关于cultural competencee和capability的区别两者都有技能,能力的意思

core competence capability
Core competence is a capability with extension and customer value not easy to imitate and exchange.
Competition and collaboration both exist between the enterprises within TKA. One of the main objects of TKA is to promote their core competence and competitive capability.
Through constructing the risk pre-warning system of IC, the knowledge-based firm can best operate the IC, enhance the core-competence capability and the value of the company.
知识型企业通过构建知识资本风险预警系统, 可以使知识资本更好地发挥它在企业中的核心资本作用,提升知识型企业的核心竞争力和企业价值。
- 来自原声例句
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ability capability capacity等近义词辨析
关于ability/capability/capacity/competence/faculty等近义词辨析 下文提及的10个单词其实是我们在学习英语的不同阶段都会相继碰到的,比较而言,dexterity 、facility 、faculty 和proficiency 这4个词在口语中可能用得少一些,但在报章、书籍中却并不少见。鉴于“能力”和“技能”有挣脱不了的关系,本文也把skill (技能)算在里面,却把technique (技巧)排除在分析之列,有兴趣的请自行比较分析,特此说明。
1、ability :是指人(或其它智慧型生命体)运用脑力或体力完成特定任务的能力(侧重于能还是不能)。因为任何能力都是需要知识、技能和智慧的,因而ability 是更加广义上的“能力”定义,或者说它是各种能力的“总称”,这从它的反义词disability (残疾,丧失某种能力)就可以略知一二。
2、capability :是指实现特定目标或任务所必须具备的技能或资质(不局限于人,更侧重能把事情做好或达到目的,多数情况下指机器、工具、武器等“非人”力量所具备的能力)。也就是说它表示的意思更接近于汉语中的“实力”(因为储备而构成的“克敌制胜”的能力),因为“实力”摆在那里,故此能把事情做成功,如军事实力、核打击能力、排污能力、抗压能力等等。
3、capacity :侧重容纳能力或吞吐能力。如某个广场能容纳多少人,某个港口和车站能容纳多大的吞吐量,某个工厂的日产能有多大等等。
1. ability(能力) 指智力或体力上的能力,主要指人。这种能力可能是先天的,也可能是通过学习或锻炼等方法而获得的。
A pilot has the ability to fly his plane through a storm. 飞行员有驾驶飞机穿过暴风雨的本领。
He shows considerable ability in organization. 他表现出相当强的组织能力。 其反义词是: disability ,inability ,incapability ,incapacity
2. capability(能力) 意义与ability 相同,可指人或物。复数形式指潜在的能力。 The task is beyond his capabilities. 他不能胜任这项任务。
I don t think that boy has great capabilities. 我认为那孩子没有多大潜力。 The country has the capability to defeat the aggressor. 这个国家有能力击败任何侵略者。
其反义词是: inability ,incapability ,incompetence
3. capacity(能力) 通常指接受能力或容纳能力,既可指人又可指物。
The child shows a great capacity for learning languages. 这孩子显示出很强的学习语言的能力。
This vacuum flask has a capacity of five pounds. 这只热水瓶容量为5磅。 其反义词是: incapacity
ability 和 capability 是同义词,没有区别(皆指做事情的能力)
capacity 容量,能力(学习并掌握技能的能力)She has great capacity of learning English
&词典&ability词汇等级5考研&CET6&CET4&TOEFL&IELTS&美 [ ?'b?l?ti ]英 [ ?'b?l?ti ]n.能力,资格;
能耐,才能变形复数:abilities详尽释义n.(名词)才能能力本领才智专门技能技能才干能够能干能耐天资力量智慧本能美国制造的一种扫雷艇双解释义n.(名词)[S]能力 the fact that sb/s capacity or power to do sth physical or mental[C][U]聪明; 智慧; 智力; 技能 a level of s a level of skill at doing sth英英释义Noun: the quality of b a quality that permits or facilitates achievement or accomplishment possession of the qualities (especially mental qualities) required to do something o"danger heightened his powers of discrimination"网络释义能力而能力(ability)是一个人比较稳定的个性心理特征,它表现在人们掌握知识和技能的难易、快慢、深浅、巩固程度以及应用知识解决实 …才能而字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 如,好象〖like〗 才能〖 ability〗 能够〖 can〗.才干器_百度百科 ... [weapon and farm implements] 兵器与农具 [ability] 才具;才干 [talent] 比喻人才.能力的"The kernel of intelligence and ability is the thinking."“思维是智力和能力的核心”,所以,要培养学生的创造能力,就必须要培养学生的思维能力。词语用法n.(名词)ability的基本意思是泛指做各种事情的“能力”。可以指体力方面的,也可以指智力方面的,有时还指法律上的能力;可以是生来就有的生理功能,也可以是后天通过实践学得的。作此解时仅指能力而不涉及能力的高低,只用单数形式。ability指“智力,技能”时用作可数名词,且常用于复数形式。ability也可指“聪明,智慧”,这时用作不可数名词。