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Here a list of some Wilt Chamberlain stories I found throughout the internet. Feel free to share any I did not include.下面是我在网上找的一些威尔特的故事,如果大家有我没有总结到的故事,请大家自由分享&九天揽月更何妨Great Leaper(弹跳界奇葩)Legends abound of the truly great leapers who could touch the top of the board. Almost always the feat involves money-claims that the player could grab a dollar bill off the top of the board, or could pluck off a quarter and leave two dimes and a nickel change ... "I defy anyone to say they took change off the top of the backboard," Chamberlain said. "I could. Someone would put a quarter up and I'd snatch it down. I've heard stories about Jackie Jackson doing it, but I've never seen anyone (but himself) come close." Sonny Hill, a Philadelphia leaping legend of the '60s, backs Wilt, saying, "The only man that's been to the top, that's Wilt. I asked Kareem if he ever did, and he could jump a little bit. He told me, `Sonny, no.'"诸多能摸到篮板上沿的弹跳传奇在坊间传了又传。几乎所有的此类壮举都有个"钱币轶事":要么是某君能取下放在篮板上沿的1美元钞票,或者是从篮板上沿摘下1枚25美分硬币,再换成2个10分加1个5分的零钱上去......“谁说自己能在篮板上沿换零钱我都不信,”张伯伦说。“但是我自己可以。谁要把个25美分放上去,哥就能把它撸下来。我听说杰基逊(哈林篮球队弹跳名将,人称Jumpin Jackie)做到过,但我还没见别的有谁能接近这个水平。”索尼希尔曾是60年代费城篮球界的弹跳传奇,他支持张伯伦,“唯一摸到过篮板顶端的人就是张大帅了。我问过贾巴尔是否他也做到过,这家伙也挺能跳。但他说可惜没有。”擎天神力世无双K.C. JonesFormer Celtics guard K.C. Jones remembered his casual run-in with Wilt. "He stopped me dead in my tracks with his arm, hugged me and lifted me off the floor with my feet dangling," Jones said. "It scared the hell out of me. When I went to the free-throw line, my legs were still shaking. Wilt was the strongest guy and best athlete ever to play the game."前队后卫K.C.琼斯记得跟张大帅一次偶然的冲突。“我正运球要冲,他伸手把我拦了个结结实实,抱着我把我从地板上提了起来,我两只脚还在空中晃荡。”琼斯说。“当时可把我吓尿了。我走上罚球线的时候两腿还是止不住打颤。张伯伦是有史以来篮球界最强壮最优秀的运动健将。”——Paul Silas"One time, when I was with Boston and he was with the Lakers, Happy Hairston and I were about to get in a scrape," said Charlotte Hornets coach Paul Silas, who was a rugged, no-nonsense enforcer. "All of a sudden, I felt an enormous vise around me. I was 6-7, 235, and Wilt had picked me up and turned me around. He said, 'We're not going to have that stuff.' I said, 'Yes sir.'"夏洛特黄蜂队前主教练保罗萨里斯曾在凯尔特人效力,当时的他是一员作风强硬雷厉风行的健将。他说,“有一次我凯对上了他湖,我跟对边的哈罗德·起了点小摩擦,正要动手的时候。突然感到周身像被一双巨钳卡住一般。我当时6尺7寸,235磅。而张大帅就那么把我揪起来转了个身,对我说,‘我们好好玩不动手。’我于是说,‘阿Sir遵命!’”——Harlem Globetrotters in Russia"On the trip to Russia with the Harlem Globetrotters, we were in Lenin Stadium, and they assigned a dressing room to the team. The players were getting dressed for one of their games. They were in rather close quarters. Remember, these were young kids-Wilt was 23. The others were his age. They were like kittens. You bump me, i'll bump you back. And before you know it, two of the guys set on Wilt. They started playfully pushing and shoving him. And finally one of his teammates hit Wilt a little too hard. He took these two guys, twisted each of their shirts, and lifted both of them off the ground. Each of these guys weighed over 200 pounds. It looked like he had two little crackers in his hands. I thought he was going to hit their heads together. It was an amazing demonstration of strength".