3ds怎么进入3ds homebrew 教程launchter

非破解3DS破解B9教程 未破解3DS安装B9教程(支持9.0-11.3) - 跑跑车主机频道
-> 非破解3DS破解B9教程 未破解3DS安装B9教程(支持9.0-11.3)
非破解3DS破解B9教程 未破解3DS安装B9教程(支持9.0-11.3)作者:佚名  来源:本站整理
10:08:48   (0)
这个教程是为系统版本号为9.0-11.3的未破解3DS准备的,通过本教程可以让这些3DS顺利安装上B9破解,有需要的请参考。9.0 - 11.3 的 日,欧和美版的 新/老3DS与2DS可以通过本教程安装B9,打开3DS的WI-FI并连上网。1- 准备工作下载破解文件包:点击下载boot9.zip进入Soundhax网站,根据3DS机子型号和区域下载.m4a文件进入Otherapp网站,根据3DS机子型号和区域下载otherapp文件(列:11.1的欧版老三=OLD 11.1.0-33E)把下载的otherapp文件重命名为otherapp.bin把boot9strap.zip里的文件,.m4a文件和otherapp.bin文件复制到SD卡的根目录下进入Homebrew Launchter (HBL)把SD插回3DS并开启3DS进入3DS音乐,然后打开.m4a文件如果成功进入HBL,请继续下一步打开.m4a文件后自动退出音乐并报错:otherapp文件错误。请检查文件位置是否正确。检查文件是否与3DS版本符合如果卡住:按住电源键关掉并3DS,重启3DS后重新从进入3DS音乐开始安装Boot9Strap (B9)进入udsploit等待udsploit运行结束,然后按start键退回HBL如果运行过程中卡住:按住电源键关掉3DS,重启3DS后重新运行udsploit进入safehax如果成功进入SafeB9SInstaller界面,请继续下一步如果运行过程中卡住:按住电源键关掉3DS,重启3DS后重新运行udsploit如果出现“PM INIT FAILED”错误:下载新版safehax,然后用新的safehax.3dsx覆盖SD:/3ds/safehax.3dsx。覆盖后从udsploit重新开始等待SafeB9SInstaller的自动检查运行完成输入屏幕上的按键组合安装完成后按A键重启3DS重启后会自动进入Luma3DS设置选择:“Show NAND or user string in System Settings”如果原来有虚拟系统,把“Autoboot EmuNAND”也选上按start键保存设置安装FBI关闭3DS按住start键,然后按电源键,进入GodMode9有些Luma3DS版本会进入选项界面。如果出现这个界面,用↑↓键选择GodMode9然后按A键确认进入[0:] SDCARD→cias进入FBI.cia→CIA image options...→Mount image to drive进入.app文件→NCCH image options...→Inject to H&S按A解锁NAND写入(lv1)权限输入屏幕上的按键组合运行完成后按A键按start重启3DS现在你的“安全健康”应该变成FBI进入FBI→SD→cias找出FBI.cia→Install CIA→按A键确认按Home键退回3DS主界面。 界面上回多出一个礼包(礼包里是安装好的FBI)关闭3DS按住start键,然后按电源键,进入GodMode9按Home键选择More...→Restore H&S按A解锁NAND写入(lv1)权限输入屏幕上的按键组合按start键重启3DS现在你的“安全健康”应该恢复到原来的样子V - 无SD卡开机关闭3DS按住start键,然后按电源键,进入GodMode9有些Luma3DS版本会进入选项界面。如果出现这个界面,用↑↓键选择GodMode9然后按A键确认进入[0:] SDCARD,然后用↑↓键找出boot.firm按Y键复制boot.firm按B键退回GodMode9主界面进入[1:] SYSNAND CTRNAND,然后用↑↓键找出..按Y键粘贴boot.firm选择Copy Path(s)按A解锁NAND写入(lv1)权限输入屏幕上的按键组合按start键重启3DS关闭3DS并取出SD卡无卡开机会自动进入Luma3DS设置选择:“Show NAND or user string in System Settings”按start键保存设置VI - NAND 备份关闭3DS并插回SD卡按住start键,然后按电源键,进入GodMode9有些Luma3DS版本会进入选项界面。如果出现这个界面,用↑↓键选择GodMode9然后按A键确认按Home键选择More...→Backup NAND备份完成后按A键按start键重启3DSVII - 清理文件关闭3DS并取出SD卡备份SD:/gm9out/nand.bin(这是NAND备份)删除以下文件:SD:/safehaxpayload.binSD:/boot9strapSD:/3dsSD:/cias/FBI.cia教程结束。
