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大小:72.66 MB 版本:1.0
像重型机械,起重机操作员和救援的游戏吗?是雪犁,挖掘机起重机自卸车开展救援行动中山路的司机!大雪挖掘机起重机作品带给你最好的挖掘机起重机操作员模拟器游戏,有三种不同类型的起重机控制!准备在危险的山路驾驶你的雪犁吹雪闪开!请确保你开道,你不死机的雪犁!成为自卸卡车司机,并采取积雪的翻车机位置,而回避雪滑梯,在最危险的山脉!如果你是重型机械,挖掘机雪吊车,救援行动,扫雪机和卡车司机游戏的粉丝,那么大雪挖掘机起重机作品是你最好的游戏!配备了最逼真的雪挖掘机操作员控制,给您最好的起重机操作模拟器,让你体验到清除冰雪封路中山路,并帮助开辟交通和抢救人民的快感!也体验驾驶的雪犁和自卸车在同一时间的快感!大雪挖掘机起重机运配备了令人惊叹的3D视觉效果,引人入胜的声音效果,让你觉得自己像一个重型机械挖掘机操作,雪犁和泥头车司机,给你的是一个英雄,拯救人因被困的快感雪滑的山!享受寒冷的环境中,雪花落下,暴雪酝酿为你履行你的拯救行动!大雪挖掘机起重机运算游戏特色:- 令人兴奋的3D图形- 雪域环境与暴雪吹- 现实,真实,聘任音效,给你最好的模拟体验- 出色平滑和用户友好的控制方式- 重型机械车辆控制,包括雪挖掘机,雪犁和3种不同类型自卸车- 完全掌控重型机械的雪挖掘机起重机,具有运动在挖掘机运算模式3种不同类型- 多摄像角度给你最好的意见,- 多种任务,让你从事所有天来吧,下载这个挖掘机模拟游戏,并享受使用挖土机,雪犁的快感和自卸车,一个3合1的经验!
大小:73.91 MB 版本:2.2
源自 CSR RACING 的创造者!过去60年的直线加速赛车传奇在 CSR Classics 中重现。5/5「优异的画面及古典车的重现,视觉效果令人惊艳」5/5「充满古典跑车的优秀赛车游戏。我想得到的美国古董车都有。以有史以来最棒的五十几台车进行比赛包括Shelby Mustang GT500、Ford GT40、Plymouth Superbird 和其他来自BMW、Chevrolet、Dodge、Ford、Mercedes、Plymouth、Pontiac、Shelby 等车厂所出的古典车款!修复您的爱车 将您的跑车从没人爱的生锈铁壳转身变为超帅的赛车偶像!轻松上手,专精困难-以空闲的时间来一场快速赛车, 或是投入心血在线上积分排行榜争冠。多人游戏「世界争霸」-挑战数百万名CSR Classics 玩家,在积分排行榜上脱颖而出,赢取其他地方找不到的特殊跑车和奖励!制霸这个不夜城挑战霸占这个城市的帮派并与最强悍的驾驶对决。你有本事制霸市街吗?这款游戏不兼容第三和第四代iPOD TOUCH、iPAD 1以及iPHONE 3G。经过优化,适用于 iPhone 6 及其后版本,以及 iPad Air 及其后版本。CSR Classics可以免费畅玩,但是它包含了一些要用真实货币购买的道具。你可以在游戏设备的“限制”菜单里切换启动/关闭购买功能。玩游戏时务必将您的设备接入互联网以获取最新的内容,同时确保备份您的个人资料。
大小:804.85 MB 版本:1.16.0
Torque Burnout 将所有竞速游戏的精华融于一身,是一款当之无愧的顶级‘驾驶’游戏!握住方向盘,油门踩到底,画出无能人比的甜甜圈漂移。改进您的座驾,追求它的极限,让观众狂迷不已,然后再更上一层楼,成为独霸一方的烧胎之王!特色:● 浓烟、爆胎、引擎冒火,成就一款逼真的烧胎模拟游戏!● 众多类型的车辆,全部具备独有的操控和定制内容。● 引擎滚雷般的雷鸣,响彻您的五脏。● 支持设备的3D触摸控制。备注: ● 推荐但不强制使用网络连接来进行游戏。● Torque Burnout 是一款免费游戏。游戏中的资金可以用实际付费的方式透过应用程序内购买。
大小:307.51 MB 版本:1.8.55
Have you ever wanted to launch a rocket to the stars? &Liftoff VR enables you to experience that along with the added challenge of landing the booster rocket back on a drone ship after successfully deploying a satellite to space. &All you need is a Google Cardboard Viewer, your iPhone, and a few minutes to experience something magical. &Liftoff VR was built because VR is an amazing new medium to tell stories in and SpaceX is a spectacular company that is going to change humanity. &We are incredibly huge fans of both!