unity 内存不断增加5怎样实现消灭数增加

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GameObject->Create Other->Quad
NGUI 的第14个例子有这个
代码 //---------------------------------------------- //
NGUI: Next-Gen UI kit // Copyright (C)
Tasharen Entertainment //----------------------------------------------
using UnityE using System.C
/// Allows dragging of the specified target object by mouse or touch, optionally limiting it to be within the UIPanel's clipped rectangle. ///
public class UIDragObject : MonoBehaviour {
public enum DragEffect
/// Target object that will be dragged.
/// Scale value applied to the drag delta. Set X or Y to 0 to disallow dragging in that direction.
public Vector3 dragMovement { get { } set { scale = } }
/// Momentum added from the mouse scroll wheel.
public Vector3 scrollMomentum = Vector3.
/// Whether the dragging will be restricted to be within the parent panel's bounds.
public bool restrictWithinPanel =
/// Rectangle to be used as the draggable object's bounds. If none specified, all widgets' bounds get added up.
public UIRect contentRect =
/// Effect to apply when dragging.
public DragEffect dragEffect = DragEffect.MomentumAndS
/// How much momentum gets applied when the press is released after dragging.
public float momentumAmount = 35f;
// Obsolete property. Use 'dragMovement' instead.
protected Vector3 scale = new Vector3(1f, 1f, 0f);
// Obsolete property. Use 'scrollMomentum' instead.
float scrollWheelFactor = 0f;
Vector3 mTargetP
Vector3 mLastP
UIPanel mP
Vector3 mMomentum = Vector3.
Vector3 mScroll = Vector3.
int mTouchID = 0;
bool mStarted =
bool mPressed =
/// Auto-upgrade the legacy data.
void OnEnable ()
if (scrollWheelFactor != 0f)
scrollMomentum = scale * scrollWheelF
scrollWheelFactor = 0f;
if (contentRect == null && target != null && Application.isPlaying)
UIWidget w = target.GetComponent();
if (w != null) contentRect =
void OnDisable () { mStarted = }
/// Find the panel responsible for this object.
void FindPanel ()
mPanel = (target != null) ? UIPanel.Find(target.transform.parent) :
if (mPanel == null) restrictWithinPanel =
/// Recalculate the bounds of the dragged content.
void UpdateBounds ()
if (contentRect)
Transform t = mPanel.cachedT
Matrix4x4 toLocal = t.worldToLocalM
Vector3[] corners = contentRect.worldC
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) corners_ = toLocal.MultiplyPoint3x4(corners_);
mBounds = new Bounds(corners, Vector3.zero);
for (int i = 1; i < 4; ++i) mBounds.Encapsulate(corners_);
mBounds = NGUIMath.CalculateRelativeWidgetBounds(mPanel.cachedTransform, target);
/// Create a plane on which we will be performing the dragging.
void OnPress (bool pressed)
if (enabled && NGUITools.GetActive(gameObject) && target != null)
if (pressed)
if (!mPressed)
// Remove all momentum on press
mTouchID = UICamera.currentTouchID;
mPressed =
mStarted =
if (restrictWithinPanel && mPanel == null) FindPanel();
if (restrictWithinPanel) UpdateBounds();
// Disable the spring movement
// Create the plane to drag along
Transform trans = UICamera.currentCamera.
mPlane = new Plane((mPanel != null ? mPanel.cachedTransform.rotation : trans.rotation) * Vector3.back, UICamera.lastHit.point);
else if (mPressed && mTouchID == UICamera.currentTouchID)
mPressed =
if (restrictWithinPanel && dragEffect == DragEffect.MomentumAndSpring)
if (mPanel.ConstrainTargetToBounds(target, ref mBounds, false))
/// Drag the object along the plane.
void OnDrag (Vector2 delta)
if (mPressed && mTouchID == UICamera.currentTouchID && enabled && NGUITools.GetActive(gameObject) && target != null)
UICamera.currentTouch.clickNotification = UICamera.ClickNotification.BasedOnD
Ray ray = UICamera.currentCamera.ScreenPointToRay(UICamera.currentTouch.pos);
float dist = 0f;
if (mPlane.Raycast(ray, out dist))
Vector3 currentPos = ray.GetPoint(dist);
Vector3 offset = currentPos - mLastP
mLastPos = currentP
if (!mStarted)
mStarted =
offset = Vector3.
