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Are you sure about this? No. It's dangerous. If we take Tywin's castle from him, the lords of Westeros will realize he's not invincible. Take his home, take his gold, take his power. Why are you telling me? You begged me not
to send Theon to negotiate with his father and I ignored your advice. Now Winterfell is burnt to the ground, the North is overrun with ironborn, and Bran and Rickon are gone. So Casterly Rock... I'm asking your advice. We have enough men? If Walder Frey cooperates.
If Walder Frey cooperates. If reinforcements arrive from King's Landing before we take the castle... we'll be caught between Tywin's army and the sea. We'll lose the war and die the way Father died. Or worse. Show them how it feels to lose what they love.
My honored guests... be welcome within my walls and at my table. I extend to you my hospitality and protection in the light of the Seven. We thank you for your hospitality, my lord. I have come to make my apologies, my lord, and to beg your forgiveness. Don't
beg my forgiveness, Your Grace. It wasn't me you spurned. It was my girls. One of them was supposed to be queen. Now none of them are. This is Arwyen my daughter. My daughter Walda, my daughter Derwa, my daughter Waldra. My eldest granddaughters Ginia and
Neila. Serra and Sarra, granddaughters, twins. You could have had either. Could have had both for all I care. My granddaughter Marianne. My granddaughter Freya. My granddaughter... Wertha. Waldra. Waldina. - I'm Merry. - Fine. And here's my youngest daughter
Shirei, though she hasn't bled yet. Clearly you don't have the patience for all that. My ladies. All men should keep their word, kings most of all. I was pledged to marry one of you and I broke that vow. The fault is not with you. Any man would be lucky to
have any one of you. I did what I did not to slight you, but because I loved another. I know these words cannot set right the wrong I have done to you and your house. I beg your forgiveness and pledge to do all I can to make amends so the Freys of the Crossing
and the Starks of Winterfell may once again be friends. Very good. There she is. Come closer. Let me have a look at you. Still can't see you. Old eyes. Love. That's what the Starks of Winterfell call it, eh? Very honorable. I call it a pretty face. Mmm, very
pretty. Prettier than this lot, that's for sure. Very shapely as well. Oh, you try to hide her under that dress. If you wanted to hide her, you shouldn't have brought her here in the first place. I can always see what's going on beneath a dress. Been at this
a long time. I bet when you take that dress off, everything stays right where it is. Doesn't drop an inch. Your king says he betrayed me for love. I say he betrayed me for firm tits and a tight fit. And I can respect that. When I was your age, I'd have broken
50 oaths to get into that without a second thought. Well, I've enough room in the hall for you lot. We'll set up tents outside with food and ale for the rest of your men. Thank you, my lord. Well, let's get ready. The wine will flow red and the music will
play loud and we'll put this mess behind us. Where? There. There. It's a back gate. My men use it when they visit Yunkai's bed slaves. Your men, but not you? I have no interest in slaves. A man cannot make love to property. This is where we enter the city.
Very few guards. They know me. They let me inside-- We're not gonna sneak an army through a back gate. I kill the guards. I take your two best men and lead them through the back streets, which I know well, and open the front gates. Then comes the army. Once
the walls are breached, the city will fall in hours. Or perhaps you'll lead Grey Worm and me to the slaughter, cutting the head off our army. The masters of Yunkai will pay you your fee and you won't have to split it three ways 'cause you've already slaughtered
your partners. You have a very suspicious mind. In my experience, only dishonest people think this way. You command the Unsullied. What do you think? You leave tonight. Very good. We'll prepare. Ser Jorah. You can use an extra sword. You're the Queensguard,
Ser Barristan. Your place is by the queen. If we are truly her loyal servants, we'll do whatever needs to be done no matter the cost, no matter our pride. We're west of Castle Black, but the Nightfort's closest to us. It was the first castle on the Wall. The
Watch abandoned it during the reign of King Jaehaerys I. Too big. Impossible to maintain. Other than Castle Black itself, the Nightfort's the perfect castle for us. It's got a secret sally port, the Black Gate, as old as the Wall itself. No one's used it in
centuries most likely. It leads through the Wall right down into the Nightfort, if one knows how to find it, which, it just so happens, I do. How do you know all that? I read about it in a very old book. You know all that from staring at marks on paper? Yes.
You're like a wizard. Our father used to tell us that no wildling ever looked upon the Wall and lived. Here we are. Alive. Remember what happens to children who run. I'm your father and I'll do the talking. The roads have gone right to hell, haven't they?
Cracked three spokes this morning. - Need a hand? - Need about eight hands. Oh! Got to get this salt pork to the Twins in time for the wedding. Many thanks. Don't! Don't kill him. Dead rats don't squeak. You're so dangerous, aren't you? Saying scary things
to little girls. Killing little boys and old people. A real hard man you are. More than anyone you know. You're wrong. I know a killer. - A real killer. - That so? You'd be like a kitten to him. He'd kill you with his little finger. That him? - No. - Good.
Don't kill him. Please. Please don't. You're very kind. Someday it'll get you killed. Where are we? The Gift, I think. Brandon the Builder gave all this land south of the Wall to the Night's Watch for their sustenance and support. Maester Luwin taught me that.
Doesn't seem to be supporting anyone at the moment. It's good land and there's no war up here. Why leave? Wildlings. Sorry. But they come over the Wall and raid, steal, carry off women. Old Nan said they turn your skull into a cup and make you drink your own
blood from it. That's what Old Nan said. There's a storm coming. I don't see any-- It's as good a place to shelter as any. We can drink some blood while we wait. I don't need much. Only one old man and eight good horses. What's one old man doing with eight
horses? He breeds them for the Watch. How's he keep folks from stealing them? The Watch protects him. Not today they don't. He's selling horses, he's got some gold in there. - And proper steel. - Let's carve him up. We just take the horses and go. The old
man's no threat. I keep telling you. He's an old man. A spear through the heart's a better way to die than coughing up your last with no one but your horses to hear. The Watch might send a few men looking for a horse thief. They'll send a lot more to hunt
down murderers. I hope so. Killing crows in their castle is tough. Killing them out here in the open, that's what we do. Spread out. Surround the hut and move in. Ygritte! Clear the barn! No one's going to believe you're a hog farmer if you eat them all. Best
part of the animal. Don't worry. They're still there. I know they're still there. You check every five minutes like you're afraid they're gonna move. I'm not afraid. Of course you are. You're almost there and you're afraid you won't make it. The closer you
get, the worse the fear gets. No point in trying to hide behind that face. I know fear when I see it. Seen it a lot. I knew fear when I saw it in you. You're afraid of fire. When Beric's sword went up in flames, you looked like a scared little girl. And I
know why, too. I heard what your brother did to you. Pressed your face to the fire like you're a nice juicy mutton chop. That give you some ideas? Might do. Go ahead, then. You might get away. Might even make it there on your own. They're just over the river.
