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(二)六种人际关系取向 主动型 被动型 包容的需要 主动与他人往来 期待别人接纳自己 控制的需要 主动支配他人 期待别人领导 感情的需要 主动对他人表示亲密 期待别人对己表示亲密 第四单元 人际吸引 一、人际吸引的概念 人际吸引是个体与他人之间情感上的相互亲密的状态,是人际关系中的一种肯定形式。是人际吸引强烈的形式。 二、影响人际吸引的因素 (一)熟悉性和邻近性 (二)相似性
(三)互补 (四)外貌
(五)才能 (六)人格品质:
人际互动 一、人际互动的概念 人际互动即人际相互作用。相互作用可能是信息交流、情感等心理因素的交流,也可能是行为动作的交流。 二、人际互动的形式 人际互动有合作与竞争 (一)合作及其基本条件 1、目标一致 2、共识与规范 3、相互信赖的合作氛围 (二)竞争及其基本条件 1、只有双方对同一目标进行争夺才能形成竞争 2、目标是较为稀有或者难得 3、争夺中可能出现零或冲突 4、竞争是有理性的,按照一定的社会规范进行。 (三)目标手段相互依赖理论 社会心理学者多伊奇提出一种解释产生竞争与合作的理论目标手段相互依赖理论。
第七节 社会影响 第一单元 从众 第二单元 社会促进与社会惰化 第三单元 模仿、暗示和社会感染
从众 一、从众的概念 个体在群体压力下的认知、判断、信念与行为等方面自愿与群体中多数人保持一致的现象。俗称“随大流”,即个体的意见与行为与群体中多数人相符合。 二、从众的功能 1、有促进社会形成共同规范、共同价值观的功能 2、具有让个体适应社会生活的功能 正确的做法是:从众但不盲从 三、从众的类型 1、真从众 2、权宜从众 3、反从众 四、从众的原因 (一)寻求行为参照 执照费斯廷格社会比较理论,在情境不确定时,其他人的行为最有参照价值。 (二)避免对偏离的恐惧 偏离群体,个体会面临较大的群体压力乃至制裁 (三)群体的凝聚力 三、影响从众的因素 (一)群体因素 1、群体成员的一致性愈高,个体面临的群体压力越大。 2、群体对个体的吸引力 3、群体规模的影响。在一定范围内,个体从众行为的数量随群体规模的增加而上升,但超过这个范围,群体规模的影响不明显。 (二)个体人格因素 1、个体自我评价越高,从众行为产生越少。 2、个体自信心较强的,从众较少。 第二单元 社会促进与社会惰化 一、社会促进的概念 个体在完成某种活动时,由于他人在场而提高了绩效的现象,也称社会助长。 有两种效应:结伴效应(刺激)观众效应 二、优势反应强化说对社会促进和社会干扰的理论解释 1、优势反应易于表现,弱势反应受到抑制 2、个体通过其竞争动机和他人对其评价的认知获得社会促进效果。 二、社会惰化的概念 个体与他人一起活动时,其效率比单独时更为低下的现象。 通常容易做的动作,易出现社会促进,不容易做的动作易出现社会惰化。 原因:个体在群体活动中责任意识降低,被评价的焦虑减弱。
第三单元 模仿、暗示和社会感染 一、模仿 (一)模仿的概念 模仿是没有外在压力条件下,个体受他人影响仿照他人,使自己与之相同或相似的现象。 模仿是人们相互影响的一种重要方式。当个体感知到他人行为时,会有重复这一行为的愿望,模仿便随之而来。
其特点是: 1、模仿的社会刺激是非控制性的,榜样是模仿的条件,但模仿是自愿产生的,有时可能是无意识的。 2、相似性
模仿者的举止近似于其所模仿的榜样。 (二)模仿的意义 1、学习的基础 2、适应作用
(三)模仿的发展 从无意到有意,从游戏模仿到生活实践模仿 (四)塔尔德的《模仿律》 1、下降率 2、几何级数率 3、先内后外律 二、暗示 (一)暗示的概念 暗示是在非对抗的条件下,通过语言、表情及体语及符号对他人的的心理行为发生影响,使之接受暗示者的意见和观点或者按所暗示的方式去活动。暗示往往采用较含蓄,较间接的形式进行 (二)影响暗示效果的主要因素 1、暗示者的权力、威望、社会地位 2、被暗示者的独立性差、缺乏自信心,知识水平低则暗示效果明显;被暗示者年龄、性别与暗示效果也有关系,年龄越小越容易接受暗示,一般女性比男性易受暗示。 3、被暗示者所处情境。 三、社会感染 (一)社会感染的概念 社会感染是一种较大范围内的信息与情绪的传递过程,即通过语言、表情、动作及其他方式引起众人相同的情绪与行为,其特点是: 1、双向性
3、接受迅速性 (二)社会感染的分类 1、个体间的感染 2、大众传媒的感染 3、大型开放群体的感染 第八节 爱情、婚姻与家庭 第一单元 爱情 第二单元 婚姻 第三单元 离婚 第四单元 家庭
爱情 一、爱情的概念 爱情是人际吸引最强烈的形式,是指心理成熟到一定程度的个体对异性
Midnight, Sheldon use an APP of cell phone called Leonard up.
L: what the hell?
