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& 前缀ob-来源于拉丁介副词ob,原意是&toward&,在构词当中又引申出&against,inversely&等意思,还有&to, in the way, over, away, completely,intensive&等含义。ob-是个原生词缀,一般与拉丁词根缀合,所构成的派生词的词性取决于词根或后缀的属性。由于语音的同化作用,ob-在c,f,p前面,变成oc-,of-,op-。在元音字母及其它辅音字母前,ob-形态不变。
& 每个前缀的纯英语来源解释:
prefix meaning &toward, against, across, down,& also used as an intensive, from Latin ob &toward, to, over against, in the way of, by reason of, about, before, in front of,& from PIE root *epi, also *opi &near, against& (see epi-).
assimilated form of ob- before -c-.
assimilated form of ob- before -f-.
assimilated form of ob- before -p-.
frequent form of ob- before -c- and -t- in words from Latin.
& 现在对这几个前缀的含义整理如下:
& 1.逆着&,和&敌对,和&相反
&&& oppress, opprobrium
& 2.向着&,给&
&&& obnoxious, opportune
& 3.妨碍地
&&& officious, obsequious, obsession
& 4.越过,盖住
&&& obscene, obfuscate, obscure
& 5.远远地,消失
&&& obviate, omission
& 6.表强调[完全,干脆,厉害地,继续]
&&& obese, obdurate, obeisance
& 另外,前缀ob-还有很多变形。
& 1.oc-[在辅音字母c之前]
&&& occult, occupied
& 2.of-[在辅音字母f之前]
&&& offensive, officiator
& 3.op- [在辅音字母p之前]
&&& opponent, inopportune
& 4.os-[在辅音字母t之前]
&&& ostensible, ostentatious
& 5. o- [在辅音字母m之前]
& 此外,前缀ob-还有一些同义前缀,也有&反对,抵抗&的意思,这些词缀是: , ,contro-,counter-,with-。
1.officiate& [of&ob( =intensive) +( =do,make)好好地做事]
& vt. at+sth& perform the duties of a preside& 行使职务,行使职权;主持& oflice 事务所;政府机关& officer 军官& officiator 主婚人& offcial 正式的,公务的;公务员,官员
& ex)A Unitarian minister officiated at his funeral.
& 一位一神论派的牧师主持了他的葬礼。
2.oppress& [op&ob( =against, intensive) +press( =press)逆着某物压挤]
& vt. keep down by unjust rule weigh heavily on 压迫,压制;用暴政统治;使烦闷,施加重压
& oppression 压制,压抑;迫害& oppressor 压制者,暴君& oppressive 压制的,压迫的;烦闷的,窒息的
& ex) Organized religion is often used to oppress people, in my view
&&& 我认为,组织化的宗教往往被用来压制人民。
3.obliterate& [ob( =against) +liter( =letter)逆着文字走]
& vt. destroy& 擦掉;消除痕迹;抹杀
&&& obliteration& 删除;抹杀
& ex) The crows completely obliterated his corn crop this year.
& 乌鸦把他今年收获的玉米消灭得一千二净。
4.obese& [ob( =intensive) +es&ed( =eat)多多地吃]
& vt. very fat& 很胖的,非常胖的& obesity 肥胖,肥大
& ex) Nearly 20% all Americans are now classified obese
& 现在美国人中有近20%可划分为肥胖人群。
5.obligate& [ob( =intensive) +lig( =bind)用力地捆]
& vt. sb+to do& bind someone legally 使负义务;强使& obligation 义务,责任
& obligatory 有义务的:要求的,必须的& oblige& 使不得不&;使感谢
& ex)A typical rental lease obligates the landlord to make any needed repairs.
& 典型的租赁合同上规定,房东必须负责任何必要的维修。
6.obnoxious& [ob( =to) +nox&noc( =hurt)给某人痛苦]
& adj. very disagreeable, very unpleasant, hateful& 非常讨厌的.非常不愉快的,可憎的
& ex) That obnoxious little boy just kicked me in the shin!
&&& 那个可恶的小男孩儿踢到了我的胫骨!
7.obviate& [ob( =away) +vi&via( =carry, way)把某物搬得远远的,使消失]
& vt. prevent by effective measures 排除(危险、困难等),清除;消除;防患于未然
&&& obvious 明白的& obviously 明显地
& ex)& Satellite TV& obvistes the need for an outside TV antenna.
&&& 有了卫星电视,就不需要室外电视天线了。
8.officious& [of&ob( =in the way) +fic( =do, make)使妨碍]
& adj. very fond of giving unwelcome services or advice& 妤出主意的,多管闲事的
& ex)The government required us to use their somewhat officious translator.
