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高考英语复习资料杂汇2 (内部资料 注意保密)
261. His test results are not very _____. He does well one week and badly the next.
A. invariable& B. consequent C. continuous D. consistent
[答案]D. consistent.
[注释]consistent 1)始终如一,前后一致:He is not consistent in his statements.(他的话并不前后一致。) 2)与......一致:The story is not consistent with the facts. What you say is not consistent with what you do.
262. The new safety regulations were agreed on after _____ with the work-force.
&& A. conference&& &&&B. participation
&& C. intervention&&& D. consultation
[答案]D. consultation.
[注释]consultation商议:hold a consultation with sb. about sth.(与某人商谈某事)。
263. The room was so quiet that she could hear the _____ of her heart.
A. hitting&&& B. beating&&& C. tapping&& D. knocking
[答案]B. beating.
[注释]beating 此处是动名词,指“(心)跳”:Her heart was beating furiously.
264. During World War II Malta managed to _____ most of Italian and German bombers by throwing up an effective anti-aircraft screen.
A. put out& B. shut out& C. come across D. get across
[答案]B. shut out.
[注释]shut out(=pr block)排除,排斥:They shut out our dust by having double windows.(他们用双层窗户防尘。)
put out扑灭;get across越过;使人了解;come across偶然遇到。
265. I think we should let Maria go camping with her boyfriend. _____, she's a big girl now.
A. Above all B. After all C. First of all D. For all
[答案]B. After all.
[注释]after all毕竟。
“for all + 名词”意为“尽管”: For all his wealth, he was unhappy.(尽管他富有,但他并不幸福。)
266. Jim's close _____ to his brother made people mistake them for one another.
A. confusion& B. similarity& C. resemblanceD. imitation
[答案]C. resemblance.
[注释]resemblance n. 像(to)。 resemble(vt.)像; She resembles her mother.(=She takes after her mother.)
267. It has been decided that this company has the _____ right to print Mr. Smith's novels.
A.eventual& B.versatile&& C.extensive& D.exclusive
[答案]D. exclusive.
[注释]exclusive(=reserved to the person(s) concerned)独有的;This bathroom is for the president's exclusive use.
268. He has recently _____ chess to provide himself with some relaxation.
A. taken on B. taken up& C. held on D. held up
[答案]B. taken up.
[注释]take up开始从事。take on参阅Ⅲ,162,171注释。hold on, hold up参阅Ⅲ,162,171注释。
269. What a terrible experience! _____ , you are safe, that's the main thing.
A. Somehow& B. Anyhow& C. Somewhat& D. Anywhere
[答案]B. Anyhow.
[注释]anyhow(at= in any case)无论如何,不管怎样。
270. John always tries to _____ people who are useful to him professionally.
A. develop B. provoke C. correspond& D. cultivate
[答案]D. cultivate.
[注释]cultivate sb.结识(有地位的人),培养与......的友谊:He always tries to cultivate rich and famous people.(他总是极力结识有钱的知名人士。)
271. Although he hasn't any formal qualifications, Betas _____ to do well for himself.
A. managed& B. succeeded& C. arranged&& D. convinced
[答案]a. managed.
[注释]manage to do sth.(=succeed in doing sth.)设法做成某事:1)He managed to escape to South America.(他设法逃到了南美。) 2)We managed to get what we wanted, anyhow.(我们反正设法得到了需要的东西。) 3)Do you suppose you can manage to get me a passport?(你能设法给我弄到一份护照吗?)
本题译文:虽然他没有正式的资力,但他收入很多。Do well for oneself吃香,收入多,改善自己的社会地位。
272. The family is a cooperative enterprise for which it is difficult to _____ rules, because each family needs to work out its own ways to deal with its own problems.
A. set up&&& B. put down&&& C. keep up&&& D. lay down
[答案]D. lay down.
[注释]lay down制定。参阅Ⅲ,97注释。
273. After a short holiday, he _____ himself once more to his studies.
A. applied&&& B. converted&&& C. engaged&&& D. exerted
[答案]A. applied.
[注释]apply oneself to“致力于”。Apply one's mind to(专心于)。Apply to sb. for aid(向某人求援)。Apply a theory to practice(把理论应用于实践)。
274. She felt _____ of having asked such a silly question when the audience couldn't help laughing.
A. guilty& B. crazy C. miserable& D. ashamed
[答案]D. ashamed.
[注释] be ashamed of因......感到羞耻,惭愧:1)He is ashamed of what he was done.2)She felt ashamed of having done so little.(=She felt ashamed that she had done so little.) 3)John was ashamed to ask for help.(他不好意思向人求助。) 4)Jim was ashamed to have troubled me with so many questions.Be guilty of犯有......罪,过失:1)He was found guilty. 2)I am not guilty of this crime.
275. The driver can adjust the heating in winter and the air conditioning in summer to suit his own _____.
A. leisure&& B. preference C. convenience& D. selection
[答案]B. preference.
[注释]preference偏爱,更加喜欢:My preference is for beef rather than for lamb.(我更喜欢牛肉面不是羊肉。)
276. There i So I'll tell you about it _____.
A. in detail&& B. in brief&& C. in short& D. in all
[答案]B. in brief.
[注释]in brief(=in a few words)简短地(作状语),例如:He told me in brief what had happened.(他简短地向我讲了已发生地事情。)此处in brief等于briefly。此处,in brief(=in a word, in short)简言之(作插入语)1)It is a long letter, but in brief, he says "No".(这是一封长信,但简言之,他说“不”。) 2)John is smart, polite, and well-behaved. In brief, he is admirable.此句中in brief意为in a word 或in short. in short作插入语,其意思是in a word(总之)。In detail详细地。In all总计,总共:There are 20 in all.
277. She got married although her parents had not given her their _____.
A. allowance& &B. consent&& C. permit& D. appreciation
[答案]B. consent.
[注释]consent n. 同意,赞成;consent (to) vi.同意,如:consent to a plan(同意一项计划)。allowance津贴。permit执照,许可证。
278. The rain was heavy and _____ the land was flooded.
&& A. consequently&&& B. constantly
&& C. continuously&&& D. consistently
[答案]A. consequently.
[注释]consequently (as a result)因而,所以。
279. Magnificent views over the countryside have often _____ people to write poems.
A. convinced&& B. inspired C. induced& D. attracted
[答案]B. inspired.
[注释]inspired鼓舞,激励,产生:1)His speech inspired us to try again. 2)He inspired confidence in me.(他使我产生信心。) 3)The good news inspired us with hope.(这个好消息使我们产生希望。)
280. From the cheers and shouts of _____, I gathered that he was winning the race.
A. stimulus B. urgency& C. encouragement D. promotion
[答案]C. encouragement.
[注释]encouragement鼓励,支持:shouts of encouragement(鼓励的欢呼声)。
281. She once again went through her composition carefully to _____ all spelling mistakes from it.
A.withdraw B.abandon&& C.diminish& D.eliminate
[答案]D. eliminate.
[注释]eliminate(=get rid of, do away with)消除,排除,淘汰:1) Can the government eliminate poverty?(政府能否消除贫困?) 2)eliminate slang words form an essay(从文章中去掉俚语词)。
282. When the little child caught sight of the young woman _____ in white he started brawling immediately.
A. dressed& B. wearing& C. worn& D. putting on
[答案]A. dressed.
[注释]be dressed in 穿这......衣服。Wear意为“穿着”是及物动词,语法结构上与本题不符。Put on穿上,强调的动作。
283. Some areas, _____ their severe weather conditions, are hardly populated.
A. due to B. but for C. in spite of D.with relation to
[答案]A. due to.
[注释]due to由于。有些语言专家认为due to引导的短语,在句中只能作表语,如:1)His absence was due to the storm. 2)The delay was due to heavy traffic. 3)This accident was due to his carelessness.但现代英语里due to引导的短语可以作状语用,如:He failed due to carelessness. Due to heavy traffic, he was late for an hour or so.
284. Many university courses are not really _____ to the needs of students or their future employers.
A.associated& B. relative&& C. geared& D. sufficient
[答案]C. geared.
[注释]be geared to与......相连接的,与......搭配得上的。Be relative to与......有关的:This is not relative to the accident.(这和这次事故无关。)本题意指courses(课程)是否与needs(需要)挂得上钩,而不是一般得有点关系,故应选geared.
