
0回复 63浏览
This is the only comment KD replied to on
his YouTube Channel ()
Joe Deezy(球迷):勒布朗比你(KD)强,这是事实罢了。-15分钟前
[–]Sunsximca 773 指標
Curry nodded
[–]Lakersinterrupts_cows 554 指標 22小時前
with kyrie next to him
[–]WarriorseBelieve 333 指標 22小時前
Kyrie giggled
[–]Cavaliersflipn0tic 321 指標 21小時前
He's allowed to think he's better,
regardless of whether he actually is or not.
[–]peppermintpattymills 350 指標 20小時前
I think Draymond said it best before the
Finals started:
"Is LeBron the greatest of all time?
Sure, he can have that title. But he won't get this ring."
[–]WarriorsKamikazePlatypus 191 指標 21小時前
Every superstar SHOULD think they're the
best. When you're a generational talent, you double the fuck down.
[–]Bulls Bandwagonmynameajoof 75 指標 19小時前
exactly, and that mentality is usually a
huge part in why they even are a superstar.
[–]76ersBowTieWearingElephan 140 指標 19小時前
Did someone say mentality?
[–]NBAMrcrowbarscrowbar 622 指標 22小時前
Why is he responding to YouTube comments?
Shits sad.. Get yo ass on Reddit
[–]Bulls BandwagonTTBOYTT 211 指標 22小時前
Yeah, why let people shit on you on
YouTube, when you could get shit on right here on Reddit?
[–]tannehillsACL[S] 30 指標 21小時前
He has his own YouTube Channel and he asked
the question "what's more important, narrative or skill" and this was
someone's answer so KD replied
[–]76ersletspaly 11 指標 21小時前
how do you know it's his only reply btw?
[–]tannehillsACL[S] 30 指標 21小時前
At the time it was, I had looked through
all of them lol
[–]CelticsSh405 112 指標 22小時前
That dude needs to work on his insult game
if the best he can come up with is telling a basketball player that LeBron
James is better than them.
[–]iantimothyacuna 92 指標 22小時前
for real that's just fax
[–]CelticsTheNaturalBrin 87 指標 20小時前
It rustled Durant tho
[–]Brodielubricated_biebs 17 指標 21小時前
Joe Deezy, 15 minutes ago
KD, 13 minutes ago
I feel like KD's reading his comments way
too often. You'd think a millionaire NBA superstar would have better things to
Joe Deezy(喷人的家伙),15分钟前
[–]HOLYREGIME 350 指標 22小時前
lol tell KD get off the warriors and say
[–]Warriorsuntouchable765 69 指標 22小時前
He would say the same thing if he were
still on OKC. Why would a top 3 player in the league not believe he is the
best? Doesn't mean he is right but he would still say it.
[–]Wizardsireddit270 418 指標 22小時前
Like when he won a league MVP while not on
the Warriors, and meanwhile Lebron was in Miami with his superteams?
It's interesting how some people try so
hard to handwave Durants accomplishments in the first 9 years of his career
[–]NuggetsThe_Loop_Digga 40 指標 21小時前
We're all about "you're supposed to
think you're the best" until KD says it. If Dame or IT said this, we'd
applaud them for their confidence.
[–][CHI] Jimmy Butlermoogie413 768 指標 22小時前
You can have insane accomplishments and
still not be better than LeBron lol
[–]Warriorscantkeepdickinpants 133 指標 21小時前
facts. its ok not to be as good as the 3rd
greatest player of all time and possible GOAT by the time he retires. kd is
still a legend and a champion.
[–]MagicByrie_Swirving 166 指標 22小時前
KD was never better than lebron, even when
he won MVP though...
[–]Evil_Skip_Bayless 42 指標 21小時前
Well Durant had Westbrook, harden and
Ibaka. So what they were young, if you give young lebron that crew...or how
bout this...switch kd and lebron right now and what's the conversation.
[–]TimberwolvesLamarMillerMVP 122 指標 20小時前
This one is a weird shit talk. KD has never
played without another Hall of Famer on his team, excepting his rookie year.
