
&&&&& 《蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士崛起》上映之际,我也很应景地写下有关《侠影之谜》和《黑暗骑士》的感受,两部片我看过多遍,量数上说明了电影的优秀。无论话题还是思想,《黑》胜出一筹已是无可辩驳,但我却是《侠》看得更多些,这多少反映出我是一个乐天派。
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可用积分:20分【终极剧透】蝙蝠侠开场6分钟细节曝光 贝尔叹一个时代结束【克里斯托弗诺兰吧】_百度贴吧
【终极剧透】蝙蝠侠开场6分钟细节曝光 贝尔叹一个时代结束收藏
时光网讯 我们对《蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士崛起》已经等待了太长的时间,听过了太多的消息。但每次看到新消息,仍然会激起对这部电影的强烈期待。下面,是贝尔的一些访谈,以及关于在《碟中谍4》之前放映的影片开场6分钟内容的超前详细透露——当然,还只能算传言,真实与否还要看12月21日开场上映了!
由乔希·潘斯&饰演的年轻Ra’s Al Ghul(后来的反派忍者集团首领)将和年轻贝恩一起出场。  我们能看到“暗影联盟”(League of Shadows)。  有小男孩时的贝恩和小女孩塔莉亚(Talia Al Ghul,忍者大师Ra’s Al Ghul的女儿)有一段友情。这段戏非常像是《蝙蝠侠:侠影之谜》中描写的年轻布鲁斯·韦恩和瑞秋的少年时代戏。也就是说,塔莉亚对贝恩来说就像是瑞秋对布鲁斯的关系:不完全像恋人,也不完全像姐妹,更像个好朋友。  Alon Aboutboul在影片中将饰演一位无名的疯狂科学家,就是他造就了贝恩!  这段开场交待了贝恩受创伤的来源:当时Ra’s Al Ghul和他的妻子被附近的村民看做是巫师和巫女,这些村民像对待弗兰克斯坦一样纵火烧了他们的房子,Ra’s Al Ghul只有一个机会去救女儿塔莉亚和贝恩,结果妻子死于火海。由此贝恩也受了伤。  在这个片段中,我们会看到Ra’s Al Ghul训练了贝恩,就像在《蝙蝠侠:侠影之谜》中他训练了布鲁斯一样。年轻的布鲁斯在《侠影之谜》中掉下废井,而年轻的贝恩则在本片中开场中崛起!  开场中的Ra’s Al Ghul戏份大部分都是由乔希·潘斯饰演,也有连姆·尼森的闪回场面,但基本都是之前影片中出现过的镜头,很快闪过。只有一幕他站在旁边看着贝恩从井上面出现时的场景是新拍的。
附上最新一期的《帝国 Empire》中介绍的《黑暗骑士崛起》的具体情况:其实帝国杂志的内容更长一些,本文内容为superherohype论坛网友的总结内容提要。1. 幕后—华尔街(BEHIND-THE-SCENES – WALL STREET)“我都筋疲力竭了,为了训练和那些大场面的战斗,我身体内的每一根骨头都还在痛,好吧!我认了!呵呵!”汤姆哈迪大笑。在不到一个小时以后——让他和贝尔都感觉非常惊奇(他们都期待这是很长的一天)——《帝国》(Empire)找到了汤姆哈迪,尽管他已经身疲力竭,但精神状态不错。在友好的拥抱式欢迎后,他非常友好地给我们冲了热咖啡。在我们谈论时,我们坐在一份吃了一半的玉米煎饼旁边,这里还有不少的哈迪亲自签名的Bane广告。(“I’m exhausted. Every bone in my body is aching from training and now it’s the big fight scene. So it’s suck it up! Suck it up!” Tom Hardy bursts into laughter. Less than an hour later – surprising both him and Bale, who were expecting this to be a much longer day – Empire finds Hardy out of the costume and mask, and despite his professed knackeredness, in fine fettle indeed. After a friendly bear-hug welcome, he’s kindly brewed us a heady espresso, and we sit next to a half-eaten burrito and a pile of Bane publicity photos that Hardy dutifully autographs with a silver Sharpie while we talk.)“这里有很多事情要做?是吗?”他说道,并向远超过预告片中的持续屠杀场面点点头(诺兰正在大量地拍摄群众演员们的打架战斗场面)。随着他的头剃光并留了一个山羊胡,哈迪看起来更像一个威风凛凛的Nicolas Winding Refn中的Bronson,而不是我们所熟知的诺兰Inception中的那个伊姆斯(Eames)。“这些都是无法抵抗的,”他继续说道,“当你在进入预演室进行预演训练时,好吧!我与七个人发生了接触。对这个人我切削击打,对这个人我闪避并用拳头猛击,对这个人我后拉抱并举起他,这个人我击打他的脸,以及这个,他用锤子打了自己的头。最后,我遇到了蝙蝠侠, 这些在预演室里面排演的都很好,可是当你再加入1000个人,而且他们都已经穿着那七个要被我打的人一样的衣服时——他们可都是**呀——于是我根本就不知道我要打的**在哪里了。但特技大师非常喜欢,告诉我:‘别担心,他们会找到你的!’”(“It’s a lot of business out there, isn’t it?” he says, nodding to the continuing carnage beyond the trailer wall (Nolan has plenty more to shoot with the brawling extras). With his head shaved bald and sporting a goatee, Hardy looks more like the imposing Bronson of Nicolas Winding Refn’s film than the slick Eames of Nolan’s Inception. “It’s very overwhelming,” he continues. “When you’re training in a rehearsal room you go, ‘Okay, I have a contact with seven people. This guy I chin, this one I slip and I punch, this one I pick up and suplex, this guy I kick in the face, and this one, he stops a hammer with his head. And then I meet Batman. That’s all right in a rehearsal room, but then you add 1,000 people that are all dressed the same as the seven you’re supposed to hit – ‘cause they’re all police officers – and I don’t know where my police officers are. But the stuntmaster’s like, ‘Don’t worry. They will find you.’”)
