我的世界nei codechickencoree-1.7.10-什么模组

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The owner of this website (mod-minecraft.net) has banned your access based on your browser's signature (39482bea731b77a2-ua98).我的世界1.7.10Forge整合包下载|Minecraft1.7.10简单Forge整合包 - wdsj下载站
> Minecraft1.7.10简单Forge整合包
时间: 16:33 | 来源:网络搬运 | 作者:木琴
游戏大小:207 MB文件:.rar
  【小地图】Voxel Map-Mod-1.7.10
整合包相关分类作者:chicken_bones 链接:
Base common code for all chickenbones mods.
Mod安装使用说明以及常见问题: 无需Forge版参考mod
MOD下载地址: PS:(强烈建议海外玩家使用本MOD的官网下载地址下载本MOD,这也是对作者的一种支持。)
适用Minecraft 1.8
CodeChickenCore-1.8- 适用Minecraft 1.7
CodeChickenCore-1.7.10- 适用Minecraft 1.6
CodeChickenCore-1.6.2- 适用Minecraft 1.5
CodeChickenCore 适用Minecraft 1.4
CodeChickenCore 适用Minecraft 1.3
CodeChickenCore 0.6.5.jar
官方公众号[1.7.10][HQM/MT][附赠服务端][214Mods][GTNH][GT New Horizons——格雷科技新视野号]&-&Minecraft(我的世界)中文论坛 -
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[1.7.10][HQM/MT][附赠服务端][214Mods][GTNH][GT New Horizons——格雷科技新视野号]
GT, Thaumcraft, Buildcraft, Witchery, Galacticraft, BloodMagic, Forestry, Better Questing 700+ Quests
声明:以任何方式散布修改版Minecraft客户端的行为本身违反,而且Mod整合包本身也具有的安全隐患问题。Minecraft中文论坛不推荐您使用任何Mod整合包,设立本版仅为方便用户交流。Minecraft中文论坛对于整合包本身对您的计算机造成的一切后果概不负责,且对本版的一切内容随时保留应Mojang AB、微软公司或Mod作者要求采取删帖等行为的权力。
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GT New HorizonsMade By DreamMasterXXL原帖进入1.5.0.7版本已更新
如果!格雷科技不能颠覆你的世界观!那么!GTNH这个整合最适合你!没错!本整合包含了GregTech5u, Thaumcraft, Buildcraft, Witchery, Galacticraft, BloodMagic, Forestry等<font color="#ff个Mod,以及有<font color="#ff+个任务等你来完成!当然!本整合还加入了整合包作者自己制作的几个GregTech扩展Mod!但是!它将会再一次的颠覆你的世界观,让你沉迷于其中至少一年!来吧!让GTNH在一次超越纯GT,达到抖M的巅峰!游戏的任务发展流程0级: 最普通的Minecraft,潘马斯农场,格雷科技的燧石工具1级: 格雷科技-青铜时代,匠魂,凿子,暮色森林2级: 格雷科技-低压时代,铁路加强-RailCraft,林业-Forestry,更多实用工具-Extra Utilities,背包-Backpacks3级: 格雷科技-中压时代,神秘时代及其扩展,林业,高级太阳能,应用能源24级: 格雷科技-高压时代,星系及其扩展,AFSU,巫术5级: 格雷科技-超高压时代,Gendustry,血魔法6x级: 格雷科技-Max电压时代游戏内容技术你做的每件事都与GT相关的。我用我自己制作的GT New Horizons Core和Minetweaker GT Mod两个Mod魔改了各种GT机器。(P.S.这是整合包作者自己制作的两个模组,不要见怪)你也可以游玩TiCo, Railcraft, Forestry, Extra Utilities, Openblocks, AE2, Buildcraft, Galacticraft with many addons, Gendustry, Steve's Carts, Open Computers和其他Mod。魔法许多Mod都与神秘时代Mod挂钩。他的扩展,如禁忌魔法,Automagy,神秘工匠,神秘能源,神秘视野等神秘时代扩展我全部进行了魔改。当你游玩到一定时候的话,如果你的魔力足够,那么你完全可以玩到巫术,甚至血魔法Mod。探索使用现实世界创以及用Biomes o'Plenty创建一个美妙的地形。暮色森林(你需要征服它才能玩完神秘时代),星系Mod和其他Mod添加了超过八个维度。生存Hunger Overhaul, Pam's Harvestcraft, Special Mobs, HEE, Infernal Mobs, Lava Monsters, Zombie Awareness.你能玩下去吗?你想建造自己的庄园并轻松地杀了眼前的一切生物,建立高度发达的科魔基地和地下城吗?当然,你可以。你有很长的路要走。授权证明
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& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 音乐欣赏注:第二首歌同样是游戏内BGM
实况推荐Questions&AnswersQ:为什么官网下载的游戏启动不了?A:如果下载源是官网的话,强烈建议使用进行启动。如果没有购买正版下载源请选择网盘。Q:为什么下载文件失败了?可以选择BCMLAPI(Made By @bangbang93 )下载源。实在不行请重新下载游戏。游戏启动界面P.S.如果你的启动界面不是这样的,那么一定出问题了
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& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & Mod列表[共214个Mod]├─添加的Mod[]│&&Galacticraft│&&GT New Horizons Core Mod 1.3.40│&&Loot Games 1.0.13│&&YAM Core 0.5.76├─Mod[]│&&1.7.10-MB_Battlegear2-Bullseye-│&&AdvancedSolarPanel-1.7.10-3.5.1a.jar│&&adventurebackpack-1.7.10-0.9fbeta27.jar│&&ae2stuff-rv3-│&&AFSU-1.2.3a-Freeza.jar│&&AngerMod-1.7.10-0.6.jar│&&AppleCore-mc1.7.10-1.3.8.jar│&&appliedenergistics2-rv3-beta-6.jar│&&AquaCreepers-1.0.1.jar│&&ArchitectureCraft-1.7.10-1.4.2.jar│&&AsieLib-1.7.10-0.4.7.jar│&&Automagy-1.7.10-0.28.2.jar│&&autopackager-1.5.9a.jar│&&Avaritia-1.13.jar│&&Avaritiaddons-1.3b.jar│&&backpack-2.2.4-1.7.x.jar│&&bdlib-│&&BeeBetterAtBees-0.3.jar│&&BetterQuesting-1.0.173.jar│&&BiblioCraft[v1.11.5][MC1.7.10].jar│&&BiblioWoods[BiomesOPlenty][v1.9].jar│&&BiblioWoods[Forestry][v1.7].jar│&&BiblioWoods[Natura][v1.5].jar│&&Binnie Patcher 1.8.jar│&&binnie-mods-2.0-pre14.jar│&&BiomesOPlenty-1.7.10-│&&BlockLimiter-1.7.10-0.51a.jar│&&BloodArsenal-1.7.10-1.2-7.jar│&&BloodMagic-1.7.10-1.3.3-24.jar│&&BloodyQuests-1.7.10-1.1.0.jar│&&bq_themed-1.0.0.jar│&&BrandonsCore-│&&buildcraft-7.1.17.jar│&&buildcraft-compat-7.1.5.jar│&&Carpenter's Blocks v3.3.8.1 - MC 1.7.10.jar│&&catwalks-2.0.4.jar│&&Chisel-│&&CodeChickenCore-1.7.10-│&&CoFHCore-[1.7.10]3.1.4-329.jar│&&CoFHLib-[1.7.10]1.2.1-185.jar│&&CompactKineticGenerators-1.7.10-1.0.jar│&&Computronics-1.7.10-1.6.2.jar│&&CraftTweaker-1.7.10-3.0.12.jar│&&CustomMainMenu-MC1.7.10-1.9.2.jar│&&DefaultWorldGenerator-1.7.10-0.1-b13-universal.jar│&&Draconic-Evolution-1.7.10-1.0.2k.jar│&&DummyCore1.13.jar│&&ElectroMagicTools-[1.7.10].jar│&&EnderCore-1.7.10-│&&EnderIO-1.7.10-│&&EnderStorage-1.7.10-│&&EnderZoo-1.7.10-│&&EnhancedLootBags-1.7.10-1.0.2a.jar│&&EnhancedPortals_1.7.10-universal-3.0.12.jar│&&EternalSingularity-1.7.10-1.0.4.jar│&&ExtraCells-1.7.10-2.3.14b199.jar│&&extrautilities-1.2.12.jar│&&fastcraft-1.23.jar│&&FloodLights-1.7.10-1.2.8-137.jar│&&Forbidden Magic-1.7.10-0.575.jar│&&forestry_1.7.10-│&&gadomancy-1.7.10-│&&GalacticGreg-1.7.10-0.9.5.jar│&&Galacticraft-Planets-1.7-│&&GalacticraftCore-1.7-│&&GalaxySpace-1.1.3a STABLE.jar│&&gendustry-│&&GraviSuite-1.7.10-2.0.68u.jar│&&gregtech-│&&GTNewHorizonsCoreMod-1.7.10-1.3.25.jar│&&GTTweaker-1.7.10-1.1.1.jar│&&HardcoreEnderExpansion&&MC-1.7.10&&v1.8.6.jar│&&HelpFixer-1.0.7.jar│&&HoloInventory-1.7.10-│&&HungerOverhaul-1.7.10-1.0.0.jenkins104.jar│&&IC2 Nei Plugin Version 1.1.0.jar│&&IC2NuclearControl-2.4.1a.jar│&&IguanaTinkerTweaks-1.7.10-2.1.6b.jar│&&industrialcraft-2-2.2.827a-experimental.jar│&&InfernalMobs-│&&INpureCore-[1.7.10]1.0.0B9-62.jar│&&InventoryTweaks-1.59-dev-156.jar│&&ironchest-1.7.10-│&&IronChestMinecarts-1.0.4.jar│&&irontank-1.7.10-│&&Jabba-1.2.2_1.7.10.jar│&&journeymap-1.7.10-5.1.4p1-unlimited.jar│&&LavaMonsters-1.7.10-2.2.1.jar│&&magicbees-1.7.10-2.4.3.jar│&&malisiscore-1.7.10-0.14.3.jar│&&malisisdoors-1.7.10-1.13.2.jar│&&Mantle-1.7.10-0.3.2b.jar│&&MicdoodleCore-1.7-│&&ModTweaker2-0.9.6.jar│&&MouseTweaks-2.4.4-mc1.7.10.jar│&&natura-1.7.10-126.240ee6f.jar│&&neiaddons-│&&NEIIntegration-MC1.7.10-1.1.2.jar│&&NodalMechanics-1.7-1.0-13.jar│&&NotEnoughItems-1.7.10-│&&NotEnoughThaumcraftTabs-1.0.2.jar│&&OpenBlocks-1.7.10-1.6.jar│&&OpenComputers-MC1.7.10-│&&OpenModsLib-1.7.10-0.10.jar│&&OpenModularTurrets-1.7.10-2.2.10-237.jar│&&OpenPeripheralAddons-1.7.10-0.6.jar│&&OpenPeripheralCore-1.7.10-1.4.jar│&&OpenPeripheralIntegration-1.7.10-0.6.jar│&&OpenPrinter-MC1.7.10-│&&OpenSecurity-1.7.10-1.0-99.jar│&&p455w0rdslib-1.7.10-1.0.4.jar│&&Pam's Harvest the Nether 1.7.10a.jar│&&Pam's HarvestCraft 