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选一款高质量的电脑显示器玩PS3游戏 - PS3导购指南 - 电玩之家
&&&&&&&&&&&大多数玩家毕竟没有那么多银子,直接跟随PS3一起升级1080P的电视,或者超高分辨率的显示器。那么最简单也是最廉价的显示器解决方案,自然是最大程度的利用我们手头的电脑显示器。用电脑显示器做PS3的显示设备,需要有几点准备,当然根据显示器接口的不同,有些也不完全需要的。最多也是最廉价的方案,是去弄个色差转VGA接口的转接器.类似下面这种东西,到当地的电子市场一般都可以找到。700)" border=0>分辨率可以支持720P或者1080i。如果你是个追求画面质量的玩家,则可以用HDMI&-&DVI转接器,转接DVI接口到显示器因为同样为数字信号,所以几乎没有任何信号损失,显示效果也是最好的。但这里一定要注意的是:显示器必须支持HDCP(高清晰保护数字内容显示器)标准!只有支持HDCP的显示器才能用DVI输入做PS3的显示设备。找了一篇文章,介绍目前市面上主要的HDCP显示器,给大家做个参考。
选择正确的显示设备之前,先要对PS3支持的一些显示标准做一个简单的了解。PS3的视频输出分别有:① HDMI 1.3版本02年推出HDMI 1.0版本以来,HDMI规范已经升级数次:2004年5月HDMI升级到HDMI 1.1版本,接着为了更好的兼容PC系统,HDMI LLC在05年8月23日推出了HDMI的1.2版-----此次修订增加了若干条非常重要的改进,以方便PC连接和数字音频流(SACD等)的传输。在06年6月,HDMI再次升级到1.3版本。HDMI 1.3版本将支持所谓的“Deep Color”(深色),可以让设备处理和显示非常多的色彩。频宽提升,也是HDMI 1.3规范强调的重点之一,HDMI 1.3将升级225MHz,目前的HDMI规范是165MHz。实际上,HDMI Group指出,如果需要HDMI最高可以达到450MHz。频宽提升,将帮助HDMI 1.3设备以36-bit RGB色彩处理60Hz 1080i画面,或者以36-bit色彩处理90Hz 1080p画面。如果你的电视带有HDMI接口,但是版本比较低的话,也不用过于担心,最重要的视频和音频都可以传输。② D端子(色差)PS3上显示设置为YPbPr,分辨率可以上到1080i,可以通过市场上的YPbPr&-&RGB转接器转接到电脑显示器,电视就不用说了,这几年推出的电视应该都有色差接口了。不同的只需要看你的电视支持到多大分辨率。③ S端子PS3设置第三个选项,SCART接口,这也是PS2对应的接口,支持色差输出,S端子,和标准视频接口。Separate Video 的意义就是将Video 信号分开传送,也就是在AV接口的基础上将色度信号C和亮度信号Y进行分离,再分别以不同的通道进行传输,以提高视频的质量。④ 标准视频接口(RCA)也称AV 接口,通常都是成对的白色的音频接口和黄色的视频接口.为市面上最普及的接口,同样也是分辨率最低的接口,最高只能支持到480P
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按排行字母分类:YPbPr VGA BoxMayflash
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Click on a thumbnail to see more pictures for YPbPr VGA Box
YPbPr input signal port can be connected to game console or DVD player via corresponding Component wire.
15 pin VGA output signal port can be connected to PC monitor directly or connected to HD TV with extra cable
Built-in LED power indicator will give off red light when powered on
USB extension cable can be directly connected to the USB port of game console or DVD to get power supply.
Audio / headphone cable can connect audio signal to TV, speaker and headphone.
Two working modes: One is 1080i, which is specially designed to improve the pictures and avoid the problem of color changing under 1080i mode.; the other one is “Other”, which is used for 480p, 720p and 1080p (if used for 1080i, the picture color will change a little but still there will be picture showing)
The resolution of the pictures is 480p (640*480) when connecting with the Wii(TM) game console. The resolution of the pictures is controlled through the game console.
The resolution of the output pictures is 480i / 720p / 1080i / 1080p when used with PS3(TM) game console.
The frequency of the output pictures is 50/60/75hz.
Power consumption: 150MA-200MA, supplied by game console
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USB Extension Cable
Audio/Headphone Extension Cable
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customer reviewsAverage rating:&
(4 out of 5)Total votes:7Please note that opinions expressed in any review are those of our customers and do not necessarily match those of the
team.andristanislavs (57) on 26, Aug.
(HKT)It worksIt comes with RCA audio to 3.5mm stereo female converter which is a nice addition.
It works fine with PS3 connected to my Samsung HD monitor. Other than that, it can also be used with PSP when the PSP component cable is used.
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stevenrsvl (354) on 12, Jun.
(HKT)Nice product!Works like a charm on my old hatchback TV w/o today's technology!
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KARANVOHRA17 (13) on 04, Aug.
(HKT)works perfectly with ps3 :)to be frank about it i was little skeptical about this product because ps3 doesnt support vga by default. Fortunately ps3 performs flawlessly. i am really happy with the purchase. If anyone feels that the image isnt properly positioned on their monitor then you can simply fix it using its horizontal and vertical controls.
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rated_d_for_dumb (1) on 24, Jan.
(HKT)Do your homework!!I'm tired of people rating this and similar items like this down because they simply didn't do their research properly.
This thing works like a charm. I hooked it up to my PS3 to a
LCD monitor.
Now, I ran into some issues of course, and they were solved by simple logic.
1080p is , that's too big to map properly on a
max resolution monitor, so obviously we'll go with 720p which is .
I had some really weird issue with my monitor and it liked to put the image too far the left, easily solved by the handy dandy "H Position" in the monitor menu.
is a 16:10 ratio, not 16:9. This leads to slightly taller and skinnier images, and it's usually completely unnoticable except for extremely obvious symbols, like circles or the default "on" sign used to indicate power buttons.
Use your monitors positioning to resize vertically and horizontally until you get what you desire. Most people will probably not have this issue because you probably have a 16:9 monitor. DO YOUR HOMEWORK!!
480p = 640x480 (why do you care, the whole reason you'd buy this is to get around that)
It will make a pretty awful picture for the wii, why? Because that's all the Wii can handle...sorry but it's the truth.
In an extremely thoughtful and generous gesture, this comes with an extension cable for your audio! It was a godsend because the PS3's audio is basically only allowed to be 1/2" inch away from the video, which would've been impossible for me to connect to my PC. Thanks Mayflash!!
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firefly (1) on 13, May.
(HKT)doesn't work with wiiIt can only handle 480p and even that doesn't work right. Sometimes wrong colours...and the top and bottom of the screen is always missing. Well...2 stars because it does something...just not with a wii...
Buy a vga-box with a de-interlace-chip instead for your wii
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