我的世界龙骑士modcuston sapling是什么mod

等级:1.10.2189KB简体推荐理由:我的世界基因重生MOD1.10.2(Genetics Reborn),通过细胞配置可以从一个单细胞分裂培植成完整的动物出来,这是一个充满了科幻色彩的MOD,增加了一系列生物工程的道具,培养器、注射针、细胞分裂器等等专业道具应有尽有版本:
等级:1.10.267KB简体推荐理由:我的世界工具皮带MOD1.10.2(tool belt),增加了两个新物品,腰带和腰带包,腰带非常实用,只要将腰带放在包裹内玩家即可一键更换工具,使用圆形界面图操作,简单好用。腰带包的功能则属于强化道具,让默认2孔的腰带可以逐渐升级成最高9孔版本:
等级:1.10.220KB简体推荐理由:我的世界药水宝石MOD(Potion Gems),增加了一组带有药水功能的宝石,效果都为顶级,持续时间非常长,并且一次可以开启多个宝石的药水效果。潜行、夜视、加速、跳跃等等BUFF应有尽有,合成公式如图版本:
等级:1.10.260KB简体推荐理由:我的世界苹果树苗MOD(Apple Trees),苹果树树苗可以长成苹果树,树上会结出美味的果子,根据玩家骨粉的施肥数量不同,苹果的颜色会从绿逐渐变红,彩色的苹果装饰树还是非常好看的版本:
等级:1.7.10-1.10.230KB简体推荐理由:我的世界开山棒MOD1.7.10-1.10.2(Flat World),模组增加了一个新的道具开山棒,它的作用就是可以将一定范围的方块夷为平地。变成平地的地方方块正常掉落。建造房子的时候非常实用,直接到地下挖矿也可以版本:
等级:1.7.10/简体推荐理由:我的世界可印刷的方块MOD1.7.10/1.10.2(Wallpaper Craft),新增了多达3000种得彩色方块,并且方块还能通过合成印刷上不同图案,对于建筑地图来说有着极大的帮助,建造一个色彩斑斓的世界已经不是那么遥不可及的事情了版本:
等级:1.7.10-简体推荐理由:我的世界现代战争MOD1.7.10-1.10.2(Vic's Modern Warfare Mod),与别的枪械类mod不同,现代战争MOD的优点是可定制性(目测很多灵感来自UNTURNED)版本:
等级:1.7.10-1.11188KB简体推荐理由:我的世界自然指针MOD1.7.10-1.11(Natures Compass),生物群系指南针,可以用来探索固定群系的具体方位,减少了玩家很多不必要的时间浪费。MOD还提供了瞬移的功能,是否要用就根据玩家自己需要了版本:
等级:1.7.10/1.10.256KB简体推荐理由:我的世界无法破坏提示mod1.7.10/1.10.2(immortal object tip),此MOD主要作用于基岩,当玩家在冒险或者生存模式用武器触碰到基岩时,会弹出一个文字框,告诫此方块无法被消灭。利用此种限制可以制作很多的机关版本:
等级:1.9-1.11316KB简体推荐理由:我的世界更好的战斗MOD1.9-1.11(better combat mod),修改了战斗内容,使得游戏的战斗方式风格和收益都发生了改变,喜欢战斗的玩家不能错过的强力MOD版本:
等级:1.10.2/1.11.236KB简体推荐理由:我的世界更好的自动跳跃MOD1.10.2/1.11.2(better auto jump),拥有自动跳跃功能以后你的行动变得畅通无阻,一切小障碍都不会影响你前进的步伐,此MOD让角色的前行变得无比顺滑,适合用来制作流畅性移动类的游戏地图版本:
等级:1.10.2277KB简体推荐理由:我的世界怪物围攻MOD1.10.2(epic siege mod),是否觉得原版游戏的难度已经不够你体现自己娴熟的技巧以及强大的实力,那么使用此MOD,游戏中的所有怪兽都会有疯狂的加强,各种怪兽都能让你防不胜防秒杀,当然,系统还是贴心的送了你重生10秒无敌,勇敢的去战斗吧版本:
等级:1.10.23KB简体推荐理由:我的世界可合成的树苗MOD1.10.2(leaves to saplings),提供一个树苗的合成方式,三个树叶方块即可合成对应的树苗,树苗种到地里两天即可长成大树版本:
等级:1.8.9-1.11.221KB简体推荐理由:我的世界一键放置火把MOD1.8.9-1.11.2(the middle torch),可以为放置火把单独设置一个功能键,不用切换物品就可以直接在目标上放置火把,在洞穴探险时作用非常明显。需要注意默认是没有快捷键的,到按键设置里去调整后才可生效版本:
等级:1.10.2/1.116.2M简体推荐理由:我的世界路标罗盘MOD1.10.2/1.11(waypoint compass),强化型指南针,可以使用新功能在任意地点生成地标,这样就不会迷路了。MOD一共有两个前置和一个主体,三个全部安装后才可正常使用版本:
等级:1.10.221KB简体推荐理由:我的世界真实的物品MOD1.10.2(real utilities),虽然MOD的名称为真实的物品,实际上暂时是增加了一系列的日料理物品,碗碟、蔬菜汤、蘑菇汤等等,画面效果还是提升了不少,作者也承诺此为测试版本,将来还会继续更新更多的物品,成为名副其实的真实物品MOD版本:
等级:1.10.2120KB简体推荐理由:我的世界中式搜索MOD1.10.2(just enough characters),提供给玩家实用拼音来搜索物品的功能,适合不喜欢切换输入法的玩家。不需要输入完整的汉字即可搜索出相因物品,字母缩写也能搜索得到版本:
等级:1.7.10-1.1126.7M简体推荐理由:我的世界超多生物群系MOD1.7.10-1.11(Biomes O Plenty),Biomes O' Plenty是一个为了玩家能更好探索MC世界的mod。在这个mod里有许多比较现实的生物群系,一些科幻的群系版本:我的世界神秘时代modTempestas和Granum怎么获得
元始要素Aer (风) Aqua (水) Ignis (火) Terra (地) Ordo (秩序) Perditio (混沌) Aer元素组合: Gelum (寒冰) = Aqua + Ordo秩序水Lux (光亮) = Aer + Ignis风火Motus (举动) = Aer + Ordo秩序风Potentia (能量) = Ordo + Ignis秩序火Saxum (石头) = Terra + Terra地地Tempestas (气候) = Aer + Aqua风水Vacuos (虚空) = Aer + Perdito混沌风Victus (生命) = Aqua + Terra地水 二阶复合要素Bestia (野兽) = Motus + Victus举动生命Fames (饥饿) = Victus + Vacuos生命虚空Granum (土壤) = Victus + Terra生命地Iter (观光) = Motus + Terra举动地Limus (转换) = Victus + Aqua生命水Metallum (金属) = Saxum + Ordo秩序石头Mortuus(灭亡) = Victus + Perdito混沌生命Permutatio (互换) = Motus + Aqua举动水Praecantio (邪术) = Vacuos + Potentia虚空能量Sano (治愈) = Victus + Victus生命生命Tempus (时间) = Vacuos + Ordo秩序虚空Tenebrae (暗中) = Vacuos + Lux虚空光亮Vinculum (羁系) = Motus + Perdito举动混沌Vitreus (水晶) = Saxum + Aqua石头水Volatus (航行) = Aer + Motus举动风 三阶复合要素 Alienis (异域) = Vacuos + Tenebrae暗中虚空Auram (灵气) = Praecantio + Aer邪术风Corpus (肉体) = Mortuus + Bestia灭亡野兽Exanimis (亡灵) = Motus + Mortuus灭亡举动Herba (植物) = Granum + Terra泥地皮Spiritus (魂灵) = Victus + Mortuus灭亡生命Venenum (剧毒) = Aqua + Mortuus灭亡水Vitium (谬误) = Praecantio + Perdito邪术混沌 四阶复合要素Arbor (木头) = Terra + Herba植物地Cognito (思虑) = Terra + Spiritus魂灵地Sensus (感官) = Aer + Spiritus魂灵风五阶复合要素Humanus (人类) = Bestia + Cognito思虑野兽 六阶复合要素Instrumentum (东西) = Humanus + Metallum人类金属Lucrum (贪婪) = Humanus + Fames饥饿人类Messis (作物) = Granum + Humanus土壤人类Perfodio (采掘) = Humanus + Saxum石头人类七阶复合要素Fabrico (缔造) = Humanus + Instrumentum人类东西Machina (呆板) = Motus + Instrumentum举动东西Meto (收获) = Messis + Humanus人类作物Pannus (出产) = Instrumentum + Bestia野兽东西Telum (兵器) = Instrumentum + Perdito采掘东西Tutamen (装备) = Instrumentum + Terra大地东西 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 上面来历于复制???下面才是原创- -------------------------------------------------------------------炼金学: 闪耀之光:光亮-火焰 魔动之源:火焰 炼铁术:金属-互换 炼金术:金属-互换 神秘锭:金属 魔力油脂:肉体 火药:火-互换 要素蒸镏:水-魔力 天域花:治疗--------------------------------------------------------------------- 炼化学: 奥术悬浮台:风-航行 观光者铺路石:地-航行-观光 守护者铺路石:举动-野兽 展现之护目镜:感官-灵气 奥术之耳:风-感官-能量 魔力布匹:魔力 观光者之靴:水-观光-地 奥法缰绳:风 地狱炎炉:金属-火 奥术风箱:风-机器 注魔:机器-合成-魔力 奥术钻探机:机器 魔镜:异域-观光-水晶 魔力手镜:观光-水晶 炽心搞:火焰-东西 风雷剑:兵器-风-机器 后土铲:地-东西-合成 奔流斧:水-东西 句芒锄:东西-生命 --------------------------------------------------------- 基本研究: 进阶节点引流术:邪术-移动-互换 研究专长:感官-思维 研究能干:思维-感官 布局事情台:思维-混沌 节点防护术:灵气-贪婪-感官 大家节点引流术:互换-魔力 缸中节点:贪婪-灵气-互换-------------------------------------------------------------- 神秘学: 雄伟杖柄:木柴 银树杖柄:木柴-魔力 白骨杖柄:不死-混沌-魔力 石英杖柄:铁序-水晶-魔力 甘蔗杖柄:植物-风-魔力 烈焰杖柄:能量-魔力-火 寒冰杖柄:水-寒冰-魔力 黑曜石杖柄:东西-石头-魔力 金杖端:贪婪-金属-东西 神秘杖端:金属-魔力 包括种种专业文献、幼儿教诲、小学教诲、高档教诲、种种资格测验、文学作品浏览、中学教诲、外语进修资料、神秘时代4研究表13等内容。 
 神秘时代4研究表_计较机软件及应用_IT/计较机_专业资料。MC神秘时代4的研究表(4.1以前)元始要素 Aer (风) Aqua (水) Ignis (火) Terra (地) Ordo (秩序) ...  大帆海时代4法宝表_计较机软件及应用_IT/计较机_专业资料。庆幸公司的大帆海时代...2014年细分行业研究陈诉年度盘货 2014年移动互联网O2O阐明陈诉 2014年在线教诲行业...  《大帆海时代 4 威力增强版》的坐标列表 ---法宝 ---地中海 1.黄金军刀――北 34 东 32 2.米罗的维纳斯――北 43 东 12 3.弥诺陶洛斯的大斧――北 ...  后4时代教诲经费保障研究_教诲学/心理学_人文社科_专业资料。内容概要:2012 年...质量的证据, 可通过我国粹者和机构体例的 “教诲小康指数”予以佐证(拜见表 1...  欧盟ErP指令成长趋势阐明及应对研究 时代经贸 4.7_法令资料_人文社科_专业资料。...表 2 ErP 指令实施法子最新希望状况序号 1 TBT 传递号 G/TBT/N/EEC/208 ...  4限时代卖条约_条约协议_表格/模板_实用文档。衡宇委托销售条约条约编号: 委托方...2014年细分行业研究陈诉年度盘货 2014年移动互联网O2O阐明陈诉 2014年在线教诲行业...  4页 免费 搜神录与你清凉一夏 暂无评价 2页 免费 搜神录首测,豪礼送不断 ...克日,告急研发中的《微时代-搜神录》终于揭开了一丝神秘的面纱,首次 放出了...元始要素 Aer (风) Aqua (水) Ignis (火) Terra (地) Ordo (秩序) Perditio (混沌) Aer 元素组合: Gelum (寒冰) = Aqua + Ordo 秩序水 Lux (光亮) = Aer + Ignis 风火 Motus (举动) = Aer + Ordo 秩序风 Potentia (能量) = Ordo + Ignis 秩序火 Saxum
