多少的设备uni怎样才能认证通过玩uni ty3d

Windows 7的優點,除了穩、快、美觀之外, 最成功之處莫過於「Windows XP Mode」(也可簡稱為XP Mode)這個從Virtual PC演化而來、呼應火紅虛擬化議題的重點產物。毫無疑問的,它是為Windows XP產品線畫下休止符、卻又與新型作業系統達成完美橋接的重要功臣。
30秒看懂XP Mode
由於XP Mode「完全免費」,如此一來,便沒有人能再以相容性問題為理由而拒絕升級。Windows XP Mode是一套虛擬機器,可以讓你在Windows 7裡面「完美無縫」(seamless)地執行Windows XP程式,完全不必考慮到相容性問題。它不會內嵌在Windows 7系統裡出貨,但是你可以免費下載並無限期使用,不需要任何虛擬機器的操作技巧或經驗,而且你還可以不花錢獲得一套現成的XP作業系統。
▲ Windows 7裡有XP,兩個不同世代的作業系統一家親。
說穿了,Windows XP Mode就是用Windows原有的Virtual PC虛擬機、加上Windows XP映像檔的組合套件,但是它的安裝及操作過程已經被極度簡化,融合為Windows 7系統的一部份。虛擬機器讀者們應該都很熟悉,不過XP Mode與一般安裝了Windows XP的VMware、VirtualBox有何不同?自己裝Virtual PC再拿原版XP光碟來安裝難道不行嗎?這就是本篇文章要探討的主題。
首先,Windows XP Mode的精髓是「在Windows 7作業系統直接執行相容於Windows XP的程式」,而不是「在Windows 7上執行Windows XP作業系統」。
事實上,所有單機端、也就是模擬型態為type 2的虛擬機器,最終目標就是要達成母子作業系統間的無縫接合,讓你「感覺不出來是運行虛擬機,就像是執行原生的程式一樣」,Windows XP Mode即是最好寫照。
▲ 無縫模式是Windows XP Mode的主打效果,讓軟體視窗獨立跳脫XP系統,出現在Windows 7桌面上,前提是必須先關閉原有的桌面視窗。
▲ 要在Windows 7上執行IE 6,不再是夢想。
Windows XP Mode
拖拉檔案(Drag & Drop)
低( 一次只允許一個程式)
易( 掛載成網路磁碟)
當然了,在一個真正的作業系統上執行原生程式就不會有此問題。Windows XP Mode正是如此,它實際上的確是運行了一個完整的、甚至可以還原成磁碟區、不靠虛擬機就可以直接運作的Windows XP作業系統,只是因為嵌入Windows 7桌面環境的關係,變得比調整程式相容性還方便。
Windows XP Mode怎麼裝?
Windows XP Mode的安裝很簡單,不必浪費版面贅述,但要注意硬體規格是否符合需求。Windows XP、Vista、Windows 7都只有部份版本能運行Windows XP Mode,只要處理器支援Intel或AMD的虛擬化技術,並在BIOS中開啟即可。
▲ 圖為第三方的虛擬化檢定程式, 基本上如果Hardware Virtualization為「Yes」,安裝Windows XP Mode應該不成問題。
文中不斷提到無縫模式,事實上Windows XP Mode的無縫模式並不完美,而且還限制重重,分享功能十分陽春。明顯的例子是:Windows XP環境中的應用程式,可以化身為獨立視窗拉到Windows 7桌面上,前提是必須先關閉Windows XP Mode本身的桌面環境,也就是只能擇一而為,並沒有實現「高興就把視窗從Windows XP Mode中拉出來」或是「直接在兩個系統間拖曳檔案」的壯舉。
為何會有如此限制?原因在於Windows XP Mode與主系統的無縫結合,是透過RDP(Remote Desktop Protocal,遠端桌面協定)來溝通。Windows XP預設一次只允許一組遠端桌面連線,所以會發生「一次只能執行一個程式」的窘況。這個限制雖然可以破解,但仍然彌補不了Windows XP Mode在無縫結合模式上的不足,而且RDP本來就沒有拖曳檔案的功能。
再來,儲存空間的共享也是一例,且待後面詳述。總之,如果要把Windows XP Mode的無縫模式拿來與 VirtualBox或VMware的Unity相比,其實仍有不少進步空間。
Virtual PC目前有兩個版本,一個是獨立的VPC 2007,另一個是專門用來執行Windows XP Mode的Virtual PC。說後者為前者的精簡版並不為過,但並不代表VPC 2007即為全能的「完整版」。
從官網上所下載的、合法的Windows XP映像檔,其實只能在Virtual PC上執行。再來,如果是VPC 2007加上XP原版光碟的組合,便無法享有無縫結合的快感與便利。(補充一點,XP Mode雖然也能安裝在Vista環境中,但只有在Windows 7環境下才有無縫效果)
▲ Windows XP Mode的設定值其實就是Virtual PC的介面。Virtual PC多了「整合」選項,可在此設置磁碟區共享,成功後會以網路磁碟的型態出現在「我的電腦」裡。不過XP Mode無法直接掛載實體磁碟,必須使用映像檔才行。
Windows XP Mode本身無法享有實體磁碟區,能掛載成Windows XP本機磁碟的空間必定會以VHD的映像檔形式存在於實體磁碟中。至於母子系統間的檔案共享,則要透過網路磁碟來達成。在預設值下,Windows XP Mode可以輕鬆指定、並直接存取Windows 7系統的實體磁碟區,如果要反其道而行,則需另外再手動設定共享資料夾。
