
Wan网页游戏免费玩日德兰雾魔-德国早期鱼雷艇(驱逐舰)(施工中)-海军版-超级大本营军事论坛-最具影响力军事论坛 -
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12:04 上传
7点15分,六大队和九大队的13艘鱼雷艇前出突击,结果迎面撞上24艘无畏舰排成的铁幕。在接近到7700码时,当先的G41被一发6英寸炮弹击中舰桥,四人负伤;不久G86也被一发大口径炮弹命中,艇长受伤,通讯室和舵机舱损坏,前部油舱也被击穿。六大队的指挥官Max Schultz下令依次转向,他们共向乔治五世带领英国第一战列舰队发射11发鱼雷。指挥官杰伦中将下令45度转向规避,此时英国的驱逐舰没跟上战列舰急速的机动而落在后面,只有Mesurier的5艘巡洋舰可以提供掩护。此时G41和G86的航速降到25节,不过还勉强可以跟上大队行动。稍北方的九大队没这么好运,钻过烟幕后撞上英国舰队的猛烈射击,带头的V28首当其冲,被6英寸炮弹击中舰桥,此时她的鱼雷管发生故障,只射出一条;S51和S36也只有发射一条鱼雷,后面的V52射出两条,其余各艇射出所有三条鱼雷。此时装着V29艇员的S35号鱼雷艇被征服者号战列舰射出的一发大口径炮弹击中舯部,断成两截沉没。7点30分,S51也被击中,一个锅炉和转向装置受损;V28也被击中,舰首水线附近被撕开一个大口子,速度降至19节。满眼的黑烟和水柱使鱼雷艇无法确认成果,九大队指挥官Goehle上尉于是下令转向撤退。
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14:15 上传
很显然,在战争中,这些艇的炮火需要加强,所以所有的战时建造的鱼雷艇都增大了尺寸并增强了舰炮火力,成为了“大型鱼雷艇”(&Große Torpedoboote&) 。1916型大型鱼雷艇装了4门15cm炮,排水量超过2000吨,再一次大战结束前,他在同类中是最大,火力最强的。
B. - Blohm & V G. - G H. - H S. - S V. - V Ww. - Wilhelmshaven
TBF - torpedo boat flotilla
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17:01 上传
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14:15 上传
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14:18 上传
这些涉及于1885年的德国第一种大型鱼雷艇,装备了三具鱼类发射管和两门转膛炮(revolver cannons&&?? nani !!??)它们是被设计用他们的鱼雷来进行速攻然后快速脱离的,所以他们对其他舰艇的自卫能力非常有限,为了解决这个弱点,后续舰以5cm炮取代了转膛炮。
总长 :37.73—44.20米
5cm L/40:1(S58-65)
总功率; 831—1571shp
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14:18 上传
舰名& &&&建造厂商/开工日期& && && && && && && & 下水日期& && && && &&&入役& && && && && && && &&&结局
S7& && & & & Schichau Elbing, 1885 & & & & 06.05.1885 & & & & 13.08.1885 & & & & 1905年以后作加煤船使用,结局未知
S8& && & & & Schichau Elbing, 1885 & & & & 13.05.1885 & & & & 04.11.1885 & & & & 1907年后作靶船使用
S9 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1885 & & & & 30.05.1885 & & & & 13.08.1885 & & & & 1906年出售解体
S10 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1885 & & & & 08.06.1885 & & & & 04.11.1885 & & & & 1905年出售解体
S11 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1885 & & & & 18.06.1885 & & & & 31.07.1885 & & & & 1920年出售解体
S12 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1885 & & & & 27.06.1885 & & & & 02.09.1885 & & & & 日相撞沉没
S13 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1885 & & & & 07.07.1885 & & & & 28.08.1885 & & & & 1920年出售解体
S14 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1885 & & & & 15.07.1885 & & & & 03.09.1885 & & & & 1920年出售解体
S15 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1885 & & & & 29.07.1885 & & & & 14.10.1885 & & & & 1920年出售解体
S16 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1885 & & & & 01.08.1885 & & & & 14.10.1885 & & & & 1920年出售解体
S17 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1885 & & & & 15.08.1885 & & & & 24.10.1885 & & & & 1910年出售解体
S18 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1885 & & & & 24.08.1885 & & & & 24.10.1885 & & & & 1918年后作靶船使用
S19 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1885 & & & & 04.09.1885 & & & & 11.11.1885 & & & & 1920年出售解体
S20 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1885 & & & & 08.09.1885 & & & & 11.11.1885 & & & & 1920年出售解体
S21 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1885 & & & & 18.09.1885 & & & & 27.11.1885 & & & & 1918年出售解体
S22 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1885 & & & & 01.10.1885 & & & & 27.11.1885 & & & & 1921年出售解体
S23 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1885 & & & & 10.10.1885 & & & & 21.12.1885 & & & & 1905年出售解体
S24 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1886 & & & & 30.07.1886 & & & & 24.10.1886 & & & & 1920年出售解体
S25 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1886 & & & & 04.08.1886 & & & & 04.11.1886 & & & & 日与T72相撞后沉没
S26 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1886 & & & & 21.08.1886 & & & & 26.10.1886 & & & & 日在风暴中沉没
S27 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1886 & & & & 24.09.1886 & & & & 15.11.1886 & & & & 1920年出售解体
S28 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1886 & & & & 06.10.1886 & & & & 03.12.1886 & & & & 1920年出售解体
S29 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1886 & & & & 19.10.1886 & & & & 23.12.1886 & & & & 1920年出售解体
S30 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1886 & & & & 22.11.1886 & & & & 15.01.1887 & & & & 1920年出售解体
S31 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1886 & & & & 04.12.1886 & & & & 13.04.1887 & & & & 1920年出售解体
S32 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1886 & & & & 12.11.1886 & & & & 08.12.1886 & & & & 日与S76相撞后沉没
S33 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1887 & & & & 03.05.1887 & & & & 20.06.1887 & & & & 1920年出售解体
S34 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1887 & & & & 07.05.1887 & & & & 24.06.1887 & & & & 1920年出售解体
S35 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1887 & & & & 25.05.1887 & & & & 26.06.1887 & & & & 1920年出售解体
S36 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1887 & & & & 25.06.1887 & & & & 15.07.1887 & & & & 1920年出售解体
S37 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1887 & & & & 09.07.1887 & & & & 12.08.1887 & & & & 1920年出售解体.
S38 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1887 & & & &&&27.07.1887 & & & & 29.07.1887 & & & & 1920年出售解体
S39 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1887 & & & &&&16.08.1887 & & & & 19.09.1887 & & & & 1920年出售解体
S40 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1887 & & & & 27.08.1887 & & & & 28.09.1887 & & & & 1920年出售解体
S41 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1887 & & & & 16.09.1887 & & & & 12.10.1887 & & & & 日在风暴中沉没
S42 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1889 & & & &&&29.05.1889 & & & & 27.07.1889 & & & & 1921年出售解体
S43 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1889 & & & & 17.06.1889 & & & & 08.08.1889 & & & & 日在北海触雷沉没
S44 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1889 & & & & 30.10.1889 & & & & 06.12.1889 & & & & 1920年出售解体
S45 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1889 & & & & 12.07.1889 & & & & 11.09.1889 & & & & 1920年出售解体
S46 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1889 & & & & 03.08.1889 & & & & 16.10.1889 & & & & 1922年以后作加煤船使用,结局未知.