(石头) = Terra + Terra 地地 Tempestas (气候) = Aer + Aqua 风水 Vacuos (虚空) = Aer + Perdito 混沌风 Victus (生命) = Aqua + Terra 地水 二阶复合要素 Bestia (野兽) = Motus + Victus 举动生命 Fames (饥饿) = Victus + Vacuos 生命虚空 Granum (土壤) = Victus + Terra 生命地 Iter (观光) = Motus + Terra 举动地 Limus (转换) = Victus + Aqua 生命水 Metallum (金属) = Saxum + Ordo 秩序石头 Mortuus (灭亡) = Victus + Perdito 混沌生命 Permutatio (互换) = Motus + Aqua 举动水 Praecantio (邪术) = Vacuos + Potentia 虚空能量 Sano (治愈) = Victus + Victus 生命生命 Tempus (时间) = Vacuos + Ordo 秩序虚空 Tenebrae (暗中) = Vacuos + Lux 虚空光亮 Vinculum (羁系) = Motus + Perdito 举动混沌 Vitreus (水晶) = Saxum + Aqua 石头水 Volatus (航行) = Aer + Motus 举动风 三阶复合要素 Alienis (异域) = Vacuos + Tenebrae 暗中虚空 Auram (灵气) = Praecantio + Aer 邪术风 Corpus (肉体) = Mortuus + Bestia 灭亡野兽 Exanimis (亡灵) = Motus + Mortuus 灭亡举动 Herba (植物) = Granum + Terra 泥地皮 Spiritus (魂灵) = Victus + Mortuus 灭亡生命 Venenum (剧毒) = Aqua + Mortuus 灭亡水 Vitium (谬误) = Praecantio + Perdito 邪术混沌 四阶复合要素 Arbor (木头) = Terra + Herba 植物地 Cognito (思虑) = Terra + Spiritus 魂灵地 Sensus (感官) = Aer + Spiritus 魂灵风 五阶复合要素 Humanus (人类) = Bestia + Cognito 思虑野兽 六阶复合要素 Instrumentum (东西) = Humanus + Metallum 人类金属 Lucrum (贪婪) = Humanus + Fames 饥饿人类 Messis (作物) = Granum + Humanus 土壤人类 Perfodio (采掘) = Humanus + Saxum 石头人类七阶复合要素 Fabrico (缔造) = Humanus + Instrumentum 人类东西 Machina (呆板) = Motus + Instrumentum 举动东西 Meto (收获) = Messis + Humanus 人类作物 Pannus (出产) = Instrumentum + Bestia 野兽东西 Telum (兵器) = Instrumentum + Perdito 采掘东西 Tutamen (装备) = Instrumentum + Terra 大地东西-----------------------------------------------------------------上面来历于复制· · ·下面才是原创- -----------------------------------------------------------------炼金学: 闪耀之光:光亮-火焰 魔动之源:火焰 炼铁术:金属-互换 炼金术:金属-互换 神秘锭:金属 魔力油脂:肉体 火药:火-互换 要素蒸镏:水-魔力 天域花:治疗 --------------------------------------------------------------------炼化学: 奥术悬浮台:风-航行 观光者铺路石:地-航行-观光 守护者铺路石:举动-野兽 展现之护目镜:感官-灵气 奥术之耳:风-感官-能量 魔力布匹:魔力 观光者之靴:水-观光-地 奥法缰绳:风 地狱炎炉:金属-火 奥术风箱:风-机器 注魔:机器-合成-魔力 奥术钻探机:机器 魔镜:异域-观光-水晶 魔力手镜:观光-水晶 炽心搞:火焰-东西 风雷剑:兵器-风-机器 后土铲:地-东西-合成 奔流斧:水-东西 句芒锄:东西-生命--------------------------------------------------------基本研究: 进阶节点引流术:邪术-移动-互换 研究专长:感官-思维 研究能干:思维-感官 布局事情台:思维-混沌 节点防护术:灵气-贪婪-感官 大家节点引流术:互换-魔力 缸中节点:贪婪-灵气-互换 -------------------------------------------------------------神秘学: 雄伟杖柄:木柴 银树杖柄:木柴-魔力 白骨杖柄:不死-混沌-魔力 石英杖柄:铁序-水晶-魔力 甘蔗杖柄:植物-风-魔力 烈焰杖柄:能量-魔力-火 寒冰杖柄:水-寒冰-魔力 黑曜石杖柄:东西-石头-魔力 金杖端:贪婪-金属-东西 神秘杖端:金属-魔力 法杖焦点:魔力-火焰 寒霜焦点:水-魔力 雷震焦点:风-魔力 采掘焦点:混沌-地-魔力 更替焦点:魔力-地-互换 便携式窟窿焦点:异域-混沌 九狱焦点(进攻仇人自爆蝙蝠):野兽-火-观光-邪术 法师焦点手袋:魔力-虚空 法杖充能基座:能量-魔力 复合充能焦点:能量-魔力 -------------------------------------------------万众等候的傀儡学老子终于- -研究出来了... 饕餮箱子:虚空 稻草傀儡:作物-移动-互换-魂灵 木头傀儡:木柴-移动-互换-魂灵 粘土傀儡:移动-互换-魂灵 油脂傀儡:魔力-魂灵 血肉傀儡:肉块-移动-互换-灭亡 石头傀儡:移动-互换-魂灵 铁质傀儡:移动-互换-魂灵 魔力工人:金属-魔力 ---------------------------------高级傀儡:生命-思维 ---------------------------------傀儡进级: 混沌伶俐:思维 铁序井然:思维-铁序 傀儡农民:观光-作物 威猛似火:火 迅捷如风:风-移动 灵动若水:水-感官 强壮如地:生命-地 ------------------------傀儡焦点: 空置:贪婪-互换 利用:东西-人类 砍伐:树木-东西 填充:虚空-互换-饥饿 捍卫:兵器-感官-陷阱 移液:互换-观光 炼金:水-观光-能量-魔力