有次张伯伦随哈林篮球队到苏联进行表演赛。当时场地设在了列宁体育场,他们分给我们一间更衣室。球员都在换衣服准备比赛,互相之间靠得很近难免打闹。要知道这是一群血气方刚的年轻小伙---张伯伦时年23岁,其他人也都年纪相仿。他们就像一群小野猫互相乱撞,你给我一拳,我还你一掌。大家开始开玩笑的对大帅推推搡搡。结果有两个熊孩子玩过火了,可能对大帅下手重了点。大帅就拽住这俩货,拧着衣服提了起来。这俩人每个怕是都有200磅重,而他看着就像手上生出了一对核桃钳。我当时还以为他要把两人头碰头。只能说天生神力啊”——Arnold Schwarzenegger"I remember he lifted me up with one arm like nothing. I remember Andre the Giant, professional wrestler he was a very good friend of mine, and Wilt Chamberlain and I both went out to dinner several times in Mexico City when we did the movie down there, the Conan Movie, and both of them would just pick me up over them, they were just joking about who could pick me up and make me look like lighter, like I was a fly, because they were so powerful"阿诺德施瓦辛格回忆说:"我记得他用一只胳膊轻若无物的把我举了起来。另外我还记得职业摔角手'巨人安德烈',他是我一个很好的朋友。当时我们三人在墨西哥城拍《毁灭者柯南》,于是一起吃过几次饭。两个人都喜欢把我直接举过头顶,还开玩笑说要比比谁能把我像一只苍蝇般更轻松的举起来,因为他们实在是力大无穷。”谈笑数冠已入囊Bill MayerBill Mayer, then the managing editor of the 'Lawrence Journal-World' recalled on of Wilt's impressive athletic feats: "We played Oklahoma in basketball on a friday night, here in Lawrence(, Kansas), When Oklahoma had one helluva team. And they pounded the living daylights out of Wilt, just beat him to a pulp. I think he got 32 points. This was on a friday, and the finals of the Big Seven indoor track championship were the next night in Kansas city in the Municipal Auditorium. Wilt goes in, and with a minimum of practice during the week-he had just been fiddling around-he sets a school record and ties for the Big Seven championship, jumping 6' 6 3/4""比尔梅耶是《劳伦斯日报》的主编,他回忆起一次张伯伦的神级表演。“那是个周五的晚上,我们当时在这(劳伦斯)跟俄克拉荷马打了场篮球赛。他们那队屌得不行,把大帅胖揍了一顿,打翻在地---他大概只得了32分吧,这是周五。然后七大联盟室内田径锦标赛的决赛就在次日晚上于堪萨斯城的市政礼堂举行。张大帅也去参加了,那整个一周他都在鬼混,几乎没怎么训练过。结果他一举打破校史记录,并列当届冠军,跳高成绩6尺6寸.75。心宽似海纳百川Big Heart"It was hard for Wilt to put his faith in many people. Being in his position, many people tried to exploit him. I say little in reference to character, not size. There were always those who enjoyed hanging around to pick up the crumbs that might fall off their 7' cake. No matter where we went to play ball, It seemed that he had a thousand cousins who needed tickets to the game-free tickets, that is. One of Wilt's weaknesses was being too big-hearted. He never turned down any of these requests, and very often he was holding the bag. You'd expect a 7' person to have an extra big heart, but his was even out of proportion to his size.""身居张伯伦之位,要信任很多人并不容易。盛名之下,很多人都想利用他蹭便宜---我是指利用他的性格,并非体格。总是有不少游手好闲之徒环伺左右,在这个7尺高的"大鲜肉"上揩揩油。不管我们到哪儿打球,他都貌似有上千个表哥表弟等着他发放免费赠票。张大帅的一个弱点就是心太宽了,从来不会拒绝这些(过分的)请求,有福大家享,有难自己当。你有时会希望一个7尺大汉同时拥有一个宽广的心胸,而他的心胸比他的体格还要庞大。"