
[ReC]反应堆工艺 (ReactorCraft) - MC百科|最大的MineCraft中文模组百科
[ReC]反应堆工艺 (ReactorCraft)
红票 86% | 14% 黑票
由编辑了此模组 01:13:54 (1天前)由向物品添加合成表 16:44:45 (2天前)由添加了物品/方块 15:20:30 (3天前)由添加了物品/方块 15:20:28 (3天前)由添加了物品/方块 15:20:28 (3天前)
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的短评: 我不会弄图片有谁可以的话帮下我 ]0.0影狼汉化过的那个
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MOD介绍:玩过TE4的朋友会发现能源是一个很大的问题,尤其是再装了应用能源模组之后,大型ME网络能量消耗简直是逆天。所以说TE现有的5种最高功率只有80RF/t的能源炉就根本不够用。大型反应堆(Big reactors)模组很好的解决了这个问题,此模组提供了两种多方块的组合式发电机(反应堆 and 涡轮)。相对于其它如反应堆工艺、模块化发电机等的模组,大型反应堆发电量有可能不及它们高,但比它们更安全、更便宜、更实用。黄铀矿可以被任何镐子采集,掉落黄铀矿石,它生成在低于40层左右的位置。你可以通过烧制得到黄铀锭,或通过磨粉机双倍化。黄铀锭是制成反应堆的材料也是反应堆的燃料,早期生存可不采集。石墨石墨(Graphite)也是反应堆的重要原料合成十分简单蓝晶蓝晶(Cyanite)是黄铀在反应堆中燃烧出来的副产品也可以通过合成制造出来主要是在后期进一步加工(下面会讲)和制造涡轮蓝钚蓝钚(Blutonium)就是蓝晶加工出来的产品怎么加工,我会在涡轮里讲蓝钚也用于制造涡轮和制作其它一些东西镥镥(Ludicrite)的造价极其昂贵,但用处不多合成表这只是一种不错的线圈材料,没有其他用处反应堆(Reactor)基础材料反应堆外壳(一座反应堆,必须要有外壳)反应堆玻璃(一座反应堆,可以不用反应堆玻璃)反应堆控制器(一座反应堆,必须且只能有一个控制器)作用:检测和控制反应堆黄铀燃料棒(一座反应堆,至少有一个燃料棒)作用:存放燃料反应堆控制杆(一座反应堆,至少有一个控制杆)反应堆访问端口(一座反应堆,至少有一个访问端口)作用:给反应堆补给燃料和取出副产物反应堆能量接口(一座反应堆,如果反应堆有冷却端口,可以不用能量接口,否则要安装)作用:输出能量反应堆冷却端口(一座反应堆,如果反应堆有能量接口,可以不用冷却端口,否则要安装)作用:为涡轮提供蒸汽反应堆红石网络端口(一座反应堆,可以不用红石网络端口)作用:与RP里的捆绑电缆相连,并人工设置反应堆在什么状态时输出哪种颜色电缆的信号合成表要在装有RP的情况下合成反应堆电脑端口(一座反应堆,可以不用电脑端口)作用:与电脑模组的线缆连接,可用电脑检测反应堆)合成表要在装有电脑模组的情况下合成搭建首先,你需要用外壳来做一个正方体或长方体的框架(每个边长要≥3,同时≤32)然后用外壳(或反应堆玻璃玻璃,也可混搭)封底,示范全用外壳接下来是燃料棒,每根燃料棒的长=反应堆的高-2,如图像这样多造几根(数量不限,最多为(反应堆的长-1)×(反应堆的宽-1)),示范共造8根再接着在每根燃料棒上装一个反应堆控制杆(数量=燃料棒数量)然后把四周的外壳补充完整(玻璃和外壳都可以),并在外壳中添入如反应堆控制器这类的功能性方块,示范用玻璃下一步是冷却,在燃料棒之间的空隙里填入有冷却效果的液体或方块,示范用极寒之凛冰最后封顶(外壳和玻璃随意)如果反应堆的材质发生改变,说明反应堆建造成功使用那么首先你学要给反应堆加黄铀燃料,这需要使用反应堆访问端口。反应堆访问端口有两种模式,可通过新月锤或其它各种扳手右击即可切换。如图,左边的为默认的输入模式(即输入黄铀燃料),右边为输出模式(即输出副产物蓝晶)。如果你的反应堆只有一个访问端口,那么它将兼具两者功能。要添加燃料只需将黄铀锭扔进访问端口即可。副产物蓝晶也会从访问端口排出(如果装有输出模式的访问端口,那么蓝晶只会从那个端口排出。)接着,右击反应堆控制器,出现如下图的GUI。1.反应堆温度(该反应堆很安全,是不会爆炸的,温度过高只会影响发电效率)2.当前反应堆输出3.黄铀消耗速度4.反应堆发电效率5.反应堆当前状态6.是否产生蓝晶。左边为是;右边为否,即反应堆将会把产生的蓝晶自动销毁7.反应堆工作总开关。左边为开,右边为关8.燃料表。