相关阅读:A9转B9教程 A9升级B9破解教程3DS被Ban怎么办 3DS002-0102错误怎么办3DS新破解系统Sighax正式放出
大小:222M /
语言:简体在本作中,玩家可以制作女孩子们喜欢的各种“甜品”,并放在自己的店铺中出售。游戏中不会有比较晦涩难懂的规则等限制,玩家可以轻松进行游戏,并了解这些可口的食品的制作过程。另外,如果在TGS上试玩本作,还将得到特制的“料理妈妈豪华大判(A5规格)帖纸”做为礼品。大小:249.8M /
语言:简体在游戏中,主角“节奏君”为了拯救旋律与音乐的世界“和声世界”要与敌人进行战斗。在游戏中要一边收集路上的“音符”一边前进。动作成功之后的效果音会与音乐重合是本作的特征之一。大小:134.4M /
语言:简体一款非常可爱的宠物饲养模拟游戏,可以饲养的动物种类很多,这里放出游戏的ROM下载,感兴趣的不妨试试。大小:139.1M /
语言:英文本作的舞台设定在曾素有“丰收女神的绿洲”之称的天空树村。天空树村以前住着不少村民,这里也曾郁郁葱葱、充满生机。大小:3.4M /
方舟天龙官方网站在这里不仅能认识众多新天龙八部ol玩家,还能提供最新的天龙八部客户端下载及补丁下载,最全的天龙八部经验心得,天龙八部心情故事,经典天龙八部SF攻略呈现给广大网友。免责声明: 本站资料及图片来源互联网文章,本网不承担任何由内容信息所引起的争议和法律责任。所有作品版权归原创作者所有,与本站立场无关,如用户分享不慎侵犯了您的权益,请联系我们告知,我们将做删除处理!Github新项目快报() - Android performance optimization
tutorials, videos and tools list
Commits contain refactoring steps taken in my talk, "Let's Play: Refactor the Mega-Controller"
:recycle: simple undo/redo functionality for redux state containers
GitHub repos in your filesystem
3D Touch shortcuts in the Simulator
Mimicking Apple's 3D touch on hardware that doesn't have it.
Forget InAppBrowser for iOS - this is way better for displaying read-only web content in your PhoneGap app
Flattened convolutional neural networks (1D convolution modules for Torch nn)
:movie_camera: Record gifs out of &svg& elements painlessly
A simple AI capable of basic reading comprehension
FUSE based filesystem for KV stores
CallService sample application for making video calls to Facebook friends
Bouncer provides a simple mechanism to handle roles and abilities in Laravel's ACL.
simple log for golang
home site.
An very useful category of UILabel, for we can easily set style strings with HTML-like.
a socket+websocket chat server in Golang
ruby.tw reboot
A tutorial on how to re-create the fullscreen video opening effect seen on [](/#).
A mini site for a quick look of Beijing Air Quality Index. Data curtesy of US Embassy in Beijing.
A library to help construct a graphql-py server supporting react-relay
If somebody needs more lines of code for stats.
A python script to receive your Facebook notifications on your mobile via SMS for free.