***TOP RATED VR EXPERIENCE WITH LOTS OF 5 STAR REVIEWS***Read more by selecting all versions under reviews tab!Use a Google Cardboard Viewer, like the Viewmaster Goggles, to watch a SpaceX Falcon Heavy Rocket launch into space to release a satellite then try to land the booster on a drone ship all in virtual realityFollow a rocket in VR as it launches into space using a Cardboard VR Viewer.Please responsibly enjoy the experience we've crafted for you. Don't forget to tell your friends about it!
大小:84.32 MB 版本:3.0
Play Brave the Wave VR! &Stranded at sea, you have your hopes and sights set on reaching an island safely. You soon realize though that you’re not alone, as both elements and creatures seemingly have other less fortunate plans for you.&Brave the Wave VR 3D Game Play●Sway from L to R to avoid lightning striking the boat●Balance your boat as bird poop accumulates and tilts it left and right●Dodge flying piranhas as the tasty buffet comes towards you with decapitating force & & & & & &●Keep your boat afloat as rainstorms threaten your hopes of reaching land●All the while, find items all along the way that will help you reach your goal:○Food (increase your energy and get better reflex to defend against challenges)&○Equipment (Grab better equipment to reach land, such an oar, a motor and more)Download the game today and see how many days you can survive at sea. &Don’t get seasick. &
大小:65.67 MB 版本:1.0
Try out your vestibular system on an insane attraction AirRace VR. Crazy upturns,mad overloads and incredible speed are awaiting for you.Please, look at the leveler, to start the game.
大小:82.16 MB 版本:1.2
有没有曾经羡慕过司机可以一把倒进一辆巨大的工程大吊车?你也可以!挑战你的停车水平!锻炼你的停车能力 赶快下载这个3D高仿的停车游戏,体验一下在现有时间之内停一辆大工程车的紧张刺激的快感! 你一辈子可以都没有机会做的事情,这个游戏帮你过足瘾!游戏特点: 免费下载 - 多个场地关卡难度逐步加大 多种驱动的备用目标任务 - 证明你的驾驶技巧! 美丽的现实总线驱动 真正的物理处理 惊人的3D世界,充满了细节,值得探索 拖车附件和多目标任务! 可调相机提供尽善尽美的观点。 停车场上运行任何东西,从iPad1,iPod touch的第四代,甚至全的iPhone 5支持宽屏。
大小:68.98 MB 版本:2.2