2. 对Bane熟悉吗?(FAMILIARITY WITH BANE)在哈迪手上有一个相当了不起的任务,这并非就是找到那些正确的**并把他们打成重伤那么简单,(他实际上穿过了更多的他应该穿过的**——“因此,对于他们我很抱歉!我确信我们可以在现场报道中找到他们。”)汤姆哈迪不仅仅制造了必不可少的恶行(这些恶行使这个最终章超越了以前所有的情节),他还必须要创造另一个经典的恶人形象,就像希斯莱杰(象征性的,代表性的)在黑暗骑士(The Dark Knight)中扮演的小丑那样,而小丑,老实说,是所有蝙蝠侠坏蛋形象民意调查中得分最高的那位。(Hardy has quite a task on his hands, and it’s not just finding the right policemen to GBH. (He actually went through more than he was supposed to out there – “So, I apologise to whoever they were! I’m sure we’ll find out in the accident report…”) Not only does he have to deliver the requisite villainy to help this final chapter top all that’s gone before, he has to do it with a bad guy who arrives after Heath Ledger (figuratively) smacked gobs with his astonishing take on The Joker in The Dark Knight, and who, let’s be honest, would score a big, fat X on a Family Fortunes Batman villain poll.)老实说,哈迪在饰演Bane这个角色前根本没有听说过还有这么一号人物——“我简直完全是自己逐渐培养出来的”——这还没完,与他对打的百万富翁同伴竟然也是如此。(Hardy himself hadn’t heard of Bane before he was offered the role – “I’m fairly incubated” – and for that matter, neither had his multi-million-dollar sparring partner.) “我以前对Bane这个角色根本不熟,”当《帝国》(Empire)找到他时,克里斯蒂安贝尔承认了这一点,而他就在隔壁的房间,刚刚从他自己的战斗装置中逃出来,“虽然我很模糊地记得Bane是一个疯狂的戴着面具的类固醇性的坏蛋。”我们想知道这是否来自于那个构思不周的及错误认识的《蝙蝠侠和罗宾》(Batman & Robin),在其中,Bane是以一个无脑的、带着摔跤手面具的大个人的形象出现的。“你知道什么?事实上我对他在银幕上的形象的记忆很少,而且很多人告诉我——而且就像你一样退缩,”贝尔咯咯笑道,“我只信任克里斯(诺兰的名字),并对他保持十足的信心,他不会去浪费大量的时间去做出‘这个嗜血的坏蛋是谁’这个问题的蹩脚结论!”(“I wasn’t familiar with Bane,” admits Christian Bale when EMPIRE catches up with him, similarly freed from his battle-gear in his own trailer just next door. “Although I vaguely remembered just a crazy ‘roid-looking guy with a mask.” We wonder if that was from the ill-conceived and ill-received Batman & Robin, in which the character appeared as a mindless, luchador-masked megachump. “You know what? I remember him less actually on screen, and more people telling me that – and wincing just like you did,” Bale chuckles. “I just trust and have faith in Chris. I knew he wasn’t gonna mess around with making a poor decision on who the bloody villain was!”) 事实上,Bane这个坏蛋形象是在1995年由Chuck Dixon, Doug Moench和Graham Nolan(与本片导演毫无关系的人)创造的,并且已经被基于克里斯托弗诺兰的想法进行了重新的阐释,当然,在这个电影还没有公映的早期阶段没有人能够揭示更具体的内容。(就像现在,讨论安妮海瑟薇饰演的猫女或者其他的主要配角在这里依然是被严格禁止的)虽然服装设计师 Lindy Hemming已经对Bane的形象进行了提示(第九部分:Bane的形象)。(Precisely how that villain, created by Chuck Dixon, Doug Moench and Graham Nolan (no relation) in 1995, has been reinterpreted by Christopher Nolan’s purposes is something nobody will reveal at this early stage. (Just as, for now, talk of Anne Hathaway’s Catwoman or the other supporting characters is also off-limits.) Although costume designer Lindy Hemming does drop hints when describing Bane’s look (see Section 9. Bane Clothed).)