if (offset.x != 0f || offset.y != 0f)
offset = target.InverseTransformDirection(offset);
offset = target.TransformDirection(offset);
// Adjust the momentum
if (dragEffect != DragEffect.None)
mMomentum = Vector3.Lerp(mMomentum, mMomentum + offset * (0.01f * momentumAmount), 0.67f);
// Adjust the position and bounds
Vector3 before = target.localP
// We want to constrain the UI to be within bounds
if (restrictWithinPanel)
mBounds.center = mBounds.center + (target.localPosition - before);
// Constrain the UI to the bounds, and if done so, immediately eliminate the momentum
if (dragEffect != DragEffect.MomentumAndSpring && mPanel.ConstrainTargetToBounds(target, ref mBounds, true))
/// Move the dragged object by the specified amount.
void Move (Vector3 worldDelta)
if (mPanel != null)
mTargetPos += worldD
target.position = mTargetP
Vector3 after = target.localP
after.x = Mathf.Round(after.x);
after.y = Mathf.Round(after.y);
target.localPosition =
UIScrollView ds = mPanel.GetComponent();
if (ds != null) ds.UpdateScrollbars(true);
else target.position += worldD
/// Apply the dragging momentum.
void LateUpdate ()
if (!Application.isPlaying) #endif
if (target == null)
float delta = RealTime.deltaT
mMomentum -= mS
mScroll = NGUIMath.SpringLerp(mScroll, Vector3.zero, 20f, delta);
if (!mPressed)
// No momentum? Exit.
if (mMomentum.magnitude < 0.0001f)
// Apply the momentum
if (mPanel == null) FindPanel();
Move(NGUIMath.SpringDampen(ref mMomentum, 9f, delta));
if (restrictWithinPanel && mPanel != null)
if (mPanel.ConstrainTargetToBounds(target, ref mBounds, dragEffect == DragEffect.None))
else CancelSpring();
else mTargetPos = (target != null) ? target.position : Vector3.
// Dampen the momentum
NGUIMath.SpringDampen(ref mMomentum, 9f, delta);
/// Cancel all movement.
public void CancelMovement ()
mTargetPos = (target != null) ? target.position : Vector3.
mMomentum = Vector3.
mScroll = Vector3.
/// Cancel the spring movement.
public void CancelSpring ()
SpringPosition sp = target.GetComponent();
if (sp != null) sp.enabled =
/// If the object should support the scroll wheel, do it.
void OnScroll (float delta)
if (enabled && NGUITools.GetActive(gameObject))
mScroll -= scrollMomentum * (delta * 0.05f);
NGUI 的第14个例子有这个
代码 //---------------------------------------------- //
NGUI: Next-Gen UI kit // Copyright (C)
Tasharen Entertainment //----------------------------------------------
using UnityE using System.C
/// Allows dragging of the specified target object by mouse or touch, optionally limiting it to be within the UIPanel's clipped rectangle. ///
public class UIDragObject : MonoBehaviour {
public enum DragEffect
/// Target object that will be dragged.
/// Scale value applied to the drag delta. Set X or Y to 0 to disallow dragging in that direction.
public Vector3 dragMovement { get { } set { scale = } }
/// Momentum added from the mouse scroll wheel.
public Vector3 scrollMomentum = Vector3.
/// Whether the dragging will be restricted to be within the parent panel's bounds.
public bool restrictWithinPanel =
/// Rectangle to be used as the draggable object's bounds. If none specified, all widgets' bounds get added up.
public UIRect contentRect =
/// Effect to apply when dragging.
public DragEffect dragEffect = DragEffect.MomentumAndS
/// How much momentum gets applied when the press is released after dragging.
public float momentumAmount = 35f;
// Obsolete property. Use 'dragMovement' instead.
protected Vector3 scale = new Vector3(1f, 1f, 0f);
// Obsolete property. Use 'scrollMomentum' instead.
float scrollWheelFactor = 0f;
Vector3 mTargetP
Vector3 mLastP
UIPanel mP
Vector3 mMomentum = Vector3.
