
  合成之后你会发现,本来灰色的隐藏格子被解开了,效果就如同原版的合成台一般,只不过可以随身携带,群峦终于良心了一把,但是,一旦角色死亡之后合成格子会再度变回四格,直到你重新合成合成台为止,尼玛,这不还是坑爹啊!!(╯' 益 ')╯︵ ┻━┻
  还有就是,淘金的效率非常低,而且淘出来的东西都是根据当地的矿脉而决定的,要淘很久才能淘到东西 后期不建议用这种方法来获得矿石,前期的话,总比跑图好吧,所以,淘金在前期作用非常大,后期就显得特别鸡肋,后期谁没事去搞这个啊,矿脉啥的都有了好吧
本人14天被搞两次号 第一次 糊里糊涂的就没了但是号还在点卡装备都还有(那就亏了1500万以上)
接着是14天后(这14天天天刷 睁了1500万左右加是朋友资...
#延庆喻海庄园#有没有大床房 不要火炕的
答: 朋友相处要严以律己,宽以待人。
答: 英文意思是这个游戏ROM缺少一些文件,请选其它游戏,
我的世界群峦传说:金属铜器 铜锯铜镐头铜勘矿镐
  至于为什么先合成锯子呢,因为锯子可以讲原木锯出木板,用来合成合成台和大多数木制品,不然即使你有了探矿稿子下矿也会因为大量原石坍塌而导致消耗稿子大量耐久,严重的可能挖坏稿子导致重新重复上面那一苦逼的过程 但是合成锯子的话就可以用木板来用另一种方式获得矿物,只不过效率很低,不过有总比没有好对吧
《斗幻游戏-我的世界攻略宝典》,教你玩转Minecraft![1.7.10][ssp/smp][中文]TERRAFIRMACRAFT-群峦传说0.79.x&-&Minecraft(我的世界)中文论坛 -
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核心Mod & 冒险
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& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &
& && &万众期待的自虐倾向MOD 群峦传说 最近更新到了1.7.10版本 这次作者很良心的源生了全部的中文信息,也就省去了汉化的麻烦,不过这版MOD有个问题就是被悲剧的1.7光照系统影响,安装TFC以后在超过256高度的地方游戏会奇慢无比,为了解决这个问题可以安装fastcraft这个mod,本人已经集成到网盘中,请有问题的童鞋一并下载...
2016年到来了:& &&&谨此新年之际,我在这里祝愿大家新年愉快。不知不觉中,这个帖子已经陪伴大家1年多了吧,感谢大家对TFC模组的喜爱,感谢大家对本帖的支持但是正所谓天下无不散的宴席,喂,我这么说可不要想多了啊,我想说的是2016年开始本帖将无限期停止更新,至于原因嘛!我想引用TFC作者的话来向大家表白,呸,表明:
<font color="#ff.28 最终版已经放出Jan 02
TFC作者 : 祝大家新年快乐
Today is the 4th anniversary of TerraFirmacraft and to celebrate I've released a final update to TFC1. Development for TerraFirmaCraft is officially switching to focus solely on TFC2, meaning that there will be no 0.79.28 update unless a major bug, crash, or exploit is reported.
今天是群峦传说模组的4周年纪念日,藉此普天同庆之际我放出了群峦传说模组的最后一个更新版本。为嘛呢?因为我们群峦传说开发组已经正式开始把主要精力都放在了群峦传说2模组的设计和研发工作当中,这就意味着除非major出现了重大bug 、崩溃或者漏洞神马的,以后就不会有0.79.28版本了。我的PS:然而0.79.28版本还是更新了,因为major出现了重大崩溃现象
will remain open for users to discuss existing topics, but creation of new topics has been disabled. Please use the
to post new suggestions, making sure to follow the rules and understand that TFC2 is a complete, from-scratch rewrite and will be very different from TFC1. We will continue to read both forums when looking for suggestions during development.
The wiki will also continue to be updated for TFC1. I have removed the outdated banner that displays at the top, but that does not mean that the entire wiki is now up to date. There is still a fair amount of missing or old information, so I encourage everyone who is interested to look into . Even if you aren't given trusted editor status, anyone with an account is able to edit the talk tab of pages and suggest changes to be made. There is also a
for suggesting changes.
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &
& && &&&重要说明:&&0.79.28是群峦传说1模组的最后一个模组了,以后应该不会有更新了& &这是因为大神们都跑去开发群峦传说2了,听说2会有完全与1不同的新系统和新内容& &届时我会第一时间联系开发组取得授权,并另开帖发布,感谢大家支持!
请不要使用覆盖minecraft.jar压缩包内文件的中文输入补丁,这将导致anvil gui(铁砧界面)崩溃。
& && && && && &&&
TFC 0.79.26 Changelog
New FeaturesAdded WAILA support for protection meters.Added config option to disable the tool mode indicator.
TweaksSeeds for hardy crops can be planted regardless of the current temperature.Removed leftover calls to unfinished, unimplemented, body temperature system. Should create slight performance increases.Widened core sample scan range for surface nugget spawning.All extra items obtained from crafting recipes such as hides from scraping sheepskin and straw from refining grain are dropped at the player's feet instead of first attempting to place it in their inventory.Grass can now spread to blocks with indirect sky access (e.g. blocks underneath transparent blocks like glass or fences).Floating grass that is within range of support beams will not convert to dirt when receiving a block update.