3. 序言与IMAX(PROLOGUE & IMAX)我们已经知道在12月21日将会有更多的信息披露出来(碟中谍4 70mm IMAX胶片版前将放映TDKR的6分钟序言),重复了近4年前希斯莱杰饰演的小丑形象被揭示的过程,克里斯托弗诺兰将在选择合适的IMAX影院中放映黑暗骑士崛起(TDKR)的序幕部分,导演要求至少是65mm的版本;而且我们知道,TDKR中有更多的用IMAX摄像机拍摄的动作场面,远远超过了黑暗骑士(TDK)。“序言部分主要就是这部电影的前6、7分钟,”诺兰在两天后解释道,而这两天应该是一个非常有价值的假期,“这部分就是对Bane的介绍,而且是对这部电影其它部分的先期品尝!”(More will be revealed on December 21 when, repeating a strategy that worked well with his Joker reveal almost four years earlier, Christopher Nolan releases the prologue to The Dark Knight Rises in select IMAX cinemas, 65mm being the director’ much more of this film’s action is shot in IMAX than even The Dark Knight’s. “The prologue is basically the first six, seven minutes of the film,” explains Nolan two days later, during what must be a highly valued day off. “It’s the introduction to Bane, and a taste of the rest of the film.”)4. Bane与本片故事是否契合的线索(HINTS ON HOW BANE FITS INTO THE STORY)直到现在,对于那些不明真相的群众和那些Family Fortunes争论者(对小丑、谜语人和企鹅人非常感兴趣的人),我们只能调查Bane有关的文学艺术形象。在一个破碎的加勒比国家(Santa Prisca),Bane从小在一个严厉的监狱高墙内长大,而且被改造成为一个令人畏惧的、拥有强壮身体的人体机器(通过一些叫做Venom的生理增强药物)。基于Bane的最有名的故事就是Knightfall(骑士的坠落),在其中他打断了蝙蝠侠的脊背。(Until then, for the uninitiated and those Family Fortunes contestants who went for The Joker, Riddler and Penguin, we can only examine the character’s graphic-literary formation. Bane was a child raised within the walls of a harsh prison in a fictional Caribbean country (Santa Prisca), who was transformed into a fearsome, hulking man-machine via a physique-enhancing intravenous drug called Venom. Bane’s most celebrated storyline is Knightfall, in which he snaps Batman’s spine like a dry twig.)“Bane,我们将会看到他将给予蝙蝠侠一种身体上的挑战,这是蝙蝠侠在以前从未遇到过的,”诺兰说道,“我们在选择合适的坏蛋和合适的故事的同时,一直在对于蝙蝠侠在肉体上和心理上都进行了非常重要的双重测试。而且,在完结我们的故事和增加故事的视野方面,我们一直尽力地打造一个史诗,所以电影中肉体上的挑战同样变得十分重要。”( “With Bane, we are looking to give Batman a physical challenge that he hasn’t had before,” says Nolan. “With our choice of villain and with our choice of story we’re testing Batman both physically as well as mentally. Also, in terms of finishing our story and increasing its scope, we were trying to craft an epic, so the physicality of the film became very important.”)事实上,诺兰与共同创作者大卫高耶尔在三年半以前就已经想要把Bane打造成主要的坏蛋形象,那个时候黑暗骑士(TDK)刚刚公映时他们就已经第一次对故事进行了讨论。“我们的IMAX版序幕部分主要是要表现Bane这个坏蛋形象与在我们以前电影中蝙蝠侠遇到的坏蛋们是非常不同的,”诺兰继续说道,“他是一个非常大的电影怪物,但却又有着令人难以置信的头脑,而这一点在以前从来没有被提到过。因为这部来源于漫画的故事非常的史诗又非常的有感染性,我们一直在我们所选择的坏蛋中进行公平的寻找,因此Bane是一个非常值得的对手。(Nolan and co-writer David Goyer had settled on Bane as the main villain three-and-a-half years earlier, when they first put the story together just after The Dark Knight’s release. “What our IMAX prologue is aiming at showing is that Bane’s a very different kind of villain than the ones Batman has faced before in our films,” Nolan continues. “He’s a great sort of movie monster, but with an incredible brain, and that was a side of him that hadn’t been tapped before. Because the stories from the comics are very epic and very evocative – very much in the way that Bruce Wayne’s origin story is epic and evocative. We were looking to really parallel that with our choice of villain. So he is a worthy adversary.”)