Vector3 mScroll = Vector3.
int mTouchID = 0;
bool mStarted =
bool mPressed =
/// Auto-upgrade the legacy data.
void OnEnable ()
if (scrollWheelFactor != 0f)
scrollMomentum = scale * scrollWheelF
scrollWheelFactor = 0f;
if (contentRect == null && target != null && Application.isPlaying)
UIWidget w = target.GetComponent();
if (w != null) contentRect =
void OnDisable () { mStarted = }
/// Find the panel responsible for this object.
void FindPanel ()
mPanel = (target != null) ? UIPanel.Find(target.transform.parent) :
if (mPanel == null) restrictWithinPanel =
/// Recalculate the bounds of the dragged content.
void UpdateBounds ()
if (contentRect)
Transform t = mPanel.cachedT
Matrix4x4 toLocal = t.worldToLocalM
Vector3[] corners = contentRect.worldC
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) corners = toLocal.MultiplyPoint3x4(corners);
mBounds = new Bounds(corners, Vector3.zero);
for (int i = 1; i < 4; ++i) mBounds.Encapsulate(corners);
mBounds = NGUIMath.CalculateRelativeWidgetBounds(mPanel.cachedTransform, target);
/// Create a plane on which we will be performing the dragging.
void OnPress (bool pressed)
if (enabled && NGUITools.GetActive(gameObject) && target != null)
if (pressed)
if (!mPressed)
// Remove all momentum on press
mTouchID = UICamera.currentTouchID;
mPressed =
mStarted =
if (restrictWithinPanel && mPanel == null) FindPanel();
if (restrictWithinPanel) UpdateBounds();
// Disable the spring movement
// Create the plane to drag along
Transform trans = UICamera.currentCamera.
mPlane = new Plane((mPanel != null ? mPanel.cachedTransform.rotation : trans.rotation) * Vector3.back, UICamera.lastHit.point);
else if (mPressed && mTouchID == UICamera.currentTouchID)
mPressed =
if (restrictWithinPanel && dragEffect == DragEffect.MomentumAndSpring)
if (mPanel.ConstrainTargetToBounds(target, ref mBounds, false))
/// Drag the object along the plane.
void OnDrag (Vector2 delta)
if (mPressed && mTouchID == UICamera.currentTouchID && enabled && NGUITools.GetActive(gameObject) && target != null)
UICamera.currentTouch.clickNotification = UICamera.ClickNotification.BasedOnD
Ray ray = UICamera.currentCamera.ScreenPointToRay(UICamera.currentTouch.pos);
float dist = 0f;
if (mPlane.Raycast(ray, out dist))
Vector3 currentPos = ray.GetPoint(dist);
Vector3 offset = currentPos - mLastP
mLastPos = currentP
if (!mStarted)
mStarted =
offset = Vector3.
if (offset.x != 0f || offset.y != 0f)
offset = target.InverseTransformDirection(offset);
offset = target.TransformDirection(offset);
// Adjust the momentum
if (dragEffect != DragEffect.None)
mMomentum = Vector3.Lerp(mMomentum, mMomentum + offset * (0.01f * momentumAmount), 0.67f);
// Adjust the position and bounds
Vector3 before = target.localP
// We want to constrain the UI to be within bounds
if (restrictWithinPanel)
mBounds.center = mBounds.center + (target.localPosition - before);
// Constrain the UI to the bounds, and if done so, immediately eliminate the momentum
if (dragEffect != DragEffect.MomentumAndSpring && mPanel.ConstrainTargetToBounds(target, ref mBounds, true))
/// Move the dragged object by the specified amount.
void Move (Vector3 worldDelta)
if (mPanel != null)
mTargetPos += worldD
target.position = mTargetP
Vector3 after = target.localP
after.x = Mathf.Round(after.x);
after.y = Mathf.Round(after.y);
target.localPosition =
UIScrollView ds = mPanel.GetComponent();
if (ds != null) ds.UpdateScrollbars(true);
else target.position += worldD
/// Apply the dragging momentum.
void LateUpdate ()
if (!Application.isPlaying) #endif
if (target == null)
float delta = RealTime.deltaT
mMomentum -= mS
mScroll = NGUIMath.SpringLerp(mScroll, Vector3.zero, 20f, delta);
if (!mPressed)
// No momentum? Exit.
if (mMomentum.magnitude < 0.0001f)
// Apply the momentum
if (mPanel == null) FindPanel();
Move(NGUIMath.SpringDampen(ref mMomentum, 9f, delta));
if (restrictWithinPanel && mPanel != null)
if (mPanel.ConstrainTargetToBounds(target, ref mBounds, dragEffect == DragEffect.None))
else CancelSpring();
else mTargetPos = (target != null) ? target.position : Vector3.