将鼠标移上去会显示7行字第一行:燃料棒中的液体所占百分比(包括液态黄铀和液态蓝晶)第二行:燃料棒中的液态蓝晶所占百分比第三行:燃料棒数量第四行:燃料棒液体总容量第五行:当前液态黄铀容量第六行:当前液态蓝晶容量第七行:当前液体总量9.反应堆外壳温度(高热的外壳可以提高能源输出和加快冷却液的转换)10.反应堆燃料温度(过高的热量会加快燃料的使用速度。堆芯的热量会向外壳传输,传输速率基于反应堆的内部设计)11.反应堆能量缓存(反应堆有RF的能量缓存区)反应堆的能量需要用反应堆能量端口来输出,如下图如果你想控制燃料的燃烧效率,可以用反应堆控制杆来调整。右击控制杆,GUI上方可以对燃料棒进行命名,下方则是控制单个燃料棒燃烧效率。涡轮(Turbine)蒸汽和其他模组的涡轮机一样,BR的涡轮机也需要蒸汽驱动。而想要获得蒸汽,就必须要用到反应堆冷却端口。和访问端口一样,冷却端口也有两种模式,同样可以用各种扳手右击切换。如图,左边为默认的输入模式(即输入冷却液),右边为输出模式(即输出蒸汽)。当一个反应堆装上反应堆冷却端口后,右击反应堆控制器会发现GUI发生了变化。1.当前蒸汽输出2.冷却液缓存区(来自外壳的热将会把这里的冷却液加热。液体的缓存容量和反应堆大小有关。目前已知的冷却液只有水一种)3.过热冷却液缓存区(过热的冷却液将会进入这个槽,等待被泵出。液体的缓存容量和反应堆大小有关。目前已知的过热冷却液只有蒸汽一种)冷却液和过热冷却液都需要通过反应堆冷却端口来输入输出。(反应堆的蒸汽产量非常大,一般是直接将反应堆和涡轮机的输入输出端贴在一起,但如果必需要使用管道,那么可能只有Mek的管道才能胜任了...不得不吐槽一下,Mek最低级的液体管道的传输速度比其他模组最高级的液体管道高不止一两倍)另外,此模组的涡轮机可以使用其他模组的蒸汽。奇怪的东西这个好像是一个方便玩家查看矿物词典的东西,这玩意不能吃!!!!登录后你可以:
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经营许可证:皖ICP备号-1,QQ:1104747 、5633249大型反应堆 (Big Reactors)更新日志 - MC百科|最大的MineCraft中文模组百科
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Bugfix: Disabling creative parts no longer causes client crashes when turbines are assembledBugfix: Corrupted metadata on Ingots no longer causes crashesBugfix: Passive reactors were cooling off (and generating energy) very slightly too fast. This has been fixed.Bugfix: On Reactor Redstone Ports, the &While off& setting for control rod insertion was being ignored. This has been fixed.Enhancement: When using the eject fuel/waste buttons on an access port, fuel/waste now only appears in the access port whose GUI is openEnhancement: Reactor Power Tap crafting recipe can now be disabled in the config via the enableReactorPowerTapRecipe settingEnhancement: Reactor's Computer Port now exposes getHotFluidProducedLastTick(), which returns 0 when passively cooled and the mB of hot fluid produced when actively cooled.Enhancement: Turbine's Computer Port can now manipulate vent settings via setVentNone(), setVentOverflow(), and setVentAll(). No arguments required.Enhancement: Spanish translation, thanks k3936!