5. 谜语人(THE RIDDLER)在诺兰和高耶尔决定让Bane作为主要的反派角色的过程中,在坊间听到了许多有关谜语人成为反派的传言。但诺兰坚持认为,在希斯莱杰饰演的小丑之后,谜语人永远不会成为竞争者。(Between Nolan and Goyer’s decision to cast Bane in the prime antagonist role and its announcement, the rumour mill ground out talk of The Riddler. But Nolan insists that, after Heath Ledger’s Joker, The Riddler was never a contender.)“蝙蝠侠的世界,甚至是漫画小说(创作原型)中的世界,”诺兰说道,“这里有一个非常真实的感觉,就是小丑是一个顶尖的、完备的形象,蝙蝠侠同样如此。因此当你想继续这个故事的时候——我们将看到,在这个故事中将完结布鲁斯韦恩和蝙蝠侠的故事——你肯定不想要一个你已经做过的记流水账一般的一个类似的故事版本。你就需要一个完全不同的原型,而Bane则是那个漫画中终极肉体型坏蛋的代表。”(“The world of Batman, indeed the world of all graphic novels, deals with archetypes,” he says. “And there’s a very real sense in which The Joker is an extreme and an absolute and Batman is an extreme and an absolute. So when you’re looking to continue the story – in this case finish Bruce Wayne and Batman’s story, as we see it – then you certainly don’t want a watered-down version of a character you’ve already done. You want a different archetype. What Bane represents in the comics is the ultimate physical villain.”)
「战舰世界」新版本今日更新--万圣节活动来袭,&鬼&门大开,铁血男儿力挽狂澜!「战舰世界」重现二战世界大型海战,战列舰 航空母舰 巡洋舰 驱逐舰巅峰对决鏖战大洋!
6. Bane与残忍(BANE AND BRUTALITY)在华尔街上描述一个故意伤害罪,“肉体上”看起来是一个温和的路子,但这个词又是可以持续上升和发酵的词汇。例如,贝尔已经证实,“(对于蝙蝠侠来说)第一次在克里斯的电影中遇到在肉体上十分强壮的大反派。”而且在影片中“肉体”特征正是哈迪所表现出的,他没有透漏哪怕一点点的有关Bane的行程和他的动机的任何信息,但是他却大谈他的做法,尤其是他的战斗风格。(“Physical” seems a mild way to describe the mayhem on Wall Street, but it’s a word that keeps coming up. Bale, for example, confirms, “It’s the first time in Chris’ movies that we’ve had an adversary who’s physically superior [to Batman]”. And the physicality is something in which Hardy appears to revel. He won’t reveal a jot about Bane’s agenda or his motives, but he’ll talk in detail about his methods. Specifically his fighting style.)“他是残忍的,”哈迪热心地说,“残忍,他很好地阐释了什么叫做残忍。而且你知道,他是一个大家伙,他是令人难以置信的临床上认定的大家伙,事实上他还有定向的只要结果的战斗风格,结果已经很明白了。”哈迪大声地笑着,“你知道我说什么吗?就是:哨声向后就干掉对方,更快!更迅速!所有的一切以前是无法想象的,他打倒你,他已经打倒了别人。这并不关于战斗,这只是Bane的残杀,他就是一个大粉碎机,他是一个爆裂的子弹,这种风格就是重手、重脚,这非常凶恶!所有从小的关节操作都可以转化为支离破碎的头骨,破碎的肋骨,压碎的胫骨、膝盖、脖子和锁骨,将头打掉,将拳头打进胸膛,拉碎脊柱等等。他什么都干得出来!”(“He’s brutal,” Hardy enthuses. “Brutal. He’s expedient delivery of brutality. And you know, he’s a big dude. He’s a big dude who’s incredibly clinical, in the fact that he has a result-based and orientated fighting style. The result is clear.” He laughs boisterously. “Do you know what I mean? It’s: *beep* off and die. Quicker. Quicker. Everything is thought out way before. He’s hit you, he’s already hit somebody else. It’s not about fighting. It’s just about carnage with Bane. He’s a smashing machine. He’s a wrecking ball. The style is heavy-handed, heavy-footed, it’s nasty. Anything from small joint manipulation to crushing skulls, crushing rib cages, stamping on shins and knees and necks and collarbones and snapping heads off and tearing his fists through chests, ripping out spinal columns. It’s anything he can get away with.”)这是一部12-级别的电影,是吗?(This is a 12-certificate(什么意思?) film, isn’t it?)“是的,但是我不能以12-级别的态度去演这部电影。当我们要射杀谁的时候,会首先射杀孕妇和老年女士。命令每个人都站起来,并且一起听,他是一个心理上更强过肉体上的恐怖分子,因此他非常可怕,真的是一个非常可怕的工作片段。(“Yeah, but I’m not approaching it with a 12-certificate attitude. If we’re going to shoot somebody, shoot the pregnant woman or the old lady first. Make sure everybody stands up. And listens. He is a terrorist in his mentality as well as brutal action. So he’s horrible. A really horrible piece of work.”)
