爱丽丝漫游仙境读后感 2010真人中文版求发!!!谢谢!

爱丽丝梦游仙境 真人版颠覆童话
  爱丽丝梦游仙境 真人版颠覆童话
  □本报实习记者 钟h
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var sogou_ad_width=690;爱丽丝梦游仙境真人版高清电影 导演:蒂姆伯顿 主演:米娅&瓦斯科斯瓦&&爱丽丝 约翰尼&德普&&&&疯帽子先生 艾伦&里克曼&&&&抽烟的毛毛虫 海伦娜&伯翰&卡特&红桃王后 安妮&海瑟薇&&&&善良的白王后 克利斯丁&格拉夫&&红桃杰克 《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》(英文:Alice in Wonderland 或 Alice's Adventures in Wonderland)是由英國作家查爾斯&路德維希&道奇森(Charles Lutwidge Dodgson)以筆名路易斯&卡羅(Lewis Carroll)出版的兒童文學作品。故事的主角愛麗絲,從兔子洞掉進一個充滿奇珍異獸的夢幻世界,遇到各種懂得說話的動物。這童話自1865年出版以來,一直深受不同年紀的讀者愛戴,相信是由於作者巧妙地運用不合邏輯的跳躍方式去鋪排故事。《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》是一個典型「不合理文學」的例子,亦是其中一個最具影響力的童話故事。2010年同样演了两部电影(《禁闭岛》、《盗梦空间》)的莱昂纳多却只得零提名。金球奖向来很爱约翰尼·德普,他的两部作品(《爱丽丝梦游仙境》、《致命游客》)为他带来两项影帝提名。昨日,美国电影艺术与科学学院公布了第83届奥斯卡最佳视觉效果奖入围影片初选名单,《盗梦空间》、《诸神之战》、《爱丽丝梦游仙境》等15部影片入围。其中,《盗梦空间》最被看好,美国专业电影网站IMDB发表的文章称,纵观15部入围影片,无疑《盗梦空间》获奖的希望最大。最有希望入围最后提名名单的作品无疑是《盗梦空间》、《爱丽丝梦游仙境》和《哈利·波特与死亡圣器(上集)》,而业界公认的最佳视觉效果奖的夺奖热门只有一部,就是在视觉效果上绝对前无古人的《盗梦空间》。前日,华鼎奖电影满意度调查公布了50部外语电影排行榜,票房最高的电影《阿凡达》成为榜中老大,最令中国观众满意。排名前十的《2012》、《飞屋环游记》、《钢铁侠2》、《爱丽丝梦游仙境》、《哈利波特与混血王子》、《暮光之城》等影片中,奇幻片和动画片居多。继“2010 PASSAT·华鼎电影满意度调查”公布了华语电影排行榜后,主办方天下英才传媒又公布了五十部外语电影排行榜。与之前公布的华语电影排行榜有异曲同工之妙,票房最高的电影《阿凡达》成为榜中老大,除此以外,排名前十的依次还有:《迈克尔·杰克逊:就是这样》、《2012》、《飞屋环游记》、《钢铁侠2》、《爱丽丝梦游仙境》、《哈利·波特与混血王子》、《暮光之城》、《特种部队:眼镜蛇的崛起》、《驯龙高手》。最终《哈利-波特7》的IMAX票房成绩为1240万美元,击败《爱丽丝梦游仙境》(Alice in Wonderland)成为历史上IMAX票房成绩最好的电影。之前的周末票房榜冠军《超级大坏蛋》(Megamind)退居次席,周末票房约为1620万美元,远远被《哈利-波特7》甩开。一年一度的“人民选择奖”日前公布候选名单 ,《暮光之城3:月食》出尽风头,包括三名主演克里斯汀·斯图尔特、罗伯特·帕廷森、泰勒·洛特纳在内共获得8项提名,再度证明该电影系列在年轻人中的巨大魅力。克里斯托弗·诺兰凭借《盗梦空间》(Inception),继《蝙蝠侠:暗夜骑士》之后再次问鼎由业内权威人士投票选出的年度最佳影片大奖,力挫索尼哥伦比亚的《社交网战》(The Social Network)、韦恩斯坦的《王的演讲》(The King's Speech)。年度突破女演员:米雅·瓦斯科斯瓦《爱丽丝梦游仙境》、《孩子们都好》/ Mia Wasikowska, Alice in Wonderland, The Kids Are All Right 年度配乐:汉斯·季默《盗梦空间》、《卑鄙的我》、《福尔摩斯》/ Hans Zimmer, Inception, Despicable Me, Sherlock Holmes12月,广州首家IMAX商业影院万达国际影城将正式开业,首部与观众见面的IMAX电影就将是备受期待的《哈利·波特与死圣(上)》(以下简称《哈7(上)》)。广州科技馆的IMAX影院原来是广州唯一一块IMAX银幕,但并非商业影院。明年则将至少有8部IMAX电影将上映,其中包括《加勒比海盗4》、《汽车总动员2》等大片。动画片《爱丽丝梦游仙境2010粤语版》全集在线播放 - 日本动画片 - 开心动画片您当前的位置: >
> 爱丽丝梦游仙境2010粤语版爱丽丝梦游仙境2010粤语版&备注:
着一只白兔钻进了一个洞,莅临了&灵境&,固然7岁那年她曾来过这处,但此时已一无印象。有一大帮爱丽丝的朋友热烈兴奋激动热烈欢迎她的回来,它们期望着爱丽丝能帮忙它们推倒&红桃王后&的统治。[2]  影片儿儿儿讲评了已经20 岁的爱丽丝和妈妈加入一个宴席,却发觉自个儿将在很多骄慢自大的人前面被请求结婚。于是她尾随一只白的颜色的兔子逃到一个洞里,进入了灵境。13年初,爱丽丝曾来过这个地方,但她如今却一点儿儿儿也不记得了。在这处,爱丽丝与那一些令人喜爱的故交们相逢了:虚张声威威风气势的睡鼠,好看的白王后和她可恨的姐姐红桃王后,还有孪生子昆季,毛虫,白兔,疯头巾等等。在新新奇精巧妙的灵境经历危险中,爱丽丝理解到自个儿身负的重大重大责任,那就是带领地下世界的居民们终了红桃王后的邪恶统治,还原往日灵境。  从&灵境&回到事实世界的爱丽丝&金斯利(米娅&华希科沃斯卡饰),对自个儿以前有过的奇幻际遇久已忘&了个一干二净,纵然这么,已经长成20岁的漂亮女人的她,还是认维持生活存本身就是一场饱含着重料不及的然而和惊讶的梦境犯险。  爱丽丝在加入二老在维多利亚花园专门为自个儿举行的派对上,惊奇地发觉原来自个儿竟至也有了敬慕者,并且还向她散发了却婚的烦请--对方是哈米什&爱斯科特(利奥&比尔饰),他是爱斯科特先生(蒂姆&皮戈特-史密斯饰)和夫人(杰拉尔丁&詹姆斯饰)的儿子,固然家产万贯,却有着富家庭惯有的在过于养尊处优的背景下养成的迟钝和朴实迟钝。被哈米什吓了一跳的爱丽丝,还赶不及对他的请求结婚做出反响,就迅疾地逃离了正在施行中的宴席在场&&随即,她惊奇地看见了一只衣着打扮马夹、携带表袋的兔子正在前方迅疾地奔跑。  紧紧地尾随着&兔子先生&(麦克&辛配置声音)穿过了一大片草坪,爱丽丝眼睁睁地看着他消逝在一个兔子洞里 ”呵呵,愣了下,继而又有些小感动,仍然先想到达我啊,首次见到小子的时刻,愣了半晌没回过神,那末文雅秀气的小子怎么跑项目来了?文雅秀气、肉皮儿超好、格子衣裳、牛仔裤、背着个黑色大肩包……呵呵,历历在目啊。
