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  【编者按】应菲律宾共和国总统阿基诺邀请,国家主席习近平将于11月17日至19日赴菲律宾马尼拉出席亚太经合组织第二十三次领导人非正式会议。1991年,中国成为APEC大家庭中的一员。APEC是中国参加的第一个区域经济合作组织。中国高度重视APEC合作,中国领导人参加了自1993年以来的历次APEC领导人非正式会议,发表了一系列重要讲话,为促进亚太区域经济合作作出了积极贡献。1993年至今,中国领导人在APEC发出了哪些倡议和主张,本网梳理如下:日上午,亚太经合组织第二十二次领导人非正式会议第一阶段会议结束后,中国国家主席习近平和其他亚太经合组织成员经济体领导人、代表合影。2014年,APEC第二十二次领导人非正式会议在中国北京召开。会议主题为&共建面向未来的亚太伙伴关系&,3个重点议题是:推动区域经济一体化;促进经济创新发展、改革与增长;加强全方位基础设施与互联互通建设。中国国家主席习近平主持领导人非正式会议并讲话。习近平在讲话中强调,面对新形势,亚太经济体应深入推进区域经济一体化,打造发展创新、增长联动、利益融合的开放型亚太经济格局,共建互信、包容、合作、共赢的亚太伙伴关系,为亚太和世界经济发展增添动力。习近平出席APEC工商领导人峰会开幕式并发表题为《谋求持久发展共筑亚太梦想》的主旨演讲。习近平强调,当前中国经济呈现出新常态,将给中国带来新的发展机遇。我们将坚定不移把改革事业推向深入。中国发展将给亚太和世界带来巨大机会和利益。中国愿意同本地区各国携手实现亚太美好梦想。  在气候变化问题上,全球越来越休戚与共。越来越多的国家和社会组织开始对气候变化采取行动。这次气候变化巴黎大会谈判能否达成最初设定目标&&通过减排和低碳发展使地球表面上升温度控制在工业革命前的 2℃或者1.5℃之内,且不影响食物的生产和分配&&备受瞩目。尽管各国都在展现积极姿态,但在发达国家与发展中国家间,&老生常谈&的分歧依然存在。作为世界第二大经济体、节能减排力度最大国,我国在全球气候治理版图上的地位日益凸显,所以中国的主张和行动备受瞩目。飓风、干旱,这些极端天气现象已经严重影响了人们的正常生活,产生他们的源头都缘自厄尔尼诺现象。而厄尔尼诺现象的原因是全球变暖。如果人类再放任全球气候变暖,海平面将不断上升,我们人类将面临这样的灾难?  新华社北京1月18日电1月18日,在对沙特阿拉伯王国进行国事访问之际,国家主席习近平在沙特《利雅得报》发表题为《做共同发展的好伙伴》的署名文章。文章如下:做共同发展的好伙伴中华人民共和国主席 习近平沙特是我今年首次出访的第一站,也是我担任中国国家主席后访问的第一个阿拉伯国家。沙特是中国的兄弟国家。一提到沙特,人们想到的是&石油王国&得天独厚的油气宝藏,伊斯兰教发源地的悠久历史,大漠落日的壮美辽阔。2008年,我以中国国家副主席身份访问沙特,沙特国家建设欣欣向荣,人民热情好客,给我留下美好印象。时隔8年,我将应萨勒曼国王邀请,带着中国人民对沙特人民的情谊和对发展中沙友好关系的期盼,再次踏上这片美丽富饶的土地。中国人说,患难见真情。沙特有句俗语:&向急于求助的人伸出援手是最大的善行。& 2008年中国四川汶川特大地震发生后,沙特第一时间向中国提供6000多万美元的现金和物资援助,这是中国政府收到的最大一笔海外单项援助。沙特政府和人民的援助是中沙友谊的生动体现。中国人民深受感动,将永远铭记于心。中沙两国人民友好交往源远流长。2000多年前,古丝绸之路上,往来于双方的驼队络绎不绝。中国唐代时期,大食国遣使来华。中国明代穆斯林航海家郑和远航吉达、麦加、麦地那等地,盛赞所到之处&民风和美&,&诚为极乐世界&。中华文明和伊斯兰文明交流互鉴,在人类文明交流史上留下了深刻印记。1990年中沙建交,开启了两国关系新篇章。特别是2008年建立战略性友好关系以来,中沙关系实现跨越式发展,各领域务实合作达到前所未有的广度和深度。沙特连续多年是中国在全球第一大原油供应国和在西亚非洲地区第一大贸易伙伴。2013年,中国首次成为沙特第一大贸易伙伴。2014年,中沙双边贸易额比建交时增长230多倍,达到691亿美元。如今,中国每进口6桶原油就有1桶来自沙特,沙特出口每收入7里亚尔就有1里亚尔来自中国。中沙基础设施建设、投资、劳务、农业等领域合作项目不胜枚举,合作规模不断扩大。中国公司在圣城麦加铺设的轻轨项目为来自全球的穆斯林朝觐者提供了便捷服务。中国公司开发朝觐通信保障方案,连续多年确保了朝觐期间通信畅通。中沙两国科研机构成功绘制了椰枣基因组图谱,对椰枣产量、品种改良、病虫害防治等产生重要影响。中沙人文交流日益密切。2010年上海世博会,沙特精心打造的&丝路宝船&是最具人气的场馆之一,参观的游人至今仍然络绎不绝。2013年,中国作为主宾国参加沙特杰纳第利亚遗产文化节,向沙特民众近距离展示既有传统文化传承又具现代发展创新的活力中国。&海内存知己,天涯若比邻。&日益密切的友好合作让两国人民的心更紧地贴在一起。中沙关系精彩纷呈,给我们许多有益经验和启迪。我认为,互尊互信、平等相待是中沙关系健康稳定发展的牢固基础;优势互补、互利共赢是中沙关系长期造福两国人民的强大动力;坦诚相见、民心相亲是中沙友谊历久弥新的不竭源泉。纵观中沙各自的经济社会发展进程,我们发现,两国都立足国情,走适合自身的发展道路;都着眼长远,推进经济可持续和多元化发展;都以人为本,不断提高人民生活水平。高度契合的发展理念为双方关系发展开辟了广阔空间。当前,中国人民正在为实现&两个一百年&奋斗目标、实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦而不懈努力。沙特也开始实施新的五年计划,致力于促进经济多元化发展战略,实现国家全面、平衡、协调发展。相近的发展诉求、相同的发展使命、相融的发展利益为中沙关系向纵深发展提供了持久动力。中沙是有重要影响力的国家,面临着推动双边关系发展的重要历史机遇。我期待通过这次访问,同沙特领导人一道,提高双边关系水平,推动两国互利合作向更深层次、更高水平跨越,更好造福两国人民。&&我们要做相互支持、真诚互信的战略伙伴。双方应该从战略高度和长远角度把握两国关系大方向,加强国家发展战略对接,在涉及彼此核心利益和重大关切问题上相互理解和支持,巩固政治互信。&&我们要做合作共赢、共同发展的互惠伙伴。双方应该扩大双边贸易规模,打造长期稳定的中沙能源合作共同体,加强基础设施建设、投资领域合作,并以航天、和平利用核能、可再生能源三大高技术领域为突破口,丰富中沙务实合作内容。中方赞赏沙特以意向创始成员国身份加入亚洲基础设施投资银行,也愿同沙方一道加快推动中国-海湾合作委员会自由贸易区建设,使双边合作和多边合作形成良好互动局面,不断提高两国互利合作水平。&&我们要做同舟共济、携手同行的合作伙伴。中方愿同沙方加强多边领域合作,维护地区和平稳定、促进共同发展。为促进区域互联互通和共同发展,中方提出了共建丝绸之路经济带和21世纪海上丝绸之路的构想。我们希望并相信地处&一带一路&西端交汇地带的沙特将成为&一带一路&的重要参与者、建设者、受益者。&&我们要做往来密切、交流互鉴的友好伙伴。朋友越交越深。中方愿同沙方扩大教育、新闻、智库、青年等领域交流合作,加强各层次人文交流。欢迎更多沙特朋友到中国走一走、看一看,你们每一个人都可以成为传播中沙友好的使者。让我们携手努力,共同创造中沙关系更加美好的明天。来源:新华网  ANKARA, Jan. 3 (Xinhua) -- The Turkish parliament on Tuesday approved to extend the state of emergency for another three more months, Dogan News Agency reported.Turkey declared a state of emergency on July 20, 2016, days after a failed military coup, which Ankara blames on the U.S.-based exiled cleric Fethullah Gulen.Under emergency rule, the government can bypass the parliament to enact new laws and limit or suspend rights and freedoms.Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim said on Tuesday that debates on a bill to change the Turkey's constitution will start in parliament next week.The draft will be submitted to the General Assembly on Jan. 9 and is expected to be approved by the end of the month.The bill grants extended power to the president and allows the president to remain the head of his or her political party.The Turkish government said it would put the constitutional changes to a referendum, even if the proposals had gained enough support from lawmakers to pass through the parliament.  STRASBOURG, Jan. 22 (Xinhua) -- The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) has voted on Thursday to strike from its caseload the application brought by former Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko against her home nation.In a unanimous decision, the ECHR decided to discontinue examination of Tymoshenko's case against Ukraine, citing the former prime minister's agreement to the terms of a public declaration which, according to a court press release on Thursday, implied a friendly agreement between parties.Tymoshenko, the prime minister in 2005 and between December 2007 and March 2010, had submitted two applications to the ECHR relating to criminal proceedings that were brought against her in April 2011, and which she claimed were in violation of the European Convention of Human Rights.In May 2014, the Ukrainian government made a public declaration admitting Tymoshenko's prosecution had been politically motivated and in violation of her rights. Included was a list of measures to be taken to address the violations, along with a request for the case to be dismissed.Tymoshenko informed the EHCR in June 2014 of her agreement to the terms of the declaration, which led to the decision made by the court's Chamber of seven.The criminal charges, which included the abuse of power, stemmed from an agreement Tymoshenko made in 2009 with her Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, over natural gas imports following a dispute between their two countries over prices.For her part in the agreement, Tymoshenko was sentenced by a Ukrainian court to seven years imprisonment, with a three year ban from public office. She was released in February 2014.Tymoshenko, born in 1960, was the first woman appointed as Prime Minister of Ukraine. She is currently the leader of the All-Ukrainian Union &Fatherland& party.  Nigeria's main unions have called for nationwide strikes and demonstrations beginning next Monday, unless the government restores a popular consumer fuel subsidy.The Nigeria Labor Congress and Trade Union Congress made the announcement Wednesday after holding talks in the capital, Abuja.In a joint statement, the unions warned that general strikes, mass rallies and street protests will begin on January 9. The unions said the actions will be peaceful and will target oil production sites, air and sea ports, banks, and markets.The organizations urged Nigerians to stockpile supplies for basic needs, including food and water.Fuel prices doubled to about 88 centers a liter this week, after the government eliminated the subsidy.The soaring fuel prices sparked protests through the oil-rich country on Tuesday, with demonstrators blocking access to gas stations and police firing tear gas to break up the crowds.The Nigeria Labor Congress has claimed police fatally shot one protester in Kwara state. Police have denied that charge.The fuel subsidy was one of the few benefits that ordinary Nigerians received from the nation's oil wealth. Most live on less than