7. 为什么选汤姆哈迪?(CASTING TOM HARDY)哈迪是这个角色诺兰的首选,虽然第一眼看起来他并不能胜任这个角色,而且此时,他正打算开始参演新一集的乔治米勒的《疯狂地MAX》(现在则是哈迪继TDKR后接下来的一个项目)。当诺兰听说这部电影开机延迟了之后,迅速地向哈迪打了电话。基于哈迪的描述(他身上有着神秘的诺兰印迹),这个对话大致是这个样子的:(Hardy was Nolan’s first choice for the role, although it at first seemed he wouldn’t be available as, at the time, he was about to start on George Miller’s Mad Max reboot (now Hardy’s next project after The Dark Knight Rises). As soon as Nolan heard about that film’s delay, the director gave him a call. According to Hardy (who does an uncanny Nolan impression, by the way), the conversation went something like this:)诺兰:汤姆,我正打算制作一部新的黑暗骑士电影,而且我正在寻找……这里有一个角色,我想你非常适合这个角色。你可能不感兴趣,因为我想要……嗯,我正在请求你作为一个演员……并带上一个面具。就六个月,如果你有兴趣或者你想来,我这里有一些非常乐意告知你的细节,嗯,你考虑一下吧,他是一个大坏蛋,我想我们在这最后一集中将要玩得很大!(Nolan: Tom. I was just considering doing a new Dark Knight and I was just wondering… There’s a character in it, which I think you would be perfect for. You might not be interested, because I appreciate… Um, I’m asking quite a bit of you as an actor to… wear a mask. For six months. It’s something I’d like to talk to you about if you’re interested and maybe you might consider, um, having a think about it. He’s a villain. I think we’re going to go big on this last one.)哈迪:“你的意思是说我被允许可以与我想要一起合作的特效团队、武术指导一起工作?我可以拿着任何可以拿到的武器拍摄?而且是否可以空闲出六个月的时间给你吗?而且我要做这些的话一定要戴面具?”(Hardy: Are you saying I’d have access to all the stunt coordination team that I want to play with, martial-arts wise, all the weapons I could possibly want to play with, and I get to hang out with you for six months? And all I have to do is wear a mask?)诺兰:“是的,基本上如此!”哈迪:“好吧!算我一个!”(Nolan: Yeah, basically.Hardy: *beep* sign me up, man.)最终证明,面具对于哈迪来说完全不是问题,他自己形容自己是一个“身体有病的人——如果我恐慌它将变得很难(呼吸),而且如果我冷的话它也还行。”但是《帝国》(Empire)更想知道的是诺兰是如何处理他的大反派必须主动将他的大部分脸遮起来。(The mask, it turned out, wasn’t much of a problem for Hardy. He describes any issues he has as “psychosomatic – if I panic it’s not easy [to breathe], and if I’m chilled it’s fine.”(这句话很费解,神马意思?) But EMPIRE wonders how Nolan dealt with his villain having to emote with the majority of his face hidden.)“我觉得如果我能够找到像汤姆那样天才的人,并且愿意将自己遮藏在角色之中,我就会或许许多非常与众不同的东西,”诺兰说道,“我对一个伟大演员的感受在每一个时刻,每一个手势,计划执行中的每一个步骤。”这里,他解释了是什么原因导致他没有用更多的人去做嵌入式的工作(例如当你看到一个角色的手冲抽屉中拿出一把枪时)。“汤姆完全拥有这些特质,对于移除脸上的表情来说这是一个令人难以置信的挑战,因此不能通过通常的方式来进行表达,而且只能使用双眼及一小部分的头皮、双手和双腿。我从汤姆那里知道我能够获得我想要的整个角色,而且所有的事情都令人难以置信的按照想法在顺利进行。而且许多他做的都是非常违反直觉的。”(“I felt that if I could get somebody as talented as Tom to agree to hide himself in the character I would get something very special,” he says. “What I really feel with a great actor is every movement, every hand gesture, every step has performance in it.” This, he explains, is the reason he doesn’t hire doubles to do insert work (such as when you see a character’s hand take a gun out of a drawer). “Tom completely got that. It’s an incredible challenge to remove motion of the face so that you can’t put things across in the usual way, and you just have the eyes and a bit of the scalp and the arms and the legs. What I knew is that from Tom I would get something where you get a total character and everything has incredible thought applied to it. And a lot of what he’s doing is very counterintuitive.)“他在声音的丰富表达和身体运动的沉静之间拥有非凡的分隔,他找到了一个恰当的路径去饰演一个残暴的、强有力的角色,并能以一些平静的态度对待它,并且能够表现出难以想象的那种在次数上的快速。难以想象!他只有一些擦伤威胁着他,这些都是临时的。它们结合在一起时你会看到这是多么强有力的事情,远远超出去哦以前的想象。这就是与一个伟大的演员一起工作时能够获得的。”“He has this incredible disjunction between the expressiveness of the voice and the stillness of the movement of his body. He’s found a way to play a character who is enormous and powerful with a sort of calm to it, but also is able to be incredibly fast at times. Unpredictable. He just has a raw threat to him that’s extraordinary. It’s a very powerful thing when you see it come together, beyond what I had ever imagined. That’s what you get from working with great actors.”