S47 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1889 & & & & 02.09.1889 & & & & 30.10.1889 & & & & 日在波罗的海触雷沉没
S48 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1889 & & & & 20.09.1889 & & & & 12.02.1890 & & & & 日在波罗的海触雷沉没
S49 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1889 & & & & 30.10.1889 & & & & 26.03.1890 & & & & 1920年出售解体
S50 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1889 & & & & 04.11.1889 & & & & 10.04.1890 & & & & 日在风暴中沉没
S51 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1889 & & & & 28.11.1889 & & & & 12.09.1890 & & & & 日在波罗的海触雷沉没
S52 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1889 & & & & 20.12.1889 & & & & 18.09.1890 & & & & 日在波罗的海触雷沉没
S53 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1889 & & & & 18.01.1890 & & & & 25.09.1890 & & & & 1920年出售解体
S54 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1889 & & & & 30.01.1890 & & & & 20.08.1890 & & & & 日在波罗的海触雷沉没
S55 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1889 & & & & 19.02.1890 & & & & 22.11.1890 & & & & 1921年出售解体
S56 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1889 & & & & 02.04.1890 & & & & 06.10.1890 & & & & 日在波罗的海搁浅
S57 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1890 & & & & 09.06.1890 & & & & 24.10.1890 & & & & 日在波罗的海触雷沉没
S58 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1891 & & & & 03.12.1891 & & & & 03.05.1892 & & & & 日在波罗的海触雷沉没
S59 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1891 & & & & 09.12.1891 & & & & 29.05.1892 & & & & 1921年出售解体
S60 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1891 & & & & 26.03.1892 & & & & 11.07.1892 & & & & 1920年出售解体
S61 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1892 & & & & 06.04.1892 & & & & 23.07.1892 & & & & 1921年出售解体
S62 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1892 & & & & 07.05.1892 & & & & 29.07.1892 & & & & 1921年出售解体
S63 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1892 & & & & 28.05.1892 & & & & 12.08.1892 & & & & 1920年出售解体
S64 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1892 & & & & 26.06.1892 & & & & 11.09.1892 & & & & 日在波罗的海触雷沉没
S65& && & & & Schichau Elbing, 1892 & & & & 13.10.1892 & & & & 10.11.1892 & & & & 日在波罗的海触雷沉没
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15:31 编辑 ]
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总长 :48.20米
水线长: 46.50m
5cm L/40:3
总功率; shp
航程:miles@12kn, 380--420miles@20kn,
舰名& && && &建造厂商/开工日期& && && && && &&&下水日期& && && && & 入役& && && && && && && && & 结局
S82& && & & & Schichau Elbing, 1897 & & & && &15.04.1897 & & & && & 29.10.1897 & & & && &1921年出售解体
S83 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1897 & & & && &26.06.1897 & & & && & 26.11.1897 & & & && &1921年出售解体
S84 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1897 & & & && &29.07.1897 & & & && & 28.12.1897 & & & && &1921年出售解体
S85 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1897 & & & && &09.09.1897 & & & && & 20.03.1897 & & & && & 1921年出售解体
S86 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1897 & & & && &08.11.1897 & & & && & 31.03.1898 & & & && & 1921年出售解体.
S87 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1897 & & & && &10.12.1897 & & & && & 15.04.1898 & & & && & 1921年出售解体
G88 & & & & Germaniawerft Kiel, 1897 & & & & 10.07.1897 & & & & 02.05.1898 & & & & 1921年出售解体
G89 & & & & Germaniawerft Kiel, 1897 & & & & 19.02.1898 & & & & 18.08.1898 & & & & 1921年出售解体
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15:32 编辑 ]
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总长 :46.18—49.85米
水线长: 47.94--49.85m
5cm L/40:1
总功率; shp
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14:40 上传
舰名& &&&建造厂商/开工日期& && && && && &下水日期& && && && &&&入役& && && && && && && && & 结局
S66& && & & & Schichau Elbing, 1892 & & & & 27.04.1893 & & & & 30.07.1893 & & & & 日在里加附近触雷沉没.
S67 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1893 & & & & 14.02.1893 & & & & 20.05.1893 & & & & 日在北海触雷沉没.
S68 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1893 & & & & 09.03.1893 & & & & 01.07.1893 & & & & 日在北海触雷沉没
S69 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1893 & & & & 20.04.1893 & & & & 15.08.1893 & & & & 1920年出售解体
S70 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1893 & & & & 06.06.1893 & & & & 09.09.1893 & & & & 1921年出售解体
S71 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1893 & & & & 02.08.1893 & & & & 06.10.1893 & & & & 1921年出售解体
S72 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1893 & & & & 20.06.1893 & & & & 23.11.1893 & & & & 1921年出售解体
S73 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1893 & & & & 23.06.1893 & & & & 09.01.1894 & & & & 1921年出售解体
S74 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1894 & & & & 07.11.1894 & & & & 25.10.1895 & & & & 1921年出售解体
S75 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1894 & & & & 22.01.1895 & & & & 26.04.1895 & & & & 1921年出售解体
S76 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1894 & & & & 13.03.1895 & & & & 29.05.1895 & & & & 1921年出售解体.
S77 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1894& && & & & 06.05.1895 & & & & 10.07.1895 & & & & 1921年出售解体.
S78 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1894 & & & & 09.04.1895 & & & & 01.07.1895 & & & & 日在北海触雷沉没
S79 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1894 & & & & 06.07.1895 & & & & 01.09.1895 & & & & 1921年出售解体
S80 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1894 & & & & 14.06.1895 & & & & 11.08.1895 & & & & 1921年出售解体
S81 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1894 & & & & 30.09.1895 & & & & 28.03.1896 & & & & 1921年出售解体
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15:32 编辑 ]
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14:46 上传
这就导致了“大型鱼雷艇(Große Torpedoboot)”或称“公海鱼雷艇(Hochsee Torpedoboot)”的出现。该艇的出现,标志着一个发展历程的第一步,这个历程在一战结束时以第一艘真正的驱逐舰的出现而结束。他们的武装与以前的小型鱼雷艇没有太大不同,3具鱼类发射管,和一些5cm炮。由于其吨位较小,所以火炮数量很难增加。
1898级艇在两个船厂建造(Schichau and Germaniawerft),这45艘艇在吨位和武备上有些不同。他们大部分装备的是3膨胀式蒸汽机,但有一些装备了蒸汽轮机已获得这种新型动力系统的经验。
总长 :63.0—71.5米
8.8cm L/35:1(1914年起增加到2门)
45cm鱼类发射管:3(1-3 since 1916)
螺旋桨:2 (S125 & G137: 3)
引擎/轮机:2 (S125 & G137: 3)
总功率; shp
航程:800-1500 sea miles@17300 miles @ 30kn
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舰名& &&&建造厂商/开工日期& && && && && &&&下水日期& && && && & 入役& && && && && && && && && & 结局
S90 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1899 & & & & 26.07.1899 & & & & 24.10.1899 & & & & 日在Tsingtau附近搁浅.
S91 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1899 & & & & 25.09.1899 & & & & 24.04.1900 & & & & 日更名为T91,从1915年开始做补给船使& && && & 用,于1921年出售,1926年被解体
S92 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1899 & & & & 15.05.1900 & & & & 27.06.1900 & & & & 日更名为T92,年间做护航舰艇使用,于1921年出售,1926年被解体
S93 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1899 & & & & 24.03.1900 & & & & 14.07.1900 & & & & 日更名为T93,被做巡逻舰艇使用,于 1921年出售,1926年被解体
S94 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1899 & & & & 23.04.1900 & & & & 27.07.1900 & & & & 日更名为T94,从1915年开始做补给船使用,于1920年沉没,1921年被解体
S95 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1899 & & & & 20.02.1900 & & & & 29.08.1900 & & & & 日更名为T95,1915年起被做补给船使用,于1920年出售,1921年被解体
S96 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1899 & & & & 31.01.1900 & & & & 27.09.1900 & & & & 日更名为T96,1915年起被做补给船艇使用,于1921年出售,1926年被解体
S97 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1899 & & & & 16.12.1900 & & & & 28.05.1900 & & & & 日被更名为Sleipner,作为信号船使用。日更名为T97,1917年起做护航舰艇使用,于1921年出售,1926年被解体
S98 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1899 & & & & 28.07.1900 & & & & 04.11.1900 & & & & 日更名为T98,被做水上军营使用,于1920年出售,1921年被解体
S99 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1899 & & & & 04.09.1900 & & & & 13.12.1900 & & & & 日更名为T99,年间做护航舰艇使用,于1921年出售,1926年被解体
S100 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1900 & & & & 13.11.1900 & & & & 18.04.1901 & & & &&&日更名为T100,被做训练舰艇使用,日在波罗的海相撞沉没.
S101 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1900 & & & & 22.12.1900 & & & & 30.04.1901 & & & & 日更名为T101,被做巡逻舰艇使用,于1921年出售,1926年被解体
S102 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1900 & & & & 18.04.1901 & & & & 18.07.1901 & & & & 日更名为T102,被做巡逻舰艇使用,于1921年出售,1926年被解体
S103 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1900 & & & & 15.05.1901 & & & & 17.09.1901 & & & & 日更名为T103,被做巡逻舰艇使用,于1921年出售,1926年被解体
S104 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1900 & & & & 22.06.1901 & & & & 07.10.1901 & & & & 日更名为T104,被做巡逻舰艇使用,于1921年出售,1926年被解体.
