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产品名称 食虫植物
面向地区 杭州
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品种参考图片品种参考图片品种参考图片品种参考图片  茅膏菜是非常精致迷人的小型食虫植物,叶片上长有腺毛,能分泌粘液,外形象是挂满了露珠,晶莹剔透,能象粘纸一样把昆虫粘住,并消化吸收。  好望角茅膏菜是比较大型的茅膏菜品种,捕食较大的昆虫时,叶片会缓慢地将猎物整个卷起来,使其无法逃脱。中文名称:好望角茅膏菜(白)学  名:Droseracapensisvar,albaDroseraAlbino规  格:S叶  长:2,4厘米 生存温度:0,35适宜温度:15,28栽培基质:泥炭、水苔、珍珠岩、沙等环境湿度:>50%原产地:南非成株尺寸:叶长约15厘米(植株成年后一般所能达到的最大尺寸,与出售品无关)种植要点:浇水需使用矿物质含量低的水(如雨水、纯净水等),适合采用盆浸法种植,盆底供水;避免经常在植株上喷水,以免腺毛上的粘液被冲走;光照会使植株长的更加健壮,并且颜色鲜艳;夏季注意降温,温度过高会休眠,叶子枯萎,此时请勿丢弃,继续保持基质湿度,秋天或者来年春天会从根茎部萌发出新芽;如需施肥可使用叶面肥稀释5000倍喷施叶面,两周一次,或按肥料推荐使用浓度的1,5使用。送花盆、食虫植物专用培养土为保证植物的安全,采用脱盆运输我们的包装方法:,article,phpid40收到植物的处理:,article,phpid33图片仅供参考(一)发货说明1、发货费用:发货费用包含邮费及包装费,您下单时系统会自动计算,下单后客服会再次帮您复核。2、发货快递:我们与圆通、中通、韵达快递合作(合作快递服务更有保障),如您需指定快递,请先咨询客服确认是否能发,并在下单时备注。3、运送时间:江浙沪1,3天,省会或大城市2,4天,偏远地区3,7天。(具体送达时间我们无法确定噢快递员也很辛苦,也不会有意拖延的哦)(二)收货处理1、收到商品时,请当面开箱检查完好后签收万一发现植物或其它物品损坏时,请您先不要签收,立即电话()联系我们,决定是否拒收商品。只要您一个电话所有损失我们会为您承担如植物轻微损伤,属运输正常现象,也请您谅解,不愉快的事,请交给我们来帮您处理,购物本来就应该是一件快乐的事您的快乐也是我们的快乐2、收到商品后,有任何问题请及时联系我们,如您不满意也请先联系我们再作评价,我们会尽快予以解答或处理,您的满意是我们最大的目标3、如发货时间超过运送时间的上限,仍未收到你的商品,请及时联系我们,我们会立即帮您处理4、如由于收件信息错误或收件电话联系不上,由此造成的损失我们无法承担。(三)商品图片  因我们销售的是活植物,始终处在生长的状态,且许多品种一年四季在形态和颜色上变化很大。例如,捕蝇草夏天叶片直立且比较长,冬天叶片平躺且非常短,颜色也随光照和温度等环境因素的变化有绿和红的差别。因此,本站植物的商品图片只能反映某一时间点的状态,并非一定是购买时的状况,“商品图片仅供参考”。也考虑的成本与售价的因素,我们没有精力为您提供实时的商品图片,敬请谅解但我们会为您提供反映商品情况较准确的产品规格标准,挑选商品时请仔细查看商品详情,发货时我们会以我们的专业精神严格按照商品详情中的产品规格标准执行。(四)商品说明  商品的详情页面有详细的商品说明,请您在购买前务必认真阅读商品的文字介绍(非常重要),我们不希望您因没有了解清楚商品,盲目购买给您带来不快和损失其中须特别关注植物的种植要求和规格大小。  只有当您种植植物的环境或条件能够达到植物的生长要求才适合选购生存温度-是指植物在周期性变化的环境中能够存活的温度范围。适宜温度-是指植物在周期性变化的环境中能够达到最佳生长状态的温度范围。环境湿度-是指植物正常生长所须的最低空气湿度。光照要求-是指植物正常生长对光照的要求及植物对光照的适应能力。“特强光”指植物可接受全年全天候阳光直射(暴晒)(100000LUX以上)(如孔雀等北领地茅膏菜等);“强光”指植物可接受除夏季中午前后以外的阳光直射(LUX)(如瓶子草、捕蝇草、部分茅膏菜等植物);“次强光”指植物可接受除5,10月中午前后以外的阳光直射(LUX)(猪笼草、捕蝇草、茅膏草等大部分喜光植物);“明亮散射光”指植物可接受室外阳台没有阳光直射的环境(LUX)(如部分猪笼草、捕虫堇、狸藻等);“散射光”指植物可接受室内窗台没有阳光直射的环境,500,2000LUX)(如部分狸藻、捕虫堇、阿帝露茅膏菜等)。  当您决定购买前请看清楚植物的大小规格,以免因误解而造成不快猪笼草,植株直径:SS(3,6厘米)S(6,12厘米)M(12,20厘米)L(20,30厘米)XL(30,45厘米),捕蝇草,夹子直径:SS(0,5,1厘米)S(1,1,5厘米)M(1,5,2厘米) L(2,2,5厘米) XL(2,5,3厘米),茅膏菜,因形态大小各异,规格标准按具体品种制定,多数采用植株直径、叶长等标准。瓶子草,因形态大小各异,规格标准按具体品种制定,一般采用叶长标准。捕虫堇,因形态大小各异,规格标准按具体品种制定,多数采用植株直径、叶长等标准。