8. 布鲁斯韦恩与蝙蝠侠(BRUCE WAYNE & BATMAN)那么关于黑暗骑士自己呢?《帝国》(Empire)问贝尔,这是贝尔第三次也是最后一次穿上蝙蝠侠制服,这部电影是否包含了Knightfall中断脊柱的故事情节。贝尔带着歉意地笑了笑,道:“我十分确信你以前曾经经历过这些,而且现在你将再次经受这些!”他说道,“我被要求噤声,我该怎么办,你应该去和克里斯讨论这个,对不?好吧,我可以要求他决定是否回答这个问题。”(But what of the Dark Knight himself? EMPIRE asks Bale, back in the batsuit for the third and final time, if this film contains even a flavour of Knightfall’s backbreaking storyline. Bale smiles apologetically. “I’m sure you’ve experienced it before, and you’re about to experience it right now,” he says. “The wall of silence where I go, ‘You’re gonna speak with Chris, aren’t you? Right. I’ll let him decide if he’s going to answer that one or not.’”)其结果是,诺兰不能回答这个问题,但他却揭示了一点:“这次真的要结束蝙蝠侠和布鲁斯韦恩的故事了,我们在黑暗骑士(TDK)的结尾处把他留在了一个非常不确定的位置,他的名声被撕碎,并且处于逃亡之中。于是我想,或许对于一些朋友非常的吃惊,我们的故事重启是从一个非常晚的时候,在黑暗骑士故事的八年后;这个时候,他已经变成了一个老一些的布鲁斯韦恩,已经不再具备很好的状态。”诺兰大笑,“他并不是从来没有过很好的状态,他只是在时间的流逝中被冷却了,他将要碰壁!”(As it turns out, Nolan won’t answer that one, either, but he will reveal this: “It’s really all about finishing Batman and Bruce Wayne’s story. We left him in a very precarious place at the end of The Dark Knight. His reputation in tatters, on the run. And I think, perhaps surprisingly for some people, our story picks up quite a bit later. Eight years after The Dark Knight. So he’s an older Bruce Wayne. He’s not in a great state.” Nolan laughs. “Not that he was ever in a great state! He’s frozen in time. He’s hit a brick wall.”)贝尔扩展了这个话题,“这里必须留心一个观念就是,这个家伙受到了巨大伤痛的打击并且必须从中走出来——但是是什么导致他变得非常沉沦呢?问题是:你讲允许伤痛占据你的人生多久呢?他必须努力,回答它并行动起来。”(Bale expands on this. “It does harken back to that notion that this guy originated from great pain and he has to address that – but at what point does it become indulgence? The question is: how long do you allow pain to dominate your life? He has to try and answer that and move on.”)黑暗骑士崛起(TDKR) 同样令人注目的一点是,它将是第一部着重在白天展示他的主要角色的诺兰版蝙蝠侠电影。一个大胆的结论,毕竟,这不是Adam West TV 的一个秀。“我们觉得在某种程度上我们获得了这样处理角色的权利,”诺兰解释道,“Batman Begins(BB)着重解释了蝙蝠套装的逻辑含义,而且它为什么只属于黑暗阴影处,因为在隐秘的场所他可以作为新的象征去威慑人们。而通过黑暗骑士(TDK)我们把他从魔术时刻中拖出来,而且我们改变了制服的风格,于是他可以抵挡各样的暴漏。而且此时这个角色本身拥有很好的声望,于是他可以更多的暴漏自己并持续威慑人们;于是在第三部中我们将这些更进一步地发展……”“但是,”诺兰接着说道,“这些大部分依然是在黑暗中进行的!”