迷你dayz地图 namalsk地图矿井在哪

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Requirements: Nightstalkers: Shadow of Namalsk - Namalsk Crisis, Arma 2, DayZ Mod
Version: 0.741
Signed: Yes
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DayZ: Namalsk
DayZ: Namalsk is always fully dependent on the newest update for Namalsk Crisis modification (it is not possible to run it under older versions). This addition is and will be one pbo file ns_dayz.pbo, which will be updated when it will be necessary (feedback, bug fixing,..).
DayZ: Namalsk is for Arma 2: Combined Operations and you can install it into your Namalsk Crisis modfolder (\@NC\Addons\ on default). For the successful compatibility with DayZ mod, you need to know, which version is currently supported by DayZ: Namalsk. After that, you can simply launch Arma II: Combined Operations with Namalsk Crisis and DayZ.
Do not try to play anything, when you launch DayZ with Namalsk Crisis, it is really just for one thing =& playing DayZ. If you will try to play anything else, it will be bugged. From the other hand, if you will install this DayZ: Namalsk pbo into your @NC (Namalsk Crisis modfolder), you don't have to worry about playing Namalsk Crisis itself, this addon don't have any real impact on the usual Namalsk Crisis gameplay or its features.
To search for the servers, use filter, where you can type 'Namalsk'. Most of these servers will probably require the newest beta pach for Arma II OA, so for download of these beta patches, go to the
Added support for the unique objects, placed on Namalsk (over 1500 lootspots on the 90 unique models)Extended lootspot support also for the original Arma II buildings and ojbectsImproved fight with the mother nature - new and edited factors, which affects your body's temperature, and also lowered chances for getting food and waterIncreased activity (count) of the infected at the certain locations / objectsNew clothes (inspired by this uniform), which does have a real impact on your body's temperatureNew and edited loot tablesSpawn of the helicrash events disabled, helicrash loot is available in smaller amount on the static places on the map with edited loot tableSpawn of the debris, wrecks and dead bodies is turned offNew types of the infected characters (better fitting to the situation on Namalsk)Multiplayer DayZ mission connected with the newest version of AII laboratory module35 different spawn points for bicycles, cars, boats or helicopter (spawn points does not corresponds with the actual count of the spawned vehicles in the mission)New types of helicopters - Kamov Ka-60 Kasatka (with grenade launcher and rockets) and civillian transport Mil Mi-17All the needed changes are done outside of the DayZ modification, so DayZ: Namalsk requires the official version of DayZ modification
Installation / Usage:
As we always recommend use modfolders to seperate the custom content from the official game content to prevent problems. For different ways to set up your modfolders and use them please visit our .
When you are using the Steam version you can find a Steam mod installation and activation FAQ .
DayZ supported version:
For players:
DayZ: Namalsk is always fully dependent on the newest update for Namalsk Crisis modification (it is not possible to run it under older versions). This addition is and will be one pbo file ns_dayz.pbo, which will be updated when it will be necessary (feedback, bug fixing,..).
DayZ: Namalsk is for Arma 2: Combined Operations and you can install it into your Namalsk Crisis modfolder (\@NC\Addons\ on default). For the successful compatibility with DayZ mod, you need to know, which version is currently supported by DayZ: Namalsk. After that, you can simply launch Arma II: Combined Operations with Namalsk Crisis and DayZ.
Do not try to play anything, when you launch DayZ with Namalsk Crisis, it is really just for one thing =& playing DayZ. If you will try to play anything else, it will be bugged. From the other hand, if you will install this DayZ: Namalsk pbo into your @NC (Namalsk Crisis modfolder), you don't have to worry about playing Namalsk Crisis itself, this addon don't have any real impact on the usual Namalsk Crisis gameplay or its features.
To search for the servers, use filter, where you can type 'Namalsk'. Most of these servers will probably require the newest beta pach for Arma II OA, you can download the latest beta patch from here:
Instructions and download links for the server owners:
For instructions and information how to install this on your server please visit this page:
Included .pbo files:
DayZ: Namalsk Loot map:
You can find the loot map for Namalsk .