▲ Windows 7環境下是無法安裝VPC 2007的,所以也無須探究VPC 2007裝上Windows XP會與Virtual PC結合Windows XP Mode有何差異。
虛擬環境下的網路設定方式詳見附表,不過Windows XP Mode有自己不同的設定值名稱,如果要讓Windows 7直接存取虛擬系統裡的資料夾,就必須設定成橋接模式(bridged),如此一來兩個系統在區域網路上才是處於對等狀態。在此模式下,虛擬系統所使用的DHCP伺服器與Windows 7主機是相同的實體路由器,而不是經由軟體所模擬出來。
如果實體主機上有多張網路卡,亦可直接指定給XP Mode。要特別注意的是,在虛擬系統內的所有裝置仍然要透過實體主機的設定值來存取,如果該裝置在實體主機上是禁用的,自然也無法被Windows XP Mode使用。
Host only(單主機)
Windows XPMode 對應名稱
Internal Network
Host only Host only主要是建立一個只有實體主機與虛擬環境共享的甜蜜小世界,跟外界的區網及互聯網隔絕,是一個封閉的網路環境。除非你只打算在兩台主機間互傳資料,不然此模式用處不大。
NATNAT等於是在虛擬機器內再設立一個虛擬的DHCP伺服器,也就是host only的可外連版本。雖然虛擬環境無法存取區網(因為它不是區網的一份子),但NAT確實是能讓虛擬環境可上網最簡單的方法。
XP Mode做不到的事
前面不斷提到,面對相容於Windows XP的應用程式,Windows XP Mode幾乎可達到100%的支援程度,卻未必能發揮實體硬體的所有效能及功能。經由虛擬機器的轉換,Windows XP Mode的運作效能當然比運作原生系統略低,原本硬體的功能性也可能因為驅動程式無法安裝而遭屏蔽。
Windows XP Mode的虛擬化型態為type 2,也就是說它的底層還有Windows 7作為中介,並非直接存取硬體資源。這代表兩件事:第一,你不必為虛擬系統安裝任何驅動程式,只要Windows 7有支援,它就可以使用;第二,反過來說,如果是不相容於Windows 7的裝置或驅動,那麼就算在虛擬系統裡裝了「對應Windows XP的驅動程式」也是於事無補,因為Windows XP Mode溝通的對象是Windows 7,而不是實體硬體。
Windows 7能用的,XP Mode才能用
虛擬系統有個明顯的優點,就是「即灌即用」,不必再安裝一堆驅動。這種做法有一個立竿見影的優點:只要Windows 7支援的裝置,虛擬系統就能受惠。然而,以目前來看,支援Windows 7的硬體絕對比支援Windows XP來得少,尤其是電視卡、影音擷取卡之類的視訊裝置。也就是說,在作業系統的底層處理架構上有大變動的應用,硬體的向下相容性會因此而被抵消。
舉個最簡單的例子,如果一張電視卡的驅動不相容於Windows 7,在Windows 7環境下無法正常使用,那麼就算它有相容於Windows XP的版本可安裝也是罔然,因為不能在Windows 7下啟用的硬體裝置,在虛擬環境中就不會出現。
唯一有可能例外的是USB裝置,XP Mode允許利用USB Passthrough技術來讓虛擬系統直接溝通存取,比如印表機、掃描器、數位相機等等的外接裝置,如果你確實只有「支援XP的驅動程式」,那麼倒可一試。
Windows 7能用的,XP Mode不一定能用
看到這裡,讀者可能會有個疑問:如果某裝置相容於Windows 7之後,是否就一定能在Windows XP Mode中使用呢?這點也不盡然。虛擬系統中的驅動程式多為簡化過的基礎版本,只能應付基本外連裝置,比如插上了一張NVIDIA顯示卡,在Windows XP Mode裡卻只是一張虛擬的S3 Trio 32/64,也無法安裝驅動程式,先進的硬體加速、影片解碼功能自然無法使用,要在上面運行需要高效能圖形運算的3D遊戲更是天方夜譚。
虛擬環境中的裝置多是「虛擬」的,驅動程式簡單而陽春,不同於VMware等老牌的商業軟體還可以支援Direct 3D,Windows XP Mode連3DMark 06都跑不起來。
基本上,實體主機插什麼顯示卡跟虛擬環境完全無關,坊間其他號稱支援Direct 3D的虛擬機,不管在模擬難度或效能佔用上都極為可觀。
XP Mode的目的是為了享有一個隔離的、不影響主系統安全性的執行環境,請務心將磁碟分享的功能關閉,要不然就是在虛擬環境裡也裝一個防毒軟體。
總歸一句,Windows XP
XP獨佔的遊戲或影音編輯相關應用多已消聲匿跡,實在沒有必要因此而拒絕升級系統,也不必花費心思去探討在Windows XP
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兴趣圈成员A* Pathfinding Project
Lightning fast pathfinding for Unity3D. Whether you write a TD, RTS, FPS or RPG game, this package is for you.
