
B。Mister B and Angle in Polygontime limit per test2 secondsmemory limit per test256 megabytesinputstandard inputoutputstandard outputOn one quiet day all of sudden Mister B decided to draw angle a on his field. Aliens have already visited his field and left many different geometric figures on it. One of the figures is regular convex n-gon (regular convex polygon with n sides).That's why Mister B decided to use this polygon. Now Mister B must find three distinct vertices v1, v2, v3 such that the angle (where v2 is the vertex of the angle, and v1 and v3 lie on its sides) is as close as possible to a. In other words, the value should be minimum possible.If there are many optimal solutions, Mister B should be satisfied with any of them.InputFirst and only line contains two space-separated integers n and a (3≤n≤105, 1≤a≤180) — the number of vertices in the polygon and the needed angle, in degrees.OutputPrint three space-separated integers: the vertices v1, v2, v3, which form . If there are multiple optimal solutions, print any of them. The vertices are numbered from 1 to n in clockwise order.Examplesinput3 15output1 2 3input4 67output2 1 3input4 68output4 1 2NoteIn first sample test vertices of regular triangle can create only angle of 60 degrees, that's why every possible angle is correct.Vertices of square can create 45 or 90 degrees angles only. That's why in second sample test the angle of 45 degrees was chosen, since |45-67|&|90-67|. Other correct answers are: &3 1 2&, &3 2 4&, &4 2 3&, &4 3 1&, &1 3 4&, &1 4 2&, &2 4 1&, &4 1 3&, &3 1 4&, &3 4 2&, &2 4 3&, &2 3 1&, &1 3 2&, &1 2 4&, &4 2 1&.In third sample test, on the contrary, the angle of 90 degrees was chosen, since |90-68|&|45-68|. Other correct answers are: &2 1 4&, &3 2 1&, &1 2 3&, &4 3 2&, &2 3 4&, &1 4 3&, &3 4 1&.
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09-11-28 &匿名提问
这个活动每个月都不一样,11月份的问题如下(所有答案在最后)1、e100电子化自助服务方式包括 ?(可多选) A、网上营业厅 B、短信营业厅 C、掌上(WAP)营业厅 D、电话营业厅 E、自助终端 2、e100是什么? A、是中国移动北京公司全新推出的电子化自助服务 B、开心100服务 3、短信营业厅使用方式?(可多选) A、发送1,获取短信服务厅菜单,按照菜单提示办理相应业务 B、输入指定业务名称,办理相应业务 C、发送指定业务代码到10086,办理相应业务 4、哪些中国移动北京公司品牌可享受到便利快捷的e100电子化自助服务?(可多选) A、全球通 B、动感地带 C、神州行 5、北京移动门户网站是否提供网上充值、交费功能? A、是 B、不是 6、网上交费预存服务的步骤是______?(可多选) A、登录中国移动北京公司网上营业厅 B、输入手机号码 C、确认交费或预存金额 D、前往银行汇款 E、使用银行卡进行网上支付 7、北京移动现正举行的电子渠道互动活动主题是什么? A、共享欢乐嘉年华,丰富大奖惊喜连连 B、金牌服务 C、回馈客户 8、如果您办理了“国内漫游优惠计划”,国内漫游通话统一资费为_____元/分钟? A、0.39元/分钟 B、0.5元/分钟 C、1元/分钟 D、0.8元/分钟 9、全球通客户发短信_____到10086可开通交费提醒功能,每月10日您可收到短信提醒,提示您需交金额。 A、KTJFTX B、KTJF C、KTTX D、JFTX答案:1:ABCDE   2:A   3:AC   4:ABC   5:A   6:ABCE   7:A  8:A  9:A。真怀念能传小纸条的年代。


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