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回家的票 Ticket to Earth
回家的票 Ticket to Earth
Limited time introductory offer – 40% OFF!A distant planet. A dying colony. A deadly conspiracy. The mining boom has left New Providence to die, and just one Earthbound ship remains. Survivor Rose stands in defiance of a broken system. Rise up with fast-paced RPG tactics, and battle across vibrant fields of color. Join the fight in Ticket to Earth, a sci-fi tale of betrayal and insurrection. ~ Selected for Made With Unity Showcase at Unite Melbourne 2016~ Selected for PAX Rising at PAX East 2017"Ticket To Earth is an evolutionary leap forward in the puzzle/RPG hybrid genre." – Kotaku"All in all this is an original, smart, challenging puzzling RPG that manages to blend its head-scratching and character development in a way I've not seen before. And in doing so becomes one of the first truly essential mobile games of the year." – 9/10 Pocket Gamer“It’s always a magical experience when a game comes together and hooks you in, which is exactly what Ticket to Earth did for me." – checkpointgaming.netFEATURES:ORIGINAL GENRE MASH-UPIntroducing a new style of gameplay that blends puzzle and tactics games. Ticket to Earth is the quick-play, mission-based RPG you’ve been waiting for.SCI-FI EPISODIC NARRATIVE
Join Rose, Wolf, Doc and Seven as they race across New Providence to stop a criminal conspiracy.FIGHT FOR JUSTICEPlay as Melee and Ranged Peace Keepers, armed with over one hundred Combat Powers. Fight against a cabal of twisted enemies - desperate criminals, murderous machines and terrifying mutants.JOIN THE MOVEMENT The Stellar Consciousness Movement will help you reach your true human potential. Deep RPG character progression - develop your talents and build better heroes! EPISODE GUIDE:Ticket to Earth is a gripping RPG narrative delivered over 4 big episodes.
Episodes will unlock as they are released at no additional cost. Be the first to play new content by downloading Ticket to Earth now.Episode One - Uprising (Available now)Episode Two - Crash (Coming soon)Episode Three - Meltdown (Coming soon) Episode Four - Revolution (Coming soon)For more information about the game, visit www.ticket-Chat with us on Twitter: @Robot_Circus #TicketToEarth
- Fixed issue where some bonus objectives required you to complete them 1 round faster than described- Fixed issue where Burn status did not finish on its own- Other minor text and user interface fixes
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正准备为您一键安装“回家的票 Ticket to Earth”
周一至周五 09:30 - 22:00
周六、周日 10:00 - 19:00
在去年3月举行的GDC开发者大会与年底举办的PAX Australia上,凭借美漫风格、科幻背景以及回合制解谜玩法,“章节式” RPG解谜游戏《买票回地球》(Ticket......
扫描二维码,关注4399手游微信Hello Callum.
Do you like to travel?
Oh yes, I love going to new and interesting places.
What do you think of the idea of travelling to another planet?
Erm, not quite so keen on the idea of going to another planet.
What about a one-way trip to Mars?
You do mean the planet Mars? Go to Mars and never come back?
What are you saying? Are you trying to get rid of me?
No, no, not at all. But this is what is being planned at the moment by a company in the Netherlands.
They are planning to send people to Mars and the people who go would never be able to come back to Earth.
Sounds like quite a trip!
Well before we learn more about it, here’s a question for you, about the planet Mars. How big is Mars compared to Earth?
Is it bigger, about the same size or smaller than Earth?
I think I can remember this from school. I’m going to say it’s smaller than the Earth.
We’ll find out if you’re right at the end of the programme. But now, let’s hear about this scheme.
What is interesting about it is the idea that this would be a one-way trip.
Bas Lansdorp is head of the Mars-One project and he explains why this will be a one-way trip. What reason does he give?
On this world we have all the technology we need to get humans to Mars and keep them alive there.
What we don’t have is the technology to get people from Mars back to Earth.
The people who will be going to Mars in our missions will be settling on Mars permanently. They’ll be doing it for the rest of their lives.
Jennifer, why is this a one-way trip?