1.7.10Lc.jar│&&PlayerAPI-1.7.10-1.4.jar│&&ProjectBlue-1.1.6-mc1.7.10.jar│&&ProjectRed-1.7.10-4.7.0pre12.95-Base.jar│&&ProjectRed-1.7.10-4.7.0pre12.95-Compat.jar│&&ProjectRed-1.7.10-4.7.0pre12.95-Fabrication.jar│&&ProjectRed-1.7.10-4.7.0pre12.95-Integration.jar│&&ProjectRed-1.7.10-4.7.0pre12.95-Lighting.jar│&&ProjectRed-1.7.10-4.7.0pre12.95-Mechanical.jar│&&ProjectRed-1.7.10-4.7.0pre12.95-World.jar│&&questbook-1.1.0.jar│&&Railcraft_1.7.10-│&&RandomThings-2.2.4.jar│&&ReAuth-1.7.10-3.4.1.jar│&&RemoteIO-1.7.10-2.4.0-universal.jar│&&ResourceLoader-MC1.7.10-1.3.jar│&&RFExpansion-1.0.13.jar│&&roguelike-1.7.10-1.5.0b.jar│&&RWG-alpha-1.3.2.jar│&&SGCraft-1.13.3-mc1.7.10.jar│&&SpecialMobs-1.7.10-3.3.0.jar│&&SpiceOfLife-mc1.7.10-1.3.8.jar│&&StandardExpansion-1.0.108.jar│&&StevesAddons-1.7.10-0.10.16.jar│&&StevesCarts2.0.0.b18.jar│&&StevesFactoryManagerA93.jar│&&StorageDrawers-1.7.10-1.10.8a.jar│&&StorageDrawers-BiomesOPlenty-1.7.10-1.1.1.jar│&&StorageDrawers-Forestry-1.7.10-1.1.1.jar│&&StorageDrawers-Misc-1.7.10-1.1.1.jar│&&StorageDrawers-Natura-1.7.10-1.1.1.jar│&&Tainted-Magic-r7.6.jar│&&tcinventoryscan-mc1.7.10-1.0.11.jar│&&tcnodetracker-1.7.10-1.1.2.jar│&&TConstruct-1.7.10-│&&TGregworks-1.7.10-1.0.15.jar│&&Thaumcraft-1.7.10-│&&ThaumcraftMobAspects-1.7.x-2B-snapshot-17.jar│&&thaumcraftneiplugin-1.7.10-1.7a.jar│&&Thaumic Machina-1.7.10-0.2.1.jar│&&ThaumicBased.1.4.1-1710-8.jar│&&thaumicenergistics-│&&ThaumicExploration-1.7.10-1.1-60.jar│&&thaumichorizons-1.7.10-1.1.9.jar│&&ThaumicTinkerer-2.5-1.7.10-540.jar│&&TiCTooltips-mc1.7.10-1.2.5.jar│&&Tinkers-Defense-1.2.1b.jar│&&TMechworks-1.7.10-│&&Translocator-1.7.10-│&&twilightforest-1.7.10-2.3.7.jar│&&Universal Singularities-1.7.10-8.4.jar│&&UtilityMobs-1.7.10-3.1.1.jar│&&UtilityWorlds-1.7.10_1.0.9.jar│&&Waila-1.5.10_1.7.10.jar│&&WailaHarvestability-mc1.7.10-1.1.6.jar│&&WAILAPlugins-MC1.7.10-0.2.0-25.jar│&&WanionLib-1.7.10-1.5.jar│&&WarpTheory-1.7.10-1.0h-DEV.jar│&&Wawla-│&&WirelessCraftingTerminal-1.7.10-rv3-│&&witchery-1.7.10-0.24.1.jar│&&WR-CBE-1.7.10-│&&YAMCore-1.7.10-0.5.70.jar│&&Ztones-1.7.10-2.2.2.jar├──Mod核心│& && &Baubles-1.7.10-│& && &CodeChickenLib-1.7.10-│& && &commons-codec-1.9.jar│& && &commons-compress-1.8.1.jar│& && &ForgeMultipart-1.7.10-│& && &ForgeRelocation-│& && &ForgeRelocationFMP-│& && &MrTJPCore-更新日志(学霸日志)Version ---- 16.04.2017Mod Upgrade:Galacticraft New Horizons Core Mod 1.3.40Loot Games 1.0.13YAM Core 0.5.76Code changes:Core Mod(Segmented transfer of custom tooltips Multiline tooltips)Lootgames(First Lootgame now ready for action)Config changes:Core Mod(Chest 1-4 changes)Loot Games(config changes)Quests:A fewTypo Fixes.使用说明[spoiler]1.请勿轻易更换/删除/升级Mod,那可能使整合包崩溃2.请在解压整合包后,用替换.minecraft目录下的GregTech.lang推荐配置IntelCorei5+8G内存,分配3-4G这是楼主的配置,后来加的内存
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@u.s.knowledge @绅士桑改&&
神一样的 居然转载了
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13:21 编辑
旧版更新记录3-5New Mods:
Open Peripheral Addons 0.6-249
Open Peripheral Core 1.4-280
Open Peripheral Integration 0.6-95
Mod Upgrade:
Adventurebackpack 0.9fbeta27
Apple Core 1.3.8
Asie Lib 0.4.7
Avaritia 1.1.3
Avaritiaddons 1.3b
Cofh Core
Cofh Lib
Computronics 1.6.2
Core Mod 1.3.25
Ender IO
Gravitation Suite 2.0.68u
Open Blocks 1.6-753
Open Computers
Open Mods Lib 0.10-464
Open Mudualr Turrets
OpenSecurity 1.0-99
SG Craft 1.13.3
Spice of Life 1.3.8
Tinker's Gregworks 1.0.15
Thaumic Based.1.4.1-1710-8
Thaumic Exploration 1.1-60
Thaumic Tinkerer 2.5-540
Tincers Construct
Tinkers Defense 1.2.1d
Universal Singularity 8.4
WAILA Plugins 0.2.0-25
Wireless Crafting Terminal rv3-
Changed/added Recipes:
Avaritia and many other Mods(Added Creative Item recipes to Avaritia 9x9 crafting Table, Singularities completly rewritten)
Biblio Craft (Nerf the whole Mod and wood addons)
Binnies Mod(&Fluorescent Dye& recipe not working, and not showing in NEI, Growth medium recipe works with distilled water too)
Chisel(Clauds can be chiseld now)
Core Mod(EXP recipe fix, Soy/Tofu now in the mixer. myterious Crystal macerator recipes and other Core mod item conflicts)
Enhanced Lootbags(Added Fortune Bags to the missing Bags)
Forestry(Stamps added to Client recipes because other servers not hve our plugins)
Galacticraft(Added to most of the GC items Thaumcraft Aspects, Sealbale ME Cable)
Galaxy Space(A bug about the Crafter )
Gravisuit(Advanced Jetpack are in Titanium Tier)
HEE(Suggestion: GT processing of HEE items,Decomposition Table remove because you can cheat with it, Added a Ghost Amulet recipe to the Infusion Table on GTNH Page)
IC2(Added to some items Thaumcraft Aspects, change ic2 values on Tools because * not works well, Change Composite Vest recipes, add a shaped recipe to weeding towel, change Cropstick recipe )
Iron Chests(Added Upgrade recipes)
Minecraft(Pressure Plate Recipe -& Shaped)
Open Blocks( Glider now in the Steel Tier LV, Auto Enchantment Table now Thaumcraft only recipe)
Open Modular Turrets(Change fence recipes a bit)
Open Peripheral Addon(nerf mod)
Pams harvestcraft(Add Cornmeal recipe for the macerator)
Project Red(Electrotine now compatible with Nikolite)
Railcraft(Remove Coal recipe from Adv Furnace because of a bug Charcoal can be made into coke coal, Only Blocks works, Engraver now have a recipe, HS Track recipe fix)
Thaumcraft(Try to hide most of the wand caps and wands in NEI)
Thaumic Tinker(Bottomless Pouche recipe fix)
Thaumic Exploration(fully nerfed now)
Tinkers Construct(Mutton Jerky add recipe)
Tinkers Defense(Aeon Steel , Dogbearium and Queens Gold Arrow Head are move to Extruder recipe only because of a nasty crash)
Diverse Mods(Recipes with enchanted books fixed to choose only this Book)
Code changes:
Avaritia and Addons(Added new Singularities, change eteral singularity, Change Matterball be have a bigger size now)
Core Mod(Field generators rework and add to the core mod, S and Q Tank rework, Glove rework, Adding &The Chemist& and &The Cook &Coins, ordict harvestcraft Flour, Added Mechanist and Sojourner Wand caps for Thaumic Exploration support, added GT Color item recipes, set Unification to Salt from Pams Harvestcraft, , added Railcraft Tanks and stuff to core mod recipe for better reverse recipes)
Gregtech(Field generators rework and add to the core mod, rename Fieldgenerators to Tier 1-8, Added Steelleaf Block, roving all 32, and 128 eu recipes and change it to 30/120/480 eu recipes, change a few Material levels like Black Steel, HSAL, Meteoric Iron and Steel, Reinforced, Stainless Steel, Shadow Iron and Steel, Black, Red, Blue and Dmaskussteel, Realgar, Add Ironwood Rollling Pin, langfile Ore fixes, Energetic and Vibrant Alloy now a Tier down, Add support of reactor chambers in GT transformers , Fix charcoal pit accepting wood planks, fix turbine check in large turbines , rework Rail recipes a bit, Carbon Fiber need now Epoxid, change Biogas recipe to 1000l out at mv, add plastic out of BioMass back , Make the game crash on wrong config with Orgen, fix big diesel EUt with oxygen, making an impregnated stick out of a wood stick now, fix ASS line , change BioGas a bit because it was over-nerfed)