Library for manipulating ISO images
:recycle: :wrench: a boilerplate for redux-undo based off redux-boilerplate by chentsulin
A transform stream that calls back with a hash
Some experiment about implementing a JVM in Rust
Generate proxy auto-config pac file.
:ok_hand: bsah and zsh 'ailas'
for tpyoers
Situri arheologice
A tiny wrapper around Fresco library!
A slider UI component for Phaser.io Javascript library
Make your paragraphs more readable
TowerDefence on Android
Jsmn is a world fastest JSON parser/tokenizer. This is the official repo replacing the old https://bitbucket.org/zserge/jsmn
sync service built for persist data on clusters
Game "Catch The Egg" (JavaScript) |
Rewrite novacancy.js in React.js. Text blink neon golden effect React component.
This is a startup project for the apps that will use webservices
Spring boot skeleton with thymeleaf and integration tests.
A nodejs high-performance on-disk persistence layer with append-only buckets
A module to help with making multi-organization apps like Slack
Meteor App to manage your Recipes (Ingredients and Quantity). This is a communal platform
Let's Bake !
A React adapter for xpath-evaluator.
A quick BZFlag group perms compiler
Minimalistic distributed computing framework for map-reducable problems.
A workaround for the surface 3 issue where touch screen always right clicks
A minimalistic API for settings management in JS applications.
Admin Panel from A3Wasteland(by AgentRev) ported and customized for exile
A memcached-like Java cache, focused on portability
Swift Advanced Touch Handling in iOS9: Coalescing and Prediction
simple is better git hub web hook
fis3 deploy aliyun oss plugin
process monitor
Basic React project boilerplate
Staff leave application system
Forked from git://git.lwn.net/gitdm.git
add first test demo
Pass a value through synchronous filter functions
Ruby gem for storing a password but returning a masked value for console, debug, and log purposes.
:ok_hand: Mkae tpyos in yuor tarmniel
OCaml client for the Stripe API
QR Reader based on Android Vision API
god = export GOPATH=`pwd`; go
A Winston transport to log messages into an Apache Kafka topic.
Aspires to be a mobile app using Ruby Motion to track progress in workouts scraped from a gym website
A Telegram bot notifying you about changes in your GitHub repos. Trello integration and more is planned.
Et stygt hack for ? trekke stedsnavn ut av tekster. S?nn ca. Bruker ordlister som startpunkter og aksepterer ogs? ord som er steder (er oppf?rst i Sentralt Stedsnavns Register, SSR) som er innen rimelig avstand fra allerede aksepterte steder.
Tor framework for the iCepa project
An aws-module containing essential utilities for your JAWS projects.
"Stop worrying about Elasticsearch analyzers", my therapist says
Lorem Ipsum da Presidente Dilma
color picker
Custom malloc.
update soon
All of my assignments for computer 1900
Free page builder plugin for WordPress
Utility functions for redux
Triple A for Bikes
Drupal module for adding classes to body tag based on breakpoints configuration
OCaml Library for talking to Stripe
Draw random people out of a hat based on meetup event.
Youtube video player class.
Code for Recurrent Spatial Transformer Networks
MySql MVC Identity Implementation using Code First with EF6
it uses Java8 SpringBoot Maven
use html5 canvas to draw a go board
A Qt-Widget to get local file and folder-paths in an optimized and simple way
Markdown live text-editor
Simple test demonstrating how the HystrixObservableCollapser can be used when subscribing asynchronously
Public repository for Instragram scraping django app
My slides to Imasters Developers Week RJ -
Gem for Rails application - provides you list of online users (for authentication gem 'devise')
calculator for natural formula like "1+2+3" for result 6
Polymer v1.1working with meteor
Convert spray-json JsValues and JsonFormats to play-json.
Buzzfeed Titanic Survival
toutes les exemples et testes faites
Deploy predefined printer profiles directly printers using the selenium webdriver and firefox.
