
【prins darin】续帖[视频]Lovekiller试听会采访(听译版)中英文_darin吧_百度贴吧
【prins darin】续帖[视频]Lovekiller试听会采访(听译版)中英文收藏
昨天翻到吧主上年发的一张帖子:【prins darin】[视频]Lovekiller试听会采访(听译版) 瑄丽dё绽放
1楼&&&&&&&&&&&& 搞不定啊搞不定 谁来帮帮忙= =为什么这么好的帖子居然没几个人顶!吧主真是辛苦了,已经听译了这么多!!!英文水平很强悍啊。采访真是有点长,但是本身很有内容!!所以不才决定继续把这项伟大的工程进行到底!本来想直接回帖的,结果一直说我含有不适当内容?!!所以就重新发了,我不是要掩盖原帖啊坚持把剩下的听完了,顺便翻译了。第一次听译,不免错漏,多多指教~PS:最近心情很Down.....偶尔来吧里逛逛,看看D宝的笑容,生活要有希望啊有希望。 有关&Lovekiller&专辑的一些创作背景!
(大概前三分钟小丽姐听出来的部分,Darin简称D,BABAYJ简称B)Darin: hey everyone, this is Darin, and you are watching Finest TV with BABYJ.大家好,我是Darin,你在收看由BABYJ主持的 Finest TV.BABYJ: waht's up, &%@#$#%(报了一串不知道什么的名字) here's my homeboy Darin, what's happened Darin?这是Darin,你好吗?D:what's up, how are you你好。B: good. we are here to talk about your new album. Do you wanna tell our veiws about the name of the new album?今天我们来谈谈你的新专辑。要不说说你新专辑的名字?D:the album is called "lovekiller", and also my current single.新专辑名为《Lovekiller》,目前的唯一专辑。B:why did you call that name for the new album?为什么给专辑命名《Lovekiller》呢?D:because that was the first song that i wrote for the album, "lovekiller".and i er...that was the whole sound. that's when i came up with the sound for the album, and after that i just wrote all these songs. with the same start(??? 这句听不清) 因为Lovekiller是我为这张专辑写的第一首歌,一首完整的曲子。我为这张专辑而构思了这首歌,之后我就写出了所有的歌曲。**B:what do you find in your influences in the music right now? Do any particular artist you listen to? especially... are you listen to... cos you are swedish artist. are you... is there any swedish artist you are listening to right now? you are like... you know...你认为你现在受什么音乐影响呢?有没有一些特别的歌手?你是瑞典歌手,那么你听其他瑞典歌手的歌曲吗?D:i listen to everything. you know. i like all touched music but what inspire me the most is... when i am in the studio, when i just feel the course. you know. when i am doing the song. the course give me a melody in my head. i just recorded them, then the melody gives me like the pictures in my head and that's lyrics.我什么都听的。我喜欢所有一切让我感动的音乐。不过,最让我深受启发的是......当我在录音室的时候,当我感受到**的时候,当我谱写曲子的时候,**在脑海中给了我旋律。我只是将他们记录下来,旋律在我脑中形成了图画,那就是歌词。B:so it's basically you paint with your songs. another question after that for you, do you sing in the shower?所以基本上你是将你的歌曲“画”下来了。另一个问题,你洗澡的时候唱歌吗?D: of course, i do. i always sing when i am at home even in the shower (B:even in the shower?).当然啦,我在家甚至在洗澡的时候都经常唱歌。(B:洗澡的时候?)B:do you have a particular song or certain songs of artists that you sing in the shower. you see... i sing like leona lewis in the shower. i don't know why.你洗澡的时候有没有特别喜欢唱某个歌手的歌?我特别喜欢在洗澡的时候唱Leona lewis,我也不知道为什么。D:it's always diffirent songs. most songs are that i just write. you konw... new songs.经常是不同的曲子,大多是我自己写的曲子,新的。B:i know you are MJ fans. so any MJ songs in there?我知道你是MJ的饭,你唱MJ的歌吗?D:Sometimes...