Thaumic Base(We using the fork from KryptonCaptain, Fix Tobacco NPE )
Thaumic Exploration( add this recipe to code because i cant make the construct recipe visible)
Thaumic Tinker(Added forbidden dimension config)
Config changes:
Adventure Backpacks (Backpack Death Place=false so the Backpack is inside your grave now)
Core Mod(Add more Tooltips to the Carbon Parts for the Nono Armor, Tooltip Nitro Diesel works only in MV Dieselgens and up)
Ender IO(Cornmeal in Sag mil recipe)
Enhanced Lootbags(Added new Transportation Backpacks)
Gregtech(Added 60 Ormixe to the Deep Dark Dimension(Need to add that to the Google Sheet), Now Pams harvestcraft Salt is the standart type of salt, Obsidian Plates recipe changed, Haumea Orgen fix, Infinity Catalyst Small Ore now on VegaB not on Venus, New Plutonium 244 Ore Mix )
Galaxy Space(Added many Blocks to Forge microblocks now)
Infernal Mobs(config cahnges because this file on the server was messed up)
Open Computers(Change Max shapesize to 64)
Open Peripheral Addon(add configs)
Thaumic Tinker(Add Bottomless Pouch to the Blacklist in Dim 55 )
Tinkers Contruct(Autosmelt remove from Autoupdates on Tools, Disallow Travelers Belt in Dim 55)
Tinkers Gregworks(Changed many materials in durability, attack, draw speed, wight etc)
Universal Sigularities(Added a burn value to Charcoal Singularity)
Warp Theory ( Warp Rain Effect now set to 25)
Twilight Forest and DE(remove Draconium Orgen in TF)
Serverdat (Added Bacon Gaming Server and Dirthuts 2 GTNH Server)
Jetpack Quests, Armor Quests, Food Quests, Spear, Shield and Qiever Quests, Fast Steel Production with Arc Furnace, Trasportation Quests, Anvil Quest, Add two Automation Quests for the Tico Smelterry, More BBF Quests, Coke Oven Automation Quest, Quartz Quest and Good Circuit Quest, add crop Quest , Alloy smelter Quest in LV Tier,
Fixes: Change Quests rewards/tasks to one kind of cells, fixed Nether Quest reward 14 Obsidian instead of 9, Watering Can Quest move, changed most of the Tier 2 Quests to retrieval Quests, Typo fixesBig Update
New Mods Added:
AE2 stuff
Dragon's Radio Mod 1.7.1
Enchiridion 2.0.2a
IC2 Nei Plugin 1.0.7
IN pure Core 1.0.0B9-62
Utility Worlds 1.0.7
Ztones 2.2.2
Mod Updates:
Blood Arsenal 1.2-3
Brandons Core
Buildcraft 7.1.8
Buildcraft Compat 7.1.1
CoFH Core 3.0.3-303
CoFH Lib 1.0.3-175
Electric Magic Tools 1.2.2
Extra Cells 2.3.0b142
Gregtech 5.08.30
GT New Horizons Core Mod 0.9.29
GTTweaker 1.0.9
Hardcore Ender Expansion v1.8.4
Hunger Overhaul 1.7.10-
Industrialcraft 2.2.780
InGame Info XML
Magicbees 2.3.6
Mine Tweaker3 3.0.10B
Mod Tweaker 2-
Open Blocks
Open Mods Lib 0.8.399
Open Security 1.0-65
Storage Drawers 1.6.2
Tinkers Construct
Thaumic Tinkerer 2.5.510
Recipes added/changes:
Make new Recipes for this mods:
AE2 stuff (all)
Dragon's Radio Mod 1.7.1 (all)
Enchiridion 2.0.2a (all)
Ztones 2.2.2 (all except the Blocks)
Change/added Recipes for this mods:
AE2 (Crystal Growth Accelerator)
Extra Utilities (Conveyor Belts, Cabinets, Compressed Blocks, and more Blocks)
Gravisuite (Vajra, Cooling Core, Vajra Core)
Gregtech(Coolant Cells)
GT New Horizons Core Mod (Wither Protection Ring, Neutron Reflector Fix, Coolant Cells, Graphite Block)
IC2 (Cropnalyzer, Coolant Cells, Heat Vents and everything with MetaData,)
Minecraft (Lever in Assembler Recipes)
Open Computers (Case 2,3 and Server Rack)
Project Red (JetPack)
Random Things (Online Detector)
Config added/changes:
Advanced Solar Panels (new Molecular Transformer recipes)
GT Core Mod (Custom Drops, Hazit items, Custom tool Tips,)
IC2(new Configs available but not set)
Natura(Trees can be disabled but i dont touche it)
Tinkers Construct(now no iron ore on the surface any more, can set density for ardite and cobalt)
Ztones (Blocks are sealable GC and Multipart able, disabled the pill and the totem)
New Mods Added:
Biomes O Plenty
Ender IO
Flood Lights 1.0.3-116
Gravi Suite- 2.0.54u (old mod with a new style)
Not Enough Thaumcraft Tabs 1.0.1
Removed Mods:
Gregs Lightning 1.11.2
Mod Updates:
Anger Mod 0.6
BiblioCraft 1.11.4
Blood Magic
Block Limiter 0.4
Brandons Core 1.0.8
Buildcraft 7.1.13
Buildcraft Compat 7.1.2
Draconic Evolution 1.2-5
Electro Magic Tools 1.2.2fix2
Ender Core
Extra Utilities 1.2.12
GalacticGreg 0.9.4
Galaxy Space 2.6
GT NewHorizons CoreMod 1.0.3
Holo Inventory
HQM The Journey 4.3.3
IC2 Nei Plugin Version 1.0.8
IC2 Nuclear Control 2.3.2a-Butt
Iguana Tinker Tweaks-
Industrialcraft 2.2.791
Malisiscore 0.12.10
Malisisdoors 1.10.1
Mantle 0.3.2b
Mod Tweaker2
Open Blocks
Open Computers
Open Mods Lib 0.8.410
Open Printer
Open Security 1.0-66
Pam's Harvest Craft 1.7.10k-fix
Remote IO 2.4.0
Spice of Life 1.3.0
Storage Drawers Woods (different Versions)
Thaumic Tinkerer 2.5.513
Tinkers Construct 1.8.8
Waila Harvestability 1.1.5
Waila Plugins 0.2.0-23
Recipes added/changes:
Make new Recipes for this mods:
Ender IO (full mod)
EnderZoo (full mod)
Flood Light (full mod)
Gendustry (full redone)
Iron Tanks (full mod)
Remote IO(full redone)
Change/added Recipes for this mods:
Applied Energystics(Storage Cells, Quartz Fiber is now cheaper, Changing Ae Dense Cable, Covered Cables and Smart Cables)
Blood Arsenal (Adding recipes for the Blood Infused iron)
Build Craft (added Filler Builder Architekt Table, Land MArk, Path Mark, flood Gate and Blue Print, changing the Kinesis Pipe recipes)
Carpenters Blocks(Cutting Saw recipes)
Extra Cells (rest of the Mod that was missing)
Extra Utilities (rest of the Mod that was missing, disabled Peacefull Table)
Galacticraft (Added mysterious Crystal recipe to make Bacterial Sludge, Change Pulveriser Recipes from galacticraft materials to be 20 sec long and 2 eu/t)
Galaxy Space (added Tier 9 Rockets and recycling recipes)
Gendustry (Redone of the Beyond Reality and infinity pack Bees (Sheet in the XLS Goolge Doc)
Gravisuit(Adv Chainsaw and Adv Drill, Epic Lapack)
Gregtech (Added Oil, Creosote back to the Diesel Generator, Added most of the high tier metals in th EBF, Added Pump Machine Casing recipes in GT, Changed the Fluid Reactor Blocks because Blood Asp add some own recipes, Adding the Molds and Extruder Shapes to the Forming Press, Remove Enderium Dust from Gt and add it to the Ender IO Alloy Smelter)
GT New Horizons Core Mod (Added Chips for AE and GT items and Machines with new Tiers, Adv Pump 3/4, Charged Certus Quartz in the hammer, Make Coke Oven Bricks and Adv Bricks recycle able, Change Salis mundus amount to make special Wand items, Rewrote most Tooltips to be less... Weird..)