The closest you've been to family since Ilyn Payne snipped your daddy's neck. Someday I'm gonna put a sword through your eye and out the back of your skull. How are we going to get past the Wall? My uncle said it's 700 feet high. How did you get past it? Got
in a boat and rowed past the Bay of Seals. It would take us two months to get to the Bay of Seals. Some climb straight up the ice. Even Hodor's not strong enough to climb the Wall with me on his back. Hodor. 19 castles guard the Wall. - Only three are still
manned. - Hodor! One of those abandoned fortresses will give us a way through. My uncle said the gates were sealed with ice and stone when the castles were deserted. Well, we'll have to open them up again. - Whoa, whoa, whoa! - There's a rider out there. Just
one? - There's more. - Hodor! Shh. Shh. - It's just thunder, sweet giant. - Hodor. I yield. - I yield. - Wildlings. Where's Shaggydog and Summer? Hunting. Hodor! - Shh, quiet, Hodor. - Hodor! Make him shut up. If they hear us... - Hush, Hodor. No-- no more
Hodoring. - Hodor! - Hodor! - Hodor, calm down. - You need to keep quiet. - They're gonna hear us. Hodor, be quiet. - Ah! Hodor! - Hodor, calm down. - Hodor! Hodor! - Hodor, be quiet! What did you do? Nothing. I don't know. What's that? That's a horse dying.
Bring them over here. That was the last of them. The rest are dead. I heard shouting up there. Thunder. I know the difference between shouting and thunder. Maybe it's ghosts. That won't help you, grandpa. Where you riding? Doesn't matter now, does it? No,
it doesn't matter now. Cut his throat or he'll tell the crows we're here. You understand. Let me stand at least. Let me go with a bit of dignity. Make the crow kill him. You're one of us now. Prove it. The wolves are out there. I can't do it by choice. I don't
know how. It happens in my dreams. You're a warg, Bran. It's in your blood. I can't. You just did with him. A wolf is nothing compared to that. She looks sharp. Do it. Do it. I told you. He's still one of them. Go on, boy. Go on! He's a crow. He'll always
be a crow. And here's his crow wife guarding him. He'll stab us in the back first chance he gets. Kill him. - He's one of them. - No! Do you hear me? You're not gonna die for one of them. Do it. They'll find us if you don't. You were right the whole time.
Hyah! When you hear a songbird's whistle, you come. I'm a great whistler. The greatest in the land. Daario Naharis. That one was quick. - There may be others. - I doubt it. The Yunkish prefer to let their slaves do their fighting for them. That's what you
call a few guards? Come on! What do you got, huh? Lord Edmure... I hope I'm not a disappointment to you. You're a delight to me, my lady. You may now cloak the bride and bring her under your protection. In the sight of the Seven, I hereby seal these two souls,
binding them as one for eternity. Look upon each other and say the words. Father, Smith, Warrior, Mother, Maiden, Crone, Stranger... - I am hers... - I am his... - and she is mine... - and he is mine... ...from this day until the end of my days. - Is that
safe? - They're long gone. You were right. I can get inside Summer's mind whenever I want. Of course you can. North of the Wall there are wildlings who can control all sorts of animals. But you did a lot more than that. You got inside Hodor's mind. They can't
do that north of the Wall? No one can do that... anywhere. When I was looking through Summer's eyes, - I saw Jon. - Where? He was with the wildlings. They tried to kill him, but he got away. He'll be heading back to Castle Black, then. That's where we should
go. For all we know, Castle Black's already under attack. - If this many wildlings got through-- - I already told you. I'm not going north of the Wall. Everything Jojen told me is true. You saw what I did to Hodor. I have to find the three-eyed raven. Listen
to me, little lord. Don't worry. I'm not asking you to come with me. It won't be safe for Rickon. Me? I'm coming with you. No. You and Osha and Shaggydog head for the Last Hearth. The Umbers are our bannermen. They'll protect you. I'm coming with you. I'm
your brother. I have to protect you. Right now I have to protect you. Robb's at war and I'm going beyond the Wall. If something happens to us, you're the heir to Winterfell. Would you know how to find the Last Hearth? You southerners build your big castles
and you never move. You're easy to find. We're not southerners. And I don't want to leave you. Shh, shh. Come here, little soldier. You and me, we're gonna have some adventures. You don't have to do any of this. Your family took me in and was good to me when
they had no cause to be. Shh. We'll be fine, you and me. The Umbers are great warriors. Even I heard about them growing up. They'll teach you how to swing a sword. I know how to swing a sword. You're leaving now? It's the middle of the night. I learned to
walk in darkness. Say your good-byes, little man. Keep this one safe. He means the world to me. We've been waiting a long time. Haven't we? I don't know, you tell me. How long does it take to sack a city? It was just as you said. They did not believe until
it was too late. Their slave soldiers threw down their spears and surrendered. And Daario Naharis? The city is yours, my queen. They're good, aren't they? They ought to be because they cost enough. Look at the crowd there. He complained about this marriage
the entire ride from Riverrun, and now look at him. The gods love to reward a fool. - Uncle. - What? He's my nephew. I love him. And he's a damned fool. Don't you drink, Lord Bolton? Never do, my lady. Dulls the senses. That's the point. Didn't you marry one
of these Frey girls? Aye. Lord Walder let me choose any of his granddaughters and promised me the girl's weight in silver as a dowry. So I have a fat young bride. I hope she makes you very happy. Well, she's made me very rich. Pardon, my lord, my lady. I need
to find a tree to piss on. My mother's alone with Roose Bolton. I should rescue her. Your mother is less in need of rescue than any woman I've ever met. Be kind. She's finally starting to like you. And I like her. But if she had her way, I would be back in
Volantis playing my harp and you would be sitting over there eating blackberries out of Roslin Frey's hand. Perhaps I've made a terrible mistake. Striking your king is an act of treason. No, don't. Don't insult them. Your Grace. The septon has prayed his prayers,
some words were said, and Lord Edmure has wrapped my daughter in a cloak. But they are not yet man and wife. A sword needs a sheath. And a wedding needs a bedding. What does my sire say? To bed! To bed! To bed! If you think the time is right, Lord Walder,
by all means, let us bed them. To bed! To bed! To bed! Go on! Oh! Careful now, ladies. Once you set that monster free, there's no caging him again. To bed! To bed! To bed! Poor girl. Every bride suffers the same. I'm sure you endured yours with grace. Oh,
Ned forbade it. He said it wouldn't be right if he broke a man's jaw on our wedding night. That is a very strange custom. I suppose it does seem strange from a foreigner's perspective. It seems normal to you? It's a tradition. Without the bedding ceremony,
there's no real proof the lord and lady consummated their marriage. But there are other ways of providing proof. Boy or girl? I don't know. But if it's a boy, I know what we should name him. Oh, do you? It seems to me the father should have some say in his
son's naming. Eddard. Don't you want to teach little Ned Stark how to ride horses? I do. Go on, line 'em up! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Where are you going? Got salt pork for the feast. The feast is over. Doesn't sound like it's over. If I tell you it's over,
it's over. Turn this cart around and get the hell out of here. Got pig's feet, too. Are you soft in the head? Turn this cart around. Your Grace. I feel I've been remiss in my duties. I've given you meat and wine and music, but I haven't shown you the hospitality
you deserve. My king has married and I owe my new queen a wedding gift. Robb! You ready to head home to Winterfell, right? Feast over yet, is it? Aye, it's over. Follow him. Aim! It's too late. The King in the North arises. Lord Walder! Lord Walder, enough!
Let it end! Please. He is my son. My first son. Let him go and I swear that we will forget this. I swear it by the old gods and new. We will take no vengeance. You already swore me one oath right here in my castle. You swore by all the gods your son would
marry my daughter! Take me for a hostage, but let Robb go. Robb, get up. Get up and walk out. Please! Please! And why would I let him do that? On my honor as a Tully, on my honor as a Stark, let him go or I will cut your wife's throat. I'll find another. Mother.