S105 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1900 & & & & 07.08.1901 & & & & 17.11.1901 & & & & 日更名为T105,被做巡逻舰艇使用,于1921年出售,1926年被解体.
S106 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1900 & & & & 07.09.1901 & & & & 09.12.1901 & & & & 日更名为T106,被做巡逻舰艇使用,于1921年出售,1926年被解体.
S107 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1900 & & & & 17.10.1901 & & & & 27.01.1902 & & & & 日更名为T107,被做训练舰艇使用,于1920年出售,1921年被解体.
G108 & & & & Germaniawerft Kiel, 1900 & & & & 07.09.1901 & & & & 26.03.1902 & & & & 日更名为T108,被做训练舰艇使用,1921年被解体..
G109 & & & & Germaniawerft Kiel, 1900 & & & & 09.11.1901 & & & & 19.06.1902 & & & & 日更名为T109,被做巡逻舰艇使用,于1921年出售,1926年被解体.
G110 & & & & Germaniawerft Kiel, 1900 & & & & 09.09.1902 & & & & 21.01.1903 & & & & 日更名为T110,被做训练舰艇使用,1921年被解体.
G111 & & & & Germaniawerft Kiel, 1900 & & & & 02.04.1902 & & & & 21.07.1902 & & & & 日更名为T111,被做训练舰艇使用,于1920年出售,1921年被解体.
G112 & & & & Germaniawerft Kiel, 1900 & & & & 19.06.1902 & & & & 06.09.1902 & & & & 日更名为T112,被做巡逻舰艇使用,于1920年出售,1921年被解体.
G113 & & & & Germaniawerft Kiel, 1900 & & & & 09.08.1902 & & & & 16.10.1902 & & & & 日更名为T113,被做巡逻舰艇使用,于1920年出售,1921年被解体..
S114 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1902 & & & & 09.08.1902 & & & & 25.10.1902 & & & & 日更名为T114,被做巡逻舰艇使用,于1920年出售,1921年被解体.
S115 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1902 & & & & 10.09.1902 & & & & 22.02.1903 & & & & 日被英国巡洋舰Undaunted和4艘驱逐舰击沉.
S116 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1902 & & & & 14.10.1902 & & & & 28.03.1903 & & & & 日被英国潜艇E9击沉
S117 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1902 & & & & 04.02.1903 & & & & 21.05.1903 & & & & 日被英国巡洋舰Undaunted和4艘驱逐舰击沉.
S118 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1902 & & & & 03.03.1903 & & & & 09.07.1903 & & & & 日被英国巡洋舰Undaunted和4艘驱逐舰击沉.
S119 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1902 & & & & 08.07.1903 & & & & 06.09.1903 & & & & 日被英国巡洋舰Undaunted和4艘驱逐舰击沉.
S120 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1902 & & & & 10.02.1904 & & & & 07.05.1904 & & & & 日更名为T120,于1921年出售,1921年被解体
S121 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1903 & & & &&&03.03.1904 & & & & 17.06.1904 & & & & 日更名为T121,被做巡逻舰艇使用,于1921年出售,1921年被解体
S122 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1903 & & & &&&23.04.1904 & & & & 05.08.1904 & & & & .日更名为T122,日触雷沉没
S123 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1903 & & & & 26.06.1904 & & & & 23.08.1904 & & & & 日触雷沉没
S124 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1903 & & & & 03.08.1904 & & & & 08.10.1904 & & & & 日与明轮船(Danish steamer )Anglodane相撞后沉没 .
S125 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1903 & & & &&&19.05.1904 & & & & 04.04.1905 & & & & 日更名为T125,被做巡逻舰艇使用,于1920年出售,1921年被解体.
S126 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1903 & & & & 26.11.1904 & & & & 30.04.1905 & & & & 与小型巡洋舰Undine相撞后断成两节沉没,后来于1906年被打捞出水,1908年修复后重新入役,日更名为T126,被做巡逻舰艇使用,于1920年出售,1921年被解体..
S127 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1903 & & & & 12.01.1905 & & & & 07.06.1905 & & & & 日更名为T127,被做护航舰艇使用,于1920年出售,1921年被解体.
S128 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1903 & & & & 25.02.1905 & & & & 08.07.1905 & & & & 日更名为T128,被做训练舰艇使用,于1920年出售,1921年被解体.
S129 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1903 & & & & 04.03.1905 & & & & 10.08.1905 & & & & 日冲滩后退役.
S130 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1903 & & & & 27.04.1905 & & & & 17.09.1905 & & & & 日更名为T130,被做训练舰艇使用,于1920年出售,1921年被解体.
S131 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1903 & & & & 25.05.1905 & & & & 06.10.1905 & & & & 日更名为T131,被做护航舰艇使用,于1921年出售,1921年被解体.
S132 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1903 & & & & 12.05.1906 & & & & 22.08.1906 & & & & 日更名为T132,被做护航舰艇使用,于1921年出售,1921年被解体.
S133 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1903 & & & & 30.06.1906 & & & & 10.12.1906 & & & & 日更名为T133,于1921年出售,1921年被解体.
G134 & & & & Germaniawerft Kiel, 1904 & & & & 23.07.1906 & & & & 06.03.1907 & & & & 日更名为T134,于1920年出售,1921年被解体.
G135 & & & & Germaniawerft Kiel, 1904 & & & & 07.09.1906 & & & & 24.01.1907 & & & & 日更名为T135,于1921年出售,1921年被解体..
G136 & & & & Germaniawerft Kiel, 1904 & & & & 25.08.1906 & & & & 16.03.1907 & & & & 日更名为T136,于1921年出售,1921年被解体.
G137 & & & & Germaniawerft Kiel, 1904 & & & & 24.01.1907 & & & & 24.07.1907 & & & & 日更名为T137,被做训练舰艇使用,于1921年出售,1921年被解体.
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该艇分别在3个船厂建造(Schichau, Vulcan and Germaniawerft),这些艇在尺寸和武备上有些不同,那些最大的艇差不多比最小的同型艇达三分之一,他们的前辈不同的是,这种大型鱼雷艇在1900年设计,大部分装备蒸汽轮机,头21艘仍旧装备老式的三胀式蒸汽机。这些装三胀机的艇的最高航速比装蒸汽轮机的艇的最高航速慢3节左右。
这些艇中有些熬过了一战并在魏玛德国海军(Reichsmarine, 1918 to 1935.)和纳粹的战争海军(Kriegsmarine, 1935 to 1945)中服役。他们当中的一些被全面翻新过包括结构和武备(以10.5cm炮取代8.8cm炮)。他们在二战中被当作训练舰,快速拖船,遥控艇或试验艇,有一些甚至熬过了二战后进入苏联海军服役至1960年(质量真TMD好)。
总长 :70.5—74.10米
10.5cm L/35:1--3(1930年以后出现在一些艇上)
8.8cm L/35:1--3
螺旋桨:2 (S125 & G137: 3)
引擎/轮机:2 (S125 & G137: 3)
总功率; 1shp
航程:895-1250 sea miles@17400 miles @ 30kn
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Name & & & & Construction & & & & Launched & & & & Commissioned & & & & Fate
S138 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1906 & & & & 22.09.1906 & & & & 07.05.1907 & & & & Sunk after mine hit on 07.07.1918 in the North Sea.
S139 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1906 & & & & 12.11.1906 & & & & 06.07.1907 & & & & Used in Reichsmarine and Kriegsmarine, used in U-Boat Training Flotilla in 1944, fate unknown.
S140 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1906 & & & & 22.12.1906 & & & & 03.08.1907 & & & & Used in Reichsmarine as tugboat and torpedo recovery vessel Pfeil . Sold and scrapped in 1921.
S141 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1906 & & & & 07.02.1907 & & & & 09.09.1907 & & & & Used in Reichsmarine as tugboat and torpedo recovery vessel Blitz .Sold and scrapped in 1933.
S142 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1906 & & & & 06.03.1907 & & & &&&20.09.1907 & & & & Used in Reichsmarine as training ship. Sold and scrapped in 1921.
S143 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1906 & & & & 06.04.1907 & & & &&&12.10.1907 & & & & Sold and scrapped in 1927.
S144 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1907 & & & & 27.04.1907 & & & & 03.12.1907 & & & & Sold and scrapped in 1929.
