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游戏评分:Mermaids Existence Essay - 1118 Words
Mermaids Existence
Mermaids Existence
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: December 5, 2013
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20 November 2013
Mermaids: Myth or Fact
What if I told you mermaids do exist?
How would you react to a statement like that?
What is a mermaid?
Mermaids are legendary aquatic creature with the upper body of a female human and the tail of a fish.
Mermaids have dated back over hundreds of thousands of years ago. There have been alleged sightings all over the world.
People have claimed to see half human and half fish creatures.
Are mermaids a myth or a fact?
Scientist think mermaids were creatures who developed from our ancestors, who evolved to the sea habitat.
Scientist think mermaids have been around for millions of years, beca drawings of them in books, and fossils they have found connect to the mermaids’ existence.
Fishermen have found spears in fish while fishing in the center of the ocean.
Scientist have also discovered drawings of sculls, shaped like a humans’, and webbed hands with finger tips at the end.
These discoveries have caused people to believe in the existence of mermaids.
Scientists think mermaids evolved from the first humans on earth, so that they may swim.
Dr. Paul Robertson thinks mermaids evolved to the sea so they could get food.
Dr. Robertson claims mermaids were creatures who hid to keep from being eaten by the Megladon, an enormous prehistoric shark that fed on whales. According to “Mermaids: A Body Found,” mermaids traveled in groups to protect themselves.
Based on their assumptions, mermaids later learned how to protect and defend themselves.
They swam the ocean freely with dolphins. Mermaid experts say that the majority of mermaids may be in the warmer waters of the Caribbean and the Mediterranean, but that many have been spotted in the Pacific Ocean and Southern Atlantic.
Scientist are still collecting more and more evidence every day to find out if mermaids are a myth or a fact.
People have claim that they have evidence of mermaid’s existence.
In most recent events, there was a...
Mermaids A Myth or Reality
For centuries, the myth of mermaids has swam around minds before computer or telephones exsisted. Different part of the World have been documenting mermaids for thousands of years starting with calligraphy writing to illustrations caputured by sailors in old fashioned journals. The recent article by Christie Wilson titled “Hoax Documentary Dredges Up Mermaids” is a summary of the recent
Aminal Planet documentaries, “Mermaids the Body Found” and “Mermaids the New Evidence”. This article not only discounts the information shared in the film but claims to believe the exisistence of shape shifters at the same time. he closest thing to a mermaid in Hawaiian lore is the mo'o, according to Noelle M.K.Y. Kahanu, director of community affairs at Bishop Museum. &These are kupua (demigods) who could shift between their lizard form and human and who often guarded fresh water or brackish water ponds and waterways,& she said in an email. Mo'o most often are women, though not exclusively. &They are considered protectors of our natural resources who did battle with intrusive human or spiritual forces,& Kahanu said.
After viewing both documentaries myself, via utube, and researching Dr. Paul Robertson, I believe in the possibility of mermaids not a myth but possibly a reality. Dr. Robertson has a twitter account and a website...
...legends have been passed down to future generations. Stories such as the Loch Ness Monster, Bigfoot, and UFO’s have been passed down and followed by media. Mermaid stories seems to carry unignorable evidence relating towards the human existence.. Growing up, mermaids had been depicted in D beautiful creatures with long luscious hair, and irresistible charm. Many people have always had a special knack for believing in aliens, ghosts,
and mythical creatures, the things that are unexplainable to the human eye. Mermaid stories have a different approach to all the fairy tales, the mermaid comes along with real concrete evidence that could explain its possible existence. First off it is believed that the mermaid is a relative of the humans and branched off to live in the shadows of the sea. Second, the mermaid is a popular subject among many cultures throughout history. Lastly, the ocean is far big enough to hide any sort of species it doesn’t want us to find. Mermaids are real, and stem from human existence.
There is a theory among scientists known as the aquatic ape theory. It claims that humans went through an aquatic phase, living in the ocean, during evolution. The idea of mermaids is an extension of this theory, thinking that when returning to land some evolving humans were left behind, creating the...
...What were mermaids in Greek mythology?
SLIDE 1 [Modern Mermaids]
In Greek mythology, mermaids have their own name. Going off the typical top-half woman, bottom half fish concept, they do not really exist in Greek mythology. However, the idea of a naked seductress who dwells in the ocean does.
In researching, I found that there were many variations. I was under the impression that nymphs and sirens were the same thing, but after close
speculation I found that sirens were sometimes portrayed as half bird rather than fish, as can be seen in this Greek pottery.
SLIDE 2 [Siren’s]
According to the website “Theoi Greek Mythology”, the Sirens were three sea nymphs who lured sailors to their death with a bewitching song. Mention of their song is quite common throughout many sources such as on Encyclopaedia Mythica,
and the book “The Classical world” Pg 73.
According to both theoi and Helium, they were formerly handmaidens of the goddess Persephone. When the girl was secretly abducted by Haides, Demeter gave them the bodies of birds, and sent them to assist in the search of Persephone. They eventually gave up and settled on the flowery island of Anthemoessa.
After some time, some Argonauts passed by blocking their ears with wax so that they were not seduced by their song. Odysseus wanted to hear it so he had his men tie him to the mast. The Sirens were so distressed to see a man hear their song and yet...