285. If we can _____ our present difficulties, then everything should be all right.
A. get off& B. come across& C. come over& D. get over
[答案]D. get over.
[注释]get over (difficulties)克服(困难)。
286. Be careful how you _____ that jug, it will break very easily.
&A. pour&& B. operate&& C. handle& D. employ
[答案]C. handle.
[注释]handle意为“用手拿......”:Wash your hands before you handle my books.
287. We suddenly saw the bus about to leave and had to run _____ to catch it.
A. hardly&&& B. awkwardly&&& C. hard&&& D. strongly
[答案]C hard.
[注释]run hard意为“使劲跑”,句中hard是副词。Hardly“几乎不“,是否定副词,与本题不符。
288. He hated the war so much that he decided to leave the army _____.
&& A. for long&&& B. once in a while
&& C. for good&&& D. once upon a time
[答案] C. for good.
[注释] for good (=permanently)永久地:He says he's leaving the country for good. for long 长久地。按本题题意,用 for long 不妥。once upon a time 从前。once in a while 偶尔。
289. This year the farmers were just able to gather in the _____ before the fine weather came to an end.
A. collection&&& B. harvest&&& C. flower&&& D. plant
[答案] B. harvest.
[注释] gather in “收获(庄稼)”: The farmers are gathering in the corn.
290. A successful scientist needs _____ if he wants to make hypothesis (假设) of how processes work and how events take place.
&& A. permission&& &&B. penetration
&& C. imagination&&& D. convention
[答案] C. imagination.
[注释] imagination 想象力;penetration 穿透;permission 允许; convention 惯例,常规。
291. Tell your brother to come _____, because it's going to rain in a minute or two.
A. indoors&&& B. outdoors&&& C. outward&&& D. inwards
[答案] A. indoors
[注释] 按句子的逻辑意思应选indoors adv. 向屋里;在屋里,inwards adv,向内,向中心,outward 向外。outdoors 是 indoors 的反义词。
本文译文: 叫你兄弟进屋来,因为天马上要下雨了.
292. I can't advise you what to do. You must use your own _____.
A. opinion&&& B. guesswork&&& C. justice&&& D. judgment
[答案] D judgement
[注释] judgement 判断。guesswork 猜测,justice 正义,公正,ideal 理想。
293. Because of the poor harvest, wheat prices have _____ in the last six months.
A. added&&& B. jumped&&& C. amounted&&& D. developed
[答案] B. jumped.
[注释] jump (=rise suddenly in price) 指“(价格)暴涨”。
294. There is a 20 minute parking _____ here, so we must get back to the car very quickly.
A. freedom&& B. limit C. allowance& D. prohibition
[答案] B. limit.
[注释] parking limit 意为在停车场“停车的时间限制”。a 20 minutes parking limit (停车时间限制为20分钟).
295.The country needs a _____ government. We have had three Prime Ministers in a year.
A. stationary B. changeless C.constant D.stable
[答案] D. stable.
[注释] stable 稳定的。stationary 静止的,不变的,固定的。changeless 不变 的,无变化的。constant 经常不断的。
296. Having said he would mend the clock, he discovered that he had not brought the _____ tools for the job.
A. concise&&& B. correct&&& C. right&&& D. precise
[答案] C. right.
[注释] right 适当的,恰当的:He is the right man to do the job。(他是干这项工作的合适人选) concise 简明扼要的,correct 正确的;exact 确切的: exact time 确切的时间,exact age 确切的年龄,exact weight 确切的重量; exact weight 确切的重量;exact information 确切的信息;exact cause 确切 的原因;exact meaning 确切的意思。
297. Radium salts, which have been found to _____ in bones, give rise to cancers of the bone.
A. pile up&&& B. build up&&& C. keep up&&& D. pull up
[答案] B. build up.
[注释] build up(=accumulate) 积累。pile up 堆积。keep up 保持,维持。 pull up 停车。
298. It has been laid down that each student must _____ a composition to the teacher once a week.
A. turn in& B. give up C. put forward D. bring out
[答案] A. turn in.
[注释] turn in(=hand in) 上交。
299. Our house is the most _____ it is painted red.
A. permanentB.indifferentC.predominant D. prominent
[答案] D. prominent.
[注释] prominent 突出的;突起的。indifferent 漠不关心的;permanent 永久的;predominant 占优势的,主要的。
300. I shall take you back to Beijing _____ you are well enough to travel.
A. presently B. promptly C. immediately& D. shortly
[答案] C. immediately
[注释] immediately(=directly) 作连词用,意为“一……就……”,相当于 as soon as .
301. The writer was always looking for suitable _____ to use in his next story.
A. contents&&& B. articles&&& C. notions&&& D. ideas
[答案] D. ideas.
[注释] idea(= thought; picture in mind)念头,思想,想法。
302. He gave me some very _____ advice on buying a house.
A. precious&&& B. worthy&&& C. precise&&& D. valuable
[答案] D. valuable.
[注释] valuable 宝贵的,有价值的,常可修饰advice, suggestion, assistance, discovery等名词。 precious“贵重的”如: precious metals(贵金 属),precious stone(宝石)。
303. You will get to the church more quickly if you take this _____ across the fields.
A. track&&& B. passage&&& C. method&&& D. journey
[答案] A. track.
[注释] track(=path made by frequent use)意指“(常走而踏成的)小径”,如:a track across the moor(越过荒野的小径)。passage“通路”,如:force a passage through a crowd(在人群中挤出的一条通路). 可见此处选passage不妥.
304. A landing on Mars is within the _____ of current physical theory.
A. scheme&&& B. scope&&& C. scrap&&& D. scale
[答案] B . scope.
[注释] scope 范围,活动范围,理解犯围: 1 Many words are outside the scope of this dictionary. (许多单词是超出了这本词典的范围.) 2 Very hard words are not within the scope of a child's understanding。(非常难懂的 词是超出了一个孩子的理解范围.) 3 Economics is beyond the scope of a child's mind.(经济学是孩子理解不了的.)
305. He was _____ by a bee when he was collecting the honey.
A. scratched&&& B. pricked&&& C. stung&&& D. bitten
[答案] C. stung.
[注释] sting 刺,蛰,叮。在英语中蜜蜂蛰用 sting ;而蚊子“叮”用 bite, 如: A mosquito just bit me.(狗、蛇,咬),钧用 bite ,scratch 搔,prick vt. 扎(穿),刺(穿)
306. Don't go too far into the sea, children, or the waves will _____ you off your feet.
A. flow&&& B. cut&&& C. press&&& D. sweep
[答案] D. sweep.
[注释] sweep sb,off sb's feet 由两层意思,直义为“(浪等)把某人冲倒”,转义是“使产生强烈的好感,使完全信服”,如: His speech swept them off their feet。(他的演说使他们五体投地.)
307. The store had no more red shoes _____, so Mary chose brown ones instead.
A. in demand B. in store& C. in need D. in stock
[答案] D. in stock.
[注释] in stock(=having sth. ready to sell or use;in present supply) 有 现货供应: The shop has suger in stock.(这个商店有白糖供应.) in demand(=needed;wanted;) 有需求: The book about dogs was much in demand in the library.(=Many people wanted to read the book about dogs that in the library.) in need(=in poverty,in trouble)在贫困中,在困难中: A friend in need is a friend indeed。(A friend who helps when one is in trouble is areal friend.) in store(=saved up in case of need; ready for use for some purpose) 储备待用:于If the electricity goes off,we have candles in the closet.(=We have candles put away if we need them for light.)(如果电灯灭了,我们壁橱里还备有蜡烛.)
[注意] in stock 强调商店备有现货以供出售,而 in store 则指储备物品以供急 需使用。此外 in store 还可以表示“等待着,必将发生”。例如: I have a surprise in store for you.(我有一个你料想不到的消息要告诉你。)
本题译文: 这家商店没有红鞋供应,所以玛丽买了一双宗色的鞋.
308. Bill is not a fast runner and he doesn't have a chance of winning the marathon, but he will _____ the race even if he finishes last.
A. keep on&&& B. keep to&&& C. stick out&&& D. stick to
[答案] C. stick out.