With heavily optimized algorithms and a large feature set but yet simple to use, you will be able to make those bots a bit smarter in no time.
Ranked first in the AI category
250+ votes and 5 stars!
Dynamic obstacles with navmesh cutting
Navmesh cutting is used on Recast graphs (automatically generated navmeshes) to provide fast graph updates with high precision even in very large worlds.
Watch a video to see what it's all about!
I've been using this in my game for a little over a month now, and it's by far the best Unity pathfinding solution I've come across. If the Unity navmesh pathfinding isn't quite cutting it look no further than this
Chris Durel
Parnassian Studios
Wonderful project and superior AI pathfinding. Aron G. has been with Unity and supporting the community with this project for years. Excellent work, docs, performance, ease of use and feature set. AAA
Chuck Mahenski
André "Intentor" Martins
I'm very impressed by this asset! Examples are great, it's well documented, and this pro-version's automatic navmesh generation works right out of the box. In a quick prototype I threw together today I had little soldiers running all over the place, up and down ramps, around trees and other obstacles.
Stefan Persson
I tried a lot of path finding solutions for my RTS game, but when it comes to developing AI based on it, then i would choose this asset again and again. Path finding AIs need a stable and well adjustable path finding solution, which is provided by this path finding engine
Excellent support
I'm interfacing with the pathfinding entirely through scripting. I first tried "Apex Path", and after a few hours I couldn't figure out how to update the grid and manipulate it to the level that I require. Apex was very opinionated about how I do everything, so it wasn't a good fit for me. Then I tried Astar Pathfinding and immediately it made sense to me. In a few hours I was up and running, building the grid and recalculating nodes exactly how I wanted. As I delved in deeper I was continually impressed, so I bought the pro version. The multithreading is incredible. The source code *clicks* with me, I find it easy to understand and extend, where as Apex's source code was maybe a bit too verbose and... again, "opinionated". I really apprecate the this project, I was worried I'd be sinking weeks into building my own solution. Thank you!