Bug FixesFixed missing NBT data error message using display name instead of unlocalized name, resulting in random crashes when looking up recipes for food.Cleaned up food crafting recipes so both the input and the output displayed have the blank NBT tags.Fixed dough making not consuming enough grain due to the negative decay value on extremely fresh or cheated-in foods.Removed some leftover references to the old dual-ores that would appear when using addons like NEI.Fixed block exist check in fungi spawning using vanilla's weird coordinate system.Fixed being able to pick up lava and hot spring water with a barrel or large vessel.Fixed possible liquid dupe exploit.Fixed buggy plum tree leaves. All buggy plum leaf blocks must be broken manually for new bug-free plum leaf blocks to grow.Fixed decay tag truncating causing some foods to last indefinitely if the initial tick created a small enough amount of decay.Fixed milk buckets that have been filled from a barrel or large vessel missing their NBT data.Fixed spawn protection capping out at 180 days regardless of config setting.Fixed server/client config sync issues for ore unit and timer config options.Fixed synced config options from servers being applied to single player worlds if the player does not restart the game after logging out of the server.Fixed issue with hot, unworked items that are hit or drawn in the anvil not displaying the &This item has been worked& tooltip since the arrow was not moved.Fixed extra unit obtained from pouring liquid unshaped metal into a crucible or another mold.Fixed baby animals occasionally spawning inside of blocks and dying if the mother was standing right next to the block when giving birth.
TFC 0.79.26 Changelog
Upgraded to Forge
New FeaturesThe prospector's pick now works with all blocks put into the TFCOres.cfg file in addition to TFC ore blocks.Added config option for crops on farmland dropping seeds when they die of natural causes such as old age, freezing temperatures, or not enough sunlight.Added clearchunk debug command used to strip the surface blocks off of a chunk to reveal the raw stone below.Added tree layers to debug info overlay.Added WAILA support to distinguish between the different water plants.Barrels and Large Vessels now have grayed out slots when sealed to make it a bit more obvious that the slots cannot be interacted with until the container is unsealed.Added localization support for &This item has been worked& tooltip.
TweaksCompletely cooled, completely full, unshaped ingots now stack to 32.Blueprint Cleanup
Added help tooltips to blueprints.Removed &BR:& prefix from blueprint item names.Added chat error message for attempting to use a blueprint without having a hammer or chisel.
Snow can no longer accumulate on top of pottery blocksStripChunkCommand will not remove any blocks found in the TFCOres.cfg file, in addition to TFC ore blocks.Ore that is mined without the proper tool will drop nothing. Hammers can be used to break ore blocks, although it will take the same time as breaking the block by hand, and will only drop the nugget version of the ore. Minerals will drop nothing, as they do not have nugget versions.Kimberlite will now always drop at least a chipped gem when mined with a proper tool, instead of often dropping nothing.Fruit Tree Cleanup
Growth is now based on year length. Trunk blocks take 1.5 months to grow (at least 6 months from planting until first branch appears), and additional branches take 1 month to grow. Leaf blocks can grow every 2 days regardless of year length.Growth cannot occur during winter months regardless of temperature, but will catch up for the lost time in the spring.Branches will not grow unless the trunk is at the maximum height of 4 blocks.Newly generated trunk and branch blocks are more likely to also generate with a few leaf blocks.
Food and Thirst no longer deplete while debug mode is enabled.WAILA display for smoke rack now uses verbs instead of nouns to make it more clear that the smoking and drying is in progress, and not complete.Firepit input slot has been restricted to only items that it can heat up, as well as firestarters and flint & steel.Ingots, Double Ingots, Sheets and Double Sheets cannot stack if they are heated, or have been worked.Bears are now 10 times as likely to attack a nearby player, and move twice as fast.Tweaked cloudberry and cranberry bush generation.
Increased the max bio temp for both by 5 degrees.Generation now works on peat grass blocks in addition to peat blocks.Cloudberry now has higher priority over cranberry for generating on top of a peat deposit.
Tweaked code for animals to help increase addon compatibility.
Bug FixesFixed NPE caused by last blueprint of stack not being properly deleted.Fixed blueprint GUI so under the correct circumstances the title displays &Change Rotation& and there is no blinking cursor in the text box to make it more obvious what the screen is for.Fixed wrought iron knife blades providing their own ceramic mold when melted in a forge.Bugged leather racks will no longer cause block updates when they delete themselves.Fixed torches extinguishing early if there is a desync between the client and the server.Fixed javelins losing their NBT data when thrown.Fixed javelins not applying the smithing bonus for attack damage when thrown.Fixed unknown/incorrect dirt blocks generating underneath pine and sequoia trees that spawned directly on top of clay, clay grass, peat, or peat grass.Fixed time variables not being updated when creating a new world until after world generation was complete.Fixed spawn chunks being covered in snow if the world was created immediately after leaving a world that was in the winter months.Fixed food stack hotkey combining cheeses with different infusions.Fixed food stack hotkey combining food with different smoke profiles.Fixed crafting grid output showing incorrect NBT data for refining grains and making dough.Fixed not getting straw if grain is refined using shift-click.Fixed WAILA header for some ore blocks not using white text.Fixed smoke rack string not always updating and turning black when smoking is complete.Fixed off-by-one error for WAILA smoking timer display.Fixed some big trees not properly generating branches in the leaves.Fixed player inventory/crafting grid not respecting slot and item max stack size when shift-clicking.Fixed vanilla bug where shift-clicking a crafting output that results in a stack of multiple items will consume some of the items if they cannot all fit in the player's inventory.Fixed wooden buckets not posting the FillBucketEvent
TFC 0.79.21 Changelog
New FeaturesAdded forge version enforcement so the game will not load if the installed forge version is not at least the version TFC was built on.Added WAILA display for timer on log piles while they are part of a lit charcoal pit, although this is only visible if the log pile is exposed with a metal (trap)door or you are quickly looking at it through the flames before the block burns up.Added config option for gold pans and sluices overworking chunks.Added ability for addons to add custom armors.Added custom flower pots to hold TFC plants. Made directly from the clay forming interface, no pit kiln firing necessary. Cannot hold fruit tree saplings, but can hold all other saplings, flowers, and misc plants such as cacti and mushrooms.