[注释] stick out(=keep on doing sth。until it is done,no matter how long,hard,or unpleasant) 坚持下去: Mathematics is hard,but if you stick it out you will understanding it(=Mathematics is hard,but if you keep on working hard at it you will learn it.) 此外,stick on 还可表示 (stand out) 突出: The skyscraper sticks out against the bkue sky.(这幢摩天大楼映着蓝图显得格外突出.)
[注意] stick out与keep to 均有“坚持”的含义。stick out 特指“坚持下功夫干一件事,不完成决不收兵”;而keep to 则强调“坚持、遵守、坚守”诺言、规则、原则、精神、岗位。可见,keep to 的英文释义为 ability by;adhere to,stick closely to。例如: keep to one's promise(遵守诺言);keep to the rules of a game(遵守比赛规则);keep to a principle(坚持原则);keep one's pos(坚守岗位)。因此,我们可以说keep to相当于 stick to,而区别于 stick out.
309. Can you _____ me _____ two hundred copies of this article by tomorrow.
&& A. give .. out& &&&B. send .. in
&& C. write .. off&&& D. run .. off
[答案] D. run…off.
[注释] run off(=produce with a printing press or duplicating machine)印刷,复印:The print shop ran off a thousand copies of the newspaper.(=The print shop printed 1000 copies of the newspaper.)
write off报废,勾销。参阅Ⅲ.200.注释。give out分发,发出。send in 呈报,递交,送上: 1 Have you sent in your application?(你是否已递交了你的申请书?) 2 He sent in two oil paintings for the exhibition.(他送上两幅油画参展.)
310. The current political _____ of our country is favorable for foreign investments.
A. climate&&& B. weather&&& C. state&&& D. occasion
[答案] A. climate.
[注释] climate 指某一地区的长期气侯,而weather则指某一天的“天气”。本题中的climate(=the general temper or opinion of a group of the people or period of history) 指“某一团体历史时期的总的状况和民意”。例如: climate of the political unrest 不稳定的政治状况. state(=condition) 状态;be in a state of 处于某种状态. 例如: 1 The room was in a very dirty state. 2 She is in a state of confusion.(她处于慌乱状态.) 由上可见,climate 最合题意.
本题译文: 我国目前的政治气候有利于外国的投资.
311. It was with great delight that I read in your February _____ the letter to the Editor written by Prof. Johnson.
A. issue&&& B. printing&&& C. magazine&&& D. copy
[答案] A. issue.
[注释] 根据题意,此处是指某杂志二月份的那一期,故应选 issue。printing 印刷;印刷术。至于 copy 与 issue 的区别,copy 指书刊的“本,册”;而 issue 是指报刊或杂志的“期”.
本题译文: 非常高兴地拜读了贵刊二月的一期中所登载的约翰逊教授致编辑的信.
312. What I'm telling you is strictly _____. Do not let anyone know of it.
A. secretive& B. special& C. individual D.confidential
[答案] D. confidential.
[注释] confidential(=spoken or written in secret) 机密的,应保密的:The information is confidential. special 专门的,专用的: a special car(专车).individual 个别的,单个的。secretive(=fond of keeping secrets) 爱保密的,守口如瓶的.
本题译文: 我现在告诉你的事是保密的,千万别让人知道.
313. The author had qualified as a doctor but later gave up the _____ of medicine for full-time writing.
A. prescriptionB. procedure C. treatment& D. practice
[答案] D. practice.
[注释] practice(医生或律师的)业务,生意: 1 The lawer has a very good practice. 2 We call a doctor's work and the number of patients he look after his practice.(我们把医生的工作和医治病人的数目称为开业状况.)
prescription 药方;procedure 程序,手续;treatment 治疗,待遇.
本题译文: 这位作者当过医生,但后来放弃开业,专搞写作.
314. Julie is one of those women who always _____ the latest fashions.
&& A. put up with&&& B. come up with
&& C. get on with&&& D. keep up with
[答案] D. keep up with.
[注释] keep up with 跟上,与……并驾齐驱;及时了解。put up with 忍受;get on with有进展;生活得……;come up with 提出.
本题译文: 朱莉是那些总赶时髦的女子之一.
315. Having made his first film earlier this year, he is _____ starting in a new one.
A. currently&&& B. actually&& C. recently& D. lately
[答案] A. currently.
[注释] currently 目前;actually 实际上;recently 近来;lately(=recently) 近来.start in(on) 开始(做某事),常用于口语中,如: 1 Fred started in wedding the garden. (弗雷得开始在花园里除草.) 2 If we start in at once,we shall get the job finished early. (如果我们马上开始,我们可以早点完成这项工作.)
316. My house is very _____ for getting to work as it is only a few minutes from the station.
A. comfortable B. suitable& C. convenient& D. available
[答案] C. convenient.
[注释]convenient 方便的。suitable也可接for,但其词义和本题不符,故不能选.
317. When college students _____ future employment, they often think of status, income, and prestige.
A. demand&&& B. assume&&& C. apply&&& D. anticipate
[答案] D. anticipate.
[注释] anticipate 预料,期望,预望:The first question is one the John has anticipated. (第一个问题是约翰已经预料到的)
318. Alice _____ her father that both she and her husband would be happy if he would live with them.
A.convinced& B.reinforced&& C.pledged& D.required
[答案] A. convince
[注释]convince sb. +that从句意为“使……相信,说服……”。reinforce 加强,增强。pledge发誓,保证.
319. Neither of them thought highly of him and they both tried to _____ him in his work.
A.hamper&& C.depress& D.prevent
[答案] A. hamper.
[注释] hamper(=hinder)阻碍。prevent 防止,后接from.
320. She chose cushions of a color which would _____ her carpet.
A. equal& B. agree& C. help& D. match
[答案] D. match.
[注释] match vt. 匹配;相配: 1 You can't match him in his knowledge of wild plants.(在野生植物知识方面,你无阀于他相比.) 2 Her hat does match her dress.(她的帽子与她的衣服不配.)match vi. 相配: These gloves don't match.
321. We finally managed to _____ the committee's approval of our plans.
A. secure&&& B. arouse&&& C. acquire&&& D. exert
[答案] A. secure.
[注释] secure 与 acquire 钧有“得到”的含义,但 secure vt. 此处的意思是(=succeed in getting sth. for which there is a great demand)“获得(所需之物)”.acquire“获得,求得”,尤其指由于自己的努力,能力,技术而使原有的东西变得更多,并表示一经求得,即成永久的所有物: The boy has acquire a fire knowledge of geography.(这男孩已得到一点地理知识.)可见,根据题意应选secure.
322. I have such a bad cold that I have lost all _____ of smell.
A. degree&&& B. sense&&& C. strength&&& D. scent
[答案] B. sense.
[注释] sense 意为“(五官的)感觉”,如: People have five senses: sight,hearing,smell,taste and touch. scent 气味,香味.
323. She is so _____ that she cried for days when her pet rabbit died.
A. sensitive& B. sensible C. imaginative& D.impressive
[答案] A. sensitive
[注释] sensitive敏感的(to),易受伤害的,灵敏的。sensible明智的(of),通情达理的。imaginative有想象力。impressive的给人留下印象的,感人的。
324. The lorry driver was badly _____ when his lorry crashed into a wall.
A. damaged&&& B. hit&&& C. hurt&&& D. harmed
[答案] C. hurt
[注释] damage损坏;harm对......有害;hurt(精神上或肉体上)伤害; hit打击;pain(精神上或肉体上)痛苦。
325. I caught a _____ of the car before it disappeared around the bend.
A. glance& B. glimpse& C. glare& D. gleam
[答案] B. glimpse
[注释] catch (or get) a glimpse of瞥见(强调行为的结果)。take a glance (or look) at看一眼(强调行为过程本身)。
326. The car salesman took the customer for a driver in the new model in order to _____ its improved features.
A. advocate& B.demonstrate&& C.exhibit&& D. reveal
[答案] B. demonstrate
[注释] advocate拥护,提倡。exhibit展览,陈列。reveal揭示,暴露。demonstrate(=show clearly by giving proof or example)(用实例,证据)证明,表演。