a day.Government leaders say money from the .5 billion program will now be spent on infrastructure and social programs.Nigeria is Africa's biggest exporter of oil. But it must import refined fuel because the country's refineries lack the infrastructure to process the oil.Human Rights Watch has accused the country's governing elite of squandering and siphoning much of the nation's oil wealth, leaving little for health services and education.Militants in the oil-rich south attacked the oil industry and government for years, demanding that more oil wealth be shared with poor communities.  UNITED NATIONS, June 7 (Xinhua) -- The United Nations on Tuesday kicked off a second round of public audition with another two new candidates for the position of next UN secretary-general.The two candidates are Slovakia's Minister of Foreign Affairs Miroslav Lajcak and Argentina's Minister of Foreign Affairs Susana Malcorra.They are expected to present themselves in front of representatives of UN member states and answer questions publicly from the representatives as well as from the civil society, which will be broadcast through website.Lajcak was European Union special representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina from 2007 to 2009. He also once served as Slovak ambassador to Japan from 1994 to 1998.Malcorra was chef de cabinet to the UN executive office, appointed by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon in 2012, prior to her current post. She also served as UN under-secretary-general for Department of Field Support which is responsible for delivering logistical support to UN peacekeeping missions worldwide.From April 12-14, nine UN secretary-general candidates have gone through the public audition of this kind.The nine candidates are: Montenegro's Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Igor Luksic, Director-General of UNESCO Irina Bokova, former Prime Minister of Portugal Antonio Guterres, former Slovenian President Danilo Turk, former Croatian Foreign Minister Vesna Pusic, former Moldovan Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration Natalia Gherman, Administrator of UN Development Program Helen Clark, former Foreign Minister of Macedonia Srgjan Kerim, former Foreign Minister of Serbia Vuk Jeremic.Under the UN Charter, the UN secretary-general shall be appointed by the General Assembly upon the recommendation of the Security Council. In practice, the 15-member Security Council and its five permanent members will make the final choice and send a single candidate to the General Assembly for approval.Ban is going to conclude his term at the end of 2016. The council's decision to select the top leader of the world organization shall come late this year.  HOUSTON, Sept. 4 (Xinhua) -- A 17-year-old student was stabbed dead and three others were injured during a fight at a high school in the U.S. state of Texas early Wednesday, local media reported.The stabbing happened at 7:10 a.m. local time in a hallway leading to a cafeteria on the Spring High School campus in Houston area, according to the real-time report of the Houston Chronicle.One student died on the spot and a 16-year-old boy in critical condition was flown by Life Flight medical helicopter to a medical center. The boy's parents told reporters that he is expected to survive.Two other students suffered minor injuries and one of them has been discharged from hospital, the report said.Earlier, other media reports suggested the number of the injured could be more. Witnesses told KHOU 11 News as many as five people were stabbed.Officials said all the victims are students. Three students have been detained by authorities. But it's not clear at this point if they were suspects in the stabbing.No details have been revealed about the circumstances of the campus stabbing. Unconfirmed reports on Twitter indicated it was possibly a gang fight.According to police, a confrontation escalated into a fight, during which weapons were pulled out and the deadly incident occurred. It's not known what weapons were used and investigators have so far not found them.A spokesman for the family of one of the victims said the incident was part of an ongoing battle between a group of young man of &different races,& indicating the attack could be racially tinged.A student said he knew something was wrong when nurses were called for over the loud speaker. The teen described the situation as &chaotic& and said students were &freaking out.&The school was on lockdown all morning as the campus was still considered an active crime scene investigation.Shortly after noon, students were allowed to exit from the back of the school building to be picked up at a stadium parking lot. No one was allowed to walk on campus.The school has about 3,000 students. Authorities said they will provide additional security at the high school for the next few days.  Last-ditch hopes for a bipartisan deal to improve U.S. government finances are waning, days before a deadline for a special congressional committee to recommend ways to achieve .2 trillion in deficit reduction over 10 years. Although the so-called “supercommittee” technically has until Wednesday to act, a firm proposal is needed by late Monday so lawmakers and budget analysts can review the plan.With hours remaining until Monday’s interim deadline, no one on the 12-member supercommittee says a deal is imminent. The Republican co-chairman, Congressman Jeb Hensarling of Texas, spoke on the U.S. television program Fox News Sunday.