IC 2 (disabled the Miner and the Drills, Change adv Miner, change meta ids, remove gem Iridium from most processes only macerating is allowed, Adding Meta Ids to all Ic2 and Graviuisuit Backpacks and Armors, Added recipes for the Kinetic Water Generator from IC2)
IC2 Nuclear Contro (Adding missing recipe, Remove the Iridium Hammer so all Hammers are back)
Minecraft (Torches and Crafting Table)
Open Blocks (Change the Open Blocks Glider Recipes be equal with the Ender Io Glider (only different ingredients))
Project Red (using molten redstone instead of molten redalloy)
Railcraft (remove Electrical Steel out of the RC Blastfurnace)
Remote IO (Adding remote Io Recipes for PDA, Linker and Remote Acess)
Thinker Construct (Clear Glass and Pane can be made in the EBF 120 EU
Ticks out of Glass and Pane, Glass and Pane can be made in the EBF 120 EU
Ticks out of Clear Glass and Pane)
Wireless Redstone CBE (using molten redstone instead of molten redalloy)
Clean up the whole cfg Files
Config added/changes:
Applied Energystics(Make Matter Balls and Singularity more Expensive)
Blood Magic(Change Potion Id Soul Burn from 53 to 123)
Buildcraft (Added new Tool Tips to BC Pipes)
Electric Flood Light (Added new Tool Tips 32 EU)
Ender IO (Change Alloy Smelter Recipes, Added Sag Mill Recipes from Namikon, Change Slice and Splice recipes , Make the Soul Binder recipes more expensive, Make Electric Steel, Enderium and Enderium Base Craftable via GT Dusts.)
Extra Cells (Disable Ingame Wiki mod from extra cells)
Extra Utilities(Ender Pump and Ender Quarry are not peaceable in the Over world, Remove Recipes out of the QED, Remove Peaceful Table)
Galacticraft (New configs Optionsfor Ores on Asteroids and Mars. Disabled Ores on Mars only let Desh there)
Galaxy Space (Added new Dim IDs for Version 2.5)
Gravisuit(Enabled the translocation Mode)
Gregtech(change Plasma Cell Values)
IC2 (Nuclear Energy multipler to 10, Disabled IC2 Audio Engine)
Remote Io (Added nwe Tool Tips)
Ztones (Added Ztones Blocks to Sealable blocks)
Mod Updates:
GTNewHorizons Core Mod 1.0.51
HQM The Journey 4.4.1
Open Printer
Open Security 1.0-73
Thaumichorizons 1.1.9
Mod Downgrade:
Change/added Recipes for this mods:
Extra Utilities (Change the Pseudo Round Robin Pipe Recipes)
Galacticraft (remove Titanium Shard and Ilmenite ore out of the Furnace, Added Fuel Canister from GC to the GT Fluid Canner)
Gendustry (Change the recipes for the Gendustry Templates and Samples)
Gregtech (Read Iridium Dust tiny and small)
GT New Horizons Core Mod (Added Diamond Lens to the Gold Engraved Chip, Adding Fletching and Bowstring Cast)
Minecraft (Change recipes for Dropper and Dispenser using now a string)
Railcraft (Adding Recipes for the Lapatron Loader Upgrade, Adding alternative Firestone recipes to the Laser Engraver and the Assembler )
Steve Carts (Start with Steve Carts)
Tinkers Construct (Added Bow String and Fletching Cast with all recipes)
Config added/changes:
Ender IO (Moved Ender Alloys to the EBF (delete in the Alloy smelter))
Galacticraft (Fixed Galacticraft Fuel Bug (sorry no old oil or fuel any more))
GT Mew Horizons Core Mod (Added Ofanix to the Lich Bone Drops)
Mod Updates:
GTNewHorizons Core Mod 1.0.6
IC2 2.2.793
IC2 Nei plugin 1.0.9
Malsi Core 0.13.1
Malis Doors 1.11.0
Open Blocks
Open libs 0.8.412
Change/added Recipes for this mods:
Ender IO (Change Conduit recipes time)
Gendustry(Ordicted Bee Combs,Make Blank Samples and Templates be eraseable in the Furnace)
Steve's Carts (Adding new Recipes)
Thinker Construct (adding molten Obsidian to the Fluid Extractor)
Config added/changes:
Ender IO (Disabled Dire Slime ecause annoying)
Gregtech (Adding Reineinfored, Galgadorian and Enhanced Galgadorian to the Material List and to the EBF )
GT Core Mod (Adding makemake to the Generateable Planets, Alpha Centauri not works)
Steve's Carts (change configs)
BeeSpecific 1.0.0 Forestry 3.6 (addon for HQM for Bees Quests)
Mod Updates:
Ae2 Stuff
Asie Lib 0.4.5
Auto Magy 0.27
Auto Packager 1.5.7
Biomes O Plenty
Brandons Core
Buildcraft 7.1.14
Buildcraft Compat 7.1.3
Computronics 1.6.0
Draconic Evolution 1.0.2 Snapshot_9
Electro Magic Tools 1.2.4
Ender IO
Extra Cells 2.3.5b171(get a Server crash atm)
Forbidden Magic 0.572
HQM The Journey 4.4.4
Hunger Overhaul
IC2 Nuclear Control 2.3.3a Exist
Industrialcraft2 2.2.810
Infernal Mobs 1.6.6
JourneyMap 5.1.3
Malisiscore 0.14.0
Malisisdoors 1.13.0
Minecraft Forge
Morpheus 1.6.20 (Server only)
NEIIntegration Forestry 3.6
Open Blocks 1.4.4.-692
Open Mods Lib 0.8.419
Open Security 1.0.75
Pam's Harvest Craft 1.7.10Lb
Storage Drawers 1.7.5
Thaumic Tinkerer 2.5.517
Waila Harvestability 1.1.6
Warp Theory 1.0h-DEV
Change/added Recipes for this mods:
Buildcraft (Change Buildcraft Flood Gate because use the same recipe like Ender Io Tank, Tanks are can made in the assembler too)
Ender IO (remove Redstone Alloy and Soularium from the RC Blast Furnace)
Gregtech (Change Distillery recipes using a Pipe instead of a Blaze Rod via code, Adding back the recipes with the crates and the crowbar. for the Ingots, GT Adding Processor Machine Casing, Adding Glass Dust to the Forge Hammer, Add Clear glass pane recipes via Saw, Added Glass recipe to the Alloy smelter.)
Core Mod (Change Piston Plate and Piston Recipe to fit with the Quest)
Minecraft (fix gold and iron Ingot delete only the nugget recipe, Change String recipes, Change Melon and Pumpkin Seed recipes)
Natura (make Cotton seed craftable)
Railcraft (Put Tanks, Valves and Gauges Iron and Steel to the Assembler, Put Boilers from Railcraft to the Assembler)
Steves Factory Manager (Rework all recipes)
Steves Addons (make new recipes)
Tinker Construct (adding rubber to the TC Smeltery to craft Glue, Make all Casts and Molds melt able in the Tic smelter)
Thaumcraft (Adding Tags to the Basic Thaumcraft Wand because it Crash the game (Tainted Magic))
Witchery( Added recipes for Warmwood, mutaing spring will get damage but will be returned)
Remove the ' and `and ? because of get errors
Config added/changes:
Gergetch (Disable RF to EU via Gt config)
(Forestry) disabled wong Chromosme (genetics.clear.invalid.chromosomes=true)
Updated Quests!
