that Bran is much more than a warg, he&s a greenseer. The two inform Jon Snow about his parentage, which Jon doesn&t seem to believe at first sight. Bran tells Jon he knows everything about him. He saw him beyond the Wall, surrounded by Free Folk. He saw him fighting at Hardhome against the Night King and he saw how he was stabbed to death by his own men. Jon can&t really believe he&s a Targaryen. Sam mentions that he&s the one with the right claim on the Iron Throne, not Daenerys Targaryen but Aegon Targaryen.
First outline season 8,
The episode will have a duration of almost 2 hours.
The first scene will take place in the Great Hall of Winterfell. Jon, Daenerys, Tyrion, Davos and Sansa are present here. Gendry and Tormund tell the rest that the Wall has fallen and the Night Watch destroyed. Tormund also mentions that the Night King rides an undead dragon and that they are severely fucked. Bran Stark confirms Gendry and Tormund&s story and tells that the Night King is on his way to Winterfell. Jon Snow tells the rest that they have no time to lose and asks Maester Wolkan to inform all of their banners, everyone in the North, to prepare themselves for a war against the Army of the Dead. They need to prepare for an attack at the battlefield of Winterfell.
After having to process a lot of new information and struggling with his identity, Jon Snow goes to the crypts to visit his mother, Lyanna and his uncle, Ned Stark. Daenerys notices that there&s something wrong with Jon and finds him in the crypts. She asks Jon what&s wrong with him. Jon tells her that he even isn&t called Jon Snow. He calls &Jon Snow& a lie people have made him believe all of life. Daenerys is confused and asks Jon for clarification but Jon walks away from her. Daenerys notices that Jon behaves aloof toward her.
Daenerys walks out of the crypts, which Jorah Mormont notices. He asks her what happened down them in the crypts but Daenerys answers that she doesn&t know what&s up with Jon. She tells Jorah that Jon is hiding something from her. Jorah also tells Daenerys that it striked him that Daenerys has been so absent for days. She answers that she&s not feeling very well lately. Jorah proposes to have her examined by Maester Wolkan.
Qyburn enters Cersei&s chambers. He mentions that she hasn&t spoken about her miscarriage anymore and that she needs to take enough time to rest. Cersei answers that there&s no time for that and doesn&t want to say more about the miscarriage. Qyburn leaves her chambers, Cersei watches from her window, witnessing how the snow falls in King&s Landing. The next shot is Jaime, riding his horse in snowy conditions. He and Bronn arrive in Riverrun, both discover that the Tullys are once again laying siege to Riverrun. Jaime enters the stage and meets up with Edmure. Edmure tells Jaime he should have him in chains, but Jaime responds that he doesn&t come to argue about the damned castle. He proposes Edmure to help his niece and nephew in the Great War against the Night King. He also promises to give Edmure Riverrun back to the Tullys, since it doesn&t matter any longer who&s holding the castle at this point. Edmure tends to agree, not for Jaime but for his family.
Most of House Stark&s bannermen and Daenerys&s army have now arrived in Winterfell. Among them is Howland Reed. He arrived with his army and Meera Reed by his side. Arya receives a visitor in Winterfell. He seems to be an ordinary bannerman from House Cerwyn, but he quickly removes his face. It seems to be Jaqen H&ghar. Arya is surprised to have Jaqen visiting her. Jaqen tells Arya the Many-Faced God requires another death, a name to be crossed off her list. He reveals it to be the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, Cersei Lannister. A price was paid. What better servant of the Many-Faced God than Arya Stark can kill Cersei Lannister. He gives a vial of poison to Arya and leaves her.
Jon Snow seizes the moment to talk with Howland Reed alone. He asks Howland to confirm Bran&s story, but Howland doesn&t acknowledge this at all. Jon Snow pleads him to tell the truth since Robert Baratheon isn&t alive any longer, there&s no point in lying anymore. Howland ultimately confirms that Ned was carrying Lyanna&s child when he came out of the Tower of Joy. He always promised him to keep this a secret. Jon thanks him for telling the truth anyway.
Knowing that the Army of the Undead will be upon them very soon, Tyrion, Jon, Sansa, Arya, Brienne, Podrick, Davos, Tormund, Gendry, Varys, Jorah, Theon, The Hound, Grey Worm and Sam discuss together with the Stark bannermen and Daenerys&s army how they will defend the North. Allegedly the Last Hearth has already been attacked by the White Walkers and their castle destroyed. Ned Umber didn&t make it out alive. Tyrion speaks for Daenerys, who&s absent due to illness. He comes forward with a plan to defend the North. Tormund, the remaining Free Folk, the Dothraki, the Unsullied will attack with dragonglass from the Dreadfort since that&s where they are heading to first. On their way to Winterfell, the dragons will set the army of the Dead afire and House Stark&s bannermen and the Knights of the Vale will fight weakened forces at the battlefield of Winterfell and hopefully destroy the Night King as well. Jon wants Brienne and Podrick to take Sansa and Arya and Bran with them and to leave with Robin Arryn to the Eyrie. Arya doesn&t want to and claims that she&s stronger than most men. They need her in the war to come. Jon insists that he doesn&t want that. Jorah also wants to fight alongside House Mormont but Lyanna reminds him that he has betrayed his own House. Varys mentions that he has also received word from King&s Landing. Supposedly, Queen Cersei has bought a great army of sellswords and Euron Greyjoy has taken Storm&s End to install the army there. Theon pleads to have Storm&s End attacked and Gendry agrees since it&s the seat of his father&s house. Jon promises Theon that he will help to destroy Euron and save his sister after they have dealt with the Night King and his army. There&s no time for that now since all of their lives are in danger and they have no choice than to face the Night King and his army. He needs his help and that of the Iron Islanders as well during the battle at Winterfell. A disappointed Theon accepts his proposal.