Enhancement: Swedish translation, thanks erucolindo!Upgrade: German translation is now current for 0.3, thanks Vexatos!Bugfix: Alternate translations can now actually be used. Thanks Vexatos!Bugfix: Reactor/Turbine computer ports can now connect to Computercraft 1.6 computers and modems. This was broken in 0.3.1A.Bugfix: Fixed crashes related to teleporting near a turbine fluid port (introduced in 0.3.1A)Bugfix: Added some code so that chunk boundary handling is sliiiiightly nicer and should fail not quite as often. Still, putting ports on the boundary of non-chunkloaded chunks is still wonky. Blame minecraft.Did some behind-the-scenes upgrades so automated building is nicer, thanks AbrarSyed!
Forge: Big Reactors now requires Forge version 953 or higher.Enhancement: Brazilian Portuguese translation, thanks Kevin8082!Enhancement: OpenComputers, versions 335 and higher for 1.6.4, is now supported via the Reactor and Turbine computer ports. Thanks fnuecke!Upgrade: Big Reactors is now compatible with ComputerCraft 1.6 (CC 1.5 support has been dropped)Bugfix: Reactors no longer fail to operate if cryotheum freezes water inside them during operationBugfix: Turbine fluid ports now properly show whether they're inlets or outlets while a turbine is not assembledBugfix: Turbine fluid ports can now be toggled between inlet/outlet mode while a turbine is disassembled via the usual methods (empty hand, wrench)
Bugfix: Fuel rods no longer visually &overflow& with fuel when one or more fuel rods are broken on a reactor with fuel insideBugfix: Fuel rods now update their visual states when they should, instead of randomly/infrequentlyBugfix: Turbine power taps now light up when compatible wires are placed next to themBugfix: Cyanite reprocessors can again be managed with itemducts and other automation tools (e.g. AE)Bugfix: Potential fix for a rare crash due to cross-mod interference with some Minecraft GUI codeBugfix: Turbine computer port actually has a recipe now
Enhancement: Turbine and reactor fluid/coolant ports set to &outlet& mode will now automatically attempt to pump fluids into nearby fluid pipes/containersEnhancement: Yellorium and blutonium blocks can now be used to fuel reactors.Enhancement: Polish translation now available! Thanks, kostek00!Change: Size of a reactor's active coolant tanks is now based on the size of its casing. 100 mB per casing block, maximum 50 buckets.Change: Waste ejection has been simplified. The only options are now &auto-eject& or &do not auto-eject&.Bugfix: Fixed a crash which could occur when breaking a reactor via a control rod while the reactor is runningBugfix: Mariculture's Titanium actually supported for turbine coils nowBugfix: TE Pyrotheum can be placed in reactor cores againBugfix: &Dump all fuel& option now actually works
Enhancement: Russian translation, thanks to Vladimir Gendel!Enhancement: Glass can now be used inside a reactor. It's not a very good moderator or heat conductor, but is useful for corralling fluids.Enhancement: Invar and enderium blocks can now be used as turbine coil parts.Enhancement: TE, Mekanism and Metallurgy metals can now be used inside a reactor, similar to iron/gold/diamond/emerald blocks.Enhancement: Redstone Arsenal's fluxed electrum blocks can now be used in reactors and turbine coils.Enhancement: 3 new methods added to Turbine Computercraft APIEnhancement: More-expensive coil parts now extract more rotor energy per tick instead of just being more efficient at converting rotor energy. This means you need fewer coil parts when using very expensive blocks.Balance: Cryotheum's heat transfer, moderation capability and heat efficiency have been significantly boostedConfig: Metallurgy's fantasy metals can be disallowed as coil parts in the config if you feel them unbalanced. Set &enableMetallurgyFantasyMetals& to false.Config: Added &comedy& option. If enabled, allows MFR's sewage, meat blocks and fluid meat/pink-slime to be used as a slight upgrade to water inside a reactor. Disabled by default.Bugfix: Rotor turbines no longer become invisible if a turbine is broken while activatedBugfix: Control rods no longer