Lebron one time won 66 games in a year when
the big question was whether it would be Boobie Dixon or Flip Murray that would
be Lebron's Pippen.
[–]NBAMrcrowbarscrowbar 493 指標 22小時前
He replied to another one saying that he is
inspiration to kids rising out the hood I think
[–]throwaway_FTH_ 2 指標 7小時前
IIRC someone said he's teaching kids 'if
you can't beat em, join em', and KD responded that he's actually teaching kids
that they can rise out of the ghetto and feed their families forever. He also
said "watch your tone" at the end.
[–]SpursImMeltingNow 94 指標 13小時前
with enough hard work and dedication, you
too can get up at 8:30 am.
meanwhile in real life
boss: the fuck you mean you can't get to
work till 10 am. fuck kd.
[–][IND] Lance Stephensonlhubbard0 38 指標 12小時前
TBH that is early for an NBA player. Their
games will end at ~midnight then they have to do press conferences, go back to
the hotel, probably eat and get ready for bed. By the time he does all that
it's probably like 2 or something.
讲道理,8:30对NBA的球员们来说挺早的了。比赛通常都在午夜里才结束,然后他们必须要出席赛后的新闻发布会,之后回到旅馆,可能还要吃点东西,之后再准备睡觉。等到这一切都结束的时候,也许就已经凌晨2点或是更晚了。更多精彩内容请扫描二维码或微信搜索“chinareddit”点击关注微博【】【】译者:@[ 此帖被塞坦Saturn在 11:16修改 ]
& 允许多选【美国JRS之声】现役NBA有没有哪个球员是和勒布朗完全配合不来的?
185回复/14亮 112211浏览
submitted 2 天 前 by 76ersSkibibblesI'm seeing a lot of people saying that Kevin Love is a perfect fit for Lebron&and vice versa. But is there anyone that LeBron couldn'timprove in any way on&the court? &&看到很多人说爱神和我勒搭档就是王八瞪绿豆——对眼了。那有没有谁是和我勒配合不来的么?[–]76erssuchdogemon 106 指標 2 天 前Bynum.Fuck him.冼剪吹拜纳姆。操蛋玩意儿。[–]TimberwolveslmhTimberwolves 224 指標 2 天 前Hehe, a starting five of Russell Westbrook, Monta Ellis, Lebron James, David&Lee, and Dwight Howard would result in open court fist fights every night over&touches威少,蒙塔,勒布朗,大卫李,霍华德这五个要是一起首发,开场之后就会挥拳相向彼此“打”成一片。[–]Knicksbeatatarian 160 指標 2 天 前in 2014, I feel like monta is a changed man.另外几个不知道,不过蒙塔今年变得会用一些脑子了。&[–]Maverickssportsfan93 34 指標 2 天 前Monta led the Mavs in APG in 13/14. He's changed.蒙塔确实提高了。今年他的场均助攻可是执我牛之牛耳啊。[–]Timberwolvesonken022 24 指標 2 天 前Monta has always been such an underrated passer.蒙塔的传球被过度低估是不争事实。[–]Mavericksarg 指標 2 天 前It helps to have an actual team around you.当队友不CBA的时候确实能对自己有所提高[–][TOR] Hedo TurkogluLaggo 20 指標 2 天 前Think this is just leftover opinion from when he played on those shitty Warrior&teams where he was pretty much the best option to score the ball other than&Stephen Curry (or The Baron if you back there).我认为关于蒙塔的观点,是来自他在那只干脆面一样脆的勇士队打球的时候留下的。他是那时候除库里外最好的得分选择。(就算巴伦戴维斯那时候也一样。)He still needs to get buckets wherever he plays because that's what he's best&at, but 5 dimes a game isn't shabby for a shooting guard who needs to shoot.