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copyright &copyright 。甜梦文库内容来自网络,如有加害请接洽客服。|Horsecraft! EmptyAudio 01/17/14 (Fri) 18:57:35&I got the itch to play some carefully modded Minecraft with some people, so I made a server. The mods have been specifically chosen to minimize overlap.The server's whitelisted, so post your name in the thread and I'll add you.IP: download: Mods in use:Bibliocraft - furniture and item displayBuildcraft - pipes and factoriesComputercraft - turtles and LuaExtrabiomesXL - interesting landscapesFactorization - barrels and 3x oresForestry - bees, trees, and farmsInventoryTweaks - sort your shitIron Chests - bigger chestsNatura - berries and terrifying netherNEI - because NEIObsidiplates - player-only pressure platesRailcraft - trains and railsThaumcraft - magic and shitTropicraft - islands and shitTwilight Forest - everfree and shitMine Little Pony - horses and shitTo connect to Horsecraft: (pasted from the readme)1. Run Minecraft 1.6.4 at least once (you can change versions by clicking Edit Profile)2. Run forge-installer.jar3. Select Install client and hit OK4. Open up Minecraft, select the Forge profile and start the game5. Verify that it says Forge somewhere in the lower left hand corner, then close the game6. Run liteloader-installer.exe7. Check Chain to Minecraft Forge and hit OK8. Open up Minecraft, select the LiteLoader profile and start the game9. Verify that it says Forge somewhere in the lower left hand corner, then close the game10. Run mods-installer.exe and extract all the files11. Open up Minecraft and mash PlayAnonymous 01/17/14 (Fri) 21:36:26&
Have you considered also mirroring the pack on Technic? That's another easy way to get mods and updates to people.And not to bring any /vg/ autism in here, but&&CJ BuildcraftEmptyAudio 01/18/14 (Sat) 01:23:13&
Is that a thing I can do without either sucking cock or having to set up something cleaner than a Dropbox link? I know FTB requires requisite sacrifices upon the altars of the Holy Modmakers, but I assume the Technic folks are a bit more level-headed.Nurgle 01/18/14 (Sat) 02:19:55&
Yeah, it's easy. You just need to make a Technic account, do &make a modpack&, and then provide a DL link for the files.Then, people can put the pack's platform URL into the Technic Launcher and it'll DL and set up the pack for them. It'll also check for any updates you may have added.It's what I use to keep Nurgleblox/LAB updated.For some history, the Technic group are the precursors to FTB, and they said who said &FUCK DRM LET'S HAVE FUN.& FTB came later, when DRM babbies showed up.Also, to suggest some mods, you should get Chisel, Carpenter's Blocks, and Statues in the way of &pretty blocks& mods. In addition, if you're having issues with ID conflicts, IDfix Minus is a little utility mod to fix that.EmptyAudio 01/18/14 (Sat) 02:49:23&
I'm well aware of the details behind the ugly world Minecraft mod drama, but it's nice to see that the Technic launcher makes third party packs so easy.As for additional mods, I might consider some aesthetic ones like those if there's demand.Twh 01/21/14 (Tue) 07:21:04&
That sounds pretty neat, been thinking about playing MC but Seikamod's last version was a bit of a mess. Whitelist me please.EmptyAudio 01/21/14 (Tue) 07:26:17&
Added Twh to the whitelistAnonymous 01/21/14 (Tue) 07:30:10&