&Nobody wants to give up hope. Reality is, to a certain extent, starting to overtake hope. It is a daunting challenge, no doubt about it,& he said.A Democratic supercommittee member, Representative Xavier Becerra of California, compared the situation to the final minutes of a sporting match.&We are deep into the fourth quarter, but there is still time on the clock. I do not think any of us wants to let the time run out,& he said.Days ago, many lawmakers of both parties urged the supercommittee to bridge ideological gulfs and arrive at a compromise that cuts the deficit by more than the minimum .2 trillion specified in a budget deal signed into law earlier this year. Recent weeks have seen some Republicans soften their opposition to new tax revenue, while many Democrats, including President Barack Obama, have long said they would be willing to restructure costly programs that provide income and health care for retirees.But the ratio of spending cuts to tax hikes, and the specific composition of both, present a seemingly insurmountable stumbling block.Representative Hensarling says Democrats continue to oppose meaningful spending restraint.&We all know, and even the president will admit, that the great drivers of our debt are Medicare, Medicaid and health care. Nothing else comes close. But unfortunately what we have not seen in these talks is any Democrat willing to put a proposal on the table that actually solves the problem,& he said.Democrats counter that it is Republican insistence on preserving tax cuts for the rich that is the major sticking point. Once again, Congressman Becerra, who also appeared on Fox.&Every plan that Democrats have put forward has included cuts to entitlement programs. But it has got to be balanced,& he said. &You cannot say you are going to take benefits away from Social Security and Medicare, and not ask our wealthiest Americans [to pay more taxes] - why should they escape participation when we are asking seniors to help cover the costs of deficits?&Failure by the supercommittee would trigger automatic spending cuts to domestic programs and national defense. In addition, a wide range of tax cuts enacted since 2001 will expire unless extended by Congress. Economist Mark Zandi of Moodys Analytics, a financial ratings firm, says he does not foresee an immediate market panic if the supercommittee fails.&I do not think there will be much of a reaction. It is all relative to expectations, and investor expectations with regard to the [super]committee have been and still are very, very low,& he said.But Zandi adds that a long-term failure by the United States to confront its debt problem would harm the economy and shatter investor confidence. The U.S. federal deficit exceeds
trillion, contributing to a national debt of about
trillion.  兰州铁路局兰州西机务段动车运用车间党总支书记潘玉礼在工作中。本人供图&壮志西行追古踪,孤烟大漠夕阳中。驼铃古道丝绸路,胡马犹闻唐汉风。&一首《七律&重走丝绸之路》展现了丝绸之路的美丽与神秘。近年来,习近平总书记提出大力发展&一带一路&沿线建设,更是将大众的目光聚集在了这片土地上,而&一带一路&沿线交通贸易的发展也蓄势待发。日,举世瞩目的兰新高铁在这一天正式开通运营。上午10点49分,甘肃省委书记王三运下达&开通&的命令后,D2703次动车组徐徐驶出兰州西客站,一路向西驰骋。而开动这辆&历史性&列车的就是现任兰州铁路局兰州西机务段动车运用车间党总支书记潘玉礼。电影&铁道游击队&启发梦想萌芽在兰州铁路局动车司机中,潘玉礼的驾驶证编号为&001&,作为兰州铁路局第一个拿到动车组驾驶证的火车司机,他被称为兰州铁路局&动车司机第一人&。回忆起自己如何成为一名动车司机的时候,潘玉礼觉得梦想是最大的推动力。&大家都看过&铁道游击队&这部电影或电视吧,驾驶蒸汽机车的火车司机非常威武,我当时的梦想就是当一名火车司机。&潘玉礼说正是因为想成为一名火车司机,自己报考了郑州铁路职业技术学院,走上了圆梦之路。随着中国铁路的发展,动车渐渐代替了普通火车,成为铁道上的一颗闪亮新星,潘玉礼的目标也随之发生了变化。当全国开行动车组后,他就下定决心要成为一名动车司机,他觉得成为动车司机是所有火车司机的无尚光荣。2010年,兰州铁路局开始储备动车组司机,对于潘玉礼来说,这次选拔艰难重重。&这次选拔要求很苛刻,不仅对学历年龄有要求,还对火车司机工龄有要求。而且是在全局近5000多名机车乘务员中选拔10个人,被选拔的机率非常小,相当于在1000个人当中挑选2个。&面对巨大的困难和挑战,他迎难而上,背题库、练故障处理,让自己更具竞争力。经过铁路局的笔试、面试等环节,最终成为第一批有资格参加动车组培训中的一员。在随后的各种培训和复试,以及前后近半年多的选拔培训中,潘玉礼接受着各种高强度训练,梦想的种子在日复一日的发奋努力中生根发芽,最终以排名第一的考核成绩成为兰州铁路局第一名动车组司机。潘玉礼带领同事们不断摸索创新学习。本人供图实干创新积累职业财富俗话说,立鸿鹄之志,成有用之才,当下唯有实干。兰新高铁地处高寒、高海拔地区,隧道多、桥梁多、曲线多,这些自然环境给动车组的操纵带来了极大的困难。高海拔地区常年有雪,动车组在雪天运行易发生空转、滑行、制动力不足等,影响动车组安全和正点运行,同时给动车组司机的身体条件也提出了很高的要求。曲线、隧道等增加了司机的瞭望困难,这就对高铁司机的素养有了更严格的要求。面对更高的要求,潘玉礼在多年工作中,不断学习创新,成为兰州铁路局各单位岗位的作业标准和学习榜样。为了让动车司机便于理解、容易记住这些作业标准,规范和统一动车组司机操纵标准,他创造性地把动车司机一次出乘作业程序编排成了《动车司机标准化作业操》,将动车司机从出乘到接车,从开车到区间运行,从停车到退勤一系列内容涵盖在内,将作业流程环环相扣,达到了&程序规范、呼唤规范、手比规范&的目的。他亲自编排、指挥完成的《动车司机标准化作业操》,在兰州铁路局举办的多次现场会上进行表演,得到了局领导的肯定和赞扬,也成为每一名动车司机的必修课。&我们所处的时代决定了我们必须要担负起社会的责任,必须要有奉献精神。&潘玉礼觉得,作为年轻人,敢于在急难险重任务面前挺身而出,才能够更好地积累职业财富。2014年9月份,兰新客专联调联试开始后,潘玉礼带领动车组司机在嘉峪关地区一工作就是50多天,虽然家都在兰州,但是没有回过一天家。期间,他与车间管理人员一道徒步勘察动车所调车线路,在长达5公里的动车所内反复走行,往返查看,认真记录每条调车径路、每个信号机位置、每处限速地点、每次停车位置。就这样,和专业技术人员在短短的时间里,绘制了兰州西动车所平面示意图,制定了兰州西动车所调车作业安全卡控措施,为动车司机出入动车所操纵提供了宝贵资料。回忆起这段经历,他说,&一分耕耘一分收获,看着这些奋斗的成果,我心里无比的欣慰。因为我们的热情、毅力,还有我们实干的精神,让我们收获了丰硕的果实。&潘玉礼先后荣获&甘肃最美人物&、&第19届甘肃青年五四奖章提名奖&、&兰新高铁运行试验优秀共产党员&、&兰州铁路局十大高铁先锋&、&兰州铁路局优秀党务工作者&等荣誉称号。本人供图 不负使命成就行业先锋动车组运行速度高,更要求司机要有极强的责任心和优异的技术素质,运行中要集中精力,按标准化作业,在遇到险情时要有快速反应的处置能力。在潘玉礼的办公室里,墙上的一幅书法作品引人瞩目,书写的不是常见的名家诗词,而是著名的海恩法则,&每一起严重事故的背后,必然有29次轻微事故和300起未遂先兆以及1000起事故隐患。&他说,任何重大事故都是有端倪可查的,其发生都是经过萌芽、发展到发生这样一个过程。如果每次事故的隐患或苗头都能受到重视,那么每一次事故都可以避免。把这句话挂在办公室,就是为了勉励、告诫自己,在高铁的管理上&一点也不能差、差一点也不行&,要时刻保持零失误、零容忍,杜绝事故隐患。让他印象深刻的是,日,当时嘉峪关等河西地区风雪交加,从早上6点到第二天凌晨3时,他带领动车司机在21个小时里完成了嘉峪关南、酒泉南和清水北等车站的89个信号测试序列。89个序列意味动车组178次换端操作,178次列车运行监控记录装置的参数输入(黑匣子),178次手持终端的注册,178次列车无线通讯装置的注册输入,这其中任何一项的失误都将导致测试的失败和时间的延长。期间潘玉礼和他的同事克服各种困难,从细节入手,终以&作业零失误、对标零误差&的工作标准,圆满完成了&超负荷&的测试任务,打破了全路联调联试日测试序列记录,创造了兰新高铁联调联试的奇迹。正是一次次不断的积累,让潘玉礼一步步实现了梦想。日,兰新高铁正式开通运营的这一天,他驾驶着D2703次动车组,徐徐驶出兰州西客站,一路向西驰骋。回忆起那一天,他说,&那一刻,我无比自豪,甘肃人民的高铁梦,这遥远的梦想今天在我的手中变成了现实。&如今,驰骋在&丝绸之路&这条瞩目的干线上,潘玉礼深知身上的担子更重了,&作为一名普通的高铁人,担负着确保兰新高铁动车组畅通、安全的责任,责任重大,但使命光荣。&潘玉礼在分享自己的故事时这样说道:能把简单的事反复做好那就是不简单,那时候,当别人对我们竖起大拇指的时候,我的心里无比自豪,因为我们在自己平凡的岗位上做出了不平凡的事。(中国青年网记者 褚楚)  BEIJING, Dec. 27 (Xinhua) -- From Brexit and Donald Trump's win in U.S. presidential race to Matteo Renzi's defeat in Italian referendum, the year 2016 witnessed a cluster of &black swans& events in the Western world featured by evident social cleavage and institutional defects.Rooted deep in the Western democratic systems, such flaws as reassessment-needed election systems were fueled by social media, a revolutionary phenomenon, and triggered unexpected changes, said observers both inside China and abroad.They believed that these are just a beginning and predicted increasing instability into 2017 against the backdrop of fragile economic recovery, potential terrorist attacks, the worst refugee crisis facing Europe since World War II, among other challenges.It is also worried that Trump's foreign policy stances and military posture, coupled with the sweeping of populism in Europe, sow uncertainties in global political domain and may hinder the trend of globalization.IMMANENT CAUSESThe Western society has long showed disintegration between the establishment and non-establishment, political elite and grassroots, native citizens and immigrants.Tony Blair, former British prime minister, told USA Today earlier this month that there is immense amount of anger at the established ways of doing things, and more anger in politics. He said a whole group of people feel ignored by those in power.Jim O'Neill, a famous economist who has created the BRIC nations acronym, said &the policy elite of the past 25 to 30 years have lost the ability to connect with normal people.