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新闻热词:打成“平手” 英语怎么说
  The poll found that the race for the White House is a virtual tie since the parties' nominating conventions, with Obama, an Illinois senator, at 47 percent support of registered voters and McCain, an Arizona senator, at 46 percent.
  在上述的报道中,tie 这个词就是用来表示&平局,打成平手&之意,多用于体育比赛或类似的竞争性活动中,比如:England tied Sweden 2-2 或 England held a 2-2 tie with Sweden 都表示&英国与瑞典打成2比2平&。
  此外,draw 也可以用来表示&平局,平手&之意,如果想表达&比赛打成了平局&,我们就可以说 The game resulted in a draw/tie 或者 The game is drawn。
  可是,既然是竞争,必然要分出个胜负来,老是&平局&怎么行呢,于是就有了 tie break 这个说法,也就是&决胜局&的意思,有时候也会用 tie breaker 来表示。其实这个表达是网球比赛中的常用语,具体用法见&tie break 加赛&。
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英文翻译break evenhalve a matchhavle a match&&&& knock&&&& succeed&&&&draw&&&&break even&&&&equalizer&&&&tie&&&&(比赛中) break [come out] result [end] in a draw ...&&&&the game has drawn&&&&the two teams drew&&&&the two teams drew&&&&game ended in a draw. situation&&&&two badminton teams ended in a draw&&&&draw
两队打成了平手。 the two teams drew&&&&narihira&&&& flat- manus plana&&&&hirate sen&&&&foliate&&&&pulpify&&&&formation of knots&&&&cheng-ping li&&&&tian chengping&&&&end in a draw&&&&flat handle&&&&dead heat&&&&trimming lever
例句与用法Lt takes a good man to fight nagakura to a draw能同长仓打成平手说明你是条好汉Lt takes a good man to fight nagakura to a draw能同长仓打成平手说明你是条好汉I heard you broke even . at leastyou didn ' t lose我听说你们打成平手。至少你还没输嘛The u . s . , four wins and a tie against sweden美国队四胜和瑞典队打成平手After the middle place rest , after the chinese team process endeavor , finally fights to a draw中场休息后,中国队经过努力后,终于打成平手。 51 after sot after a slow start , the swedes are starting to hit form瑞典队正在展现出他们的进攻性,在同英格兰的比赛中,他们打入两球与对手打成平手。 The two tennis school teams were neck and neck in the final set and drew . a tiebreaker was needed两队学校网球队在最后一局难分轩轾,打成平手,有需要以决胜局分胜负。 If the match is a draw after 90 minutes extra - time will be played followed by penalties if necessary如果在90分钟内双方打成平手,将进行加时赛,如果有必要的话,将进行点球决战。 With fifa president sepp blatter in attendance , the first half was scoreless and statistically balanced国际足联主席布拉特出席了该场女足比赛,上半场双方都没有得分,数据上也打成平手。 After getting shut out in friday ' s opener , the yankees rebounded to take the next two and draw even with the mets for the season在上周五三连战的开幕战洋基被完封后,洋基马上再拿下接下二场比赛的胜利让本季的地铁大战打成平手。 更多例句:&&1&&&&
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