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京ICP备号-1 京公网安备02号PC-nuking malware sneakily replaces popular free software on FossHub
Everything is fine now, but a few unfortunate users installed a fake Classic Shell installer that may have temporarily messed up their computers.
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This isn't good. Two of the most popular programs on download site
were recently replaced with malware that nuked the master boot records on any PC unlucky enough to install it.
The free software site had to act quickly after hackers infiltrated it through compromised user accounts. While the hackers were in the system they managed to replace the installation files for Audacity and Classic Shell with malicious downloads.
Both programs are two of the more popular downloads on FossHub. In the case of , a popular audio editing and recording program, FossHub was able to catch the malicious file before anyone downloaded it. Beloved Start menu replacement
wasn't so fortunate. About 300 downloads of the bad file occurred before FossHub shut it down.
The impact on you at home: The threat from the hackers appears to be over. All downloads from FossHub should now be secure and malware-free as before. If you’re worried, however, scan any files you’ve downloaded with an anti-virus program before installing them. (You should actually do this with every single file you ever download.) You can also upload the file to a site like , which will scan your file with several security programs.
Your browser may also say that it can’t trust your download (as it apparently did with the bad Classic Shell download). If that happens that’s another red flag—though false positives from browsers aren’t uncommon.
Fallout from
Anyone who downloaded and installed the bad version of Classic Shell has likely already figured that out. Based on , the infected Classic Shell program overwrote users’ master boot record (MBR) and flashed a cheeky message on a user’s screen. Messing with the MBR would render an infected PC temporarily unusable, but the MBR can usually be repaired with .
Users on Reddit are also claiming that the malicious files weren’t hacked versions of Classic Shell and Audacity. Instead, the bad guys just replaced the installation file with a different one that contained the malware. When the bad file was installed, it popped up a command prompt window and did nothing else—another tip-off that this was a problem installer.
The apparent hackers, who called themselves
on Twitter, claimed they also had temporary control , including the site’s administrator email account. They also said their motivation for carrying out the hack was to draw attention to the site’s security weaknesses with a less benign attack. That would then prompt the site to double down on security before hackers who might try to use
took advantage of the same issue. The tweets on the Cult of Razer account have since been deleted but are still available in Google’s cache.
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page or our恶意软件刮复古风 这个Windows木马像20多年前一样质朴
TNW中文站 8月5日报道上个世纪九十年代初期,恶意软件还是非常单纯的,或者说非常质朴。它主要通过受感染的软盘和共享软件网站传播。当某台电脑被感染后,恶意软件对它造成的危害也相对有限一些。但是当不法分子发现他们可以利用恶意软件来赚钱时,情况立即就发生了变化。开发恶意软件不再是为了表现学术上的好奇心和兴趣,而是变成了一种获利的渠道。勒索软件和垃圾邮件机器人软件就是最好的例子。、在这种情况下,人们最近发现的一种Windows木马就显得有些怪异了,因为它的行为和外观就像我们在上个世纪九十年代初期看到的那些恶意软件一样单纯和质朴。这种新木马的感染方式有两种,其中一种是通过音频编辑软件Audacity的安装文件来传播,另一种是开始菜单工具软件Classic Shell来传播。这种新木马的传播源头是网站FossHub,具有讽刺意味的是,这家网站提出的口号是:“绝无广告软件、绝无间谍软件、绝无捆绑软件、绝无恶意软件。”之所以选择这些应用是因为它们都是流行软件,截至本文发稿时,这两款软件在FossHub的应用下载排行榜上分别排在第一和第二位。一旦这两款软件被安装,恶意软件就会覆写受害人电脑的主引导记录(MBR),这种行为跟上个世纪九十年代初期的很多病毒的做法是一样的。这样就会造成Windows无法正常启动。这种新木马的作者是PeggleCrew,现在已经有人致函Softpedia,声称为木马发动的攻击负责,并且解释了他们是如何进行攻击的。他们在电子邮件中写道:“简单地说,不带认证机制的网络服务在互联网上就是不设防的。我们可以从这种网络服务中抓取数据,获得源代码和密码,从而进一步深入到FOSSHub的基础架构中,最终控制住它们的生产设备、备份和镜像地址、它们使用缓冲服务的FTP证书以及Google Apps托管的电子邮件。”虽然这类攻击非常令人恼火,但是解决的办法也相当简单。你只需要在Windows恢复光盘上运行一条指令就行了。最近一段时间,PeggleCrew因为他们搞的一系列恶作剧而名声鹊起。今年早些时候,他们攻破了前甲壳虫乐队鼓手林戈·斯塔尔(Ringo Starr)的Twitter帐户,然后利用这个帐户痛骂One Direction乐队的成员哈里·斯泰尔斯(Harry Styles)和音乐界的其他著名艺人。上个月,他们还攻破了社交新闻网站Reddit的一些帐户,然后利用那些帐户搞破坏。(编译/林靖东)【美国The Next Web作品的中文相关权益归腾讯公司独家所有。未经授权,不得转载、摘编等。】
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