S: emergency preparedness drill. (1)
L: oh, no, come on.
S: you know how it works. Once a quarter, keep our readiness up. (2) now rise and shine, sleep head. (3) Half the town is probably dead.
L: I have to get a lock for my door.
S: I think you’ll like the drill tonight. I’ve tried to make it fun. Each of these cards contains a detailed scenario of a possible apocalyptic event. (4) Everything from wild fires to a surprised invasion by Canada. (5) Pick a catastrophe, any catastrophe.
L: Sheldon, Canada is not going to invade California.
S: yeah, really? You think those hippies in Washington and Oregon can stop them? (6)
S: An 8.2 magnitude earthquake devastates Pasadena, reducing mighty edifices to dust, engulfing the city in flames. The streets slow with blood and echo with cries of the wounded. (7) Oh, excellent choice. Now put on your hardhat and safety vest. (8)
L: I get to spend another night in front of our apartment dressed like one of the Village people.
S: you make that joke every 3 months. (9) I still don’t get it. Leonard, wait. What are you doing?
L: I don’t know. What am I doing?
S: look around you. There’s hypothetical broken glass everywhere. (10) Really? You’re going to face Armageddon without your orthotics. (11) All right. All your choices. Oh, hypothetical aftershock. (12) That’s why we wear hardhat.
(1) emergency preparedness drill 应急情况的演习。drill有(应急情况)演习之意。
(2) Once a quarter 每三个月, 或 第个季度。
(3) rise and shine, sleep head. 快起床,懒虫。 Sleep head,就是指瞌睡虫。
(4) a detailed scenario of a possible apocalyptic event 一个具体的类似于世界末日的事件。Apocalyptic是指像世界末日一样的。
(5) Everything from wild fires to a surprised invasion by Canada. 注意这里的句式,everything from… to …还有wild fire指森林大火
(6) Hippies 嬉皮士。这是Sheldon在形容他们的政府吗?
(7) An 8.2 magnitude earthquake 指8.2级的地震
Reduce mighty edifices to dust. 大厦化成灰
edifice指大的建筑物 mighty又是形容词,指巨大的。
Engulfing the city in flames 火焰吞噬了城市
(8) The streets slow with blood and echo with cries of the wounded 街道上鲜血流淌着, 回响着伤者的哭声。这些句子用得很形象。
Hardhat 安全帽
safety vest 安全背心。
(9) you make that joke every 3 months你每三个月讲一次这个笑话。讲笑话,make joke.
