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The Black Watchmen是一款由Alice & Smith制作发行的一款非常不错的趣味解密类游戏,游戏是一款alternate reality的硬派,特点是这个游戏解谜要依靠现实世界的网络,比如谷歌,所以比较有新意,相信不少的玩家都会非常喜欢,赶紧下载吧!The Black Watchmen游戏特点:25中不同的游戏的任务解决65大难题5个隐藏的任务(解锁通过获得“”或在游戏中的秘密答案)社区里的任务2赛季是一个可选的DLC,包括:30在游戏中的任务,具有扩大的叙事解决82大难题5个新的隐藏任务系统需求:最低操作系统:&La version&内存:&2 GB RAM&DirectX 版本:&9.0&存储空间:&需要 500 MB 可用空间&附注事项:&Screen resolution 推荐配置:操作系统:&Latest version&内存:&4 GB RAM&DirectX 版本:&11&网络:&宽带互联网连接&存储空间:&需要 1 GB 可用空间&附注事项:&Screen resolution 安装说明:1、解2、开始游戏
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Thrones: 10 Most Important Moments
By Catherine Gee et al.
Barely an episode of this fantasy series goes by without
amoment that causes slack-jawed shock from its viewers. George R.R.
Martin, who wrote the novel series A Song of Ice and Fire on
which the drama is based, has a brutal, ruthless approach to
story&telling. Here's a look back at some of the
most memorably shocking mo&ments in the series that
had everyone talking.
10. Daenerys Targaryen: Mother of
Daenerys Targaryen (Emilia Clarke) had seemingly lost it
all by the first season finale. Her husband was dead, her child
stillborn and her abil&ity to lead the Dothraki in
question. When Dany entered husband Drogo's (Jason Momoa) burning
funeral pyre with three dragon eggs, it seemed
cer&tain she too, would perish. The
next&morning Dany emerged, naked and
un&harmed, three baby dragons clinging
to&her. The iconic image secured
actress Emilia Clarke a place in the hearts of fanboys for
9. Tyrion's revenge&
By the end of Season Four Tyrion Lannister (Peter
Dinklage) had finally had his fill of being treated like the family
embarrassment. Broken out of his prison cell by his faithful
brother Jaime (Nikolaj Coster-Waldau), mere hours before he was due
executed[1] for
the murder of King Joffrey, Tyrion took a quick detour through the
castle on his way to free&dom. In his father's room
he found his former lover, Shae (Sibel Kekilli) asleep in Tywin's
(Charles Dance) bed. This was one betrayal too far. When she lunged
for a knife he throttled her&then
shot his father with a crossbow while he sat on the privy,
denying&Tywin the dignity that he had
held back from Tyrion for so long.
8. Bran Stark is pushed through a
In Season One, Bran (Isaac Hempstead-Wright) is introduced
as a curious young boy who loves climb&ing. While
scaling an old tower, he catches sister and brother Cersei (Lena
Headey) and Jaime Lannister having sex. Jaime goes over to the
stunned boy and it appears he is going to pull Bran up. Instead, he
pushes Bran off. Bran survives but is comatose. An
as&sassin comes to kill him, but is stopped by
Bran's direwolf, Summer, in an&other intense
7. Wildfire lights up the
In a show that can move slowly, the Battle of the
Blackwater was a nonstop thrill ride. Season Two
cli&maxes with an epic battle in which the fleet of
Stannis Baratheon (Stephen Dillane), rightful king of Westeros and
pitiless war commander, attempts to seize King's Landing from young
psy&chopath Joffrey (Jack Gleeson).
Jof&frey's troops are badly outnumbered, but the
Lannisters have an ace up their sleeve—Joffrey's clever uncle, the
dwarf Tyrion, has been working with the Alchemists' Guild to equip
the city&guard with "wildfire," a
combustible, unquenchable oil that burns with a hellish green
6. The white walkers attack the
When the horde of white walk&ers attacked
the wildling camp as they prepared to leave with Jon Snow (Kit
Harington), it made for a scene that seemed straight out of a
horror film. The sight of newly transformed white-walker children
stood staring dead-eyed at their mother only added to the shock
value. But that moment when the boatful of Night's Watchmen were
escaping, staring agog at the scene of destruction they were
leaving behind, the Night's King—the sinister leader of the
walkers—silently raised his arms, all the while maintaining eye
contact with Jon. At his command, all the dead arose. Suddenly we
realised, Westeros is screwed.
