darksiders ii deathinitbinderive edition好玩吗

Darksiders 2: Deathinitive Edition Review - IGN
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When , we gave it score of 7.5, for “Good.” Here’s what we said then: “Despite its problems, I was compelled onward in my quest with Death because Darksiders 2 is simply a fun game. The RPG elements and to-the-point action all make for some solid gaming, glitches and all. It’s a shame so many glaring issues hold such an ambitious endeavor back from the greatness its developers were clearly aiming for. Still, if you love action adventure games, it’s certainly worth checking out - but don’t expect it to rival the masterpieces it will inevitably call to mind.”
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Check out the opening of Darksiders 2 in 1080p above.
& Darksiders 2’s kitchen-sink approach to gameplay and mechanics mostly holds up well.
Three years after its initial release, developer Vigil’s dark, massive, Zelda-like is back on Xbox One and PlayStation 4 in Darksiders 2: Deathinitive Edition. This current-gen remaster takes all of the puzzles, exploration, and loot-crazy action of the original game, packs in a wealth of DLC, and improves the whole package while running at 1080p, making it the best version of the game. That said, it’s not necessarily worth revisiting for those who’ve already completed Death’s journey. Darksiders 2’s kitchen-sink approach to gameplay and mechanics mostly holds up well. The combat is still very much inspired by God of War’s light, heavy, and airborne attacks, and slashing my way through masses of creatures feels nice and responsive. The inclusion of all of the DLC is a nice bonus, even if most of it is just a handful of new weapons and armor to add to your pile of hundreds that you’ll gather throughout the loot-heavy adventure.
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Watch the above video to see Darksiders 2's Zelda influences. Traversing across the colorful world on horseback and grabbing dozens of quests from a slew of fantasy tropes creates an effective, if not entirely inspired flow that makes the adventure feel like a single-player MMORPG. While the visual improvements don’t change the fact that the story is pretty dumb and relies a bit too heavily on the teenage angst of Death and his brothers, the varied environments make exploration an enjoyable experience, especially when you get into any of the many fantastic dungeons.
& Dungeons unfold in interesting, satisfying ways.
Yes, the dungeons are clearly inspired by The Legend of Zelda’s, but they unfold in interesting, satisfying ways. You solve smart puzzles that require paying attention to your surroundings, find keys through exploration, acquire a new weapon or tool that rewards you with a great sense of progression, then use that to ultimately slay a final boss. That being said, there’s little here to make me want to take a second dip in the 30-hour adventure, so the Deathinitive Edition caters more to people who missed out on the game back in 2012.
Darksiders II: Deathinitive Edition
Darksiders II follows the exploits of Death, one of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse, in a weaving tale that runs parallel to the events in the original Darksiders game.
On PlayStation 4
brings the original’s diverse world, interesting dungeons, and great loot system to PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Sure, the story is dull, and there aren’t a whole lot of original ideas at play here, but the vast expanse of the adventure should please anyone who missed out on it the first time around.
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