S145 & & & &
Schichau Elbing, 1907
& & & & 08.06.1907 & & & & 17.12.1907 & & & & Used in Reichsmarine as escort vessel. Sold and scrapped in 1921.
S146 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1907 & & & & 27.06.1907 & & & & 20.11.1907 & & & & Used in Reichsmarine as training ship. Sold and scrapped in 1929.
S147 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1907 & & & & 03.08.1907 & & & & 10.04.1908 & & & & Used in Reichsmarine as escort vessel. Sold and scrapped in 1921.
S148 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1907 & & & & 11.09.1907 & & & & 18.03.1908 & & & & Used in Reichsmarine as escort vessel. Sold and scrapped in 1935.
S149 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1907 & & & & 19.10.1907 & & & &&&27.07.1908 & & & & Sold and scrapped in 1927.
V150 & & & & Vulkan Stettin, 1907 & & & & 01.08.1907 & & & & 20.11.1907 & & & & Sunk after collision with V157 on 18.05.1915.
V151 & & & & Vulkan Stettin, 1907 & & & & 14.09.1907 & & & & 29.02.1908 & & & & Used in Reichsmarine and Kriegsmarine, used as tugboat Komet and torpedo recovery vessel. Given to USA in 1946, scrapped in 1948.
V152 & & & & Vulkan Stettin, 1907 & & & & 11.10.1907 & & & & 10.04.1908 & & & & Sold and scrapped in 1935.
V153 & & & & Vulkan Stettin, 1907 & & & & 13.11.1907 & & & & 09.05.1908 & & & & Used in Reichsmarine and Kriegsmarine, operated as rangefinder training boat Eduard Jungmann . Scrapped 1949.
V154 & & & & Vulkan Stettin, 1907 & & & & 19.12.1907 & & & & 05.06.1908 & & & & Sold and scrapped in 1935.
V155 & & & & Vulkan Stettin, 1907 & & & & 28.01.1908 & & & & 25.06.1908 & & & & Used in Reichsmarine and Kriegsmarine, used as fleet tender and torpedo recovery vessel. Sunk on 22.04.1945 near Swinemünde.
V156 & & & & Vulkan Stettin, 1907 & & & & 29.02.1908 & & & &&&21.07.1908 & & & & Used in Reichsmarine and Kriegsmarine, used as torpedo recovery vessel Bremse . Scuttled on 03.05.1945, raised and sunk at Jutland on 10.06.1946.
V157 & & & & Vulkan Stettin, 1907 & & & & 29.05.1908 & & & & 27.08.1908 & & & & Used in Reichsmarine and Kriegsmarine, used as torpedo recovery vessel. Sunk after mine hit on 22.10.1943
V158 & & & & Vulkan Stettin, 1907 & & & & 23.06.1908 & & & & 08.10.1908 & & & & Used in Reichsmarine and Kriegsmarine, used as ftorpedo recovery vessel. Taken over by Russia after the war, renamed to Prozorlivyj . Reclassified as trainig hulk Araks on 22.12.1950, scrapped in 1961.
V159 & & & & Vulkan Stettin, 1907 & & & & 18.07.1908 & & & & 02.11.1908 & & & & Delivered to Britain on 20.08.1920, scrapped 1922.
V160 & & & & Vulkan Stettin, 1907 & & & & 12.09.1908 & & & & 15.12.1908 & & & & Delivered to Britain on 20.08.1920, scrapped 1922.
V161 & & & & Vulkan Stettin, 1908 & & & & 21.04.1908 & & & & 17.09.1908 & & & & Delivered to Britain on 03.09.1920, scrapped 1922.
V162 & & & & Vulkan Stettin, 1908 & & & & 09.05.1909 & & & & 28.05.1909 & & & & Sunk on the Baltic Sea on 15.08.1916 after a mine hit.
V163 & & & &&&Vulkan Stettin, 1908 & & & & 24.05.1909 & & & & 22.07.1909 & & & & Delivered to Britain on 03.09.1920, scrapped 1922.
V164 & & & & Vulkan Stettin, 1908 & & & & 27.05.1909 & & & &&&20.08.1909 & & & & Delivered to Britain on 05.08.1920, scrapped 1922.
S165 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1908 & & & & 26.11.1910 & & & & 27.04.1911 & & & & Delivered to Britain on 15.09.1920, scrapped 1922.
S166 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1908 & & & & 27.12.1910 & & & & 07.07.1911 & & & & Delivered to Britain on 05.08.1920, scrapped 1922.
S167 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1908 & & & &&&15.02.1911 & & & & 26.08.1911 & & & & Sold and scrapped in 1921.
S168 & & & & Schichtau Elbing, 1908 & & & & 16.03.1911 & & & & 01.07.1911 & & & & Sold and scrapped in 1927.
G169 & & & & Germaniawerft Kiel, 1908 & & & & 29.12.1908 & & & & 29.04.1909 & & & & Delivered to Britain on 05.08.1920, scrapped 1922.
G170 & & & & Germaniawerft Kiel, 1908 & & & & 03.03.1909 & & & & 14.07.1909 & & & & Sold and scrapped in 1921.
G171 & & & & Germaniawerft Kiel, 1909 & & & & 28.05.1909 & & & & 04.01.1910 & & & & Sunk after collision with Linienschiff Zähringen in the North Sea onn 14.09.1912.
G172 & & & & Germaniawerft Kiel, 1909 & & & & 10.07.1909 & & & & 04.01.1910 & & & & Sunk after mine hit on 07.07.1918 in the North Sea.
G173 & & & & Germaniawerft Kiel, 1909 & & & &&&28.07.1909 & & & & 24.01.1910 & & & & Delivered to Britain on 03.09.1920, scrapped 1922.
G174 & & & & Germaniawerft Kiel, 1909 & & & &&&08.01.1910 & & & & 06.07.1910 & & & &
Delivered to Britain on 20.08.1920, scrapped 1922.
G175 & & & & Germaniawerft Kiel, 1909 & & & & 24.02.1910 & & & &&&04.12.1910 & & & & Used in Reichsmarine as escort vessel. Sold and scrapped in 1926.
S176 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1909 & & & &&&12.04.1910 & & & & 23.09.1910 & & & & Delivered to Britain on 15.09.1920, scrapped 1922.
S177 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1909 & & & & 21.05.1910 & & & & 16.02.1911 & & & & Sunk after Mine hit on 23.12.1915 in the Baltic Sea.
S178 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1909 & & & & 14.07.1910 & & & & 09.12.1910 & & & &
Delivered to Britain on 05.08.1920, scrapped 1922.
S179 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1909 & & & & 27.08.1909 & & & & 08.03.1911 & & & & Delivered to Britain on 05.08.1920, scrapped 1921.
V180 & & & & Vulkan Stettin, 1909 & & & & 15.10.1909 & & & & 04.01.1910 & & & & Delivered to Brazil on 05.08.1920, scrapped 1922.
V181 & & & & Vulkan Stettin, 1909 & & & & 06.11.1909 & & & & 11.03.1910 & & & & Delivered to Japan on 20.08.1920, scrapped 1922.
V182 & & & & Vulkan Stettin, 1909 & & & & 01.12.1909 & & & & 04.05.1910 & & & & Delivered to Britain on 05.08.1920, scrapped 1922.
V183 & & & & Vulkan Stettin, 1909 & & & & 23.12.1909 & & & & 12.05.1910 & & & & Delivered to Britain on 05.08.1920, scrapped 1922.
V184 & & & & Vulkan Stettin, 1909 & & & & 26.02.1910 & & & & 29.06.1910 & & & & Delivered to Britain on 05.08.1920, scrapped 1922.
V185 & & & & Vulkan Stettin, 1909 & & & & 09.04.1910 & & & & 20.09.1910 & & & & Used in Reichsmarine and Kriegsmarine as fast tugboat Blitz . Taken over by Russia in 1945, renamed to Vystrel . Scrapped in 1960.
V186 & & & & Vulkan Stettin, 1910 & & & & 28.11.1910 & & & & 21.04.1911 & & & & Delivered to Britain on 05.08.1920, scrapped 1922.
V187 & & & & Vulkan Stettin, 1910 & & & & 11.01.1911 & & & & 04.05.1911 & & & & Sunk by British destroyers and cruisers in the North Sea on 28.08.1914.
V188 & & & & Vulkan Stettin, 1910 & & & & 08.02.1911 & & & & 20.05.1911 & & & & Sunk by British submarine E5 on 26.07.1915 in the North Sea.