327. The rainbow _____ as the sun came fully out from behind the clouds.
A. dissolved&& B. removed& C. resigned&& D. disappeared
[答案] D. disappeared
328. All too _____ it was time to go back to school after the glorious summer holidays.
A. often&&& B. fast&&& C. soon&&& D. late
[答案] C. soon
[注释]all too实在太......,all too soon意为太快了,带有惋惜的意味,如:Tom had snatched a short holiday from his work to come here. He said it ended all too soon.(汤姆趁工作之暇匆匆来此渡一短假,他说,假期过得太快了。)
329. Deserts, dry areas with _____ no vegetation, cover more than one-third of the Earth's land surface.
&& A. surprisingly&&& B. eventually
&& C. permanently& &&&D. virtually
[答案] D. virtually
[注释]virtually(=almost, in every way that is really important)几乎,事实上,实际上;My book i I have only a few changes to make in the writing.( 我的书几乎写完了,我只要在作品中再作一点修改就可以了。)surprisingly令人惊奇的;eventually最终的;permanently永久的。
330. After dinner the minister made a short _____ to the guests.
A. delivery& B.pronunciation& C.conversation D. speech
[答案] D. speech
[注释]make a speech to sb.(向某人做演讲)。make conversation with sb.(和某人闲谈conversation常与下列动词搭配:get (enter) into conversation with(和......攀谈起来),have a conversation with(与......谈话),interrupt (break off) conversation(中断谈话),turn the conversation to other matters(把话题转到其他问题上)delivery常指"(演讲等的)说话方式,口才",如: His report was good, but his delivery was poor.( 他的报告内容很好,但他的口才太差)。
331. When there's doubt the examiner's decision is _____.
A. right&&& B. final&&& C. definite&&& D. fixed
[答案] B. final.
[注释]final最终的,不会改变的。definite明确的。fixed固定的,不变的;a fixed income(固定收入)。right正确的。
332. Busy and successful as he was, the novelist was willing to _____ any promising young man and give him all the help he could.
A. take up&&& B. pick up&&& C. make up&&& D. look up
[答案] A. take up.
[注释]take up把......当作被保护人,关照,提携,列如:This athlete was taken up by several Boston universities.(这个运动员得到波士顿大学的关照。)pick up参阅III.129,130注释。
333. He did not find a job yet because he had no _____ to men who could help him.
A. approach& B. application&& C. access& D. approval
[答案] C. access.
[注释]have access to进入的路;能接近,进入,了解或使用(不可数名词)。列如:1)We had access to his private files.(我们能接触他的私人档案。)2)Only a few people have access to the full facts of the ase.(只有几人能了解案件的全部事实。)3)Only high officials had access to the emperor.(只有高级官员才能接近皇帝。)approach接近,走近,快到;对待处理(事情的)方式;接近(到达)的路:1)He was warned of the enemy.(已警告他敌人已接近。)2)His book represents a new approach to the difficulty.(他的书代表了处理困难的一种新方法。)3)The approach to the house was a narrow path.(通到这幢房子的路是一条小径。)application申请,申请书。approval赞同。根据题意,此句中不是指身体上的“接近或靠近”,而是指“能接触到”的某人故选access更切题意
334. The old man got into the _____ of storing money under the bed.
A. tradition&&& B. habit&&& C. use&&& D. custom
[答案] B. habit.
[注释]get into the habit of doing sth.意为“养成了做......的习惯"。habit指个人的习惯,而custom则指社会的风俗习惯。tradition“传统"。
335. The beauty of the place is more than I can describe. I am sure whoever sees it will _____ its charm.
A. appeal to&& B. stick to&&& C. keep to&&& D. yield to
[答案] D. yield to.
[注释]yield to:屈服于;投降让步(经常有比较灵活的译法)。如:The disease yielded to treatment.(=The disease was cured as the result of treatment.)(这病经过治疗已减轻或治愈。)
appeal to向......呼吁;stick to(=keep to)坚持。
336. Children are likely to get _____ if no one cares about their upbringing.
&& A. out of hand& &&&B. out of order
&& C. out of place&&& D. out of work
[答案] A. out of hand.
[注释]get(or be) out of hand是习语,意为“无法控制,不受约束":This situation appears to be completely out of hand.(看来形势已完全失去控制。)out of order有毛病,失灵;out of place不得其所的,不适当的;out of work失业。
337. When the Greeks had _____ the Persians, a soldier ran from Marathon to Athens.
&& A. won&&& B. bitten&&& C. beaten&&& D. hit
[答案] C. beaten.
[注释]beat sb. 打败某人。beat sb. black and blue(把某人打得鼻青脸肿)。hit,击,击中:hit a man on the head(打在人的头上);hit at sb.(向某人打去)。strike(=hit ,give a blow at blows to)打,击:strike a man on the chin(打在某人的下巴上)。win赢得,用作此义时,后不能接某人;可以说win a match, a victory, the first prize等。
338. There was a large box behind the door and Peter couldn't _____ falling over it in the darkness.
&& A. help&&& B. resist&&& C. avoid&&& D. prevent
[答案]C. avoid.
[注释]avoid 避免(后接动词或名词): He tried to avoid answering my questions. can't (couldn't) help doing sth. 禁不住做......不由自主地做......。 can't (couldn't) resist doing sth.禁不住做......: I couldn't resist laughing.
339.Maria is a _____ person and never makes any unreasonable demands.
A. sensitive& B. sensible C. obedient& D. jealous
[答案]B. sensible
[注释]sensible 通情达理的;sensitive敏感的;obedient顺从的;jealous 妒忌的,猜疑的,警惕的;
340. Violent programs on television may have a bad _____ on children.
A. affection& B. pressure& C. influence& D. control
[答案]C. influence.
[注释]have a influence on 对...有影响;
341. The shop-assistant was straight with his customers. If an article was of _____ quality, he'd tell them so.
A. humble&&& B. minor&&& C. inferior&&& D. awkward
[答案]C. inferior.
[注释]inferior 比较差的;humble谦卑的,恭顺的,低下的;awkward 尴尬的,别扭的,笨手笨脚的;不好用的;minor细小的:1)This cloth is inferior to that one .(这块布比那块质量差)2)She feels inferior to her elder sister .(她感到比姐姐差的多。)3)He is of humble birth.(她出身低微。)4)He is very humble towards his superiors.( 他对上司低三下四。)5)he felt awkward and uncomfortable.(他感到尴尬不自在)6)He was an awkward carpenter.(他是个笨手笨脚的木匠)7)This is a very awkward question. We must ask that of Hery.(这个问题不好对付,我们必须去问问亨利)
342. If you put too many potatoes in that paper-bag it will _____.
A. fail&&& B. explode&&& C. crack&&& D. burst
[答案]D. burst
[注释] burst vt./vi.涨破,涨裂。Burst one's clothes(撑破衣服)。
343. One-room schoolhouses can still be found in _____ areas where there are no other schools for many miles.
A.disposed B. deserted C. isolated& D. abandoned
[答案]C. isolated
[注释]isolated 孤立的。Deserted被遗弃的;空无一人的;abandoned丢弃的,如;abandoned cars(因报废而丢弃的汽车)。Dispose of sth. 处理掉某物:He disposed of his old car .(他把旧的汽车处理掉了。)意为卖掉或扔掉等。
344. I'm afraid you have no _____ but to come along with us.
A. possibility& B. permission C. choice& D. selection
[答案]C. choice.
[注释]have no choice but 除了...没有别的选择;只能...:I have no choice but to obey.(我只能服从)。
345. I shall never beat J we are clearly not in the same _____.
A. set&&& B. band&&& C. group&&& D. class
[答案] D. class.
[注释]be in the same class 水平相同。此句中class,意为“(高低、优劣的)等级;种 类”。
346. As soon as Charles had _____ a little from his surprise, his one thought was to get away.
A. returned& B. absorbed& C. dissolved& D. recovered
[答案] D. recovered.
[注释]recover from 从......恢复过来
347. When I arrived in this country, I had to start learning the language from _____.
A. scratch&&& B. scrap&&& C. snatch&&& D. scrape
[答案] A. scratch.
[注释]start from scratch (=from the beginning, from nothing) 从头开始,白手起家;John brought the radio from scratch. (=John bought the parts and put them together himself.)
348. The thieves _____ him _____ in the park, took his wallet and escaped.
&& A. held .. back &&&&&B. held .. up
&& C. held .. on &&&&&&&D. held .. out
[答案] B. held ... up.
[注释]hold up sb.拦劫。hold up, hold on, hold out 的用法请参阅III.82,83注释.