I don’t get it. 我找不到笑点。
(10) There’s hypothetical broken glass everywhere. 这里hypothetical指可能存着的,假设存在的。
(11) You’re going to face Armageddon without your orthotics. Armageddon指圣经中说的世界末日的大决战。我不知道这里orthotic纠型器是用来干什么的。
(12) hypothetical aftershock. 余震 aftershock.
H:check it out. Press release from NASA. (1)
R: Expedition 31 will launch this spring to the international space station. Crew members will include Commander Tom ‘Tombo’ Jahson, Astronaut Mick ‘Supernova’ Nocacelik and payload specialist Howard Wolowitz. (2)
H: this is going right into my synagogue’s newsletter. (3)
R: dude, if you’re going to be an astronaut, you need to pick a cool nickname.
H: I don’t get to pick it. (4) The other guys have to give it to me.
R: if I had one, it would be ‘brown dynamite’. (5)
H:are you listening to me? The other astronauts have to have to give your nickname.
R: are you looking at me? I am ‘brown dynamite’.
Why do you put 6 sugars in your coffee?
L: because the cafeteria does not offer little packets of methamphetamine. (6)
R:how did you do?
S: I will tell you exactly how he did.
**Readiness: unsatisfactory.
Follows direction: barely.
Attitude: a little too much.**(7)
Overall: not only will he probably die in a fiery inferno, his incessant whining would most certainly spoil everyone else’s day. (8)
L: you know what, I’m so tired. I can’t even think straight. I’m going home. Will one of you guys give this nutbag a ride back later?(9)
S:you can’t go home. You have to take me to the dentist at 4 o’clock.
Can’t you take the bus to the dentist?
S: of course, I can. It’s coming back the residual of the effects of the anesthesia, that’s the problem. 2 years ago, after a deep gum cleaning, I thought I got on a bus, but somehow wound up on a booze cruise of Mexico. (10)
R: they put you under for a cleaning?(11)
S: yeah, they have to. I’m a biter.
L: whatever, Sheldon, I’m exhausted. I’m not taking you to the dentist.
S: wrong, sir, wrong. Under Section 37-B of roommate Agreement, Miscellaneous Duties: you’re obligated to take me to dentist. See, it’s right here, after ‘providing a confirmation sniff on questionable dairy products’. (12)
L: you know what, I’m sick on the Roommate Agreement. That’s ridiculous. I’m your roommate, not your chauffeur. You know, I had better thing to do yesterday than drive you all the way to the ‘good’ model train store in Garden Grove, because the one in Pesadena has gotten ‘too big for its britches’. (13)
S: well, it has. Ask anybody.
L: I don’t care. I’m done.
S: hold on. Are you saying you want to invoke clause 209? (14)
L: I don’t know what that is, but if it means I can go home and sleep, then yes.
S:you think carefully here. Clause 209 suspends our friendship and strips down the roommate Agreement to its bare essentials.
(15) Our responsibilities toward each other only would be rent, utilities and a perfunctory chin jut of recognition as we pass in the hall, ‘sup’.(16)
L:where do I sign?
S: right here, use your finger.
L: there, all right. I’m done.
S: you’re now no longer my companions, boon or otherwise. (17) We are not merely acquaintance. Amend the words of ‘Toy story’. You have not got a friend of me.
L: I’m gonna home and take a nap.
S: tell it to someone who cares.
(1) check it out. Press release from NASA. 看呀,NASA发布新闻了。
我以为Check out 只能指“宾馆退房”,看来还有“来看看呀”的意思。
NASA , National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Press release 发布新闻
(2) Expedition 科考队
Crew members 船员,乘务员
有“航天飞机装备”之意。 其实这上面的人,真正的能看到做点东西的人,也只有Howard了,因为别人做的,我都看不懂,你看看Howard, 经济适用男,会修电器,会做机器人的。。。
(3) synagogue’s newsletter. 犹太教教堂的报纸
(4) I don’t get to pick it.