Version 21.12.2015
Mod Downgrade:
Ender IO because of
Extra Cells 2.3.5b62 because of
Change/added Recipes for this mods:
Ender IO (added recipes for OC Network Conduit)
Extra Cells(emove Gas Components because unfinished will re add later)
Railcraft (change recipe for Lapatron Upgrade, added recipes for Bleach Clay and the missing Carts(Cargo Cart, Track Relay Cart, Undercutter, Track remover and Track layer Cart)
Version 09.01.2016
Open Modular Turrets
HEE Music is now a ressource pack (seperated from the main Mod) since version 1.8.5
Mod Upgrade:
AE2 Stuff
AE2 rv3 beta 4
Automagy 027.1
Biome o Plenty
Electro Magic Tools 1.2.5
Ender Storage
Extra Cells 2.3.7b183
Gravisuit 2.0.64u
GT New Horizons Core Mod 1.0.9
Hardcore Ender Expansion 1.8.5
Iron Minecarts 1.0.4
NEIIntegration 1.1.1 now with Forestry 3 and 4 support
Not enough Items
Open Blocks 1.5
Open Computers
Open Mods Lib 0.9
Project red pre
Rouge like Dungeon 1.4.4
Tinkers Construct
Tinkers Gregworks 1.0.7
Thaumic Energistics
Tinkers Gregworks 1.0.7
Change/added Recipes for this mods:
Extra Cells (pdate recipes to the new Version)
Gregtech (take Platinum Ingots out of the EBF and Vac Freezer because of Tiering)
GT New Horizons Core Mod (Change Coke oven Bricks in the Alloysmelter, Adding more Tooltips for chests and tanks, Recipe fix - Nano rubber boots, Recipe fix Laser Emitter, Added Block of Charcoal to Oredict )
HEE (changed most of the recipes now with Minetweaker. I will later add it to the coremod via code)
IC2 ( Adding recipes for mining Pipes otherwise you cant go pump stuff in LV Age.)
Minecraft (adding Ladder recipe to the Assmebler(alternative recipe)
Open Modular Turrets (adding more recipes)
Pams Harvestcraft (fix pams flour in dough crafting)
Railcraft(Adding Iroand Steel tank Waves, Gauges and Walls to the Assembler(alternative recipe)
Remote IO (Changing Blank Plate recipe and Wireless Transmitter)
Thaumic Energistics (Adding Wireless Essentia Therminal recipe)
Witchery (Added Wormwood recipes)
Code changes:
Gregtech (New debug lang for achievements generation(miuirussia), fuel rod override v2(Blood Asp) Mox not working lik ic2 any more (more heat up more eu), Overriding IC2 fuel rods(Blood Asp), fix teleporter(Blood Asp), Sensor kit should not stack(Blood Asp), Fix teleporter nuclear control support(Blood Asp), Fixed Display overflow(Blood Asp), Adding Distillery recipes for Bio Gass Lv and MV), add missing EBXL recipes. tmp disable modular armor recipes(Blood Asp), AE2 oredict register fix(Blood Asp), fix depleted mox crashing(Blood Asp), Fix forestry worktable crash(Blood Asp), recipe Change for Drain and the Shutter Module)
Config added/changes:
Galacticraft (Change Base Biome ID from 102 to 116 to prevent GC Entity spawns in the overwolrd.)
Gregtech ( make Gas Turbines, Diesel Generators, Magic Energy converters more efficient LV +5%, MV+10%, HV +15%)
SGCraft 1.9.5 (Added for our Server, as we have Atlantis as &soon to be& Spawn&. Items and recipes are disabled/OP Only)
Mod Upgrade:
ProjectRed (Teteros' patch for the GregTech tool problem)
Changed/added Recipes and/or configs:
Synced the script-files from server to client, to get rid of old/invalid entries
NodalMechanics: Changed the recipe and requirements (Moved it up a couple of tiers)
ThaumicTinkerer: Disabled Ichor/Ichorcloth and Ichorium for now, until the final decision has been made for its appropriate tier
EnderIO: Disabled WitherS In hope to fix the &Entity-30& problem
SpecialMobs: Disabled &Thief& and &Hungry& modifiers
Mod Upgrade:
AE2 Stuff update to prevent the crash)
AppleCore 1.3.0
Applied Energistics rv3 beta 5
Automagy 28.2
Auto Packager 1.5.9
Biomes o Plenty 2.1.0 1889
Cofh Core
Cofh Lib
Ender IO
Extra Cells 2 2.3.9b188
Forbidden Magic 0.573
Galacticraft (down grade because Galaxy Space)
Gravitation Suite 2.0.65u
GT New Horizons Core Mod 1.1.26
GTTweaker 1.1.0(Gt 5.09 support)
IC2 Nuclear Control 2.3.4a
Industrial Craft 2
Journeymap 5.1.4
Malisis Core 0.14.3
Malis Door 1.13.2
Nei Integration 1.1.2
Nodal mechanics 1.0.12
Not Enough Thaumcraft Tabs 1.0.2
Open Blocks 1.5.1
Open Computers
Open Mods Libs 0.9.1
Open Modular Turrets
Open Security 1.0.91
Optifine HD UD1
Project Blue 1.1.6
Project Red
Special Mobs 3.2.2
Spice of Life 1.3.1
Storage Drawers 1.9.4
Storage Drawers Wood Addons 1.1.1 (Forestry, Natura, Bop, Misc(Thaumcraft, Witchery)
Thaumic Energistics (rv3 beta 5 compatible with new conten)
Thaumic Thinkerer 2.5.523
Tinker's Construct 1.8.9custom
Tinkers Gregworks 1.0.8
YamCore 0.5.63
Mod Removed:
Moebius Core 1.2.5
Not enough Codecs 0.3.13
Changed/added Recipes and/or configs:
Advanced Solar Panels (Fix Molecular Transformer Recipe)
Chisel (Add recipes)
Ender (IO Coordinator NBT Tag Fix, Dark Clear Glass fix, Correct the ID of Viberant capacitor Band Upgrades, Change Panel recipe, Change Io Wrench recipe, EnderIO Capacitor bank upgradibility)
Extra Utilities (TC Research & recipe tweaks, Bedrockium Ingot and Compressed stuff changed)
Forestry (Replace .giveBack with .transformReplace because of the Working Table)
Gravisuit (Change recipefrom Advanced Nano Chest : added Chrome Plates instead of iridium Plates.)
Gregtech (Force Diamond dust to be obtained by macerating a diamond block, Add Obsidian plates recipe out of Ingots)
IC2 (Add missing basalt dust recipe, Remove duplicate biogas recipe from distillery)
Minecraft (Vanilla Thaumcraft Research & Recipe scripts)
Nature (Fix recipe using wrong sticks)
Nodal Mechanics (Remove Nodal mechanics zs because add the new Version with the changed recipes)
Open Modular Turrest (Correct molten.concrete to wet.concrete)
Pams Harvestcraft (Clean Pam's scripts and hide unused blocks, Added Harvest Craft Beeswax to Ordict and to Compressor recipe, Added recipe for salt and fresh water, Added recipe for mixing bowl, change recipe from pot, saucepan and skillet, added salt block recipe)
Railcraft (Remove the Firestone shaped recipe, Add Creosote fuel to the Furnace. Burn value 6400 or 32 items)
Thaumcraft (Thaumcraft recipes changes adn additions approved by Drobac. Thaumcraft is done 100%)
Tinkers Construct (Lower TiC TC aspect costs & adjust their recipes. Added Obsidian Totem and tile to the smeltery, Shears are not consumed any more when crafting Wool slabs)
Warp Theory (Item/Research fixes and Warp warnings)
Code changes:
Gregtech (Added wet concrete, Add Void Metal material )
Tinkers Construct (Add config option to TiC for removal of gold casts)
Config added/changes:
Draconic Evolution (Old armor textures enabled(the pretty ones))
Enchiridion (Restrict enchiridion library to only contain books acquired by the player.)
