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sacred 什么意思?
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or practices, 供献给.、目的或人的:[6sekr!d] adj, 牛是一种神圣的动物。 sacred from免除:sacred to the
a private office sacred to the President.W venerable,与宗教有关的sacred writings 宗教经典The Koran is the sacred book of the Muslims。宗教的.J, or person: 祭祀的专门用于一种用处: 神圣的庄严的.Dedicated to or set apart for the worship of a deity.Worthy of religious veneration, 被崇为神物的;郑重的.(某人的)纪念碑The cow is a sacred animal to Hindus.对印度人来说;与神有关的Temples, mosques, 上帝的, 宗教的庄严的, 严肃的..用的sacred music圣乐sacred book [writing]宗教经典S-College 罗马的教廷枢密院safeguard the sacredterritory of our motherland保卫祖国的神圣领土a monument sacred to the memory of sb:the sacred teachings of the Buddha.Made or declared holy:sacred bread and wine.Dedicated or devoted exclusively to a single use, sacren的过去分词[ 使神圣化 ] fromOld French sacrer源自古法语 sacrerfromLatin sacr硆e源自拉丁语 sacr硆efrom sacer sacr-[ sacred ]源自 sacer sacr-[ 神圣的 ]*See Also , churches and synagogues are all sacred buildings、圣礼或圣事的或与宗教物品、圣礼或圣事有关的Middle English. 可兰经是伊斯兰教徒的圣书.应受尊敬的.Dedicated to or set apart for the worship of a deity. 上帝的奉献给神的、为祭拜而列出的Worthy of religious veneration: 受崇敬的值得宗教崇敬的、基督教堂及犹太教堂都是奉献给神的建筑物, purpose, or person:the sacred teachings of the Buddha.佛陀令人崇敬的教诲Made or declared holy..的; 专供.;庄严的a sacred promise 郑重的诺言holy religious spiritual profane sacred[5seikrid]adj, 不可侵犯的祭祀(某神)的、被确认为神圣的.圣餐面包和酒Dedicated or devoted exclusively to a single use, purpose: sak-
In Appendixsa揷redly advsa揷redness nsacred来自古法语sacrer<拉丁语sacrare<sacer神[5seIkrId]adj神圣的。(常与to连用)神圣不可侵犯的He considered it a sacred duty to fulfill his dead father's wishes, 受尊敬的. 寺庙.Of or relating to religious objects, rites, or practices.Middle English:sacred bread and wine,past participle of sacren[ to consecrate ] 中古英语,past participle of sacren[ to consecrate ] fromOld French sacrerfromLatin sacr硆efrom sacer sacr-[ sacred ]*See Also : sak-
In Appendixsa揷redly advsa揷redness nsacredAHD:[s硴kr筪]D.神圣的。严肃的. 他认为实现父亲的遗愿是神圣的义务:[6sekr!d] adj.:[6seikrid]K.K.:sacred to the
a private office sacred to the President.为纪念她姐姐专用的;总统专用的私人办公室W venerable.J、清真寺. 有宗教性质的宗教物品, 不受hold sacred尊重, 保护见holy sacred[ 5seikrid ]adj.:[6seikrid]K.K.sacredAHD:[s硴kr筪]D.神的, 宗教的;值得崇敬的Of or relating to religious objects, rites
1;郑重的, churches and synagogues are all sacred buildings.寺庙、清真寺、基督教堂及犹太教堂都是奉献给神的建筑物。2、宗教的,与宗教有关的sacred writings宗教经典The Koran is the sacred book of the Muslims。严肃的、神圣的;s wishes.他认为实现父亲的遗愿是神圣的义务.可兰经是伊斯兰教徒的圣书。3、(常与to连用)神圣不可侵犯的He considered it a sacred duty to fulfill his dead father'与神有关的Temples, mosquessacred[seikrid]adj
庄严的 宗教的
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简明英汉词典sacred[5seikrid]adj.神的, 宗教的, 庄严的, 神圣的美国传统词典[双解]sacredsa.credAHD:[s3“kr1d] D.J.[6seikrid]K.K.[6sekr!d]adj.(形容词)(1)Dedicated to or set apart for the worship of a deity.上帝的:奉献给神的、为祭拜而列出的(2)Worthy of religious veneration:受崇敬的:值得宗教崇敬的:the sacred teachings of the Buddha.佛陀令人崇敬的教诲(3)Made or declared holy:神圣的:庄严的、被确认为神圣的:sacred bread and wine.圣餐面包和酒(4)Dedicated or devoted exclusively to a single use, purpose, or person:祭祀的:专门用于一种用处、目的或人的:sacred to the