349. Japan has to employ an increasing number of overseas workers because there is no easy solution to its labor _____.
&A. decline&&& B. rarity&&& C. vacancy&&& D. shortage
[答案] D. shortage.
[注释]labour shortage 劳动力短缺。Decline 下降。rarity稀少。vacancy 空缺,未占用.
350. The two dogs started to fight, so we tried to _____ them.
A. split&&& B. separate&&& C. tear&&& D. divide
[答案] B. separate.
[注释]separate 意指将结合的东西“分开,拆散”,divide指把整体“分成”几个部分,split(沿一条线-)裂开,tear撕开,distinguish“区分,区别,辨别”。
351. The rapidly growing birth rate brings about a lot of environment problems, which the government is supposed to take _____.
A. significantly& B. severely C. earnestly D. seriously
[答案] D. seriously.
[注释]take...seriously 是习惯搭配,意为“重视,认真对待”
352. Carl wanted to play a joke on Bob but gave himself _____ by laughing.
&& A. away&&& B. in&&& C. out&&& D. up
[答案] A. away.
[注释]give away 暴露,泄露。参阅III.68.注释。
353. The government is _____ and will take the necessary steps to maintain security and stability.
&& A. on the alert&&& B. out of control
&& C. on guard&& &&&&&D. in vain
[答案] A. on the alert.
[注释]on the alert (= careful) 警惕,小心:Drivers must be on the alert for traffic signals. (=Drivers must be especially careful to see signals when driving a car.) (司机必须密切注视交通信号。)out of control 失去控制;on guard站岗;in vain 徒劳,无效。
354. Many people complain of the rapid _____ of modern life.
&& A. rate&&& B. pace&&& C. speed&&& D. growth
[答案] B. pace.
[注释]pace 走或跑的速度;发展或进步速度。
355. She has lost her handbag with the _____ sum of $150 in it.
&& A. extraordinary&&& B. important
&& C. considerable &&&&D. valuable
[答案] C.considerable.
[注释]considerable 相当可观的。[注意]considerate考虑周到的,体谅的,体贴的:1)She is considerate to others. (她能体谅别人。)2)That was very considerate of you.(你真体谅别人。)
356. Russia's withdrawal of its experts from China did not strangle (压垮) the C _____ it stirred up their enthusiasm for greater exertions.
&& A. on the other hand&&& B. on the contrary
&& C. to the contrary &&&&&D. in consequence
[答案] B. on the contrary.
[注释]on the contrary相反地:--Have you nearly done?--On the contrary, I have only just begun. Monday unless you write me to the contrary. (我星期一将来,除非你写信告诉我有相反地情况。)
357. As he had no friends and relatives in the town, the traveler tried to find a _____ somewhere.
&& A. log&&& B. lodge&&& C. landing&&& D. lodging
[答案] D. lodging.
[注释]log 圆木,lodge门房,传达室,lodging住所,landing登陆;降落。
358. Because the children keep interrupting her whenever she reads a book, she is always _____ her place.
A. loosing B. missing C. losing& D. looking for
[答案] C. Losing.
[注释]lose one's place意为读书时“找不到读到哪儿”。类似的习语有:lose heart(灰心,泄气),lose one's heart to sb. (爱上某人),lose one's head(惊慌失措),lose one's hold on(or over)(失去对......的控制),lose one's temper(发脾气),lose one's tongue (紧张得不知说什么好),lose one's way (迷路),lose sight of(看不见了),lose one's never(失去勇气)。
359. The manager said that they had an _____ plan if the plan they had submitted was not accepted.
A. alternate& B.alternative&& C.absolute& D. appreciable
[答案] B. alternative.
[注释]alternative 可提供选择的,两者挑一的:alternate交替的:1)There was no alternative route open to her. (在她面前没有另外可供选择的路线。)2)French and English are not but may be taken in the same year.(语法和英语并不是交替开设的课程;而可以在同一年里选修。)
360. Jim isn't _____, but he did badly in the final exams last semester.
&& A. gloomy &&&B. dull&&& C. awkward&&& D. tedious
[答案] B. dull.
[注释]dull (=slow in understanding) 迟钝的。
361. At first Bob was puzzled by Virginia s waving, but then it _____ his mind that she was trying to tell him something.
&& A. crossed&&& B. passed&&& C. occurred &&&D. opened
[答案] A. crossed.
[注释]cross one's mind 想起:1)A sudden thought crossed my mind. 2)It never crossed my mind that he might refuse the request. (我从来没有想到他可能会拒绝这个请求。)如用pass则应加through, 例如:When Jane did not come home by midnight, many terrible fears passed through Mother's mind. (=Mother thought of many things that might have happened to Jane.)occur的用法如下:1)That view of the case did not occur to me before. (对这个案件的那种看法以前我没有想到过。)2)It occurred to her that she might adopt a homeless child.(她想到,她可以收养一个无家可归的孩子。)关于“想起”的以上三种表达法考生务必弄懂熟记。这些词组和句形不仅在词汇测试中经常遇到,而且在短文写作时也可以使用。
362. His job at the hospital did not pay much, so he found another _____.
&& A. on the rise& &&&&&B. on the spot
&& C. on the decline&&& D. on the side
[答案] D. on the side.
[注释]on the side(=in addition to a main thing) 额外;作为兼职:1)He ordered a hamburger with onions and French fries on the side. (=He ordered a hamburger with onions and French fries extra.) 2)He does some house-keeping work on the side.(他帮人家做些家务活作为兼职。)on the rise(作表语)在上升;on the spot 现场;on the decline (做表语)在下降:The population in the country is on the decline. (这个国家的人口在下降。)
363. The filling station _____ because there were too many others on the street.
&& A. fell through&&& B. went under
&& C. fell out&& &&&&&D. went through
[答案] B. went under.
[注释]go under 破产,失败。fall through 也有“失败”之意,但多半指计划、想法等“落空”。
364. Air and the sun's rays create much distortion, and whatever tends to _____ their influence is useful to the astronomer.
A. exclude& B. eliminate& C. extinguish& D. impose
[答案] A. exclude.
[注释]exclude 排除。extinguish扑灭;eliminate消除。
impose 把......强加给:Don't impose your wishes on us.(不要把你的意思强加给我们。)
365. The lady who had invited us heard me telling my wife that the dinner was terrible so I was _____.
A.confused B. nervous& C.shameful& D.embarrassed
[答案] D. embarrassed.
[注释]be embarrassed 感到窘迫。
366. Animals should no they should be in their normal _____.
A. environment B.position& C.residence& D. dwelling
[答案] A. environment.
[注释]environment(=surroundings, circumstances)环境,environment作集合名词用时,只用单数形式:We should work hard to improve our environment. (单词,不可数)Children need a happy home environment. (单数,可数)
367. I'm sorry but what he thinks is not of the _____ importance to me.
A. merest& B. lowest& C. last& D. least
[答案] D. least.
[注释]least 是little的最高级形式。
368. He offered to _____ her a hand as the suitcase was too heavy for her to carry.
&& A. lend&&& B. help&&& C. show&&& D. loan
[答案] A. lend.
[注释]lend sb. a hand给某人帮个忙。
369. I have been looking for this book for months, and _____ I have found it. least& B. in no time& last& present
[答案] C. at last.
[注释]at last (=in the end)最终;at least至少;in no time 立即,马上;at present 目前。
370. It was the largest experi it _____ six hours.
A. ended& B. finished& C. prolonged& D. lasted
[答案] D. lasted.
[注释]last vi. (for) 持续。
371. The _____ stuck on the outside of the envelope said "By Air".
A. label&&& B. ticket&&& C. signal&&& D. sign
[答案] A. label.
[注释]label 标签,标记。signal信号. sign记号;指示牌:traffic signs (交通版示)。notice布告。
372. Psychological studies show that some people are quick-tempered _____.
A. at heart B. on purpose&& C. in person& D. by nature
[答案] D. by nature.
[注释]by nature 天生,生来。in person 1)亲自,亲身:I shall be present at the meeting in person.(我将亲自出席会议。)2)身体上,外貌上:In person he was handsome, strong and healthy.(他面目清秀,体格强壮。)at heart 1)内心里,实质上:His manners are cold, but he is at heart a kind man. (他的言谈举止有些冷淡,但实际上他是一个好心肠的人。)2)考虑的是......:When I say don't eat sweets, I have your health at heart.(我叫你别吃果糖,是考虑到你的健康。)on purpose 故意地。
373. She was putting on her watch when the _____ broke and it fell to the ground.
A. belt&&& B. strap&&& C. tie&&& D. string
[答案] B. strap.