V189 & & & & Vulkan Stettin, 1910 & & & & 14.03.1911 & & & & 30.06.1911 & & & & Beached on the British coast in December 1920.
V190 & & & & Vulkan Stettin, 1910 & & & & 12.04.1911 & & & & 05.08.1911 & & & & Used in Reichsmarine and Kriegsmarine as experimental ship Claus von Bevern . Taken over by the USA in 1945, sunk near Jutland in 1946.
V191 & & & & Vulkan Stettin, 1910 & & & & 02.06.1911 & & & & 28.09.1911 & & & & Sunk after mine hit on 17.12.1915 in the Baltic Sea.
G192 & & & & Germaniawerft Kiel, 1910 & & & & 05.11.1910 & & & & 08.05.1911 & & & & Delivered to Britain on 28.04.1920, scrapped 1922.
G193 & & & & Germaniawerft Kiel, 1910 & & & & 10.12.1910 & & & & 25.06.1911 & & & & Delivered to Britain on 28.04.1920, scrapped 1922.
G194 & & & & Germaniawerft Kiel, 1910 & & & & 12.01.1911 & & & & 02.08.1911 & & & & Rammed by British cruiser Cleopatra in the North Sea on 26.03.1916
G195 & & & & Germaniawerft Kiel, 1910 & & & & 08.04.1911 & & & & 08.09.1911 & & & & Delivered to Britain on 28.04.1920, scrapped 1922.
G196 & & & & Germaniawerft Kiel, 1910 & & & & 24.05.1911 & & & & 02.10.1911 & & & & Used in Reichsmarine and Kriegsmarine as training ship. Taken over by Russia in 1945, renamed to Pronziel'nyj . Scrapped in 1949.
G197 & & & & Germaniawerft Kiel, 1910 & & & & 23.06.1911 & & & & 10.11.1911 & & & & Delivered to Britain on 28.04.1920, scrapped 1921.
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总长 :71.10—72.50米
8.8cm L/35:2
形式:Vulcan, AEG or Schichau
总功率; 1shp
航程: sea miles@17490 miles @ 29kn
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Name & & & & Construction & & & & Launched & & & & Commissioned & & & & Fate
V1 & & & & Vulkan Stettin, 1911 & & & & 11.09.1911 & & & & 12.01.1912 & & & & Used in the Reichsmarine, scrapped 1929.
V2 & & & & Vulkan Stettin, 1911 & & & & 14.10.1911 & & & & 28.03.1912 & & & & Used in the Reichsmarine, scrapped 1929.
V3 & & & & Vulkan Stettin, 1911 & & & & 15.11.1911 & & & & 02.05.1912 & & & & Used in the Reichsmarine, scrapped 1929.
V4 & & & & Vulkan Stettin, 1911 & & & & 23.12.1911 & & & & 16.06.1912 & & & & Sunk by a torpedo in the North Sea on 01.06.1916.
V5 & & & & Vulkan Stettin, 1912 & & & & 25.04.1913 & & & & 17.07.1913 & & & & Used in the Reichsmarine, scrapped 1929.
V6 & & & & Vulkan Stettin, 1912 & & & & 28.02.1913 & & & & 17.05.1913 & & & & Used in the Reichsmarine, scrapped 1929.
G7 & & & & Germaniawerft Kiel, 1911 & & & & 07.11.1911 & & & & 30.04.1912 & & & & Used in Reichsmarine and Kriegsmarine, used as a training ship. Taken over by the Russians in 1946, renamed to Porazajuscij . Reclassified to training hulk Kanzanka in 1950, scrapped 1957.
G8 & & & & Germaniawerft Kiel, 1911& && & & & 21.12.1911 & & & & 06.08.1912 & & & & Used in Reichsmarine and Kriegsmarine, used as a training ship. Taken over by Britain in 1946, scrapped.
G9 & & & & Germaniawerft Kiel, 1911 & & & & 31.01.1912 & & & & 25.09.1912 & & & & Sunk after mine hit in the North Sea on 03.05.1918.
G10 & & & & Germaniawerft Kiel, 1911 & & & & 15.03.1912 & & & & 28.08.1912 & & & & Used in Reichsmarine and Kriegsmarine, used as a training ship. Scuttled on 05.05.1945.
G11 & & & & Germaniawerft Kiel, 1911 & & & & 23.04.1912 & & & & 08.08.1912 & & & & Used in Reichsmarine and Kriegsmarine, used as a training ship. Sunk on 03.04.1945 after a bomb hit.
G12 & & & & Germaniawerft Kiel, 1911 & & & & 15.07.1912 & & & & 17.10.1912 & & & & Sunk after collision with V1 and torpedo explosion on 08.09.1915.
S13 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1911 & & & & 07.12.1911 & & & & 02.07.1912 & & & & Sunk after explosion of own torpedo on 06.11.1914.
S14 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1911 & & & & 02.03.1912 & & & & 01.11.1912 & & & & Sunk after explosion on 19.02.1915.
S15 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1911 & & & & 23.03.1912 & & & & 01.11.1912 & & & & Decomissioned after mine hit on 21.08.1917, broken down.
S16 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1911 & & & & 20.04.1912 & & & & 01.10.1912 & & & & Sunk after mine hit in the North Sea on 20.01.1918.
S17 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1911 & & & & 22.06.1912 & & & & 07.12.1912 & & & & Sunk after mine hit in the North Sea on 16.05.1917.
S18 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1911 & & & & 10.08.1912 & & & & 12.01.1913 & & & & Used in the Reichsmarine, scrapped 1935.
S19 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1911 & & & & 17.10.1912 & & & & 29.03.1913 & & & & Used in the Reichsmarine, scrapped 1935.
S20 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1912 & & & & 04.12.1912 & & & & 01.11.1913 & & & & Sunk by British ships on 05.06.1917.
S21 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1912 & & & & 11.01.1913 & & & & 20.06.1913 & & & & Sunk in the North Sea after collision with the small cruiser Hamburg on 21.04.1915.
S22 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1912 & & & & 15.02.1913 & & & & 23.07.1913 & & & & Sunk after mine hit in the North Sea on 26.03.1916.
S23 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1912 & & & & 29.03.1913 & & & & 01.11.1913 & & & & Used in Reichsmarine and Kriegsmarine. Modified to control ship Komet for the target ship Hessen . Taken over by Russia in 1945.
S24 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1912 & & & & 28.06.1913 & & & & 27.08.1913 & & & & Delivered to Britain in 1920, beached in December 1920 at the British South Coast.
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与其前辈相比,1911级艇是其设计的原型,1913级艇在其基础上稍加放大,他们主要的变化是增加了第三门8.8cm炮(后来是10.5cm)和换装了双联鱼雷发射管。有一些艇在战争中被改装可以运载1-2加水上飞机(transport 1-2 float planes.)。
总长 :78.74—84.65米
8.8cm L/45:3(一些装备10.5cm炮)
总功率; 2shp
航程: sea miles@20kn
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Name & & & & Construction & & & & Launched & & & & Commissioned & & & & Fate
V25 & & & & Vulkan Stettin, 1913 & & & & 29.01.1914 & & & & 27.06.1914 & & & & Sunk after mine hit in the North Sea on 13.02.1915.
V26 & & & & Vulkan Stettin, 1913 & & & & 21.02.1914 & & & & 01.08.1914 & & & & Delivered to Britain after World War I, scrapped 1922.
V27 & & & & Vulkan Stettin, 1913 & & & & 26.03.1914 & & & & 02.09.1914 & & & & Sunk by British cruisers on 31.05.1916.
V28 & & & & Vulkan Stettin, 1913 & & & & 09.05.1914 & & & & 22.09.1914 & & & & Delivered to Britain after World War I, scrapped 1922.
V29 & & & & Vulkan Stettin, 1913 & & & & 18.08.1914 & & & & 19.10.1914 & & & & Sunk by torpedo of British destroyer Perard on 31.05.1916.
V30 & & & & Vulkan Stettin, 1913 & & & & 18.09.1914 & & & & 16.11.1914 & & & & Sunk after mine hit on its way to Scapa Flow on 20.11.1918.
S31 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1913 & & & & 20.12.1913 & & & & 09.08.1914 & & & & Sunk after mine hit in the Baltic Sea on 19.08.1915.