Without this product, I wouldn't have a project. Or rather, I would, but it would have ground to a halt as I spent hundreds of hours trying to make something even remotely as effective as the Pathfinding Project. I would much rather spend tens of hours learning documentation (which this product is replete with), than hundreds of hours trying to reinvent the wheel.
Pathfinding has always been a bit tricky to get right. But you can stop those thougts right now. This package has got you set up in no time. It can look daunting in the beginning, but it's really simple.
So if you are serious about your game, and want a solid solution, then look no further. Besides, the cost of developing such a capable solution will be substantially higher than just getting this package.
Robert Thompson
It has something for everyone. Lots of features and it's fast. Even works for mobile. Support is quick and always helpful. The code is well written and have lots of comments.
I use this in all projects where something have to navigate through a changing environment.
Thank you so much for this package.
Easy to use and it actually works!!
Fernando Dudka
I also have the second best other asset which is Apex Path and Apex Steer which do NOT even come close to the pure brilliance of A* Pathfinding Project.
Put it this way. Procedurally generated terrains (RTS style game) Apex Path just falls over. Crash and burn style.
But A* Pathfinding handles it out of the box with the Recast Graphs. Yes it takes 30 seconds to generate the graphs. Aha but wait. With A* Pathfinding Project we can make our own modified version of the Graph Generators and optimize it to our scenarios.
All I can say is that A* Pathfinding Project is way beyond amazing.
After I spent $10 here and $20 dollars there (probably spending more than this project cost) I finally broke down and shelled out the money for this pathfinding project. Well, if anything proves the adage 'You get what you pay for' this is it. If I had just gotten this earlier for my project it would've saved me a lot of time and money. [...]
This is the navigation system I would've expected from Unity themselves.
Black Triangles
Like many I started with the free version but quickly switched to the Pro version.
Totally awesome, well written code and after messing around with it for a few days I was up and running. After some tweaks (the source is well written and documented) I was able to have it fully multi-threaded on PS4 and running very efficiently.
Also the author assisted me when I wanted to make a few small modifications. Went above and beyond. Great asset, stop reading this and buy it.
I've been playing with this for a while now on the free version and jumped at the chance to buy the pro version when it was in the sale. So far this asset has saved a lot of time, specially with some of the additional features included in the pro version (randompath/fleepath etc). The support has been excellent, i've asked a few questions to help get my head around it and the publisher has replied instantly with a detailed response. The last reply came back within 3 minutes! Five stars for you sir, well done.
Powerful path finding with clean efficient code. Developer is active and responsive.
I played with the free version all day, and now I've purchased the full version. Well worth the minimal cost for all the work that went into this. The kit has everything I need, and more. It is well documented and the coding is easy to grasp. It's incredibly fast (runtime) to-boot. It has plenty of examples and tutorials on the web page. Nice job, Aron, really quite impressive!
If you are looking for a fast and robust pathfinding solution, then this is the one to get. Comes with a lot of examples and tweaking possibilities (i really like that part).
I bought it and never regretted the purchase once. It's fast, flexible and easy to use.
In every game where I needed pathfinding, this has been my number one option, and it has proven to be a very good choice.
You might have some issues with 2d content, however, you can easily solve those and Aron is working on the proper 2d version as well.
The support is great as well. Couldn't recommend this more.
As a student who doesn't have any income or any other part time job, I am really happy to have spend my 100 euros on this asset!!
It's worth it
Awesome asset! Saved me a lot of time. Thanks!
Great asset, amazing support.
Studio ZYX
This is hands down the best asset in this store. It is extremely easy to use, and has lots of hooks for tailoring it to your specific needs.
The author is super helpful on the forum. He helped me out with my non-trivial performance-intensive use-case of the package.
The package itself has a tonne of options. It is sometimes difficult to wrap one's head around all of them. However the documentation is pretty thorough. And if that doesn't help you can get some help from the author. He literally replied within minutes of me writing.