#$%$&(TAT 听不出来)有时候吧~(笑)B:you gotta do a couple. what do you do before you get on the stage? there are some artist that they have to do someting to get that. When you get on stage... i see this guy walk on stage... like you, very calm. you know... you do not really like jumping around, you know, #$%#$ing each other, #$%%& behind stage. (这句我认了 实在听不出) you know... you kindda get up there... you grab... switch... what is the the the... make you do that switch?你有很多歌曲可以唱。你在上台之前做什么呢?有些歌手在上台之前会做某些事情。当你上台时....我就看见了这兄弟走上了台...像你呢,非常冷静....你不会到处乱跳乱跑,你走上去了,你就转变了。是什么让你有那个转变?D:i hear that a lot like... lot of people tell me like "you are not the same person when you are on stage. something happened to turn it out." something that i notice is just something automatic. the thing is that i feel more like myself when i am on stage than off. cos er... i feel at home when i am on the stage. just like... i release everthing inside of me. it only happens automatically. it's not like something i need to try to get out. you know...it just happens when i on the stage.我听到过很多这样的说法......很多人告诉我:“你在台上的时候似乎不是同一个人,某些东西让感觉出来了。”我注意到这些是自然而然的。我感觉在台上的时候比在台下更像我自己。我在台上的时候感觉十分自在.....就好像身体内有些东西被释放了。它是顺其自然的,而不是需要我去把它带出来。你知道的,当我在台上时,它就来了。
(以下是我继续补充的)BABYJ: Now with the new album, dropping some new songs live. is that scary for you to do that? Because you know...There used to be certain songs. you know, you get...like five...**out, so that you see, you wrote certain songs, do you feel hard to drop out these new songs?Live, you know, to test it out. When you test songs out, has it happened yet and how do you feel?说说新专辑吧,关于现场表演。你害怕那么做吗?因为以前有过一些(现场表演过)的曲子。你谱写了曲子,你觉得将它表演出来难不难?现场表演,你知道,就是试验。你有没有尝试过把歌曲试表演出来,感觉如何?Darin: Yeah...I sang two of the new songs. They are released on this tour, the summer tour. You know people don't know the songs, and you know you're a little bit nervous before singing them. But it's ** so far.是的,我唱过(专辑中的)两首曲子,都是在夏季巡演时表演的。大家并不知道这些曲子,所以在演唱前会有点紧张。 B: Isn't that a great feeling for you when you're on stage? How does it make you feel when you're on stage and you look out , you see everybody's singing something you wrote. What is that, has it ever hit you just like punch you on the face, like, wow, they're singing my songs.当你在台上时,你应该感到很棒吧?当你站在台上看着每个人都唱着你写的歌曲,这种感觉如何?有没有一种击中你脸的感觉,比如:哇,他们在唱我的歌。
D: Yeah, it does sometimes. Sometimes I actually turn my micro to them, I just want to hear them sing, you know.(B: You like that?)Yeah, I like that feeling. People sing along, just like, you know, you're one of the audiences.是啊,有时候。有时我会把麦克风给他们,我就想听着他们唱歌.(B:你喜欢那样吗?)是的,我喜欢那种感觉。人们跟着你一起唱,就如你是他们中的一份子一样。
发英文发不上来了 总是被提醒发送了不适当内容或者广告贴 为什么
视频啊 马克一下。 LZ可以试试 贴吧和谐检测器
我膜拜下 基本上3分钟是我的极限了 再听各种没耐心了
插楼后继续~ B: How do you feel about social media, I'm talking like facebook, twiter, blogs, something like that, do you feel like actually important now for you as an artist, because you're in such an social media...do you feel that it gonna actually...they help? You and this?你怎么看待社交媒体,我说的是如脸谱网,推特,博客这种的,身为一名歌手你认为这对你来说重要吗,因为你就置身于社交媒体中。