S32 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1913&&& & & & 28.02.1914 & & & & 10.09.1914 & & & & Scuttled at Scapa Flow on 21.06.1919, raised and scrapped in 1925.
S33 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1913 & & & & 04.04.1914 & & & & 04.10.1914 & & & & Sunk by British submarine L10 on 03.10.1918.
S34 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1913 & & & & 13.06.1914 & & & & 05.11.1914 & & & & Sunk after mine hit in the North Sea on 03.10.1918.
S35 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1913 & & & & 30.08.1914 & & & & 04.12.1914 & & & & Sunk during the Battle as Jutland on 31.05.1916 by British battleship fire.
S36 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1913 & & & & 17.10.1914 & & & & 04.01.1915 & & & & Scuttled at Scapa Flow on 21.06.1919, raised and scrapped in 1925.
G37 & & & & Germaniawerft Kiel, 1914 & & & & 17.12.1914 & & & & 29.06.1914 & & & & Sunk after mine hit in the North Sea on 04.11.1917.
G38 & & & & Germaniawerft Kiel, 1914 & & & & 23.12.1914 & & & & 30.07.1915 & & & & Scuttled at Scapa Flow on 21.06.1919, raised and scrapped in 1924.
G39 & & & & Germaniawerft Kiel, 1914 & & & & 16.01.1915 & & & & 20.08.1915 & & & & Scuttled at Scapa Flow on 21.06.1919, raised and scrapped in 1925.
G40 & & & & Germaniawerft Kiel, 1914 & & & & 27.02.1915 & & & & 16.09.1915 & & & & Scuttled at Scapa Flow on 21.06.1919, raised and scrapped in 1925.
G41 & & & & Germaniawerft Kiel, 1914 & & & & 24.04.1915 & & & & 14.10.1915 & & & & Put out of service in Brügge on 03.10.1918.
G42 & & & & Germaniawerft Kiel, 1914 & & & & 20.05.1915 & & & & 10.11.1915 & & & & Sunk by British destroyers Swift and Broke on 21.04.1917.
V43 & & & & Vulkan Stettin, 1914 & & & & 27.01.1915 & & & & 28.05.1915 & & & & Scuttling at Scapa flow failed, given to US-Navy in 1920. Sunk as target ship by US battleship Florida on 15.07.1921.
V44 & & & & Vulkan Stettin, 1914 & & & & 24.02.1915 & & & & 22.07.1915 & & & & Scuttled at Scapa Flow on 21.06.1919, raised and scrapped in 1925.
V45 & & & & Vulkan Stettin, 1914 & & & & 29.03.1915 & & & & 30.09.1915 & & & & Scuttled at Scapa Flow on 21.06.1919, raised and scrapped in 1924.
V46 & & & & Vulkan Stettin, 1914 & & & & 23.12.1914 & & & & 31.10.1915 & & & & Scuttling at Scapa flow failed, given to France in 1920.Scraped in 1924.
V47 & & & & Vulkan Stettin, 1914 & & & & 10.06.1915 & & & & 20.11.1915 & & & & Scuttled in Belgium on 02.11.1918.
V48 & & & & Vulkan Stettin, 1914 & & & & 06.08.1915 & & & & 10.12.1915 & & & & Sunk during the Battle as Jutland on 31.05.1916 by British battleship fire.
S49 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1914 & & & & 10.04.1915 & & & & 12.07.1915 & & & & Scuttled at Scapa Flow on 21.06.1919, raised and scrapped in 1924.
S50 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1914 & & & & 24.04.1915 & & & & 15.08.1915 & & & & Scuttled at Scapa Flow on 21.06.1919, raised and scrapped in 1924.
S51 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1914& && & & & 29.04.1915 & & & & 07.09.1915 & & & & Scuttled at Scapa Flow on 21.06.1919, but beached. Scrapped in 1922.
S52& && & & & Schichau Elbing, 1914 & & & & 12.06.1915 & & & & 28.09.1915 & & & & Scuttled at Scapa Flow on 21.06.1919, raised and scrapped in 1924.
S53 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1914 & & & & 18.09.1915 & & & & 17.12.1915 & & & & Scuttled at Scapa Flow on 21.06.1919, raised and scrapped in 1927.
S54 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1914 & & & & 11.10.1915 & & & & 30.01.1916 & & & & Scuttled at Scapa Flow on 21.06.1919, but beached. Scrapped in 1924.
S55 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1914 & & & & 06.11.1915 & & & & 06.03.1916 & & & & Scuttled at Scapa Flow on 21.06.1919, raised and scrapped in 1924.
S56 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1914 & & & & 11.12.1915 & & & & 16.04.1916 & & & & Scuttled at Scapa Flow on 21.06.1919, raised and scrapped in 1928.
S57 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1914 & & & & 08.01.1916 & & & & 05.05.1916 & & & & Sunk after mine hit in the Baltic Sea on 10.11.1916.
S58& && & & & Schichau Elbing, 1914 & & & & 05.02.1916 & & & & 04.06.1916 & & & & Sunk after mine hit in the Baltic Sea on 11.11.1916.
S59& && & & & Schichau Elbing, 1914 & & & & 16.02.1916 & & & & 03.07.1916 & & & & Sunk after mine hit in the Baltic Sea on 11.11.1916.
S60 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1914 & & & & 03.04.1916 & & & & 15.08.1916 & & & & Scuttled at Scapa Flow on 21.06.1919, but beached. Scrapped in 1920.
S61 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1914 & & & & 08.04.1916 & & & & 20.09.1916 & & & & Scuttled in Belgium on 02.11.1918.
S62 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1914 & & & & 13.05.1916 & & & & 07.11.1916 & & & & Sunk after mine hit in the North Sea on 10.07.1918.
S63 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1914 & & & & 27.05.1916 & & & & 18.12.1916 & & & & Delivered to Italy, renamed to Ardimentoso. Scrapped in 1939.
S64 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1914 & & & & 21.08.1916 & & & & 15.03.1917 & & & & Sunk after mine hit in the Baltic Sea on 18.10.1917.
S65& && & & & Schichau Elbing, 1914 & & & & 14.10.1916 & & & & 22.04.1917 & & & & Scuttled at Scapa Flow on 21.06.1919, raised and scrapped in 1924.
S66 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1914& && & & & 21.11.1916 & & & & 09.05.1917 & & & & Sunk after mine hit in the North Sea on 10.07.1918.
V67 & & & & Vulkan Stettin, 1914 & & & & 03.08.1915 & & & & 20.11.1915 & & & & Scuttled in Belgium on 02.11.1918.
V68 & & & & Vulkan Stettin, 1914 & & & & 24.08.1915 & & & & 03.12.1915 & & & & Sunk after mine hit in the North Sea on 08.08.1918.
V69& && & & & Vulkan Stettin, 1914 & & & & 18.08.1915 & & & & 09.01.1916 & & & & Scuttled in Belgium on 02.11.1918.
V70 & & & & Vulkan Stettin, 1914 & & & & 14.10.1915 & & & & 06.01.1916 & & & & Scuttled at Scapa Flow on 21.06.1919, raised and scrapped in 1929.
V71 & & & & Vulkan Stettin, 1914 & & & & 01.09.1915 & & & & 10.03.1916 & & & & Delivered to Britain, broken down in 1921.
V72 & & & & Vulkan Stettin, 1914 & & & & 30.12.1915 & & & & 28.03.1916 & & & & Sunk after mine hit in the Baltic Sea on 11.11.1916.
V73 & & & & Vulkan Stettin, 1914 & & & & 24.09.1915 & & & & 16.02.1916 & & & & Scuttling at Scapa flow failed, scrapped in 1922.
V74 & & & & Vulkan Stettin, 1914 & & & & 29.10.1915 & & & & 28.03.1916 & & & & Scuttled in Belgium on 03.11.1918.
V75 & & & & Vulkan Stettin, 1914 & & & & 15.01.1916 & & & & 29.04.1916 & & & & Sunk after mine hit in the Baltic Sea on 10.11.1916.
V76 & & & & Vulkan Stettin, 1914 & & & & 27.02.1916 & & & & 08.06.1916 & & & & Sunk after mine hit in the Baltic Sea on 11.11.1916.
V77 & & & & Vulkan Stettin, 1914 & & & & 28.02.1916 & & & & 18.05.1916 & & & & Scuttled in Belgium on 02.11.1918.
