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Note: Starting version 2.0, Spark is built with Scala 2.11 by default.
Scala 2.10 users should download the Spark source package and build
Link with Spark
Spark artifacts are . You can add a Maven dependency with the following coordinates:
groupId: org.apache.spark
artifactId: spark-core_2.11
version: 2.2.0
Installing with PyPi
is now available in pypi. To install just run pip install pyspark.
Spark Source Code Management
If you are interested in working with the newest under-development code or contributing to Apache Spark development, you can also check out the master branch from Git:
# Master development branch
git clone git:///apache/spark.git
# 2.1 maintenance branch with stability fixes on top of Spark 2.2.0
git clone git:///apache/spark.git -b branch-2.2
Once you’ve downloaded Spark, you can find instructions for installing and building it on the .
Release Notes for Stable Releases
Archived Releases
As new Spark releases come out for each development stream, previous ones will be archived, but they are still available at .
Nightly Packages and Artifacts
For developers, Spark maintains nightly builds and SNAPSHOT artifacts. More information is available on the .
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扫一扫下载掌上TGPSublime Text - Download
Sublime Text 3
Sublime Text 3 is currently in beta. The latest build is 3126.
(10.7 or later is required)
- also available as a
- also available as a
- also available as a
Sublime Text may be downloaded and evaluated for free, however a license must be
for continued use. There is currently no enforced time limit for the evaluation.
For notification about new versions, follow
on twitter.
Even more bleeding-edge versions are available in the .
is also still available.
Build 3126
Added Indexing Status to the Help menu to give more information about what the indexer is doing
Fixed a compatibility issue with some third party syntax definitions that include JavaScript.sublime-syntax
Reduced the default number of worker processes used for indexing. This can be manually controlled via the index_workers setting
API: Updated OpenSSL to 1.0.2i
Build 3124
See also the
Settings now open in a new window, with the default and user settings side-by-side
Hovering over a symbol will show a popup indicating where it's defined. This is controlled with the show_definitions setting.
Build errors are now shown inline at the location where they occurred. This is controlled with the show_errors_inline setting.
Added a menu item and command palette entry to install Package Control
Various syntax highlighting improvements
Significant improvements to the Scala syntax definition, with thanks to
Significant improvements to the LaTeX syntax definition, with thanks to
Improved Goto Definition performance when a large number of files are open
Minor improvements to file load times
Linux and OSX: Improved memory usage
Fixed Replace not working as expected in conjunction with regex look behinds
Fixed build systems being unable to use "file_patterns" with the exec command
Corrected tab overlap on HiDPI Windows and Linux configurations
OSX: Fixed a graphical glitch when switching tabs
OSX: Fixed crash when entering a surrogate pair via hex input
Linux: Improved rendering performance for some systems
File encoding of open files is now stored in the session
Build Systems may define a cancel command using the "cancel" key
Syntax: Added clear_scopes directive, to give more control over the generated scopes
Color Schemes: Added popupCss key, for defining default popup style sheets
Color Schemes: Added phantomCss key, for defining default phantom style sheets
minihtml: HiDPI support was added for Windows and Linux
minihtml: Windows style line endings and single quoted attributes are now supported
minihtml: Child selectors may now be used in style sheets
minihtml: The inherit CSS value has been implemented
minihtml: font-family stacks may now be used
minihtml: Support for the line-height CSS property was added
minihtml: Elements may now be relatively positioned
minihtml: Inline elements support padding and background-color set
minihtml: CSS variables and the var() function are now supported
minihtml: Added the CSS color functions color() (partial), rgb(), rgba(), hsl() and hsla()
minihtml: Fixed a stack overflow on Windows with too many unclosed tags
API: Added Phantom and PhantomSet
API: Added ViewEventListener
API: Added View.is_primary()
API: Added EventListener.on_hover(view, point, hover_zone)
API: Added functions to get and set visibility of the minimap, status bar, tabs and menu
API: Modifications to a selection are now constrained to the valid range
API: Updated Python 3.3 to commit 8e3b9bf917a7, and SQLite to 3.14.1
Packages: Loading packages will no longer abort if a .sublime-package is corrupt
Packages: Fixed an edge case when loading third party packages from unicode paths on Windows
Build 3114
New C++, JavaScript and Rust syntax definitions with improved accuracy and performance
Many other syntax highlighting improvements
OSX: Improved rendering performance, especially on high resolution screens
Improved word wrap behavior
Improved spell check behavior