// Dampen the momentum
NGUIMath.SpringDampen(ref mMomentum, 9f, delta);
/// Cancel all movement.
public void CancelMovement ()
mTargetPos = (target != null) ? target.position : Vector3.
mMomentum = Vector3.
mScroll = Vector3.
/// Cancel the spring movement.
public void CancelSpring ()
SpringPosition sp = target.GetComponent();
if (sp != null) sp.enabled =
/// If the object should support the scroll wheel, do it.
void OnScroll (float delta)
if (enabled && NGUITools.GetActive(gameObject))
mScroll -= scrollMomentum * (delta * 0.05f);
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Unity5 如何做资源管理和增量更新,unity5增量
Unity 中的资源来源有三个途径:一个是Unity自动打包资源,一个是Resources,一个是AssetBundle。
AssetBundle资源是指我们可以通过编辑器脚本来将资源打包成多个独立的AssetBundle。这些AssetBundle和游戏包是分离的,可以通过WWW类来加载。AssetBundle的使用很灵活:可以用来做分包发布,例如大多数页游资源是随着游戏的过程增量下载的,或者有些手游资源过大,渠道要求发布的包限制在100M以内,那只能把一开始玩不到的内容做成增量包,等玩家玩到的时候通过网络下载。AssetBundle 也可以用来做我们下面讨论的自动增量更新。
实现中我们首先要考虑的是AssetBundle的粒度,即每个AssetBundle包含多少资源。增量包的最小粒度就是AsssetBundle, 如果单个AssetBundle过大,只要这个AssetBundle中有一个资源改变了就需要重新下载整个AssetBundle,浪费流量和玩家的等待时间;如果单个AssetBundle过小,极端情况是每个资源一个AssetBundle,虽然实现了更新最小化,但是带来了额外开销:AssetBundle本身也是有大小的,而且查找加载AssetBundle也是需要时间的。大家都往U盘里面拷过东西,拷一个1G的文件比拷1千个1M的文件要快很多。比较合理的做法是根据逻辑来,例如每个角色可以有独立的AssetBundle,公用的一些UI资源可以打到一个AssetBundle里面,每个场景独立的UI资源可以打成独立的AssetBundle。这样做资源预加载的时候也方便,每个场景需要用到几个Bundle就加载几个Bundle,无关的资源不会被加载。
加载AssetBundle,我们直接使用WWW类而不用WWW.LoadFromCacheOrDownload, 因为我们的资源在游戏开始的时候已经下载到外部存储了,不要再Download也不要再Cache。注意WWW类加载是异步的,在游戏中我们需要同步加载资源的地方就要注意把资源预加载好存在ResourceManager中,不然等用的时候加载肯定要写异步代码了。大部分时候我们应该在一个场景初始化时就预加载好所有资源,用的时候直接从ResourceManager的缓存取就可以了。
从我理解来看Resources是一个缺省自动打包的特殊AssetBundle。无论从WWW还是AssetBundle.CreateFromFile创建AssetBundle其实是创建了一个文件内存镜像。这时候是没有Asset的。AssetBundle.LoadAsset 和Resource.Load才真正创建出了Asset,而Instaniate复制了这个Asset。注意这个复制有两种,学C++的都知道浅拷贝和深拷贝,这里的复制有的是正真的复制,有的是引用。为什么要这样呢?因为有些游戏资源是只读的,像贴图Texture,这么大而且只读,当然不需要再去完全复制一份。但像GameObject这种资源它的属性是可以通过脚本改变的,必须要复制一份。所以一个资源从AssetBundle到场景中被实例化,其实有3块内存被创建,这3快内存的释放是有不同方法的。
这是老Unity的图,Unity5已经把AssetBundle.Load 改成了AssetBundle.LoadAsset。这个改动让我们更明确了Load出来的是Asset这块内存区域。什么时候把Resource.Load也改了吧。


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