你认为它们有帮助吗? D: I think the blogs themselves like....you just want to get the music out, of course. But at the same time you want people to inspire your music. Because it's your work. You spent so many hours, in the studio, writing (songs)...but er..still, the most important thing is to let people hear the music.我想博客就如.....你想要把音乐秀出来,这是当然的。同时你又希望人们能从你的歌曲中深受启发,因为它们就是你的工作成果。你在录音室里花了那么多时间谱写歌曲.....不过,最重要的事情还是能让人们听到音乐。 B: Do you feel that this album is gonna give your fans something that you haven’t given them in your other albums? (D:definitely.) And why?你认为你的新专辑能给予你的歌迷们某些其他专辑无法给予的新感觉吗?(D:当然的)为什么? D: There're a lot of different songs here. First it's a new style. You can compare to my other styles, especially to my last album, coz this is more from the heart. Songs and lyrics, it's usually...I've been writing these songs during the night when I'm at home.里面有许多不同的歌曲。首先,这是全新的风格。你可以对比我其他的风格,特别是上一张专辑(注:《Flashback》),因为这更发自内心。歌曲与歌词......当我在家时, 夜晚我一直在写这些歌曲。 B: Since you're at night ** the feeling..ah...giving up?你是在晚上写的...你有感觉想放弃吗? D: I get these feelings. I have to write these songs. I just go to the piano and play, and just sing, it's a magical feeling. So** it's been a lot, especially...(B: Which one?)It's called I'll be alright. It’s the last song of the album.我找到了感觉。我一定要写这些曲子。我只是走到了钢琴前,弹奏,歌唱,那是魔幻般的感觉。特别是*****(B:哪一首?)叫《I'll be alright》,专辑的最后一首。 B: A lot of people...When they&& make albums, they specifically lay an order of the songs...this song should be the first, this one should be second, this one should be the last...and this one...it's kinda of story telling.许多人在制作专辑的时候,他们会特地安排歌曲的顺序。这首应该在第一,这首应该在第二,这首应该在最后......这首.....就如陈述故事一般。 D: Yeah..actually, two months..you know, no, this should be the first.是的,确实是,两个月....这个,不,这个应该安排在首位...... B: Tow months? It's very important .(D: It's really important.) What's the story behind this, like.., there is a story that you try to tell by laying these songs out in a certain way, there should be like, I want to lay this ** someone to feel me. Like this, end it up here. What's the story behind that?两个月?那它非常有分量。(D:是的,十分有分量)故事背景是什么呢?在你给这些歌曲安排某个顺序的背后应该有个故事的。就如这样:我想要他人感受到我。所以,就如这首一样,放在最后。那么,故事到底是什么呢? D: Like a feeling. I want the first song to be very powerful, you know, automatically, suck into it, that's why I had the Microphone, that's why I had that one, as the first song. And I want to take it down a little bit...ending up, and the last song I wanna it to be like...a slow ballad.是一种感觉。我希望第一首非常强有力,无意识地,(人们)被吸引入其中。这就是为什么我把Microphone安排在第一首的原因。然后,我希望把它稍微降下来一点....结束时,我希望最后一首歌曲是一首歌谣。B: Some kind of show cases, you know, inside you, nice….We gonna cut this now…你内心的某种表演欲望呢....很好~ 现在我们先结束访谈~ (采访fans,不翻了,基本上说很好啊很好~)
谢谢六楼,总算顺利把全文发出来了 Darin的英文讲的不是一般的好,基本没口音!但是网上英文的采访还是比较少,其余那些视频听不懂只能傻笑看着D瑞典语就是天文啊天文~所以难得有这么长的视频采访,努力把它听出来
我没耐心没实力翻译- - 我膜拜你啊LZ!
白里透红 白里透红8件套 价格优惠
学了这么多年英文......除了偶尔看下电影看下书,此刻发现其实真的很有用......喜欢听D讲英文哩~吧里该不少人英文都很强哦 没事听译下 发扬光大啊哈哈
他是木口音 但是也各种不标准 毕竟不是native speaker= =还有咱吧里有很多未来英语都很强的 大家还小都是潜力股
难得有英文版的采访, 给力一记!马克一下
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