** With over 400.000 downloads one of the most successful VR expiriences on iOS &**&** Be the Pilot and participate in a real 3D Air Race **** Fly over the beautiful city of Abu Dhabi **** Intuitive hands-free controls and stunning 3D graphics define new standards in mobile VR **Visual Effects Experts who worked on a dozen Hollywood Blockbusters let you experience flying like no other mobile VR app.Have you ever wondered what it feels like to fly an aeroplane race at a constant top speed of 425kph (360kmh)? Only very few pilots can withstand 10 times the force of gravity (10Gs) while maintaining their reflexes to avoid obstacles. Can you? For the first time on iOS, you can challenge yourself and find out what it feels like to be one of those pilots. Better be seated while enjoying this wild ride!But why stop there? &Take your plane over a scenic Virtual Reality flight. Enjoy the beautiful city of Abu Dhabi from above -- you are the pilot in full control.&This game is designed with VR Cardboards in mind. Helm your plane in a unique and intuitive way that doesn't require any external or additional controls.For 3D effect VR glasses aka headsets like Google Cardboard, Samsung Gear VR, Zeiss VR One, Durovis Dive, Lekento, My3d, VrAse etc are required.FEATURES• Metal Support• Unique VR controls for Google Cardboard and other VR headsets• Stunning 3D visuals created by Hollywood VFX experts are pushing the limits of mobile VRThis game :• Does not contain links to social networks• Does not collect any personal data• Has a fair amount of advertising compared to other games, this is our way to fund free access to the game
大小:87.92 MB 版本:3.1
驾车自学,学车练车,停车练习,软件仿真度太高,请慎入。纵观诸多学车软件,我绝对堪称优秀,精心制作的停车教程,逼近真实的操控设计,华丽的画面制作,广泛且详细的用车知识和新手知识。告别头疼的停车,来接受快乐停车吧![适用平台] - 本应用在iphone5以上可以完美运行。[应用特点] - 完全真车物理引擎,完全真实的操控设计 - 华丽的3D画面制作 - 精心制作的停车教程 - 精心设计的车内视角,停车就是感觉 - 广泛且详细的停车知识温馨提示:因应用基本完全模拟现实设计,所以可以在现实中作为参考、模拟之用,当然正因为是完全仿真,您同样需要考虑到您的真车与模拟车辆的轴距、长度等差异。[适合人群] - 刚考完驾驶本的新手朋友 - 正在考驾驶本的准司机朋友 - 总无法避免停困难车位的老手朋友 - 喜欢的,想随身带着“驾驶手册”的朋友[包含功能]1.停车教程: 应用内集成5种常见停车方式教程,侧方位停车、直角停车、斜位停车、路牙停车。新手停不进去?不用怕,还有多次停车教程。 -全3D 360度视角控制 -完全真车物理模拟 -关键位的步骤设计 -各种注意事项分步说明 可以让你在任何角度轻松理解入位的原理和精髓。2.停车练习: 应用内的关卡模式“学车生涯”拥有多达39个任务,由浅入深,有圆饼路、限宽门等经典的驾校训练关。还有颇具挑战的复杂多车连续障碍,当然,少不了城市常用的经典入位、离位。在这里模拟,北京胡同都不怕!而且,更多还在开发中。 练习中含有3种不同的3D视角。 -顶视角:让学车不久的新手司机,快乐轻松的了解车辆前进和倒车到底是怎嘛回事。 -透视角:各个角度观察,我的车到底能不能蹭到他呢? -内视角:新手朋友们有福了,这可是目前练习“车感”最好的工具了3.学开车手册: 新手朋友们 - 在为立交桥怎么走而苦恼吗? - 在为上下地库不敢尝试吗? - 被追尾,咋走保险? - … - 再简单点,我…我不会加油! 不用愁了,我告诉你!
老手朋友们 - 安全带有那么重要吗? - 气囊能打碎脸? - 儿童为啥不能做副驾驶? - … - 开锅了,这个真心没经验!