The Lannisters send their regards.&
#本集共有单词数:89 &总词数:7910
a = ['Aim', 'Alive', 'Arwyen', 'Builder', 'Clearly', 'Cracked', 'Crone', 'Crossing', 'Derwa', 'Dulls', 'Feast', 'Freya', 'Gate', 'Gift', 'Ginia', 'Hodoring', 'Jaehaerys', 'Maiden', 'Marianne', 'Merry', 'Need', 'Neila', 'Nightfort',
'Pressed', 'Prettier', 'Prove', 'Sarra', 'Saying', 'Seals', 'Seen', 'Serra', 'Shirei', 'Stranger', 'Striking', 'Surround', 'Umbers', 'Waldina', 'Waldra', 'Wertha', 'arises', 'barn', 'blackberries', 'byes', 'caging', 'complained', 'consummated', 'cooperates',
'crowd', 'delight', 'deserted', 'dishonest', 'dowry', 'extra', 'fee', 'firm', 'forbade', 'fortresses', 'granddaughter', 'granddaughters', 'grandpa', 'hog', 'ignored', 'inch', 'invincible', 'juicy', 'kitten', 'loud', 'overrun', 'partners', 'perspective', 'pork',
'reinforcements', 'remiss', 'rowed', 'septon', 'shapely', 'snipped', 'songbird', 'southerners', 'spokes', 'spurned', 'squeak', 'surrendered', 'sustenance', 'tight', 'twins', 'whistle', 'whistler', 'wizard']
- Go, move out! - The King in the North! The King in the North! The King in the North! The King in the North! The King in the North! The King in the North! Here comes the King in the North! Here comes the King in the North! The
King in the North! The King in the North! Here comes... Hmm. Ser Eldrick Sarsfield and Lord Desmond Crakehall. Ser Eldrick Sarsfield and Lord Desmond Crakehall. What are you doing? I have a list. A list of people you mean to kill? For laughing at me? Do I
look like Joffrey to you? No, death seems a bit extreme. Fear of death, on the other hand... You should learn to ignore them. My lady, people have been laughing at me far longer than they've been laughing at you. I'm the Halfman, the Demon Monkey, the Imp.
You're a Lannister. I am the disgraced daughter of the traitor Ned Stark. The disgraced daughter and the Demon Monkey. We're perfect for each other. So how should we punish them? Who? Whom? Ser Eldrick Sarsfield and Lord Desmond Crakehall. Ah. I could speak
to Lord Varys and learn their perversions. Anyone named Desmond Crakehall must be a pervert. I hear that you're a pervert. I am the Imp. I have certain standards to maintain. We could sheep shift Lord Desmond's bed. You cut a little hole in his mattress and
you stuff sheep dung inside. Then you sew up the hole and make his bed again. His room will stink, but he won't know where it's coming from. Lady Sansa! My sister used to do that when she was angry with me. And she was always angry with me. Why sheep shift?
That's the vulgar word for dung. My lady... Well, you asked me. Oh! That's him! My lord, my lady. Your father has called a meeting of the small council. Killed a few puppies today? Show him. Come on, show him. Oh, apologies, my lord. Old fingers. &Roslin caught
a fine fat trout. Her brothers gave her a pair of wolf pelts for her wedding. Signed Walder Frey.& Is that bad poetry or is it supposed to mean something? Robb Stark is dead. And his bitch mother. Write back to Lord Frey. Thank him for his service and command
him to send Robb Stark's head. I'm going to serve it to Sansa at my wedding feast. Your Grace, Lady Sansa is your aunt by marriage. A joke. Joffrey did not mean it. Yes, I did. I'm going to have it served to Sansa at my wedding feast. No. She is no longer
yours to torment. Everyone is mine to torment. You'd do well to remember that, you little monster. Oh, I'm a monster. Perhaps you should speak to me more softly, then. Monsters are dangerous and just now kings are dying like flies. I could have your tongue
out for saying that. Let him make his threats. Hmm? He's a bitter little man. Lord Tyrion should apologize immediately. Unacceptable, disrespectful, and in very bad taste. I am the king! I will punish you. Any man who must say, &I am the king& is no true king.
I'll make sure you understand that when I've won your war for you. My father won the real war. He killed Prince Rhaegar. He took the crown while you hid under Casterly Rock! The king is tired. See him to his chambers. - Come along. - I'm not tired. We have
so much to celebrate. A wedding to plan. You must rest. Grand Maester, perhaps some essence of nightshade to help him sleep. I'm not tired! Come. Not you. You just sent the most powerful man in Westeros to bed without his supper. You're a fool if you believe
he's the most powerful man in Westeros. A treasonous statement. Joffrey is king. You really think a crown gives you power? No. I think armies give you power. - Mm-hmm. - Robb Stark had one, never lost a battle, and you defeated him all the same. - Mm-hmm.
- Oh, I know. Walder Frey gets all the credit. Or the blame, I suppose, depending on your allegiance. Walder Frey is many things, but a brave man? No. He never would have risked such an action if he didn't have certain assurances. Which he got from me. Do
you disapprove? I'm all for cheating. This is war. But to slaughter them at a wedding... Explain to me why it is more noble to kill 10,000 men in battle than a dozen at dinner. So that's why you did it? To save lives? To end the war. To protect the family.
Do you want to write a song for the dead Starks? Go ahead, write one. I'm in this world a little while longer to defend the Lannisters, to defend my blood. The northerners will never forget. Good. Let them remember what happens when they march on the south.
All the Stark men are dead. Winterfell is a ruin. Roose Bolton will be named Warden of the North until your son by Sansa comes of age. I believe you still have some work to do on that score. Do you think she'll open her legs for me after I tell her how we
murdered her mother and brother? One way or another, you will get that girl pregnant. I will not rape her. Shall I explain to you in one easy lesson how the world works? Use small words. I'm not as bright as you. The house that puts family first will always
defeat the house that puts the whims and wishes of its sons and daughters first. A good man does everything in his power to better his family's position regardless of his own selfish desires. Does that amuse you? No, it's a very good lesson. Only it's easy
for you to preach utter devotion to family when you're making all the decisions. Easy for me, is it? When have you ever done something that wasn't in your interest but solely for the benefit of the family? The day that you were born. I wanted to carry you
into the sea and let the waves wash you away. Instead, I let you live. And I brought you up as my son. Because you're a Lannister. Sansa. It's empty. Let's find a place to sleep. Hodor. Hodor. Don't, Hodor. Maybe we shouldn't stay here. You'd rather be out
there? There are a lot of stories about this place. Horrible stories. I always quite liked the horrible stories. So did I. Once. You ever heard about the Rat Cook? No. Who's he? Just a cook in the Night's Watch. He was angry at the king for something, I don't
remember. When the king was visiting the Nightfort, the cook killed the king's son, cooked him into a big pie with onions, carrots, mushrooms and bacon. That night he served the pie to the king. He liked the taste of his son so much, he asked for a second
slice. The gods turned the cook into a giant white rat who could only eat his own young. He's been roaming the Nightfort ever since, devouring his own babies. But no matter what he does, he's always hungry. If the gods turned every killer into a giant white
rat-- It wasn't for murder the gods cursed the Rat Cook or for serving the king's son in a pie. He killed a guest beneath his roof. That's something the gods can't forgive. &The late Walder Frey,& old Tully called me because I didn't get my men to the Trident
in time for battle. He thought he was witty. Look at us now, Tully. You're dead, your daughter's dead, your grandson's dead, your son spent his wedding night in a dungeon and I'm Lord of Riverrun. The Blackfish escaped. An old man on the run with no allies.