Clay forming recipe :
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &
Added tooltip to display durability bonus gained from smithing skill.Added animal time multiplier config option that changes both gestation period times and required days until adulthood.Added API functionality so addons can add custom chisel modes.Added config GUI support for the basic config options. The menu is accessed by clicking on Mods on the title screen, then selecting TerraFirmaCraft (not TFC[coremod]) from the list of mods, and then clicking the Config button.
TweaksAdded vanilla iron doors to the whitelist for valid charcoal pit cover blocks.Gold pans can no longer be filled from blocks that are underneath flowing water.Wooden buckets and ceramic jugs can now be filled from flowing water.Peat blocks now look like an item when in inventories or as an item floating on the ground.Unknown ingots are now stored in piles. Any unknown ingots currently in chests will not be able to be put back in the chest once removed. Changed texture of unknown ingots to a muddy brown.Errors and info displayed in the console are a bit cleaner.Quivers and items that would overburden the player will go into the back slot when picked up from the ground if the slot is empty.Quivers and items that would overburden the player can now be shift-clicked into the back slot.Cleaned up shift-click behavior to be more consistent across containers.
Food can now be shift-clicked into and out of the food prep interface. Other items can be shift-clicked into the side storage slots if they will fit.Shift-clicking items into the forge will first try to fill the input/fuel slots, and then place the entire rest of the stack in a single available storage slot.
Added pottery placement help tooltip to large vessels.
Bug FixesFixed log piles not always burning their invalid cover blocks if the charcoal pit was lit far enough away.Fixed Bloomery ClassCastException.Fixed food displaying heat color information used for metals, instead of having a maximum temperature of Very Hot.Fixed a few rare NullPointerExceptions with the anvil, forge, and knapping interface.Fixed crucibles and leather racks being invisible if there are no other solid blocks in the sub-chunk (regular chunk also divided into 16-block sections vertically).Fixed stone walls being replaced by leaves.Fixed desync of chisel mode between server and client.Fixed back slot item being deleted on death when gamerule keepInventory is set to true.Fixed using hotbar numbers to remove an item from the crafting output slot not properly transferring any associated NBT data to the newly created item.Fixed clay and clay grass in areas with metamorphic surface areas not having the correct dirt background.Fixed hunger filling overlay when holding a piece of food not rendering.Fixed world generation getting out of control and creating massive tendrils in deep ocean biomes that could crash the game.
TFC 0.79.15 Changelog
Unlit pumpkins no longer have faces again.Naturally generated fruit trees now have the same number of leaves as player grown fruit trees. Tweaked hitbox of fruit tree branches to make it easier to harvest saplings and fruit. Fruit can now be harvested from leaves using left or right click. Nerfed amount of fruit each leaf blocks drops to 4 - 16 ounces.Barrels no longer accept liquids with a temperature above 385 Kelvin. No more storing lava in a wooden barrel.
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & Carpets can now be dyed with both vanilla and TFC dyes.Only fresh water barrels can be used to cool items down.Familiarity Tweaks:
Familiar animals can now be renamed even if they have already been named once.Bears can only be familiarized once a day. Made bears harder to familiarize by default, meaning that feeding them fish increases the familiarity by a much smaller value.Increased adult familiarity cap for bears, deer and pheasants since the babies are unobtainable.Set the adult familiarity cap for all other animals to be below the required value for naming.Chickens and pheasants can once again be plucked without having to be familiarized first, but plucking will decrease familiarity.
Wolf Tweaks:
Removed wolves having to wait a month after giving birth to breed again.Wolves will eat all meat with the exception of calamari.Female wolves will no longer chase after nearby male wolves after giving birth.Wolf collars can be dyed using both vanilla and TFC dyes.Wolves will only accept bones if they don't have an owner.Note: Wolf behavior in general is still a bit wonky, and likely will be until they are completely rewritten.
Fixed armor stands always dropping armor with full durability when &killed&.Fixed seeds displaying the propick's &Found nothing of interest& message instead of &It's too cold to plant this, it wouldn't survive very long.&Fixed crafted items such as bricks not stacking when crafted using a smithed tool.
Note: Existing items that do not stack will stil this fix is only for items crafted from this update onwards.
Fixed graphite only spawning in schist.
Note: This fix only applies to newly generated terrain. Chunks that have been loaded before this update will not have this fix, and the graphite will still only be located in schist rock. Unfortunately there is no simple way to retroactively generate the mineral. Deleting the region data for an area and regenerating the terrain will correctly spawn the graphite in all the intended stone types. Delete with caution as any changes to that area since it was originally generated will be reverted.
