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作者:小脚鸡 来源:星竞界  发布时间:11-04 13:54
01-2411-3011-2611-2611-1511-1511-1511-1511-1211-1111-1011-1011-0911-0911-09Keep Your DreamsModular o 20116.5by ContributorShare on FacebookShare on TwitterOpen share drawerThe Australian duo Canyons get compared to M83 and Cut Copy, but their debut LP follows a far more idiosyncratic path into much stranger and less immediately arena-pleasing&places.Bad timing that
released Keep Your Dreams in the same year
finally put out
. I've already read several naysayers make comparisons to both of those acts, in order to dismiss Canyons out of hand, but the connection strikes me as both obvious and inexact. True, Canyons have got a taste for the brittle and buzzing tones of early synthesizer music, just like Anthony Gonzalez and crew. And Canyons are interested in creating heart-stirring epics out bits of 1980s pop culture previously deemed off-limits because they were just too damn kitschy, same as M83 and the Cut Copy boys.
But while Hurry Up, We're Dreaming and Zonoscope can sometimes bludgeon you with their need to be monumental, Keep Your Dreams follows a far more idiosyncratic path into much stranger and less immediately arena-pleasing places. For one thing, there's far more weirdo disco boogie, and early ambient house ala , and Toto-style sensitive dude rock in Canyons' sound. All those wobbly saxophone solos, for one thing. And the stoned hand percussion and jungle bird sound effects. The best tracks here aren't so much sweeping shoegaze/new wave classics-in-the-making as bedroom producer dance jams that keep sprouting all sorts of weird-pop moments as the beats roll on.
When they're really on, Canyons are maximalists who seem pained to follow one idea to its conclusion when they can keep things mutating, unrepentant oddballs who still love a good earworm but would prefer to have three. Plus they thankfully have little truck with revisionist notions of good taste when it comes 80s dance music, which was often pretty great because it was so gauche.
is so unashamedly campy and overloaded with winning "bad" ideas retrieved from the dustbin of dance music history that it makes the DFA's rehabilitative aims sound downright acetic. Slap bass that's so clean and stiff it feels more robotic than fluidly funky? Check. A campy "menacing" vocalist, pitched-down Adonis-style, spouting suggestive French gibberish? Got it. Gritless "funk" guitar
that makes Power Station sound like Muddy Waters? Yup. An elephant's trumpet call for the hell of it? Sure, why not. Canyons remix and get remixed by "acceptably" serious dance dons , but the high points of Keep Your Dreams revel in the unacceptable baubles of what was once mainstream pop. They remember that so much of 80s dance-pop blurred the line between novelty music and alien-sounding futurism.
Even when they try to play things straight, toying with more hipster-approved genres, Canyons can't seem to help stretching out the weirdness in the forms they're playing with.
is classic late-80s Chicago house, right down to the purposefully crude vocal cut-ups and the Mr. Fingers bassline. Except the whole thing's been DJ Screwed, a tempo changes that amplifies the darkness of the original sound. It becomes a woozy black hole of faux soul, not too far off from the similarly molasses-ized grooves you'd find on Rub N Tug mixtapes a few years back. And then the vocals evoke not only a drag show diva but a zonked-out Michael McDonald wandering through a warehouse party. It shouldn't work but does. It's just warped enough from its source materials to avoid bland pastiche, but not crassly out-there, weird for the sake of it. Canyons clearly love the stuff they draw from, enough to not merely want to ape it, and they know genre shouldn't be fucked with just to be "interesting." "My Rescue" could have been a pleasant enough indie rock song, stirring in a generic sort of way, but the deep house piano and percussion give it just enough of an edge, the two distinct genres harmonizing into sound more indie bands should make use of.
What keeps the prize moments of Keep Your Dreams from feeling obnoxiously "eclectic" is the smoothness of the production and the arrangements. The tracks may be over-stuffed with ideas, but Canyons have also studied the way 80s producers could make "big" tracks where every idea rang out clear, where all the little touches felt integrated into something bigger than the sum of a lot of cute parts. But unfortunately that the zigzagging dance-collage stuff only accounts for little more than half of Keep Your Dreams' running time, and on the rest of the album, Canyons' interest in smoothness drags them down. The least convincing side of Canyons is the soft-rock stuff, and there's a lot of it here, especially in the record's back-end.
Maybe it feels flat and less creative than Canyons' dance tunes simply because there's been so much laid-back yacht gunk over the last half-decade. Or maybe it's because Canyons don't seem to devote half as much creative energy to this side of their output. The deckside reveries on Keep Your Dreams really are played too straight, and hardly convincing, even as homage, when A/B'd with the stuff you can still hear for free every day on classic rock radio. A whole album of disorienting patchwork grooves like "Under a Blue Sky" might have eventually worn the casual listener down. But Canyons also want to be songwriters, and though they draw on different inspirations, it's here that they fall short compared to M83 and Cut Copy. Forget Lindsey Buckingham, or hell, even Mark Knopfler. But when they go for manic instead of mellow, Canyons do bring something new, even if it's just intensity, to the 80s retro party.}


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