& 政府要求我们用那个爱多管闲事的翻译官。
9.obdurate& [ob( =intensive) +dur( =last)继续持续]
& adj. stubborn, obstinate, inflexible 顽固的,固执的,没有融通性的
& obduracy& 倔强,顽固,执拗
& ex)He&#39;s extremely obdurate-offending people and never apologizing afterward.
& 他非常固执,冒犯了别人之后从小道歉。
10.occult& [oc&ob( =intensive) +cul&cel( =hide)严严实实地藏着的]
& adj. hidden, secret, supernatural, magical& 隐藏的.秘密的;超自然的;神秘的
& ex) l&#39;ve long been a student of occultarts.
&&& 我学了很长时间的秘术。
11.opportune& [op&ob( =toward) +port( =carry)向着某东西搬运]
& adj. suitable, done or coming at a favorable time 适时的,恰好的;适合目的的;适宜的,时机好的
&&& opportunity 机会,良机& opportunism 机会主义& opportunist 机会主义者
& ex) This is an opportune time for me to retire-at the end of the project.
& 这项工程完成之时正是我退休的好时机。
12.ostensible& [os&ob( =against, over) +tens( =stretch)向某事物的反方向拉长]
& adj. put forward in an attempt to
pretended& 表面上的;外表上的;假装的
&&& ostensibly 表面上
& ex)& The ostensible reason for their divorce was &irreconcilable differences&.
&&& 他们离婚的表面原因是&无法调解的矛盾&。
13.ostentatious& [os&ob( =against, over) +tent(=stretch)向某事物的反方向拉长]
& adj. done for liking to attract notice& 卖弄的,夸耀的;豪华的,铺张的
& ostentation 夸耀,虚饰,卖弄& ostentatiously 卖弄地
& ex) We want an elegant but not ostentatious wedding.
& 我们希望举行一个体面而不铺张的婚礼。
14.obeisance& [ob( =intensive) +eis&aud( =hear) 很听话]
& n. ~ to& obedience, submission 敬礼;尊敬;服从
& ex) My sister pays devoted obeisance to an Indian guru, of all things.
& 我妹妹全心全意地尊崇一位印度教领袖。
15.obscene& [ob( =against,over) +scen( =set)逆着某物、超越某种程度的放置]
& adj. likely to corrupt and deprave by regarding or describing sex indecently(话、想法、书籍、画等)伤风败俗的;猥亵的,淫秽的,下流的
& obscenity 猥裘,淫秽;猥亵的言语(行为)
& ex)Different people have ditferent opinions about what is& obscene.
&&& 对于什么是淫秽,不同的人有小同的看法。
16.obsequious& [ob( =in the way) +sequ( =follow) 追随、奉承让人感到碍手碍脚]
& adj. too ea showing excessive respect from hope of reward or advantage 奉承的;拍马屁的
& ex)& lt&#39;s difficult for me to trust obsequious people.& 我很难信任阿谀奉承的人。
17.opprobrium& [op&ob( =against) +pro( =forth) +br&fer( =carry) 和某人逆着向前搬运]
& n. the disgrace or infamy attached to conduct viewed reproach 耻辱,不名誉;蔑视;责难& opprobrious 侮辱的,辱骂的;丢脸的,羞耻的
& ex) Many Repubticans said that Clinton brought unprecedented opprobrlum to his office.
& 很多共和党人说,克林顿给他的职位带来了前所未有的耻辱。
18.obloquy& [ob( =against) +loqu(=say)和某人敌对着说]
& n. bad words spoken
ill repute,disgrace& 诽谤,破口大骂,辱骂;污名,不名誉
& ex) His reputation was damaged by the obloquy heaped upon him in the press.
&&& 新闻媒体对他的大肆诽谤损害了他的声誉。
19.obsession& [ob( =in the way) +sess( =sit)成为妨碍地坐着]
& n. with ~ the act of an evil spirit in possessin the state of being ruled by an idea. desire, emotion, etc.;a fixed idea which takes possession of one&#39;s mind 着魔,迷住;摆脱不了的情感
&&& obsess(妄想、固有观念等)萦绕心头,不停地困扰& obsessive 困扰人的
& ex) Eating is my hobby. Shopping is my obsession!
&&& 呓东西是我的爱好,购物让我着迷!
20.obtrude& [ob( =in the way, intensive) +/trus(=thrust)使劲地推进以成为阻碍]
& vt. sth+on+sb& push oneself, one&#39;s opinions, etc. forward when unwanted 强求,强行;伸出,突出
& vi. on+sth& force oneself upon others 强行进入,闯入;打扰
& obtrusive 鲁莽的& obtrusion 强迫接受;闯入& obtrusively 冒失地
& ex) l&#39;m sick of that guy obtruding his opinions upon us at every turn.
&&& 我对经常把自己的意见强加给我们的那个人感到厌烦。}


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