Will probably only be able to get on on weekends, but please add &Aquain& to the whitelist if you wouldn't mind.EmptyAudio 01/21/14 (Tue) 07:32:33&
DoneEmptyAudio 02/01/14 (Sat) 01:20:14&
NEW SERVER IP: to some things changing around, I'm back to hosting locally. Expect some reduced performance if there's lots of people on as I look for a more permanent home for horse-related blockplacing.Anonymous 02/01/14 (Sat) 08:48:55&
Put me on Whitelist pls.IGN: TranceSwitchEmptyAudio 02/01/14 (Sat) 09:10:32&
Just added you.Anonymous 02/01/14 (Sat) 09:11:35&
Still not whitelisted :/Anonymous 02/01/14 (Sat) 09:14:20&
nvm, its ok but:ID 325, 326 and 327 mismatched between world and gameEmptyAudio 02/01/14 (Sat) 09:15:31&
That's odd& you followed the instructions in the zip right?I can doublecheck the configsAnonymous 02/01/14 (Sat) 09:16:01&
lemme make clean installAnonymous 02/01/14 (Sat) 09:22:38&
Nope. it dont wanna start since this mismatchEmptyAudio 02/01/14 (Sat) 09:23:43&
Unless I'm mistaken, those items are the vanilla bucket/water bucket/lava bucket, which doesn't make any sense at all to get messed upEmptyAudio 02/01/14 (Sat) 09:24:10&
Can you post a screenshot of the error?Anonymous 02/01/14 (Sat) 09:25:04&
now im make a complete Reinstall from all MC files. wait a secPaw_ 02/05/14 (Wed) 02:23:21&
whitelist plsEmptyAudio 02/05/14 (Wed) 02:35:59&
Done.Anonymous 02/05/14 (Wed) 22:45:44&
ecervallEmptyAudio 02/06/14 (Thu) 21:45:11&
AddedFor those interested, there's also a mostly inactive Skype call for the server - shoot me a message at empty.audio if you want in.Anonymous 02/15/14 (Sat) 00:58:49&
Server is downAnonymous 02/15/14 (Sat) 01:17:37&
Anonymous 02/15/14 (Sat) 12:35:17&
503 error usually means that the login servers are down on Mojang's end, I think. I've been usingwhenever that happens to find out when I can get back in.Anonymous 02/18/14 (Tue) 08:56:24&
The End is being tackled Sunday afternoon, PST. Be there and be square.Anonymous 02/19/14 (Wed) 04:43:27&
Anonymous 02/19/14 (Wed) 15:10:18&
Damn, how much stuff did you have in your cauldron?Anonymous 02/19/14 (Wed) 15:26:43&
3 stacks of dirt and cobbleAnonymous 02/19/14 (Wed) 15:40:04&
A week back I was getting some weird visual nonsense as I was playing, and eventually Minecraft crashed with this trippy screen.Hasn't happened since and it's possibly caused by one of the couple of extra mods I've added, so don't worry about it: just wanted to share the picAnonymous 02/19/14 (Wed) 15:41:49&
Were you trying to spawn them for taint aspect, or was it just a &LET'S SEE WHAT HAPPENS& thing?Anonymous 02/19/14 (Wed) 16:53:36&
the latterAnonymous 02/19/14 (Wed) 17:07:05&
Ouch.EmptyAudio 02/24/14 (Mon) 03:53:57&
Horsecraft has taken down the Ender Dragon!And with the death of the beast, there's been a shift in the aura - new magical constructs are waiting to be built and arcane arts have been expanded!In short, we upgraded Thaumcraft to 4.1.0e. For existing players, you can just download the zip from the official thread and replace the old one in your mods folder with it. I've also updated the installer, but that probably won't delete the old version for you.The old link should continue to work since I just modified the file in-place.Thaumcraft 4.1.0e link: Installer link: Anonymous 02/25/14 (Tue) 03:24:18&