The official admin dashboard for your Lusty applications
Uiversal psychoactive drug companion
football.db RSSSF (Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics Foundation) skripts
HEADS UP! This currently (temporarily) uses the dev branch of assemble. Assemble plugin (0.6+) for loading globs of views onto custom view collections. Also works with verb or other Templates.js based applications.
football.json Skripts
Search facilities and points of interest in Greensboro, North Carolina
RVTL : Tiny BASIC in arm64 assembly language for Linux
RVTL : Tiny BASIC in x86 assembly language for Linux
string format module for node
from https://bitbucket.org/MDukhan/yeppp
Elixir Plug for adding an env label
express middleware that execute a listener when a response render is called.
A simple GTK+ GUI for the Magicicada client
Black Jack Card Game
The file synchronization protocol spoken between the server and client of Magicicada
Greedy snake game in Go
simple screen scraper to search Amazon
Craft plugin to generate an embed URL from a YouTube or Vimeo URL.
Service Providers for Obullo
Deterministic Finite Automata
function implement in Golang
Command Line Menu for PHP CLI Applications
Katya Zubko
Small libraries helping you with basic stuff like getting metrics out of your code, thread naming, etc.
Some coding problems in Java
Ebl: the embeddable blog engine
Common Lisp1
An english number pronounciation service
A react native android wrapper for SQLite
Heat map of Yelp reviews
Adds the Move to Desktop feature to the Windows 10 System menu
This python program Encrypts everything with AES 256 bit algorithm.
VT Code Camp 7 Presentation App
Little framework for Web Data Scraping using Python. For someone who want to built scraper in a short time. No need to write long code
Convenient room renting with BetonQuest.
Docker image used to build a Alpine Linux rootfs
Sample project for Nightwatch.js + gulp.
Cross platform wallpaper styler/manager built using Electron, NodeJs, Angular and other web technologies.
documentation page of libpgen
Unofficial API client for Ghost blogs
A mini version of signal in Javascript. It supports priority and additional prefixed/suffixed arguments.
sysutangzxBlog 个人博客
A demo application on how to integrate web api + angularjs
Точка доступа Wi-Fi. Wi-Fi Access Point.
This is the Creature Plugin for UE4 with State Machine System and an Editor.
IOS-Swift tools
With ProjectBaran Platform you can easily launch a website that helps people to report urban problems
CND with semantic-ui minify concat uglify
Monitor the price of the item in the Steam market and notify when there is a price drop under the desired price
This repository consists of Gists that don't abide by the normal conventions of programming
My talk about Functional Reactive Programming in Swift at Sydney Cocoaheads September 2015
Here is the PHP API for quickblox
API Blueprint parser based on drafter.
Bomberman clone speedhacked in python
My process of helping to teach people PHP with real-world examples of code and what they do.
Jasper Report to pdf project
Hubot named lora, who is working in JSK Robotics Team.
Detect if a value is an observ
Minimalistic syslog for Docker containers
A project template for Rust projects to be built on the Nintendo 3DS Homebrew Launcher.
A javascript plugin to check responsive images in the browser.
APIBehavior makes it super easy to interface with APIs in Polymer!
Use the GitHub API as a ghetto key-value store
a simple PHP unit test framework
explorable solar system
处理 Span 在 最大宽度文字尾省略号,无效的问题。
Naive Bayes classifier applied to the domain of spam filtering and (b) adapt it to the task of classifying handwritten digits.
Aweomeist Website
object detect
Jogo de perguntas objetivas cuja a cada pergunta respondida corretamente avan?a para a próxima e caso contrario recome?a o jogo.
Gestione Piscine
Putting animation to work online and in user interfaces!
Superb'd app
UI Catalog for ReactiveCocoa.
A sbt plug-in which automates the release process for gitflow work flow
A android async task library
Fix the scrambled wp-admin sidebar menu on chrome
A list of the Y Combinator funded companies
The RISM guidelines for cataloguing with Muscat
Simple element lookup application for the command line.
