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is a sense of responsibility is very strong, but in this a half year, and has insisted a semester. Her attending class period helps me to mention by name frequently, our two will have some exchanges frequently, she diligently will also satisfy their request, she leads the entire group to complete the schoolwork task completely,可能翻译的不好;s member, although s class leader. XXX lively, also let me remember this special student, and expresses. 呵呵, she usually is the leader who can lead the atmosphere, but she is very intelligent, dares to express own idea. In classroom awkward silence time, she will correct this shortcoming diligently in the future study life, and also represents the group to come on stage the speech, and has published a novel, she also has the shortcoming, displays actively in the classroom, her eloquence is also very good, XXX outstanding performance has made the profound impression to me.after class. At the end of the period writing skill test. But I believed that does not concede according to her the disposition. Regarding book in each kind of case, regardless in the group in the class and grade, can propose the penetrating unique opinion to the matter, and is glad helps the person the personI once professor XXX a half year management science class, once attended the extracurricular competition on behalf of the school. And. In if the student some people need to help, she is very by no means comprehensive in the management science knowledg......
Cold field in the classroom. &lt, and also on behalf of the Panel took the floor, a variety of cases, I half-yebr&gt, and she in the details. In the chat I am also aware that she was a member of the school debate team, her eloquence is also very good, she was able to actively put forward their ideas and express them, she often can bring the atmosphere of the leader. &lt, let me remember this special student, in accordance with the character tAfter the lesson. Ibr&gt, shXXX character and lively, in the classroom are active at the same time, the courage to express their own ideas, she was the squad leader of this class is a strong sense of responsibility, I found her writing and her verbal fluency in the same manner for the case analysis and other subjective question responses are verybr&gt, and helpful people, although because of her age. For the book, as well as basic knowledge on the level of certainty is not as she performed on the subjective question as good as she often because of carelessness could have committed some minor errors, if anyone needs help, and adhere to a semester, capable of things that made the very valid unique perspective, she is often the first one raised their hands to express their views on people, and almost every week to help me to open classroom and open the computer, but she is very smart, she would push hard tIn addition to s......I have been teach XXX for six-month management course, even though the time is not long, her excellent performance left me a deeply impression in this half a year.She is a lively girl, and active in the classroom, at the same time, her eloquence also quite good, so she expresses a variety of ideas bravery for the cases in textbook, she can put forward ideas and express them actively. When awkward silence at the classroom, she raised her hand to express views invariably. And, whether in groups or classes, she often plays a role as the atmosphere leader. In this semester, she led the team satisfactorily completed the assignments, and represented her group making a report on stage. The ability to write exams at the end, I recognized her writing as well as her verbal fluency, in the same manner for the case analysis and other subjective question, her responses very unique and detailed.She is the monitor of the class, she is a strong sense of responsibility, and helpful people. She always helped me taking attendance during school time, and almost helps me to open classroom and opens the computer every week, until finish this semester. If students who need help, she would push hard to help them.只翻译了前三段,实在翻译不下去了!!主要本人水平有限。如果你的推荐信是为了申请国外的大学,我建议你百渡一下推荐信应该注意的事项!!!你这封肯定是不合格的!!他们也不是智障,至少找个文笔像教授的人给你写推荐信啊~~~人家一看教授水平都那么次??!会要你吗?而且多写些自己干了些什么社会事件活动,有没有别的特长或爱好,不要夸自己然人看出破绽(说实话你这夸你夸得有点夸张了),然后不要写缺点!!你这封信肯定不行。
Professor Zeng Jing XXX, I half-year management course, although the time is not long, but in half a year, XXX outstanding performance left me with a deep impression. &br&XXX character and lively, in the classroom are active at the same time, her eloquence is also very good, the courage to express their own ideas. For the book, a variety of cases, she was able to actively put forward their ideas and express them. Cold field in the classroom, she is often the first one raised their hands to express their views on people. And, whether in groups or classes, she often can bring the atmosphere of the leader. In this semester, she led the entire team assignments satisfactorily completed the task, and also on behalf of the Panel took the floor. The ability to write exams at the end, I found her writing and her verbal fluency in the same manner for the case analysis and other subjective question responses are very unique and detailed. &br&In addition to schoolwork, she was the squad leader of this class is a strong sense of responsibility, and helpful people. She always helped me during school name, and almost every week to help me to open classroom and open the computer, and adhere to a semester. Students, if anyone needs help, she would push hard to meet their demands. &br&After the lesson, the two of us often have a number of exchanges, she is happy with me to share her views and experiences. I have found that, although because of her age, she was on the manageme......Professor Zeng Jing XXX, I half-year management course, although the time is not long, but in half a year, XXX outstanding performance left me with a deep impression.XXX character and lively, in the classroom are active at the same time, her eloquence is also very good, the courage to express their own ideas. For the book, a variety of cases, she was able to actively put forward their ideas and express them. Cold field in the classroom, she is often the first one raised their hands to express their views on people. And, whether in groups or classes, she often can bring the atmosphere of the leader. In this semester, she led the entire team assignments satisfactorily completed the task, and also on behalf of the Panel took the floor. The ability to write exams at the end, I found her writing and her verbal fluency in the same manner,For the case analysis and other subjective question responses are very unique and detailed.In addition to schoolwork, she was the squad leader of this class is a strong sense of responsibility, and helpful people. She always helped me during school name, and almost every week to help me to open classroom and open the computer, and adhere to a semester. Students, if anyone needs help, she would push hard to meet their demands.After the lesson, the two of us often have a number of exchanges, she is happy with me to share her views and experiences. I have found that, although because of her age, she was on the management of knowledge is not very c......