&蒙塔要大量持球来体现自我,这是他最擅长的。不过对得分后卫而言,一场球5次助攻已经够了,不磕碜。[–]ThunderNice_Snacks 55 指標 2 天 前Bruh you gotta swap out monta for Kobe... just imagine that Kobe would be trying&to murder WestGOAT and vice versa everytime they shot a contested shot.哥们把蒙塔换成科比可好...想到科比和威少每次对方一浪投,都会拿着大砍刀你追我砍的画面就激动不已啊![–]KnicksTrustMeImnothere 11 指標 2 天 前I personally think Kobe will love Westbrook's intensity. Not many players in the&league like him.不喜勿喷,我觉得科比会爱上威少的热情的。联盟里可没多少球员像唠嗑了。[–][LAL] Kobe Bryantdrewcrump 9 指標 2 天 前There were rumors around the 2012 Olympics that Kobe was constantly&complimenting Westbrook and telling him he deserved his own team to drive him&and KD apart and break up the thunder.坊间传闻,伦敦奥运会的时候蜗壳常表扬神龟啊,还离间他,要她离开KD投入Kobe的怀抱,然后把鹅城虐成狗。Nick Young and Lebron however would be hilarious.尼克杨吧,他和勒布朗组成二人组的话肯定爆笑。[–]ClippersDosinu 65 指標 2 天 前swaggy p, chalmers, lebron, jr smith and hibbert.Please nba make it happen.尼克杨,查尔莫斯,勒布朗,抽风男史密斯加上希伯特。NBA能让我有生之年看看这画面,死而无憾。&&[–]TimberwolveslmhTimberwolves 31 指標 2 天 前I think the type of player he would work least well with is someone like Al&Jefferson.Big Al takes up space under the basket, robbing LeBron of some potential drives&to the rim (where he really excels) and not spreading the floor. Jefferson&doesn't do particularly much in the pick and roll, so I don't think he would&benefit as much as other bigs would from playing off LeBron handling the ball.&LeBron wouldn't contribute as much as usual when Al is going to work in the&post.Al isn't good at defending pick and rolls and isn't thought of as a particularly&good rim protector, so you'd be tempted to play him alongside a defensively&minded big. But, if you do that, you're removing the possibility of LeBron&playing some 4 while Al is on the floor (which I think will be particularly&important as LeBron gets older).So, out of the list of above average players, I think Al Jefferson would be one&of the worst fits to LeBron.和勒布朗最不对付的球员,应该是艾尔杰佛逊那类的。艾尔杰佛逊太占篮底空间了,拉不开场上空间,把乐邦最擅长的杀入禁区的机会活生生捏小了。而且啊,他还不怎么打挡拆。所以他和勒布朗配合不来的。他在低位的时候,勒布朗的贡献可能会远不如平常。BIG Al防守挡拆就是个渣渣,也不是很棒的禁区守护者,所以你必须要放一个防守型的大个子和搭配才找得回厂子。但如果这样做,你就令乐邦打四号位的机会更小了(这点会随老詹的老化变得愈发重要)。综上所述,BIG Al是那些中规中矩的球员中和勒布朗最不对付的。[–]SpursI_AM_LARS 82 指標 2 天 前PG: RubioSG: SefaloshaSF: Mbah a MoutePF: LebronC: SplitterLebron would be on an island offensively.PG: 卢不中SG: 萨夫洛沙SF: 卢克理查德巴莫特PF: 勒布朗C: 斯普利特这种进攻配置乐邦就要体验NBA版孤岛求生了。[–]76ersScabdates 47 指標 2 天 前even with Rubio's terrible shooting, a Lebron-Rubio pick & roll would be deadly卢比奥再不准,也不会削弱他和乐邦挡拆的致命威力。[–][SAS] Patty MillsEvilduck17 35 指標 2 天 前Also splitter isn't a bad finisher around the rim and LeBron would be able to&get him layups with all the attention he gets.