?Fixed NullPointerException for the majority of cases where an item is missing necessary NBT data. An error message will print in the console if such an item is created. Please let us know if you ever see the error message in your console log.Fixed hunger bar showing part of the thirst bar to the right of it while the player is saturated.Fixed door duplicating when broken by a falling block.
Note: Not all instances of the falling block duplicating were fixed.
?Fixed donkeys not always dropping their chest contents on death.Fixed NullPointerException from putting hot items in a barrel with no liquid.Fixed bear familiarity indicator staying black.
TFC 0.79.14 Changelog
Important: I highly recommend updating to forge v1272 to help with lag.
Altered Cheese production slightly. Adding a bucket of vinegar to milk now creates a milk + vineger mix. More milk can be added afterward, if desired, to top off the barrel or it can be immediately sealed to create curdled milk. When turning curdled milk into cheese any edible food(except more cheese) can be added to infuse the cheese with extra flavor. Only 20oz or less will be accepted by the recipe. The exact amount determines the total amount of flavor added.Disabled frog sound below freezing temperatures.Adjusted familiarity indicator display to better indicate progress.Chickens will follow all livestock food instead of just wheat grain. Livestock will follow maize ears in addition to grains to match breeding items.Removed luring deer with vanilla wheat.Replaced all Blocks.air checks with isAir() for better compatibility. Should fix inability to till random soil blocks when Railcraft is installed.Fancy Spawn Egg Colors!
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & Organized Creative tabs some more.Added nutrient tool tip to seeds. Only visible with at least expert agriculture skill (same as using nutrient hoe mode).Decreased speed that crucible inputs single liquid unshaped metal units for easier precision. Increased speed that crucible outputs into molds.Disabled Hemp Seeds. Note: This will result in a Forge Mod Loader error when you first load up your existing worlds. It is perfectly safe to hit &Yes&.Disabled autoselection of plans in the anvil because this process cannot determine who the lastworker is. This can cause a number of issues. Will revisit this at a later point if a good way to determine the lastworker is found.Added Turkish LocalizationWhen chiseling, the red box that appears when detailing now also appears in other chisel modes.Updated several localisations.Added stained glass as a valid charcoal pit cover.Torches can be manually extinguished if right clicked with no torch or stick in hand.Made knife help tooltip more intuitive with non-soil block cause.All vanilla World Types now default to the normal TFC world type if generated.Tweaked basically every Gui behind the scenes to fix a few issues with texture packs.While food is being smoked, it will prevent decay ticks.When Smoking food, the string will now turn black when the item is fully smoked to give the players some indication that it is done.Donkeys no longer drop their chest on death. This is to prevent getting vanilla chests until I can rewrite horses.
Fixed fences being replaced by leaves.Spindles no longer stack and cannot be repaired by crafting togetherFixed Iron Age Achievement not triggering.Added a few more null and NullPointerException checks. NEI and other mods should not be producing NullPointerException errors
anymore, and should render all items correctly.Fixed armor stands not dropping armor when &killed&Fixed Quiver Duping.Fixed picking up skeleton arrows/javelins when wearing a quiver.Prevent creepers, spiders, skeletons and zombies from spawning in leaves and thatch blocks.Fixed, zombies had a chance of dropping vanilla tools.Fixed leaves replacing sequoia trunks on generation.Fixed spawn protection not being correctly loaded.Fixed a bug where destroying a double chest could return a vanilla chest.Crops will now properly only drop harvests when the hoe ready mode is green, and no sooner. With the exception of peppers, this is when the crop is in the final stage of growth, and is using the final texture.Fixed brining not affecting flavor. Fixed inability to brine/pickle cheese.Fixed puppies despawning.Fixed barrels not draining liquid from the block when converting to an item when broken - Fixes cheese dupe.The seal date should now be correctly stored on broken barrels.Fixed ClassCastException from Debris checking if their top is solid instead of the top of the block below them.Fixed detailed blocks and slabs giving an invisible item when destroyed by falling block.Fixed falling blocks trying to fall through blocks with solid top and creating a never-ending falling sound.Fixed donkey inventory not functioning like a TFC Chest.
TFC 0.79.13 Changelog
Important: This update will cause stairs to disappear from your world due to the rewrite. I apologize.
Added custom death message for alcohol poisoning and heat stroke.Partially rewrote drunk code so that drunk effects properly appear and disappear.Items that implement IFluidContainerItem can be used with barrels and large vessels now. This will add support for fluid item containers that are not in the simple forge FluidContainerRegistry, but instead use the IFluidContainerItem interface.Slowed decay for Wheat, Barley, Oat, Rye & Rice Grain (item, not category). Now decays at the same base rate as eggs and cheese.Tool Racks can be placed on solid sides of blocks, instead of only opaque cubes. Allows for placement on the large face of slabs.Tweaked where the bloom item drops when breaking a bloom block to provide more consistency. For best results stand in the block directly in from of the bloomery doors. Standing further away may cause the item to do weird things #BlameMojangHammers no longer take damage from chiseling.Rewrote stairs to be less resource intensive.Removed some silly code and tweaked water drinking by hand to be faster. Lowered drinking sound volume.Blast furnace will no longer accept items while there is a player inside the chimney.The owner of a wolf can now leash it to remove its anger toward a target. Note: This is still wonky when wolves are angry at other wolves.Cheese can now be smoked. It does not need to be brined first.