Enhanced Lootbags (Lootbag configs, New folder for LootBags (Mod will be added later))
Gendustry/Twilight Forest (New TF bee species/drops & adjust Extra Bees Research)
Hunger overhaul (Disable constant hunger loss, remove Butcher Trades)
Infernal Mobs (Witchery bosses can no longer become infernal)
Morpheus (Lower sleep percentage to 25%)
NEI (Default NEI to recipe instead of cheat mode)
Pams Harvestcraft/Spice of Life (change food config, Food boost and no pams bees, Modified food formula)
Project Red (Regenerate ProjectRed.cfg to prevent Ore Spawn)
Special Mobs (remove Ender Effect)
Tinker Construct (Add config option to TiC for removal of gold casts)
Tinkers Gregworks (rebalanced most of the values of the Gt Materials for tinker tools)
Translocators (Disable mobile crafting grid)
Warp Theory (Warp-Multiplier down to x1; Lightning Effect to 30)
Enhanced LootBags 1.0
Mod Updates
Galacticraft (Downgrade because crash with GS and optifine)
Changed/added Recipes and/or configs:
Ender IO (Enable QED recipe back)
Thaumcraft(Added Thaumium recipe back)
Are be reset because the sever crash all the time (sorry)
Binnie Patcher 1.6
Mod Upgrade:
AFSU 1.2.3a
Bee Specific 1.0.0
Brandons Core
Buildcraft 7.1.16
Buildcraft Compat 7.1.4
Draconic Evolution 1.0.2RC2
Extra Cells 2.3.9b189
GTNH Core Mod 1.1.30
Industrialcraft 2.2.817
Magic Bees 2.4.3
Nei Addons
Optifine HD UD3
SG Craft 1.11.0
Thaumic Energistics
Changed/added Recipes
Bibliocraft (adding recipe for Forestry4 wood back)
Extra Trees (add Fence, Doors adn Gate recipe Forestry 4 compatible)
Extra Utilities (fix thaumcraft recipes)
Forestry (Make all recipes Forestry 4 compatible thanks to lefty, rebalaced Proven Grafter,)
Gregtech/Extra Bees (Sapphire crafting fix)
GTNH Core Mod (Adding Thaumcraft Tab and move all custom researches to this tab, add Witchery Tab)
Storage Drawers (nerf all recipe from the mod thanks to lefty,)
Magic Bees (Fixed messed up recipes)
Minecraft (fix thaumcraft items)
Tinkers Construct (Change the Heart recipes a bit)
Warp Theory (Fix thaumcraft items, make Purifiation Talisman cheaper HV Age, )
Code changes:
Draconic Evolution (adding recipe for Dezils Marshmallows Yea)
Gregtech (added Forestry 4 support for the Sqeezer and Centrifuge)
GTNH Core Mod (added Thaumcraft and Witchery Tab to the Thaumanomicum)
Config added/changes:
Draconic Evolution (remove Dezils Marshmallows from Butcher trade OOOhhhh)
Forbidden magic/Bloodmagic (Fix potion id conflicts I:FeatherFall=114 to I:FeatherFall=135, I:Corrupting=71 to I:Corrupting=125)
Avaritia 1.11
Mumble Link 4.1.1-2b
Mod Upgrade:
Autopackager 1.5.9a
Blood Arsenal 1.2-5
Draconic Evolution 1.0.2
Ender Core
Fastcraft 1.22
Flood Lights 1.1.1-124
Forbidden Magic 0.574
GraviSuite 2.0.67u
GT New Horizons CoreMod 1.1.33
Holo Inventory
Ic2 Nei Plugin 1.1.0
Industrialcraft 2.2.818
Iguana Tinker Tweaks 2.1.6
Open Printer
Storage Drawers 1.9.6
Tinkers Gregworks 1.0.11
Changed/added Recipes
Avaritia (remove all recipes for now will be add later back)
Core Mod (Fix the GTNH Tab and add all recipe back)
Draconic Evolution (add missing core back will begin with recipes soon)
Forestry/biome o Plenty/Pams Harvestcraft (add many new honey wax and Comb recipes, Fix honey and for.honey issue)
Gregtech (remove all Dust and gem recipes out of Blocks (Shapeless), Fix Bronze recipes, adding old Fuel rod recipes back)
Thaumic Tinker (add all recipes back and nerf them)
Tinkers Construct (fix cobalt issue)
Code changes:
Core Mod (adding bees centrifuge recipes to code and delete them out of Gendustry cfg, some name fixes, adding ichor Cap)
Gregtech (adding new Fluid Cans to GT Steel, Alu, StailessSteel, Titan, TungstenSteel, Chrome, Iridium, Osmium, Neutronium, add Draconium and Draconium Awakened to GT, Fix Rotors in assembler, )
Config added/changes:
Gendustry (fix Bee Comb colors, remove some Centrifuge recipes, fix Ur Ghast Bees, Fix DNA and Protein recipes via cfg)
Ingame XML (change position to not overlap other Gui)
Mod Upgrade:
Brandons Core
Draconic Evolution 1.0.2b
Ender Core
Forge Multipart
GTNH Core Mod 1.1.35
HQM 4.4.4a
Modtweaker (Squeezer fix)
Open Modular Turrets ( now with eu support)
Storage Drawers 1.9.7
Thaumic Energistics
ThinkersGregworks 1.0.13 (now with Ticon upgrade compatibility)
Changed/added Recipes:
Draconic Evolution (adding recipe for the Dislocator in the Avaritia table)
Extra Utilities (Change Bedrockium Ingots recipe using now the right UUMatter)
Jabba (Add assembler recipe for Barrels)
Project Red (Change Silicon Comboud recipe to not match with Redstone alloy in the mixer)
Thaumcraft (Fix tallow Candle Arcane Worktable recipe)
Thaumic Tinker (Change void material to Osmiridium)
Thinkers Construct (Cobalt Ingot again smeltable in the smeltery, adding new Fuels to the smeltery Hotcoolant (less efficient the lava) and pahoehoe lava (mare efficient then lava)
Code changes:
Gregtech (Malachite change to Lv 1 because fit better in the Questbook, Fix Filter recipe using 30 EU, Fix Large Fluid Cells recycling recipe, Draconium add metal tag, try to fix the Opaque Block issue, fix custom ore mixes, unisulated Wires now paintable, Add new Tier to EBF 9000K for high Tier materials, Multismelter rebalanced, Draconium need now EBF Tier 4, add ebf heat capacity to gt scanner, change Efurnace recipe to not be same with Alloy smelter, Change Motor recipes using mx gt04 cables)
GTNH Core Mod (change Efurnace recipe to not be same with Alloy smelter, Change Motor recipes using mx gt04 cables)
Config added/changes:
Galacticraft (remove GC Desh ore from the Mars)
Gregtech (adding new Desh Mix to Mars only)
Adventure Backpack 0.8e21
Architecturecraft 1.4.1
Bee better at Bees 0.3
Better Questing 1.0.92
Compact Kinetic Generators 1.0
Mine and Blade Battlegear 2
Questbook 1.1.0
RF Expansion 1.0.7
Standard Expansion 1.0.65
Tinkers Defense 1.2.1a
Remove Mod:
Bee Specific 1.0
Mod Upgrade:
Apple Core 1.3.1
Bibliocraft 1.11.5
Binnie Patcher 1.7
Back Pack Mod 2.2.1
Build Craft Compat 7.1.5
Draconic Evolution 1.0.2d
Ender Core
Extra Cells 2.3.10b190
Fastcraft 1.2.3
Galacticraft 460GS2.6compat
GTNH Core Mod 1.1.37
Jorneymaps 5.1.4p1
Open Eyes 0.7. snapshot 5
Open Modular Turrets
Rogue Like Dungeons 1.5.0b
SG Craft 1.11.2
Thaumic Energistics
Changed/added Recipes:
Adventure Backpack (change recipe)
Architecturecraft (change recipe)
Mine and Blade Battlegear 2 (change recipe)
Thaumcraft (remove us locolizer for the chinese guys)
Tinkers Defense (change Block recipes)
Code changes:
Gregtech (corrected Motor recipe, Add Capes Thanks To Tec)
GT Core Mod (Adding Coins (the dark wizard, the technicain)
Tinkers Defense (Make the Mod Minetweaker compatible)
Version 17.05.2016
Mod Upgrade:
Adventure Backpack 0.8e22 (better preformance)
Standard Expansion 1.0.68 (fix Party error)
Version 18.05.2016
Mod Upgrade:
Standard Expansion 1.0.71 (fix Mob Hunt and meeting Quests)
Mod Upgrade:
Backpack Mod 2.2.2 (fix Whitelist thing)
Better Questing 1.0.95 (invisible Gui Button removed)
Binnie Patcher 1.8
GT New Horizons Core Mod 1.1.38
Mine and Blade Battlegear 2 (fix Bug)
Optifine HD4
Standard Expansion 1.0.74
Changed/added Recipes:
Minecraft (remove Saddle recipe)
Config added/changes:
Open Security (adding howler alarms)
Code changes:
GT New Horizons Core Mod (adding wet Tofu item(no recipe yet)
Adding new Quests to Tier 0
Mod remove:
Ingame InfoXLM
Mod Upgrade:
Better HUD 1.3.4
Better Questing 1.0.101
Block Limiter 0.51
GTNH Core Mod 1.1.43
Ic2 Nuclear control 2.4.0a
Industrial Craft 2 2.2.822
TC Inventoryscan 1.0.11
YamCore 0.5.65
Changed/added Recipes:
Avaritia (now fully integrated and useable)
Galacticraft (Schematics exchange Tierwise, change the recipe from fluid oxygen and nitrogen,
GT NewHorizons Core Mod (Adding Wet Tofu )
Minecraft (change TC Aspects from Blazepowder, Rods and Paper, change Nether Star dupe recipe)
Railcraft (Adding recipes for the RF Cart and Loader, Unloader)
Thaumcraft (add Amber Autoclave recipe and Disable Block and item crafting in the workbench)
Tinkers Contruct (adding Lead ingots and Nuggets to the smeltery)
Code changes:
Block Limiter (adding Item Limiter to the Mod so you can block items from usage in Dimension or on the whole Server, Client)
GT NewHorizons Core Mod (Adding Wet Tofu item, adding compressed Oxygen and compressed Nitrogen Fluid Gas, Addig new Netherstar dupe recipe, Change Thaumcraft aspect Names, adding World Accelerator recipes )
Gregtech (Change Thaumcraft aspect Names, Channge burnvalues for Nitro Diesel, Diesel, Ethanol to match with the setting we had(so no changes) Change Burnvalue charcoal a bit 4x, change some Gui for Distillation Tower, Large Turbine and Large Heat Exchanger, adding missing recipes for Ingots (Ender IO Metals) to the EBF with oxygen and without oxygen, adding Turbine Casings from gt 5.0.9, adding some casings to the Assembler, added new Guis for Bronze Steel machines, Adding assembly machine WIP, )
Mod Upgrade:
Adventure Backpack 0.8e23
Better Questing 1.0.118
Carpenters Blocks 3.3.8
Draconic Evolution 1.0.2e
Ender Core
Ender IO
Extra Cells 2.3.10b192
Jabba 1.2.2
RF Expansion 1.0.8
Standard Expansion 1.0.81
Changed/added Recipes
Blood Magic (Change Binding Ritual recipes)
Draconic Evolution (start with the Recipes Core and Wyvern Tools and Armor)
Gregtech (remove Nugget Crafting from Draconium and Awakened Material)
Code changes:
Better Questing Mod (player save data will be available in extra file to make reset impossible)
Gregtech (Multi smelter can now have 256 smelting processes instead of 100, fix old Code from Tec)
Fixing a lot of Quests. Not all done yet.
