
[PC] 号外号外,重大号外,继本都成为《罗马2 - 全面战争》第一个免费DLC后,塞琉古成为了免费DLC的第二个!
没错,你没看错,就是我们的终极BOSS——塞琉古。CA,你好耶,藏的一手好棋,之前是谁说没时间做来着? [s:1] [img]./mon_/414_5ede.png[/img][img]./mon_/414_52175decc58cd.jpg[/img] [img]./mon_/414_52175dfe180fe.jpg[/img]“Tolerance, diversity, strength”Although eventually embracing many eastern customs, the Seleucids are renowned for their city building and civil engineering, driving Greek colonisation and Hellenization. Furnished with expert cavalry, including cataphracts, horse skirmishers and war elephants, Seleucid armies also sport a solid core of excellent spear and pike infantry provided by a growing number of Greek-speaking colonists.As the campaign begins, such measures are a necessity when faced with the continuing threat from their Ptolemaic Egyptian neighbours and upheaval among the Seleucid's satrapies. Ever the opportunists however, the Seleucid kings may yet turn the tables, bringing much of Alexander’s former western empire under their sway.Founded by Seleucus Nicator, or Seleucus the Victor, at its height the vast Seleucid Empire stretched from western Anatolia as far east as the Indus River. During the turmoil of the Wars of the Successors, the Seleucids were able to claim and expand Alexander the Great’s eastern empire, as well as parts of Asia Minor.Seleucus sealed his overall victory at the Battle of Ipsus in 301 BC. Fielding 500 war elephants, gained through negotiating peace on his eastern border with the Emperor Chandragupta Maurya, his forces proved decisive. The territory under his control contained a diverse range of eastern subcultures, which rapidly became Hellenized by the ruling Macedonian elite and a flood of Greek settlers.Despite a sometimes precarious position at home, the Seleucids now plan to expand. But where? Into Ptolemaic Egypt? Or beyond, to Alexander’s former western empire in Greece and Macedon? Influenced by their cultural assimilation of eastern culture, The Seleucids have little tolerance for the concept and practice of slavery. As a heavily multicultural society, they also suffer less from public order issues arising from foreign cultures entering their territories. In battle, the Seleucids have access to a wide- as such, they can field capable, balanced and incredibly diverse armies and navies.Free-LCThe Seleucids will be available free in content update coming soon.
十月份出塞琉古DLC,预购版赠送。其次,首个付费DLC是游牧三强:斯基泰人、塞尔玛提亚人的罗索拉尼部落(和达西亚王国联合对抗图拉真时代的罗马帝国而著名)和马萨戈泰人(传说中杀死波斯开国国王居鲁士大帝的那个游牧民族)游牧派系Royal Scythians, Roxolani and Massagetae需要购买新的dlcPost-launch support plans and even more free content for Total War: ROME II!Hi guys, Today we’re announcing our post-launch support plans for Total War: ROME II, and the good news for you is that it involves free stuff, as well as a wide array of high-quality paid-for DLC content with additional bonus features. Alongside paid-for DLC, we’re planning to support players with regular free content and feature updates.James Russell, Lead Designer on Total War: ROME II, said, “As with SHOGUN 2, we will continually improve the game’s compatibility, optimisation and integral features such as AI and gameplay balancing post-release, and plan to add to that with new control schemes and additional free formats on other operating systems,”“We are also very proud of how SHOGUN 2 is our most moddable Total War to date with over 500 user-made mods on Steam Workshop alone. We hope to support ROME II in a similar fashion.”While the Greek States Culture Pack DLC and free Pontus playable faction update by October, you’ll also be able to add the Seleucid Empire [url]/w/Factions[/url] to your playable faction roster for free and the Nomadic Tribes Culture Pack featuring the Royal Scythians, Roxolani and Massagetae as paid-DLC.That’s a whole faction! For free! On top of Pontus!Have a great weekend,Craig.如何评价CA在《罗马2:全面战争》及之后的DLC策略? - 知乎6被浏览2751分享邀请回答34 条评论分享收藏感谢收起12 条评论分享收藏感谢收起}


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