- Reed, SugarAlienis
- Ender PearlAqua
- Reed, Cacti, SugarArbor
- Any woodAuram
- Non renewable, Wisp EssenceBestia
- Egg, string, Leather, Chicken, Bow, beefcognito
- Book, Brain, PaperCorpus
- Cooked Steak, Brain, Rotten Meat, BoneExanimis
- Brain, Ghast TearFabrico
- crafting tableFames
- Cooked Steak, Potato, Carrot, AppleGelum
- Snowball, SnowGranum
- Seed, Egg, SaplingHerba
- Sugar, Reed, CactusHumanis
- Rotten FleshIgnis
- Coal, CharcoalInstrumentum - Stone Shovel, AxeIter
- Ender Pearl, BoatLimus
- Tainted Goo, Slime BallsLucrum
- Not renewable atm, Gold farm will solve thatLux
- Torch, Stone Half SlabMachina
- Door, Stone Pressure Plate, LeverMessis
- Pumpkin, Hay, Carrot, WheatMetallum
- Non renewable atm, Iron farm will solve thatMeto
- Stone HoeMortuus
- BoneMotus
- DoorOrdo
- Stone Half Slab, Smooth SandstonePannus
- Bed, Wool, Strong, BowPerditio
- Furnace, Cobblestone Stair, Cobblestone, Sand, SandstonePerfodio
- Stone PickaxePermutatio
- Non renewable atm, Iron farm will fix that, HopperPotentia
- Coal, CharcoalPraecantatio - Mossy Cobble, Ender Pearl, Nether WartSano
- Health Potions, Need automatic brewerySaxum
- Stone, CobblestoneSensus
- Carrot, Stone Pressure PlateSpititus
- Soul SandTelum
- Stone SwordTempestas
- No known item fits itTenebrae
- Brown, Red MushroomsTerra
- Potato Uncooked, DirtTutamen
- LeatherVacuos
- chest, bowlVenenum
- Poison PotatoVictus
- Egg, Beef, ChickenVinculum
- Soul Sand, Spider WebVitium
- Tainted GooVitreus
- GlassVolatus
- Feather, BowAnonymous 02/28/14 (Fri) 23:38:28&
server is downEmptyAudio 03/01/14 (Sat) 05:00:28&
And back up after a flick to the router.EmptyAudio 03/08/14 (Sat) 06:23:48&
As requested by Ec, here's a quick and dirty guide to nether portals!First, some theory:Distance in the nether is 8 times longer than distance in the overworld. That means that for every 5 blocks you travel in the nether, you travel 40 blocks in the overworld. The coordinate systems of both dimensions are linked at the origin, (0, 0). To convert from overworld coordinates to nether coordinates, simply divide the X and Z by 8, and to convert the other way multiply by 8. The Y coordinate is conserved between dimensions, meaning that the nether only dilates space in the X and Z directions.When you enter a portal, the game converts your position in the dimension you are in to the coordinate system of the other dimension, then searches for the closest portal within 128 blocks. This distance is Euclidean, i.e. measured in a straight line. If no portal is found within this range, then a new portal is generated. There's some interesting mechanics around portal generation, but seeing as the point of this is to explore linking portals I won't go into that.And now, the practical information:To create a pair of portals that will always link to each