
under steam的中文意思
沪江词库精选under steam是什么意思、中英文句子翻译、英语短语。
中文释义: adv.在行驶中
ship under steam
Drying out the steam under controlled degrees of heat and pressure is important.
2017under steam是什么意思由沪江网提供。steam的解释n. 蒸气,精力
v. 蒸发steam的例句 The engines are driven by steam.
这些发动机是由蒸汽驱动的。 The ship steamed into the harbor.
n.蒸汽,水汽 vi.蒸发 vt.蒸
动词过去式:steamed 过去分词:steamed 现在分词:steaming 第三人称单数:steams
近义词, 同义词
/sti:m; stim/n [U] 1 (a) invisible gas into which water is changed by boiling 水蒸气; 蒸汽.(b) power obtained using this gas under pressure 加压蒸汽产生的动力*a building heated by steam 有暖气的建筑物* [attrib 作定语] a steam brake, whistle, winch, etc, ie worked by steam 蒸汽制动器、汽笛、汽动绞车* steam cleaning, ie done by steam 蒸汽洗涤. 2 visible mist that forms when steam condenses in the air 水汽*steam coming out of a boiling kettle 水烧开後从壶里冒出来的水汽* The laundry was full of steam. 洗衣房里水汽腾腾. 3 (idm 习语) full speed/steam ahead => full. blow off/let off `steam (infml 口) release surplus energy or emotion from being restrained 宣泄被压抑的过剩精力或情感*The children were out in the playground letting off steam. 那些孩子在操场上玩, 宣泄过剩的精力. get up `steam(a) (of a vehicle or an engine) slowly increase speed (指汽车或发动机)慢慢加速.(b) (infml 口) (of a person) collect one' gradually become excited or angry (指人)打起精神, 渐渐激动或愤怒. ,run out of `steam (infml 口) become exhausted 失去动力; 筋疲力尽*There is a danger of the housing programme running out of steam, ie losing its impetus. 住宅兴建计画有半途而废之虞. ,under one's own `steam with unaided 靠自己的力量.v 1 [I, Ip] give out steam or vapour 放出蒸汽; 冒水汽*steaming hot coffee 热气腾腾的咖啡* The kettle was steaming (away) on the stove. 水壶在炉子上冒着热气. 2 [Tn, Cn.a] cook, soften or clean (sth), by the use of steam 用蒸汽处理(某物); 蒸; 蒸汽软化; 蒸汽洗涤*steamed pudding 蒸的布丁* Steam the fish for10 minutes. 把鱼蒸10分钟.* steam open an envelope, ie use steam to soften the glue on the flap 用蒸汽把信封口嘘开. =>Usage at cook 用法见cook. 3 (idm 习语) be/get (all) steamed `up (about/over sth) (infml 口) become very enthusiastic, angry, excited, etc 变得很热心、愤怒、激动等*Calm down
it's nothing to get steamed up about! 冷静一点--没什么可激动的! 4 (phr v) steam across, along, away, off, etc move in the specified direction using the power of steam 藉蒸汽动力沿某方向移动*a boat steaming up the Nile 向尼罗河上游行驶的汽船* The train steamed into/out of the station. 火车驶进[出]了车站.* We were steaming along at50 mph. 我们靠蒸汽动力以每小时50英里的速度向前行驶. steam sth off (sth) remove (one piece of paper) from another using steam to melt the glue sticking them together 用蒸汽嘘(纸)(使之与黏贴物分开)*steam stamps off envelopes 用蒸汽嘘邮票以便从信封上揭下. steam (sth) up (cause sth to) become covered with condensed steam (使某物)蒙上水汽*The car windows steamed up. 汽车窗户上有一层水汽. steamer n 1 steamship 汽船; 汽艇. 2 metal container with small holes in it, in which food is cooked using steam 蒸锅.
1. But until recently, the academic edge gained by participating in sports was thought to come from the increased self-confidence, the better mood, and the ability to concentrate that comes from burning off steam in exercise.
2. When water boils it turns into steam.
3. Why don&t you steam those lobsters with ginger and scallion now?
&&&&你现在何不把那些龙虾和姜, 葱一起蒸呢?
4. The steam escaped with a loud hissing noise.
&&&&蒸汽发出很大的嘶嘶声冒了出 来.
5. The steam-engine piston makes a cyclic motion.
6. The most wonderful piece of machinery on show was Nasmyth&s steam hammer.
7. Though in those days, travelling was not as easy as it is today, steam boats carried thousands of visitors across the Channel from Europe.
8. Heat causes the conversion of water into steam.
9. He called his machine an aspirator (吸气器). The huge device was powered by a steam engine.
10. A steam engine transforms heat into energy.


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