374. Feudal landlords, and imperialists are in no way more _____ than wolves.
A. reasonable& B. regardless& C. ridiculous& D. rational
[答案] D. rational.
[注释]rational 有理性的。
375. His name was on the _____ of my tongue, but I just couldn't recall it.
A. end&&& B. point&&& C. edge&&& D. tip
[答案] D. tip.
[注释]be on (or at) the tip of one's tongue 就在嘴边,差点被想起,如:The answer was on the tip of my tongue, but I could't think of it.(我差点就想起那答案来,可就是想不起来。) be on the point of 正要(去做某事):I was just on the point of going when you came in.
376. The authorities declared that because of the war petrol was _____ and had to be rationed (定量供应).
A. inadequate&&& B. rare&&& C. lacked&&& D. scarce
[答案] D. scarce.
Scarce(=not available in sufficient quantity, not equal to the demand)不充足的,缺乏的,供不应求的。Inadequate不适应的,不充分的。lack vt./vi. (= have less than enough of) 缺乏;没有;缺少,例如:1)He lacks perseverance.(他缺乏坚定性。)2)Money is lacking for the plan.(此计划尚缺钱。)3)He is lacking in courage.(他缺乏勇气。)be lacking in 常指缺乏某种品质、特点等。lack作及物动词时,一般不用被动语态,故不能选C. lacked.4)They lacked for nothing.(他们什么也不缺。)有人认为,lack for是美国英语。
377. How did it _____ that the two men arrived to address the same meeting at the same time.
A. fall out& B. take place C. get around& D. come through
[答案] A. fall out.
[注释]fall out 1)吵架,闹翻。参阅III.45,52 2)结果是。参III.50注释。本题中fall out意为happen, come about(发生),例如:As it fell out, they were able to sell their old car.(=They didn't know if they could sell their old car, but at last they did sell it.)本题中it是形式主语,that引导主语从句。一般来说,不宜用take place作主语谓语,故不能入选。
378. He looked incredulous(不轻信的) on hearing the news. He seemed to think it _____.
A. incompatible B.incredible C.inclusive D indifferent
[答案] B. incredible.
[注释]incredible (=tha difficult to believe) 不可相信的,难以置信的:His story of rescuing six drowning men was incredible. (他抢救6个溺水人的事情是难以置信的。) incompatible(with)不相容的。inclusive包括的,包含的。indifferent 冷淡的,不关心的。
379. In my opinion, your work does not _____ what I expected of you.
A. catch up with& B. add up to& C. come up to& D. go in for
[答案] C. come up to.
[注释]come up to 达到,符合:1)He tries his best to come up to the expectations of the people.(他努力达到人民对他的期望。)2)This piece of work does not come up to the
required standard.(这件工作没有达到需要的标准。)catch up with 赶上;add up to总计;go in for 从事,致力于,追求,沉溺于。
380. I broke my relationship with John because he always found _____ with me.
A. error&&& B. mistake&&& C. fault&&& D. failure
[答案] C. fault.
[注释]find fault with 挑剔,找......的岔子。例如:1)She tries to please him, but he always finds fault. (=He finds something wrong with everything she does.) 2)They found fault with every box I made. (=They found something wrong or something they did not like in every box I made.)
381. Though he did not say so directly, the inspector _____ the man was guilty.
A. declared&& B. implied&& C. disclosed&& D. said
[答案] B. implied.
[注释]imply 暗示,含有......的意思:Silence sometimes implies consent.(沉默有时暗示同意。)
382. At first it seemed that the building would be all right but later it was found to need _____.
&& A. installations&& B. modifications
&& C. innovations& &&&D. illustrations
[答案] B. modifications.
[注释]modification 更改,修改;installation 安装,装置;设备;innovation革命;illustration说明,例证,图解。按题意modifications最为切题。
383. We can only give you the _____ number of refugees crossing the border at the moment.
A. obscure& B. approximate C. impartial& D. imaginary
[答案] B. approximate.
[注释]approximate 近似的,大约的;obscure模糊的;impartial公正的,不偏的;imaginary假想的。
384. Magnificent views over the countryside have often _____ people to write poems.
&& A. convinced&& B. inspired&& C. induced&& D. attracted
[答案] B. inspired.
[注释]inspire 鼓励,激励,产生:1)His speech inspired us to try again. 2)He inspired confidence in me.(他使我产生信心。)3)The good news inspired us with hope. (这个好消息使我们产生希望。)
385. There are several landladies approved by the universities who take in _____.
A. lodgersB. residents C. inhabitants& D. settlers
[答案] A. lodgers.
[注释]lodger客房;resident居民(对游客而言);local residents(当地居民),temporary residents(临时居民);inhabitant(=person living in a place)居民;a small town of 5,000 inhabitants(有5,000居民的小镇);settler殖民者,移居者;White settlers in Kenya(在肯尼亚侨居的白人);immigrant移民。
386. He is the rudest man I have ever met. Jane, his present secretary, is the only person who can _____ him.
&& A. respect&& B. stand&& C. support&& D. dislike
[答案] B. stand.
[注释]stand (=endure, bear, put up with)忍耐,忍受;1)I can't stand that woman. 2)He cannot stand criticism.
387. The main road through Littlebury was blocked for three hours today after an accident _____ two lorries.
A. containing B. connecting C. involving D. including
[答案] C. involving.
[注释]involve 涉及到。例如:1)This problem involves us all. (这个问题涉及到我们大家。)2)His work involves occasional journeys. (他的工作使他不得不时常旅行。)3) To accept the appointment would involve living in London. (接受这项任命将不得不住在伦敦。)4)John was involved in the trouble. (约翰已陷入困境。)contain 包含,装有;connect 连接,include 包括。
388. Jane read the article over ten minutes but continued to feel the event related were _____.
A. inheritable B.incredible C.infeasible& D. inaccessible
[答案] B. incredible
[注释]incredible 难以置信的;inheritable可继承的;infeasible不切实际的; inaccessible不可到达的(to)。
389. In some cities it is very difficult to have a telephone _____ , and people have to wait a long time before they can get a phone.
A. assembled& B.installed& C. equipped& D. repaired
[答案] B. installed.
[注释]install 安装;assemble(=put together) 装配;equip装备;repaire修理。
390. _____ up children properly is mainly their parents' duty.
A. Growing&& B. Rearing&& C. Bringing&& D. Raising
[答案] C. bringing.
[注释]bring up 教育,教养,抚养大;1)The child is badly brought up. 2) I was brought up to be honest. 参看III.17注释。grow up 成长,长大;发展,形成;1)I grew up on a farm. (我在农庄长大。)2)The custom of going away for one's holiday has grown up during the last thirty years. (外出度假的风俗习惯是最近30年形成的。)rear培养,抚育;rear children.
raise[美国英语]养大;Where was he raised? (他在哪里长大的?) raise还有“饲养”的含义。
[注意]rear 和raise后不能接up,故本题不能选用rearing 或 raising.
391. When the teacher told the boy to sit down, he _____ to her and said she couldn't make him.
A. gave way&& B. talked back&& C. looked up&& D. got down
[答案] B. talk back.
[注释]talk back 顶嘴;1)Don't talk back to me! (别对我顶嘴!)2)Mary talked back when her mother told her to stop she said, “I don't have to if I don't want to.”give way 让路;look up查阅;get down从......下来;记下。
392. People _____ with anyone who is always talking about how wonderful he is.
A. fall in&& B. get fed up&& C. keep company&& D. catch up
[答案] B. get fed up.
[注释]get (be) fed up with (=having had t at the
tired)讨厌;I have had enough of his complaints. I'm fed up. (=I have heard all of the complaints I can stand.)
fall in with 符合,与......一致。参阅III.51注释。Keep company with 与......交往,结伴;catch up with 赶上。
393. Margaret liked all her classes, but she liked sewing class _____.
A. above all B. in general& C. after all D. in particular
[答案] D. in particular.