。而后,忽然之间,她发觉自个儿竟至也一块儿跌落进去,不停地翻着筋斗经过了一条奇怪、就象梦幻般模糊的通道,最后抵达一个圆形的大厅里,四四周围座落的是数不清的门--在&吃下我&的蛋糕,紧继续她的身板子又从新长大了&&最后,爱丽丝选好了自个儿要走进去的那扇门,她进入了的一个令人惊讶的梦想世界之中,寓居在那边的上下团结有生命的物质将这片土地称为&地下生存&。  在这处,她见到的是就象动物园般浩博多彩的各色人物,从一只喜欢恃强凌弱、虚张声威威风气势的睡鼠(芭芭拉&温莎配置声音)到癫狂的&疯头巾先生&(约翰尼&德普饰);从一只&常露齿嬉笑的猫&(斯蒂芬&弗雷配置声音)到一只喜欢缩水旱烟袋、名叫阿布索伦(阿伦&瑞克曼配置声音)的毛虫;从让人觉得不寒而栗的&白的颜色王后&(安妮&海瑟薇饰)到她那一直挟嫌留心的姐姐&红桃王后&(海伦娜&伯翰&卡特饰)--固然她脾性又坏且喜欢发脾气,但她却是&地下生存&真正的主宰者。在经历了一连气儿气儿气儿串险象环生的不测不可估测在这以后,爱丽丝将会在这片就象童话般虚幻的新新奇精巧妙世界里从新找到那一个走错了的自我。上一篇: 下一篇:相关日本动画片推荐:《》《》《》《》《》《》《爱丽丝梦游仙境2010粤语版》相关动画资讯:开心动画片()为广大动画迷第一时间提供最新动画片,并收集了、、,提供多种在线播放源,包括百度影音、优酷网、土豆网等!开心动画片()所有动画片均收集自各大视频网站,仅供动画片在线试看,不提供下载,不提供动画片资源存储,也不参与录制和上传。Copyright @2017您的位置:
> 2010《爱丽丝梦游仙境》闪亮登场
来源:&&日期: 09:59&&阅读 6133 次&&作者:
爱思英语编者按:《爱丽丝梦游仙境》(英语:Alice's Adventures in Wonderland)是英国作家查尔斯·路德维希·道奇森以笔名路易斯·卡罗于1865年出版的儿童文学作品。故事叙述一个名叫爱丽丝的女孩从兔子洞进入一处神奇国度,遇到许多会讲话的生物以及像人一般活动的纸牌,最后发现原来是一场梦。本书出版之后即广受欢迎,儿童和成人都喜爱这部作品,并且反复再版至今。至今已有超过五十种语言的译本,上百种不同版本,以及许多戏剧、电影等改编作品。在英文中,本书通常被简称为Alice in Wonderland。2010年《爱丽丝梦游仙境》新版电影的故事发生在爱丽丝上次梦游仙境的七年后,已经17岁的爱丽丝去一个庄园参加一个聚会,到了那里她才发现自己会当着众宾客被人求婚。爱丽丝选择了逃跑,她跟着一只白兔钻进了一个洞,来到了“仙境”,虽然10岁那年她曾来过这里,但此时已毫无印象。有一大帮爱丽丝的朋友欢迎她的归来,他们期待着爱丽丝能帮助他们推翻“红桃皇后”的统治。新版《爱丽丝梦游仙境》将结合真人表演和动作捕捉技术,并以数字3D(立体)电影的形式制作和放映,让我们先来看看首映式上各位明星的风采吧!
Now feeling trapped in a world of proper etiquette for one such as herself, Alice is taken to a garden party, where it is hoped that she will accept a marriage proposal from Hamish (Leo Bill), the son of one of her father's business partners. However, Alice soon grows distracted seeing a rabbit with a waistcoat nearby, and rushes after the strange creature.Following it, she finds her way to the trunk of an old tree some ways off, and falls down a hole. The hole leads her to a strange room, of which she finds a key, as well as a drink that makes her smaller, and a cake that increases her size. After getting the key and shrinking down to use a small door, she soon finds herself in an enormous garden area.Soon after, she comes across the White Rabbit (Michael Sheen), as well as the Dormouse (Barbara Windsor), a Dodo bird (Michael Gough), and the Tweedles (Matt Lucas). The White Rabbit explains that is sure he has found the right Alice this time, while the Dormouse believes he is mistaken. Alice explains that her name is Alice, but feels they are looking for another &Alice.& They take her to Abosolom the Caterpillar (Alan Rickman), who consults a scroll, which contains details regarding the history of Wonderland, from it's birth onward. The scroll claims that on the Frabjous Day, Alice will return to slay the Jabberwocky. Alice sees this, and adamants that she is not the person in the scroll, when a commotion breaks out, and the Knave of Hearts (Crispin Glover) appears, along with some red-carded soldiers and a creature called a Bandersnatch. Everyone scatters, as the Knave takes the scroll, and captures the Dodo bird. Alice, when confronted with the Bandersnatch, stands her ground, convinced that it is just a dream. However, the creature scratches her, and Alice takes off running, but not before the Dormouse plucks out one of the creature's eyes.Some ways off, Alice encounters the Tweedles again, who attempt to help her, but are soon captured by a giant bird that takes them to the Red Queen's castle. At the castle, the Knave of Hearts informs the Red Queen (Helena Bonham