Improved file indexing behavior with multiple windows open
Themes may now be switched on the fly without artifacts
HTML: Pressing enter when between a tag pair will increase indentation
Some snippets have have been moved into a sub-directories, so custom overrides and key bindings that reference them will need to be updated
show_scope_name command shows the scope in a popup
Package Development: Added 'Syntax Tests - Regex Compatibility' build variant for evaluating syntax definition performance
Package Development: Expanded the set of regexes the new regex engine is able to handle
Syntax Definitions: Fixed some cases where pop matches with back references weren't working correctly
Fixed some Unicode handling issues in Goto Anything
Fixed a scenario where changes to .tmPreferences files weren't being picked up
Fixed a 3096 rendering performance regression
Fixed a 3096 regression in regular expressions when using \x{nnnn} escapes
Fixed a crash that could occur with an invalid result_file_regex settings
API: Added window.status_message
API: Changes to how plugins are loaded. This should be transparent, but resolves a number of corner cases
API: Updated to Python 3.3.6, and now includes the _ssl module on Linux, plus sqlite3 and bz2 on all platforms
API: Updated OpenSSL to 1.0.2h
Build 3103
See also the
Added new Syntax Definition file format,
Added a custom regex engine that matches multiple regexps in parallel, for faster file loading and indexing
Improved Unicode support, including combining character rendering, character classification in regex searches, and case insensitivity in Goto Anything matching
Packages are now on
Incorporates many community provided improvements to the above packages, with significant improvements to HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Go, D and SQL
Added Panel Switcher to status bar
Better handling of troublesome files during indexing
Improved file change detection
Added "Profile Events" to the Command Palette, to help identify slow plugins
Build Systems may now define a list of file name wildcard patterns to trigger on, via the file_patterns key
prompt_open_file and related commands now accept an initial_directory argument
Improved indenting behavior when indent_to_bracket is enabled
Spell Checker now reads from manually edited user preferences on the fly
Stability improvements for Find in Files when using regular expressions that result in significant backtracking
Fixed file truncation when using hexadecimal encoding
Fixed brackets in strings influencing auto indent
Fixed inconsistencies in Goto Anything when selecting symbols
Fixed tab completion regression in 3081, where h1..h6 HTML completions were not triggering
Fixed Goto Definition command not working when placed in a submenu
OSX: Fixed Emoji & Symbols popup failing to insert text in some cases
Windows: Added support for inserting characters from outside of the BMP
Windows: ctrl+alt+p is no longer bound by default, due to compatibility issues with some keyboard layouts
Windows: Updated code signing certificate to no longer use SHA1
Linux: Fixed a file permission issue when running without --wait
Linux: crash_reporter is statically linked, improving system compatibility
API: Added Window.is_sidebar_visible() and Window.set_sidebar_visible()
API: Added View.is_auto_complete_visible()
API: Added find_output_panel(), destroy_output_panel(), active_panel() and panels()
API: Added create_output_panel() now accepts an optional parameter, "unlisted"
Build 3083
Fixed high CPU usage caused by a corrupt index. This was occuring for some users upgrading from 3065
Added setting index_workers to control the number of threads used for file indexing. By default the number of threads is based on the number of CPU cores. By setting index_workers to 1 or 2, indexing will be slower, but less intrusive
Fixed a crash when showing the Command Palette with an empty .sublime-build file
Tab completion no longer completes numbers. Edit/Show Completions can still be used for this
Build 3080
See also the
Fixed Redo sometimes restoring the selection to the incorrect location
Reworked how Build Systems are selected ()
Build Systems may now declare "keyfiles" (e.g., 'Makefile' for the Make build system) to better auto detect which build system to use
Improved handling of build systems that generate lots of output
New windows always use the automatic build system, rather than the build system of the last used window
Command Palette now remembers the last entered string
Improved change detection for files that disappear and reappear, as happens with disconnected network drives
atomic_save is disabled by default
Right clicking on a URL will show an "Open URL" menu item
Added Goto Definition to the context menu
Improved behavior of Goto Definition when using multiple panes
Misspelled words can now be added to the dictionary, in addition to being ignored
Fixed Ignored Words not persisting after exiting
Fixed a long standing issue with spell checking and non-ascii characters
Added spelling_selector setting, to control what text is checked for misspellings
Tweaked handling of syntax definitions and unused captures, resolving an issue with spell checking in Markdown links.