I have Tywin Lannister backing me. - Who does he have? - As you say. They all laughed at me, all those high lords. They all thought they were better than me. Ned Stark, Hoster Tully. People snigger when I marry a young girl, but who said a word when Jon Arryn
married the little Tully bitch? You'll be needing a new young girl. Yeah. Got that to look forward to. And you, the Warden of the North. No more Starks to bow and scrape to. Must have been torture following that stupid boy all over the country. He ignored
my advice at every turn. If he'd been a trifle less arrogant... Calling himself the Young Wolf. How's that for pomposity? Well, here's to the Young Wolf! Forever young. Will you move to Winterfell now that the war's over? At some point perhaps. But Winterfell's
in ruins. Yeah. What happened up there? I heard the Greyjoy boy seized the place. I heard he killed all the ravens. And after that, nothing. I sent my bastard Ramsay to root him out. Robb Stark offered amnesty for the ironborn if they gave us Theon. Oh. And?
Ramsay delivered the terms. The ironborn turned on Theon as we knew they would. They handed him over trussed and hooded. But Ramsay-- well... Ramsay has his own way of doing things. Well, the girls weren't lying. You had a good-sized cock. What? No. Pork sausage.
You think I'm some sort of savage? People talk about phantom limbs. An amputee might have an itch where his foot used to be. So I've always wondered... do eunuchs have a phantom cock? Next time you think about naked girls, would you feel an itch? Sorry. I
shouldn't make jokes. My mother taught me not to throw stones at cripples. But my father taught me to aim for their head. Kill me. Sorry, what? Kill me. A little louder. Kill me! You're no good to me dead. We need you. You don't look like a Theon Greyjoy anymore.
That's a name for a lord. But you're not a lord, are you? You're just meat. Stinking meat. You reek. Reek! That's a good name for you. What's your name? Theon Greyjoy. What's your name? Th-- Theon Greyjoy. Please. What is your name?! Reek. My name is... Reek.
Hodor. - Don't kill me! - Who are you? - Sam! Sam! - Who are you?! Gilly. Don't hurt us. Where are you going? To Castle Black. I'm a brother of the Night's Watch. - My brother, he's in the Night's-- - Shush. - Who's your brother? - Doesn't matter. You're Jon's
brother. The one who fell from the window. No, I'm not. I've been around Ghost enough to know a direwolf when I see one. And I've heard all about Hodor. Hodor. I'd be dead if it wasn't for Jon. If you're his brother, you're my brother, too. And anything I
can do to help you, I will. Take us north of the Wall. What? Why in the world would you want to go-- I don't want to. I have to. How did you get through the Wall? Does the well lead to an underground river? Is that how you came here? Come with us. There are
steps carved into the south side of the Wall. Hodor can carry you to the top. We'll walk straight to Castle Black. Come with us. There's nothing north but death. If Jon is alive, then Castle Black's where he'll be. It's the safest place for you. There's nowhere
safe any longer. You know that. What I know is what I saw. And if you saw it, too, you'd run the other way. You saw the white walkers and the army of the dead. How do you know all that? The Night's Watch can't stop them. The kings of Westeros and all their
armies can't stop them. But you're going to stop them? Please, Sam. I have to go north. I have to. &Balon Greyjoy, Lord of the Iron Islands and invader of the North. I give you until the full moon to order all ironborn scum out of the North and back to those
shit-stained rocks you call a home. On the first night of the full moon, I will hunt down every islander still in our lands and flay them living the way I flayed the 20 ironborn scum I found at Winterfell. In the box you'll find a special gift-- Theon's favorite
toy. He cried when I took it away from him. Leave the North now or more boxes will follow with more Theon. Signed Ramsay Snow, natural-born son of Roose Bolton, Lord of the Dreadfort and Warden of the North.& Get that out of my sight. Theon disobeyed my orders.
The boy is a fool. He cannot further the Greyjoy line. I will not give up the lands I have seized, the strongholds I have taken. Get this away from me. He's your son. Son? He's not a man anymore. He's your son. He's my brother. He's a Greyjoy. Watch yourself.
I've made my decision. And I've made mine. I'm going to pick the fastest ship in our fleet. I'm going to choose the 50 best killers on the Iron Islands. Get those ropes! I'm going to sail up the Narrow Sea all the way to the Weeping Water. I'm going to march
on the Dreadfort. I'm going to find my little brother and I'm going to bring him home. What is it? Dragonglass. We found them at the Fist. Someone buried them a long time ago. Someone wanted us to find them. Why? What are they for? Killing white walkers. How
do you know that? The walker came for my baby. And Sam... But no one's killed a white walker in thousands of years. Well, I suppose someone had to be the first. Take it, Hodor. And the archer. I got lucky with one of them. There are more. Many more. And for
every one of them, the dead men, more than you could count. I wish you'd come with us. I wish I could. I really do. How are you keeping? Great. Never better. It was just a bit of blood. I should have known. Every time a highborn asks my name, it's trouble.
We're not really people to you, are we? Just a million different ways to get what you want. - I'm not a highborn. - She called you Ser. I heard it. A recent state of affairs. I was born in Flea Bottom just like you. Sure, you were. You're my friend. You're
here to help. I lived below the Street of Flour. How far below? How close to the Red Keep were you? The shit that poured from their privy pipes flowed down the side of Aegon's Hill along Tanner's Row and right in front of my front door - on Gin Alley. - Gin
Alley. The Street of Steel, with your armor and your knights? Pfft. You lived in the fancy part of town. And here we are now. Two boys from Flea Bottom in the castle of a king. Yeah, we've come a long way. We're all the same, really. She went to great pains
to point that out to me. If you mistrust fancy people so much, why were you in such a hurry to trust her? You're me. Never been with a woman. Never talked to a woman, really. And then she comes at you-- big words, no clothes. What would you have done? She
does know her way around a man's head, I'll give her that. So how'd you become a lord? Oh, that's a long story. Better not, then. I'm a bit busy. Many years ago I helped King Stannis out of a difficult situation. He rewarded me with a lordship. And this. You
see? Highborns. I didn't want to be a lord. I nearly didn't accept. Why did you? I did it for my son. I didn't want him to step over a river of shit every time he stepped through his front door. I wanted him to have a better life. Does he? He's dead. How'd
he die? Following me. When did you come to this strange country? When I was 13. You were only a child. I stopped being a child when I was nine. My mother made sure of that. You've been a good influence on our mutual friend, you know. He used to drink from
sundown to sunup, visit three brothels a night, gamble away his father's money. Now it's just the drinking. And now I'm his wife's servant. I brush her hair and clip her nails and empty her chamber pot. She is a sweet young thing. None of this is her fault.
I love that girl. I would kill for her. Do you think that makes it easier for me? No, I expect not. She's young and she's beautiful and highborn. We break bread with them, but that doesn't make us family. We've learned their language, but we'll never be their
countrymen. If you let yourself believe that a foreign girl with no name could spend her life with the son of Tywin Lannister-- - I have a name. - You have one name. As do I. Here only the family name matters. What do you want from me, Lord Varys? Diamonds.