Fixed NameTag UI not sizing with screen.Fixed invisible water plant block in creative menu.Fixed grass sky check for grass, claygrass & peatgrass.Fixed the Unknown farmland block.Fixed buggy alcohol poisoning death.Fixed vanilla MC creating new snow if there is already some there.Removed barrel console spam.Fixed vanilla bow being created instead of TFC Bow.Fixed several instances of floating trees.Fixed support beams not being placed client side when placing from the top down.Fixed anvil not returning the correct damageDropped value. This also fixes the naming bug with NEI.Fixed being drunk and typing not attaching the players name to the chat message.Fixed wolf health resetting to 20 when tamingFixed transfer command not being usable unless opped.
TFC 0.79.12 Changelog: Attack of the Pull Requests
Upgraded to Forge
Detailed blocks now support onSideSolid checks for various purposes. Up to 12 miniblocks may be carved out of a side before it is no longer considered solid.Chiseling stairs now supports carving large sections out of a block instead of only allowing basic shaped stairs. Corner stairs are now a thing.The new year now starts in January instead of MarchThe bottom of the crucible hitbox was adjusted to help prevent miss-clicking when attempting to click on the forge beneath it.Lit torchs can now have their timer reset by interacting with another lit torch.Small Vessels with metal in them now show the metal amount in the tooltip.Blueprints for chiseled blocks now support rotation of the blueprint.Added visual heat bar to food icons.
Fixed disappearing grass bug that appeared in 79.11Fixed Large Vessel gui showing incorrect time.Lit torches should now properly extinguish in the rain.Unfired large vessels can no longer pick up water.Fixed squashed side texture on bellows.
TFC 0.79.11 Changelog
Upgraded to Forge
Vertical support beams can now be placed on the ceiling and they will place all the supports needed to reach the floor.You can set a pit kiln on fire by dropping a torch on it, also addad a few sparks as a visual confirmation that it's working.Added Overworked indicator to sluices.Less than 1/4 full hunger now results in weakness and mining fatigue.Updated some AvoidEntity calls to certain animals and disabled vanilla spider jockeysTweaked food prep UIAdded a timer check to food for trimming decay to prevent the player from trimming decay while food is still trying to play catchup from a large time skip.Disabled forge gui hotbar keysFirestarter will generate smoke when it gets damaged from being used to start a fire.Replaced paper with straw for increasing the chance of making a firepit.Added sound to firestarter.Tweaked wolf litter sizes to be one to two puppies.Added new &Preserving& message to pickled food that is being stored in Vinegar.
Fix for rendering unknown dirt farmland.Fixed too high catastrophic support beam collapse chance. Now set to a flat 1% chance of supports snapping when a cavein occurs above them.Fixed several charcoal related bugs.Fixed alcohol partial recipes not functioning.Added missing Silver, HC and Unknown molding recipes.Fixed frog sound. Will only play at night in fresh water surface block, and if there is a grass or water plant block near by.Added code to make sure that knives are destroyed when handling food.Fixed health bar showing current health as higher than max health.Fixed rare stack overflow from dense forest generation.Fixed flying sequoia trees in snowy areas.Leaves should now properly cause slowdown to entities when walking through themWool sheared from sheep can be turned into yarn againFixed scythe not taking damage.Nametag no longer tries to reference non-existent nametag texture.Fixed bow animations and rendering using ASM. Removed some vanilla lines that were hardcoded by mojang.Fixed leaves and thatch not causing slowdown when being walked through.Bloom to iron ingot process is now properly Refine -& Split -& RefineCan no longer quickstack foods with various processing tags which caused the loss of all tags.Fixed brining not consuming the correct amount of brineFixed Barrel giving incorrect pickling message.Fixed knife dupes with splitting food.
TFC 0.79.0 变更日志
Minecraft 1.7 有着臭名昭著的光照验算系统,嘛这也直接影响了TFC’的256高度的世界表现效果. 所以捏, minecraft 在装了TFC以后可能会变得灰常之卡卡卡,这种么办呢?.要解决这个问题和一些其他的..我们不确定的一些minecraft游戏的错误,我们强烈建议你使用
这个MOD . 这个MOD是可选择的,他可以分别被运行在服务端和客户端.