cause fertility to skyrocket when inserted. (Thanks XXX!)Bugfix: Rotors no longer render incorrectly when bearings are on the top, east or south sides of the reactor.Bugfix: Hi-rez GUI icons no longer render at insane sizesBugfix: Can now switch the direction of reactor coolant ports with both empty hands and a wrench, and it no longer spams chat messagesBugfix: Reactor coolant ports no longer delay their render update when not part of a reactor, so the visual switch between inlet/outlet happens instantlyBugfix: Reactors no longer occasionally &go haywire& and superfill themselves with fuel during chunk loading on SMP serversBugfix: Turbines no longer randomly go super-overspeed during chunk loading on SMP servers
Core: Full rewrite of internal reactor mechanics. Substantially more efficient on servers.Core: Big Reactors and BeefCore now log to their own channels, for server admins' convenience.Feature: Reactors now have fluid inlet/outlet ports available to convert them to active cooling.Feature: Active-cooled reactors convert water into steam. Can be used in any mod which uses steam.Feature: Turbines have been introduced. Build a big turbine, pipe steam into it to generate power. Generally more efficient than passively-cooled reactors.Feature: Yellorium, cyanite, blutonium and graphite can now be converted to/from blocks for decoration and storage.Feature: Graphite blocks can now be used inside reactors as a radiation moderator. They're very good at this role.Feature: Turbines can be controlled via Computercraft. Build a Turbine Computer Port.Enhancement: Can now toggle direction of access ports by right-clicking them with a wrench, as well as within the UI.Enhancement: Reactor and turbine parts are more resilient to being hit, so they aren't accidentally disassembled so easily.Compatibility: Most metallurgy, Mekanism, TE and TiCo metals can be used inside turbines as induction coil parts. Rarer generally = better.Balance: Rebalanced reactor heat, energy production and fuel consumption. Most reactors should see all three rise compared to 0.2.UI: Reactor UI redone, tooltips on EVERYTHING! English only, currently.Bugfix: Fixed a rare crash that could occur with itemducts attached to reactor access ports set to &out& mode.
Core: Changed how block attachment is tracked to a much more robust systemBugfix: Fixed crashes that could occur when logging into chunks with lots of machines, on a low-spec computer running a large modpack.Bugfix: Fixed some potential spontaneous-disassembly bugs.Bugfix: Fixed a client crash that could occur when right-clicking the reactor to get debug output, in rare cases.
Enhancement: The empty-hand right-click validation tool now has more-informative error messages.Bugfix: Fixed a compatibility glitch between BR and Railcraft. Reactors should no longer mysteriously disassemble when BR is used alongside Railcraft.Bugfix: Tinker's Construct's fluid ender was performing no better than water inside a reactor. This has been fixed, it is now as good as TE's.Bugfix: Reactors which span two chunks should no longer throw random NPE crashes or [SEVERE] log warnings randomly when used on MCPC+ with asynchronous chunkloading enabled.
Bugfix: (A2) Fixed a crash that could occur with a double chest split across chunk boundaries next to an access port set to output.Bugfix: Reactors now send radiation west, as well as the other cardinal directions. Silly typo.Bugfix: Fixed a crash that could occur with inventory-polling objects next to access ports (#83), such as AE import/export buses.Bugfix: Fixed the source of the weird &this should not be here& crashes (#81, #82, #77). Turned out there were odd cases with chunk unloading and/or modifying a large reactor that could make certain internal tracking lists inaccurate.Bugfix: Fixed a client crash that could occur when placing blocks really really fast after breaking them in SSP.Refactor: Changed from lists of coordinates to lists of parts for many operations, internally. This is considerably cheaper, CPU-wise, on a per-tick basis and also considerably more stable.}


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