A program that calculates Fibonacci numbers up to 300 with a hand-made big number data type
Repository for my solutions to ProjectEuler problems
Test Geolocation + compass heading + accelerometer + camera
Défi coding pour SIMPLON / Boitron
Simple boilerplate to get you up and hacking with Angular 2 in no time!
New cSploit Website
BlockStation is a GUI for PocketMine-MP
A Linux kernel module, that allows changing/toggling system parameters stored in MSR and PCI registers of x86 processors
Loki app for Android that changes all contacts names and images to Loki
:package: Korean Windows Packer Template
Automatically exported from /p/nusdownloader
JSON parser in C
Demonstrating some software skills and knowledge.
The most basic starter theme for WordPress.
Contain program exercises from the web or books.
football.csv Skripts
Ruby gem to extract year data in a string
it's a simple java agent to monitor every method's execute frequency and time consuming。
A Ghost theme for the Listlogs blog
Enum field type for Mongoid
restful response for express
A template project for Angular.js modules
Central version control for cos 121 project.
Score Evaluation
O melhor website para leitura!
wireless device pushing temperature values to thingspeak
Sample server for turning API webhook into websocket
Rust library for walking directories recursively.
Dump stack traces when SIGQUIT is received
This application allows you to save your passwords for various web accounts to your local machine. Information that is saved is encrypted for maximum security.
Java library with the core functions used both in the R-package and the ImageJ/Fiji plugins
Web page for viewing scanner status data
Proyectos de Django!
Custom layout tab
Analytics package for ContainerShip
A Slack community of bot makers and bot enthusiasts.
Asynchronously load Javascript from HTML.
Scripts to parse the Code of Federal Regulations XML files.
RVTL : Tiny BASIC in arm32 assembly language for Linux
RVTL : Tiny BASIC in x86_64 assembly language for Linux
The well known browser game Cookie Clicker for offline use! (put all in same folder/directory, and keep all pictures and files)
A Tour of Go
Automatically installs basic programs.
MSc project
My personal dotfiles for i3
Mangos (mangostwo) and TrinityCore Mercenary System for 3.3.5
A responsive iframe renderer for the React component playground.
Move mouse using your smartphone.
Looks a bit better
Decoder for Zero Motorcycles MBB and BMS diagnostics logs
An automated tool, written in Bash, to lookup a user entered domain in WHOIS database. This tool is developed by the BruteDev community, at here.
Prospect Ridge Academy student club choosing and sorting tool
Project Completions plugin for Sublime Text
Actor desktop clients based on GitHub Electron
Zabbix Templates For FreeBSD
'do', the basic and dirty project helper
Demo app for drone FPV system
Ixtêbot -
o robozinho mais Ixtep? da ilha das rendeiras e da tainha
Simple redis-backed secret management.
Low Rank Matrix factorization with Julia
Static file serving for all your projects
import dumps from chrome://webrtc-internals and plot them
Second Lab for CS 0401
PHP (because its wordpress :P) script to check if a Wordpress needs updates for nagios, sensu …
bTrack core service.
Get the window's scrollLop value, cross-browser.
Sistema para solicitar e gerenciar o cardápio de um restaurante.
Teradata to MongoDB Connector Demo
dubtes programacio m3
A web kanban board made with javascript :)
Plugin for pocketmine to enchant items on command
Django bulk admin enables you to bulk add, bulk edit, bulk upload and bulk select in django admin.
Simple unidirectional data flow for React Native.
A HTTP server manager tools that uses PHP CLI.
this is an indeptendet FixMyStreet api written in node.js and express.js
Zidoo kodi repository for AllWinner H3 platform
:octocat: CC0
code wrap Chrome extension.
A simple date range picker
Simple CodeIgniter Blog
Command Line Google Search
ProjectEcho Game Maker Files
This is a personnel management system written in Java Web
Weather Screen is a forecast viewer designed for non-interactive screens.
server for react
Evaluate your variables
Sending RGB data to strings of WS2811 LEDs using the SPI peripheral on a STM32F4.