Get to 反复使用,我怎么不记得我以前上初中的时候学过,指必须,应该的意思吧。
pick (up) 起绰号的时候,可能用到的动词。
(5) dynamite 指能引起轰动的人或物,字幕组翻译得非常贴切,raj说他自己的时候,就是指黑色的动感巧克力,但是他说howard的时候,就是指屎了。。。。
(6)cafeteria 指自助餐厅
caff 指小餐馆
café 指咖啡馆。
Methamphetamine 甲基苯丙胺。一种兴奋剂。 Methoamphetoamine 甲基o苯o丙胺。
Readiness: unsatisfactory.
Follows direction: barely. 听从命令:刚及格
Attitude: a little too much. 牢骚:有点多。这一条的意思,是我没想到的。
(8) a fiery inferno 火热的地狱
his incessant whining would most certainly spoil everyone else’s day. 它不停的报怨也会影响别人的心情。这句很常用啊。
I can’t even think straight. 我脑子都不会转了。他们外国人跟咱们不一样啊,咱们说脑子不会拐弯了,它们说不会走直线了。
Nutbag 字幕组翻译的是二逼青年。Nut指难对付的人。
give sb a ride back 送某人回家
It’s coming back the residual of the effects of the anesthesia。麻醉剂的后劲儿上来了。
a deep gum cleaning 洗牙。Gum指牙龈
是wind up 的过去式,指‘以。。。收尾’
a booze cruise. 唱着酒游玩着。国外的醉汉似乎都比较无害,我看德国这里也是经常有人拿个酒瓶子,就上了公交车。
(11) they put you under for a cleaning? 这里是Raj奇怪地问,你洗个牙还得打麻醉?
(12) Miscellaneous Duties。各种混杂的职责。那么我照片文件里的那个原名为‘乱七八糟’的文件夹现在应该更名叫miscellany
providing a confirmation sniff on questionable dairy products ‘闻闻可能会变质了的牛奶’的正式说法。。。
(13) too big for its britches 趾高气扬的。。 britches原指裤子
(14) to invoke clause 209 引用209号条款。。。
(15)suspend 不只有‘悬浮’的意思,还指‘暂停’
strips down 一般指脱衣服。但这里指,把别的条款都删了,只剩下最基本的了。
(16) a perfunctory chin gut of recognition 只是出于认识,而象征性地打个招呼。我们常见这种事情吧。
Perfunctory 指敷衍的,马马虎虎的。
Chin jut 伸出下巴打招呼,就像我们平时跟一些人见面只是点点头一样。
Sup 我还是第一次见人用,这得多疏远的关系。
(17) boon 指给生活带来方便的事物。
H: I got pretty exciting NASA news today. Next week I fly to Houston for orientation on zero-gravity elimination drills. (1)
P: what does that mean?
B: he is going to learn to poop in space.
H: open the pod doors, Hal.
R: maybe your nick name should be Brown Dynamite.
S: hello, dear friends and Dr. Hofstadter.
S: sup. My apologies. I would have been here sooner, but the bus kept stopping for other people to get on it.
A: I saved you a dumpling.
S: oh, your concern for me is touching. It will serve you well when you take me to the dentist tomorrow. (2)
A: I’m sorry, Sheldon. I’m busy. I’m right in the middle of my addiction study. I’ve got a lab full of alcoholic monkeys and tomorrow the day we switch them to O’ Doul’s. (3)
S: you are my girlfriend, and you are not going to cater to every my need. Where did the magic go? (4)
P: Sheldon, that’s not what girlfriends are for, although you don’t use them for what they are for, so what do I know.
B:Howard doesn’t make me to do his shopping or take him to the dentist or pick up his dry cleaning, right?