V78 & & & & Vulkan Stettin, 1914 & & & & 19.02.1916 & & & & 18.05.1916 & & & & Scuttled at Scapa Flow on 21.06.1919, raised and scrapped in 1925.
V79 & & & & Vulkan Stettin, 1914 & & & & 18.04.1916 & & & & 11.07.1916 & & & & Delivered to France, renamed to Pierre Durand . Scrapped 1933.
V80 & & & & Vulkan Stettin, 1914 & & & & 28.04.1916 & & & & 06.07.1916 & & & & Scuttling at Scapa flow failed, scrapped in 1922.
V81 & & & & Vulkan Stettin, 1914 & & & & 27.05.1916 & & & & 29.07.1916 & & & & Scuttled at Scapa Flow on 21.06.1919, raised but sunk again on the way to the scrapping place.
V82& && & & & Vulkan Stettin, 1914 & & & & 05.07.1916 & & & & 30.08.1916 & & & & Scuttling at Scapa flow failed, scrapped in 1922.
V83 & & & & Vulkan Stettin, 1914 & & & & 10.06.1916 & & & &&&03.10.1916 & & & & Scuttling at Scapa flow failed, wreck still existing in the late 1980s.
V84 & & & & Vulkan Stettin, 1914 & & & & 17.08.1916 & & & & 06.11.1916 & & & & Sunk after mine hit in the North Sea on 26.05.1917.
G85 & & & & Germaniawerft Kiel, 1915 & & & & 24.07.1915 & & & & 14.12.1915 & & & & Sunk by British destroyers Swift and Broke on 21.04.1917.
G86 & & & & Germaniawerft Kiel, 1915 & & & & 24.08.1915 & & & & 11.01.1916 & & & & Scuttled at Scapa Flow on 21.06.1919, raised and scrapped in 1925.
G87 & & & & Germaniawerft Kiel, 1915 & & & & 22.09.1915 & & & & 10.02.1916 & & & & Sunk after mine hit in the North Sea on 30.03.1917.
G88 & & & & Germaniawerft Kiel, 1915 & & & & 16.10.1915 & & & & 11.13.1916 & & & & Sunk by British torpedo boat on 08.04.1917.
G89 & & & & Germaniawerft Kiel, 1915 & & & & 11.12.1915 & & & & 10.05.1916 & & & & Scuttled at Scapa Flow on 21.06.1919, raised and scrapped in 1926.
G90 & & & & Germaniawerft Kiel, 1915 & & & & 15.01.1916 & & & & 15.06.1916 & & & & Sunk after mine hit in the Baltic Sea on 11.11.1916.
G91 & & & & Germaniawerft Kiel, 1915 & & & & 16.11.1915 & & & & 22.07.1916 & & & & Scuttled at Scapa Flow on 21.06.1919, raised and scrapped in 1924.
G92 & & & & Germaniawerft Kiel, 1915 & & & & 15.02.1916 & & & & 25.08.1916 & & & & Scuttled at Scapa Flow on 21.06.1919, raised and scrapped in 1921-22.
G93 & & & & Germaniawerft Kiel, 1915 & & & & 11.07.1916 & & & & 27.09.1916 & & & & Sunk after mine hit in the North Sea on 30.03.1917.
G94 & & & & Germaniawerft Kiel, 1915 & & & & 01.08.1916 & & & & 26.10.1916 & & & & Sunk after mine hit in the North Sea on 30.03.1917.
G95 & & & & Germaniawerft Kiel, 1915 & & & & 29.08.1916 & & & & 25.11.1916 & & & & Delivered to Britain, broken down in 1921.
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12:12 编辑 ]
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15:31 上传
总长 :41.58米
5cm L/40:1(一些装备5.2cm炮)
总功率; 1093shp
航程:440 miles@19kn
TB1914-1.jpg (68.73 KB, 下载次数: 12)
16:56 上传
Name & & & & Construction & & & & Launched & & & & Commissioned & & & & Fate
A1& &&&& & & & Vulkan Werke Hamburg
& & & & 16.01.1915 & & & & 29.01.1915 & & & & Scrapped in Kiel 1922.
A2 & & & & Vulkan Werke Hamburg
& & & & 17.03.1915 & & & & 23.03.1915 & & & & Sunk by British destroyers in the North Sea on 01.05.1915.
A3 & & & & Vulkan Werke Hamburg
& & & & 24.06.1915 & & & & 13.07.1915 & & & & Disaperared on route form Kiel to Danzig on 07.11.1915.
A4 & & & & Vulkan Werke Hamburg & && & & & 26.06.1915 & & & & 30.06.1915 & & & & Scuttled on 11.11.1918 in Flandern, raised by Belgium and used until 1931.
A5 & & & & Vulkan Werke Hamburg
& & & & 05.05.1915 & & & & 10.05.1915 & & & & Interned in Belgium, used by the Belgian Navy until 1931 when it was scrapped.
A6 & & & & Vulkan Werke Hamburg
& & & & 03.04.1915 & & & & 08.04.1915 & & & & Sunk by British destroyers in the North Sea on 01.05.1915.
A7 & & & & Vulkan Werke Hamburg
& & & & 02.02.1915 & & & & 19.04.1915 & & & & Sunk by French destroyers Capitaine Mehl and Bouclier near Ostend on 21.03.1918.
A8 & & & & Vulkan Werke Hamburg
& & & & 25.04.1915 & & & & 21.05.1915 & & & & Interned in Belgium, used by the Belgian Navy until 1939 when it was scrapped.
A9 & & & & Vulkan Werke Hamburg
& & & & 04.08.1915 & & & & 06.08.1915 & & & & Interned in Belgium, used by the Belgian Navy until 1939 when it was scrapped.
A10 & & & & Vulkan Werke Hamburg
& & & & 16.08.1915 & & & & 23.08.1915 & & & & Sunk on 07.02.1918 after mine hits in the North Sea.
A11 & & & & Vulkan Werke Hamburg
& & & & 04.06.1915 & & & & 07.06.1915 & & & & Interned in Belgium, used by the Belgian Navy until 1931 when it was scrapped.
A12 & & & & Vulkan Werke Hamburg
& & & & 28.04.1915 & & & & 02.051915 & & & & Interned in Belgium, used by the Belgian Navy until 1931 when it was scrapped.
A13 & & & & Vulkan Werke Hamburg & && & & & 15.05.1915 & & & & 21.05.1915 & & & & Sunk after bomb hit on 16.08.1917 near Ostend.
A14 & & & & Vulkan Werke Hamburg
& & & & 22.07.1915 & & & & 27.07.1915 & & & & Interned in Belgium, used by the Belgian Navy until 1931 when it was scrapped.
A15 & & & & Vulkan Werke Hamburg
& & & & 10.07.1915 & & & & 15.07.1915 & & & & Sunk by French destroyers Branlebas and Oriflamme on 23.08.1915.
A16 & & & & Vulkan Werke Hamburg
& & & & 16.06.1915 & & & & 19.06.1915 & & & & Interned in Belgium, used by the Belgian Navy until 1931 when it was scrapped.
A17 & & & & Vulkan Werke Hamburg
& & & & 08.06.1915 & & & & 06.07.1915 & & & & Scrapped in Kiel 1922.
A18 & & & & Vulkan Werke Hamburg
& & & & 02.07.1915 & & & & 20.07.1915 & & & & Scrapped in Kiel 1922.
A19 & & & & Vulkan Werke Hamburg
& & & & 09.09.1915 & & & & 15.10.1915 & & & & Rammed by British destroyer Botha on 21.03.1918.
A20& && & & & Vulkan Werke Hamburg
& & & & 27.08.1915 & & & & 01.09.1915 & & & & Interned in Belgium, used by the Belgian Navy. Captured by german troops in May 1940. Renamed ot artillery training ship Reiher , later to range finder training ship Warendrop . Broken down in Wilhlemvshaven in 1948.
A21& && & & & Vulkan Werke Hamburg
& & & &&&01.06.1915 & & & & 29.06.1915 & & & & Scrapped in Kiel 1921.
A22& && & & & Vulkan Werke Hamburg
& & & & 22.05.1915 & & & & 08.06.1915 & & & & Scrapped after 1922.
A23& && & & & Vulkan Werke Hamburg
& & & & 05.05.1915 & & & & 29.05.1915 & & & & Scrapped after 1922.
A24& && & & & Vulkan Werke Hamburg
& & & &&&12.06.1915 & & & & 06.08.1915 & & & & Scrapped after 1922.