Credits & Thanks:
DayZ: Namalsk requires and also contains parts ofDayZ mod, which is developed by Dean &Rocket& Hall. I would like to thank to him for creating such awesome modification! Then I would like to thank my brother (Eawes) for huge help during creation of DayZ: Namalsk. Then I would like to thank pre-release testers and DayZ: Namalsk propagators JTS and Aeious &BlackOuT& Killhound and of course, guys from Bliss server pack, Shiva and Ayan, who are helping a lot with the server side, those are the ones who made it possible to have so many server in the release day!
- Changed: Needed files were updated for DayZMod
- Changed: G36K -& G36K_camo and G36a -& G36A_camo in loot tables to support multiple sights feature, which are only available in OA variants (*_camo), thanks to Dr.Zed for this suggestion!
- Changed: Minor changes / additions to the loot tables of Namalsk to reflect DayZMod's changes (Added machete, changed crossbow, added new types of food, trash, FoodMRE & FoodNutmix to some military loot tables (rare occurence))
- Fixed: Loot table loading, no-sniper or no-er7 schemes should once again work now
- Changed: BE filters to counter spam/kicks (scripts.txt), created by newest changes in DayZMod & DayZ Namalsk
- Changed: Updated dayz_server.pbo and its files for DayZMod
- Added: A portable solder to 'IndustrialNamalsk' loot table (low spawn chance)
- Added: Ability to repair broken NVG, radios and GPS (you need toolbox + solder + 2 pieces of broken equipment)
- Added: Models for broken GPS, radio and NVG (so you can recognize them lying on the ground - exemplary picture & here)
- Added: New weapon VSS Vintorez (class name 'VSS_vintorez_DZN') into 'MilitarySpecialNamalsk', 'MilitarySpecialNamalskWinter', 'MilitarySpecialNAC', 'MilitarySpecialNACER7' loot tables + correct ammo into 'militaryNamalsk' and 'militaryNAC' (note: this weapon is not available in no-sniper rifle loot scheme)
- Changed: Some weapon classes to counter DayZMod's newest banning ('MakarovSD' -& 'MakarovSD_DZN';'AKS_GOLD' -& 'AKS_GOLD_DZN';'AK_107_GL_pso' -& 'AK_107_GL_pso_DZN';'AKS_74_UN_kobra' -& 'AKS_74_UN_kobra_DZN';'RPK_74' -& 'RPK_74_DZN';'Saiga12K' -& 'Saiga12K_DZN';'G36_C_SD_eotech' -& 'G36_C_SD_eotech_DZN';'MG36' -& 'MG36_DZN';'BAF_L85A2_UGL_ACOG' -& 'BAF_L85A2_UGL_ACOG_DZN')
- Changed: Lowered count of items in 'MedBox0' (5-2-2-2-5), medical box is now represented on Namalsk by the new class called 'MedBox0_DZN'
- Changed: Increased chance for dropping 'ItemBloodbag' from killing a bloodsucker
- Changed: Tweaked (once again) spawning mechanism of bloodsuckers (because changed somehow spawns of the infected), they should be once again a bit rarer than they used to be (this is of course still configurable using mission parameters)
- Changed: Existing files in ns_dayz\code to support newest DayZMod's update changes (
- Changed: Working GPS and NVGs are no longer lootable (only broken ones are, working pieces removed from existing loot tables)
- Changed: Temperature script change - flying in a helicopter above water, riding a boat, etc. no longer affects negatively your temperature with water factor (only swimming does)
- Fixed: 'BrokenNVGoggles' no longer has binoculars model
- Removed: 'huntingrifle' (CZ550) from the no-sniper rifles loot scheme
- Removed: 'ItemWire' from 'IndustrialNamalsk' loot table
- Added: New parameter in mission init.sqf, which can affect times between each EVR (more info in the mission file & init.sqf)
- Added: Few bloodsucker and infected spawn points
- Added: Bloodsuckers have now a chance to drop 1 blood pack (thanks to guys from DayZ nyx.cz for this suggestion!)