5. The Purple Wedding&
Apparently every wedding on this show is cursed. In Season
Four, the sadistic King Joffrey, celebrating his marriage to
Margaery Tyrell (Natalie Dormer), mocks his uncle Tyrion and makes
him his cupbearer. After Tyrion hands Joffrey a cup of wine,
Joffrey starts to choke violently and with
his&last bit of strength, points to
Tyrion in&accusation.
4. The Trial of Tyrion
In King's Landing, Tyrion goes on trial for Joffrey's
murder. Listening as former friends and foes painted him as a
murderer, Tyrion objected to the unjust trial with his usual barbed
witti&cisms. But when Shae (Sibel Kekilli), his
former lover, took the stand and betrayed him with one lie after
another, he finally snapped, shouting, "Yes,
Fa&ther! Iam guilty! Guilty! Is that what you want
He had everyone thinking he
was&going to confess to Joffrey's
death, but he delivered one epic speech instead. When Tywin asked
if he was confess&ing to Joffrey's murder, Tyrion
said no. "I'm guilty of a far more monstrous crime. I'm guilty of
being a dwarf... &I've been on trial for that my
entire life."
There's something almost the&atrical about
theentire scene, and only Peter Dinklage could pull it off,
froth&ing in a Richard III[2]
rage. "I wish I was the monster you think I am. I wish
I had enough poison for the whole pack&of
you,” He vented to the crowd on the public gallery. The episode
ended with Tyrion demanding a trial by combat.
3. The execution of Ned
Sean Bean, who played Stark patriarch Ned, was featured
heavily in all of the promos for Game of Thrones and was a
selling point to many new fans. This made his beheading in
Sea&son One that much more shocking. Daughter Sansa
begged King Joffrey not to go through with it, but was forced to
watch the violent act, as was Arya, who'd escaped into the crowd.
The killing of a main character before the first season even ended
proved this was one show that doesn't play by the rules.
2. The sacrifice of
Of all the unpleasant things to happen on this show,
Stannis Barathe&on's murder of his own daughter has
to be one of—if not the—nastiest. Previ&ously
something of a fan favourite, he was dubbed "Stannis the Mannis" on
the internet for his dour, no-nonsense attitude. But, in the
penultimate epi&sode of the fifth series, he
finally &suc&cumbed to the will
of Melisandre[3]&(Caricevan
Houten)—who told him that if he sacrificed his daughter the Lord of
Light would show good for&tune to his military
campaign. So he had his poor, screaming child strapped to a stake
and set on fire. Even his fa&natically religious
wife Selyse (Tara Fitzgerald)—who had rejected her Shireen
(KerryIngram) ever since she contracted the greyscale that scarred
her face—changed her mind about the sacrifice at the last moment.
But Stan&nis remained determined. By the
epi&sode's end he was certainly no longer "the
of Light)的女祭司,被叫做“红袍女”,为史坦尼斯·拜拉席恩服务。
1. The Red Wedding&
Walder Frey (David Bradley) ap&peared
surprisingly relaxed about Robb Stark (Richard Madden) marrying
Tali&sa (Oona Chaplin) instead of the Frey daughter
to whom he was betrothed.&Just when
we thought we'd made it&through with
no serious fatalities, the last five minutes happened. The
cel&ebration of the marriage of Roslin Frey and
Edmure Tully gets in full swing. Catelyn Stark (Ned's wife) notices
the banquet-hall doors are closed and the Lannister song, "The
Rains of Casta&mere," begins to play. She realizes
it's a trap, but it's too late. Her son Robb's pregnant wife,
Talisa, is stabbed in her stomach, and before Robb can run to her
aid, he is shot. Catelyn, shot in the back, tries to take Walder
Frey's wife hostage but he doesn't care. Catelyn begs for Robb's
life, but Roose Bolton stabs him in the heart. An anguished Catelyn
slits the throat of Frey's wife, and then allows her own throat to
be slashed. This jaw-dropping bloodbath had social media on fire
for days. The wrenching episode won a Primetime Emmy award for
outstanding writing in a drama
Game of Thrones: 10 Most Important Moments
文/凯瑟琳&吉等& 译/孟洁冰
By Catherine Gee et al.
Barely an episode of this fantasy series goes by without a moment that causes slack-jawed shock from its viewers. George R.R. Martin, who wrote the novel series A Song of Ice and Fire on which the drama is based, has a brutal, ruthless approach to story&telling. Here&s a look back at some of the most memorably shocking mo&ments in the series that had everyone talking.