a private office sacred to the President.为纪念她姐姐专用的;总统专用的私人办公室(5)W venerable.应受尊敬的;值得崇敬的(6)Of or relating to religious objects, rites, or practices.有宗教性质的:宗教物品、圣礼或圣事的或与宗教物品、圣礼或圣事有关的语源(1)Middle English [past participle of] sacren [to consecrate] 中古英语 [] sacren的过去分词 [使神圣化] (2)from Old French sacrer 源自 古法语 sacrer (3)from Latin sacr3e 源自 拉丁语 sacr3e (4)from sacer sacr- [sacred] * see sak- 源自 sacer sacr- [神圣的] *参见 sak- 继承用法sa“credlyadv.(副词)sa“crednessn.(名词)现代英汉词典sacred[5seIkrId]adj.(1)神圣的;与神有关的Temples, mosques, churches and synagogues are all sacred buildings.寺庙、清真寺、基督教堂及犹太教堂都是奉献给神的建筑物。(2)宗教的,与宗教有关的sacred writings宗教经典The Koran is the sacred book of the Muslims.可兰经是伊斯兰教徒的圣书。(3)(常与to连用)神圣不可侵犯的He considered it a sacred duty to fulfill his dead father's wishes.他认为实现父亲的遗愿是神圣的义务。(4)严肃的;郑重的;庄严的a sacred promise郑重的诺言现代英汉综合大辞典sacred[5seikrid]adj.(1)神圣的, 上帝的, 宗教的(2)庄严的, 严肃的, 受尊敬的, 被崇为神物的, 不可侵犯的(3)祭祀(某神)的, 供献给...的; 专供...用的sacred music圣乐sacred book [writing]宗教经典S-College 罗马的教廷枢密院safeguard the sacredterritory of our motherland保卫祖国的神圣领土a monument sacred to the memory of sb.(某人的)纪念碑The cow is a sacred animal to Hindus.对印度人来说, 牛是一种神圣的动物。继承用法sacredlyadv.sacrednessn.习惯用语be sacred from免除, 不受hold sacred尊重, 保护参考词汇见holy&&&&用法词典sacred来自古法语sacrer<拉丁语sacrare<sacer神英文相关词典sacredholy&&&&religious&&&&spiritual&&&&profane&&&&美国传统词典sacredsa.credAHD:[s3“kr1d] D.J.[6seikrid]K.K.[6sekr!d]adj.(1)Dedicated to or set apart for the worship of a deity.(2)Worthy of religious veneration:the sacred teachings of the Buddha.(3)Made or declared holy:sacred bread and wine.(4)Dedicated or devoted exclusively to a single use, purpose, or person:sacred to the
a private office sacred to the President.(5)W venerable.(6)Of or relating to religious objects, rites, or practices.语源(1)Middle English [past participle of] sacren [to consecrate] (2)from Old French sacrer (3)from Latin sacr3e (4)from sacer sacr- [sacred] * see sak- 继承用法sa““crednessn.英汉法学大词典sacred adj.不可侵犯 ,神圣 英汉化学大词典sacred adj.神圣的,献给...的 英汉计算机大词典sacred adj.神圣的(献给...的) 英汉建筑大词典sacred adj.神圣的,献给...的,专供...用的
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Mail: Copyright by ;All rights reserved.sacr 词根词缀_同根词 - 优词词根字典
词根:【词根含义】:神圣的【词根来源】:来源于拉丁语动词sacro, sacrare, sacravi, sacratus(把...奉为神圣)、拉丁语动词sancio, sancire, sanxi, sanctus(奉献)和拉丁语形容词sacer, sacra, sacrum(神圣的)。【同源单词】:, , , 词根: = holy, sacred 神圣的
来自拉丁语的sacer(=sacred),sancire(=to render sacred)。过去分词为sanctus。sacer,saint 是它们的变形。同义词根有来自拉丁语的pi以及来自希腊语的hagi。 同源词:1. (使和神圣在一起con&com(=together) + secr(=holy))
vt. 使神圣;献给,奉献
consecration n.神圣化;奉献;(圣职)授任仪式
A priest consecrates matzo and wine prior to a communion ceremony. 牧师在圣餐仪式之前将无酵饼和葡萄酒作为祭品。 2. (贬低神圣 de(=down) + secr(=holy))
vt. sth + to + sth 亵渎神圣,玷污神圣
desecration n.亵渎神圣
The Satanists desecrated the church sanctuary with animal blood. 那些崇拜撒时旦的人用动物的鲜血来玷污教会圣所的神圣。 3. (脱离神圣的 ex(=down) + ecr&secr(=holy))
execrate v.诅咒;憎恶
execration n.诅咒;憎恶
How execrabel,that a man guilty of murder should go free. 杀人犯居然逍遥法外,真是太可恶了。 4. (如圣者般行事的 sanct (=holy))
The sanctimonious religious right would outlaw everything fun if they could. 伪装虔诚的宗教保守主义势力总是尽他们所能禁止一切娱乐活动。 5.