- Added: Custom zombie spawn point for c130j wreck
- Changed: Less (more rare) bloodsuckers (please note, that you can configure this value using server side configuration, again in init.sqf in the mission file)
- Changed: Some animals now give you more meat (was lowered before) to compensate the overall bigger blood losses
- Changed: EVR/Blowout main sequence now triggers combat mode (EVR/Blowout also contains new preparation phase, refer for more info to release texts or here)
- Changed: White ghillie suit now adds more to the temperature than the woodland ghillie suit
- Added: New configuration parameter for changing spawn chance of bloodsuckers
- New loot classes are mainly used currently for weapon removing from loot tables, that means, magazines could still spawn for not available weapons (excluding ER7 magazines), this is not an error, this is just the way it is currently done. This server defined loot class mode is still in wip state, there will be more classes over time and even the current ones can be improved. I would recommend to use custom BE publicvariablevar.txt which will be able to catch not available weapons in different loot class schemas. Differences against the default loot class (CfgBuildingLootNamalsk)
- CfgBuildingLootNamalskNOER7 - not available nsw_er7s (weapon), nsw_er7a (weapon), nsw_er7mm (mag)
- CfgBuildingLootNamalskNOSniper - not available nsw_er7s (weapon), nsw_er7a (weapon), nsw_er7mm (mag), M24 (weapon), SVD_CAMO (weapon), DMR (weapon), M107_DZ (weapon), BAF_AS50_scoped (weapon), KSVK_DZN (weapon)
- New: Snow can fall on Namalsk when the temperature is appropriate for it
- New: Breath fog script implemented
- New: White version of ghillie suit and warm clothes (but won't know which version you got, you just have to wear it :D)
- New: The way of distributing 'HeliCrashNamalsk' loot - clients are no longer spawning it - everything is happening on the server
- New: Loot tables were invaded by some new weapons and other new stuff (new backpack)!
- New: Initial support for server-defined loot table configuration, new 'CfgBuildingLootNamalskNOER7' and 'CfgBuildingLootNamalskNOSniper' CfgBuildingLoot classes added, more to come!
- New: Survival aspect added - so called &EVR sequence& - A1 device is out of control and there is no way to stop it, prepare yourself, take cover & get protection device!
- New: New PVE challenge - introducing 'bloodsucker' - fast, mostly invisible & deadly still a bit human-like creature (I heard, they like helicrashes and barracks)
- Added: More infected custom spawn points on map
- Added: More infected spawn positions on some objects (to prevent weird behaviour of infected at some places)
- Added: Loot positions and other params for 'Land_wreck_c130j_ep1'
- Added: Control measures on client-side, preventing login on servers with incorrect server pbo
- Added: 'DynamicWeatherEffects.sqf' to \nst\ns_dayz\code\external\ to support the snowfall addition
- Added: Code to accept new DayZ: Namalsk server configurations (mainly \nst\ns_dayz\code\systen\player_monitor.fsm)
- Changed: Scripts, included in ns_dayz.pbo, were adapted for DayZ v1.7.4.4
- Changed: Loot chance for 'Land_mi8_crashed' set to zero
- Changed: Temperature script - added new negative factor for the snowfall event
- Changed: Temperature script - dynamic variables 'snow' and 'rain' now affects the strength of its appropriate negative factors
- Changed: Temperature script - wearing green camo clothing (dayz original) now affects negatively (only a bit) your temperature (because, well, tshirt on Namalsk..?)