Version (Pre Release of the public Release)
Mod Upgrade:
Adventure Backpack 0.8e24
Applecore 1.3.2
Better Questing 1.0.121(No reset any more and hidden Quests works)
Flood Light
Forbidden Magic 0.575
RF Expansion 1.0.11
Spice of Life 1.3.2
Thaumic Exploration 1.1.55
Changed/added Recipes:
Draconic Evolution (adding all recipe to Avaritia 9x9 Table)
Code changes:
Gregtech (Oxygen recipe using now Circuit int the EBF to work now)
Fixing a lot of Quests. Hope te most work is done here
Version 30.06.2016 (public Release)
Aqua Creeper 1.0.1
Blood Quests 1.0.0
Craft Tweaker 3.0.9
Custom Main Menu 1.9.2
Gregtech (Major changes need to be tested very carefully)
Resource Loader 1.3
Mod Remove:
Gemblocks for Greg 1.5.0(inside 5.09 code)
Gergtech 5.08.33.xx
Minetweaker 3.10.B
TC Node Tracker 1.1.2
Mod Upgrade:
Adventure Backpacks 0.8ebeta25
Better Questing 1.0.124
Blood Magic Altar)
Biome O Plenty
Buildcraft 7.1.17
Draconic Evolution 1.0.2g1custom(Custom Multiblock structures cfg)
Ender Core
Ender IO
Extra Cells 2.3.14b194
Gadomancy 1.7.1
Gt New Horizons Core Mod 1.1.56
Open Modular Turrets
Storage Drawers 1.9.9
Utility Worls 1.0.8(Garden Dimension)
Thaumic Tinkerer 2.5.526
Changed/added Recipes:
Blood Magic (a full rework of the Mod)
Buildcraft (added Cobblestone structure Pipe only for Cosmetically things)
Pams Harvestcraft (Fix cotton/Seeds recipe, adding blue and blackberry juice)
Tinkers Construct (Remove Nugget ,Block and Ingot Casting from Ardite, Manyullyn and Cobalt)
Witchery (adding recipe for Null Catalyst)
Code and Config changes:
Blood Magic(Now we get 3 Different Blasters and 3 Different Bazookas, i increase the values a lot so Bazooka 3 have a Damage from 1000 and 1500 Second Damage but the recipe is ultra hard, changing LP needed for Sigils, Added own Blocks to the Altar so you need now Tier 3 Titanium Blocks and Glowstone on Top, Tier 4 Tungstenstell Blocks on Top Bloodstone and Tier 6 Iridium Blocks and Crystal Blocks on top. Monsters have now custom values of sacrifice lp.)
Core Mod (added Reinforced Glass recipe to the Core mod code,)
Draconic Evolution (adding a lot of config options, Tools can get much more upgrades, Multiblock Energy storage are changed Base version using 320 Mio RF and the next x7 next x7 ....., Need now as Core Avaritia Neutronium Blocks and as Hull Charged Draconium Blocks, Fixe some recipes)
Gendustry (change Bees script to support new GT Metal and Gem Blocks)
Gregtech (Change Version to 5.09 and add all the stuff we add to 5.08. Disabled GT Bees because we add via Gendustry (will change this later when i edit the Bees in java code)Steam Turbines configs changes need to be tested, Now you can feed gt machnies with rf to 100 EU = 360 RF, 100 RF = 20 EU (10% loss, 20% loss) unificated Endium Ore from HEE, Added Manyullyn to Material Enum, Adding remove Nuggets out of Ingots shaped recipe via code)
Waila(disabled Blood Altar and Alchemic Brewer support)
Fixing Legendary Quests, fixe some bugs.
Added a own Custom Main menu and change Quest book Pictures.
Mod Upgrade:
Enchiridion 2.0.2a
Mod Upgrade:
Better Questing 1.0.132
Block Limiter 0.5.1a
Bloody Quest 1.1.0
Craft Tweaker 3.0.10
Draconic Evolution 1.0.2h1custom
Gt New Horizons Core Mod 1.1.61
GTTweaker 1.1.1
Hunger Overhaul
Mod Tweaker
RF Expansion 1.0.13
Standard Expansion 1.0.85
Storage Drawers 1.10.0
Thaumic Tinker 2.5.527
Utility World 1.0.9
Changed/added Recipes:
Blood Arsenal (Nerf the whole mod and put most of the Stuff in Thaumonomicum)
Blood Magic (Put all Thaumcraft Stuff in one file)
Forestry (Change Bee House Recipe to be early game available. Need Core Mod 1.1.61)
Harvestcraft (Changed Skillet and Sauce Pan recipe not using Plastic anymore, Adding Rainbow Curry recipe, Change Tofu recipe to be early game available)
Magic Bees (Change Frames need Singularity first researched)
Thaumcraft(remove the upgrade recipe because not working well(NBT data). We have to look what we can do about the Wand recycling and upgrades, rearranged the Script files)
Thaumic Machine (Change the Core recipe and change all Researches was bugged before)
Tinkers Construct (remove Alu Ingot casting and adding Alu Brass Ingots to the Smeltery)
Code and Config changes:
Block Limiter(duct taped crash with Berry Medly)
Blood Arsenal(Change LP Values a bit)
Forbidden Magic (Added back Block via Chisel)
GT New Horizons Core Mod (Added a Wooden Casing for Bee Houses, Added 16x insulated Cables, Add Blood Infused Iron Blood Wand cap, Fix Piko Circuit, Adding Field Generators to Assembler)
Gregtech (Added 16x insulated Cables, change cable recipe using Rubber sheet Shaped Recipe (32 EU only), change some Graphics from Fluid regulators and Fluid Filter and changed Ids to be not overridden, Added LuV, ZPM and UV Mob Rep, Change Pile Igniter recipe to be LV Steel, Added Blood Aps pollution system but not have any effects now, Name fixes Assembly Line (Blood Asp), Rise generator internal EU storage to counter production bug (Blood Asp), rebalancing sifting output (Blood Asp), make GT trigger ic2 achievements (Blood Asp), Finished adding all component assembly line recipes (Blood Asp), fix ic2 crash (Blood Asp), change Electric Tiers, Adding new Tooltip to Assembly Line, Add Argon Gas, Adding Blood Infused Iron to GT, visual changes, fix Stuff, Turbine tooltip fixes(Muramasa))
A lot of fixes not remember.
Mod Remove:
Better Hud 1.3.4
New Mods :
Default World Generator 0.1b13
Mod Upgrade:
IC2 Nucear Control 2.4.1a
Changed/added Recipes:
IC2 Nuclear Control (Added Recipe for Vanilla Kit)
Thaumic Energistics (70% done with the mod)
Warp Theory (fix some bug)
Code and Config changes:
Custom Main Menu (change aq bit the configs and pics thanks @Technus)
Mod Upgrade:
Gt New Horizons Core Mod 1.1.63
Open Modular Turrets
Changed/added Recipes:
Forbidden magic (70% nerfed)
Thaumic Energistics (Done with this Mod recipe changes)
Code and Config changes:
GT New Horizons Core Mod (Added Essentia Processor and circuit for Thaumic Energistics)
Gregtech (added Spring and small Spring as Shaped recipe)
same small fixes.