(五)新手必读收到的植物好像有问题哦  如果您是第一次接触真实的食虫植物,之前只是停留于图片和文字介绍,当您首次收到邮购的食虫植物时,可能会有很多与自己想象不一样的问题 1、捕蝇草的夹子怎么都合上的有个夹子枯了(黑了)哦夹子怎么不会动  由于包装、运输等原因,捕蝇草的夹子受到外界触动会自动闭合起来,这是捕蝇草正常的生理现象,不必担心。按要求种下后,经过一周左右的恢复一般会自动重新张开;活体植物一直处于新陈代谢中,老的夹子会枯萎,新的夹子又会重新长出来,其次运输过程中难免会有轻微损伤,造成收到时会有个别夹子枯了(黑了)的情况,这是正常现象,不必过于担心;捕蝇草经过长途、长时间运输后(黑暗、颠簸、密闭等环境),植株会比较虚弱,此时夹子可能会暂时失去捕虫能力(不会闭合),经过一两周的时间后会慢慢恢复。2、猪笼草的笼子怎么枯了啊  收到邮寄过来的猪笼草有可能您会发现笼子枯了,或者是种下几天后笼子枯了,这时不必担心。运输轻微的损伤是难免的,按要求种下,在一个月左右的适应期内,笼子也有可能继续会枯萎,这都是适应期的正常现象。只要耐心等待猪笼草长出新的叶片,又会结出新的笼子3、茅膏菜怎么没有粘液啊  由于包装、运输等原因,茅膏菜腺毛上的粘液(“露珠”)一般会被碰掉或消失,在按要求种下后,经过一周左右的时间又会恢复,也有可能等到长出新叶时才会重新长出“露珠”。4、为什么植物这么小啊  如果您是在本店购买的,不用担心被骗,植物都是按商品说明的标准发出,您可以用尺测量并对照商品说明的标准。只是食虫植物多数都很小,许多商品图片都需要放大才看的清楚,不像普通的花卉一般都比较大,有时感觉也会欺骗你5、为什么和图片的颜色不一样啊  商品的图片只是品种的参考,实际植物的颜色会随光照、温差、季节等发生变化,阴雨季节一般会偏绿,深秋、冬季植物一般会偏红。 祝您网购愉快o)o ,客服),店长)电子邮箱:xcct001,126,服务电话:5,合作加盟:,;
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最近一直会去 台湾的论坛 &&花花世界&&
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英文俗名:Cape sundew ( Eng. );sondouw (Afr.)
種:南非茅膏菜(Drosera capensis)
命名者:L.(1753) (林奈於1753年命名)
參考網站:S A National Biodiversity Institute(2008)。&Drosera capensis L.&。造訪日期:8/13/2008,取自:wiki。&Drosera capensis&。造訪日期:8/13/2008,取自:PLANTS Profile。&Drosera capensis L.&。造訪日期:8/13/2008,取自:
[size=150]Drosera capensis 好望角毛氈苔
Drosera capensis, commonly known as the Cape sundew, is a small rosette-forming species of perennial (Various, &The Readers Digest Gardeners Encyclopedia of Plants and Flowers&, Readers Digest Association, 1992) sundew native to the Cape in South Africa. Because of its size, easy to grow nature, and the copious amounts of seed it produces, it has become one of the most common sundews in cultivation. D. capensis produces strap-like leaves, up to 15 cm long and 1 cm wide, which, as in all sundews, are covered in brightly coloured tentacles which secrete a sticky mucilage that traps insects. When insects are first trapped, the leaves roll lengthwise by thigmotropism, which aids digestion by bringing more digestive glands in contact with the prey item. The plant has a tendency to retain the dead leaves of previous seasons, and the main stem of the plant can become quite long and woody with time.