&Fabrizio Francisi, Italian geopolitical analyst, said referendum as a direct democratic tool has come into problems, and its disadvantage and role need to be reassessed.&Direct democracy is dangerous sometimes,& he said, adding that the concept of so-called popular sovereignty usually distorted the notion of mon sense and historical experience have demonstrated that excessive democracy will inevitably kill the democracy itself, he concluded, saying that the Western society has began to reflect on the democratic institutions and tried to seek an alternative effective governance model, however, there is no existed model can be copied.According to a poll launched November by Ipsos/Sopra Steria in France, 57 percent of persons interrogated think democracy system runs &badly& in the country, and 77 percent think democracy works &worse and worse,& 14 points higher than two years ago.About one third of French respondents think other political systems can be as good as the democracy, two points higher than two years ago, according to the poll.Wu Bingbing, honorary research fellow at the Institute of International and Strategic Studies at Peking University, elaborated that European countries in need of labor force preferred to absorb foreign immigrants from countries a little way off in North Africa, Middle East and East Asia, but refused and tried to strip their original culture and religion.Such move over the past years has created some sorts of racial resentment, caused social division and sowed seeds of unrest, violence and terrorism, which has shocked the whole Europe with a series of brutal attacks, he said.INEVITABLE RESULTSHistory consists of contingencies as well as inevitabilities. The current situation facing the West is sort of historical inevitability and a result accumulated gradually with radical changes in economy, politics and society.Zheng Yongnian, professor and director of East Asian Institute at National University of Singapore, said capitalism has entered an adjustment phase after reaching its peak in 1800s.Trump's election, Brexit and right-wing's popular support in Europe, all reflection of populism, can be considered as a response to capitalism in due time as the socialist movement did in the beginning of the 1900s, he said.Zhang Yansheng, head researcher of the China Center for International Economic Exchanges, said such &black swan events& seem surprising, but actually &normal and rational,& as &many people around the world thought opening up has harmed their interests, therefore, they want to reflect on the globalization, opening up and European integration.&During the globalization process, inequality has been exacerbated while innovation has been forgotten, resulting in unbalanced distribution between financial oligarchy and ordinary people, and bubbles in finance and real estate.In the rising of populism in the West, pundits believed that globalization, industrialization and informatization, particularly social media, a revolutionary phenomenon, have played key roles.O'Neill said, modern media, particularly social media, is a new phenomena to people's lives and has played a role in those &black swan events.&Blair said social media changes the way politics work and the way media works. &It (social media) locks people into conversations with people who just agree with them, who then have a conspiracy theory view of the rest of the world. This is all over the Western world right now.&As Blair, O'Neill also saw problematic issues in social media, explaining that &seven billion people getting access to the internet is a brilliant thing but them getting influenced by non-factual based aspects of that media.&Zheng Yongnian attributed &Trump phenomena& to a social media phenomena featured dispersibility and individuality, saying without social media there will be no such a social movement.GLOBAL GOVERNANCEOn one hand, the rising populist ideology in Europe, along with Trump's election in the United States, have posed potential challenges to economic globalization, trade liberation and global governance as a whole.On the other hand, the current global governance system, whose rules, macro policies and public goods supply were established in 1950s, not in the globalization era, have lagged behind the economic and political evolvement and can not fully represent emerging markets and developing countries.In such context, unjust and improper arrangements in the global governance system need to be reformed, and new connotations need to be introduced. China's proposal on global governance featuring mutual consultation, efforts and sharing go with the trend of peaceful development and win-win result.As Chinese President Xi Jinping has said, reform is about &laying down rules for the international order and international mechanisms& and &deciding in which direction the world will head.&&It is not simply a case of competing for the high ground of economic development, but what roles and functions nations will play in the long-term systemic arrangement of the international order,& Xi said.Wu Bingbing said China's Road and Belt Initiatives and other innovative measures featuring inclusiveness and win-win situation are not only based on China's self-interest, but also aims at common prosperity and sustainable development.  ISTANBUL, Aug. 7 (Xinhua) -- Weeks of rallies in protest of a foiled coup attempt in Turkey culminated on Sunday in a massive gathering here never seen in the country's modern history that called for &one heart, one nation.&Some 3.5 million to five million Turks poured into the Yenikapi Square in Istanbul waving Turkish flags, joining President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and leaders of the country's main political parties.In his speech, Erdogan said in the face of solidarity against coup plotters, &the country's enemies have now realized that their job is difficult.