(The Dark Knight Rises is also notably the first of Nolan’s Batman films to show his main character operating in daylight. A after all, this is hardly the Adam West TV show. “We felt to some degree we’d earned the right to do that with the character,” explains Nolan. “Batman Begins was very much about explaining the logic of the suit, and how it belonged in the shadows, in a position of stealth where he’s able to intimidate people with it as a new entity. And then through The Dark Knight we would bring him out during the magic hour and we changed the suit accordingly so he withstood that kind of exposure. But also the character himself has the reputation now, so he’s able to expose himself more and still intimidate people. And with the third film we’re just pushing that further…“But,” he adds, “plenty of it takes place in the dark, too!”)如果哈迪是可以信任的,蝙蝠侠走进阳光下并不会对在他们战斗场景中蝙蝠侠所代表的能力的持续消失产生任何的影响。“他看起来真的非常吓人!这里有一个大我三岁的家伙正在过来,‘天哪!那是蝙蝠侠!那是蝙蝠侠正在过来准备揍我!但我爱蝙蝠侠!’”(这些应该是哈迪说的话)他对着《帝国》(Empire)一顿邪笑。“现在我看镜头里,我对他进行了反击,加倍用力!”( If Hardy is to be believed, Batman’s move into sunlight has done nothing to diminish the power of his presence during their combat scenes. “He does look really intimidating! There’s a three-year-old in me that’s going, ‘Oh my God that’s Batman! That’s Batman and he’s going to hit me! But I love Batman!”He shoots EMPIRE an evil grin.“Then I look in the mirror. And I hit him back. Twice as hard.”)
9. Bane的制服(BANE CLOTHED)服装设计师Lindy Hemming 对我们讲述了这个最后的蝙蝠侠坏蛋的风格。面具:“我希望它可以看起来更像野兽,我看这些就像一个银背大猩猩,露着尖利的牙齿并张牙舞爪。”(Costume designer Lindy Hemming talks us through the latest Bat-villain’s styleTHE MASK“I wanted it to be like an animal. I looked at things like silverback gorillas, and snarling teeth and fangs coming up and fangs coming down.”)呼吸的机器:“在早期的故事中他受伤了,他从伤痛中回复并需要一些气体来维持生命,没有面具的话他将很难再疼痛中生存,从面具下面引其它东西呢——麻醉气体。”(THE BREATHING MECHANISM“He was injured early in his story. He’s suffering from pain and needs gas to survive. He can’t survive the pain without the mask. The pipes from the mask go back along his jawline and feed into the thing at the back, where there are two canisters of whatever it is – the anaesthetic.”)盔甲:“他再漫画中开始的时候将自己装进摔跤服的皮带中,但他看起来更像一个战士/雇佣军,而不是一个摔跤手。”(THE ARMOUR“Here he has nods to the straps of the wrestling suit he started with in the comics, but he’s much more of a warrior/mercenary than a wrestler.”)装备:“他的装备是用于开天辟地的,所以对于他来说这是一个沉重的装备,但这毕竟是故事的一部分。”(THE TECH“His stuff has been made on the move over the mountains of the world. So there is a slightly clunky element to him, and that’s part of his story.”)