Mod Upgrade:
Better Questing 1.0.141
Ender IO
Flood Light
GT New Horizons Core Mod 1.1.71
Hardcore Ender Expansion 1.8.6
Industrial Craft 2
Open Modular Turrets
Standard Expansion 1.0.94
Storage Drawers 1.10.1
Tinker's Defense 1.3.6(NOT WORKING ON THE SERVER YET)
Changed/added Recipes:
BiblioCraft (Some recipe like the Printing Press and stuff nerfed Needs Attention)
Blood Magic(Finish this Mod)
Draconic Evolution (Make a new recipe for the Disenchanter Disenchanter [EarlyISH-Mid way] )
Forbidden Magic (nerfed this Mod 100%)
Gadomancy (All recipes are now nerfed)
Gregtech(Change some Slime recipe give not Rubber only Raw Rubber)
HEE(change and enabled some recipe)
Railcraft(remove LP and HP Boiler recipe from Minetweaker)
Thaumcraft(Change some Advance Golem recipe back to vanilla because of Gadomancies Shielding Golems (Modtweaker sucks sometimes), Void Nuggets Ore Support and Wand Cap change)
Thaumic Energistics (Added forgotten recipe)
Thaumic Tinker (Hide Kami now 100%)
Tinkers Defense(Fix some recipes with the new Version)
Code and Config changes:
Core Mod(Adding Alchemical Wand Cap(Forbidden Magic), change meta ID from Naquadah Alloy Wires, All high Tier machine Parts now in GT Code, Added LP and HP RC Boiler to code, added allot of oxy and no oxy recipes to the EBF(All new materials with changed temps), Manyullyn Crystal now in the Item List, remove all Shaped Recipes for High Tier Machine Parts because in GT Code)
Custom Main Menu(The GT New Horizons Start Screen have now a Musik)
Gregtech(Fluid Filter Fix, New EBF and Multismelter Heating Coil Blocks 4200k, 5400k, 7200K and 9001K(Old Coils get automatically replaced by new ones), Change Materials Tier, Added 16x Cables, Change Cables recipe be more like GT 5.08, UBC Ore Support, Reactoria Crop Fix, New Cables, Some Fuel in Fusin reactor change, Achievements overhaul, packing most of the high Tier stuff to GT back, GT Sound Volumes now adjustable, change Recipes from Sensors, Field Generators and Emitters, Broken Ore Spawn in the TF )
Railcraft(added LP and HP Boiler to the Core Mod code)
Fixed some Quests. New Quests are added(Flint and Steel, Nether Portal, New EBF Furnace Coil Quests)
Version 10.09.2016
Mod Upgrade:
Adventurebackpack 0.8ebeta27
Better Questing 1.0.155
Buildcraft 7.1.18
Galaxyspace 1.1.0(this will change a lot YEAH)
GT Core Mod 1.2.09
Industrialcraft 2.2.825
Opensecurity 1.0.94
Remoteio 2.4.1
Standart Expansion 1.0.99
Storagedrawers 1.10.2
Thaumicexploration 1.1.57
Thaumictinkerer 2.5.538
Tinkersdefense 1.3.7 (hopfully works now) Sorry not works. To much crashes.
Wireles Redstone
Changed/added Recipes:
Core Mod (Added Tool Tips for Oven Gloves and Lava Buckets)
Ender IO (Telepad now LuV Level)
Extra Utilities (Item Filter need now Stainless Steel Gear)
Galaxy Space(Change mostly all, recipes are fixed, tired to Version 1.1.0, Change Rocket Reverse recipes, Avaritia Table now Nasa Workbench, Planets and Moons need to be resetted)
Galacticraft (Short Range Telepoter are cheaper now)
Gendustry (recipe change now Osmium, Palladium and Naquadah is neede, high Tier Bee Combs are needed only Industry Apiary is at titan Level)
Gregtech(Add stuff to GT Code like Heavy Duty Plates, Rocket Parts, Planet and Moon Stone Byproducts, Added new Materials like Infinity Catalyst, Bedrockium and Unstable)
IC2 (Teleporter to IV Level now, Adv Miner Iv Level too, Reactor Needs now Titanium)
Project Red (Illuminator dust using more dyes Ordicted a bit)
Thaumic Tinkerer (Fix the recipe of a TT-kami scepter @Thanks to Sirilux)
Code and Config changes:
Core Mod(Ore dict support goes to the code because of Minetweaker script erros and waiting time, Quantum Circuits need now Black Plutonium, adding an Industry Frame as Crafting Item for Gendustry, Teleporter need Infinity Block, adding many Galaxy Space components to the Core mod)
Ender IO (Ender Mini not Attak creepers any more)
Gregtech(Many new Ore Mixes and changes because of Galaxy Space Update, Added nwe 3 Tiers of Naquadah Reactors, Scanner reworks by Tec, remove pullution until it is used, )
Infernal Mobs (Hellhounds not alwas infernal any more, disabed rust due server issues and life stealer, enable 1up and regen)
Fixed all Galaxy Space Quests to fit with version 1.1.0
Version 22.10.2016
Re Auth 3.2
Mod Upgrade:
Adventurebackpack 0.9fbeta1
Buildcraft 7.1.18(let's try to fill up the Nether with BC Oil Tongue)
Carpenter's Blocks
Craft Tweaker 3.0.12
Draconic Evolution 1.0.2i
Electro Magic Tools
Ender Core beta
Galactic Greg 0.9.5
Galaxy Space 1.1.1 STABLE
GT NewHorizons CoreMod 1.2.27
Hunger Overhaul
Industrialcraft 2-2.2.826 experimental
Iguana Tinker Tweaks 2.1.6b
RemoteIO 2.4.1 (Now with new version)
Spice Of Life 1.3.6
Storage Drawers 1.10.4
Changed/added Recipes:
Adventure Backpacks(Now Backpacks craftable because Craft Tweaker gave me a NBT option to remove only one nbt recipe instead of all)
Electro Magic Tools(Make the whole Mod playable so add all Recipes back with GT Tools)
Gergtech(remove crafting Bronze and Steel Ingots out of Nuggets, Bio Fiber recipe changed to be even more like the new gt recipe)
GT New Horizons Core Mod (Now pollution is toxic.)
Railcraft(Now the Advanced Coke oven is available Lv age. You need to vac freezer anymore and no blaze)
Witchery(add Crucible to Witchery Oven recipes.)
Code changes:
Gregtech(Changed get clay dust a bit. And diamond out of red sand, change compressor recipes, Update IGT_RecipeAdder.java Fluid Canner, Adding tiers up to Tier 15, Add Infinity as Material Add Cells to Infinity Catalyst, infinity and Bedrockium Add more Plasma and Cells to new Materials from GS, Added some magic Fuels and fixes, Initial material change and tier expansion., Materials update, whitespaces, Higher tier method adjustment for long computaion., more work on ultimat-er battery, Scanner core scanning code changes, Finally working on first ticks on the teleporter and microwaveET's. Also minor spelling fix, Worldgen and random changes, Postinit reduction and save registered recipes., Change max machine casings to UHV, add Mysterious Crystal Material, Exposing more recipe adding functionality. Chemical Reactor and Centrifuge, Assembly Line Fix, Pyrolyse Oven fix, Return slabs on paper crafting and add metal subtags to TungstenCarbine, VanadiumSteel, ect, fix #717 Lathe can't make rods, Adding UBC Support from Blood asps code, Temp fix for missing Greg'd recipes (Muramasa), Fixes #714 - solar boiler, add Pollution system, add Ores to Infinity Infinity Catalyst and Bedrockium, Fix the MKII Fusion Casing Recipe , Fixed fluid regulator., Return slabs on paper craft(this time without bug), Alloy energy hatch in every slice of the assembly line, Optimize hiding of fluid extraction recipes., drop items from exploding gt machines + config, Fixed charcoal pile igniter bug, high tier stuff require more Nq and Nq alloy cable instead of wire..., Give ore Achievements from all ore stone types, change recipes for Field Generator (Tier balance) fix #740, Add duranium and tritanium, Pyrolyze works, soft Hammer-&soft Mallet changes too, Pollution effects detects Full hazmat now, Make pyrolyze to use our casing (fixes texturinig), Optimize particles and change spawning code for electric machines, )
GT New Horizons(Added Wet Transformers, Added HP and Plasma Turbines recipe, change compressor recipes, Add new Wires/Cables Ordict Berockium, New Fluid and Items Pipes Ordict more stuff, Put Wildcard values to ic2 recipes., GS compat version 1.1.1, TCeti Stone dust added and recipes, fixe large Plasma Turbine recipe, try to ordict mince meat to pams food for Burgers Idea by @MTesseracT, Added Pollution Air Filter Machine and Filters, Pollution fluid etc, update forge to 1614, fix Conductive iron in the mixer using no titanium, added recipe for Air Filter Block, Electric Air Filter Machine Block and Vent Casing, Optimize Imports (intelliJ), add helper Item for EMT nerf, Initial power trafo's recipes, change Ordict stuff to void from voidmetal, Added generators to expand railcraft quarried/abyssal stone generators., Trinium processing, better HighTier EBF ing, Astral Silver craftable etc., Remove Character.valueOf, Add pyrolyze oven casing, )
Config changes:
Applied Energystics(System needs now 10x power then before)
Electro Magic Tools(Tiered Tools via Iguana Tweaks to a higher level)
Galaxy Space(Add TCeti Dimension ID)
Gregtech(Teleporter now Interdimensional tp able, TCetiE now added in the GT configs withe Orgen, added three now Small Ores small 16/Infinity Catalyst, small 17/Infinity, small 18/Bedrockium, Plutonium Mix are dprecated now and removed, Adden new GT Uranium Mix, New Solar Panel design in Avaritia Table. Welcome to Hell Muahahahaha Tongue, fix the last recipe need 32 eut/t)
Iguana Tinker Tweaks(Change a lot of Tool defaults to higher Tier)
Pams Harvestcraft(No you can plant all plants from Harvest craft.)
Thaumcraft(VoidMetal stuff is fixed)
reverse recipe for Thermal clothes
Chandelier not craft able in LV Tie}


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