A25& && & & & Vulkan Werke Hamburg
& & & & 13.07.1915 & & & & 27.07.1915 & & & & Scrapped after 1922.
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16:56 编辑 ]
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16:28 上传
这种艇有7艘被拆解并被运到安特卫普重新组装。A51则被经铁路运到普拉(Pola 南斯拉夫)并在地中海使用。
总长 :50.0米
8.8cm L/30:3
形式:Schichau 齿轮汽轮机
总功率; 3506shp
航程:690 miles@20kn
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Name & & & & Construction & & & & Launched & & & & Commissioned & & & & Fate
A26& &&&& & & & Schichau Elbing, 1916 & & & & 20.05.1916 & & & & 22.07.1916 & & & & Scrapped in Kiel 1921.
A27 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1916 & & & & 27.05.1916 & & & & 12.08.1916 & & & & Taken over by Britain on 20.08.1920, broken down in 1922.
A28 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1916& && & & & 10.06.1916 & & & & 26.08.1916 & & & & Taken over by Britain on 20.08.1920, broken down in 1922.
A29 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1916 & & & & 15.06.1916 & & & & 09.09.1916 & & & & Taken over by Britain on 20.08.1920, broken down in 1923.
A30 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1916 & & & & 15.07.1916 & & & & 28.09.1916 & & & & Interned in Belgium, used by the Belgian Navy until 1927 when it was scrapped.
A31 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1916 & & & & 01.07.1916 & & & & 30.09.1916 & & & & Taken over by Britain on 20.08.1920, broken down in 1923.
A32 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1916 & & & & 15.07.1916 & & & & 14.10.1916 & & & & On 25.10.1917 beached at heavy gale on Oesel island, in 1923 refloated by Estonians, repaired, renamed as Sulev , and commissioned as torpedo boat. On 06.08.1940, commissioned into Baltic Fleet as guard ship, on 17.10.1940 transferred to Naval Board Guard School of NKVD, where it served as board guard ship and training ship, on 26.10.1940 renamed as Ametist . On 22.06.1941, the ship was returned to Baltic fleet and reclassified as guard ship. She served in the Finnish gulf during the war, on 18.09-01.10.1942 was in reserve. On 15.06.1945 returned to Sea Board Guard of NKVD, on 04.07.1945 removed from the Navy, and later served as training ship. In 1950s disarmed, removed from the Sea Board Forces of KGB, and scrapped.
A33 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1916 & & & & 29.07.1916 & & & & 30.10.1916 & & & & Taken over by Britain on 15.09.1920, broken down in 1923.
A34 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1916 & & & & 20.07.1916 & & & & 08.11.1916 & & & &
Taken over by Britain on 15.09.1920, broken down in 1923.
A35 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1916 & & & & 19.08.1916 & & & & 01.12.1916 & & & &
Taken over by Britain on 20.08.1920, broken down in 1922.
A36 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1916 & & & & 14.08.1916 & & & & 27.11.1916 & & & &
Taken over by Britain on 20.08.1920, broken down in 1922.
A37 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1916 & & & & 12.08.1916 & & & & 24.11.1916 & & & &
Taken over by Britain on 15.09.1920, broken down in 1923.
A38 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1916 & & & & 17.10.1916 & & & & 14.03.1917 & & & &
Taken over by Britain on 15.09.1920, broken down in 1923.
A39 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1916 & & & & 12.09.1916 & & & & 16.12.1916 & & & &
Taken over by Britain on 20.08.1920, broken down in 1922.
A40 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1916 & & & & 02.09.1916 & & & & 08.12.1916 & & & &
Interned in Belgium, used by the Belgian Navy until 1927. Used as floating repair shop after that.
A41 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1916 & & & & 08.12.1916 & & & & 16.03.1916 & & & &
Taken over by Britain on 20.08.1920, broken down in 1922.
A42 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1916 & & & & 01.11.1916 & & & & 05.01.1917 & & & &
Interned in Belgium, used by the Belgian Navy until 1927. Used as a harbor based training ship, captured by the German troops on 30.04.1940. Used again as training ship Reiher until until 1943 when it was scrapped.
A43 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1916 & & & & 25.12.1916 & & & & 02.04.1917 & & & &
Interned in Belgium, used by the Belgian Navy until 1927. Used as a harbor based training ship, and scrapped in 1939.
A44 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1916/17 & & & & 10.03.1917 & & & & 30.04.1917 & & & & Taken over by Britain on 20.08.1920, broken down in 1922.
A45 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1916 & & & & 08.11.1916 & & & & 15.01.1917 & & & & Taken over by Britain on 03.09.1920, broken down in 1922.
A46& && & & & Schichau Elbing, 1916/17 & & & & 24.03.1917 & & & & 22.05.1917 & & & & Taken over by Britain on 03.09.1920, broken down in 1922.
A47 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1916/17 & & & & 23.04.1917 & & & & 22.06.1917 & & & & Interned in Belgium, used by the Belgian Navy until 1927. Used in several different roles until it was captured by German troops in May 1940. Renamed to Wölfchen (HR1 ), sunk after explosion on 27.02.1944.
A48&&& & & & Schichau Elbing, 1916/17 & & & & 09.06.1917 & & & & 31.07.1917 & & & & Taken over by Britain on 03.09.1920, broken down in 1922.
A49 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1916/17 & & & & 19.05.1917 & & & & 09.07.1917 & & & & Taken over by Britain on 15.09.1920, broken down in 1923.
A50 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1916/17 & & & & 08.08.1917 & & & & 20.08.1917 & & & & Sunk on 17.11.1917 after two mine hits in the North Sea.
A51 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1916/17 & & & & 16.05.1917 & & & & 26.07.1917 & & & & Used as a fleet tender in the Mediterranean, sunk on 29.10.1918 ner Fiume. Raised by the Italians in 1920 and scrapped.
A52 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1916/17 & & & & 18.01.1917 & & & & 01.04.1917 & & & & Taken over by Britain on 15.09.1920, broken down in 1923.
A53 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1916/17 & & & & 03.02.1917 & & & & 07.04.1917 & & & & Taken over by Britain on 15.09.1920, broken down in 1923.
A54 & & & & Schichau Elbing, 1916/17 & & & & 22.02.1917 & & & & 14.04.1917 & & & & Taken over by Britain on 15.09.1920, broken down in 1923.
A55&&& & & & Schichau Elbing, 1916/17 & & & & 10.0
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由于没有类似的现成的设计可以参考,Blohm&Voss 和 Vulcan船厂在1912年为俄国建造的驱逐舰的设计上进行改进,并由他们自己进行建造。多联装设备--如鱼雷发射管等被用在了这艘舰上,这些设备原本是真被长在为俄国建造的驱逐舰上的,但由于战争留在了德国。
总长 :98.15—99.45米
10.5 cm L/45 : 4 (1916年夏天改装)
8.8cm L/45:4(1916年夏天以前)
形式:Marine 齿轮汽轮机
总功率; 3shp
航程: sea miles@20kn
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Name & & & & Construction & & & & Launched & & & & Commissioned & & & & Fate
B97& &&&& & & & Blohm & Voss Hamburg, 1914 & & & & 15.12.1914 & & & & 13.02.1915 & & & & Deliverd to Italy 16.09.1920, renamed to Cesare Rossarol and used until 17.01.1939
B98& &&&& & & & Blohm & Voss Hamburg, 1914 & & & & 02.01.1915 & & & & 24.03.1915 & & & & Used as a postboat for the German ships interned at Scapa Flow, taken over by Britain and scrapped.
V99 & & & & Vulcan-Werke AG Stettin, 1914 & & & & 09.02.1915 & & & & 20.04.1915 & & & & Sunk in the Baltic Sea on 17.08.1915.
V100& && & & & Vulcan-Werke AG Stettin, 1914 & & & & 08.03.1915 & & & & 17.06.1915 & & & & Interned in Scapa Flow since 22.11.1918, scutling on 21.06.1919 failed. Taken over by France, scrapped 1921.
B109& && & & & Blohm & Voss Hamburg, 1914 & & & & 11.03.1915 & & & & 08.06.1915 & & & & Interned in Scapa Flow since 22.11.1918, scuttled on 21.06.1919.
B110& &&&& & & & Blohm & Voss Hamburg, 1914 & & & & 31.03.1915 & & & & 26.06.1915 & & & & Interned in Scapa Flow since 22.11}


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