Two-hour CGI Special Unravels Mysterious Underwater Sound Recordings, Dives Deep into the Aquatic Ape Theory and Questions if Mermaids are Related to People
MERMAIDS: THE BODY FOUND is the Culmination of Animal Planet’s First-Ever MONSTER WEEK, Airing
Once upon a time, there lived a little mermaid in an underwater kingdom. She ventured to surface, longing to communicate with people on land…
This is a fairytale told and retold to it’s a beloved story about a legendary creature that’s described in the mythologies of nearly every human culture in history. People across all continents who’ve had no communications with other societies have described the same half-man, half-fish anomaly – they’ve spoken about the same mythic animal.
What if there’s a kernel of truth that lives beneath the legend of the mythic mermaid? Now, in MERMAIDS: THE BODY FOUND, premiering Sunday, May 27, from 9-11 PM ET/PT, Animal Planet brings viewers into the world where the legend is real. The film blends real-life events and phenomena with the story of two scientists who testify they found the remains of a never-before-identified sea creature. Spectacular CGI animates a world where...
...The Little Mermaid : Old vs. New Story
The Little Mermaid is a well known story about the mermaid who was yearning for the life out of the sea. She wanted to be part of the human world and explore all of the wonderful things of living below the stars. The original Little Mermaid story was written in 1836 by a man named Hans Christian Andersen. The Little Mermaid was created into a Disney movie in 1989, many of the
aspects of the stories followed the path of one of Vladimir Propp's spheres he created for folktales. He came from Russia and studied many, many folk tales. Vladimir was able to write a book called 'Morphology of the Folk Tale', and is was about the 31 plot elements seen in many tales. These elements could easily be combined and created into the spheres of actions, which are the general outline present in the tale.
The main one that consists with the storyline of The Little Mermaid is the sphere of action of a princess (a sought-for person) and her father. In this sphere the tale normally goes through t
The assignment of difficult tasks(M)
Recognition (Q)
Punishment of a second villain(U)
When the story was first written in 1836 the times were a lot different then they were in 1989 when the Disney movie was first released. The relationships between the fathers and the daughters were seen a lot...
...&Is the Existence of Evil incompatible with the existence of God?&
&Without darkness there can be no light (Shestov).&
This quote says a lot about our world as we know it. To truly know something we must also know it's opposite. We would not know silent if there was not sound. There would be no young if we did not know old. So how could we believe that there is a good without an evil? To believe in the existence of a greatest good, which we call
God, there must also be exist a source of evil as it's opposite. The two then, not only can, but must coexist.
The problem, or question rather, of evil has forever been existent and will inevitably remain to be. However, by taking a logical approach we can proceed to make an opinion about this question of the presence of, or lack of, evil. First we must start by defining the question at hand. ?Is the Existence of Evil incompatible with the existence of God?' According to the American Heritage Dictionary God is a being conceived as the perfect, omnipotent, omniscient originator and ruler of the universe, the principal object of faith and worship in monotheistic religions. Evil on the other hand is a bit more complicated. It is defined as 1. M wicked: and 2. Causing ruin, injury, harmful. The problem here lies in the question of who decides what is considered to be evil. Finally the definition of incompatible is: Incapable of...
One’s Existence
Why do I exist? What is my purpose here on earth? I believe that we are all living for something. I believe that every life is essential including positive purposes. I believe in learning everyday through making differences and carrying the truth even when no one is watching. Everyone has a purpose. Everything has a purpose. Everyday has a purpose. My purpose in life is exactly what is stated in the bible, to live for Jesus Christ and reflect
his attitude
My purpose in life is to live, learn, grow, and absorb any and everything. I made a vow to myself that I will not let this question bother me but I will work towards the true real purpose of my life. Just because you don’t know the question that the only person knows is god, you don’t have to bother yourself about it because it’s just the simple answer as, “My main purpose in life is to grow and to learn and to make myself a better person.If you answer all these questions and especially the last one you have the meaning to all existence. To live is to have an opportunity to be on earth, live however you'd like, but most of all, make the best and most meaning out of it.
Why do I exist? What is my purpose here on earth? I believe that we are all living for something. I believe that every life is essential including positive purposes. I believe in learning everyday through making differences and carrying the truth even when no one is watching. Everyone has a...
...is doing good or evil. A lot of philosophers argued that God does not exist because evil exist, and that if there is God then he would have gotten rid of evil. Although other philosophers argue that yes God exist, but so does evil because it is necessary to keep a balance in the world where humans live in. The main philosophers who will discuss why evil exist and if God himself exists as well are John Hick and B.C. Johnson. John Hick’s reason for his argument on the existence
of Evil is more convincing and logically true than B.C. Johnson’s reason for his argument.
Hick believes in Evil being necessary in this world and that God exists with it as well. To back up his belief Hick gives examples and uses a theology called soul making theodicy. This theodicy explains how human character is formed or made. This shows that it’s because of all the evil and good that happens that people truly know themselves and develop their own character traits that are considered good. It also explains the reason for evil’s existence and how God can allow evil in this world. Evil is necessary to a certain extent because people can learn better from all the bad things that happen around them, and that there will be more good. Basically Hick says that there needs to be a larger amount of good and a small amount of evil to show that God is good and people will find their way by avoiding the small amount of evil they are exposed to and act upon the good. Hick uses...
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