大小:58.84 MB 版本:1.2.3
Get the sequel to our “Smash Hit” TRUCKER Parking Simulator! In Trucker 2 you’ve been promoted to the first rung of your Career Ladder! Collect to trailers and complete delivery jobs for clients at the Shipping Docks. Earn your seat in bigger and better trucks to access more advanced jobs, with longer loads, bigger trailers and more valuable cargo! Trucker 2 is an intoxicating mix of Precision Driving, Parking and Spatial Awareness in some HUGE Monster Rigs!PRECISON PARKING PUZZLELearn to park with precision in increasingly difficult tasks, including really tight turns and reversing long loads into tricky positions. Approach each parking problem with an open mind, to find the most efficient way of maneuvering your load into the perfect parking spot as fast as possible. Each mission is a mini-puzzle for which you’ll need to know the limits of your vehicle to park cleanly and quickly. Impress the clients enough to get paid so you can buy more Trucks!INCREDIBLE INDUSTRIAL PORT & DOCKSIDE MAPExplore the Port, with ferries to board, border control gates to pass through, realistic traffic and tons of vibrant details! Realistic lighting and real-time shadows, super-detailed trucks with interiors, beautiful stunning HD graphics and even flocks of sea gulls bring this hive of industrious activity to life!15 REALISTIC TRUCKS TO DRIVEStart your Mega Truck Collection today! With a huge range of realistic Cabins and Tractors, from classic to modern American and European trucks and a vast range of Trailers and exciting Loads to Deliver. You’ll need to cleanly connect your cabin to the required trailer and make your delivery on time. With some seriously long trailers, are you up to the challenge of working in this busy environment, where every second counts?OUR FREE TO PLAY PROMISEThe Main Game Mode is 100% FREE to Play, all the way through, no strings attached! Extra Game Modes that alter the rules slightly to make the game easier are available through In-App Purchases.&GAME FEATURES ▶ 15 Epic Trucks, featuring Classis & Modern American & Euro style cabins and a MASSIVE selection of Trailers & Rigs to pull!▶ 75 Tricky Parking Missions to complete your career!&#% Free To Play, with no strings attached!▶ iCloud support C continue your career on your other devices!▶ Customisable Control Methods (Tilt, Buttons, Steering Wheel)▶ Multiple Views (including Bonnet Cam)&▶ Runs on anything from (or better than) the iPhone 4, iPad 2, iPad Mini & iPod Touch (5th Generation)
大小:157.87 MB 版本:1.0
多个国家Top 10游戏总榜支持按键和触屏两种控制方式这是一个简单好玩的游戏。在崎岖复杂的道路上将货物安全运达终点。货物不能少于关卡要求的数目,运送的越多,得分越高。你必须小心谨慎。按屏幕的左右来控制卡车的速度。旋转设备来控制卡车的倾斜角度。同时支持按键控制游戏。车库里面可以得到你想要的东西。准备好了吗?出发!
大小:20.05 MB 版本:2.18
Join Lightning McQueen, Mater and all of your favorite Cars characters as you power through virtual worlds of heart-racing stunts with over 160 cars in the new Cars Daredevil Garage app! Crank up the speed through 9 different tracks that take crazy twists and turns through the beach and the backyard!Boost your speed and stunt your cars as you take on twisted loops, jumps, turns and more!Grow your garage by scanning over 160 actual physical Mattel die-cast cars to stunt with in the app! If you’re experiencing app freezes or performance issues, simply double-tap your device’s home button, then swipe the Cars Daredevil Garage window upward to close the app, and then open it again.FEATURESPower through 2 virtual worlds (Beach & Backyard) with 9 different radical tracks complete with twists, turns, jumps, loops, skids and more!Score a free hero car with purchase of each new world!Unlock, earn or even scan actual physical Mattel die-cast cars to stunt and fill your Daredevil Garage! This app supports die-casts from:World Grand PrixPiston CupRadiator SpringsYe Left Turn InnTunersLost and FoundAirport AdventureRace FansPit CrewDinocoTokyo PartyPalace ChaosIce RacersNeon RacersSilver RacersThe more you stunt, the more you’ll unlock for free! Please
for details.Before you download this experience, please consider that this app contains in-app purchases that cost real money, as well as advertising for the Walt Disney Family of Companies. If you’re experiencing difficulties with audio, please check the audio settings with your device to see if your device is muted. If that doesn't solve your issues, please visit our customer care FAQ page here: /en_US/Apps/Cars-Daredevil-Garage** Note: This product is optimized for iPhone 4s & up, and iPad 3 & up **For additional information about our practices in the United States and Latin America regarding children’s personal information, please read our Children’s Privacy Policy at /kids-privacy-policy/english/.