&&It is the proclamation and evidence that Turkey will reach its 2023 targets,& he stressed, referring to goals set for the occasion of the republic's 100th anniversary that includes to be among the world's top 10 economies.Speaking of the possibility of restoring the death penalty, the president vowed once again to approve the decision to be taken by the parliament.The issue of a reinstated capital punishment was raised in the wake of the failed bid on July 15 but has sparked concern in the West.Binali Yildirim, leader of the ruling Justice and Development Party and the prime minister, voiced his gratitude to the leaders of the opposition parties for being present at the rally and said his party would do its best to preserve the unity.The rally under the theme of &Democracy and Martyrs& was called for by the president, but the pro-Kurdish People's Democratic Party that is also represented in parliament was not invited for its link to the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party, which has been seeking autonomy in southeastern Turkey.The bid to overthrow the government by a faction within the military was crushed within hours, but left 240 people dead and more than 2,000 others injured.The speech by Chief of General Staff Gen. Hulusi Akar was frequently cut short by cheers and applause from the crowd.Akar was captured by the plotters at the start of the coup bid, but was rescued later by security forces.&Turkish armed forces are on duty and on the service of its people and the state,& the general said.The Turkish military, the most powerful after the U.S. within the NATO bloc, is being restructured in Anraka's sweeping efforts to clean state institutions of coup suspects and followers of the so-called Gulen movement led by Fetullah Gulen, a Turkish cleric residing in the United States.Erdogan and other top Turkish officials have accused Gulen of masterminding the failed coup and demanded his extradition, straining further the relations with Washington.Kemal Kilicdaroglu, leader of the opposition Republican People's Party, urged all the political parties to take all the precautions needed to protect the parliamentary system, secularism and democracy.Drawing attention to the widespread social consensus against all kind of coups, he said, &If we would be able to carry this culture of consensus even further, we will leave a better Turkey to the next generations.&A sense of reconciliation between the ruling and opposition parties has been felt in the past weeks, a development unthinkable prior to the coup attempt.&As long as we maintain our unity and solidarity, no traitor could harm us,& claimed Devlet Bahceli, leader of the opposition Nationalist Movement Party.Rallies to &watch democracy& have been staged every night in city squares across Turkey since the coup attempt was foiled.Erdogan announced that the &democracy watch& rallies will continue until the coming Wednesday.Extreme security measures were taken for the massive Yenikapi rally, with 30,000 police officers and several warships and coast guard boats deployed nearby.  CANBERRA, Oct. 28 (Xinhua) -- Scientists have criticized the Australian government's multi-million dollar Great Barrier Reef protection plan, claiming it ignores the threat of climate change.The Australian Academy of Science (AAS) was asked to produce a response to the federal government's 'Reef 2050 Long-Term Sustainability Plan' and delivered its verdict on Tuesday morning.Its report suggested that although climate change represents the Great Barrier Reef's biggest threat, the protection plan doesn 't address the matter as a realistic threat to the reef's long- term health.It also criticized a distinct lack of funding towards any restoration of the reef, while ignoring issues such as poor water quality, coastal development and illegal fishing in the area.Professor Terry Hughes, the director of the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies, backed the AAS report, telling local media that not enough is being done to protect the reef.&There's nothing in the plan on addressing climate change,& Prof. Hughes told The Guardian.&The science is quite clear that you can't keep the Great Barrier Reef in good condition if you're going to develop huge coal reserves. We are already on our way to 2C warming and unless Australia cuts back on carbon dioxide emissions, we won't have much of a Great Barrier Reef left.&Only 35 million U.S. dollars were allocated to the 'Reef Trust Program' in Australia's latest federal budget, earning the government even more criticism from scientific responses.As a result, threats such as the dumping of dredged seabed spoil into the waters were ignored, which could lead to the serious damage of the types of environment both coral and fish survive in.Hughes therefore believes the government's 'Reef 2050 Plan' has been implemented to stave off UNESCO's World Heritage Committee from placing the Great Barrier Reef on its 'in-danger' list.&There's no doubt the short-term goal of this report is to keep UNESCO happy,& Hughes said. &I'm not sure that it will succeed or not, but in terms of this being a plan for the next 35 years, there are missing targets that need to be in there.&It would be a terrible outcome if the Great Barrier Reef is placed on the in- it would be very damaging to Australia's reputation. I haven't met anyone who wants that to be the case, but I wouldn't be surprised if UNESCO went ahead and did it.&However, Australia's federal environment minister, Greg Hunt, believes the government is doing its utmost to ensure the long- term safety of the Great Barrier Reef.&We have a clear plan and a strong commitment to ensure the reef is healthy and resilient and we are making strong progress,& Hunt said.&The Great Barrier Reef remains an incredibly diverse and rich marine environment. We know the reef still retains the values for which it was listed as world heritage.&  对许多国有企业来说,2015年是国际金融危机以来稳增长形势最严峻、情况最复杂、任务最艰巨的一年。由于国内经济下行压力加大,国际大宗商品价格断崖式下跌,2015年全国国资委系统监管企业效益同比下降6.1%。当前,国企主要面临哪些困难?出路何在?逆境下生存又将采取哪些应对之策?  莫幻想&再回到从前&经济新常态下,我国经济发展表现出速度变化、结构优化、动力转换的三大特点,这些阶段性特征使国企的创新与改革任务更加艰巨。数据显示,年,国有企业营业收入年均增长17.6%,利润年均增长22.9%。然而自2012年以来,国企营业收入和利润增幅始终在低速区间徘徊,压力逐渐增大,2015年全年效益出现了负增长。