斯普利特禁区终结能力也不差啊,只要他注意乐邦给他传得球,他可以轻轻松松来个上篮得分。[–]RaptorsM__dot 37 指標 2 天 前I'd replace Splitter with Perkins.那我把帕金斯换掉名单里的斯普利特。[–]Spursx12ome 100 指標 2 天 前still takes them to the finals in the east乐邦仍然会带领他们摸到东决地板。[–][CLE] Delonte WestRfwill13 48 指標 2 天 前Did it before with the Cavs以前已经带领骑士做到了啊喂。[–][CHI] Joakim Noahwjbc 55 指標 2 天 前*Some people are worried that Kyrie Irving may have trouble playing as a third&option, may need some time on the court without LeBron to feed his ego and do&what he does best, run the offense with the ball in his hands. Not everyone&could have done what Bosh did, going from a great low post player to an outside&shooter simply to keep the paint clear for LeBron. In short, LeBron is so good&that he should dominate possessions, some players might have a problem with&that.有人担心欧文会对自己作为球队第三选择感到不舒服,当乐邦不在场上的时候,欧文就得开启单打模式来证明自己的能力了,用自己最擅长的持球进攻。不是每个中锋都叫波什,从一个低位单打高手转变成风筝男,为乐邦清空油漆圈。一句话,乐邦应该占大部分球权,因为他够NB,不过有些球员会因此不适。One reason Love is so perfect is that he really is two very different players,&one a terrific rebounder and low post player, the other a very good spot up&three point shooter who can always get his shot off. In neither role does he&need to start the play with the ball in his hands. So he can adapt to LeBron,&LeBron doesn't just have to adapt to him. Love is also one of the best outlet&passers in history, can you imagine how often he'll pass it down court to&LeBron? I do think Love is a better compliment to LeBron than either Wade or&Bosh were, both of them had to adjust their game to LeBron, Love can simply use&the skills he's already developed.LOVE之所以这么棒,是因为他是两种球员的合体。低位大牛+篮板怪物,以及稳定3分定点炮台。两种角色都不用大量持球就可以马力全开。他和乐邦一定能无缝贴合。还有,LOVE是历史级别的内传外大个子,你能想象乐邦会多悠闲自在地在外线等着球传出来么?LOVE肯定是比韦德或者萌波更配乐邦的球员,因为他俩要改变打法适应乐邦,而LOVE只要像原来那样打球就可以了。[–]Bullsbennysballs 38 指標 2 天 前You mentioned his outlet passes... oh my.什么,你说他是历史级的外传手...额滴个神啊!![–][CHI] Joakim Noahwjbc 17 指標 2 天 前Yes, imagine LeBron on the other end of those passes instead of Brewer. Better&be ready.他确实是没错。想一下是乐邦接球而不是布鲁尔就好了。准备开撸吧。[–]CavaliersTheDanSandwich 14 指標 2 天 前They'll just be oops now.他们肯定会超级默契[–]Pacersbtirumala 15 指標 2 天 前Jason Terry特里吧[–]HeatMariotheGoat 5 指標 2 天 前Didn't Lebron kill him last year?乐邦去年不是已经把特里弄死了么?[–]CelticsNotThisBenjamin 15 指標 2 天 前Dwight Howard.The only center in the entire planet/history of basketball who can't play with&Steve Nash.Lebron couldn't play with that guy.我认为火花和乐帮不搭调。史无前例的地球上唯一的和老衲配合不好的中锋。[–]Heatcurry_in_a_hurry 15 指標 2 天 前"i refuse to pick an roll with nash, gimme d ball in da post! hakeem 2.0&amirite?"“我才不跟纳什打挡拆呢,我在低位的时候你特么把球给我就好了!劳资大梦2.0,你的明白?”[–]Hawksfermatprime 49 指標 2 天 前Me. I suck.我吧,因为我是大水B。