He says it’s about technology. Although we do have the knowledge and technology to get people to Mars,
we can’t get them back – so any trip would be permanent, would be forever.
That’s a big commitment, isn’t it? But I imagine there will be people who will jump at the opportunity.
I’m sure there will be, but what kind of person are they going to recruit for this ‘trip of a lifetime’?
Well here’s Bas again, talking about just that. What three qualities does he mention?
We need the best of the best. We need first of all, of course, smart people, healthy people. They need to be mentally very stable.
So he needs the best of the best, but what are the three particular qualities he mentions the best of the best need to have?
He wants smart people, which means clever, intelligent people.
As well as that, they need to be healthy both physically and mentally.
As well as that, I guess he’s going to need people with very specific skills.
You would think so, but Bas thinks there is something more important. What’s that?
What I initially thought is that they would be doctors, pilots, engineers.
But this is actually not the case.
The thing that’s important, the most important quality for our candidates is character.
You need to be the kind of person who other people want to be stranded with on an uninhabited island.
What does he think is more important than having appropriate technical skills?
Character. You need to have the right personality.
He compares it to being stranded on an uninhabited island.
You have to be someone that other people would want to be stranded with.
I think that has to be very important. Can you imagine being stuck on another planet for your whole life with someone you couldn’t stand?
That would be terrible.
As well as having a good character there are some other important qualities they are looking for. Here’s Bas again:
You need to be calm and inventive. You need to be someone who is at their best when the situation is at its worst.
Jennifer, what other characteristics is he looking for?
He needs people who can still work well when things are bad. People who are calm in a crisis.
As he says, people who are best when the situation is worst.
So from what you’ve heard, does it sound like the job for you?
Absolutely not. I don’t mind travelling but I think it’s a bit far for me. And what about you?
No, no it’s not for me, I have to say.
I’m not made of the right stuff.
I don’t think I’m the kind of person anyone would want to be stuck with!
I was wondering how they were going to pay for all of this, after all, it’s not a government programme is it?
A very good question. Here’s Bas:
We plan to finance this by involving the whole world as an audience. You just had the London Olympics right there in Britain.
And the Olympics had a revenue of more than three billion US dollars in the three weeks that it lasts.
When people land on Mars we expect that even more people will watch this than the London Olympics.
And also in the years after that they will watch as the base grows, as people start relations, end relations.
Maybe at some point there will be the first Mars baby, this will be a, really the next giant leap of mankind.
So where is the money coming from?
Television. It sounds like a big reality TV show to me.
He mentions that the Olympics raised a lot of money from people watching on television and this will be the same.
He thinks there will be a big audience to tune in and watch the mission but also the relationships between the people on the mission and perhaps even the birth of the first Mars baby.
Would you watch it?
Definitely, yeah, it would be fascinating viewing. How about you?
You know what, I probably would. I’m not usually a fan of reality TV but this is something different.
I would probably get bored very easily though.
Well, that’s all we have time for today. But before we go though, the answer to this week’s question. How big is Mars compared to Earth, Jennifer, you said?
I said it was smaller.
Well done that is the right answer. Mars is, has about half the diameter of the Earth.
Well that’s all from us for this week. Thanks very much Jennifer, goodbye.
One-way ticket to Mars
Hello I’m Callum and this is 6 Minute English. With me today is Jennifer, hello Jennifer.
Hello Callum.
Do you like to travel?
Oh yes, I love going to new and interesting places.
What do you think of the idea of travelling to another planet?
Erm, not quite so keen on the idea of going to another planet.
What about a one-way trip to Mars?
You do mean the planet Mars? Go to Mars and never come back?
What are you saying? Are you trying to get rid of me?
No, no, not at all. But this is what is being planned at the moment by a company in the Netherlands. They are planning to send people to Mars and the people who go would never be able to come back to Earth.
Sounds like quite a trip!
Well before we learn more about it, here’s a question for you, about the planet Mars. How big is Mars compared to Earth? Is it bigger, about the same size or smaller than Earth?
I think I can remember this from school. I’m going to say it’s smaller than the Earth.