- Changed: Temperature script - added support for new winter themed skins
- Changed: Temperature script - removed redundant code around the building check
- Changed: 'player_wearClothes.sqf' to support new player skins
- Changed: Nameplate of warm clothing (class CamoWinter_DZN, CamoWinterW_DZN) to &Survivor&
- Improved: Aiming while using warm clothes
- Fixed: !_isHiveOK script warning upon login
- Fixed: Loot positions on 'Land_molovabud2'
- Fixed: 'Land_jzd_silo_tes' was &relooted& to remove issues with lootspots being on un-wanted positions
Please note that I made probably more changes to the loot chances for the several items, but it is not listed here. The overall results should be - less rare stuff (mainly helicrash changes helped to realize this), less weapons.
- Loot type 'civilianNamalsk', 'genericNamalsk', 'genericNamalskNoFood'
- Added: Loot chance and spawn of '8Rnd_9x18_MakarovSD'
- Loot type 'militaryNamalsk'
- Added: Loot chance and spawn of '8Rnd_B_Saiga12_74Slug', '30Rnd_545x39_AKSD', '30Rnd_556x45_G36', '30Rnd_556x45_G36SD', '75Rnd_545x39_RPK', '100Rnd_762x54_PK' and '1Rnd_HE_GP25'
- Loot type 'militaryNAC'
- Added: Loot chance and spawn of '8Rnd_B_Saiga12_74Slug', '30Rnd_545x39_AKSD', '30Rnd_556x45_G36', '30Rnd_556x45_G36SD', '75Rnd_545x39_RPK', '100Rnd_762x54_PK' and '1Rnd_HE_GP25'
- Loot type 'hospitalNamalsk':
- Changed: Lowered loot chance for 'ItemAntibiotic'
- Loot table 'ResidentialNamalsk', 'SuperMarketNamalsk'
- Added: Loot chance and spawn of 'MakarovSD'
- Added: Loot chance and spawn of 'Skin_Sniper1W_DZN' (only for 'ResidentialNamalsk')
- Loot table 'MilitaryNamalsk', 'MilitaryNamalskWinter'
- Added: Loot chance and spawn of 'Saiga12K', 'G36C', 'G36K', 'RPK_74', 'AK_47_S', 'AKS_74_UN_kobra', 'AK_74_GL', 'AK_107_kobra' and 'AK_107_GL_kobra'
- Added: Loot chance and spawn of 'BAF_AssaultPack_DZN'
- Added: Loot chance and spawn of 'Skin_CamoWinterW_DZN' (only for 'MilitaryNamalskWinter')
- Changed: Increased loot chance for 'militaryNamalsk', 'genericNamalskNoFood' to counter weapon additions
- Removed: Loot chance and spawn of 'DZ_Backpack_EP1'
- Loot table 'MilitarySpecialNACER7', 'MilitarySpecialNAC', 'MilitarySpecialNamalskWinter', 'MilitarySpecialNamalsk'
- Added: Loot chance and spawn of 'M4A1_RCO_GL', 'Saiga12K', 'G36C', 'G36K', 'G36_C_SD_eotech', 'G36a', 'MG36', 'RPK_74', 'PK_DZN', 'AK_47_S', 'AKS_74_UN_kobra', 'AKS_74_pso', 'AK_74_GL', 'AK_107_kobra', 'AK_107_pso', 'AK_107_GL_kobra' and 'AK_107_GL_pso'
- Added: Loot chance and spawn of 'BAF_AssaultPack_DZN'
- Added: Loot chance and spawn of 'Skin_CamoWinterW_DZN' and 'Skin_Sniper1W_DZN' (only for 'MilitarySpecialNamalskWinter')
- Added: Loot chance and spawn of 'APSI' (only for 'MilitarySpecialNamalskWinter', 'MilitarySpecialNACER7', 'MilitarySpecialNAC' and 'MilitaryNamalskWinter')
- Changed: Increased loot chance for 'militaryNamalsk', 'genericNamalskNoFood' to counter weapon additions
- Removed: Loot chance and spawn of 'M136'
- Loot table 'HeliCrashNamalsk'
- Added: Loot chance and spawn of 'PK_DZN', 'Pecheneg_DZN', 'AKS_GOLD', 'Bizon' and 'KSVK_DZN'
- Added: Loot chance and spawn of 'Skin_CamoWinterW_DZN' and 'Skin_Sniper1W_DZN'
- Added: Loot chance and spawn of 'APSI'
- Changed: Lowered loot chance of 'AmmoBoxSmall_556' and 'AmmoBoxSmall_762'
- Added: New function 'heliCrash_dzn', which spawns HeliCrashNamalsk loot (permaloot) on the predefined locations on Namalsk (Land_mi8_crashed and Land_wreck_c130j_ep1 objects)
