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> Archery Shooter 3D: Bows & Arrows
应用大小:51.9 MB
运行环境:需要 iOS 6.0 或更高版本。与 iPhone、iPad、iPod touch 兼容。
简介:Participate our archery tournament and becom...
Archery Shooter 3D: Bows & Arrows应用说明
Participate our archery tournament and become a real bowmaster just like a characters of medieval poems and novels! Try to surpass other shooters’ mastery, so pinch the grip, tense the bowstring, aim the target and shot right at the bullseye! Feel yourself as a Robin Hood or Oliver Queen with our archery simulator - Archery Shooter 3D: Bows & Arrows game in 3D!Enjoy this realistic bow and arrow simulator – calculate right angle of shooting, tense the string with sufficient strength, make allowances for the wind and hit the target! Touch the screen to control a bow and arrow, string’s tension and power of shot! Be the winner of this archery contest!Complete missions and earn points to upgrade your bow and arrows or unlock new ones - longbow, compound bow, self-bow – try all of it! Upgrade your shooting skills and choose the best bow for each type of missions! Achieve the highest results as a real bowmaster! Improve your accuracy playing Archery Shooter 3D: Bows & Arrows!Get ready for the intense challenges at Archery Shooter 3D: Bows & Arrows! Aim the bullseye to get the best results and surpass other participants - and become a champion! Be accurately and patiently as a real archer, but never give up after misses – even failing are part of training! So, just tense your bowstring again and this time aim tor carefully!Archery Shooter 3D: Bows & Arrows features:- Realistic archery mechanics – calculate right angle of shooting, make allowances for the wind and tense the string with sufficient strength- Simple and intuitive controls – just drag and pull to shoot at the target- Amazing 3D graphics- Wide range of bows & arrows to buy and unlock – try all of it and choose the best set for your intentionsFeel yourself like a real master archer,whose fame comparable with the famous archers like Robin Hood, Katniss Everdeen, Clint Barton or Bard The Bowman! Become a champion of this archery tournament with our Archery Shooter 3D: Bows & Arrows game!
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06:11:46.374---- 06:11:46.390----15.63D射箭2电脑版
《3D射箭 II 3DArchery II》是一款受到全球好评的顶级体育竞技游戏,是 Tenone&射箭&系列的最新力作!搭载了全新的游戏场景和排行系统,您可以享受到焕然一新的&射箭体验&。在前一代产品中,GooglePlay上架两周下载量就突破50W!已经接触过3D射箭第一代的玩家不必多说,从本作开始,无论是游戏的老玩家还是新玩家,都能充分享受到&3D射箭 Ⅱ&带来的乐趣。 【游戏特征】: - 简单便捷的操作:拉弓、瞄准、射箭,所有动作,一&点&完成; - 超写实的画面风格:逼真的场景与合理的障碍设定,让你身临其境,无法自拔; - 惊险刺激的游戏节奏:紧张的游戏音乐,你需要做的是屏住呼吸,防止抖动; - 超惊喜的物品奖励:气球,金币,道具以及后期iphone、ipod实物奖励,应有尽有; - 排行榜功能:没有最强,只有更强,让你每天挑战全球最顶尖射箭达人,尽在&3D射箭 Ⅱ&; 【操作说明】: 游戏过程中玩家可以使用单手控制弓箭的瞄准,由于游戏具有多点触控功能,玩家可以使用双手控制,避免屏幕死角单手无法控制移动的问题
电脑版安装需要用一个一款安卓模拟器(BlueStacks) Beta-1,下载安卓模拟器之后可以参考详细的安装教程,简单3步安装,不需要对电脑进行任何设置即可完成。2.安装好之后,apk文件的图标就和安卓模拟器的突变一样,我们直接点击apk文件运行,安装就可以安装好游戏了。
此外,Beta版本还加入了对图形硬件加速的支持。为高端平板设计的应用也可完美运行。BlueStacks Android应用模拟器已于AMD展开合作,可充分利用AMD APU和GPU平台的高级图形特性。
xp用户需先安装Windows Installer 4.5和.NET Framework 2.0 SP2,否则会提示出错,在游戏文件夹里面我们已经有提供了,双击安装


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