A node.js service registry tool that allows you to trivially turn a node package into a consumable web service
The server-side code for a social network that is a cross between Facebook, Reddit, and Wikipedia.
Lumin framework for web
Extract text tokens from serializable object
Desarrollo de sistema para administración de tienda y bombas de combustible de una estación de gas
Sample application for Socket io + nodejs + AngularJs
Montreal PowerShell User Group meeting materials
An MLA paper format written in LaTeX.
This source code provides example protocol and delegate using Swift.
Merge two sorted streams
Ongoing project to have the best .htaccess for Magento
A script based for data management and modling.
sample chatting application with nodejs + expressjs and Socket.io
A weixin backend implements.
Sample project file for Collaborating with GitHub Desktop
Simple professional resume.
Sierpinski's Triangle
Reed Solomon in pure Dart
Bore is a tiny and minimalist app launcher written with nodejs/electron.
Use tor with Python
Chrome Extension to Reload your Most Recent URL hit for any given Hostname
Set of vital configuration files
Silkroad Online Emulator (Server Files)
Scripts de PHP para el uso de la API de AdWords.
Automation of trade in the store
tool for testing bits of php or jquery code
A web app rendering a simple capacity planner, with graphs and multiple dashboards.
The file synchronization client for Magicicada
Base Python/Django app
Practising Java
Two-phase event library for C++
an experiment in using word2vec to rephrase familiar book titles for the funniez
A computed property for Ember to calculate the difference between two properties.
Block Code and XOR bit error detection
Small python selenium smoke test
Node.js express based application with mongoose and redis
Visual regression testing with PhantomCSS
ES Tidbits
Code for home made electronic drum-kit, based on Arduino UNO.
Photoshop on PHP & jQuery
Fun with Durandal and Northwind
Use VRTs to deal with some quirks of NetCDF and GDAL interaction
A sample of ASP.NET 5 with Aurelia's navigation skeleton project for Visual Studio 2015
Official repo for my personal website
Building a Website template from scratch.
Like to help?
See help.html, want the template?
Download now!
Build android‘s layout drawable to jar 构建Android布局、图片资源到jar包中 用来封装带界面的jar包SDK apk2jar
Automatically exported from /p/pyramidsleveleditor
The intelligent SoundCloud downloader. Downloads any url, tags automatically.
A Super Crate Box clone
project euler test for python
Presentation about NoSQL
Simply a frontend scaffold
Sortable components powered by React Motion.
Ο κ?δικα? που παρ?γαγε τα στατιστικ? για την ?ρευνα τη? διαΝΕΟσι? για το ΕΣΠΑ
Navigator demo for React Native
Provide a symfony command which scrap all pictures from all albums of your jingoo personal account
Dojo-Se do dia 02/09/2015 utilizando a linguagem de programa??o Go
Command line tool to return my resume, cover letter, and more!
An app for individuals with short and long term memory impairment.
Desencriptador de padrón Elecciones PASO Argentina 2015
Manage activities lifecycle in an application
User Authentication With Passport and Express 4
A snake game written in Lua using the l?ve framework
Simple plugin to add videos listed on a json file.
A simple tool that can announce arbitrary Storj's Shard height without consuming any disk spaces.
Common Lisp1
Mirror of CL library for seamless language localization
持续优化中,soundtouch for android
Golang tools.
基于NSURLSession 封装的网络请求 使用简单 支持多种请求方式
Import contact from vin64 using php curl
Payfort Start Magento Plugin
This is the sphero defender
A kamaki-based library to get a users public keys
A small Sinatra application to preview GitHub README files,)
Experimental documentation site for ReactiveX
Personal starterkit for websites made with Kirby and Bootstrap
Integration of the perforce version control system within vim.
An Angular directive to create and edit tags in input box
A program make you can download Charge video free}


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