10. 什么故事呢?(WHAT IS THE STORY?)《帝国》(Empire)在以前的六个月里整理了我们能够探测到的所有线索,当然这里有剧透的嫌疑,非喜勿看,因为可能会存在我们蒙对的情况!呵呵!(EMPIRE considers the clues we’ve detected over the last six months. The spoiler-sensitive might want to look away in case we’re right about any of it!)玛丽昂歌迪亚与囧瑟夫我们知道他们在影片中出现了,而且还知道他们分别饰演Miranda Tate(一个韦恩集团的董事会成员)和John Blake (一个**),但是谁知道他们究竟是谁呢?我们希望其中一个是友好的,一个是敌人,但谁是谁呢?(MARION COTILLARD AND JOSEPH GORDON-LEVITTWe know they’re in the film, and we know they play Miranda Tate (a Wayne Enterprises board member) and John Blake (a cop) respectively, but who are they really? We expect one to be a friend and one a foe. But which is which)蝙蝠侠的飞行器片场照揭示了新的装备——或者至少,他又实用的FX-因素——而且还会飞。在官方从来没有人叫它“Batwing”,虽然,而且可以在街道场景中看到使用它,我们要说的是,它更像个直升机而不是喷气机。BATMAN FLIES!Pap snaps have revealed the new vehicle – or at least, the practical FX-element of it – and it flies. No-one’s officially calling it the ‘Batwing’, though, and judging by how it’s been used in street scenes, we’re saying it’s more chopper-based than jet.稻草人回归?诺兰的常用演员西利安墨菲在九月份的片场被发现,看起来黑暗骑士配角——稻草人的出现非常合理,我们不能证实那个报道的直接的证据——在匹兹堡的监狱暴动场景摄制中(也可能刚好是Bane出现的初始场景),但他某种程度上必须逃离Arkham…(SCARECROW’S BACK?Nolan regular Cillian Murphy was spotted on set in late September, which makes a Dark Knight-esque Scarecrow cameo highly likely. We’re not convinced there’s a direct link to the reports of a prison breakout scene shot in Pittsburgh (that could just as well be part of a Bane origin scene), but he must get out of Arkham somehow…)猫女猫女并不神秘,而且我们知道是安妮海瑟薇饰演的猫女,但我们想知道更多的细节。我们并不认为我们可以通过猜测她使得蝙蝠侠和Bane互相争斗去赢得奖金,而且还有那些猫耳朵?那是她晚上的护目镜,上翻式的。(THE CATNo secret Catwoman’s in it, and we all know she’s played by Anne Hathaway, but there are still scant details. We don’t think we’d win any prizes for suggesting she may be playing off Batman and Bane against each other. And those ‘cat ears’? They’re her night goggles, flipped up.)战车是的,在这部电影中有多于三辆以上的战车,但它们都并非传统上的蝙蝠战车;它们是越野迷彩型风格的,而且是Bane的军火库中的一部分。难道有人从卢修斯 福克斯的地下室里偷走了原理图……?(TUMBLERS!Yes, there are three more tumblers in this movie, but they’re not additional B they’re desert camo-styled, and part of Bane’s arsenal. Has someone been sneaking schematics out of Lucius Fox’s vault…?)拉斯 阿拉古尔Josh Pence (社交网络中的那个双生子)据报导将出演“年轻的拉斯阿拉古尔”,而且在六月份的时候连姆尼森在片场被发现。别瞎想他会复活,虽然——更像是一些闪烁的回忆,并且好像与Bane将领导重新组建的影子军团有关,或许与塔利亚阿拉古尔有直接关系,塔利亚是拉斯的女儿——另一个被谣传很久的角色。(RA’S AL GHUL?Josh Pence (the digitally-replaced-by-Armie-Hammer twin in The Social Network) is reported to be playing “Young Ra’s al Ghul”, while Liam Neeson was spotted on set in June. Don’t expect a resurrection, though – more likely flashbacks which could connect up with the fact that Bane’s likely leading a revitalised League of Shadows, perhaps in conjunction with Talia al Ghul, Ra’s’ daughter – another character rumoured to be appearing.)
11. 高森市的架构(THE ANATOMY OF GOTHAM)有五个城市曾经成为诺兰版蝙蝠侠的高森市场景:芝加哥(BB,TDK)在前两部的电影中,更多的高森市的外景就是风之城。伦敦(BB,TDK,TDKR)我们自己的首都(帝国杂志是英国的)曾经作为高森市的一小部分出现,而且是唯一一个在三部电影中都出现的城市。洛杉矶(TDKR)洛杉矶在TDKR中初次登台。匹兹堡(TDKR)“我们在这里做了非常多的事情。”诺兰说过——包括最大规模的场景——在Heinz Field的一部分。纽约(TDKR)“在前两部电影中,我们没有更多的资源,”诺兰说道,于是他非常热衷于把真实的高森市归于他的最后一个拍摄的城市(纽约)。(最终,高森市的原型就是纽约,并不是我们以前经常讨论的芝加哥)The five cities that make up Nolan’s Bat-turfCHICAGO (Batman Begins, The Dark Knight)Most of the exterior shots of Gotham in the first two films were The Windy City.LONDON (Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, The Dark Knight Rises)Our own capital only makes bit-part appearances as Gotham, but is the only city to appear in all three fil***OS ANGELES (The Dark Knight Rises)LA makes its Nolan-Batman debut with The Dark Knight Rises.PITTSBURGH (The Dark Knight Rises)“We did an enormous amount here,” says Nolan – including a gigantic set-piece at Heinz Field.NEW YORK (The Dark Knight Rises)“We didn’t have the resources to film there on the first two movies,” says Nolan, so he was keen to get the real Gotham into his finale.注:《帝国》杂志内容转自黑暗骑士崛起吧,由Yidahoo翻译,在此表示感谢!
好多剧透 不过既然官方敢透……我就敢看 肯定有更大的惊喜在影院才会看到


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