I'd tell you to beware carrying so much wealth, but you know how to protect yourself. Get on one of those ships. Sail to Pentos or Lys or Myr. You can buy a house with these diamonds, a very large house. Hire servants. Start a new life, a good life, far from
here. The mysterious foreign beauty. You'll have suitors lining up. Why do you want me to leave? Tyrion Lannister is one of the few people alive who could make this country a better place. He has the mind for it, he has the will, he has the right last name.
And you-- you are a complication. I know you love him. And I know it's true love not bought by gold and silver. I'm not asking you to leave him for money. I'm asking you to leave because your presence in the capital endangers him. This will never be your home,
my lady. Find a true home somewhere far from here... while there's still time. Lord Varys. If he wants me to leave, he can tell me himself. Keep up. I don't think I can, my lord. It's not easy being drunk all the time. Everyone would do it if it were easy.
Leave. So, enjoying married life? An unhappy wife is a wine merchant's best friend. She doesn't deserve this. Deserve? Be careful with that. Start trying to work out who deserves what and before long you'll spend the rest of your days weeping for each and
every person in the world. There's nothing worse than a late-blooming philosopher. Will you be facing your marriage to Ser Loras with the same philosophical spirit? I won't be marrying Ser Loras. I seem to remember saying something similar about my own marriage.
You're not me. You want to make things better for Sansa? Give her a child. So you can tell Father it was you who finally talked me into it? So she can have some happiness in her life. You have children. How happy would you say you are? Not very. But if it
weren't for my children, I'd have thrown myself from the highest window in the Red Keep. They're the reason I'm alive. Even Joffrey? Even Joffrey. He was all I had once. Before Myrcella was born. I used to spend hours looking at him. His wisps of hair. His
tiny little hands and feet. He was such a jolly little fellow. You always hear the terrible ones were terrible babies. &We should have known. Even then we should have known.& It's nonsense. Whenever he was with me, he was happy. And no one can take that away
from me, not even Joffrey-- how it feels to have someone. Someone of your own. How long does it go on? Until we've dealt with all our enemies. Every time we deal with an enemy, we create two more. Then I suppose it will go on for quite a long time. I'm telling
you, that's what she did. Sounded like a cow in heat. - Aye, not for long. - That's right. Black Walder shut her up right quick. None of the Starks had much to say about the end of that meal. I'll tell you what, though. The hardest thing was getting that wolf's
head to stay on the body. - You sewed it on? - I did. I bet there were 1,000 men claiming they were the one. It was me. And Malcolm and Talbott. Well, the thing was so heavy, it fell off the first time. Took the skin right with it. What we ended up having
to do was hook the needle right under the collarbone. Give it a nice firm mooring and-- What do you want? - Mind if I keep warm? - Fuck off. But I'm hungry. Does fuck off mean something different where you're from? I've got money. What kind of coin is that?
It's worth a lot. Sorry. Little shit. Fool! Where did you get the knife? From you. Is that the first man you've killed? The first man. Next time you're going to do something like that, tell me first. Valar morghulis. Ygritte, you know I didn't have a choice.
You always knew who I was, what I am. I have to go home now. I know you won't hurt me. You know nothing, Jon Snow. I do know some things. I know I love you. I know you love me. But I have to go home now. I know how this must look. - What I meant was-- - I
swear to you, my lord-- I'm not a lord, my dear. Not for many, many years. Every man who joins the Night's Watch renounces all former titles. Among other things. What is your name? Gilly. Ah, for the gillyflower. Lovely. Yes, my-- Maester. Master. Maester.
And the child? She hasn't chosen a name yet. His name is Sam. Tarly... do you remember the oath you swore when you joined this order? He's not my child, Maester Aemon. She's one of Craster's wives. I remember every word of the oath. Night gathers and my watch
begins. I am the shield that guards the realms of men. The realms of men. That means her as well as us. We didn't build 500 miles of ice walls 700 feet high to keep out men. The night is gathering, Maester Aemon. I've seen it. It's coming for all of us. Gilly,
you and your son will be our guests for the time being. We certainly cannot send you back beyond the Wall. Thank you... Maester. I can cook and clean and I can-- Good. Samwell, fetch a quill and inkwell. I hope your penmanship is better than your swordplay.
Miles better. We had 44 ravens at last count. Make sure they're all fed. Every one of them flies tonight. &To His Grace King Stannis Baratheon. Invaded-- inv-- invit-- invited to the name day celebration for Rylene Florent on the first nigit--& Night. &First
night of the full moon.& Why is there a G in night? I don't know. There just is. Well, your father's not going to go to that. My books are better than these boring scrolls. You could read about Balerion the Dread. They say you can still see his skull in the
dungeons beneath the Red Keep. I'd like to see that someday. I've been trying to stay out of those dungeons my whole life. &His fangs were as long as bastard swords.& Aye, old Balerion's definitely better than anything your cousin Rylene's got on offer. But
now that I'm your father's Hand again, I have to keep him informed. The king does not have time for this drudgery. &To all the lords and knobble men of Westeros.& - Noblemen. - &Noblemen of Westeros, the Nig-- the Night's Watch... implores...& What is it?
Why are they ringing the bells? Are we being attacked? Stay here. Bar the door. The usurper Robb Stark is dead. Betrayed by his bannerman. And you take credit because you dropped a leech into the fire? I take no credit. I have faith and my faith has been rewarded.
Your Grace, the world has got so far bent. I've seen things crawl out of nightmares, but my eyes were open. I don't know if Robb Stark died because of the Red Woman's sorcery or because at war men die all the time, but I do know that uniting the Seven Kingdoms
with blood magic is wrong. It is evil. And you are not an evil man. Do you know who had this table carved and painted, Ser Davos? Aegon Targaryen. And do you know how Aegon Targaryen conquered Westeros? On the back of his dragon Balerion the Dread. He had
a smaller fleet than the kings he faced and a smaller army, but he had three dragons. Dragons are magic, Ser Davos. My enemies have made my kingdom bleed. I will not forget that. I will not forgive that. I will punish them with any arms at my disposal. You
do not need to burn the boy. If what you say is true, a drop of his blood killed Robb Stark-- And our king is still no closer to the Iron Throne. A great gift requires a great sacrifice. His name is Gendry. He's a good lad. A poor lad from Flea Bottom who
happens to be your nephew. What is the life of one bastard boy against a kingdom? Everything. The boy must die. - What are you doing? - You're leaving. Is this some kind of trick? Yes, but not on you. Aim for that star. Don't stop. There's bread and water.
Go slow with it. If you finish it off, no matter how thirsty you get, don't drink seawater. I know not to drink seawater. Row for a full day and night and you'll reach Rook's Rest. You'll want to stop there. Don't. She'll find you. Where should I go? You must
keep the coast on your left side until you reach King's Landing. The gold cloaks are looking for me. They were looking for me for 20 years. - Do they know your face? - No. I'd worry more about the Red Woman. The other way. You ever been in a boat before? No.
