
Merlin Unfulfilled, Viewers Unfulfilled, End of Merlin | Merlin~Arthur - Perspectives for Today's World
Official Blog for the More Merlin Project – Merlin touches the hearts of people around the World
Judgement Error?
One look at the reaction to the end of Merlin might lead to the conclusion that someone, somewhere made a serious judgement error.
That is obvious from the enormous reaction out on the web firstly to the announcement of the end of Series 5, but secondly & more importantly looking at the enormous output since the series ended.
Just take a surf through the web and take note of the grief, outrage, disappointment, incredulity and pure angst that the series came to an end the way it did.
* Fans Happy with the end?
“we think the fans will be happy with the way the series ends”
Just take a brief
poll of all the comments on any site (including this one) and you will see that less than 1% of comments are happy with the way it ended.
Promises Unfulfilled
Once the pure grief at the way the series ended subsided, the main complaint from people around the world was this:
the series did not deliver on any of the promises that kept us watching for 5 years.
Merlin revealing his magic and being able to use if freely in a Camelot where magic is accepted again.
No, we didn’t see that.
We saw 10 minutes of Arthur knowing before he died
The glorious days of Albion where Merlin, Arthur et al live in this wonderful place they fought so hard to create.
No, we didn’t see that either.
It was created and then Arthur died.
Aithusa, who Kilgharrah said “bodes well for the land of Albion that you and Arthur will create”
… didn’t see Aithusa helping to create that or being in it.
End result?
We feel cheated!
Please take note attention writers, producers, directors, actors, creators
Merlin’s End was unfulfilled.
So too are we.
The vast majority of Merlin viewers are very unhappy about the ending of Series 5.
We are not unreasonable, we know that a series must come to an end at some point but then please end it in keeping with the spirit with which the series ran for 5 years.
Revealing Merlin’s magic and the Golden Age of Camelot cannot be accomplished in two episodes.
So, please, re-write the end of Series 5, or do a Series 6 even if it’s in a year’s time or a movie with the same cast.
(see Mission Statement).
Thank you.
Quick note on Merlin’s audience:
These are not teenage girl fans sharing their angst because they can no longer ooh and ahh over Colin and Bradley on Saturday nights (no judgment intended, this is perfectly valid and understandable), no these are men & women of all ages, many “middle aged” if you like who found themselves doing something they had never done before:
taking the time to write something, comment and agree that a/ they were disappointed at how the series came to an abrupt end without fulfilling any of the implied promises over the 5 years and b/ wanting more Merlin.
Why is that?
What was so compulsive & captivating about Merlin?
Click on Magic of Merlin in the Menu bar above.
If you want to help bring Merlin back… please read Mission Statement above, sign up, comment share.
Thank you!
This page created on Jan 26 2013}


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