Missandei visits Daenerys in her chambers. Daenerys tells Missandei that Maester Wolkan examined her and that he confirmed that she&s pregnant. Missandei asks why she isn&t happy then. Daenerys feels that Jon has changed towards her and doesn&t understand why.
The Free Folk, the Dothraki, the Unsullied prepare to leave Winterfell. Jon asks Daenerys why she didn&t attend this important gathering, but Daenerys doesn&t reply to that as well. Meera goes to say goodbye to Bran in the Godswood in Winterfell when Bran starts to behave very strangely. He pleads Meera to warn them since the Night King&s army is here. Jon is going to say goodbye to Sansa when Meera runs to warn the others. A huge winter storm starts to come closer to Winterfell. Chaos erupts. The North and Daenerys&s army gather outside to face the Night King&s army. Jon orders Sansa, Arya and Daenerys to stay inside Winterfell. They are too valuable to lose and promises them that Winterfell will not fall. Varys, Tyrion, Robin, Samwell, Gilly, Lyanna and Missandei also remain inside Winterfell. Arya first doesn&t want to but obeys Jon&s wish. Sansa asks Meera to get Bran inside asap. A huge flock of wights invade the battlefield of Winterfell. Dothraki face the Army of the Dead first and many of them are taken out quite easily. Lots of wights keep coming. Ghost fights with Jon and saves him at one point from a wight trying to kill him. Ghost is killed off trying to save Jon. Inside Winterfell, Daenerys is frustrated that she&s not able to help and that she should fly Drogon to destroy the undead. Missandei answers that it&s not wise to join the fight while she&s pregnant. Sam tries to console Gilly and Little Sam. The news surprises Sansa, Tyrion and Varys. Drogon comes in between and takes out a big chunk of the Night King&s army but also kills some of the Northern bannermen in the process. The White Walkers also enters the stage with the Night King flying Undead Viserion above them. Viserion starts to destroy the Northern&s army as well. Lord Glover and Howland Reed die are killed by drag*河蟹*. Tormund leads the Free Folk and fights but is killed by Drogon&s fire. Drogon also manages to kill an undead giant. Meera wants Bran to leave the Godswood but he tells her he has help and Jon and co. Bran is trying to control Rhaegal with his mind. Meera warns Bran that is too dangerous and that he should stay inside. Jon and Daenerys&s army is diminishing greatly since many wights keep coming. White Walkers try to invade Winterfell. Grey Worm faces two White Walkers and is able to take out one of them with his spear from Dragonglass. The other WW kills him. The White Walkers supposedly try to invade Winterfell to take down Bran. Brienne guards the castle together with Podrick, Jorah and Gendry. Wights and White Walkers and Wights start to invade there as well. Podrick is killed off by a group of Wights, which makes Brienne go psycho and takes out one of the White Walkers as well with Oathkeeper. Meera is urging Bran to give up and get inside but Bran doesn&t want to. He wants Meera to leave instead and get safe inside the castle. Meera answers that she will stay together with him until the end. Jaime Lannister and the Tully forces come to the North&s aid right in time. Bran is managing to warg inside Rhaegal and the dragon starts to fight undead Viserion, trying to bite him right in the neck but gets gravely injured during the fight as well. Rhaegal starts to breathe fire on Viserion, which seems to make the Night King start leaving the battlefield on injured Viserion&s back.
Meera realizes that this is the end for them. White Walkers are coming for Bran and she gets killed off by the White Walkers while defending Bran&s body. Viserion and Rhaegal keep fighting each other and both start to be seriously injured. It seems like drag*河蟹* can harm the Night King. The White Walkers stab Bran to death, which makes Rhaegal fall to the ground and to be stabbed to death by Wights. The Night King&s army of Undead is starting to diminish. We see Jaime commanding his men and fighting the remaining Undead alongside Bronn. Jon fights alongside the Hound and Davos. The Hound is fighting like a boss right here. When Jon starts to notice that the Night King&s army is retreating as well he commands everybody to leave the battlefield asap and goes with Davos and the Hound to get everyone safely outside now. The Knights of the Vale, Sansa, Brienne and Robin leave together to the Eyrie. Arya, The Hound, Jaime Lannister, Bronn, Edmure Tully, Tully and Lannister forces retreat to Riverrun. Jon, Davos, Tyrion, Varys, Missandei, Jorah, Samwell, Gilly, Little Sam, Theon, the remaining Unsullied and Dothraki forces travel south. Lyanna Mormont and her men retreat to Bear Island.
The last shot we see is Jon and Daenerys on Drogon&s back setting all the dead afire including dead Rhaegal. Both sides suffered great losses in this fight.
Deaths: Grey Worm, Tormund, Podrick, Meera, Bran, Rhaegal, Robett Glover, Howland Reed
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