- Added: New server settings allows you to configure DayZ: Namalsk server, for more information, take a look into 'init.sqf' in the mission file or to update decription
- Changed: Needed sqf files to support DayZ
- Changed: 'server_playerLogin.sqf' to support new skins
- New: You can see infected now roaming in the forest areas, this has been done to enhance player's cautious while travelling or hiding in the forests on Namalsk
- New: Necessary steps has been done to make sniper rifles more rare including the experimental gauss rifle
- Added: CfgBuildingLoot changed to CfgBuildingLootNamalsk, this class now contains not only the custom loot tables and loot spots, but also redefined Chernarus buildings, used by Namalsk
- Added: 'building_spawnLoot.sqf', 'building_spawnZombies.sqf', 'zombie_generate.sqf' and 'player_spawnCheck.sqf' moved to nst\ns_dayz\code\compile to support the CfgBuildingLoot -& CfgBuildingLootNamalsk change
- Added: 'gather_meat.sqf' to nst\ns_dayz\code\actions to support the animal change
- Added: 'player_animalCheck.sqf' to nst\ns_dayz\code\compile to support the animal change
- Added: Small addition to the mission file to prevent players with any older version of DayZ: Namalsk to connect on 0.60 servers
- Added: 'player_monitor.fsm', 'player_monitor.sqf' added and modified so the clients are able to receive version info of DayZ: Namalsk from the server and compare it with their own (+ string added, in case of the wrong version)
- Improved: Roaming infected script now spawns on the predefined position/s (hangPos[] in CfgBuildingLoot), if this position is not defined, it spawns infected on the default model position (dayz default behaviour)
- Improved: Roaming infected should find a bit more possible locations for walking than before
- Changed: nst\ns_dayz\code\init\variables.sqf to support the CfgBuildingLoot -& CfgBuildingLootNamalsk changes
- Changed: ALL CHERNARUS BUILDINGS WERE MOVED UNDER CUSTOM NAMALSK LOOT TABLES (hospital, supermarket, offices, deerstands,..) =& I have now 100% control of the loot tables of Namalsk
- Changed: used sqf files in ns_dayz.pbo from dayz_code.pbo were updated for DayZ 1.7.3 code version
- Changed: Animal spawn made a bit higher (more low & mid class animals), but the yield lowered
- Changed: Disabled infected spawn on 'Land_most_blok'
- Changed: 'Land_mi8_crashed' (only helicrash loot type object on Namalsk - with custom loot table HeliCrashNamalsk) now contains only 2 lootspots (previously 4)
- Changed: 'Land_st_vez' relooted due to possible broken loot spot coordinates
- Changed: 'Land_molovabud1' was relooted (broken z coordinate of loot spots) and changed its count of the loot spots to 9
- Changed: 'Land_ind_expedice_1' was relooted due to broken lootspot coordinates and changed its count of the loot spots to 13
- Fixed: Wrong loot positions on Land_ind_quarry, Land_ind_sawmill and Land_psi_bouda
- Fixed: Player, wearing warm clothes, blocked access to the vehicle for the people without warm clothes (the player, wearing warm clothes was on different side)
- Tried: To improve behaviour after model change, to prevent swimming in the ground or on the objects (probably not 100% fix)
- Added: Loot type 'medicalNamalsk', based on 'medical'
- Added: Added spawn and spawn chance of 'ItemAntibiotic'
- Added: Loot type 'hospitalNamalsk', based on 'hospital'
- Changed: Higher chance for spawn of 'ItemAntibiotic'
- Added: Loot type 'militaryNamalsk', based on 'military'
- Changed: lowered chances for the spawning of mid class ammo (STANAG, AK,..)