10. Daenerys Targaryen: Mother of Dragons
10. 丹妮莉丝&坦格利安:龙之母
Daenerys Targaryen (Emilia Clarke) had seemingly lost it all by the first season finale. Her husband was dead, her child stillborn and her abil&ity to lead the Dothraki in question. When Dany entered husband Drogo&s (Jason Momoa) burning funeral pyre with three dragon eggs, it seemed cer&tain she too, would perish. The next morning Dany emerged, naked and un&harmed, three baby dragons clinging to her. The iconic image secured actress Emilia Clarke a place in the hearts of fanboys for life.
9. Tyrion&s revenge
9. 提利昂的报复
By the end of Season Four Tyrion Lannister (Peter Dinklage) had finally had his fill of being treated like the family embarrassment. Broken out of his prison cell by his faithful brother Jaime (Nikolaj Coster-Waldau), mere hours before he was due to be wrong&fully executed[1] for the murder of King Joffrey, Tyrion took a quick detour through the castle on his way to free&dom. In his father&s room he found his former lover, Shae (Sibel Kekilli) asleep in Tywin&s (Charles Dance) bed. This was one betrayal too far. When she lunged for a knife he throttled her then shot his father with a crossbow while he sat on the privy, denying Tywin the dignity that he had held back from Tyrion for so long.
[1] 提利昂在乔佛里中毒身亡前拿着这位国王的酒杯,因此成了替罪羊。
8. Bran Stark is pushed through a window
8. 布兰&史塔克从窗口被推落
In Season One, Bran (Isaac Hempstead-Wright) is introduced as a curious young boy who loves climb&ing. While scaling an old tower, he catches sister and brother Cersei (Lena Headey) and Jaime Lannister having sex. Jaime goes over to the stunned boy and it appears he is going to pull Bran up. Instead, he pushes Bran off. Bran survives but is comatose. An as&sassin comes to kill him, but is stopped by Bran&s direwolf, Summer, in an&other intense scene.
7. Wildfire lights up the Blackwater
7. 野火照亮黑水河面
In a show that can move slowly, the Battle of the Blackwater was a nonstop thrill ride. Season Two cli&maxes with an epic battle in which the fleet of Stannis Baratheon (Stephen Dillane), rightful king of Westeros and pitiless war commander, attempts to seize King&s Landing from young psy&chopath Joffrey (Jack Gleeson). Jof&frey&s troops are badly outnumbered, but the Lannisters have an ace up their sleeve&Joffrey&s clever uncle, the dwarf Tyrion, has been working with the Alchemists& Guild to equip the city guard with &wildfire,& a combustible, unquenchable oil that burns with a hellish green light.
6. The white walkers attack the wildlings
6. 异鬼突袭野人
When the horde of white walk&ers attacked the wildling camp as they prepared to leave with Jon Snow (Kit Harington), it made for a scene that seemed straight out of a horror film. The sight of newly transformed white-walker children stood staring dead-eyed at their mother only added to the shock value. But that moment when the boatful of Night&s Watchmen were escaping, staring agog at the scene of destruction they were leaving behind, the Night&s King&the sinister leader of the walkers&silently raised his arms, all the while maintaining eye contact with Jon. At his command, all the dead arose. Suddenly we realised, Westeros is screwed.
5. The Purple Wedding
5. 紫色婚礼
Apparently every wedding on this show is cursed. In Season Four, the sadistic King Joffrey, celebrating his marriage to Margaery Tyrell (Natalie Dormer), mocks his uncle Tyrion and makes him his cupbearer. After Tyrion hands Joffrey a cup of wine, Joffrey starts to choke violently and with his last bit of strength, points to Tyrion in accusation.
4. The Trial of Tyrion Lannister
4. 提利昂&兰尼斯特的审判
In King&s Landing, Tyrion goes on trial for Joffrey&s murder. Listening as former friends and foes painted him as a murderer, Tyrion objected to the unjust trial with his usual barbed witti&cisms. But when Shae (Sibel Kekilli), his former lover, took the stand and betrayed him with one lie after another, he finally snapped, shouting, &Yes, Fa&ther! I am guilty! Guilty! Is that what you want to hear?&
He had everyone thinking he was going to confess to Joffrey&s death, but he delivered one epic speech instead. When Tywin asked if he was confess&ing to Joffrey&s murder, Tyrion said no. &I&m guilty of a far more monstrous crime. I&m guilty of being a dwarf... I&ve been on trial for that my entire life.&
There&s something almost the&atrical about the entire scene, and only Peter Dinklage could pull it off, froth&ing in a Richard III[2] rage. &I wish I was the monster you think I am. I wish I had enough poison for the whole pack of you,& He vented to the crowd on the public gallery. The episode ended with Tyrion demanding a trial by combat.