单独用ability或abilities时除带后置修饰语或有上下文提示者外,一般都指智力。表示“在某方面有能力”时ability可接介词in, at, for等;表示“做某事的能力”时可接动词不定式,也可接“in+动名词”,但不接“of+动名词”。表示“有能力的”,可说ability of。ability to do it前通常有限定词,即可以说an ability to do it,也可以说the ability to do it,还可以说sb's ability to do it。注意这种结构中的动词不定式不可用于被动语态。abilities有时可和many连用。-ability可取代-able加在形容词末尾构成不可数名词,意思是“具有…的特性”。例如:affordability可承受性, portability便携性, stability稳定性, washability可洗性等。词义辨析n.(名词)ability, capability,capacity,talent,genius,ingenuity这组词都可表示“个人的能力”。其区别是:1.ability指人表现出来的实际能力,即做事或行动的能力;capacity用于物时指容纳能力,用于人时指潜在的能力,尤指接受能力、领悟性、敏感度等,接of短语时还含有除必需的技能外还须具有做某事的意志或力量的意味;capability指从事某项工作或达到某一目的所必需的才能;talent表示做某事的特殊才能;ingenuity表示设计发明的能力;genius表示天赋的高度才智,在本组词中语义最强。2.ability指先天具备的或后天习得的能力;capability指天生的或潜在的能力;talent和genius都指天资,但talent含有这种天资可在训练或使用中不断成熟或完善的意思,而genius表示的高度才智则是不需努力而与生俱来的。3.ability和talent主要用于人;capability几乎专用于人; capacity可以用于人,也可以用于物。4.ability后常接介词at, in, for或动词不定式; capability后常接介词of, talent后常接介词for。例如:He has ability to do the work, but he's lazy and won't do it. 他有能力做这工作,但他太懒而不愿做。This room has a seating capacity of 60 people. 这间屋子可以坐下60人。This task is far beyond the capacity of him. 这项工作远非他的能力所及。It is quite above his capabilities. 这完全是他所不能胜任的。His literary talents are inherited by two of his sons. 他的两个儿子继承了他的文学天才。The teacher detected signs of genius of that boy. 老师发现那个孩子有天才。下列每组中的两个短语或句子意思不同the ability to weep 泪腺正常,有哭泣的能力the capacity for tears 因悲哀而哭泣,对悲哀的敏感和反应the ability to work 身强力壮或受过训练,能工作the capacity for work 在任何场合都能尽力工作的志愿和倾向Composing music is beyond his ability. 他缺少作曲能力。Composing music is beyond his abilities. 他有多方面才能,只是缺少作曲能力。ability capacity
aptitude这些名词均可表示人的“能力,才能”之意。ability :ability普通用词,指人先天的或学来的各种能力。capacity :capacity侧重指人的潜在能力,通常不指体力,多指才智,尤指接受与领悟能力。capability :capability多用于人,指胜任某项具体工作的能力,也指本身具有、尚未发挥的潜在能力。常与of或for连用。genius :genius语气最强,指天赋的高度才能与智力。talent :talent着重指人某方面具有可发展和培养的突出天赋才能,但语意比genius弱。competence :competence正式用词,侧重指令人满意的业务能力与水平,达到胜任某项工作等的要求。faculty :faculty指特殊的才能或智力。gift :gift着重个人的天赋的才能或在某方面的显著本领,常暗含不能用一般规律作解释的意味。aptitude :aptitude多指先天或后天习得的运用自如的能力,常暗示接受能力强,能迅速掌握一种学术训练或艺术技巧。四级真题The ability to quickly thumb through pages is also lost.出自-2014年6月阅读原文六级真题Migrants to cities are attracted by plentiful jobs, access to hospitals and education, and the ability to escape the boredom of a farmer's agricultural life.出自-2013年6月阅读原文例句用作名词 (n.)This is a task well within your ability.这完全是你力所能及的工作。She has the ability to keep calm in an emergency.她有处变不惊的本事。He is a man of great executive ability.他是个具有极高管理才能的人。The boy shows remarkable ability at math.这男孩显示出非凡的数学才能。She has great ability at playing the piano.她在演奏钢琴方面很有才能。He shows exceptional ability in solving problems.他处理问题才干过人。常见句型用作名词 (n.)His ability falls short.他的能力不足。His ability is limited.他的能力有限。Musical ability often shows itself early in life.音乐天才往往在幼年时期就显露出来。The ability to be clearly heard is extremely important for newsreaders.声音洪亮清晰对新闻广播员来说极为重要。His abilities were useful rather than splendid.他的能力有用,但非雄才。Fox's abilities were soon recognized.不久,福克斯的才能得到了认可。The acting abilities of both were well-known.这两个人的表演才能是众所周知的。Natural abilities are like natural plants that need pruning by study.天资如同自然植物,需学习为之剪枝。The doctors say that his thinking abilities and memory have returned.医生们说他的思考力与记忆力已经恢复了。