&增速下降使原来高增长掩盖的不少问题逐渐显露出来。&国资委主任张毅认为,&十三五&时期特别是头两年,正值我国经济的结构调整阵痛期和新旧动力转换关键期,加之世界经济复苏乏力,国有企业可能将继续维持低速增长。经济结构调整也为国企带来严峻挑战。近年来,第二产业在我国GDP中的比重快速下降,第三产业快速上升,但国有企业资产结构仍然偏&重&,其中不少处于产能过剩行业和产业链中的低端。中国企业研究院首席研究员李锦认为,在我国步入工业化后期阶段后,重化工业的产量将呈现快速下降的趋势,供给总量、供给结构不能适应市场需求变化,是制约当前国企发展的主要矛盾。形势的变化让一些国企感到迷茫,原来一些快速扩张时的投资项目如今也变成了包袱。&生产小型化、智能化、专业化成为产业组织新特征,过去那种凭借要素投入、投资拉动的粗放式增长模式已不可持续。&张毅提醒一些面临困境的国企,&如果还在迟疑和等待,还幻想&再回到从前&,不尽快转变发展方式,那么只会加速走向衰亡。&  危中寻&机&有赖于提质增效中国远洋与中国海运强强联合、五矿集团与中国中冶实施战略重组&&近期,6组12家中央企业兼并重组,产业协同效应进一步增强。国有企业大力调整布局结构,以提质增效为核心的&反击战&已经打响。事实上,在效益下滑的同时,央企的多项运行质量指标却稳中向好。统计显示,106家中央企业中有99家实现盈利,央企实现增加值同比增长2%,上交国家财政收入同比增长4.7%。&2015年《关于深化国有企业改革的指导意见》的出台,标志着新时期深化国有企业改革工作全面启动。&一带一路&、京津冀协同发展、长江经济带等国家战略推进,都为国有企业发展提供了广阔空间。&国资委研究中心主任楚序平表示,当前国企发展的机遇和挑战并存,希望和困难同在。楚序平认为,国有企业必须加大结构性改革力度,要果断采取措施优化存量、引导增量、主动减量,切实提质增效。&一要推动国有资本向关键领域、重点基础设施和前瞻性战略产业集中;二要推动强强联合,增强同质化业务整合和细分行业整合;三要降本增效,过好&紧日子&。&楚序平指出。&必须把创新摆在做强做优国有企业的核心位置,实施一批新的重大科技项目,突破和掌握一批事关行业发展的关键性技术。&李锦表示。据悉,我国正在推动央企&双创&平台建设,探索建立央企创新投资基金,探索建立鼓励国企创新的容错机制。&由中国制造向中国创造转变、由中国速度向中国质量转变、由中国产品向中国品牌转变,新常态下,国有企业必须坚持走内涵式、精细化、质量效益型的发展道路。&张毅指出。  用今天的&小震&化解未来的&大震&统计显示,国企效益下滑主要是因为产能过剩行业效益大幅下滑。尽快遏制国企效益下滑的势头,淘汰落后产能,积极稳妥处置&僵尸企业&成为国企&绕不开的坎儿&。日前召开的国务院常务会议提出,对不符合国家能耗、环保、质量、安全等标准和长期亏损的产能过剩行业企业实行关停并转或剥离重组,对持续亏损三年以上且不符合结构调整方向的企业采取资产重组、产权转让、关闭破产等方式予以&出清&,清理处置&僵尸企业&,到2017年末实现经营性亏损企业亏损额显著下降。&处置&僵尸企业&是国企化解过剩产能、推进结构性改革的重要举措,是必须做的手术。&张毅透露,国资委正在研究制定工作方案,力争用3年左右的时间基本完成处置&僵尸企业&的主体任务,到2020年全面完成各项工作。处置&僵尸企业&是一项复杂、艰巨的任务,会引起一些震动。张毅提出,集团公司是处置&僵尸企业&的责任主体,要按照务实管用、可操作、可检查的要求,一企一策具体安排,既要积极,又要稳妥,防止引发社会风险,要用今天的&小震&化解未来的&大震&。&供给侧结构性改革是2016年国企改革的主题,去产能是主线,处置&僵尸企业&是主要抓手,三者形成了一个完整的链条。&在李锦看来,钢铁煤炭等重化工和资源领域存在大量的&僵尸企业&,坚持市场化方向进行分类处置、因企施策将是处置的重要手段。 (光明日报记者温源光明日报通讯员沈通)  11月30日,国家气候中心副主任、中国谈判代表巢清尘在巴黎气候大会会场&中国角&接受记者采访。摄影:中国外文局气候组王芳中国网12月1日讯 (记者 王芳)恐怖袭击后,巴黎再一次成为举世瞩目的焦点。11月30日,巴黎气候大会迎来了150多个国家的领导人。值得关注的是,中国国家主席习近平出席了大会并发表讲话阐述中国对于全球气候治理的看法和主张。最大决心产生最高智慧&巴黎大会正是为了加强公约实施,达成一个全面、均衡、有力度、有约束力的气候变化协议。&习近平在大会开幕式的致辞中强调。中国的态度给法国带来了莫大的安慰。作为此次大会的东道主,法国为了在本次大会中能达成具有法律约束力的协议,从今年开始就开启了&气候外交&模式。在大会的开幕式上,法国总统奥朗德又重申了这一愿望。而习主席表示明确支持气候变化协议的约束力,这对法国而言重要性不言而喻。在发言中,习近平引用了法国作家雨果的话&最大决心产生最高智慧。&只要各方展现诚意、坚定信心、齐心协力,巴黎大会一定能够取得令人满意的成果,不辜负国际社会的热切期盼。中国代表团副团长、首席谈判代表苏伟对媒体表示,习主席的讲话全面阐述了中国对全球气候治理的主张,为人类应对气候变化带来了重要的决心和智慧。在国家应对气候变化战略研究和国际合作中心副主任邹骥看来,习主席的讲话把国内和国际两个大局统筹起来,站在全人类的利益高度,看得更远。  根据《联合国气候变化框架公约》(下称《公约》)规定的&共同但有区别的责任&等基本原则,中国作为发展中国家,不具有强制减排义务。即便如此,中国近年来自主自愿采取减排措施,加大实施力度,并作出了艰苦卓绝的努力。此外,中国还主动与多国展开气候合作,支持其他发展中国家应对气候变化,为推动气候谈判注入新动力。作为气候谈判的基石,《公约》明确指出,与有义务率先减排的发达国家不同,对发展中国家来说,&经济和社会发展及消除贫困为首要和压倒一切的优先事项&,因此发展中国家可根据各自国情,在可持续发展的框架下自主采取力所能及的减缓和适应行动。出于转变发展方式、调整经济结构的需要,以及一个发展中大国的担当,中国近年来在加强本国气候治理方面频有&大动作&,对于支持其他发展中国家也有&大手笔&。今年6月,中国正式向联合国提交2020年后应对气候变化的&国家自主决定贡献&:二氧化碳排放2030年左右达到峰值并争取尽早实现,单位国内生产总值二氧化碳排放比2005年下降60%至65%,非化石能源占一次能源消费比重达到20%左右,森林蓄积量比2005年增加45亿立方米左右。中国还计划于2017年启动全国碳排放交易体系,并把应对气候变化的行动列入&十三五&发展规划中。这份&绿色答卷&成色如何?专家估算,上述60%至65%的减碳目标,意味着2005年至2030年间碳排放强度年均下降率须维持在3.6%至4.1%。而美国和欧盟1990年以来的碳排放强度年均降幅均约为2.3%,低碳转型表现突出的英国和德国也仅为3%和2.5%。世界自然基金会等18个非政府组织发布的报告也指出,中国的气候变化行动目标已超过其&公平份额&,相比之下,发达国家承诺的目标与其历史责任和能力不相称。比如,美国和欧盟的行动目标相当于其应承担&公平份额&的五分之一,而日本的行动目标只相当于其应承担份额的十分之一。中国的努力和决心,让《公约》秘书处执行秘书菲格雷斯不吝赞美:中国在对待气候变化问题上&非常非常认真&,并采取了&令人印象非常深刻&的应对气候变化行动,具有榜样意义。除了加强本国气候治理,中国也没有忘记其他受气候变化影响较大、应对能力较弱的发展中国家。今年9月,中国宣布出资200亿元人民币建立&中国气候变化南南合作基金&,帮助其他发展中国家应对气候变化。不少国家和国际机构对此深表赞赏,认为中国这一举措对世界应对气候变化作出了贡献,展现了大国风范。也有评论指出,与中国相比,一些有义务为发展中国家提供应对气候变化资金支持的国家,只是将原本用于发展援助的资金改用气候变化援助的名义重新&包装&,或是开出&空头支票&。此外,中国还积极参与国际对话,为推动全球气候谈判、促进新气候协议的达成做出积极贡献。从去年的《中美气候变化联合声明》到今年的《中美元首气候变化联合声明》,中美两个大国在气候变化领域的务实合作让世界惊喜连连。作为世界上最大发展中国家和最大的发达国家,中美加强气候变化对话合作意义重大。国际组织&绿色交流峰会&主席戴维&阿贝尔直言:&中国的行动和中美合作是这两年在应对气候变化方面最棒的事情。&法国外交部长、巴黎气候变化大会主席法比尤斯也表示,在巴黎气候变化大会召开前约两个月之际,《中美元首气候变化联合声明》的发表传递了中美两国积极应对气候变化的强烈信号,有助于调动气候谈判各方的积极性。中国还先后与印度、巴西、欧盟、法国等国家和区域组织就气候变化发表联合声明,通过一系列郑重承诺,为全球应对气候变化行动增添新动力。(记者刘石磊,新华国际客户端报道)    WASHINGTON, Nov. 3 (Xinhua) -- The Obama administration on Tuesday accused the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) of violating UN Security Council resolutions to produce material useable in nuclear weapons, urging the country back to the six-party process. &It certainly runs counter to the commitment that they made in 2005, and it violates UN Security Council resolutions,& State Department spokesman Ian Kelly told reporters. &What we're focused on with North Korea is getting to the point where we can re-launch the six-party talks, which will get us to our ultimate goal, which is the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula,& said the spokesman. Earlier on Tuesday, the official KCNA news agency of DPRK said that the work of reprocessing of all the 8,000 spent nuclear rods, a key step to increase its nuclear arsenal, had been completed by the end of August in Yongbyon. The reprocessing was part of the efforts to &restore the Yongbyon nuclear facilities to their original state& in response to the UN sanctions against it after the DPRK conducted a rocket launch and the second nuclear testing this spring, the KCNA said. The DPRK shut down the Yongbyon nuclear facility in 2007 under a six-nation nuclear disarmament deal. In April, it quit the six-party talks and announced it was resuming the reprocessing of plutonium from spent fuel rods at the reactor there. Pyongyang has expressed willingness to return to the six-party talks but only if it first holds satisfactory talks with Washington.  THE HAGUE, March 11 (Xinhua) -- Four days ahead of the March 15 polls to elect a new low house in the Netherlands, the mainstream left Labour Party, De Partij van de Arbeid (the PvdA), risks being the biggest loser as most polls indicate that the currently junior coalition ruling party and the second largest party in the parliament could slip to the seventh place.&Voters are blaming the labour party for being part of a coalition which implemented an austerity program and cut heavily on social services,& said Floris Vermeulen, associate professor and chair of the department of political science at the University of Amsterdam (UvA).&The measures were not acceptable by the voters of a traditional defender of the welfare state,& Vermeulen explained.The social-democratic PvdA has been in coalition with the liberal People's Party for Freedom and Democracy (VVD) in the second cabinet led by Prime Minister Mark Rutte since the 2012 election when it won 38 seats in the 150-seat lower house.However, most polls show that the PvdA would shrink to 12 seats in the upcoming election.