Goto Anything supports :line:col syntax in addition to :line
Added Edit Project to the Command palette
Improved quote auto pairing logic
Added &current file& option to Find in Files
Improved Console Panel scrolling behavior
.tmLanguage files may contain a hidden setting, to indicate they shouldn't be displayed to the user
Improved some error messages when parsing .tmLanguage files
remember_open_files setting is now defaults to false. Note that this change will have no effect if the hot_exit setting is left at its default value of true
Added auto_complete_cycle setting
Fixed Minimap refusing to draw on very large windows
Fixed not being able to click on the selected row of the auto complete popup
Fixed sidebar icons sometimes being invisible on startup
Transient sheets (e.g., as created by Goto Anything when previewing files) are no longer added to the Recently Closed list
Improved scrolling behavior when line_padding_top is & 0
Fixed a bug with scrolling tabs, where a 1 pixel line would occasionally appear underneath them
Fixed tabset background being set to the wrong color on startup if different colored tabs are used
Updated to a never version of leveldb, fixing constant low level CPU usage if the index becomes corrupted
Fixed a crash that could occur when directories are being rapidly deleted and recreated
Fixed a crash that occurred when dragging rows scrolled out of view in the side bar
Fixed a long standing plugin_host crash triggered via modal dialogs
Fixed a typo in the "Save Workspace As" dialog
Fixed incorrect menu mnemonics
Linux: Added sudo save
Windows: Popup windows are able to receive scroll wheel input
Windows: subl.exe command line helper accepts wildcards
Windows: Fixed access denied errors that could occur when saving with atomic_save disabled
Windows: Added workaround for broken std::condition_variable in MSVC 2012, fixing a crash in plugin_host
Windows: Added more descriptive errors when the Update Installer fails to rename a folder
Windows: Fixed incorrect window sizing after making a maximised window full screen
OSX: Added work around for performActionForItemAtIndex: taking an excessively long time in Yosemite. This affected any commands that had a corresponding menu item.
OSX: Workaround for an OS issue with zero size windows and OpenGL views
OSX: subl command line tool no longer uses Distributed Objects, resolving some intermittent failures
Posix: Fixed new files not respecting the umask permission flags
API: Added View.show_popup() and related functions
API: Added sublime.yes_no_cancel_dialog()
API: Added sublime.expand_variables()
API: Added Window.extract_variables()
API: Added Sheet.view()
API: Window.show_quick_panel() now accepts the flag sublime.KEEP_OPEN_ON_FOCUS_LOST
API: Window.show_quick_panel() will now scroll to the selected item when shown
API: Fixed on_post_window_command() not getting called
Build 3065
Added sidebar icons
Added sidebar loading indicators
Sidebar remembers which folders are expanded
Tweaked window closing behavior when pressing ctrl+w / cmd+w
Improved quote auto pairing logic
Selected group is now stored in the session
Added remember_full_screen setting
Fixed a lockup when transitioning from a blinking to a solid caret
Fixed a crash in plugin_host
Fixed a crash triggered by Goto Anything cloning views
Windows: Added command line helper, subl.exe
OSX: Added 'New Window' entry to dock menu
Posix: Using correct permissions for newly created files and folders
API: Updated to Python 3.3.3
Build 3059
Added tab scrolling, controlled by the enable_tab_scrolling setting
Added image preview when opening images
Encoding and line endings can be displayed in the status bar with the show_encoding and show_line_endings settings
Added settings caret_extra_top, caret_extra_bottom and caret_extra_width to control the caret size
Added index_exclude_patterns setting to control which files get indexed
Automatically closing windows when the last tab is dragged out
Changed tab close behavior: the neighboring tab is now always selected
When the last file is closed, a new transient file is created automatically
Ctrl+Tab ordering is stored in the session
Added minimap_scroll_to_clicked_text setting
Improved error messages when unable to save files
Auto complete now works as expected in macros
Minor improvements to Python syntax highlighting
Vintage: A block caret is now used
Vintage: Improved behavior of visual line mode with word wrapped lines
Find in Files will no longer block when FIFOs are encountered
Linux: Added menu hiding