You know how to swim? No. Don't fall out. Go on. Why are you doing this? Because it's right. And because I'm a slow learner. When you get to Flea Bottom, have a bowl of brown for me. Horse approaching! Halt! Halt! Jon! Jon! Jon, it's us. I don't think he can
see us. Pyp? Sam? Hush, now. You're home. Carry him inside. Gently. Out of the way. Step aside, country boy. People working here. Cersei. You don't deny it? No. I let him go. Your mercy saved the boy's life. You feel good about that? Aye, I do. You saved one
innocent. How many tens of thousands have you doomed? There has got to be another way. What other way?! Tell us about this other way. I don't know, Your Grace. I can't see the future in the fire. Very well, Ser Davos Seaworth. I, Stannis of the House Baratheon,
First of My Name, Rightful King of the Andals and the First Men, - sentence you to die. - I understand. But since you haven't yet unnamed me Hand of the King, it is my duty to advise you against it. - You're gonna need me. - Take him away. Why am I gonna need
you? My king. It's from Maester Aemon of the Night's Watch. Their Lord Commander is dead. Took a ranging party north and never made it back. One lad did, though. What he saw beyond the Wall-- it's coming for all of us. When did you learn to read? Matthos taught
me before he died so I could be of better service to you. This War of Five Kings means nothing. The true war lies to the north, my king. Death marches on the Wall. Only you can stop him. You can't stop him alone. You need someone to rebuild your army for you,
someone to convince this lord and that lord to fight for you, to brin#g sellswords and pirates to your side. I've made my decision. He's right. You need him. He has a part to play in the war to come. You see, Ser Davos? You've been saved by that fire god you
like to mock. You're in his army now. They will come, Your Grace. When they're ready. Perhaps they didn't want to be conquered. You didn't conquer them. You liberated them. People learn to love their chains. No. - Mhysa! - Mhysa! Mhysa! Mhysa! Mhysa! Mhysa!
Mhysa! What does it mean? It is old Ghiscari, khaleesi. It means &mother.& It's all right. These people won't hurt me. Mhysa! Mhysa! Mhysa. Mhysa! Mhysa! Mhysa!&
操作用时:9.674e-02 s
#本集共有单词数:142 &总词数:8052
a = ['Alley', 'Cook', 'Crakehall', 'Deserve', 'Desmond', 'Diamonds', 'Eldrick', 'Explain', 'Florent', 'Flour', 'Following', 'Fool', 'Forever', 'Ghiscari', 'Gin', 'Highborns', 'Hire', 'Horrible', 'Invaded', 'Malcolm', 'Mhysa',
'Miles', 'Monkey', 'Monsters', 'Nig', 'Noblemen', 'Pork', 'Ramsay', 'Reek', 'Rest', 'Rightful', 'Rook', 'Row', 'Rylene', 'Sarsfield', 'Shush', 'Signed', 'Sounded', 'Stinking', 'Talbott', 'Tanner', 'Th', 'Unacceptable', 'Weeping', 'Whom', 'Wolf', 'Write', 'amnesty',
'amputee', 'amuse', 'arrogant', 'assurances', 'benefit', 'beware', 'bitter', 'boxes', 'brin', 'carrots', 'carved', 'celebration', 'cheating', 'claiming', 'clip', 'complication', 'conquered', 'cooked', 'crawl', 'credit', 'dealt', 'decisions', 'depending', 'devouring',
'disapprove', 'disposal', 'drudgery', 'dung', 'endangers', 'flay', 'gillyflower', 'hooded', 'hook', 'ignore', 'implores', 'inkwell', 'inv', 'invader', 'invit', 'islander', 'itch', 'joins', 'jolly', 'knobble', 'learner', 'leech', 'liberated', 'limbs', 'lining',
'mattress', 'mistrust', 'mooring', 'mushrooms', 'nightmares', 'nightshade', 'nigit', 'pains', 'penmanship', 'phantom', 'philosopher', 'pipes', 'pomposity', 'preach', 'puppies', 'quill', 'ranging', 'reek', 'regardless', 'renounces', 'risked', 'roaming', 'score',
'scrolls', 'seawater', 'selfish', 'shift', 'sized', 'softly', 'solely', 'standards', 'star', 'state', 'sunup', 'torment', 'trifle', 'trout', 'trussed', 'underground', 'unnamed', 'utter', 'vulgar', 'walker', 'wisps', 'witty']
&span style=&font-size:18&&#
b = ['Aaerys', 'Aah', 'About', 'Absolutely', 'According', 'Accounts', 'Acorn
', 'Across', 'Actually', 'Addam', 'Aegon', 'Aemon', 'Aerion', 'Aerys', 'Afte
r', 'Again', 'Aggar', 'Agreed', 'Ah', 'Aha', 'Ahem', 'Ahh', 'Ahhh', 'Aim', '
Ajjalan', 'Alanna', 'Alas', 'Aleena', 'Alive', 'All', 'Alley', 'Alliser', 'A
llo', 'Allow', 'Almost', 'Alone', 'Already', 'Although', 'Alton', 'Always',
'Am', 'Amaryllis', 'Ammeni', 'Among', 'Amory', 'An', 'Ancient', 'And', 'Anda
l', 'Andals', 'Angry', 'Anguy', 'Anha', 'Animal', 'Annakhas', 'Another', 'An
y', 'Anybody', 'Anyone', 'Anything', 'Anyway', 'Apologies', 'Apparently', 'A
pproach', 'Appropriate', 'Arbor', 'Archers', 'Archmaester', 'Archonei', 'Are
', 'Aremca', 'Aren', 'Arm', 'Armor', 'Armored', 'Armorer', 'Arms', 'Army', '
Aron', 'Arrow', 'Arry', 'Arryn', 'Arwyen', 'Arya', 'As', 'Ashemark', 'Ask',
'Asking', 'Assemble', 'Asshai', 'Astapor', 'Astoundingly', 'At', 'Ath', 'Ath
chomar', 'Athjahaka', 'Athjahakar', 'Attack', 'Attacked', 'Attacking', 'Aw',
'Away', 'Axel', 'Aye', 'Babies', 'Back', 'Bad', 'Baelish', 'Baelor', 'Baker
', 'Balerion', 'Balian', 'Balon', 'Bank', 'Bannen', 'Bannerman', 'Bannermen'
, 'Banners', 'Bar', 'Baratheon', 'Baratheons', 'Barely', 'Barking', 'Barks',