&Uncertainty and rising costs especially in the health care sector, a major issue in the current contest, have driven traditional supporters away from PvdA,& explained Vermeulen.Health care costs, tax hikes and higher pension age are among the 22-billion-euro austerity package passed by VVD-PvdA coalition government in the wake of the financial crisis. Labour's then-leader Diederik Samsom campaigned on an anti-austerity platform, leading his party to substantial gains in the 2012 elections.&The current situation marks a sharp difference. In the previous elections, the competition for the lead was mainly between the largest right- and left-wing parties,& said Paul Teule, lecturer in Political Economy at UvA.Now the leading race is between the VVD and Geert Wilders' anti-Islam populist Party for Freedom (PVV). Lodewijk Asscher, current leader of the PvdA, lags behind among the heads of the established mainstream parties.Asscher was expected to set the party on a new path when he was elected in December to replace Diederik Samsom, but this expectation was shared by the party's core members, not by the voters, argued Vermeulen. &They replaced their leader with a high ranking member of the coalition government which is taking the blame for unpopular measures.&Asscher is now deputy prime minister and minister of Social Affairs and Employment. &He shouldn't have challenged and stand against Samsom,& PvdA voter Carla van Walsum, 66, told Xinhua. &This made me feel unhappy with the party that I have been voting for so many years.&However, she still decided to vote for her party. &Compromise is part of our political system,& she argued.Lastest polls show shifts of voters intentions as the populist PVV slip into second place while VVD taking the lead and conservative Christian Democrats Appeal (CDA), liberal and progressive D66 or the green GroenLinks registering gains.In a debate held Sunday among eight largest parties' leaders apart from Wilders, who declined to participate, Asscher was rated only seventh with 7.4 percent in an research among viewers.Jesse Klaver, leader of GrownLinks scored first with 17.4 percent. GroenLinks, now with four seats, is predicted to gain 15-17 seats.&Klaver's party has attracted a number of PvdA voters in particular those with a migrant background,& said Vermeulen. He saw in this shift a general trend followed by voters who abandon mainstream and established parties in favour of smaller ones which address specific concerns.Alexander Penthold's D66, Sybrant Buma's CDA, as well as newcomers such as the pro-immigration DENK founded by two former PvdA members of parliament of Turkish origin, also take voters from PvdA, said Teule.&Traditional left-wing voters feel frustrated with PvdA's stance towards immigration,& Teule suggested. &But Asscher has a reasonable alternative which might help him win back supporters who worry about globalization and immigration.&Asscher has made the so-called &participation contract,& which determines that newcomers have to register or risk a fine, a significant part of his integration policy. He also advocated an end to &unfair& competition from Eastern European migrant workers and called for restrictions on the movement of workers within the EU.&Undecided voters will play a role in the elections outcome,& said Vermeulen. But he declined to predict whether the labour will gain supporters among the 40 percent of the still undecided voters. Usually these votes are divided among the biggest parties in latest polls, he said.Maud Schuil, who has not decided on which party to vote for, excludes voting for PvdA. &I am contemplating between D66 and VVD,& she told Xinhua. The 62-year-old Rotterdammer favours liberal policies and appreciates D66's emphasis on the need for reforms in education.The turnout, which is expected to be high, could also be critical in the final outcome, Vermeulen added, because &this election is more important than others.& A total of 28 parties will join the contest, a record high number in the Dutch history.  ~?@5W??? p?|?S`t~?/??KZ?y?5T 0{/???Q??#q!??mQ?Q7?Fp????8?[??/3??  RAMALLAH, June 20 (Xinhua) -- Palestinian Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah plans to submit his resignation to President Mahmoud Abbas two weeks after he was sworn in, a source from Hamdallah's office said Thursday.The source said Hamdallah wants to resign due to the &attacks on his power& and interference by some parties he did not name.The source, a media consultant to the new premier, said a statement about the resignation would be issued soon.Hamdallah, a long-time academic and professor of applied linguistics at a leading West Bank University, was sworn in on June 6, replacing Salam Fayyad, who stepped down due to differences with Abbas' Fatah party.A Palestinian official at Abbas' office said the president had not yet received any letter of resignation from Hamdallah. The official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said Abbas is likely to reject the resignation.  日,习近平对坦桑尼亚进行国事访问。(新华社记者兰红光摄)新华网北京12月1日电 应津巴布韦共合国总统穆加贝和南非共和国总统祖马邀请,国家主席习近平将于12月1日至5日先后对津巴布韦和南非进行国事访问,并赴约翰内斯堡主持中非合作论坛峰会、发表重要讲话。在中国外交的整体布局中,发展中国家是基础,非洲是&基础中的基础&。习主席2013年担任国家主席后的首次出访就选择了非洲国家,提出&真、实、亲、诚&的对非政策理念和正确义利观,郑重宣布中国永远做非洲国家的可靠朋友和真诚伙伴,为中非关系发展指明了方向。关于非洲,习主席都有哪些经典语录,新华国际为您盘点。【谈携手并进】携手并进这一理念植根于中非之间的传统友好与相互支持。习主席多次强调,中非从来都是命运共同体。日,习近平在南非德班同非洲国家领导人举行早餐会。(新华社记者兰红光摄)日,习近平在南非德班同非洲国家领导人就中非关系、非洲形势深入交换意见,阐述政策主张。习近平指出:&&中非是休戚与共的命运共同体。历史反复证明,中国发展好了,非洲发展会更顺;非洲发展顺了,中国发展会更好。当前,国际形势正在发生深刻复杂变化,中非关系发展既面临前所未有的机遇,也面临许多新情况新问题的考验。无论国际风云如何变幻,中国都将坚定奉行对非友好政策,永远做非洲国家的可靠朋友和真诚伙伴,努力为非洲和平与发展事业作出更大贡献。日,习近平在北京同津巴布韦总统穆加贝举行会谈。习近平指出:&&中国和非洲国家是患难之交,患难之交不能忘。在对非关系中,我们秉持真、实、亲、诚的理念和正确义利观,言必信、行必果。日,习近平会见南非总统祖马。(新华社记者李学仁摄)日,习近平在俄罗斯乌法会见南非总统祖马。习近平指出:&&中国和非洲历来是命运共同体和利益共同体。加强同非洲国家的团结合作始终是中国外交政策重要基石。中方愿意同非方携手努力,把中非传统友好优势转化为合作发展动力,实现互利共赢、共同发展。日,习近平在北京同利比里亚总统瑟利夫举行会谈。习近平强调:&&中国和非洲历来是休戚与共的命运共同体,是合作共赢的利益共同体。中非传统友好深得人心,发展同非洲国家的团结合作始终是中国对外政策基石。【谈合作共赢】合作共赢这一理念为中非关系发展提供着强大动力。中非合作是发展中国家间共赢发展的成功典范。日,习近平在坦桑尼亚达累斯萨拉姆尼雷尔国际会议中心发表演讲。(新华社记者王晔摄)日,习近平在坦桑尼亚进行国事访问期间发表题为《永远做可靠朋友和真诚伙伴》的重要演讲。他强调:&&当前,中非关系正站在新的历史起点上。非洲雄狮正在加速奔跑,中国也继续保持着良好发展势头。推进中非合作是双方人民共同心愿,是大势所趋、人心所向。新形势下,中非关系的重要性不是降低了而是提高了,双方共同利益不是减少了而是增多了,中方发展对非关系的力度不会削弱、只会加强。日,习近平会见纳米比亚总理根哥布。(新华社记者庞兴雷摄)日,习近平在北京会见纳米比亚总理根哥布时说:&&中国在对非合作中秉持正确义利观,注重授人以渔,帮助非方筑巢引凤,提升非洲国家自我发展能力,惠及非洲各国人民,真正实现互利共赢,共圆发展振兴之梦。日,习近平向第三届中非民间论坛致贺信。习近平在贺信中说:&&中国致力于推动全方位和互利共赢的中非合作,始终遵循&真、实、亲、诚&的理念,秉持正确义利观,帮助非洲筑巢引凤、提高自我发展能力,惠及非洲人民,共圆发展振兴之梦。