大小:311.21 MB 版本:1.5
Zombie Aircraft Virtual Pilot is an awesome 3D jet plane simulator and adventure game. Learn how to fly this infected fighter jet by yourself, following the missions assigned to you. Get now the game and prove that you can handle your plane while flying through treacherous obstacles.Take the command of your heavy bird and pull it off the ground. Pass through ticklish circles and keep your aircraft under control. All these maneuvers require great attention and concentration and you will have limited time to complete each mission so, don't waste your time, strap yourself into the cockpit and do your best!The radioactive environment filled with a ghost nuclear industry will bring a new deadly thrill to your flight experience. Avoid different obstacles, perform amazing stunts, go sky-high and clear all the waypoints. All these maneuvers require a great attention and concentration. Complete all the levels, fly quickly, and rule your plane through checkpoints before the time runs out! GAME FEATURES:--& Thrilli--& Lots of infecte--& Perform hazardo--& Different flight missions with progress--& Pass through all the circles in order to c--& Limited time - hurry up and do your damnedest!--& Amazing 3D graphics and dangerous radReady for the flight of your life? Experience a new flying thrill with this airplane simulator and CONNECT WITH US by simply rating and review our game, as we are always looking to improve it!
大小:89.55 MB 版本:1.1.0
Smash zomobies with car!
大小:61.03 MB 版本:1.01
Ever wish you could drive the Zamboni ice resurfacer?Drive carefully to clean the ice as efficiently as possible. Get as close to the boards as you can without hitting them. Don't leave patches of scratched ice or create puddles by driving over the same areas too many times.Start out on an early morning practice rink and work your way up through 5 arenas of increasing difficulty. The final challenge is cleaning the ice between periods of a professional hockey game with another Zamboni machine running in tandem.Posts best times and achievements to the Apple Game Center. Optionally shares your accomplishments with Facebook, Twitter, Weibo, email, or instant messaging.Send Zamboni Stickers to friends via email, text message, or social media. Special new optional hourly reminder feature for Apple Watch.Universal App - supports iPhone, iPod Touch 4, and iPad, including standard, Retina, and wider iPhone 5, 6 and 6+ displays.ZAMBONI has been registered by Frank J. Zamboni & Co., Inc. as a trademark around the world. Used by license.
大小:43.68 MB 版本:1.4
One of the most addictive and entertaining physics based driving game ever made! And it's free!Meet Newton Bill, the young aspiring uphill racer. He is about to embark on a journey that takes him to where no ride has ever been before. With little respect to the laws of physics, Newton Bill will not rest until he has conquered the highest hills up on the moon!Face the challenges of many unique hill climbing environments. Gain bonuses from daring tricks and collect coins to upgrade your car and reach even higher distances. Watch out though - Bill's stout neck is not what it used to be when he was a kid! And his good ol' gasoline crematorium will easily run out of fuel.Features:- Upgradeable vehicles- Lots of stages with levels to reach in each- Cool graphics and smooth physics simulation- Designed to look good on low resolution and high resolution devices (incl. tablets)- Real turbo sound when you upgrade your engine!