The full version is pretty expensive. You will need it if you are writing a performance focused application where there are many objects moving at the same time and interacting - say 50+ objects moving at once.
The source code is easy enough to understand to dig through as well if documentation isn't clear on something.
Far better than Unity's pathfinding system. Some learning curve to master it all, but worth it!!!
After playing with various path find tools and sinking money into them this finally worked almost instantly.
Dont bother with the others this is the best. Logical easy to integrate.
Aron Granberg's A* is a community staple at this point, and it's easy to see why. This is a massive upgrade compared to Unity's built-in pathfinder. It's a lot more configurable, the agents are _much_ better behaved, and there's source access. What's there not to like?
There's a rich example set to get started, too!
The asset has it's own forums over at , and the author is active, so getting help with issues seems to be easy.
The only real complain is the comment style. It's not proper C# xml-comments, so Visual Studio and other editors won't include comments with autocomplete menus. The API is generally well commented too, so this is a shame.
Not only does the software deliver, but it is well designed, has an intuitive UI and the website has comprehensive How&To's, Tutorials and documentation.
Well done!
Micky Duncan
This does everything which i could expect from a pathfinding system. Most of the stuff is free but i got the pro version because of automatic Navmesh generation which is insanely quick to generate and the texture penalties. I was a little hesitant on price but i am unbelievably happy with this.
Was able to start up my own test scene from scratch and have an object with goes to a selected target using this pathfinding system within 10 minutes. First 5 minutes was to understand how to use it and last 5 minutes was to integrate it in a script. I would love to give this a 10 but rating does let me do it :(
Unity's built-in nav system was too limited for the project I was working on. I needed to create nav graphs at runtime and update them on the fly. That is exactly what this package does, and then some.
Kevin Lukic
This is a very deep asset, that can take a while to really grasp everything it can do, but once you figure it out, it's pretty amazing, and it's worth the time it takes to learn how to use it, because in the end, it'll save you a TON of time. It's also worth noting that the support is outstanding. I ran into a problem while trying to customize the way this works for my specific project, and Aron went above and beyond to help me find a solution that works for me. I couldn't be happier with what this offers, and I look forward to getting more familiar with all of the functions. This asset is truly inspirational! Now my characters no longer get stuck after running face first into walls!
This is a fantastic add-on and I highly recommend it. I had my troops finding paths and navigating within the first hour. I've been playing with the more advanced features since then, such as path smoothing, and it's all very impressive. This package is powerful, flexible, well designed, and intuitive.
Clay Fowler
One of the assets I always recommend to programmers who are starting to deal with pathfinding. I consider this easily one of the five best assets on the entire Asset Store. [...]
Brennan Anthea
I bought this asset a while back, but as a playmaker user I didn't went through it yet.
The documentation is really detailled, every thing a coder needs is in it.
However, as non coder, I had some troubles making it work with my setup of FSM. I went on the forum and the creator answered my questions in less than an hour! He's been really helpfull, patient, and quick. A real model for asset creators!
Now thanks to his help I can start to fully exploit this incredible asset wit A must buy for anyone who needs some proper AIs!
A few of the games using the A* Pathfinding Project
Explore colonial India through a literary lens in this procedural open world RPG. Branching narratives, combat, stealth and survival mechanics let you tell your own versions of Nobel Prize winner Rudyard Kipling's masterpiece.
Dark Frontier
You must defend the Tavern controlling multiples heroes against hordes of enemies.
The A* Pathfinding Project power us to run in a mobile 10 to 20 units in realtime using a 4k nodes grid without any problem,
even when doing constant weight updates and using nice modifiers like the Alternative Path modifier.
Folk Tale will be a sandbox fantasy city builder strategy game in which you lead a ragtag band of peasants in growing a small settlement into a thriving market town, while the dastardly Slavemaster Urzal and his minions plot your downfall. Sound the rallying call and head out into the wilds with parties of heroes and fight back the tide of evil in a game of endless possibilities.
Folk Tale for PC, Mac and Linux is developed by indie collaboration studio Games Foundry.}


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