日,习近平致电在赤道几内亚首都马拉博举行的非洲联盟第二十三届首脑会议,对会议的召开向非洲国家和人民表示祝贺。习近平强调:&&中非友好合作事关23亿人口的福祉,也有利于促进发展中国家团结合作。无论国际形势如何变化,中国将永远做非洲的可靠朋友和真诚伙伴。&&当前,中非合作面临前所未有的机遇。中方将秉承真、实、亲、诚理念,弘扬传统友好,加强同非洲国家和非盟的合作,推动中非新型战略伙伴关系再上新台阶。【谈共同发展】共同发展,这一理念将为中非关系开辟美好愿景。中国已提出了下阶段中国经济发展的新目标、新思想。非洲正根据《2063年议程》描绘的&非洲梦&联合自强、发展振兴。&中国梦&和&非洲梦&完全可以契合对接。日,习近平接受金砖国家媒体联合采访。(新华社记者兰红光摄)日,习近平在北京接受金砖国家媒体联合采访时说:&&中国在致力于自身发展的同时,一直为非洲和平与发展提供力所能及的帮助,在国际事务中为非洲国家说话。中非合作带动了非洲国际地位的提高,并推动国际社会加大对非关注和投入。今后,无论国际风云如何变幻,中国都会一如既往做非洲和平稳定、繁荣发展、联合自强、平等参与国际事务的支持者和促进者。日,习近平在北京同塞内加尔总统萨勒举行会谈。习近平指出:&&当前,非洲经济发展蓬勃向上,联合自强步伐坚实。中国正在全面深化改革,为实现&两个一百年&的目标而奋斗。中非关系在新的历史起点上全面快速发展,各领域合作取得新的丰硕成果。中国坚定支持非洲国家探索适合本国国情的发展道路,愿加强双方治国理政经验交流,契合各自发展目标,扩大互利合作,促进共同发展繁荣。日,习近平会见喀麦隆总理菲勒蒙。(新华社记者刘卫兵摄)日,习近平在北京会见喀麦隆总理菲勒蒙。习近平强调:&&中国和非洲国家是休戚与共的命运共同体,面临共同的发展任务。中方愿加强同非洲国家合作,将合作共赢理念贯彻到中非关系的方方面面。&&中方将秉持真实亲诚的对非工作方针和正确义利观,支持非洲国家提高自我发展能力,推动中非新型战略伙伴关系更好惠及双方人民。&&中非应该紧密携起手来,为推动构建以合作共赢为核心的新型国际关系、促进国际秩序和国际体系朝着更加公正合理的方向发展,作出新的更大贡献。(记者马晓燕,编辑闫珺岩,新华国际客户端报道)来源:新华网  The World Bank says growth in East Asia's developing economies remains strong, but warns they need to reduce their reliance on exports as the global economic slowdown continues.The Washington-based lender said in a biannual report Wednesday that it expects growth to slow to 7.6 percent this year in developing East Asia, which excludes Japan. That is down from 8.2 percent in 2011.While it said most East Asian economies were well-positioned to handle further external shocks, it said governments should do more to decrease their reliance on trade and find more ways to encourage growth and domestic demand.The bank said poverty continues to fall in East Asia. It predicts the number of people living on less than
a day will decrease by 24 million this year. But it estimates that about one-third of the region still lives in poverty.Developing East Asia is growing despite a quicker than expected slowdown in China's economy. The World Bank predicted that China's economy - the world's second largest - will expand 8.2 percent in 2012, down from 9.2 percent in 2011.Excluding China, the bank expects growth in the region to increase to 5.2 percent this year, up from 4.3 percent in 2011. The bank attributes that growth to a rebound in exports in Southeast Asia, which was hit by massive floods at the end of last year.The World Bank defines developing East Asia as China, Cambodia, East Timor, Fiji, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Mongolia, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, the Solomon Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam.  MOSCOW, April 16 (Xinhua) -- The restoration of relations with Kiev is in Russia's interests, Russian President Vladimir Putin said Thursday during his annual live Q-and-A session.&We would seek to restore our relations with Ukraine. This is in our interests,& Putin said in a live broadcast from a Moscow television studio, while urging Kiev to grab the opportunity and fully implement the Minsk accords.The president lamented that Kiev seemed unwilling to make use of the truce deal signed in February and had missed its chances for several times to restore peace.&I think (Kiev's aggressive actions) were colossal mistakes, and such moves bring the situation into a deadlock,& Putin said.He said that Russia is also interested in the economic recovery in Ukraine.&We are interested in stability and order on our borders, as well as in having an opportunity to have and develop economic ties with a prosperous partner,& Putin said.Ukraine plunged into its worst economic recession in decades last year, and will need financing of about 40 billion U.S. dollars over the next four years, according to the estimation of the IMF.Putin said it is the understanding of Ukraine's difficult economic situation that makes Russia decide to extend the gas discounts provided to Kiev.Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree on April 1 to extend the gas discount of no more than 100 U.S. dollars per 1,000 cubic meters of Russian gas for three months until June 30.Putin also called on the Kiev government to treat Russia as &an equal partner.& He said &directly and definitely& that there are no Russian troops in Ukraine, adding that a war between Russia and Ukraine would be impossible.For nearly four hours at the annual phone-in, Putin answered more than 70 questions from across the country on issues ranging from Russia's domestic problems to foreign relations with the West and the Ukraine crisis.  【光明理论&&十三五&展望十六】&绿色发展&是基于东方智慧的新文明发展道路&&&十三五&绿色发展的五个内涵作者:国家行政学院经济学部副主任、国家行政学院生态文明研究中心主任、教授 张孝德刚结束的十八届五中全会,首次提出将走绿色发展的中国生态文明发展之路,并将之纳入&十三五&规划。这是全会最大的亮点之一,作为关系中国未来经济社会发展的重大国策,绿色发展有五大内涵值得我们关注:一、绿色发展是高度基于东方智慧的新文明发展之路。从20世纪70年代以来,西方发达国家对能源和环境已经治理了半个世纪,但到目前为止,全球的环境危机不仅没有得到遏制,反而仍在蔓延与加剧。其深层的原因,就是西方发达国家走的是一条西医式的就环境治理环境的路,属于治标不治本的治理模式。按照东方系统辩证的思维,能源环境危机是当代工业文明系统弊端的结果。要从根本上治理能源环境危机,必须走出就环境治理环境的思路。生态文明这个概念在20世纪80年代西方理论界就已经提出,但到目前为止,中国是世界上唯一把生态文明建设上升到国家战略的国家。这并不是一个偶然,这是基于东方智慧的新思维与新探索。十八大提出的&五位一体&的生态文明建设战略,十八届五中全会提出的绿色发展之路,就是不同与西方、基于东方智慧的治理之路。全会提出的:&坚持绿色发展,必须坚持节约资源和保护环境的基本国策,坚持可持续发展,坚定走生产发展、生活富裕、生态良好的文明发展道路&。这既是一条走绿色生产方式之路,也是一条绿色治理的文明之路。二、绿色发展是从根源上探索人类与自然两大系统和谐发展新思路。十八届五中全会围绕绿色发展,提出了经济社会发展与生态环境承受能力相配的系统战略对策。首次提出与自然承载力相关的四个区域发展的格局问题:&促进人与自然和谐共生,构建科学合理的城市化格局、农业发展格局、生态安全格局、自然岸线格局&。此外,五中全会再次强调&加快建设主体功能区,发挥主体功能区作为国土空间开发保护基础制度的作用&的问题。三、绿色发展是一条以生态经济为基础的成本内化的文明之路。五中全会提出的绿色发展之路,是一条集合新能源经济、低碳经济、绿色消费经济、循环经济等经济业态的综合发展的绿色之路。绿色发展的生态经济,是生态文明建设的经济基础。只有生产方式实现了绿色发展,才能真正从根源解决能源环境危机。四、绿色发展是一条从民间到政府、从经济到社会、从文化到政治的综合治理制度创新之路。为了遏制目前仍然蔓延的环境污染,五中全会对未来环境治理提出了非常严格治理对策。如实行省以下环保机构监测监察执法垂直管理制度、实施近零碳排放区示范工程,建立健全用能权、用水权、排污权、碳排放权初始分配制度等。五、绿色发展是一条中国走向新常态、转型升级之路。如果把生态文明建设看成单纯的环境保护,就容易陷入把环境保护与经济发展相对立的思维之中。其实十八届五中全会提出发展之路,恰恰是基于东方智慧、走出这种孤立的新思维。绿色发展是一个涉及传统体制和制度的改革之路,也是一条以倡导绿色生活方式、培育绿色消费、推动绿色经济发展的新财富增长之路。绿色发展引导的生态经济是一个具有巨大起来的领域,是中国经济发展的重要内容。【光明理论&&十三五&展望一】&十三五&规划的十三个新亮点【光明理论&&十三五&展望二】五中全会公报:世界有期待,中国有担当【光明理论&&十三五&展望三】以创新引领第四次创业浪潮【光明理论&&十三五&展望四】五中全会是将现代文明整体发展内容转化为行动的动员会【光明理论&&十三五&展望五】网络红利助力中国网络强国&弯道超车&【光明理论&&十三五&展望六】深刻理解创新的科学内涵【光明理论&&十三五&展望七】全面放开&二孩&将释放多重红利【光明理论&&十三五&展望八】用发展新理念引领发展新实践【光明理论&&十三五&展望九】抓住全面创新的牛鼻子【光明理论&&十三五&展望十】网络强国战略:增强网络软实力,提升国际话语权【光明理论&&十三五&展望十一】互联网助力深化改革,建设网络强国【光明理论&&十三五&展望十二】制度创新是重中之重【光明理论&&十三五&展望十三】&十三五&规划吹响打造中国新动力的号角【光明理论&&十三五&展望十四】香港要提升地位和功能,需做到三点【光明理论&&十三五&展望十五】专家纵论&十三五&规划新意  CARDIFF, Britain, March 6 (Xinhua) -- British Prime Minister David Cameron pledged on Sunday to back small business and boost enterprise a}


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