Carter) about the scroll, and the prophecy of Alice killing the Jabberwocky (of which she possesses). The Red Queen orders Alice to be found, and the Knave utilizes a bloodhound named Bayard (Timothy Spall) to track her down, promising freedom for Bayard's wife and pups (a lie, meant as a way to get the dog to help the Red Queen).Meanwhile, Alice encounters the Cheshire Cat (Stephen Fry), who leads her to the Mad Hatter's place, where she encounters the Dormouse again, as well as the March Hare (Paul Whitehouse). The Mad Hatter (Johnny Depp) is pleased to see Alice, and is in rapture over the coming Frabjous day in which she will slay the Jabberwocky. Alice again insists she is not 'that Alice,' when the Knave of Hearts and Bayard close in. The Hatter stuffs Alice into a teapot, to hide her from the Knave. In secret, the Dormouse scolds the dog for bringing the Knave there, but Bayard explains why he came. He then attempts to lead the Knave off in a different direction.After they have left, the Hatter walks Alice through the nearby woods, where they come across the burned ruins of a small village. The Hatter then explains to Alice about how in the time she was gone, the Red Queen has taken over Wonderland, banishing the White Queen (Anne Hathaway) to her own domain, and taking her vorpal sword.As they talk, the Knave again approaches, and the Hatter places Alice on his hat, and flings it across a river, giving himself up to the Knave, who takes him to the Red Queen. Later on, Bayard finds the hat and Alice. Alice manages to convince Bayard to take her to the Red Queen's castle, to rescue the Hatter. Along with the hat, they find their way there, where Alice encounters the White Rabbit assisting with a game of croquet with the Red Queen. Alice requests to be made larger (she is still the size of a gerbil), and the rabbit gives her a cake. However, she eats too much and ends up almost 10 feet tall, disrupting the croquet game. The Queen does not recognize Alice, who says she is 'Um' from Umbridge, and wishes to help the Queen. The Queen, impressed by the size of Alice's head, declares her to be made part of her royal court.The Hatter is brought before the Queen and Alice, and is at first intended to be beheaded. However, the Hatter manages to stall for time, by requesting that he make the Queen a hat for her enormous head. Flattered by the attention, she gives into this request. Alice soon after finds out that the vorpal sword is on the grounds of the castle, but is locked away in a chest in the quarters of the Bandersnatch. After procuring the plucked eye from the Dormouse (who has broken into the castle to free the Hatter), Alice manages to return the eye to the creature. This allows her to gain access to the sword. Alice goes to the Hatter's room, and finds the Dormouse there. However, the Knave of Hearts shows up shortly, and when the Dormouse lets slip Alice's true name, he attempts to kill her. Alice manages to escape into the courtyard, where the Bandersnatch helps her escape from the castle. Bayard also accompanies her, as they head for the White Queen's castle.