睡狮怒醒哮天荒Elvin HayesIn 1982, when he was 45 and Philadelphia 76er owner Harold Katz was hot after him, the Houston Chronicle's George White asked Elvin Hayes if Chamberlain could still play. "Some things about Wilt, you never forgot," Hayes said. "He was such an awesome physical specimen. To go up under Wilt Chamberlain, to be down there and look up at him when he's towering up over you waiting to dunk, was a terrifying picture. To see him poised up there, knowing he was about to sweep down with that big jam . . . that must be the most frightening sight in sports. The ball goes shooting through the net and you better have your body covered up because he could really hurt someone. I was scared. Everyone was scared when he got that look in his eye, that don't-try-to-stop-this look that he got when he really wanted it. . . . "I think Russell realized there was no way he could have stopped Wilt if he had been fully intent on making it a two-man game. No one who ever put on a uniform could have done it. When I played him, I kept this foremost in my mind: Above all, don't make him mad. Don't embarrass him. You wanted to keep him quiet as long as possible."1982年大帅年届45岁。费城76人换了新老板哈罗德·卡茨,如日中天。《休斯敦纪事报》的乔治怀特向埃尔文·海耶斯询问张伯伦是否还能打球。“关于张大帅的某些事,你打死都忘不了,”海耶斯说。“他从头到脚就是一具惊世骇俗的人体标本。想象一下,当他像巨塔一样居高临下的笼罩着你随时等着灌篮,而你只能蜷缩着仰望他任他凌虐,那画面太美谁敢看?你眼看他蓄势待发,准备风卷残云般的暴扣灌篮...只能用惨绝人寰来形容。被扣的篮球炮弹一般的直穿,此时你最好护好身体不然真的会被伤到。我每每都被吓得屎去活来。当他真的想要把球打进的时候,那眼神就仿佛在说:‘要球还是要命?’,这时候不尿算你好汉。篮球界再没谁能屌到那种程度。当我跟他对位时,心里时刻谨记,‘一定不要激怒他,不要羞辱他。’让他尽量保持安静,越久越好。”兄弟情深暖心房Al AttlesLast year the Golden State Warriors sponsored a roast for his old teammate Al Attles, who was retiring as the team's coach. Chamberlain presented him with the ball from his 100-point game, in which Attles had made all eight shots he took from the floor. It was inscribed, "To Al, who did everything right at the wrong time." "That ball," says Attles, "as well as Wilt's friendship are things I'll treasure for the rest of my life."去年金州队为张大帅的老队友艾尔·阿特尔斯举办了一次烧烤晚宴,他以勇士队主教练的身份退役了。张伯伦送给他一个篮球做礼物,此球正是他砍下100分那场的比赛用球。而是役阿特尔斯也表现出色,自己8投全中。篮球上面刻有赠言,“谨以此球献给艾尔,他在错误的时间做足了正确的事。”“那个篮球,”阿特尔斯感动的说,“就如同我和大帅的友谊一样,我会珍惜一辈子。”神农转世亦怅惘Josh PastnerMy father was the ball boy for the 76ers for many, many years, and he and Wilt Chamberlain were very close. ... And Wilt Chamberlain always felt somebody was trying to get him on timeouts with assassination through drinking. And he drank 7-Up or Sprite, one of the two. And my dad always had to taste it before Wilt-- He made my father drink it before [he] would taste it to make sure my dad didn't conk out.“家父在76人队当了多年球童,他和张伯伦关系很近...而张伯伦总是感觉有人会在暂停时候往饮料里下药毒死他。他的饮料不是七喜就是雪碧,二者必居其一。然后我老爹每每就得先尝一口---大帅在喝之前总是让我爹先尝,看他没嗝屁自己才接着喝。”安得廿千美娇娘20,000 Women ()According to Rod Roddewig, a contemporary of Wilt's, the 20,000 number was created when he and Chamberlain were staying in Chamberlain's penthouse in Honolulu during the mid-1980s. He and Chamberlain stayed at the penthouse for 10 days, over the course of which he recorded everything on his Daytimer.[clarification needed] For every time Chamberlain went to bed with a different girl he put a check in his daytimer. After those 10 days there were 23 checks in the book, which would be rate of 2.3 women per day. He divided that number in half, to be conservative and to correct for degrees of variation. He then multiplied that number by the number of days he had been alive at the time minus 15 years. That was how the 20,000 number came into existence.