大小:68.87 MB 版本:1.30.1
大小:71.58 MB 版本:1.0
Free for the next 24 hours!Enjoy flying over the city of Las Vegas in one of 8 unique aircraft. Explore the city or embark on a campaign of missions for the Las Vegas Mob Boss.Over 130 sq miles of the city of Las Vegas are modeled in incredible detail.This level of detail hasn't been seen in any flight simulator on any platform.The famous Las Vegas strip includes over 50 hotels that are modeled with photo realism. Fly past the Luxor, buzz the New York New York, or attempt a landing on top of the Bellagio.Flight Unlimited also features street traffic, a first for a mobile flight simulator. Cars, trucks, and buses zoom around the city. Can you and your plane share the road?This is without a doubt, the most graphically advanced flight simulator in the app store. Weeks after flying you'll notice meticulous graphical details for the first time. Tires smoke as the plane hits the ground, aircraft metal deforms in a crash, the Bellagio fountains spring to life, sun glare blinds your view, and more.The Flight Unlimited team is dedicated to providing game updates. Features:- Console quality graphics- The game engine recognizes the device being used (iPod 4, iPhone4, iPhone 4S, or iPhone 5) and optimizes the graphics to their maximum potential- Over 130 sq miles of satellite imaged terrain- Grand Theft Auto style Missions- Volumetric clouds and enhanced lighting effects- 8 aircraft including the Cessna 172, Challenger Learjet, Douglas DC-3, Robin DR400, Grumman Goose Amphibious Aircraft, Pitts Special, A10 Tank Killer, P40 Mustang, and the FA/18 (IAP)- Full flap, gear, brake, and rudder controls- Cockpit camera, Chase camera, Tower camera, and a full customizable camera- Street traffic (cars and buses)- Advanced particle effects (tire smoke, engine fires, water splash)- Destructive aircraft bodies. Wings rip off, engines separate, the aircraft metal bends and deforms.在接下来的24小时内免费!享受飞越拉斯维加斯的城市在一个8个独特的飞机。探索城市或开始一个任务的任务,为拉斯维加斯暴徒老板。超过130平方英里的城市拉斯维加斯是令人难以置信的细节建模。这个级别的细节还没有被看到在任何平台上的任何飞行模拟器。著名的拉斯维加斯地带包括超过50家酒店,以照片现实主义为蓝本。飞过卢克索,飞纽约纽约,或尝试在顶部的贝拉吉奥登陆。飞行无限也功能的街道交通,第一个移动飞行模拟器。汽车、卡车和公共汽车在城市的周围。你能和你的飞机共用这条路吗?这是毫无疑问的,最具图形化的高级飞行模拟器在应用程序商店。几周后,你会注意到第一次细致的图形细节。轮胎的烟雾在飞机撞击地面,飞机的金属变形,在碰撞中,贝拉吉奥喷泉生命的春天,阳光刺眼蒙蔽你的视野,更。无限的飞行团队致力于提供游戏更新。特征:-控制台质量图形-游戏引擎识别所用的设备(iPod 4,iPhone4,iPhone 4S,或iPhone 5)和优化图形自己最大的潜能超过130平方英里的卫星成像地形-豪华汽车风格的任务体积云和增强的照明效果8飞机包括塞斯纳172,挑战者里尔,道格拉斯DC-3,Robin DR400,格鲁曼鹅水陆两栖飞机,皮茨,A10坦克杀手,P40野马,和FA / 18(IAP)-全瓣,齿轮,刹车和方向舵控制驾驶舱相机,追逐相机,塔相机,和一个完全可定制的相机-街头交通(汽车和巴士)先进的粒子效果(轮胎烟雾,发动机火灾,水飞溅)破坏性飞机机身。翅膀撕掉,发动机分离,飞机金属弯曲变形。
大小:154.87 MB 版本:2.2.5
&它的时间才能拿到4 * 4,去回味乘坐越野环境和忘记公路和高速公路!享受惊险动作吉普车.Drive是你最好的吉普车的惊心动魄的驾驶体验和享受这个游戏的体验。没有速度的限制,在每个级别指定的有限的时间内根据该level.keep客场的复杂性和兴奋的驾驶它,并完成不同级别的4 * 4的障碍和保持你的水平提高到game.Handle其他障碍您的4 * 4具有优良的驾驶经验,并完成你的目标。继续享受这个美丽的四门凉爽的视觉效果和吸引力的环境4 * 4,它激发您提供全程的快感。加强对泥补丁和对越野环境下你过去的驾驶体验僵硬路径您的驾驶技能。此游戏给你更多的乐趣与无限的刺激和激励,你在许多方面。我们走吧!让你的4 * 4,有一个伟大的时间。特征:审美4 * 4。现实和具有挑战性的环境。用户友好。不同的令人兴奋的水平。吸引人的图形。赏心悦目的视觉效果。坚持控制天气。安装并发挥极至4 * 4山路驾驶2016年。&
大小:55.87 MB 版本:1.0
现在是时候了一场精彩的比赛与其他战争立方体的飞行员!在这个游戏中你有4个不同类型的战机与飞!您可以通过倾斜设备驾驶他们。如果你点击屏幕上的任何地方的飞机将飞得更快!本场比赛是完美的孩子有乐趣的飞机。本场比赛也是唯一的块或多维数据集的战争游戏的飞机上提供的智能手机!坐一坐,并把你的飞行员头盔!这场比赛将是激烈!* 速度快!* 美立方艺术!* 有趣的音乐!* 易于控制!* 很多的乐趣!本次比赛开始!你会足够快,以赢得比赛?!