Almost everyone has some musical ability.几乎人人都有一些音乐才能。He has listening, speaking, reading, and writing abilities.他具有听说读写的技能。He had the all-round ability as a director.他有当导演的多方面才能。He has great abilities as a general.他具备作为一个将军的卓越才能。Everyone has a chance to develop his natural abilities.人人都有发展自己才能的机会。They never had a chance to develop their abilities.他们从未有机会发挥其才能。We appreciate his oratorical ability.我们赏识他的口才。Everyone admired his abilities.大家都钦佩他的才干。His job really fits his abilities.他的工作能使他真正发挥自己的才能。His ambition outran his ability.他眼高手低。You must place your abilities at the service of the people.你应该用你的才能为人民服务。He should use his abilities to help others.他应该用他的才能帮助别人。His condition battles the diagnostic abilities of medical men.他的病情让医生无法作出诊断。This task is altogether beyond my ability.这件事我完全无能为力。By sheer ability and force of character he has acquired the present position.他获得目前的职位全凭他的才能和坚毅的性格。His speedy promotion is from sheer ability.他全凭才干而被迅速提拔。Our courses cater for different levels of ability.我们的课程可以满足不同能力水平的需要。I have great respect for his ability and integrity as a journalist.他作为新闻记者,道德文采俱佳,我深表敬佩。He is wanting in organizing ability.他缺乏组织才能。We believed in the ability of government to ensure social justice.我们相信政府有能力维护社会正义。He doesn't have an ounce of ability.他一点才能都没有。I taught a wide range of abilities.各种不同学习能力的人我都教过。There was a high level of ability among the school leavers.这批毕业生具有很强的能力。His failure was not due to lack of ability.他的失败不是由于缺乏能力。A woman of her ability will easily find a job.有她这样才能的女性找工作不难。Someone of her ability is bound to succeed.具有她这样能力的人一定会成功。He is a man of many abilities.他多才多艺。He is a man of great ability.他是个非常有才能的人。He is a man of great physical ability.他是个体格强壮的人。Gladstone was a politician of great ability.格拉德斯通是位极具才干的政治家。The school does nothing for children of high ability.这所学校对学习能力强的学生没有做什么。He is a man of remarkable musical ability.他是一位有非凡音乐天赋的人。He was a man of extraordinary abilities.他才干卓著。I do not know of any man of exceptional ability.我不知道有什么杰出的人才。Mr. Sapir is a surgeon of undoubted ability.沙比尔先生无疑是一位很有本领的外科医生。They found her work more suited to her abilities.他们给她找到了更适合她能力的工作。He speaks English with some ability.他英语讲得还算不错。A man with your ability should be able to do this job well.以你的能力应可以把这件事做好。She exhibited exceptional ability at high-energy physics.她在高能物理学方面表现出非凡的才能。Their ability at pingpong is world-renowned.他们打乒乓球的本领是举世闻名的。The new manager shows considerable ability for organization.新经理表现出非凡的组织能力。He doubted my ability for work.他怀疑我的工作能力。She has no ability in〔for〕 that kind of work.她没有做那种工作的能力。He showed rare ability in this direction.他在这方面表现出罕见的能力。He displayed more than average ability in business.他的经商才能比一般人略高一筹。He has the ability to do the work.他有能力做这项工作。He has the ability to express himself on paper.他有书面表达能力。She has the ability to speak four languages.她会说四种语言。She has the ability to speak English fluently.她能够流利地说英文。He has the ability to predict future events.他有预测未来大事的能力。The writer has the ability to interest readers.这个作家有引人入胜的技巧。Both players demonstrated their ability to hit the ball hard.两名球员都显露出大力击球的能力。I seem to have lost my ability to attract clients.我好像失去了招徕顾客的能力。What I need is a camera which has the ability to focus automatically.我需要的是一架可以自动对焦的照相机。