Linux: Fixed incorrect handling of double clicks in the Find panel
Linux: Fixed incorrect underscore display in some menus
Posix: Fixed new files being created with unexpected permissions
Windows: SSE support is no longer required for 32 bit builds
API: Window.open_file now accepts an optional group parameter
API: Plugins may now call Settings.clear_on_change() within a callback from Settings.add_on_change()
API: Calling Settings.add_on_change() from within a settings change callback won't cause the added callback to be run
Build 3047
Beta is now open to non-registered users
Windows and Linux: Added High DPI support
Improved file change detection
Improved rendering performance
HTML tag auto completion is better behaved in script tags
Fixed a crash on exit that could occur when hot_exit is disabled
Linux and OSX: atomic_save is adaptively disabled when it's not possible to preserve file permissions
OSX: Fixed context menus not working when the application is in the background
Windows: Auto updater supports updating from unicode paths
API: Plugins in zip files are able to be overridden via files on disk
API: Added support for the termios module on Linux and OS X
API: Fixed Selection.contains
API: Fixed settings objects getting invalidated too early with cloned views
Build 3033
New auto update system for Windows and OS X
Previewing a file from the side bar will no longer add an entry to the OPEN FILES section of the side bar
Added Paste from History
Added setting 'auto_find_in_selection', for S2 style Find in Selection logic
Find panel has a drop down arrow to select previous items
Pressing right in the Goto Anything overlay will open the selected file without closing the overlay
Fixed several crash bugs
Further startup time improvements
Improved HTML completions when typing outside of tags
Fixed Close Tag not respecting self closing tags
PHP: Improved auto indenting for the alternative control syntax
Added setting always_prompt_for_file_reload
Improved handling of deleted files when restoring sessions
Deleting a file via the side bar will first close the corresponding view, if any
"Remove all Folders from Project" now prompts to confirm
Added telemetry. Telemetry is disabled by default, but can be turned on with the enable_telemetry setting
Using Google Breakpad to automatically report crashes
Updated syntax highlighting for PHP, Haskell and Pascal
Symlinks are followed by default in folders added to the side bar
Windows: Fixed erroneous entries in system menu
Windows: New style Open Folder dialogs are used on Vista and later
API: Significantly improved communication speed with plugin_host
API: Added view.close()
API: Added view.show_popup_menu()
API: Added is_valid() method to view and window, to determine if the handle has been invalidated
API: Added on_post_text_command and on_post_window_command
API: on_text_command and on_window command are now called when the menu is used
API: Added sublime.get_macro()
API: view.substr(point) now has the same semantics as S2 for out of bounds addresses
API: mand_history(0, True) now returns the last modifying command, as expected
Build 3021
Linux: Fixed atomic_save working incorrectly with symlinks
Windows: Fixed a crash under Windows 7 x64
Fixed a crash that could occur on file open
Build 3019
Added Jump Back and Jump Forward commands, available from the Goto menu
HTML: Improved completions and auto indent
HTML: Tags are closed when &/ is entered. This is controlled by the auto_close_tags setting
Smarter word navigation
File saves are atomic. This can be disabled with the atomic_save setting
Find and Replace panels automatically resize when multi line strings are entered
Faster loading of large, plain text files
Improved console scrolling performance on high resolution displays
Improved handling of files with extremely long lines
Minimap view rectangle auto hides (controlled by the always_show_minimap_viewport setting)
Indexing: Added detection of stuck workers
Updated C# package
Added invert_selection command
CSS: Completions will not be offered when typing in selectors
Fixed Reveal in Side Bar
Fixed C++ syntax highlighting for nested class forward declarations
Exec panel scrolls again
OSX: Added support for line numbers sent via apple events
Windows: ok_cancel_dialog uses new visual styles
Linux: Using the correct version number for the deb files
API: Added on_text_command() and on_window_command()
API: Added load_resource(), load_binary_resource() and find_resources()
API: Added encode_value() and decode_value()