对许多道具增加了矿石索引的支持Kitty被代码弄疯了,顺便说了一些废话,让我们忽略它们吧增加了凉皮架子. 什么!不是凉皮!就是晾干一张皮,好吧是晾皮架子,在一块水平放置的原木上,点右键放置一块浸泡过的皮革,然后用小刀在皮上右键就可以玩刮刮乐了,刮过的部分会变色,全部刮开就会中500万了..哦不对 是得到刮过的皮革了..XD增加了一些鲜花,截止到目前为止,这些鲜花除了坑爹的好看以外一无是处。泡温泉现在可以缓慢的恢复生命..可别淹死了木桶可以呈现其所装的液体类型了,嘛就是说现在木桶在不密封的状态下是没有盖子的,你可以方便的看到木桶里面装的是什么液体。然后木桶也有了一个存放物体的空间,不过不要梦想能够看到固体形状了,这不可能。另外用容器右键木桶可以方便的倒入和取出液体,不密闭的木桶可以收集雨水了,这真是个好消息。增加了几种不同材质的木头箱子增加了新的环境音效和动物的声音,包括晚上有蟋蟀青蛙的叫声等等增加了特定的岩石的砾石 现在会出现在不同高度的泥土上面.增加了一个大型陶瓷罐子,用于在原始人时代实现桶子的作用。(这算哪门子的福音) 这玩意可以容纳 5000mb 的液体,是桶子容量的一半。然后这玩意可以存放9个物品,桶子是12个. 然后最主要的是,这货不能用来酿酒!魂淡,女儿红 状元红神马的不都是用瓷坛子酿出来的吗!严重抗议!哔哔,黑科技负载均衡设备已经启动。现在你背包物品的重量会影响你身体的活动能力。如果你带物品超重,你将无法移动,所以你只能随地乱丢了!增加两种新的膳食类型, 三明治和莎拉! 移除了就得通用膳食并重新设计了食物准备界面。三明治比其他膳食而言具有恒搞得营养价值,并且比其他食物多了 25% 的填充比. 莎拉是非常容易创建的基本膳食类型。所有的食物现在都有了一种特别的口感。 每个玩家也都会有一种对味道的嗜好。口味系统,当玩家做饭的时候,饭菜的味道会自动匹配成为该玩家偏好的口味,这会使得这种食物对于这种口味的人变得更有营养价值和能够吃的更久一点...其实这一点也不科学!所有食物现在都会有一个基础的味道列表,这个东西会随着环境的影响而改变。在动物生态中,这种口味系统是随机的(未来会变得可控制,但现在不行).然而作物生成的时候,口味系统的数值会收到周围生长环境影响,也可以被玩家人为控制(未来版本中这些将变得透明一些).做饭的时候, 所有口味混合在一起决定了饭餐的味道,黑长直你懂的.为以下物品的制作配方增加了名称标签: 墨点, 纸, 线& &右键名称标签给它名字钓鱼系统已经回炉重做,现在提供更多物品和经验值抛竿--按住右键来进行抛竿蓄力,松开右键进行抛竿。蓄力越久抛竿越远,蓄力状态留意鱼竿的变化收杆--抛竿后按住右键可以收回鱼线和浮子鱼儿咬钩以后,适当收杆,不要崩断鱼线。鱿鱼现在只会在海中出生, 鲈鱼只会在湖里出生.新增了勘探和屠宰技能提升你的勘探技能能够有效减少探矿时的误报率,并且它有一个作用是在淘矿中可以找到高品质的矿石,例如进阶的勘探技能可以在淘矿中解锁找到银矿的能力。屠宰技能经验获得的来源就是杀死动物。(好弱智...目的是指出杀怪物和人类是不算的)随着技能的增加,杀死动物掉落的肉类会变得更多。正因如此,没有屠宰技能的情况下,动物掉落的肉类数量将大大减少。在没有屠宰技能时,只有1%的概率会掉落大量的肉,这个概率会随着屠宰技能的增加而增加增加了天气系统和雾气系统,雾气在恶劣天气或早晨将会消散。火把现在有燃烧时间,为游戏中的48小时。不过火把可以通过手持新的火把 然后对熄灭的火把右键进行重新点燃,这样并不会消耗你手中的火把。重写并重新启用了护甲架系统。增加了(坑爹)纺织系统,魂淡又科学了。右键把纤维放到纺车上. (16 个羊毛纱 或者 24 个蜘蛛线)按住shift的同时右键织布机开始织布动作(经验证你可以按住shift和右键不放直到织布完成)
增加了烟熏架和干燥食品。食材必须先用卤水进行腌渍。卤水由10% 的醋 和 90% 的盐水组成. 当食物被腌渍后将会大幅度增加其保质期。为铁砧添加了剪刀的配方,可以由两片短刀刃合成。增加了锻铁烤肉架,这个新式武器一次可以同时烧烤6种食物增加了很多由不同的金属锭和金属板合成的活版门,颜色会根据合成金属的颜色来决定。增加了更多的配置选项。增加了一些泥砖道具,目前是may the force be with you.--别太放肆 没什么用增加了服务器的时间减速效果选项,当服务器没有玩家在线的时候可以控制世界时间行进的速度。增加了一个选项用来改变 quiver HUD(这个是啥我真不懂) 的位置。该项的值为bottomleft, left, topleft, bottomright, right, topright.骷髅现在携带箭袋了食物现在有两个指标显示条,顶部是新鲜度(腐烂值)10%为绿色,后90%显示为红色,下面黄色的是份量(就是耐久值),一般有160盎司。增加了几个针对食品管理的快捷键。在物品栏按 S 可以把当前鼠标悬停位置的食物块与其他的合并。在物品栏按 D 可以快速用小刀切断腐烂的食物部分。(牺牲份量,换取新鲜度)在生命条上添加生命数值。.锻造技能现在可以正确的影响制造出的工具/武器/盔甲的耐久度,并将额外影响锻造武器的伤害数值.岩浆现在随机创建在沉积岩地表的周围。(可能是吧 懒得去理解了).