other, start with whichever portal you do not want to move. Press F3, then walk into the portal. Before you warp, note down the X, Y, and Z coordinates of where you're standing. If this is an overworld portal, then divide the X and Z coordinates by 8, otherwise multiply them by 8. Now travel to those coordinates in the other dimension and build your portal such that you can stand at that point while inside it. Do not neglect to match the Y coordinate as well! These two portals should link to each other perfectly - entering one will always lead to the other.If you want to prevent other portals from linking to yours, then you must make sure that there are no portals within the 128 block range. Simply convert the coordinates of the portal in one dimension to the other, then ensure that there are no portals within 128 blocks in the other dimension. Portal checks scan the entire height of the map - the 128 block range is only for the X and Z coordinates!Anonymous 03/09/14 (Sun) 05:01:21&
finished a maxed out map finally. it's 1500 x 1500. three areas are tainted, closest being only 250 blocks away from spawnAnonymous 03/11/14 (Tue) 03:31:31&
servers down again.Anonymous 03/11/14 (Tue) 04:27:22&
servers down againEmptyAudio 03/11/14 (Tue) 04:37:10&
Should be up nowAnonymous 03/13/14 (Thu) 02:22:11&
update done?EmptyAudio 03/13/14 (Thu) 06:06:49&
Hardware arrived while I was out today, and I just got back.I'll install it sometime tomorrow afternoon - I'll announce here when the server's going down and when it comes back up.Anonymous 03/13/14 (Thu) 12:09:39&
Well at least for me the server is already down, fyi. no biggy, i have work all day today. thanks mang.EmptyAudio 03/13/14 (Thu) 21:24:44&
Yeah, blame Comcast for that one.And since moot has decided 0pone is the way of the future, I'm going to go ahead and take the server down now for some hardware installation.Should be back up within an hour or two!EmptyAudio 03/13/14 (Thu) 22:18:24&
Hardware update complete!The server should be up and running now.Anonymous 03/14/14 (Fri) 22:25:03&
lol this is ebin!EmptyAudio 03/20/14 (Thu) 06:50:26&
For those curious about the extra music discs, wander around in the tropics until you find a village. Loot the natives' chests for fish or bring your own, then find the hut that has a table with a sort of pressure plate on it. Wait until there's a villager guy in there with red shorts (he might also pop up instructions on how to trade, but it's unreliable at best). It may take a while for him to get there, but be patient. You can spend the time gathering fish from the villagers' chests.Once he's there, right click on the pressure plate until the music discs come up. Note down the price, then put that many fish in your hand and right click the trading villager. He should take them from you and give an equivalent amount of credit. Left click twice to buy what you want.Note: If you leave the trading area with unspent credit or have credit leftover after a purchase you'll get an equal number of Solo Pearls. As far as I can tell, these are supposed to be used as raw currency but currently they have NO VALUE. Exact change only!Anonymous 03/20/14 (Thu) 17:35:13&