南非茅膏菜,原產於南非好望角,又稱好望角毛氈苔(學名Drosera capensis 的capensis 即好望角之意)。是一種小而叢生(rosette-forming)的多年生毛氈苔(Various, 1992)。由於體型小又容易栽培,並會產生大量種子,遂成為普遍栽培的毛氈苔之一。它的葉子呈帶狀,長達15cm,寬約1cm,就像其他的毛氈苔一樣,覆有色彩鮮明的觸手,觸手會分泌黏液來捕捉昆蟲。一旦昆蟲落入其中,葉子會由上而下地向獵物捲曲(向觸性),使更多消化腺接觸獵物,協助消化。前一個季節死去的葉子會留在植株上,植物的主幹會因而隨著時間更長且木質化。
wiki參考文獻:Various, &The Readers Digest Gardeners Encyclopedia of Plants and Flowers&, Readers Digest Association, 1992
In early summer, D. capensis produces small, five-petalled pink flowers at the end of scapes which can be up to 30 cm tall . The plant self-pollinates upon closing and produces copious quantities of very small, spindle-shaped seeds, which are released from the capsules that form when the flower has died. Under horticultural conditions, carnivorous plant enthusiasts find that these seeds have a tendency to find their way into neighbouring plant pots where they germinate readily, giving D. capensis a reputation as a plant that is just a little too easy to grow.
D. capensis has multiple cultivars, including the &Typical&, &Narrow&, &Alba&, and &Red& forms.(Cape Sundews, &The Savage Garden&, Peter D'Amato, 1998) The Typical form is noted for wider leaves and the gradual production of a scrambling stem as it grows. The Narrow form differs from the Typical form in that it rarely produces tall stems and has thinner leaves. D. capensis &Alba&, while physically similar to the Narrow form, lacks most of the red pigmentation of the Typical or Narrow forms, with pink trichomes and white flowers. There is also the &Red& form that turns blood red in full sunlight, and is also similar physically to the Narrow form. These cultivars are commercially available.
好望角毛氈苔有多個栽培品種,包含&典型的&、&窄葉&、&白化&、&紅色&等形態(Cape Sundews, 1998)。典型的好望角毛氈苔具有較寬的葉,以及逐漸攀升的莖;窄葉種較少產生高莖,且葉子較窄;白化種長得很像窄葉種,但較為缺乏紅色色素,腺毛呈現粉紅色(此處缺乏引用文獻),花為白色;紅色品種的好望角毛氈苔,在全日照下呈現血紅色,外型也與窄葉種相近,這些栽培品種在一般市面上都買得到。
wiki參考文獻:Cape Sundews, &The Savage Garden&, Peter D'Amato, 1998
D. capensis can be easily propagated through a variety of methods including seed, leaf cuttings, and root cuttings. It is not easily killed by temperature extremes of a short duration, and is generally a forgiving plant to grow. Additionally, D. capensis does not undergo dormancy like some sundews.
好望角毛氈苔具有多種繁殖方式,如實生(種子栽培)、葉插(剪下葉子鋪在土上)、根插(root cutting,可參考)等...過冷、過熱或短暫的乾旱都不容易使它陣亡,屬於耐命的植物。另外,好望角毛氈苔不會冬眠。(但是會夏休@@&)
來源網站:ICPS Seed Bank
[size=150]Growing Drosera capensis 栽培好望角毛氈苔
Drosera capensis is found in marshy areas of the south western Cape region of South Africa. The species has many forms in cultivation ranging from no red pigment to extra red and wide leaf to very narrow leaf. It is considered an easy carnivore to grow. The plant makes an excellent addition to carnivore collection. It tends to become a weed if you allow the seeds to get scattered around.
Drosera capensis isn't very picky about soil. It grows well in pure sphagnum moss as well as the standard 1:1 peat:sand &CP mix&. Growing plants in CP mix with live sphagnum on top is very effective as the sphagnum will grow up with the plants keeping the crown near a surface and providing a medium for the adventitious roots that will come out of the side of the stem. The red forms will tend to be redder in peat and under brighter light.