'Barra', 'Barristan', 'Barrowton', 'Based', 'Basilisk', 'Bastard', 'Battle'
, 'Bawling', 'Bay', 'Be', 'Bear', 'Beautiful', 'Because', 'Becca', 'Been', '
Beer', 'Before', 'Begging', 'Begin', 'Being', 'Believe', 'Bell', 'Bellows',
'Bells', 'Beloved', 'Bend', 'Benjen', 'Beric', 'Bert', 'Besides', 'Bessie',
'Best', 'Bet', 'Betray', 'Betrayed', 'Better', 'Between', 'Beyond', 'Bigger'
, 'Billy', 'Bind', 'Bird', 'Birds', 'Bit', 'Bite', 'Black', 'Blackfish', 'Bl
ackstrap', 'Blackwater', 'Blade', 'Blame', 'Bless', 'Blond', 'Blood', 'Blood
magic', 'Bloody', 'Blow', 'Blue', 'Bodkin', 'Boil', 'Bolton', 'Bone', 'Bones
', 'Borba', 'Borcas', 'Boring', 'Born', 'Boros', 'Both', 'Bottom', 'Bought',
'Boulders', 'Bow', 'Bowen', 'Boy', 'Boys', 'Braavos', 'Braavosi', 'Bracken'
, 'Bran', 'Branches', 'Brandon', 'Brave', 'Bravo', 'Bread', 'Breaker', 'Brea
thing', 'Brides', 'Briefly', 'Brienne', 'Brigands', 'Brightflame', 'Bring',
'Bronn', 'Brothels', 'Brother', 'Brotherhood', 'Brune', 'Bruni', 'Brush', 'B
ryan', 'Bugger', 'Build', 'Builder', 'Builders', 'Bulls', 'Buried', 'Burn',
'Burned', 'Burying', 'But', 'Butchery', 'Buy', 'Buying', 'By', 'Cailin', 'Ca
ll', 'Calling', 'Calm', 'Came', 'Can', 'Captain', 'Capture', 'Careful', 'Car
ry', 'Carve', 'Cassel', 'Castamere', 'Casterly', 'Castle', 'Cat', 'Catelyn',
'Cats', 'Caved', 'Cawing', 'Cells', 'Centuries', 'Cersei', 'Certainly', 'Ch
', 'Chained', 'Chains', 'Chair', 'Chances', 'Change', 'Changed', 'Chaos', 'C
harmless', 'Chasing', 'Chatter', 'Cheering', 'Chella', 'Chevalteesh', 'Cheyk
', 'Chieftain', 'Childhood', 'Children', 'Choking', 'Chopping', 'Chortles',
'Chuckles', 'Cinda', 'Citadel', 'Cities', 'City', 'Clan', 'Clangs', 'Clean',
'Cleaner', 'Cleaning', 'Clear', 'Clearly', 'Clegane', 'Clever', 'Clicks', '
Climb', 'Cloaks', 'Clogged', 'Close', 'Closer', 'Closing', 'Cloth', 'Coin',
'Cold', 'Collectively', 'Come', 'Commander', 'Common', 'Commonly', 'Companio
ns', 'Confessing', 'Congratulations', 'Conqueror', 'Conquest', 'Consider', '
Continue', 'Contribute', 'Conveniently', 'Convincing', 'Cook', 'Copious', 'C
opper', 'Corns', 'Correct', 'Corruption', 'Cotter', 'Coughs', 'Could', 'Coul
dn', 'Council', 'Counsel', 'Counting', 'Countless', 'Coward', 'Cracked', 'Cr
ag', 'Crakehall', 'Craster', 'Creaking', 'Creepy', 'Crescent', 'Crone', 'Cro
ssing', 'Crow', 'Crowd', 'Crown', 'Crows', 'Cruel', 'Cruelly', 'Crunching',
'Crying', 'Cunt', 'Curiosities', 'Curiosity', 'Curious', 'Customs', 'Cut', '
Daario', 'Daddy', 'Daenerys', 'Dagmer', 'Daisy', 'Damn', 'Damon', 'Dance', '
Dancer', 'Dangerous', 'Dany', 'Dareon', 'Dark', 'Davos', 'Daxos', 'Dead', 'D
eath', 'Deepwood', 'Defend', 'Definitely', 'Delay', 'Demon', 'Depends', 'Der
wa', 'Deserve', 'Designed', 'Desmond', 'Diamonds', 'Did', 'Didn', 'Die', 'Di
fferent', 'Directly', 'Direwolf', 'Direwolves', 'Disappeared', 'Distant', 'D
istrusting', 'Disturbing', 'Do', 'Does', 'Doesn', 'Dog', 'Dogs', 'Dolf', 'Do
n', 'Dondarrion', 'Done', 'Dontos', 'Doom', 'Door', 'Doorcreaking', 'Doors',
'Doreah', 'Dormand', 'Dorne', 'Dornish', 'Doth', 'Dothrae', 'Dothrak', 'Dot
hrakan', 'Dothraki', 'Double', 'Down', 'Dracarys', 'Dragon', 'Dragonglass',
'Dragons', 'Dragonstone', 'Drank', 'Draw', 'Dread', 'Dreadfort', 'Dreadful',
'Drink', 'Drinking', 'Drogo', 'Drop', 'Drowned', 'Drummers', 'Drums', 'Drun
k', 'Dull', 'Dulls', 'Dump', 'Duncan', 'Dustin', 'Duur', 'Dwarf', 'Dying', '
Each', 'Earlier', 'Early', 'Ears', 'Earth', 'Ease', 'Eastwatch', 'Easy', 'Ea
t', 'Eating', 'Echiel', 'Edd', 'Eddard', 'Eddark', 'Edmure', 'Edric', 'Egan'
, 'Eh', 'Eight', 'Either', 'Eldrick', 'Empires', 'En', 'End', 'Enhances', 'E
njoy', 'Enjoying', 'Enough', 'Enter', 'Envy', 'Eraz', 'Escan', 'Escort', 'Es
pecially', 'Essence', 'Essos', 'Essovius', 'Eve', 'Even', 'Every', 'Everybod
y', 'Everyone', 'Everything', 'Everywhere', 'Evidently', 'Evil', 'Exactly',
'Excellent', 'Except', 'Excuse', 'Exhilarating', 'Expect', 'Explain', 'Extra
ordinary', 'Eye', 'Eyes', 'Eyrie', 'Face', 'Facts', 'Faint', 'Fainting', 'Fa
ir', 'Faircastle', 'Faith', 'Fall', 'Famed', 'Family', 'Fancy', 'Fanfare', '
Far', 'Farewell', 'Farlen', 'Farts', 'Fascinating', 'Faster', 'Fat', 'Father
', 'Fathers', 'Fati', 'Favors', 'Fear', 'Feast', 'Feldan', 'Ferocious', 'Fet
ch', 'Fewer', 'Fiercely', 'Fight', 'Fighting', 'Fill', 'Filling', 'Filthy',
'Finally', 'Find', 'Fine', 'Finest', 'Fingers', 'Finish', 'Fire', 'First', '
Fish', 'Fisherman', 'Fist', 'Fitting', 'Five', 'Flayed', 'Flea', 'Fleet', 'F
leets', 'Flies', 'Florent', 'Flour', 'Flowers', 'Folk', 'Follow', 'Following
', 'Food', 'Fool', 'Fools', 'Footsteps', 'For', 'Forced', 'Ford', 'Foreign',
'Forel', 'Forest', 'Forever', 'Forget', 'Forgive', 'Fork', 'Form', 'Former'
, 'Forward', 'Four', 'Freak', 'Free', 'Fresh', 'Frey', 'Freya', 'Freys', 'Fr
iends', 'From', 'Frostfangs', 'Frozen', 'Fuck', 'Fucked', 'Fuckers', 'Fully'
, 'Gaaa', 'Galbart', 'Gallant', 'Gambler', 'Game', 'Ganes', 'Garden', 'Garri
son', 'Garth', 'Gasping', 'Gasps', 'Gate', 'Gathering', 'Gelmarr', 'Gems', '