罗德·罗德维奇是张大帅的同龄好基友,据他披露,2万这个数字是他和大帅在80年代中期去夏威夷度假时,在檀香山大帅的别墅里算出来的。他和大帅在那一共待了十天,期间他事无巨细的全记在了备忘录上。每当大帅枕边换了新的姑娘,他就默默地在备忘录上打个勾。十天过去发现一共打了23个勾,平均是每天2.3个妹纸。他为了保守和容错起见把这个数字除以2,然后乘以大帅15岁起到当时的天数。这就是“2万”的由来。JRS评论部分[–]Lakerstangential_quip 7 指標 10 天 前&Its a shame he didn't play at a time when there were more players to actually challenge him. I wonder what he would have done if he played when David Robinson, Patrick Ewing, Hakeem Olajuwon and young Shaq were all around and Wilt would have actually had to try.他没生在一个真正有挑战的时代真的好遗憾。我很好奇假如他周围都是上将罗宾逊,大猩猩尤因,大梦以及幼鲨这类顶尖高手,他还能做到哪种程度。想要出头怕是颇要一番鏖战吧。——[–]Cavaliersdantheman9758 29 指標 10 天 前*&This comment is disrespecting a lot of HOF centers, Nate Thurmond, Willis Reed, Walt Bellamy, Bill Russell, Wes Unseld, Bob Lanier, Dave Cowens, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar.. The list goes on and on, he played more HOF centers than there were in the 90's and in a smaller league, he played them all more often than he would have played any of the 90's centers in a 30 team league. We don't have film of those match ups, but they would have no doubt been incredible to watch. And Wilt would have statistically destroyed any 90's center the same way he statistically destroyed his own competition. Do you honestly thing Ewing, young Shaq and Hakeem are going to give him any more of a challenge 5 or 6 times a season than his Bill Russell, Nate Thurmond, or Kareem Abdul-Jabbar competition 10-16 times a season?楼上你的评论对一众名人堂中锋简直就是侮辱:内特瑟蒙德,威利斯里德,特贝拉米,比尔拉塞尔,韦斯昂塞尔德,鲍伯兰尼尔,戴夫考恩斯,卡里姆贾霸等等, 名单还能列出好长......他过招的名人堂中锋比90年代多不说,当时联盟也比现在小得多,他跟各大中锋碰面也比90年代的30支球队的大联盟要频繁的多。我们虽没有那时他们对位的录像,但毫无疑问他们没有一个是善茬。张伯伦会用数据碾压90年代任何一个中锋,就像他碾压他同时代每一个对手。你真的以为尤因,幼鲨,大梦跟他每赛季五六次碰面就比他跟指环王内特瑟蒙德或天勾每季10-16次碰面能够成更大威胁?——[–]Lakerstangential_quip 16 指標 10 天 前&With the exception of Kareem and Russell, the answer is yes. Ewing, Robinson, Hakeem, and Shaq were better than Thurmond, Reed, Bellamy, Unsled, Lanier, and Cohens. I don't think that is particular controversial as their career statistics bear it out.除了天勾和指环王,答案是yes。尤因,罗宾逊,奥拉朱旺和鲨鱼都比瑟蒙德,里德,贝拉米,昂塞尔德,兰尼尔和考恩斯要强出一截。我不觉得这有什么特别值得争论的,因为数据就放在那。——[–]Cavaliersdantheman9758 7 指標 10 天 前*&Don't sleep on Nate Thurmond... injuries killed his career averages, a healthy Nate Thurmond was #3 behind Wilt and Russell, and then Kareem and Wilt after Russell retired. Held Kareem and Wilt both to their lowest FG%'s and totals of any center either one of them ever faced.Ever seen Hakeem or Ewing block a Kareem hook? Before it even left his hand?Thurmond was a beast. It isn't about career stats. The competition back then was HOF caliber, and every other team back then had a HOF center. The 90's were top heavy with great HOF talent, but even the 90's league wasn't as densely packed with HOF centers as the late 60's and early 70's.别小看内特瑟蒙德...伤病毁了他的场均数据,健康的内特瑟蒙德仅次于大帅和指环王,再往后排就是天勾和指环王退役后的大帅。天勾和大帅碰上他命中率都是职业最低,其他交过手的中锋无一不吃瘪。你见过大梦或者尤因这么帽天勾么?还是没出手就帽了瑟蒙德就是头野兽。这里不单讨论生涯数据,比的还有名人堂级别的能力,当时几乎每队都有个名人堂中锋。90年代中锋确实是天赋秉异,但名人堂中锋却不如六七十年代那么集中。[–]Trail BlazersSardinesGivePower 139 指標 10 天 前&Expected more sex.