Sow seeds of Drosera capensis on the surface of your medium of choice. Finely chopped live sphagnum moss over long fibered sphagnum moss or CP mix works very well but the moss can overgrow the young plants. Finely chopped dead sphagnum or sand over CP mix also work well.
What you do next depends on what works best for you. Everyone has their own preferred routine. I put pots with seeds in plastic zip-lock bags under but not too close to fluorescent lights. You could also use an aquarium in a greenhouse. The purpose of the plastic bag is to maintain very high humidity and to keep out fungus gnats. Fungus gnat larvae will eat the seedlings. A temperature between 20°C to 25°C (70°F to 80°F) works best. The seeds should germinate in a few weeks. When the new plants have a few true leaves, remove the pots from the plastic bags and put them in a bright terrarium or greenhouse. The seedlings may be a little slow growing at first. Have patience.
接下來視個人喜好,筆者是將花盆封入夾鏈袋,放在日光燈下(不可太過接近),也可以使用魚缸。若使用塑膠容器,雖然能維持極高的溼度,但也容易產生蕈蚊,而蕈蚊幼蟲會啃食幼苗 :shock: 。發芽適溫在攝氏20~25度之間(華氏70~80),種子可在數週內發芽,當小好望角長出幾片本葉後,就可以將花盆移出夾鏈袋,放在明亮的生態缸或溫室中,幼苗初期的生長速度會比較慢,要有耐心唷!
Once the plants are large enough you can try feeding them small insects or get some dried blood worms at a pet shop. The dried blood worms can be dipped in water and placed on the dewy leaves--don't feed a plant that isn't dewy. If the food gets moldy, use less next time. A dab of 70% isopropanol (rubbing alcohol) from a small paint brush will kill the fungus.
Drosera capensis tends to live a few years. Plants can easily be propagated from root and stem cuttings. I usually rip them apart and start over with stem and root cuttings when they start to decline. When your plant blooms, save the seeds to grow more. If you have a lot of seed, send the extra in to the seed bank.
好望角毛氈苔的壽命約數年,很容易藉由根或莖的扦插來繁殖,筆者通常會將它們切開,待植株開始枯萎的時候才開始進行扦插。當好望角毛氈苔開花的時候,你可以儲存種子繼續繁殖,如果你的種子量很大,把多出來的寄到Seed Bank吧!
如果你有看瑪莎?史都華和Peter D'Amato的萬聖節節目,他將本圖當作背景,很高興她真是個有品味的人~!
來源網站:South African National Biodiversity Institute 南非國家生物多樣性中心
[size=150]Drosera capensis L. 好望角毛氈苔
Description 描述
Drosera capensis is a free-flowering, robust, carnivorous, evergreen perennial, of varying height, but usually around 150 mm. The short, woody stems are rhizomatous below with well-developed roots.
The leaves radiate from the stem and are made up of a petiole and lamina, the petiole being almost the same length as the lamina. The lamina is flattened and bears knob-shaped tentacles, which are stalked, mucilaginous glands covering the leaf surface. Dense fringes of tentacles occur on the margins while fewer and shorter tentacles occur in the centre. The lower lamina surface is smooth and glabrous.
The 15–30, simple, pink-mauve flowers are borne on a single stem and mature in ascending order. Tiny black seeds are formed in the capsules. Flowering time: December to January.
The 15–30(...?),樸素的粉紅色花朵從單一花梗上長出來,由下而上逐漸成熟,成功授粉後會產生碩果,裡面有細小黑色的種子,花期:12~1月。(不是四季開花嗎...)
【一些名詞】季節開花型 season-flowering type四季開花型 free-flowering type地下部塊莖狀 tuberous地下部根莖狀 rhizomatous
Conservation status 保育地位
Not threatened.
Distribution and habitat 分布與棲地
Drosera capensis occurs naturally in the southwestern Cape and can be found in marshes, along streams, permanent seeps or damp areas of fynbos.
Derivation of name and historical aspects 命名史
The family Droseraceae was classified by Linnaeus in 1753, and consists of ± 126 species of which 18 occur in South Africa . Drosera gets its name from the Greek word, drosos , meaning dew. Some of the other commonly known species within this family are D. cistiflora, with one of the largest flowers, D. glabripes with its trailing woody stems and D. regia the king drosera.