[–]ClippersDosinu 20 指標 2 天 前hey man you aren't so bad. Just keep working on that jump shot, and you can make&it!伙计,别看不起自己。好好练练跳投,还是有机会的。[–]ClippersOptism 17 指標 2 天 前Lebron needs the ball A LOT,he's great off of it and everything but to truly see&why Lebron is the player he is,you gotta give him the ball.Now with that in mind,any ball dominant player would either struggle or if&stubborn enough,have Lebron struggle.So a ball dominant player who struggles without the ball and is stubborn on&keeping it?The two answers are Chris Paul and Kobe Bryant.PS: Sorry for solving this step by step. Just seemed better fitting :)乐邦要大量持球,虽然他无球也很牛逼,其他任何事情都很全面,但是勒布朗就是勒布朗,你就该把球给他。明确这点之后,很明显,球霸或者无球水平堪忧的顽固佬会令乐邦陷入困境。这说的谁呢?保罗和科比。PS:一步步推导这个结论有点没人性,让你们受伤了,抱歉。保罗和科比搭档乐邦只不过看上去很美。[–]OKodor 13 指標 2 天 前*He was actually IMO an awful fit with Wade for that very reason. Because both&are such great individual players, it didn't matter that much, but IMO the Heat&would have been a better team if they could have swapped Lebron or Wade for&pre-egomaniac Dwight Howard.正是这个原因乐邦和韦德才最搭啊。他俩都是冠绝群雄的球员,怎么个打法根本无所谓。不过我觉得如果把他俩中任一个换成眼里还有队友的火花的话,热火说不定能成为一支更有竞争力的球队。手工作业,有误请指出。&前期回顾:订阅请@&制作不易,你的推荐是我最大的动力阅后请推荐, 谢谢支持!&有喜欢的朋友可以加入 美国JRS之声 爱好者QQ群:PS:1.转载请务必标明出处和链接,尤其是包卜网,*河蟹*,百度贴吧,ACFUN和新浪。2、转载时请注明本人ID,以及虎扑【美国JRS之声】,不要写错。&&[ 此帖被嬉皮士的梦在 17:45修改 ]
PG: RubioSG: SefaloshaSF: Mbah a MoutePF: LebronC: SplitterLebron would be on an island offensively.PG: 卢不中SG: 萨夫洛沙SF: 卢克理查德巴莫特PF: 勒布朗C: 斯普利特这种进攻配置乐邦就要体验NBA版孤岛求生了。这太TM搞笑了。。。
海耶斯印象中詹姆斯好几个这种传球[ 此帖被renjianxun在 19:37修改 ]
必须是“表情帝”帕金斯。。[ 此帖被不再丶联系在 19:58修改 ]
引用31楼 @ 发表的:
[–]ThunderNice_Snacks 55 指標 2 天 前
Bruh you gotta swap out monta for Kobe... just imagine that Kobe would be trying to murder WestGOAT and vice versa everytime they shot a contested shot.
PG:马绍尔SG:萨夫洛沙SF:PF:乐师C: 帕金斯[ 此帖被weiye-09-10 19:47修改 ]
[–]Pacersbtirumala 15 指標 2 天 前Jason Terry吧[–]HeatMariotheGoat 5 指標 2 天 前Didn't Lebron kill him last year?乐邦去年不是已经把特里弄死了么?
翻译:@ 审核修改:@
翻译:@ 审核修改:@
海耶斯印象中詹姆斯好几个这种传球[ 此帖被renjianxun在 19:37修改 ]
必须是“表情帝”帕金斯。。[ 此帖被不再丶联系在 19:58修改 ]
PG: RubioSG: SefaloshaSF: Mbah a MoutePF: LebronC: SplitterLebron would be on an island offensively.PG: 卢不中SG: 萨夫洛沙SF: 卢克理查德巴莫特PF: 勒布朗C: 斯普利特这种进攻配置乐邦就要体验NBA版孤岛求生了。这太TM搞笑了。。。
[–]RaptorsM__dot 37 指標 2 天 前
I'd replace Splitter with Perkins.
[–]Spursx12ome 100 指標 2 天 前
still takes them to the finals in the east
[ 此帖被CAV_KingJames23在 19:34修改 ]
PG:马绍尔SG:萨夫洛沙SF:PF:乐师C: 帕金斯[ 此帖被weiye-09-10 19:47修改 ]
[–]Pacersbtirumala 15 指標 2 天 前Jason Terry吧[–]HeatMariotheGoat 5 指標 2 天 前Didn't Lebron kill him last year?乐邦去年不是已经把特里弄死了么?
我翻来覆去想了想 好像没有配合不来的。得我勒者
& 允许多选


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