塞尔达炼药卖钱tireless frog 哪有卖

Tireless Frog - The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Wiki Guide - IGN
Tireless Frog
Last Edit:
June 1, 2017 - 4 months 26 days ago
The Tireless Frog is a one of the
found in . Most
drop recoverable materials and some are used for as ingredients for , ,
This rare frog only ventures out in the rain. When cooked with monster parts, the elixir it produces will temporarily increase your maximum stamina. : ,
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Tireless Frog
Last Edit:
June 1, 2017 - 4 months 26 days ago
The Tireless Frog is a one of the
found in . Most
drop recoverable materials and some are used for as ingredients for , ,
This rare frog only ventures out in the rain. When cooked with monster parts, the elixir it produces will temporarily increase your maximum stamina. : ,
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IGN uses cookies and other tracking technologies to customize online advertisements, and for other purposes. IGN supports the Digital Advertising Alliance principles.微信:doyo_game
& 第1页:Ancient古代套装& & 第2页:Brabarian野蛮人套装& & 第3页:Climber攀爬套装& & 第4页:Desert Voe沙漠男套装& & 第5页:Flambreaker抗火套装& & 第6页:Gerudo Vai沙漠女套装& & 第7页:Hero of the Wild元祖Link套装& & 第8页:Hylian海利亚套装& & 第9页:Radiant夜光套装& & 第10页:Rubber橡胶套装& & 第11页:Snowquill抗冷套装& & 第12页:Soldier士兵套装& & 第13页:Stealth潜行套装& & 第14页:Zora游泳套装& & 第15页:饰品系列& & 第16页:Kilton's Monster Mask怪兽面具系列& & 第17页:Dark黑暗Link套装& & 第18页:Champion勇者上衣& & 第19页:初始衣装系列& & 第20页:Thunder雷神头盔&
Climber's Bandana
于Ree Dahee Shrine的宝箱取得
3 Keese Wing
3 Rushroom
5 Electric Keese Wing
5 Hightail Lizard
5 Ice Keese Wing
10 Hot-Footed Frog
5 Fire Keese Wing
20 Swift Violet
Climbing Gear
于内Chaas Qeta Shrine的宝箱取得
3 Keese Wing
3 Rushroom
5 Electric Keese Wing
5 Hightail Lizard
5 Ice Keese Wing
10 Hot-Footed Frog
5 Fire Keese Wing
20 Swift Violet
Climbing Boots
于内Tahno O'ah Shrine的宝箱取得
3 Keese Wing
3 Rushroom
5 Electric Keese Wing
5 Hightail Lizard
5 Ice Keese Wing
10 Hot-Footed Frog
5 Fire Keese Wing
20 Swift Violet
Ree Dahee Shrine地点:
Chaas Qeta Shrine地点:
Tahno O'ah Shrine地点:
... & 第页


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