[注释]in particular (=especially, particularly) 特别是:1) You should avoid eating fat meat, in particular pork. (你应该避免吃脂肪多的肉类,特别是猪肉。2)The speaker talked about sports in general and about football in particular.In general 是in particular 的反义结构,从上述例2)中可以看到。about all最重要的;after all毕竟。
394. Walking down the street, she noticed a long _____ of houses, all exactly alike.
&& A. queue&& B. rank&& C. train&& D. row
[答案] D. row.
[注释]a row of houses (desks, books etc.) 一排房子(书桌、书等),戏院的“一排座位”即为a row of seats. queue (乘车,购物的)队,队伍。Rank(军队队列中的)排、横列。train指“(行进中的)长列,队列”;a long train of visitors(一长列参观者)。
395. The president has told his friends that he is sick but will not admit it _____.
A. in private& B. in secret& C. in public& D. in detail
[答案] C. in public.
[注释]in public 公开地,当众;in private 私下;in secret秘密地; in detail 详细地。
396. The sailor _____ time to visit his family before the ship went to sea.
A. put in for B. got round to C. ask after D. hold on to
[答案] A. put in for.
[注释]put in for(=make an application or request) 提出申请或请求;May I put in for five days' leave?( 我可以请5天假吗?)get round to (doing sth.) 找到时间作某事;ask after 询问,问候;hold on to 坚持(接to 加名词)。
397. Throughout most of their lives, humans _____ learn and increase their mental capacity.
A. actually&& B. readily&& C. fairly&& D. primarily
[答案] B. readily
[注释]readily (=with no difficulty)容易地;They can readily be bought anywhere. (这些 东西在任何地方都能容易地买到。)
actually 实际上;fairly 公平地;相当,划算;primarily主要地,首先;根本上。
398. Through exposure to air, water, and organic matter, rocks _____ changes known as weathering.
A. undergo&& B. transform&& C. undertake&& D. suspend
[答案] A. undergo.
[注释]undergo (=experience esp. suffering or difficulty) 经受:1)She underwent a thorough examination at the hospital. (她在医院接受了全面的检查。)2)The travelers underwent many difficulties. (这些旅行者经受了许多困难。)undertake (=take up a [position]; start on [work]) 从事,负责(某事):1)He undertook the responsibility for changes. (他负责对各种变化作出安排。)2)At first we could only undertake repair jobs.(起初我们只能干修理活。)3)We shall undertake the construction of this bridge. (我们将负责这座桥的修建工作。)transform 改变;suspend吊,悬挂;推迟,暂定。
399. She tried to _____ out of the window to see the procession more clearly.
A. bend&& B. lean&& C. bow&& D. slope
[答案] B. lean.
[注释]lean vi. 倚,靠;lean out of the window(倚着窗户探出身去),lean against a tree(背倚靠着树),lean back in a chair (坐在椅子上背向后倾),lean on a desk(靠在桌上),指胸对桌子。
400. The problem had become _____ in his mind, and he could not decide what to do about it.
A. simplified& B. exaggerated&& C. matured&& D. isolated
[答案] B. exaggerated.
[注释]exaggerate(=say or believe more than the truth about sth.)夸张,夸大:It was a rabbit, not a lion. You are exaggerating as usual. (这是一只兔子,不是狮子。你经常夸大事实。)simplify 简化;mature使成熟;isolate使孤立。
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 第三份资料&& 英语作文高分秘诀
Culture 文化篇
1.A great poem is a fountain forever overflowing with the waters of wisdom and delight.(P. B. Shelley , British poet )伟大的诗篇即是永远喷出智慧和欢欣之水的喷泉。(英国诗人 雪莱. P. B)
2.Art is a lie that tells the truth .( Picasso , Spanish painter )美术是揭示真理的谎言。 (西班牙画家 毕加索)3.Humor has been well defined as thinking in fun while feeling in earnest. (Mark Twain , American novelist )幽默被人正确地解释为"以诚挚表达感受,寓深思于嬉笑"。(美国小说家 马克·吐温)4.The decline of literature indicates the the two keep in their downward tendency.( Johan Wolfgang von Goethe , German poet )文学的衰落表明一个民族的衰落。这两者走下坡路的时间是齐头并进的。(德国诗人歌德 . J . W .)5.When one loves one's art no service seems too hard .(O. Henry, American novelist)一旦热爱艺术,什么奉献也不难。 (美国小说家 欧·亨利)Education 教育篇6.And gladly would learn , and gladly teach .( Chaucer , British poet)勤于学习的人才能乐意施教。(英国诗人, 乔叟)7.Better be unborn than untaught , for ignorance is the root of misfortune.(Plato , Ancient Greek philosopher)与其不受教育,不如不生,因为无知是不幸的根源.(古希腊哲学家 柏拉图)Friendship 友谊篇8. Some friends come and go like a season. Others are arranged in our lives for good reason.(Sharita Gadison)一些朋友随季节离去,而另外一些则伴我们度过美好的季节。9.A true friend is someone you can disagree with and still remain friends. For if not, they weren't true friends in the first place.(Sandy Ratliff)真朋友是可以与你有不同见解的,如果不是,首先就不是真朋友。10.True friendship is felt, not said.(Mariecris Madayag)朋友是说不出的感觉。11.Friends are like stars,you don't always see them, but you know they're always there.(Hulali Luta)朋友是感觉不到的存在。12.Memories last forever, never do they die. Friends stay together, never say goodbye.(Melina Campos)记忆永不死,朋友永不说再见。Health 健康篇13.light heart lives long.( William Shakespeare , British dramatist )豁达者长寿(英国剧作家莎士比亚. W.)14.Early to bed and early to rise , makes a man healthy , wealthy and wise.(Benjamin Franklin , American president )早睡早起会使人健康、富有和聪明。 (美国总统 富兰克林. B.)
15.The first wealth is health .( Ralph Waldo Emerson , American thinker )健康是人生第一财富。 (美国思想家爱默生. R. W.)Happiness 幸福篇16.A lifetime of happiness! No man it would be hell on earth. (G. Bernard Shaw, British dramatist)终身幸福!这是任何活着的人都无法忍受的,那将是人间地狱。(英国剧作家肖伯纳. G.)17.Happiness is form courage .(H. Jackson, British writer)幸福是勇气的一种形式。 (英国作家 杰克逊. H.)18.Happiness lies not in the mere
it lies in the joy of achievement , in the thrill of creative effort .(Franklin Roosevelt ,American president )幸福不在于拥有金钱,而在于获得成就时的喜悦以及产生创造力的激情。(美国总统 罗斯福. F.)19.Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be .(Abraham Lincoln ,American president )对于大多数人来说,他们认定自己有多幸福,就有多幸福。(美国总统 林肯. A.)20.The supreme happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved .(Victor Hugo , French novelist )生活中最大的幸福是坚信有人爱我们。( 法国小说家 雨果. V .)21.We have no more right to consume happiness without producing it than to consume wealth without producing it . (George Bernard Shaw , British dramatist)正像我们无权只享受财富而不创造财富一样,我们也无权只享受幸福而不创造幸福.(英国剧作家肖伯纳. G. )Ideal 理想篇22.Do not, for one repulse, give up the purpose that you resolved to effect. (William Shakespeare , British dramatist)不要只因一次失败,就放弃你原来决心想达到的目的。(英国剧作家莎士比亚.W.)23.Don't part with your illusions . When they are gone you may still exist,but you have ceased to live. (Mark Twain , American writer)不要放弃你的幻想。当幻想没有了以后,你还可以生存,但是你虽生犹死.(美国作家马克·吐温)24.Ideal is the beacon. Without ideal, there iswithout direction, there is no life. ( Leo Tolstoy , Russian writer)理想是指路明灯。没有理想,就没有坚定的方向;没有方向,就没有生活。(俄国作家托尔斯泰. L .)
25.If winter comes , can spring be far behind ?(P. B. Shelley, British poet)冬天来了,春天还会远吗? ( 英国诗人, 雪莱. P. B.)26.Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass.Alexander Dumas (Davy de La Pailleterie, French Writer)生活没有目标就像航海没有指南针。 (法国作家 大仲马. A.)27.The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today.(Franklin Roosevelt , American president)实现明天理想的唯一障碍是今天的疑虑。 (美国总统 罗斯福. F .)Knowledge 知识篇28.Activity is the only road to knowledge.(George Bernard Shaw , British dramatist)行动是通往知识的唯一道路 。 (英国剧作家 肖伯纳. G.)29.Imagination is more important than knowledge .(Albert Einstein , American scientist )想象力比知识更为重要。 (美国科学家 爱因斯坦. A. )30.Knowledge is power . (Francis Bacon , British philosopher )知识就是力量。 (英国哲学家 培根. F.)Struggle 奋斗篇31.Genius only means hard-working all one's life. ( Mendeleyev , Russian Chemist)天才只意味着终身不懈的努力。 (俄国化学家门捷列耶夫)32.I have nothing to offer but blood , toil tears and sweat . (Winston Churchill, British Politician)我所能奉献的没有其它,只有热血、辛劳、眼泪与汗水。(英国政治家 丘吉尔 . W.)