林奈於1753年分類出茅膏菜科(Droseraceae),由 ±126 個種類組成,其中有18種來自南非。茅膏菜屬-Drosera,源於希臘文的drosos,也就是露水的意思。茅膏菜科常見的成員有D. cistiflora,最大的花;D. glabripes,具有蔓生的木質莖(trailing plant);D. regia,皇后毛(king drosera,網路上查卻翻成&皇后& O_O)。
【一些名詞】climbing plant、climber、trailing plant:具長而柔軟的莖,無法支撐植物本身,需藉外在機械力支持使其向上生長,否則在地上蔓延的植物。
Ecology 生態
Flowers are open very briefly for a few hours with good sunlight. The flowers can be pollinated by insects, but are usually self-pollinated. When the seeds are ripe, their capsules open to release the fine, light-weight seeds which fall out and are dispersed near the parent plants.
Probably the most interesting characteristic of this plant is its ability to digest the nutrients, especially the nitrogen it requires from insects caught in its stalked tentacles. The tentacles are sensitive and mobile. The stalks end in a bulbous head in which the glandular cells occur. These glands secret a glistening, sticky, clear fluid used to trap and retain prey. There is speculation that the fluid is slightly sweetly scented to attract insects. The fluid contains a weak acid and enzymes that digest the soft parts of its prey. The sensitive tentacles are able to detect caught prey and produce more dew to entrap their victim. Neighbouring tentacles then mobilize and slowly lean over to engulf the hapless victim.
The leaf itself may also fold over to enclose or suffocate larger prey and allow for better absorption.
As sensitive as these tentacles are, they are able to distinguish between a meal and other stimuli, for example, the leaf and tentacles do not respond to water droplets.
Uses and cultural aspects 用途
The Cape sundew is fast growing and single plants can live for many years with young suckers forming at the base. It is a free-flowering and fascinating house plant. It can also be grown outdoors in South Africa in a bog garden or as a semi-submerged pond plant.
Drosera has also been recorded for use against various ailments. Extracts of the leaves were used externally for warts, corns and sunburn. Disorders such as tuberculosis, asthma, coughs, eye and ear infection, liver pain, morning sickness, stomach conditions, syphilis, toothache and intestinal problems were treated internally with teas or extracts made from the leaves. The tea was also used as a tranquilizer and some believe that it has aphrodisiac properties. Anti-spasmodic agents have been found by scientists in some Drosera species.
Growing Drosera capensis 栽培好望角毛氈苔
Drosera capensis is one of the hardiest carnivorous plants to grow. It tolerates a variety of soils which low in nutrients. General growth media, 1 part sand or silica grit: 1 peat or sphagnum moss in 10–15 cm pots are ideal. Place the potted plants in a 1–3 cm saucer filled with fresh water to remain moist at all times. Place in a northern or eastern direction for best sunlight if growing indoors. Grow in full sun to semi-shade outdoors.
The Cape sundew is easily propagated by seed or vegetative means. Prepare a 9 cm pot with growth media, water well. Sow fresh seeds on the surface in moist growth media. Do not cover with soil.
Partially cover healthy living root or leaf cuttings with growth media. Place in a well-lit area but not in direct sunlight. Cover pots with plastic to retain humidity. Once young leaves develop, pierce the plastic to allow for acclimatization and hardening off.
Acidic or epiphytic foliar feed may be used at
recommended strength once a month.
Ironically, the carnivorous plants are attacked by insect pests. Aphids, mealy bug and thrips cause deformity in new growth. Treat with a diluted pesticide or remove pests by hand. Never use a soap-based insecticide. Drying out can cause drooping and the decrease in mucilage production. Watering and keeping the plant moist will revive them. Dew production may stop after transplanting or if the leaf comes into contact with inquisitive hands. New foliage will, however, grow and continue to produce dew. Mature plants die off from time to time, but usually young shoots develop off their rhizomatous stems, so wait a few weeks before you throw them out!
有時、不時-from time to time
References and further reading 參考文獻及延伸閱讀D'Amato, P. 1998. The Savage Garden: Cultivating Carnivorous Plants. Ten Speed Press, California.Gibson, R. 1993. Cape sundew: Drosera capensis : know it and grow it. Veld & Flora 79: 54, 55.Manneveldt, G.W. 1998. Sundews. Veld & Flora 84: 10, 11.Voigt, W. 2003. Plants with appetite. Veld & Flora 89: 18–20.
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好望角在夏季高溫期會生長緩慢或休眠,南方種植在夏季有可能一睡不醒。@@monkey (74)@@
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