[2] 理查三世出生于 1452年 10月,1483年即位,1485年被发动叛乱的亨利 &都铎杀死。理查三世在历史学家托马斯&莫尔撰写的编年史中首次被刻画成暴君。在莎士比亚的著名历史剧《理查三世》中,理查三世跛脚、驼背甚至手臂萎缩。2004年,彼特&丁拉基在纽约公共剧院成功地扮演了残忍、复杂而又悲哀的理查三世。
3. The execution of Ned Stark
3. 奈德&史塔克的死刑
Sean Bean, who played Stark patriarch Ned, was featured heavily in all of the promos for Game of Thrones and was a selling point to many new fans. This made his beheading in Sea&son One that much more shocking. Daughter Sansa begged King Joffrey not to go through with it, but was forced to watch the violent act, as was Arya, who&d escaped into the crowd. The killing of a main character before the first season even ended proved this was one show that doesn&t play by the rules.
2. The sacrifice of Shireen
2. 希琳的献祭
Of all the unpleasant things to happen on this show, Stannis Barathe&on&s murder of his own daughter has to be one of&if not the&nastiest. Previ&ously something of a fan favourite, he was dubbed &Stannis the Mannis& on the internet for his dour, no-nonsense attitude. But, in the penultimate epi&sode of the fifth series, he finally suc&cumbed to the will of Melisandre[3] (Carice van Houten)&who told him that if he sacrificed his daughter the Lord of Light would show good for&tune to his military campaign. So he had his poor, screaming child strapped to a stake and set on fire. Even his fa&natically religious wife Selyse (Tara Fitzgerald)&who had rejected her Shireen (Kerry Ingram) ever since she contracted the greyscale that scarred her face&changed her mind about the sacrifice at the last moment. But Stan&nis remained determined. By the epi&sode&s end he was certainly no longer &the Mannis&.
[3] 光之王(Lord of Light)的女祭司,被叫做&红袍女&,为史坦尼斯&拜拉席恩服务。
1. The Red Wedding
1. 红色婚礼
Walder Frey (David Bradley) ap&peared surprisingly relaxed about Robb Stark (Richard Madden) marrying Tali&sa (Oona Chaplin) instead of the Frey daughter to whom he was betrothed. Just when we thought we&d made it through with no serious fatalities, the last five minutes happened. The cel&ebration of the marriage of Roslin Frey and Edmure Tully gets in full swing. Catelyn Stark (Ned&s wife) notices the banquet-hall doors are closed and the Lannister song, &The Rains of Casta&mere,& begins to play. She realizes it&s a trap, but it&s too late. Her son Robb&s pregnant wife, Talisa, is stabbed in her stomach, and before Robb can run to her aid, he is shot. Catelyn, shot in the back, tries to take Walder Frey&s wife hostage but he doesn&t care. Catelyn begs for Robb&s life, but Roose Bolton stabs him in the heart. An anguished Catelyn slits the throat of Frey&s wife, and then allows her own throat to be slashed. This jaw-dropping bloodbath had social media on fire for days. The wrenching episode won a Primetime Emmy award for outstanding writing in a drama series. ■
罗柏&史塔克(理查德&马登饰)没有履行他与佛雷侯爵女儿的婚约,反而与泰丽莎(奥娜&卓别林饰)结婚,出人意料的是,瓦德&佛雷(戴维&布莱德利饰)对此表现平静。就在我们以为平安无事时,最后五分钟却发生了惨案。萝丝琳&佛雷和艾德慕&徒利的婚礼宴会正进行到高潮,凯特琳&史塔克(奈德的妻子)发现宴会厅所有的门都关闭了,乐队奏起兰尼斯特家族的歌谣&卡斯特梅的雨季&。她意识到这场婚礼是个陷阱,可为时已晚。儿子罗柏怀有身孕的妻子泰丽莎被刺中腹部,罗伯赶去救她的时候被箭射中。背部中箭的凯特琳试图抓住瓦德&佛雷的妻子作为人质,但他面不改色。凯特琳恳求饶了罗柏性命,然而卢斯&波顿用刀插进了他的心脏。悲痛欲绝的凯特琳割断了佛雷妻子的喉咙,她自己也被割喉而死。这幕令人惊叹的血腥场景在社交媒体上引发了持续数天的热议。《权力的游戏》也凭借惊心动魄的这一集赢得了黄金时段艾美奖的剧情类最佳编剧奖。 □


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