更多信息请访问:The Red Queen then orders that the Hatter and the Dormouse be executed the next day. However, the Cheshire Cat uses his trickery to take on the guise of the Hatter, and allows the Hatter, Dormouse, the White Rabbit, the Tweedles, and Bayard's family to escape. They all soon meet up at the White Queen's castle, where the Queen has used her potions knowledge to shrink Alice to normal size.The next day then dawns...the Frabjous day. Almost everyone is willing to take up arms for the White Queen. However, she hopes that Alice will fulfill the prophecy, but Alice rushes off to the Queen's garden, still upset over everyone pushing her into this task. It is there she encounters Absolom, cocooning himself. It is here that Absolom explains to Alice how she had been to Wonderland before, and suddenly, it all comes back to her, that what she thought originally was a dream was real. After her revelation, Alice dons the armor prepared for her by the White Queen, and takes up the vorpal sword.Both the White Queen and the Red Queen meet on a checkerboard field. Both Queens meet first, with the White Queen asking her sister to not do battle, but the Red Queen refuses to give into the pacification of her sister's plea. The White Queen brings forth Alice as their 'champion,' as the Red Queen' summons the Jabberwocky. As Alice faces off with the creature, the rest of the armies go to war. Alice plays a mind-game with herself, talking of 6 impossible things, as it is claimed her father would do before breakfast. In her mind-game, she manages to find the strength to slay the Jabberwocky. The Red Queen demands that her subjects kill Alice, but as the White Queen's champion has slayed that of the Red Queen, the Red Queen's subjects will no longer follow her commands.The White Queen orders the Red Queen banished to the Outlands, for the crimes that she has committed (due to a the White Queen's vow not to harm a living creature, she will not kill her sister), with noone to offer her sympathy. The Knave of Hearts is also chained to her, as punishment as well. However, the thought of being alone with the Queen causes him to try to kill her, before his dagger is taken from him by the Hatter.After the Red Queen and the Knave are taken away, the White Queen's army rejoices, with the Hatter doing a Fudderwupping dance, much to the delight of everyone. The White Queen then collects some of the Jabberwocky's blood, and gives it to Alice. The blood of the Jabberwocky allows Alice to return to her world, and she returns to the Garden Party.Alice then explains to Hamish that she cannot accept his proposal, as well as speaks her mind to a number of different relatives and acquaintances. Her forthright attitude catches the eye of Hamish's father, and soon, the two discuss plans to expand the shipping routes to China, a land that has not yet been opened to the west.Alice is then made an apprentice to the company, and sets off with a crew to open the shipping route to China, aboard a ship titled &Wonder&. The last thing shown is a bright blue butterfly, none other than Abosolom.
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