Gendry', 'Generally', 'Generous', 'Genna', 'Gentle', 'Gently', 'Gerard', 'Ge
t', 'Gets', 'Getting', 'Ghezn', 'Ghiscar', 'Ghiscari', 'Ghost', 'Ghouls', 'G
iants', 'Giantsbane', 'Giddyup', 'Gift', 'Giggles', 'Gilly', 'Gin', 'Ginger'
, 'Ginia', 'Girl', 'Girls', 'Give', 'Given', 'Gives', 'Gladly', 'Glover', 'G
o', 'God', 'Gods', 'Godswife', 'Godswood', 'Going', 'Gold', 'Golden', 'Gone'
, 'Good', 'Gordo', 'Got', 'Gotta', 'Grace', 'Graceless', 'Grand', 'Grandfath
er', 'Grandmother', 'Grandson', 'Grass', 'Great', 'Greater', 'Greatjon', 'Gr
egor', 'Greizhen', 'Grenn', 'Grey', 'Greyjoy', 'Greyjoys', 'Grim', 'Groans',
'Grow', 'Growing', 'Growling', 'Growls', 'Grunting', 'Grunts', 'Guard', 'Gu
arding', 'Guards', 'Guess', 'Guilty', 'Gunthor', 'Gut', 'Guymon', 'Gyles', '
Ha', 'Had', 'Hail', 'Halder', 'Half', 'Halfhand', 'Halfman', 'Halfwit', 'Hal
l', 'Hallyne', 'Halt', 'Ham', 'Hand', 'Hands', 'Handsome', 'Hang', 'Happy',
'Harbor', 'Hard', 'Harder', 'Harker', 'Harkon', 'Harren', 'Harrenhal', 'Harr
ion', 'Has', 'Hash', 'Hated', 'Have', 'Haven', 'Having', 'Hayseed', 'Haystac
k', 'He', 'Heads', 'Hear', 'Heard', 'Hearteater', 'Hearth', 'Heave', 'Heavy'
, 'Held', 'Hell', 'Hello', 'Hells', 'Helmet', 'Help', 'Hendals', 'Her', 'Her
e', 'Heward', 'Hey', 'Hidden', 'Hide', 'High', 'Highborns', 'Highgarden', 'H
ill', 'Him', 'Hire', 'His', 'Histories', 'History', 'Hit', 'Hmm', 'Hmmm', 'H
mph', 'Ho', 'Hobb', 'Hodor', 'Hodoring', 'Hold', 'Holdfast', 'Hollard', 'Hom
e', 'Honor', 'Hoofbeats', 'Hoped', 'Horde', 'Horn', 'Hornfoots', 'Hornwood',
'Horrible', 'Horse', 'Horses', 'Hoster', 'Hot', 'Hother', 'Hound', 'Hounds'
, 'Hours', 'House', 'Houses', 'How', 'However', 'Howland', 'Howling', 'Huffs
', 'Hugh', 'Huh', 'Hundreds', 'Hunger', 'Hunting', 'Hup', 'Hurrah', 'Hurry',
'Hush', 'Hyah', 'If', 'Illusions', 'Illyrio', 'Ilyn', 'Imagine', 'Imp', 'Im
peccable', 'Important', 'Impossible', 'Impressive', 'Impudent', 'In', 'Indee
d', 'Influence', 'Inform', 'Inhales', 'Innocent', 'Inside', 'Instead', 'Inst
ructed', 'Insult', 'Insulted', 'Intimate', 'Into', 'Introduce', 'Invade', 'I
nvaded', 'Irogenia', 'Iron', 'Ironborn', 'Irri', 'Irriya', 'Is', 'Ish', 'Ish
ish', 'Island', 'Islander', 'Islanders', 'Islands', 'Isle', 'Isles', 'Isn',
'It', 'Jack', 'Jadi', 'Jaehaerys', 'Jafer', 'Jaime', 'Jakar', 'Janos', 'Jaqe
n', 'Jealous', 'Jeremy', 'Jeyne', 'Jhaqo', 'Joby', 'Joe', 'Joff', 'Joffrey',
'Join', 'Jojen', 'Jon', 'Jonas', 'Jonquil', 'Jorah', 'Jory', 'Juggle', 'Jug
glers', 'Just', 'Justice', 'Jíni', 'Karhold', 'Karstark', 'Karstarks', 'Kash
', 'Kayla', 'Keep', 'Kevan', 'Khal', 'Khalakka', 'Khalasar', 'Khaleesi', 'Kh
als', 'Ki', 'Kick', 'Kill', 'Killed', 'Killing', 'Kind', 'King', 'Kingdom',
'Kingdoms', 'Kingly', 'Kings', 'Kingsguard', 'Kingslayer', 'Kingsroad', 'Kin
gswood', 'Kiss', 'Kissed', 'Kitchen', 'Kneel', 'Knife', 'Knight', 'Knighted'
, 'Knights', 'Knocking', 'Knocks', 'Knot', 'Know', 'Knowledge', 'Knows', 'Ko
varro', 'Kraken', 'Kraznys', 'Lad', 'Ladies', 'Lady', 'Lamb', 'Lance', 'Lanc
el', 'Landing', 'Lands', 'Language', 'Lannis', 'Lannisport', 'Lannister', 'L
annisters', 'Last', 'Lastly', 'Later', 'Laughing', 'Laughs', 'Laughter', 'La
zarheen', 'Lead', 'Learn', 'Leave', 'Leaves', 'Leaving', 'Left', 'Leg', 'Lem
on', 'Less', 'Lesser', 'Let', 'Letting', 'Liar', 'Lie', 'Liege', 'Life', 'Li
ght', 'Lightbringer', 'Like', 'Lineages', 'Lions', 'Liquid', 'Listen', 'List
ened', 'Little', 'Littlefinger', 'Lives', 'Living', 'Lo', 'Lock', 'Locke', '
Lommy', 'Long', 'Longclaw', 'Look', 'Looking', 'Looks', 'Loose', 'Loras', 'L
orath', 'Lorathi', 'Lorch', 'Lord', 'Lords', 'Lordship', 'Lorren', 'Losing',
'Lost', 'Lothor', 'Lots', 'Louder', 'Love', 'Lovely', 'Lover', 'Low', 'Lowb
orn', 'Loyal', 'Loyalty', 'Luckily', 'Lucky', 'Luke', 'Luthor', 'Luwin', 'Ly
anna', 'Lying', 'Lyonel', 'Lys', 'Lysa', 'Lysene', 'Mace', 'Macomber', 'Mad'
, 'Made', 'Madness', 'Maegor', 'Maegyr', 'Maekar', 'Maester', 'Maesters', 'M
agister', 'Magisters', 'Maiden', 'Maidenpool', 'Maintenance', 'Make', 'Makes
', 'Making', 'Malakko', 'Malcolm', 'Mallister', 'Man', 'Mance', 'Mandon', 'M
ant', 'Many', 'Marbrand', 'Marei', 'Margaery', 'Marianne', 'Marillion', 'Mar
lon', 'Marlyn', 'Married', 'Marsh', 'Martell', 'Martells', 'Martyn', 'Master
', 'Masters', 'Matrimony', 'Matters', 'Matthar', 'Matthos', 'May', 'Maybe',
'Maz', 'Me', 'Meaning', 'Means', 'Meant', 'Meera', 'Meereen', 'Meereenese',
'Meereens', 'Meet', 'Melisandre', 'Melt', 'Melted', 'Men', 'Meows', 'Meraxes
', 'Merchant', 'Mercy', 'Mero', 'Merry', 'Meryl', 'Meryn', 'Metal', 'Mhaegen
', 'Mhysa', 'Might', 'Mikken', 'Milady', 'Miles', 'Mill', 'Mind', 'Mine', 'M
ink', 'Mirri', 'Misfor', 'Missandei', 'Missing', 'Mm', 'Mmm', 'Mmmm', 'Moani
ng', 'Moans', 'Moat', 'Mocking', 'Mole', 'Mommy', 'Monkey', 'Monsters', 'Mon
strous', 'Moon', 'Moore', 'Mooton', 'Mopatis', 'Mord', 'Mordane', 'More', 'M
orghulis', 'Mormont', 'Mormonts', 'Most', 'Mostly', 'Mother', 'Motherfucker'
, 'Mothers', 'Mott&}


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