The system has the ability to run more than one program at the same time.该系统能够同时运行一个以上的程序。The ability to use a language can be acquired by the act of using the language.运用语言的能力只能通过不断练习才能获得。I doubt his ability to do the job.我认为他没有做这工作的能力。I do not doubt your ability to analyse and solve problems.我不怀疑你分析问题和解决问题的能力。She has demonstrated a remarkable ability to get things done.在办事方面,她显示了非凡的能力。She lost the ability to walk after her car accident.车祸后,她丧失了行走能力。Tiredness can seriously impair your ability to drive.疲劳会大大影响你的驾驶能力。You have the ability to sue them for the damages done.你可以控告他们对此造成的损失。This enterprise has the ability to independently bear civil liability.这家企业能够独立承担民事责任。The government has the ability to curb the overall price level.政府有能力控制整个价格水平。He showed his ability in drawing.他在绘画上显示出才能。He has outstanding abilities in making money.他特别能赚钱。He lacked ability in reasoning.他缺乏推理能力。She has great ability in teaching English.她很有教英语的才干。This is called ability grouping.这叫因材施教。It is much more difficult to teach a mixed-ability class.教一个学习程度各不相同的班要难得多。经典引文Dryden is distinguished..by his poetic ability.出自:T. S. EliotCowardice..is..a lack of ability to suspend the functioning of the imagination.出自:E. Hemingway柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典1&&N-SING&&能力Your ability to do something is the fact that you can do it.The public never had faith in his ability to handle the job... 公众从来不相信他有能力胜任这一职位。 He has the ability to bring out the best in others. 他能做到扬人之长。 2&&N-VAR&&才能;技能;本领Your ability is the quality or skill that you have which makes it possible for you to do something.Her drama teacher spotted her ability... 她的戏剧老师发现了她的才能。 I have confidence in the ability of the players... 我对于球员们的能力充满信心。 3&&PHRASE&&尽…所能地;竭尽全力地If you do something to the best of your abilities or to the best of your ability, you do it as well as you can.I take care of them to the best of my abilities... 我尽我所能地照顾他们。 They tackled them to the best of their ability. 他们竭尽全力给予解决。 近反义词【反义词】alladeptness aptitude bent capacity capability cleverness competence expertise facility faculty flair genius gift intelligence knack know-how power proficiency qualification skill talentdisability helplessness inability inaptitude incapability incapacity incompetence powerlessness weakness【同义词】词汇搭配用作名词 (n.)动词+~ 失去能力 评估能力 高估某人的能力 检测能力 赏识才干 显现能力 德才兼备 滥用能力 怀疑能力 不相信某人的能力 评价能力 认可能力 贬抑某人的能力 具有能力 滥用能力 衡量某人的才能 发现某人的能力 估量能力 运用能力 表明能力 显露能力 高估某人的能力 增强能力 培养自己的能力 习得能力 不显露能力 增强能力 展示能力 提高自己的能力 不显露能力 表现才能 提高能力 有能力 缺乏能力形容词+~ 发明创造的才能 想象力 生产力 潜能 出众的能力 规避能力 概念能力 非凡的才干 卓越的才干 行政管理能力 潜力 财力 交际能力 组织能力 艺术才能 企业家能力 组织能力 主要能力 操作机械的能力 各不相同的能力 能力低 非凡的才能 卓越的能力 天生的能力 (飞机的)爬升能力 联想能力 特殊才能 天赋的才干 技术的能力 实践能力 学术能力 教育能力 巧妙的能力 高强的本领,雄才 财力 相比较而言的能力 勉强合格的能力 口才 能力强 具体能力 多方面的才能 杰出的才能 罕见的才能 固有的能力 着色力 无孔不入的穿插能力 语言能力 外交才干 杰出的能力 已证实的才能 音乐才能 非凡的能力 偿债能力 创造性才能 心理动作动力 超凡的才能 突防能力,突破能力 普通能力 业务能力 惊人的才能 惊人的能力 多方面的才能 认知能力 体能 运动能力 心智能力 一般能力,中等的能力 应变能力 角色扮演能力 抽象能力 有限的能力 卓越的能力 智力,智能 数学能力 特殊的能力名词+~ 阅读能力 染色力 学习能力 写作能力 表演才能 文字能力 划消能力,注销能力 活动半径;远航力;最大射程 听力理解能力 教学能力 纳税能力 适销性 领导能力 商业才干 听力 语言能力 会话能力 收益能力 作画性能~+名词 能力分组;因材施教介词+~ 超出某人的能力 能干的人 在能力方面 能力水平 具有雄才大略的人 少许才能 根据自己的能力 能力的高低范围~+介词 做…的能力 在…方面的能力 在…方面的能力 在…方面的能力


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