我想看更多的皇叔——[–]Lakersso-cal_kid 124 指標 10 天 前&This was a quote from Wilt just before he passed: "With all of you men out there who think that having a thousand different ladies is pretty cool, I have learned in my life I've found out that having one woman a thousand different times is much more satisfying."这是大帅临终遗言:“众人皆醉千人斩,繁花阅尽始悟,最是难得,一人永相伴。”——[–][MEM] Jeremy LinWumboJumbo 234 指標 10 天 前&ONE GOOD GIRL IS WORTH A THOUSAND BITCHES一枚好姑娘胜过千万绿茶婊——[–]Raptorscheechw 55 指標 10 天 前&BOUND大帅玩不玩情趣用品?——[–]USAwinged_victory 26 指標 10 天 前&TIL that Wilt learned nothing.今天偶才晓得,原来大帅什么都没悟出来。——[–]BullsTookanSam 35 指標 10 天 前&Im not sure if this counts as a legitimate story, but before my grandma passed she claimed to have slept with him. I unfortunately did not gain any exceptional basketball skill.我不确定这是不是个好事,但是外婆去世前跟我讲她跟大帅有过一腿。不幸的是大帅的篮球基因我半点也没捞到。[–]76ersPhiladelphiaFish 70 指標 10 天 前&Of course a few of these may be a tad exaggerated, but there's no doubt Wilt was one of the most physically impressive specimens the world has ever seen. There are not a lot of 7 footers floating around out there, period. Now, a 7 footer with the athletic gifts that Wilt possessed, that's a whole 'nother story. He's definitely a once-in-a-century kinda guy. He could lift weights with Arnold Schwarzenegger and run with Jim Brown and Olympic athletes. You just don't see that with big men nowadays. Roy Hibbert can barely make it up and down the court and catch a ball, and he's one of the best big men today.Here's a video showcasing Wilt's speed:&Picture Hibbert or Omer Asik or someone doing that today. Absolutely absurd.有些故事自然是略有夸张,但毫无疑问张大帅是史上最具运动活力最惊人的身体标本。当年并没那么多7尺壮汉,如今一个7尺长人若拥有张伯伦的运动天赋却也不是那么令人惊讶了。他无疑是百年一遇的奇才。他能跟阿诺德施瓦辛格举铁块,能跟吉姆布朗和奥运选手赛跑。那情形你如今很难看到了。罗伊勉强还能还能在场上跑几个来回,要要球,却已是当今大格子里的翘楚了。这有一个展示大帅速度的短视频:///watch?v=jGvZWqf8OY4想象一下如今的希伯特或者做这种动作。那画面太扯我不敢看。[–]NBAUncleWittgenstein 38 指標 10 天 前&Jesus that was like a cartoon or something. How can someone so gigantic move like that.老天呐!看着像卡通片。一个巨人怎么能那样跑。——[–]Knicksnewyorktitties 13 指標 10 天 前&that is a scary video视频看着有点吓人呐——[–]Pacersrighteouscool 19 指標 10 天 前&Woah. It's worth noting that in that video he slows down at the free throw line right as he starts to get at full speed.哇!大家注意看:他刚全速开动就立刻在罚球线附近减速慢下来了。[–][CHI] Joakim Noahwjbc 55 指標 10 天 前&87-year-old Red Auerbach reminiscing with Celtic star Sam Jones about Chamberlain:Auerbach: "Chamberlain was the most unbelievable physical specimen ever. There wasn't anything he couldn't do on the basketball court. One year he scored fifty points a game. Another year he led the league in assists. He was so strong it was frightening."But there was one thing he couldn't do. He couldn't beat us. Just couldn't do it. Russell wore him out, running up and down the court, and you [pointing at Sam Jones] - you drove him crazy. Remember how we ran that pick-and-roll play, where Russell would feed you the ball and Chamberlain had to switch? He'd always get there just as you released the shot, and you, you sonofabitch, you'd say in that high-pitched voice of yours, 'Too late.' And you made the shot every time."Jones: "Remember the night he chased me?"Auerbach: "Oh yeah. You ran down the court, grabbed a stool from one of the photographers, and used it for protection."Jones: "Protection? I told Wilt, 'Now I've got a chance. You come near me, I'll swing the thing at you.'"Auerbach: "He'd a still killed you."Jones: "No way. He'd never catch me."87岁的红衣主教奥尔巴赫跟凯尔特人球星萨姆琼斯谈论张伯伦:[链接:]奥尔巴赫:“张伯伦是史上最不可思议的人体标本。