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Title: The Lab
Release Date: 5 Apr, 2016
Requires a virtual reality headset. See the VR Support section for more info.
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Recent updates
9 December, 2016
Developing games is hard. When you add in the unique challenges brought on by an entirely new medium, it is arguably even more so. Last October, several members of the team behind The Lab gathered at Steam Dev Days to talk about the experiments, difficulties, failures and successes that ultimately led to The Lab's creation. We thought some of you might enjoy this peek into the process:If you’d like to see more talks from Steam Dev Days, you can find them all .
7 December, 2016
Oculus Touch users can press the X and A to rotate in place, 90 degrees left or right.Requires the latest Fixed issue with Korean subtitles displaying the wrong language in SlingshotLocalization update
About This Game
Set in a pocket universe of Aperture Science, The Lab offers a wide range of ways to enjoy VR, all in one application. SlingshotBegin your career as a Calibration Trainee by recklessly destroying everything in the Aperture Storage Annex using the Core Calibration slingshot.LongbowUse your archery skills to defend your noble castle gate from a rampaging but adorable and equally noble horde of attackers.XortexAre you a bad enough dude to become a Xortex ace? Relive the golden era of gaming -- only this time, it's all around you.PostcardsVisit exotic, far-off locales from the comfort of your own head.Human Medical ScanExplore the intricate beauty of the human body through a highly detailed model created from a series of CT medical scans.Solar SystemWhy watch shows about the vast majesty of space when you can jump in and see it for yourself? Have educational space-fun while putting Neil Degrasse-Tyson out of business.Robot RepairCan you repair a robot? Good, because Aperture Science's Human Diversity Outreach Program is now hiring.Secret ShopThe fantasy equivalent of a twenty-four-hour convenience store is now open for business! Peruse artifacts, shop for familiars and cast a spell or two at Dota's Secret Shop!
System Requirements
Minimum:OS: Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8.1 or Windows 10Processor: Intel(R) i5-4590, AMD FX 8350 equivalent or betterMemory: 4 GB RAMGraphics: NVIDIA GeForce(R) GTX 970, AMD Radeon(TM) R9 290 equivalent or better, Video Output: HDMI 1.4, DisplayPort 1.2 or newerAdditional Notes: 1x USB 2.0 or better port also required
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> VR人气火爆《The Lab》成Steam评分最高游戏
VR人气火爆《The Lab》成Steam评分最高游戏小编原创小编原创
发表时间: 14:09:08来源:小编原创发布:红叶
然而除了数量的上升以外,VR游戏的质量也是得到了玩家们的认可。比如9月28日的Steam评价最高游戏Top10当中,这款VR游戏《The Lab》就排名到了第一,并且在前10名中有三款是VR类游戏,虽然这个排名会经常会变动,同时免费也对其高评分有一定的帮助,但是没办法否认的还是玩家对VR游戏的评价还是非常积极正面的。
值得一提的是,像《Raw Data》这种VR游戏一经推出就是轰动异常,短短时间里就直接冲到了畅销榜第一,之后数据表明这个游戏收益已经是超过100万美元,而考虑到VR玩家数量仍然是少的可怜,所以这个成绩已经相当出色了。
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Steam免费VR游戏《The Lab/实验室》精品小游戏值得一试
Steam免费VR游戏《The Lab/实验室》精品小游戏值得一试Steam上的《The Lab/实验室》是由 V社自家推出的一款VR游戏软件。游戏建立在光圈科技口袋宇宙内的房间规模 VR 实验合集。修理机器人、保卫城堡、领养一只机械狗及其它更多的体验在等着您。游戏自带简体中文,并可以免费下载随意畅玩,还是值得一试的。


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