大小:67.51 MB 版本:1.0.5
GO GET RC HELI 3 ITS FREE: RC Heli 2 comes with 3 Helis (4Ch Heli and 3Ch Helis), free flight and 7 races in race mode. All new combat mode and 2 combat helis are available for in-app purchase. 7 more 3ch and 4ch helis AND 2 UFOs are also available for purchase. UFOs: Cruiser 4 Ch UFO and an Alien Tech 4 Ch UFO. Race Mode: Race through the 3 story house as fast as you can, collecting each successive coin. Free Flight: Master your flying as you explore the house. Can you find the secret passage? Combat: 6 missions and 2 combat helis. Shoot the targets and toy soldiers and tanks. Look out for missile turrets.3 Camera Angles: Enjoy flying in 3rd person, 1st person or fixed camera mode. Controls: All 4 heli control schemes are supported. Hit puase button in game then go to settings to pick your control scheme. Accelerometer: You can also choose to fly with the accelerometer in place of one of the sticks.Beautifully composed music written and performed by Davide Cecchi.Check out RC Heli 2!去拿遥控直升机3自由:遥控直升机2配备了3个直升机(4CH合力和3通道直升机)、自由飞行和比赛模式,7场比赛。所有新的战斗模式,2个战斗直升机在应用程序内购买可。7声道和4CH直升机和2个不明飞行物也可购买。不明飞行物:巡洋舰4 CH 4 CH飞碟和外星人飞碟技术。种族模式:通过3层楼的房子,你可以快速,收集每一个连续的硬币。自由飞行:当你探索房子时,掌握你的飞行。你能找到那条秘密通道吗?战斗:6团和2战斗直升机。射击目标和玩具士兵和坦克。寻找导弹炮塔。3个摄像头角度:享受飞行中的第三人,第一人或固定相机模式。控制:4合力控制计划的支持。打puase按钮游戏然后去设置,选择你的控制方案。加速度计:你也可以选择用加速度计代替其中的一根棍子。美丽的音乐,大卫李歆进行书面。检查遥控直升机2!
大小:47.66 MB 版本:1.5
Volkswagen Touareg ChallengePure off-road feeling with an SUV in a class of its own: the new Volkswagen Touareg! The Touareg V6 TDI BlueMotion Technology and the Touareg Hybrid are available to choose from. From ocean drive to off-road adventure: experience the versatility of the new Touareg on six distinct on and off-road courses, over gravel, mud, or ice. Give it a new look with unlocked pain jobs and rims. If you choose the Touareg Hybrid, you will also earn additional points for efficient driving.So that your test drive is more than just virtual, you can use the integrated search function to guide you to a Volkswagen dealer.With the Facebook, Twitter, or e-mail buttons, you can compare your highscores with players from all over the world.Fitting background music enhances the virtual driving fun. Players can enjoy music by three bands from the Volkswagen Sound Foundation: Tonbandgert, jona:S und Jupiter Jones.