H: absolutely, but when ma’s hips give out, you’re up, kid.(5)
S: well, if Amy’s busy that assuring yourselves a footnote in my memoirs tentatively entitled ‘you’re welcome, mankind’. (6) All right, just shout when hear the task you want to undertake. Dentist. Ok, we can circle back to that one. (7) Who want to take me Wednesday morning to get new heels put on my dress shoes?(8) Anyone? Oh that one had hoot written all over it. (9) Dermatologist? Allergist? Podiatrist? Supercuts? (10) Okay, here’s a fun one. I need a new picture frame and I have a hankering for Swedish meatballs who wants to spend the day with me at Ikea. (11)
R: the meatballs are pretty good.
S:what’s that?
R: nothing, nothing.
(1) orientation on zero-gravity elimination drills.
Orientation 可指上岗前,或上学前的培训。
Elimination 排泄出,这里指拉屎了。
Drill 军事训练吧,但本集开头的,drill是紧急演习
(2) your concern for me is touching. 你对我的关心,真是太让我感动了。
It will serve you well 我不太懂这里的用法,但翻译应该是,我会对报答你,对你好。。。
(3) I’ve got a lab full of alcoholic monkeys and tomorrow the day we switch them to O’ Doul’s.
Alcoholic monkeys 嗜酒的猴子。
Switch 这里的用法应该等同于change
O’ Doul’s 是不是无醇酒的一个品牌呀,我不懂,求解。。。
(4) to cater to every my need 满足或迎合我的所有要求,注意cater的用法。
Where did the magic go? 此处指,爱情的魔力去哪里了?
(5) when ma’s hips give out, you’re up, kid.
Give out 有一个意思是,(身体或设备的某一部位)出现故障,不能运行。
You are up. 我妈要是干不动了,就由你来干了。有时候,我们发动别人一起干某事的时候,也会说“上!”。
(6) you’re welcome, mankind。Sheldon 是一个很自负的人,他觉得世界上没几个人能比得上他的智商,所以,他的回忆录会叫做,“不客气,凡夫俗子们”
(7)we can circle back to that one. 下一轮的时候,我们再说这个。他以为他的任务大家会抢着干,所以没有抢到的人,可以在下一轮开抢,结果,好尴尬呀。。。
(8) dress shoes 绅士鞋。也就是比较正式的鞋子
(9)that one had hoot written all over it。没人喜欢那件事呀。。。
Hoot 可以表示轻蔑不满的叫声,这里是说“写满了不喜欢” 但这句话,我还是希望能有高人指点。
Allergist 过敏科医生
Podiatrist 足科医生
Supercuts 理发师
(11) I have a hankering for Swedish meatballs 我想吃瑞典的肉丸子。这玩意可是瑞典特色小吃,但我觉得它跟我们国家的肉丸子很像,只是我们国家众多丸子中的一种。老外真是没见识。。。。
Hankering 渴望
S: hello, Stuart.
Stuart: hey, Sheldon. Can I help you find something today?
S: no, I was just sitting at home, thinking about how it might be nice to catch up with my ninth most favorite person.(1)
Stuart: ninth?
S: you move up one. My pen pal in Somalia was kidnapped by pirates. So how are you?
Stuart: not so good. My shrink just killed himself, and blamed me in the note. (2)
S: great. So what’s new with your family? How was you mother? Is she alive?
Stuart: yeah.
S: and you father? Alive?
Stuart: yes.
S: how about your grandparents? They alive?
Stuart: no.
S: I’m sorry for your loss. On a cheerier note, (3) I have a teeth-cleaning appointment this afternoon. What do you say you take me over there, buddy boy?
Stuart: I’m sorry. You want me to take you to the dentist?
S: yes, and now I can’t make any promises, but that is the sort of thing that gets a fella on the short list for the No. 8 friend slot. (4)
Stuart: Sheldon, I’m working. I can’t take you to the dentist. Also and I can’t stress this enough, I don’t want to take you to the dentist.
S: can’t help a friend out in a time of need, huh? I see where your therapist was coming from.