- Changed: added spawn and spawn chance of 'ItemWaterbottleUnfilled'
- Added: Loot table HospitalNamalsk
- Changed: 'hospital' loot type to 'hospitalNamalsk' loot type
- Changed: Lowered chance for finding the 'MedBox0'
- Added: Loot table SuperMarketNamalsk
- Changed: 'generic' loot type to 'genericNamalsk' loot type
- Changed: 'food' loot type to 'foodNamalsk' loot type
- Loot table FarmNamalsk
- Added: loot chance and spawn of 'ItemMatchbox' (box of matches)
- Changed: Increased a bit chance for getting 'foodNamalsk'
- Loot table ResidentialNamalsk
- Changed: loot type 'military' changed to 'militaryNamalsk'
- Loot table IndustrialNamalsk
- Changed: loot type 'military' changed to 'militaryNamalsk'
- Loot table HeliCrashNamalsk
- Changed: loot type 'military' changed to 'militaryNamalsk'
- Changed: loot type 'medical' changed to 'medicalNamalsk'
- Changed: lowered chance for looting 'M107_DZ', 'BAF_AS50_scoped' and 'DMR'
- Changed: increased chance for looting 'FN_FAL', 'FN_FAL_ANPVS4' and 'BAF_L85A2_UGL_ACOG'
- Loot table MilitaryNamalsk
- Changed: loot type 'military' changed to 'militaryNamalsk'
- Removed: Spawn and spawn chance for looting 'M24' and 'DMR'
- Loot table MilitaryNamalskWinter
- Changed: loot type 'military' changed to 'militaryNamalsk'
- Removed: Spawn and spawn chance for looting 'M24' and 'DMR'
- Loot table MilitarySpecialNamalsk
- Changed: loot type 'military' changed to 'militaryNamalsk'
- Changed: loot type 'medical' changed to 'medicalNamalsk'
- Removed: Spawn and spawn chance for looting 'DMR', 'M24', 'M107_DZ' and 'SVD_CAMO'
- Loot table MilitarySpecialNamalskWinter
- Changed: loot type 'military' changed to 'militaryNamalsk'
- Changed: loot type 'medical' changed to 'medicalNamalsk'
- Changed: lowered chance for looting 'DMR'
- Loot table MilitarySpecialNAC
- Changed: loot type 'military' changed to 'militaryNamalsk'
- Changed: lowered chance for looting 'DMR'
- Removed: Spawn and spawn chance of the experimental gauss rifle - 'nsw_er7s', 'nsw_er7a' (ammo for it stays)
- Added: Loot table MilitarySpecialNACER7, derived from MilitarySpecialNAC (please note, that there are 2 objects on the map, which does have assigned this loot table, they have lootChance 25% and 1 lootspot)
- Added: Spawn and spawn chance of the experimental gauss rifle - 'nsw_er7s', 'nsw_er7a'
- Changed: lowered chance for looting 'DMR'
- Temperature system changes
- New: Wearing the ghillie suit now gives you a partial ability against the cold environment
- Changed: More balancing has been done in the temperature script - some positive and negative factors changed, affecting the player's temperature
- Changed: Heat pack item can now add 5 degrees to the current player's temperature
- Changed: With DayZ 1.7.3 isinbuilding function got fixed and so the detection and building factor is working correctly
few highlights of the new temp script changes:
- Make sure you move enough
- Do not try to swim
- Buildings are good, but you are not 100% cover at nights (half efect of the negative night factor while in buildings)
- Heatpacks are now better
- Wearing ghillie suit will help you a bit, but it does not have effect like warm clothes have
Server-side changes
- Added: Care package event - server spawns small package of the medical supplies with higher chance for getting antibiotics
- Added: DayZ: Namalsk version check, server now knows about the used version of DayZ: Namalsk and it sends this version to all clients for comparing
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