大小:35.54 MB 版本:1.0.3
冷漠的世界里,孤独的驾驶,将开始步入,由beats建起的虚拟世界的旅程。伴着 迷人的音乐节拍,您将跟着beats的足迹,驰骋于完美的游戏舞台,步入全新的冒险世界。在路上,您冒险越过障碍物, 打败敌人, 坚持驰骋8个完整的音乐。解开这所有绝妙的舞台背景,设计独特的赛车们。您开始去尝试电子音乐和时尚视觉效果带来的神秘旅行。- 时尚的画面设计游戏画面采用美丽精巧的3D设计,可让您尽情陷入魅力无穷的游戏世界。 在这神秘的旅程中,还有更多 The luminous valley、melting canyon、reflex lake等神秘风景和设计超前的各种赛车等待您尽情尝试。- 操作便捷请进行左右移动,收集beat,并躲避障碍物。 该游戏设计简洁,便于操作。 魅力无穷,尽享其中。 - 电子音乐 这个游戏世界里,拥有8个独立的电子音乐。 为您将体验最逼真的游戏世界,请使用耳机。游戏方法 : - 请左右移动车向,来收集beat。 - 请跳起避开障碍物。 - 请利用收集的beats获得的攻击道具,反击追击的敌人。 - 请坚持行驶直到完成8个音乐。 - 请升级赛车之后,获得新的赛车。 - 请将 8个舞台将彻底clear。
大小:79.74 MB 版本:1.3.0
2016,新的赛季,新的开始!Red Bull Air Race - 这款游戏是全世界排名第一的飞行竞速游戏!要在全球 Red Bull Air Race 系列赛中获得胜利,需要速度、精确度和技巧。系好安全带,现在去下载!飞行员大师级别赛训练迅速从挑战者进阶大师级别,横扫 200 多场比赛、活动和真正飞行员对抗回合。迷人的比赛场地参与到世界各大壮观场地举办的单人活动和激烈的地区分赛中尽情翱翔。比赛时可以环游世界:-阿拉伯联合酋长国阿布扎比-日本千叶-克罗地亚罗维尼-英国艾斯科赛马场-奥地利史匹尔堡-美国得克萨斯沃斯堡-美国内华达拉斯维加斯驾驶最好的飞机驾驶世界上速度最快的竞赛飞机。这种飞机的设计使得它们在空中极尽敏捷,并呈完美的流线型。前往新的飞机库,利用海量自订选项改进你的飞机的性能!有四种类型共 16 架不同的飞机可以驾驶。每位飞行员都有其特别设计的飞机和自订涂画式样。全新地区分赛与 2016 虚拟世界锦标赛今年你会和我们一起站在领奖台上吗?你有和大师级飞行员一起飞行所需的一切吗?当现实中的战斗在赛季展开之时,你也可以在八个虚拟赛道尽情飞翔,向我们展示你拥有夺得世界锦标赛所需要的一切。当我们穿越地球,在三大洲竞争之时,你可以玩官方的 ‘Red Bull Air Race The Game’游戏并在在线竞速,测试你的技能,就和现实生活中每一站一样。 能看到世界上最棒虚拟飞行员的表现,我们非常激动!你很显然已经在正确的轨道上...像专业飞行员一样飞行使用触摸控制还是倾斜控制,这由您决定。轻松支持多种倾斜和触控荧幕控制配置。尽情加速、倾斜以及下拉垂直转弯,在 Red Bull Air Race 领奖台上夺得一席之地。专为行动设备打造,在平板计算机或者手机上效果惊人生动的画面,不可思议的速度。一款通用游戏,非常适合移动设备。随时随地体验在 Red Bull Air Race 取得的惊心动魄的胜利。
大小:208.84 MB 版本:1.74
School Driving 3D is an exciting game where you can learn the road rules and prove that you can drive a car in a real world enviroment. School Driving 3D is a realistic simulator that allows you to choose between different cars, buses and trucks...More than 40 levels with different driving scenarios are waiting you. Show off your driving skills, play School Driving 3D!Key Features-Smooth and realistic car handling-Different licenses to take, Car, Bus and Truck-More than 40 levels (new updates every week)-Free Ride mode avalaible-Stunning 3D Graphics with realistic vehicles interiors-Detailed damage system-Tilt steering, buttons and touch steering wheel-Online Leaderboards and Achievements-Real engine sound for each vehicle-Challenge your friends by sharing your score!-New vehicles upcoming! (Requests on our Google+ page)-MOGA Controllers are supported!
大小:98.36 MB 版本:2.0
大小:30.52 MB 版本:13.02
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