sacred cow (印度的)圣牛;&谑&神圣不容侵犯的事物
sacred writings 宗教经典《古兰经》、《圣经》等
sacred music 宗教音乐
sacred promise 着重的诺言
Sacre Coeur (法国巴黎的)圣心大教堂 6.
sacrificial adj.牺牲的 7.
n.亵渎神圣 *leg(=send)
sacrilegious adj.亵渎神圣的 8.
n.&古&(天主教)教堂看守人,圣器保管人 9.
n.(天主教教堂的)圣器收藏室 10.
adj.神圣不容侵犯的 *sanct(=holy)
He regards his privileges as sacrosanct. 他认为自己的特权是不容侵犯的。 11.
the Blessed /Holy Sacrament 圣餐礼 12.
sacramental wine 圣餐用葡萄酒 13.
adj.圣职的,祭司的 *sacer,sacr(=holy),dot(=give)
sacerdotalism n.祭司制度 14.
v.使神圣 *ify (=make)
sanctification n.神圣化 15.
n.批准,认可,承认,同意;(一般数个国家共同对违反国际法的国家所实施的)国际制裁 v.批准,认可,承认,同意
a book that was translated without the sanction of the author and publisher 未经作者和出版人同意而翻译的书
apply economic/arms sanctions against an aggressor coutry 对侵略国家实施经济/军事制裁
punitive /vindicatory sanction 刑罚/惩罚
Would you sanction flogging as a punishment for crimes of violence ? 你同意将鞭笞作为对暴力罪行的惩罚吗? 16.
violate the sanctity of an oath 亵渎誓言的神圣
the sanctities of the home 家庭的神圣义务
n.圣所,教堂,寺庙;内殿;祭坛;避难所,庇护所;(鸟兽等的)禁猎区 *ary ( =place where)
seek /take sanctuary 寻找避难所/逃往圣所
sanctuary of political refugees 政治流亡人士的避难所
sanctuary privilege 庇护权
bird sanctuary 鸟类禁猎区 18.
n.圣所;密室 *un(=place where) 19.
n.圣人;(死后)进入天国的人;天使;道德,崇高的人,似圣徒般的人;(S~)圣(在人名、教堂名、职位名等之前多写做St.) *saint&sanct(=holy)
sainted adj.神圣的;追封为圣徒的
sainthood n.圣徒身份;[总称]诸圣
I'm no saint. 我不是圣人
the (blessed) Saints 上天的各位圣人
St.Luke 圣人卢克 20.
adj.神圣的;圣人般的 *saint,sanct(=holy),ly(=pertaining to)
saintliness n.神圣,圣洁
Saintlike adj.神圣的,圣人般的
saintly expression on his face 他脸上圣人般的表情 21.
v.恳求;吁请(因为是神圣的)《ob- = on account of 》
obsecration n.恳求;请愿词根: = holy 表示“神圣” a. 神圣的
v. 牺牲 n. 牺牲品(sacr+I +fic[=fact做]+e→做出来下献给神的东西→牺牲品)
v. 亵渎(de坏+secr+ate→把神圣弄坏→亵渎)
n. 亵渎(sacr+I+leg收集+e→收集圣物→盗取圣物→亵渎)词根词缀:【来源及含义】Latin: divine, heavenly【相关词根词缀】
Related "holy, sacred" word families: 
【同源单词】, , , , ,sacred的sacr表示神圣的,那么为什么sarcasm毫无神圣的意思?-百谷歌}


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