
PHP: I find the PHP equivalent of &cfdump& on GitHub shortly after I p ...
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[ 所属分类
| 时间 2015 |
作者 红领巾 ]
Sometimes I don't know why I bother. Oh well: at least I know more about Composer now. That's useful.
Forever, there's been a implementation of &cfdump& , over at / . As good as that is, I didn't want to "install" it via downloading the file and sticking it into our codebase, I decided the better approach would be to work out how to package it up and install it via composer. That's why I was horsing around with Composer for the last coupla days (" PHP: trying (but not succeeding) to create my own Github-based Composer Package " and " PHP: Fixed! My colleague sorts that Composer issue out for me ").
So I grabbed dBug.php and stuck it in a Github repo (not in a James Harvey sort of way , I acknowledged the authorship of the code appropriately), and worked out how to load it via Composer and all the rest of that bullshit. I was knocking together the test code for this article when I did a slightly different Google search than usual and... found the version of it already on GitHub. Sigh. It's over here: /ospinto/dBug .
Oh well. Anyhow, in case yer a PHP person and don't know about &cfdump& , I'll write up the demo code anyhow.
Here we go:
// dump.php
require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
$o = new dump\C('publicProperty value', 'protectedProperty value','privateProperty value');
'string' =& 'a string',
'object' =& $o,
'array' =& $o-&getProperties()
new dBug($v);
This outputs as follows:
Oh... C is defined thus:
public $publicP
protected $protectedP
private $privateP
function __construct($publicProperty, $protectedProperty, $privateProperty){
$this-&publicProperty = $publicP
$this-&protectedProperty = $protectedP
$this-&privateProperty = $privateP
public function getProperties(){
return $this-&getAsArray();
private function getAsArray(){
'public' =& $this-&publicProperty,
'protected' =& $this-&protectedProperty,
'private' =& $this-&privateProperty
It just demonstrates the difference in handling non-public elements of objects.
That shits all over var_dump() :
array(3) {
string(8) "a string"
object(dump\C)#2 (3) {
string(20) "publicProperty value"
string(23) "protectedProperty value"
string(21) "privateProperty value"
array(3) {
string(20) "publicProperty value"
string(23) "protectedProperty value"
string(21) "privateProperty value"
So... yeah... that's it. I dunno how I didn't find the GitHub version earlier. All in all it was a helpful exercise, and hopefully I can coerce my Team Lead to let us integrate this with our dev environment.
I'm also gonna work out how to implement this as a Twig Extension too... but first I'll google to see if it'-)
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