what?Anonymous 03/21/14 (Fri) 03:52:58&
EmptyAudio 03/21/14 (Fri) 03:54:35&
Yeah, it looks like short mead production is fucked in Recurring NullPointerException crash! Hooray!You can grab that version here while I update the dropbox again: EmptyAudio 03/21/14 (Fri) 03:59:45&
Okay, the dropbox should be updated now.EmptyAudio 03/21/14 (Fri) 04:35:42&
My short mead test was a success!It looks like you don't need to sip a refreshing pi?a colada in order to use a tropics portal, you just need to be drunk. And while mead doesn't always get your vision swirling, the buzz lasts for far longer which makes the unreliable portal code activate without a hitch.So it's good to know that mead isn't totally useless after all.Anonymous 03/22/14 (Sat) 03:55:31&
can i please be added to the whitelist?my MC username is Slowbro_thanks!Anonymous 03/22/14 (Sat) 10:11:44&
Does this server have any bukkit plugins? Like maybe a protection thing, or even better a pony class pkugin like the pon3 gaming pack?Anonymous 03/22/14 (Sat) 12:08:23&
server is downAnonymous 03/22/14 (Sat) 12:11:09&
No protection like factions, but there IS a way to protect your blocks through warding. You need to in game learn enough research and become in-real-life knowledgeable about Thaumcraft to progress to the Warding Focus. You can then lay down protective fields around blocks that can never be destroyed unless warded again by yourself.EmptyAudio 03/23/14 (Sun) 02:30:06&
Just added you to the whitelistAnonymous 03/23/14 (Sun) 03:03:47&
uh, i just tried to get onto the horsecraft server, but it told me i wasn't on the whitelist? did you get my name right? people seem to forget the underscore at the end a lotEmptyAudio 03/23/14 (Sun) 03:06:22&
I had the underscore on there, just forgot to reload the whitelist after adding you.Try again?Anonymous 03/23/14 (Sun) 03:12:30&
works fine now, awesome, thanks!Anonymous 05/15/14 (Thu) 03:14:16&
where the fuck is everyone? i'm the only one on, and gala/sekia/nurgle/whomever server died, and there was a player base. i'm getting annoyed at this because of my autismGaltamon 05/15/14 (Thu) 08:12:40&
&gala/sekia/nurgle/whomever server diedShit dawg, I was busy with exams.Should b the DNS changes might take a little bit to propagate, since my IP changed.Anonymous 05/15/14 (Thu) 17:03:05&
are people playing on itGaltamon 05/16/14 (Fri) 03:14:21&
Doesn't look like it.Still, I'll try to maintain uptime. Hopefully we can get the modpacks updated and that will bring in some activity.Anonymous 01/16/15 (Fri) 04:06:25&
is this server still upis there a map downloadEmptyAudio 01/18/15 (Sun) 02:01:46&
It's not up anymore - sort of died off.I could upload the map if you like.Anonymous 01/18/15 (Sun) 02:37:31&
i'd like that, relive old memoriesMSOB 01/28/15 (Wed) 10:54:56&
so is blocks will live?Delete Post [ File] Password Reason
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