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  看美剧Lie to Me(《别对我撒谎》)时,蓦然发现,我们虽然可以借助高科技仪器以及通过研究人的各种细微表情来识别大大小小的谎言,但人心何其复杂,谎言又何其多。何况一旦谎言被识破,痛苦的往往不只是说谎者,拆穿谎言的人也难免会因此对这世界多存一份怀疑。长久下去,我们生活的世界可能会变成一个缺乏诚信,充斥谎言的可怕地方。而那将是人类莫大的悲哀!&
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  It&s been said that &everybody lies sometimes.& And it&s true. Everyone does lie from time to time. M women lie. Husbands lie, friends lie, wives lie, and believe it or not, your mother might lie.&
  A recent study showed that 91 percent of all People lie on a regular basis, and people tell at least 13 major lies a week, according to a recent
of The Oprah Winfrey Show called the &Liar, Liar Test.& Since lying occurs so frequently, Jet polled a number of psychologists, sociologists, marriage counselors and other experts to find out: Do men or women lie the most?&
  The first thing one has to understand about lying is that there are at least five different types of liars: the model of absolute integrity, the real straight-shooter, the
fibber, a real Pinocchio and the
liar, according to sociologist-anthropologist Dr. Gina Graham Scott.&
  Dr. Scott explained that the model of absolute integrity &is one who is very ethical, and almost rarely lies.& The real straight-shooter is &an occasional, flexible liar, but most of the time, the person will tell the truth,& Dr. Scott notes. &If someone says, &Do you like my tie?& and he answers yes, but he really hates it, he will say he likes it because he doesn&t want to say something negative or bad.&&
fibber is one who lies &when the situation calls for it. A situational liar lies when he feels like it&s in his best interest,& Scott says. She describes the real Pinocchio liar as &someone who exaggerates. For example, the salesman who goes beyond the
and exaggerates. He has no
about lying and will tell people things to get something from them&. And the
liar is &somebody who just can&t tell the truth,& Scott explains. &He lies about almost everything, even when he doesn& this is the person who is almost getting to the point of being a
almost anything he says is not going to be true.&&
  功利撒谎者是那种&当形势需要时会撒谎的人。一个会见风驶舵的人会在他感觉那对自己最有利时撒谎,&斯科特说。而现实的匹诺曹式撒谎者,她则形容为是那种&喜欢夸夸其谈的人。例如,那些夸大其词,将产品吹得天花乱坠的销售员。他对撒谎不存在良心不安,为了能从别人那里得到某些东西而信口开河。& 另外,撒谎成性的人就是&那种将谎话当成实话来说的人,&斯科特解释说,&他几乎对任何事情都会撒谎,即使是在他没必要撒谎的时候;这种人几乎成了一个病态的大话王,几乎他说的每一件事情都不会是真的。&
  Dr. Robert G. Newby, the professor of sociology at Central Michigan University, believes that men lie more than women. &Men are more concerned about how they present themselves in public, the impression they make on people and things like that,& he says. &Men are always trying to impress people in the work and want to make sure that their presentation of self is one that makes them look good.& Women, on the other hand, Dr. Newby believes &are more private people and their relationships tend to be more interpersonal, as opposed to having to put on a public face. Women are more vulnerable and they are not as likely to try to pull the wool over someone&s eyes like men.&&
  Dr. Maisha Hamilton-Bennett, executive director of Hamilton Life Institute in Chicago and a past president of the Association of Black Psychologists, also believes that men lie the most. &Men are desired and valued in relationships based on what they have,& Dr. Hamilton-Bennett points out. &So a man may overstate what he has to make himself appear more desirable to a woman. He may overstate his income, what level he works at on the job or he may even borrow a car and claim that it is his.&&
  &And women are valued on how they look. Women often &lie& in their appearance to be more attractive to men,& she explains. &Women do change their appear they wear
they wear make they wear wigs and contact lenses to change the color of their eyes.&&
  Dr. Ronn Elmore, Los Angeles-based relationship counselor, does not believe that lying is based on gender. &But oftentimes men are accused of being the greater liars in relationships because women are more concerned with getting lied to,& he says.&
  来自洛杉矶的两性关系顾问罗 恩&埃尔默博士并不认为谎言与性别有必然关系。&但男人在两性关系中却常常被指责为更爱撒谎,因为女性更计较自己所受的欺骗。&他说。
  Elmore continues, &I also believe when women lie it tends to be verbal, plain old-fashioned lies with words. But when men lie, it is often nonverbal, as in doing what he says he would not do or not doing what he promised he would do. Either way, it&s a lie, male version or female version. It is the opposite of integrity.&&
  Vesta Callender, psychotherapist in New York City, also agrees that one&s gender does not play a role in lying, but men and women do lie differently. &Women are much more careful in their lies. They plan better,& Callender notes. &They create a history around the lie, and they try to project into the future what might happen if the lie is detected. With a woman, a lie has a beginning, a middle and an end. It&s a real .& Callender believes that men &tend to lie for the moment or to get out of a situation. Men think less about how the lie can be detected.&&
  Dr. Elmore stresses that while it is true that most people lie from time to time, one should be truthful. &Be truthful at any cost. Everything that is true does not need to be said, but everything said needs to be true. You don&t have to say everything on your mind, but whatever you do say needs to be fact, not .&&
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