33.Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet . (Jean Jacques Rousseau , French thinker)忍耐是痛苦的,但它的果实是甜蜜的。 (法国思想家 卢梭. J. J.)34.There is no royal road to science ,and only those who do not dread the fatiguing climb of gaining its numinous summits . (Karl Marx, German revolutionary )在科学上没有平坦的大道,只有不畏劳苦沿着其崎岖之路攀登的人,才有希望达到它光辉的顶点。( 德国革命家马克思. K .)35.Where there is a will , there is a way .( Thomas Edison , American inventor )有志者,事竟成。 (美国发明家 爱迪生. T.)
1.According to a recent survey, four million people die each year from diseases linked to smoking. 依照最近的一项调查,每年有4,000,000人死于与吸烟有关的疾病。2. The latest surveys show that quite a few children have unpleasant associations with homework.最近的调查显示相当多的孩子对家庭作业没什么好感。3. No invention has received more praise and abuse than Internet. 没有一项发明像互联网一样同时受到如此多的赞扬和批评。4. Many experts point out that physical exercise contributes directly to a person’s physical fitness.许多专家指出体育锻炼直接有助于身体健康。5.写信的开头:Very glad to receive your letter of July 13.
6.One day after school,XiaoMing passed a Café on his way home.
7.The boss had no choice but to let him in.
8.How he enjoyed himself on the computer!
9.Walking home full of fear,he was sure that he would be scolded.
10.However,other students are against the idea.
11.Sometimes we have too many examinations which are too difficult for us.’s activity has taught us the new meaning of the spirit of LeiFeng:sharing with others what you have—you time,energy,or knowledge—makes you fell warm in you heart.It has truly a difference in how& I feel about myself.
13.The girl whose composition was well written is spoken highly of.
14.No matter what he says,I won’t believe.
15. Thanks to the good weather,our journey was comfortable.
16. At the news of his death,she went pale with sorrow.
(1)表示增加的过渡词:also,and,and then,too,in addition,furthermore,moreover,again,on top ofthat,another,first second third等。
(2)表示时间顺序的过渡词:now,then,before,after,afterwards,earlier,lat er,immediately,soon,next,in afew days,gradually,suddenly,finally等。(3)表示空间顺序的过渡词:near(to),far(from),in frontof,behind,beside,beyond,above,below,tothe right left,around,outside等。
(4)表示比较的过渡词:in thesameway,justlike,justas等。
(5)表示对照的过渡词:but,still,yet,however,on theotherhand,onthecon trary,in spite of,even though等。
(6)表示结 果 和 原 因 的 过 渡 词:because,since,so,as a result,therefore,then,thus,otherwise等。
(7)表示目的的过渡词:forthisreason,forthispurpose,so that等。
(8)表示强调的过渡词:in fact,indeed,surely,necessarily,certainly,withoutanydoubt,truly,torepeat,aboveall,mostimportant等。
(9)表示解释说明的过渡词:forexample,in fact,in thiscase,foractually等。
(10)表示总结的过渡词:finally,atlast,inconclusion,asIhaveshown,inoth erword,in brief,in short,in general,on the whole,ashasbeen stated等。
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 第四份资料 黄冈高考最后单项选择压题卷
第一节& 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
21 .— Jenny looks hot and dry.
— So______ you if you had a high fever.
A. will C.are&& D.would
22. The joke told by Tom made us______, so our maths teacher couldn’t make himself______.
A. hearing&& B.heard&
C. hear&& D. to be heard
23. It was ______ the old clock that the old man spent the whole morning at home.
A. repairing&&&&&& B. repaired&
C. to repair&&&&&& D. in repair
24. The old woman had a letter from her son in the army_____ to her.
A. read& B. write& C. written&& D. received
25. She was so angry at all ______ I was doing ______ she walked out.
A. which&&&& B. that&&
C. that&&&& D. as to
26. ---May I take your order now?
&& ---_______.
A. No,I'm in trouble now&&&&&&
B.Yes, we obey orders
C. Yes, I'd like a dish of chicken&
D.No, I don't have a choice of meat
27. It made all the Chinese happy _____ China succeeded in sending up the first manned spaceship.
A.when&&& B.because&&& C.that&&&&& D.if
28. To our surprise, the painting considered______ should have won the prize.
A. being copied&&& B. having been copied
C. to have copied& D. to have been copied
29.— I like football.
— ______ my sister and me.
A.So do&& B.So are&& C.So did&& D. So it is with
30. The music he is playing sounds_____.
A. nicely&& B. sweetly&& C. lively&&& D. pleasantly
31. At the beginning of the party,______ of the guests was given a piece of paper.
A. everyone&&& B.each&&& C. every&&& D.all
32.---If you like the new house, I suggest you buying it.
---But it's really too expensive. I can't______ it.
A. get& &&B. afford&&& C. supply&&& D. support
33. Is there a bookshop around ______ I can buy an English and Chinese dictionary?
A. which&&& B. where& C.that&& D.what
34. This photo of mine was taken ______ stood the famous Eastern Bright Pearl in Shanghai.
A. which&& B. in which&&& C. where&& D. there
35. He is neither______ European, nor______ American. He is from______ Australia.
A.a; /& &B.a; the& C.a; /&&& D. /
第一节& 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
21.--- Do you know Uncle Tom is crazy about gardening?
&&& ---Sure. He ____ his flowers in the garden now.
A. may be watering&&& B. must be watering
C. could look after&& D. ought to watch
22.____ the temperature falling so rapidly, we couldn't go on with the experience.
A. Since&& B. With&&& C. As&&& D. For
23. I'd love ___ to your party last Sunday if not because of the unexpected guests.
A. to go&& B. going&&& C. having gone&& have gone
24. --Will you two go to the show tomorrow?
---No. We're going to a lecture, or at least I'm planning ____.
A. it& B. to&& C. that&& D. so
25. The rescue team ______to help but failed to get there in time.
A. had wanted& B. have planned C. were expecting& D. hoped
26.1 haven't got a single ______from Aunt Mary since I last saw her.
A. advice& B. news& C. message& D. information
27.---Is it Pro. King that will give the lecture on radiation?
--- I can't __ I know it for sure.
A. say&&& B. tell&& C. speak&&&& D. talk
28. "No, no ", he whispered,____ talking to himself.
A. while&& B. even if&&& C. as if&&& D. when
29. --- Any phone call for me?
--- Yes.____ telephoned 10 minutes ago.
A. A Doctor Simpson&& B. The certain doctor
C. The Tim Smith&&& D. A Simpson Doctor
30. ____ is mentioned above, the number of the cattle here has been limited to 200.
A. It& B. Which&&& C. That&&& D. As
31. ---Would you please give him the paper the moment he ____?
--- No problem.
A. arrives&&& B. appearing& C. came&& D. reaches
32.I wonder ____ we can solve this hard problem.
A. what else&& B. how else& C. that&&& D. as if
33.--- Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the bank?
---Oh, that's ____, it's either the second or the third road on the left.
A. the difficult one&& B. a hard one
C. an easy one&& D. the very one
34. The newly-founded company is faced with lots of trouble, ____ the financial problem ia not the worst.
A. which& B. of which& C. to whom&& D. with which
35. To his surprise, his new play well ____ by the public in China, met a cold welcome abroad.
A. received&& B. accepted&& C. accepting D. receiving
第一节& 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
21.--- ____ at the new school?
--- Fine, I've got used to the life there and I've made some friends.
A. How are you& B. How are you doing
C. Are you getting on well& D. How do you do
22. ---Mary has a very low opinion of George.
---It can' t be any worse than ____ of her.
A. he& B. his&&& C. him&&& D. he does
23. I'll be home late, but please don't }


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