(1)to catch up with my ninth most favorite person. 这里catch up with sb是指与某人叙旧
(2)My shrink just killed himself, and blamed me in the note. 此处,shrink指心理医生(俚语)。
(3) On a cheerier note 说点高兴的吧。
You can use ‘note’ to refer to a particular feeling, impression, or atmosphere
(4) to get a fella on the short list for the No. 8 friend slot.
Fella 是指伙计,兄弟,这里可以翻译成哥们儿吧。
Slot 有‘位置’之意。
R:what about we make your astronaut nickname Howard Buzz Wolowitz.
H: You can’t do Buzz. Buzz is taken.
R: Buzz Lightyear is not real.
: no, that’s not I’m talking about.
R: are you talking about when he thought he was real?
R: ok, how about Crash. Howard Crash Wolowitz.
H: yeah, terrific, the other astronauts would love to go hurtling through space with a guy named Crash. (1)
R: all right. How about Rocket Man?
L: that’s not bad. Howard Rocket Man Wolowitz.
H: yeah, that’s great, but I told you. I don’t get to pick my nickname. It has to come from the other astronauts.
R: maybe there is a way to get them come up with it.
H: like how?
L: once I tried carrying a Duncan Yoyo, hoping the other kids would start calling me Duncan.
H: did it work?
L: no, they ended up call me Sock Mouth, because they took away my Yoyo and staffed socks in my mouth.
R: ok, what if we make Rocket Man your ring’s tone, and the next time you talk to those guys, I will call you and they will hear it, and plant the seed.
H: that’s actually not a terrible plan.
R: they don’t call me Brown Dynamite for nothing.
(Sheldon came in)
L: did you ever make it to the dentist?(2)
S: not necessary. I found a service they’ll send a van to your home for a teeth cleaning. Mostly they cater to dogs, but the fellow on the phones seemed to have an open mind.(3)
L: all right Sheldon. If you need me to take you to the dentist I’ll take you to the dentist.
S: are you suggesting that you’ve come to your senses and wish to reestablish the mutual benefits that stem from full participation in the Roommate Agreement. (4)
L: absolutely, if you admit you are a 30 years old man who is in capable of functioning on its own.(5)
R: Sock Mouth is got him on the ropes. (6)
S: I’ll admit nothing of that sort and now if you’ll excuse me, I have to call my dentist and see if he can also give my hair shampooed and my nails clipped. (7)
(1) go hurtling. hurtle, 是指‘猛冲,飞驰’想象一下吧,飞船的那个速度
(2) 你去看过牙医了吗,如果是你,你怎么翻译,Leonard说,did you ever make it to the dentist?
(3) van厢式的货车,或者是火车车厢。
Cater to 为。。服务,熟悉吧,上文中才出现过的。
(4)stem from…来自于,这里是说,你履行了约定从面得到的好处。
(5)function on one’s own. 自动的,生活自理的。
(6)get sb on the ropes. 把某人放在钢丝上了,让某人下不来台。
(7)give my hair shampooed and my nails clipped
P: oh good, your power is out too. (1)
L: why is that good?
P: because last month I send the electric company a Starbuck’s gift card and an apology note and a few snapshots of me in a bra. (2)
S: power failure! Implementing power failure protocol! (3)
L: what happened to all your glow in the dark emergency exist stuff? You had painted on the floor.
S: oh, that was wildly carcinogenic. (4) Anyway, it’s too bad you’re no longer entitled to the full benefits of my friendship, because I happen to be extremely prepared for such an emergency. (5) Please try to not see anything by this light. It’s not for you.
L: It’s just a blackout. I’m sure the power will be back on soon. (6)
S: I’m sure some fool in the Donner party said the snow would stop any day now. (7) I like to think they ate him first.
P: you know, I got some candles in my apartment.
S: but candles, during a blackout, are you mad? That’s a fire hazard. (8) Pasadena Water and Power recommends the far safer glow stick. (9)
L: you call that a glow stick? This is a glow stick. Come on. Let’s go.