API: view.sel() supports negative indices
API: Implemented settings.add_on_change() and settings.clear_on_change()
API: view.add_regions() will accept package relative paths for the icon
API: view.add_regions() can show underlines
API: Added on_pre_close() callback
API: view.window() will now work even if the view isn't frontmost
Build 3012
Fixed a syntax highlighting regression in 3011
Build 3011
Improved protection against degenerate syntax definitions
Linux: Fixed version incompatibilities with libffi
OSX: Fixed exec command on 10.7
OSX: Fixed incompatibility between Dictionary lookup and gpu_window_buffer
Objective-C: Improved symbol indexing
API: Plugins may import modules from plugin_loaded()
API: sublime.version(), sublime.platform(), sublime.architecture(), and sublime.channel() may now be used before plugin_loaded() is called
API: Added <mand_history()
Build 3010
OSX: Buttery smooth scrolling on Retina displays
Symbol Indexing: fixed degenerate behavior that could cause an explosion in the number of worker processes
Symbol Indexing: less worker processes are used, to be more unobtrusive
Symbol Indexing: better handling of binary files
OSX: Control+C will cancel the current build
API: view.insert() returns the number of characters inserted
Build 3009
Improved symbol indexing for Ruby
OSX: Reduced CPU usage when gpu_window_buffer is enabled
Symbol Indexing works on Windows XP
Can monitor indexing behavior by entering sublime.log_indexing(True) in the console
Tweaked brace matching logic
Removed undesirable animation during startup
API: Added _ssl module on OS X and Windows
API: Fixed ctypes regression in 3008 on OS X
API: Plugins can define plugin_loaded() and plugin_unloaded() module functions. plugin_loaded() will be called when the API is ready to use.
API: Added view.find_by_class()
API: Added view.expand_by_class()
API: Fixed on_new_async()
API: Tweaking handling of show_quick_panel when items is a mixed list of strings and sequences
Build 3008
Fixed Open all with current extension as
Fixed the Tools/Macros menu
Linux: Restored compatibility with older glibc versions
Linux: Added Installed-Size field to the .deb
API: urllib.request can be imported on OS X
API: Fixed missing _socket module on 32 bit Windows
Build 3007
OSX: Fixed extraneous dock icons
Added Symbol Indexing support for Scala
Fixed crash that could occur when using Goto Anything
Fixed the ignored_packages setting not working correctly with zipped packages
Vintage: Fixed 'o' and 'O'
API: Fixed on_query_completions not working correctly in some circumstance
API: Re-added view.score_selector
API: Selection.add() no longer ignores the xpos
Build 3006
Added Goto Definition, and Goto Symbol in Project
Significantly improved startup time
Significantly improved Replace All performance
Improved matching algorithm used for Goto Anything and Autocomplete, now accepts transposed characters
UI: Enhanced pane management
UI: Previewing files from the sidebar creates a preview tab
UI: Improved animation in the side bar
Projects: Multiple workspaces can be created for a single project
Projects: When adding folders to the sidebar, symlinks are not followed by default. This can be changed by enabling follow_symlinks in the project.
Build Systems: Added 'shell_cmd', which supersedes 'cmd', with more intuitive syntax
Build Systems: Better PATH handling behavior on OS X when using shell_cmd.
Build Systems: 'Make' build system has an improved error message regex
Build Systems: Syntax file can be specified for the output
Build Systems: Word wrap is enabled by default
Find in Files: Improved handling of binary files
Find in Files: Line numbers are hidden in the output
Find: Find in Selection will no longer be automatically selected
Find: Removed Reverse option
OSX: Improved performance on Retina displays
OSX: 10.7 or later is required
OSX: 64 bit only
OSX: System version of Python is no longer a dependency
OSX: Italic fonts are synthesized when not available in the typeface
Linux: .deb files are provided
Linux: Starting from the command line will daemonize the process by default
API: Upgraded from Python 2.6 to Python 3.3
API: Plugins run out-of-process
API: Plugin API is now threadsafe
API: Some API events are now run asynchronously
API: begin_edit() / end_edit() are no longer accessible
API: Projects are exposed to the API
API: Added window.settings() and window.template_settings()
API: show_quick_panel accepts an on_highlighted callback}


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