We’ll find out if you’re right at the end of the programme. But now, let’s hear about this scheme.What is interesting about it is the idea that this would be a one-way trip.Bas Lansdorp is head of the Mars-One project and he explains why this will be a one-way trip. What reason does he give?
好的,我们将在节目最后揭晓答案。现在,我们来看一看这个计划。这个想法有趣的地方就是这是一次单程旅行。Bas Lansdorp是这次火星单程旅行的主要负责人,他向我们解释了为什么这是一次单程旅行,他给出的原因又是什么呢?
On this world we have all the technology we need to get humans to Mars and keep them alive there.What we don’t have is the technology to get people from Mars back to Earth. The people who will be going to Mars in our missions will be settling on Mars permanently. They’ll be doing it for the rest of their lives.
Jennifer, why is this a one-way trip?
He says it’s about technology. Although we do have the knowledge and technology to get people to Mars, we can’t get them back – so any trip would be permanent, would be forever.
That’s a big commitment, isn’t it? But I imagine there will be people who will jump at the opportunity.
I’m sure there will be, but what kind of person are they going to recruit for this ‘trip of a lifetime’?
Well here’s Bas again, talking about just that. What three qualities does he mention?
We need the best of the best. We need first of all, of course, smart people, healthy people. They need to be mentally very stable.
So he needs the best of the best, but what are the three particular qualities he mentions the best of the best need to have?
He wants smart people, which means clever, intelligent people.As well as that, they need to be healthy both physically and mentally. As well as that, I guess he’s going to need people with very specific skills.
You would think so, but Bas thinks there is something more important. What’s that?
What I initially thought is that they would be doctors, pilots, engineers.But this is actually not the case. The thing that’s important, the most important quality for our candidates is character.You need to be the kind of person who other people want to be stranded with on an uninhabited island.
What does he think is more important than having appropriate technical skills?
Character. You need to have the right personality. He compares it to being stranded on an uninhabited island. You have to be someone that other people would want to be stranded with.
I think that has to be very important. Can you imagine being stuck on another planet for your whole life with someone you couldn’t stand?
That would be terrible.
As well as having a good character there are some other important qualities they are looking for. Here’s Bas again:
You need to be calm and inventive. You need to be someone who is at their best when the situation is at its worst.
Jennifer, what other characteristics is he looking for?
He needs people who can still work well when things are bad. People who are calm in a crisis.As he says, people who are best when the situation is worst.
So from what you’ve heard, does it sound like the job for you?
Absolutely not. I don’t mind travelling but I think it’s a bit far for me. And what about you?
No, no it’s not for me, I have to say.
I’m not made of the right stuff. I don’t think I’m the kind of person anyone would want to be stuck with!
I was wondering how they were going to pay for all of this, after all, it’s not a government programme is it?
A very good question. Here’s Bas:
We plan to finance this by involving the whole world as an audience. You just had the London Olympics right there in Britain.And the Olympics had a revenue of more than three billion US dollars in the three weeks that it lasts.When people land on Mars we expect that even more people will watch this than the London Olympics.And also in the years after that they will watch as the base grows, as people start relations, end relations. Maybe at some point there will be the first Mars baby, this will be a, really the next giant leap of mankind.
So where is the money coming from?
Television. It sounds like a big reality TV show to me.He mentions that the Olympics raised a lot of money from people watching on television and this will be the same. He thinks there will be a big audience to tune in and watch the mission but also the relationships between the people on the mission and perhaps even the birth of the first Mars baby.
Would you watch it?
Definitely, yeah, it would be fascinating viewing. How about you?
You know what, I probably would. I’m not usually a fan of reality TV but this is something different. I would probably get bored very easily though.
Well, that’s all we have time for today. But before we go though, the answer to this week’s question. How big is Mars compared to Earth, Jennifer, you said?
I said it was smaller.
Well done that is the right answer. Mars is, has about half the diameter of the Earth.Well that’s all from us for this week. Thanks very much Jennifer, goodbye.
<,All rights reserved &&&
How big is Mars compared to the Earth?
A&nbsp Mars is bigger
B&nbsp They are about
the same size
C&nbsp Mars is smaller}


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