S: before you go, consider this: not only do I have a deep circle marine batter power source(10), which is more than capable of running our entertainment system. I also have all 61 episodes of the BBC series Red Dwarf and Fiddle-Faddle (11). All yours, if you are willing to reinstate the Roommate Agreement. (12)
P: I’ve got wine at my place and some bubble wrap we could pop. (13)
(Penny and Leonard left)
S: he will be back. Wine and a girl in the dark, he’s going to be bored out of mind. (14)
(1) your power is out too. 你们也停电了,停电了停电了,知道怎么说了呗。下文中也有停电了,我们总结一下呗
Power is out.
Power failure.
(2) a few snapshots of me in a bra. 我穿着内衣的照片。这里snapshot是不是就是我们常见那些自拍照。
(3) Implementing power failure protocol! 实施停电应急措施。Implement, 施行。。
(4) that was wildly carcinogenic 强致癌,注意这里的wildly是说极其,非常。
(5)I happen to be prepared for …我正好为某事做了准备。
(6) the power will be back on soon. 一会儿就来电了,来电了,是这样说的。
(7)some fool in the Donner party said the snow would stop any day now. 这里有一个故事,donner party是美国早期的拓荒者,他们遇到了雪灾,出现了人吃人的事件。(不要以为我什么都懂,我这个版本的字幕上有解释,感谢字幕组)
(8)That’s a fire hazard. 很有可能引发火灾。
(9) glow stick 荧光棒。
(10) batter power source 电源。
(11)Dwarf 矮星。。天文爱好者们可能会比较懂。
Fiddle-Faddle 无聊,瞎搞。。 Fiddle的一个意思是,无聊和欺骗的行为。 Faddle 开玩笑。大家也许注意到,英文里许多作品的名字都喜欢用发音很相似的两个词作为名字。听说,傲慢与偏见是Pride and Prejudice,还有别的,我也不知道,但我知道他们有这个嗜好。
(12) reinstate 恢复。。。
(13) I’ve got some bubble wrap we could pop. 最近发现他们很爱用got,这里说我有,不说I have, 而说i’ve got. 有时候他们说我必须得干吗,也用got to ….而不是must, have to , should
Bubble wrap.就是我们常见那种带泡泡的包装,我小时候就很爱捏,你们呢。。。捏那种东西的行为,叫pop.
(14) to be bored out of mind 无聊。
L:(rise the wine)to wine and bubble wrap and to not have to watch Sheldon demonstrate his reverse osmosis machine that converts his urine into drinking water. (1)
P: you know, in Girls Scouts, Tammie Dineesha said you could do that with pantyhose. (2) Boy, was she wrong? Anyway, you want to make out? (3)
L: I thought because our relationship’s in a beta test. You wanted to take things slow.
P: ok, do you want to make out slow?
L: I can go to slow. It will be feel there’s a snail in your mouth.
P: oh…. Lucky for you. There is nothing else to do right now.
(they are making out. Sheldon break in)
S: excuse me, Leonard.
L: since when don’t you knock? It’s like the only good thing about you. (4)
S: social niceties have been suspended. (5) We are in a state of emergency. The world has descended into darkened turmoil. (6)Lawlessness and savagery are the order of the day. (7)
L:fine, what is it?
S: I’m making s’mores. (8)
I wanted to alert you in case you smell caramelizing marshmallows and thought a nearby candy factory was on fire. (9)
L: s’more, huh? Good for you. (10)
S:yes, or good for us, if you sign here and reinstate the full Roommate Agreement.
L: no, thanks. I’m good.
S: really? Ok. In that case I will have a s’more by myself and then I am going to have s’more…..by myself….
(Sheldon went back)
L: no, don’t ‘oh’ him. He brought this all on himself. (11)
P: but he’s sad.
L: no, he is crazy. Sometimes crazy looks like sad, so it’ll suck you back in.(12)
P: I think he misses his little buddy.