木板类道具现在被称为“木材”,以便减少与其他道具之间的混淆烹饪食品的时候现在可以往里面加盐了精制作物重量将根据原始食物的重量计算.粘土合成失败时至少会留下1个单位的剩余。在进入容器中新增了“固化”提示,不再显示为液体Removed gender chat message for all animals with visual gender differences.这不懂啊..移除了动物的交配信息还是性别信息捏 总之看起来很黄很暴力的样子。望知情人士提供给我信息。
木门现在能被烧毁...在寒冷环境中作物不再立即死亡,而是随着天数的增加立即死亡的概率死去的作物会在以类似岩石和碎片的方式平铺在地表,以留下他们的种子,而不是散落在地面的可以消失的道具。魂淡,终于不怕扫地大妈了!碎片在地表呈现为平坦的2D快速图形移除了右键收割作物的能力,现在所有包括西红柿和辣椒在内的作物,都需要用左键打破来收获移除所有非英语语言文件.(已经恢复,请忽略)木桶打开后的界面上方现在有2个选项卡,一个用于存储液体,另一个存储固体。液体存储界面类似于以前的界面,但是信息更全了,界面结构也更友好了。另外TFC的桶子函数可以被用于任何的容器类插件。(这兼容性是要逆天?)固体存储选项卡只会在桶子没有存储液体的时候显示,同样液体选项卡也只在没有存放固体的时候开启。Barrel processing has been completely rewritten, and is no longer as flexible. Exact ratios must be met in order for processing to work.
增加 威士忌 酒类
鞣酸现在只能使用满桶的水和一个任意原木来制作.凝固牛奶现在需要9桶牛奶盒一桶醋,然后会生成一个160盎司的奶酪加工皮革的比例现在需要更加精确,应该是小皮3桶鞣酸,中皮4桶,大皮5桶,而且需要至少密封8小时才能完成。石灰水现在一次只能做一桶,比率是一桶水混合2个助焊剂(石灰粉)砂浆现在一次只能做一桶,比例是一桶石灰水混合1个沙子,需要至少密封8小时。石磨磨盘的渲染系统升级升级了技能选项卡显示进度条而不是以前的数字。移除了管道定位道具完全替换了动物的驯服方式,几根骨头就可以驯服一群野狼大军的黑历史已经一去不返了。(真福音)用骨头引诱狼,狼有概率只会跟随玩家,但是并不会完全被驯服,你要喂它们更多才行所有的狼在绑在栏杆上都会坐着,如果被玩家牵着,那么会是站着所有动物现在会有一个需要被增加的 亲密度(好吧那个单词是熟练度 熟悉的意思 不过我感觉对养殖动物还是亲密度的翻译靠谱)亲密度可以通过执行特殊的行动而每天增加至少一次 好绕口...
对狼来说,你需要用右键点击来让他们进行起立、坐下 、起立坐下的活塞运动...吐对牛羊鸡猪来说,你要喂它们谷物对于熊, 你要喂他们鱼对于马,你要为喂它们谷物,但是这有一个临界点,到达临界点后,想要继续获得熟练度你需要每天骑马出去溜达30秒。对于鹿,你需要喂它们盐!卧槽你要齁死鹿大爷么.某些亲密度等级的提升还需要你与动物进行诸如挤奶、剪羊毛、骑马、喂动物或者给动物重命名的互动如果你每天与动物没有进行一些互动,或者互动的次数没有达到一定的数量,那么亲密度可能会有一些下降亲密度有一个上限,在动物成年后达到这个上限就不在增加. 幼年动物总会增加他们的熟练度, 也比成年动物增加的更快.动物幼崽将会继承母亲50%的亲密度,如果幼崽出生时,母亲的亲密度达到满值,那么幼崽将继承母亲90%的亲密度。
新增一条命令,可以把动物的所有权转移给另一个玩家。如果你在一个被驯服的动物附近,格式可以为 /transfer [新的所有者] 。如果没有指定所有者名称 那么动物会被释放,恢复自由身。注意 这个命令不能指定你自己,也不能转移不属于你自己的动物,如果在命令作用范围内没有被驯服的动物,则会返回一个失败信息。调整动物的怀孕周期和成年的时间:熊大和熊二*: 怀孕周期: 7 个月. 成年时间: 60 个月.家养鸡/火鸡*: 成年时间: 4.14 个月.牛: 怀孕周期: 9 个月.. 成年时间 36 个月.