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安太译欣翻译有专门做出国留学文案的译员,还都是外 国人,从中 文直接翻译成他们的母 语的!所以在这一...
拝: 私はとても喜んで推荐王博大学に入って勉强しています。彼の担任の一つとして、3年间を见る思いがそ...
空心斜箭头24. 高速缓冲存储器7. 8000K字13. “工具”C. 有效性差可靠性也差D. AltC. 左缩进C. 8M字节C. My Documents文件夹C. 文字输入C. Program files文件夹D.
下面____不属于word的段落设置的操作。A. “格式”B。A.
在微型计算机中ROM是____。A。A. 有效性差但可靠性高 23. 剪贴板D,当鼠标指针在工作表中移动时. 只能读不能写20. 255B. ShiftB。A. 只读型大容量软磁盘21. 当前选择文字前的一个汉字或字符19.
在微型计算机中. ASCII码B. 分栏C,对它可以进行的操作是____。A. 随机读写存储器C. 有效性好但可靠性差B. 删除光标插入点前的一个汉字或字符B. CtrlD.
计算机最具代表性的应用领域有(). 变为斜体B. 工具B.
在Windows中. 编辑C. 右缩进D. ¥D。A.
在Excel 2000工作表中. 变为粗体C. 硬盘上D. 首行缩进B. 只能写不能读D. 半导体存储器B。A. 文本对齐B,其形状为____. 实心细十字B. 备注页视图B,可用键盘中哪个控制键和各菜单名旁带有下划线的字母____. 第二代C.
在保存新建的Exce2000文件时。A。A. 桌面B. 加下划波浪线3. &6、数据处理和辅助设计等A. 只读型光盘D. 第四代8。A. 应用设计模板D。A,局域网____. 任务栏C,最近使用过的文档记录在()A. 科学计算D.
Excel工作表中. BCD码C.
具有多媒体功能的微型计算机系统中使用的CD-ROM 是一种____. @B. 第一代B,每按一次【Backspace】(【←】)都会____.
在word中. ROM中C. 格式22. 公式输入25. 删除光标插入点前的一个词C.
Excel的三个主要功能是电子表格. 补码14. 删除光标插入点后的一个汉字或字符D。A. 配色方案C,要插入一个工作表. 段落间距D. RAM中B. 字符间距11. “编辑”D. 文字打印B. NetwareC. 背景4. 顺序读写存储器B. 加下划线D,应用最普遍的字符编码是()A,( ). 大纲视图C. Windows 982. 汉字编码D.
幻灯片“版式”菜单项所在的菜单是____. 既可读也可写B. 只读存储器D. 65535D。A. 幻灯片视图5.
用晶体管作为电子部件制成的计算机属于(). “开始”菜单的“文档”选项中18. A盘根目录9。A. 8M字码D. 首行及左边缩进15. 文秘10. 以上都可以17,可以选择____菜单中的“工作表”命令,连接两个文本的文字运算符是____。A. 普通视图D. 8M位B. 公式计算D,对输入输出进行管理的基本程序放在().
在微机系统中. Windows NTD.
在微型计算机中. UnixB. C盘根目录B,格式工具栏上标有“B”的字母按钮的作用是使选定对象( ),指的是(). 第三代D.
在Excel中. “插入”12。A. 幻灯片版式B。A.
软磁盘加上保护后. 无数16. 空心粗十字D. 图表B.
下面不是网络操作系统的是____. 只读型硬磁盘C,数据库. 视图D.
和广域网相比,系统默认的存放位置为____. 细竖线C. 既不能读也不能写C.
在PowerPoint中. 有效性好可靠性也高C. 256C。A. *C1. 操作系统C。A
DBCAD 6-10
CBBCC 11-15 DAADB 16-20 BDADC 21-25 DBCAB
DBCAD 6-10
CBBCC 11-15 DAADB 16-20 BDADC 21-25 DBCAB参考资料:参考资料: 大学计算机基础
你要是自学的话确实有点困难,不过要是能够坚持就一定能成功!! 刚开始主要是学理论知识,要记忆的东西很...
计算机c语言知识 不是应该是-2^(n-1)到2^(n-1)-1的范围吗 高分悬赏。 求速答:
计算机c语言知识 不是应该是-2^(n-1)到2^(n-1)-1的范围吗 高分悬赏。 求速答对于原码...
10、有关PowerPoint中在表格设计方面的说法,错误的是__D____。(1分) A、可以给表...
高分悬赏!!!计算机基础问题,大家帮帮忙啊,急急急!!!谢谢... 2 更多类...
求计算机基础考试操作题 我是大一的 计算机期末考试就要到了 操作题 有 WORD PPT Excel...:
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