L: fine, but mark my words. (13) This frustrating, bogus teenage make-out session is not over. (14)
(1) watch Sheldon demonstrate his reverse osmosis machine that converts his urine into drinking water.
Demonstrate 此处指‘演示’
Reverse osmosis machine 反渗透机。当两个溶液有浓度差时,用一个可渗透的膜隔开两者,高浓度中的溶剂会向低浓度跑,低浓度中的水会向高浓度跑,结果是高的变低了,低的变高了,均匀了,反渗透就是这个过程的反过程,即低浓度溶液中的溶剂浓度越来越低,在此就是把尿搞成水了。。。
(2) Girls Scouts 女童子军。在美国,好像是有这些童子军,这是学校的一项活动,让学生做一些饼什么的,拿去挨家挨户敲门去卖,挣的钱捐给学校。
Pantyhose 裤袜,女生们,你们都有吗,我怎么一穿那玩意就过敏呢。。。
(3) make out 情侣间的亲热喽,亲亲。。。。
(4) It’s like the only good thing about you. 这是你唯一的优点了
(5)social niceties have been suspended. 繁文缛节可以暂时搁置了。
Nicety 指(好的礼仪或得体的举止方面的)细节,小节…这个词也很好词,nice-ty,好的小东西
(6)The world has descended into darkened turmoil. 世界被黑暗的混乱笼罩着。
When a mood or atmosphere descends on a place or on the people there, it affects them by spreading among them.
(7)Lawlessness and savagery are the order of the day. 无法无天和野蛮就是今天的秩序。
Sheldon, I hate you. Why did you used so many difficult words?
(8) s’more 棉花糖的缩写,俺找不到全写。。。。
(9) caramelizing marshmallows 烧焦的棉花糖。
Be on fire. 着火了
(10) Good for you. 你这样做很好呀,这句话在老外的口语中还真是很常用。
(11) He brought this all on himself. 他这样完全是自作自受。
(12) Sometimes crazy looks like sad, so it’ll suck you back in. 有时,疯狂会看起来像是伤心,所以你会再次被卷入。
(13) mark my words 记住我的话。
(14) bogus teenage make-out session 仿少年亲热大戏
(Leonard went back to his apartment)
L: I thought you said candles were dangers.
S: this is a Bunsen burner. I’m a scientist. I know what I’m doing. (the sugar became burning ) Oh, drat, (1) oh. It took me a gallon of urine to make that water.
L: listen, Sheldon, this is stupid. I don’t see why we can’t be friends, and I’m willing to drive you around and help you out with stuff. I just don’t want to do it because of some silly Roommate Agreement.
S: what are you proposing? (2)
L: that we go back to the way things were, but when I do something for you, you show a little appreciation. (3)
S: and how would I do that?
L: you say thank you.
S: but every time?
L: it’s not crazy.
S: counter- proposal. we reinstate the full Roommate Agreement with the following addendum: in the spirit of Mother’s day of Father’s day (4), once a year we set aside a day to celebrate all your contributions to my life, both actual and imagined by you. (5) We can call it Leonard’s day.
L: I kind of like the sound of that.
S: of course you do. It’s about you, like everything else. (the electricity went on) Oh, thank goodness. I don’t think I had it in me to make a glass of water. (6)
L: so, do I get breakfast in bed on Leonard’s day?
L: can I sit in your spot?
L: can I control the thermostat? (7)
L: do I get a card?
S: of course you get a card. It’s Leonard’s day.
P: hi, guys, the building manager said the reason the power went out is someone went down into the basement and just pulled the main breaker switch. (8)
L:really? Who do you think did that, Sheldon?
S: oh, I don’t know, but whoever the mystery man was, you should be eternally grateful, (9) for without him there would be no Leonard’s day.
P: Leonard’s day?
S: oh, never pressure. (10) Just give him a crummy card. You’re good. (11)
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