鹿*: 怀孕周期 7 个月.. 成年时间: 24 个月.马: 怀孕周期: 11.17 个月.. 成年时间: 30 个月.猪: 怀孕周期: 3.7 个月.. 成年时间: 15 个月.羊: 怀孕周期: 5 个月.. 成年时间: 12 个月.狼: 怀孕周期: 2.25 个月.. 成年时间: 9 个月.带*的动物目前不能繁殖鹿、熊和狼目前设计是野生动物,适用于自然生物的消亡和重生法则,同怪物一样任何一种动物被驯服一次后就不会消亡和消失农业技能现在影响查看作物营养水平的能力,现在你必须达到专家级的农业技能才能使用这个能力获得作物的营养水平信息。地面的灌木丛和藤蔓再次出现在群峦世界中把所有的支撑梁压缩成了一个道具并更改了他们的放置方法。水平支撑梁现在只能放在两个垂直的支撑梁之间,不再能够单独放置。如果任何一个水平支撑梁损毁,将导致整个顶棚失去支撑而塌方。这些改动的目的是为了鼓励大家多用这些方块,以免失去了我们当初设计他们的作用。降低所有原石的硬度值,以便能够更容易的挖掘它们。这种改动使得原石更容易塌方,也就是说挖隧道和矿洞的风险更高了。光滑的石头和石砖的硬度被大量增强,这种改变使它们更适合做防御性建筑材料。Reduced the hardness of player placed logs to make using logs a more attractive option in building.更新了洗矿槽的渲染效果。以后会加入洗矿槽的木头材质。重新设计了炭坑的创建方法。现在在木材堆上放(丢上去不是插上去)一个火把即可,几秒钟后火把消失,木材堆开始燃烧,并将这种改变传播给周围其他木材堆..超大炭坑不是梦小僵尸被禁用。怪物蛋和怪物重生系统已经全部正确的应用了TFC的怪物系统。茅草不再是一个实体方块。现在它真的是一个只能在早期用来做屋顶的东西了。浆果和灌木现在只能放在草地上,现在可以在收获季节正确的用左键点击来收集了。.锻铁炉可以用混用了各种青铜材料的薄板来合成了。禁用了mincraft原始箱子的合成公式保护计和手推磨盘可以由任意种类的光滑石头来合成了手推石磨的handstone可以组合任意种类的原石.当有玩家在烟囱内的时候,锻铁炉将不再接受物品.圣诞老人..噗生日信息由以前的周数被替换为具体的日期.单层和双层的金属板现在在坩埚内可以被回收利用.坩埚现在可以放一堆东西进去,然后如果此时温度足够,坩埚会以2秒每个的速度融化其中的可融化物品。用单位计数器替换含有未满信息的模具和容器。陷阱箱现在与TFC同步了取消了玩家饥饿状态会对玩家造成伤害的设计,取而代之的是玩家在饥饿状态的影响值水平消耗速度提高3倍Altered rooster crows. Less variance in pitch, slightly quieter and now only done when the rooster can see the sky.海草现在可以食用,名字为美好时光海苔...叶子不再可以分摊石头掉落 1-2 个岩石而不是0-3个.添加了新的铸铁的材质和纹理支撑梁现在可以堆叠32个.调整冰融化的速度。现在湖面和海面的冰的融化遵循从内而外的传播,而不是随机融化。腐烂的食物不再能够食用,玩家现在回吃掉食物好的部分,留下腐烂的部分护甲能够吸收更多伤害砍树速度提高一倍.新增了一个替代木碗合成列表的陶瓷碗道具.耕地现在可以用铲子来迅速破坏复杂的洞穴更加常见了. 采矿的时候请注意脚下..更换了金合欢木及其衍生制品的纹理,现在应该好看多了甘蔗现在变成了可以耕种的作物。把甘蔗放到桶里可以暂时制作糖。在以后的设计中,要生成糖可能需要用锅煮甘蔗水,现在先临时这么设计吧玻璃瓶现在不弄用来收集水了包括水果和蔬菜在内的所有食物,现在都可以用来烹饪。各种食材的不同的烹饪程度会造就他们不同的口感对世界生成做了大量修改.总体来说,海洋的面积比0.78版本小了不少.增加了内陆湖中的淡水生物群落系统在有岩石和丘陵地区跨度的区域,增加了由砾石构成的海滩所有的海滩现在相对来说都会变得比较平坦,剩下都是废话了.作物现在只能在露天的地表生长,你再也看不到地下农场和室内农场这种奇葩又不科学的建筑了。
修复了不能用桶喝牛奶的BUGFixed inability to drink milk buckets.雪覆盖的草不会再被转换为错误的道具类型修复了野外的小树过于繁荣的现象.取消了作物下面“DO NOT USE ME OR YOU WILL CRASH” 的信息提示Fixed excessively precise weight tooltips on vessels with food in them.修复金合欢树不定期掉落树苗的问题.修复了 API 的外部调用类.技能先能够正确的同步到重生的玩家身上.修复了几个凿子雕刻时候的修复了火鸡到处下蛋的问题没有锯子的情况下不再能够合成金合欢木板了.修复了用黑煤窑瞬间烹饪的问题.修复了点火以后锻铁卢上方的方块会被随机替换的问题.修正了多处理器情况下金属锭不同步的问题.修正了出生保护的状态异常问题修正了多处理器情况下聊天信息没有本地化的问题.修复了箭袋/护甲的一系列BUG.修复了腐败系统没有正确应用到精制作物上的问题.修复了腐殖土和粘土草皮不会重生扩散的问题Fixed flint and steel attempting to set fire to blocks before attempting use.Detailed blocks now properly get removed when the last bit of material is removed via chiseling.Fixed items in crafting slots disappearing when changing tabs in inventory.Fixed server configs not properly overwriting client configs.Fixed rain particles and sound playing when its snowing.Fixed placing logs or log piles in your face causing suffocation.Fixed bismuthinite surface spawn parameters.以上无关紧要的BUG修复请自己机翻吧...完毕...
很好的mod 我很喜欢
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尼玛file not found&&算什么!
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已经盖好了 如有不妥请继续指教.
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前来报告莫名bug,不知道是自己操作问题还是打开方式不对,由于164的问题,特意回去玩了162版本,没有问题 ...
额 漏了一条 主要调整内容 烧陶现在是填充8个干草 然后再填充8个原木即可 不需要填充16个干草和一个原木堆了 具体如图
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &
额 漏了一条 主要调整内容 烧陶现在是填充8个干草 然后再填充8个原木即可 不需要填充16个干草和一个原木 ...
""以及"我的世界"为Mojang Synergies AB的商标。本站与Mojang以及微软公司没有从属关系。


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