他在篮球场上就没有办不到的事儿。上一年还是场均狂砍55分,下一年就敢拿个助攻王给你看看。他壮得可怕。“但是只有一件事情他做不到,就是击败我们,他就是搞不掂。拉塞尔搞得他筋疲力竭,让他跟着来回跑。而你(指着萨姆琼斯)---你能把他逼疯。还记得我们是怎么打挡拆的么,拉塞尔把球给你,然后张伯伦就不得不换防。每次都是你刚出手他才赶到,然后你这小混蛋就用尖嗓高喊,“太晚啦”。然后你怎么投怎么有。琼斯:“记得他追我的那场比赛么?”奥尔巴赫:“当然记得。你跑下场,抓起摄影师的一个凳子来自卫。”琼斯:“自卫?我当时告诉张伯伦,‘现在轮到哥啦,你过来,我保证不打死你。’”奥尔巴赫:“那他必然会打死你小子。”琼斯:“没可能。他永远抓不到我。”[–]Cavaliersdantheman9758 17 指標 10 天 前&The "unblockable" skyhook. Blocked twice in 5 seconds by a 35 year old Wilt.传说中不可封盖的“天勾”,被35岁的"老帅"5秒钟连扇2个。手工作业,有误请指出。&前期回顾:订阅请@JRS之声粉丝QQ群:<font color="#ff087 &JRS之声翻译爱好者以及对JRS之声创作有兴趣的JR加二群:<font color="#ff545 &进群必须注明IDPS:1.转载请务必标明出处和链接,尤其是包卜网,*河蟹*,百度贴吧,ACFUN和新浪。2、转载时请注明本人ID,以及虎扑【美国JRS之声】,不要写错。
=============================================================每当我撸了新的一管,就默默地在小本子画正字。几周起来,合共十个假天过去。那些时候,我平均一天颠峰能撸3,4管,为了保守和容错起见把这个数字除以2,再折中一下,我由12,13岁左右开始撸。。这就是为何我才20岁左右,就撸了 "5000管" 的由来
翻译:@ 备注:世人笑我太疯癫,我笑他人看不穿。 不见五陵豪杰墓,无花无酒锄作田。[ 此帖被incredibilly在 18:11修改 ]
好吧我知道大家都是来看这段的,虽然通过这段看两万可能只是个传说,但通过这段我们可以发现没了东莞我们还有夏威夷。[ 此帖被夜风抚月舟在 18:21修改 ]
Josh Pastner
My father was the ball boy for the 76ers for many, many years, and he and Wilt Chamberlain were very close. ... And Wilt Chamberlain always felt somebody was trying to get him on timeouts with assassination through drinking. And he drank 7-Up or Sprite, one of the two. And my dad always had to taste it before Wilt-- He made my father drink it before [he] would taste it to make sure my dad didn't conk out.
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[–]BullsTookanSam 35 指標 10 天 前
Im not sure if this counts as a legitimate story, but before my grandma passed she claimed to have slept with him. I unfortunately did not gain any exceptional basketball skill.
干20000个女人 和she20000次 是不一样的 如果你和几个女人玩she一次 同 和一个女人玩she好几次 明显后者体力 精力 用得更多 但是前者就可以吹牛了 他和很多女人上过床
如果张伯伦平均2.3个女人只射一次 那么就是说最后连10000次都不到 这个数字也不用惊讶 是在正常人的范围值里&&&&& 我看到上面有个人算自己的撸管数量 上床比撸管累得多 所消耗的体力多 但内在消耗的精力是差不多的 如果每天都有成百上千的美女想和你发生关系 众JRs也会创造奇迹的
这么一个大名鼎鼎的篮球传奇人物 这么庞大的风流数量 是不可能不被别人曝光 被女人拿来作为谈资 或者被友人发现的 事实上除了张伯伦自己 似乎提起他风流韵事的实在是不多 难不成女人更喜欢谈论如日中天的披头士?
引用1楼 @ 发表的: 每当大帅枕边换了新的姑娘,他就默默地在备忘录上打个勾。 十天过去发现一共打了23个勾,平均是每天2.3个妹纸。他为了保守和容错起见把这个数字除以2,然后乘以大帅15岁起到当时的天数。这就是“2万”的由来。 ============================================================= 每当我撸了新的一管,就默默地在小本子画正字。 几周起来,合共十个假天过去。那些时候,我平均一天颠峰能撸3,4管,为了保守和容错起见把这个数字除以2,再折中一下,我由12,13岁左右开始撸。。这就是为何我才20岁左右,就撸了 "5000管" 的由来
引用1楼 @ 发表的:
翻译:@ 备注:世人笑我太疯癫,我笑他人看不穿。 不见五陵豪杰墓,无花无酒锄作田。[ 此帖被incredibilly在 18:11修改 ]
好吧我知道大家都是来看这段的,虽然通过这段看两万可能只是个传说,但通过这段我们可以发现没了东莞我们还有夏威夷。[ 此帖被夜风抚月舟在 18:21修改 ]
=============================================================每当我撸了新的一管,就默默地在小本子画正字。几周起来,合共十个假天过去。那些时候,我平均一天颠峰能撸3,4管,为了保守和容错起见把这个数字除以2,再折中一下,我由12,13岁左右开始撸。。这就是为何我才20岁左右,就撸了 "5000管" 的由来
引用8楼 @ 发表的:
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