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  暑假过完就要开学了,明楼把阿诚送进了上海有名的国立中学,不过他的岁数要比同班同学小上一岁个头与体格都小一些,大家也都知道阿诚的背后是明家,这所学校比的是出身,自然也不敢欺负他。上了学的阿诚也是格外努力,只是外语这一科,在家里的时候明楼并没有怎么教过他,再加上只有一年学的也有限,开学一周后的月考,阿诚其他的科目倒都是班里拔尖,就是外语连格都没及。其实月考的成绩,明镜早就问过学校了,这一天三兄弟一起出的成绩,她也都挨个问了,知道阿诚外语没及格她也没当回事,毕竟他刚开始接触学校。晚上明楼早回家,问了两个弟弟的成绩,明台总算不失所望,考到了第2,说起阿诚的成绩,明镜还跟他说不让他打骂阿诚,明楼也只是说毕竟刚上学,再者,头一年自己也没怎么教他外语,考到50多他就已经很惊讶了。晚上很晚了,饭都热了一遍,祥叔才接了明台回家,明楼自然要问责,祥叔说还等了会儿阿诚,以为他回来了。明楼这才发现阿诚丢了。外面还正下着雨,明楼连饭也不吃了,就让祥叔带他回了学校,先开始他打着伞在校园里找,后来连伞都不打了,又在雨里淋了半个多小时,才在学校了一个角落找到蜷缩成一团正哭泣的阿诚,明楼见到他先是庆幸终于找到了,紧接着是气愤,是怒火中烧,他一把拎起阿诚的脖领子,连拖带拽的就拎到了车上,阿诚坐在祥叔的后面,明楼坐在他旁边,两个人一言不发,气氛尤为紧张,到了家门口,明楼自己开了车门,又是拎了阿诚的脖领子,直接拖进屋去,穿过客厅,明镜看见两个人浑身都湿透了还很紧张:“怎么都湿成这样,别感冒了。”明楼也没有理她,径直拎到书房,把书房门撞上,扔下阿诚,拎了长凳到他面前“趴上去,把裤子脱了。”阿诚没说话,解了皮带叠好放在凳子旁,脱了裤子只穿着裤头趴在凳子上“这层也脱了。”阿诚涨红了脸,还是听话的。明楼是真的气急了,二话没说,把板子抡圆了打下去,边打还边问:“你为什么不回家?”阿诚咬咬牙忍着“没考好”明楼又连挥数下,暂停了会儿:“没考好你就不回来,行,你真行,你不回来是吧,我今天打折你的腿!”然后又是数次卯足了劲下去,或许是次数太多,或许是力量太大,板子都被打折了,明楼又弃了板子,随手拎起鸡毛掸子又挥了下去,又是不知多少下,阿诚的身上早就打出了血,鸡毛掸子又折了,明楼又拎起阿诚的皮带,再次乱无章法的挥下去,可是没抽几下,阿城就突然“哇”的大哭起来,明镜先是在门口转悠,听到阿诚的哭声,便砸门道:“你下手有些轻重啊,还是个孩子!”明楼再次举起皮带时终于挥不下去了,阿诚早就血肉模糊,腿上也渗出了道道血印,阿诚自己也哭得抽泣,喘不上气来。明楼扔了皮带,盛怒之下或许更多的是心疼。他的语气已经没有之前那么生气,但仍旧是平静的,没有起伏:“你知道错了没有?”。89fcd07《》 @ Copyright of 晋江原创网 @  “我……我”阿诚哽咽着,疼得他已经是说不出话来的“我再也不敢了”  “我告诉你”明楼抬起头,眼光中有一丝泪光闪烁,他又闭上眼“再有下次,我就真的打折你的腿。”。1e056d2b0ebd5c878c550da6ac5d3724《》 @ Copyright of 晋江原创网 @  “大哥,我错了。”。3c7781a36bcd6cf08c11a9《》 @ Copyright of 晋江原创网 @
第23章 阿诚挨打了
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improve our lives?Some people say that advertising encourages us to buy things we really do not need. Others say thatadvertisements tell us about new products that may improve our lives. Which viewpoint do you agreewith? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.『分析』倾向于同意后者广告的好处:介绍新产品,『范文』Over the last twenty years the amount of adverting we are subjected to in our daily lives has increaseddramatically. It has got to the point where one can hardly turn his/her head without seeing a wide array of mediaimages. I tend to agree the fact that advertisements more often than not persuade us into buying things that we donot need.Often it is difficult to discern what a product is from an advertisement. Advertisers prey on our basal emotions,conjuring strong relationships between our primary drives and their product names or logos. A prime example ofthis is perfume ads. In many of these types of advertisements there are women in compromising positions, but thereis no mention of the actual product for sale. These ads draw us in and make us think that we can be better and morebeautiful if we have the product.In addition to being manipulative, advertisements also fill our environments and our consciousness. There isno taboo venu they fill our televisions, radios, streets and elevators. Some advertisers haveeven taken to placing images of their products in our urinals or on boxers' bodies. It is impossible to get away fromthem. To illustrate this point, all one has to do is to pick up a popular magazine. While flipping through the pages,one will most likely find that for every page of content there are at least two pages of advertisements. It should alsobe noted that a significant portion of this so called "content" is actually advertising in disguise.Finally, advertisements feed on our insecurities and often successfully convince us that we have no value tosociety without their products. Advertising was originally designed to showcase products and inform us as to howthey can improve our lives. This harmless form has been replaced by a medium that viciously attacks ourself-confidence and self-esteem.In conclusion, I posit that the main goal of advertisements is to convince us to buy things that we do notneed. As globalization continues to shrink the world, advertising coerces all countries to become consumer nations.,而是制作者的责任,这些可以通过法制解决)结论是,也有一些不足,广告有很多好处,可是没有广告却是不可以的,那不是广告的错,降低报纸、杂志、电视节目的价格……广告的不良影响(可大多情况下...
People have different ways of escaping the stress and difficulties of modern life. S others work in their gardens. What do you think are the best ways of reducing stress? Usespecific details and examples in your answer.『分析』[169]给出了答案,选择听音乐,那么这篇作文同时可以应对[169],『范文』With today's hectic schedules, it is necessary to spend some time each day to relax, and let the stress dissipatefrom our bodies and minds. Most people find that the working world is quite difficult at times, and need a methodto relax. I find that the best way to relax is to read a good book, because it allows me to escape from real life, itgives me a new perspective on the world, and reading a book is very peaceful.I find that reading a good fiction novel is the best way to forget about my troubles during the day. Many ofthe books I read have fascinating plot lines, which allow me to be absorbed into the drama and action. When youare completely captivated with your book, nothing in the outside world seems to exist anymore. Of course, onecannot stay in this dreamland forever, but for an hour or so a day, it is very calming.Reading books can also have the added benefit of increasing my knowledge' and giving me a newperspective of the outside world. Even a fictional book can have this effect. When an author writes a book, it isfull of his nuances and feelings about how the world works. By reading these works, I find that I understand moreabout other people, and how people think. This allows me to be more accepting of others on a daily basis, and alsostops me from building up stress in the first place.Finally, the most important reason as to why reading a book is good for taking care of stress and relaxing, isthat it is a very peaceful activity. You do not need to go anywhere to read a book. You can stay at home, perhaps sitin your favorite chair, and have the house be completely quiet. Reading does not involve anything but you andyour book. Also, if there does happen to be noise around you, it is possible to block out that noise once youbecome engrossed in the plot line....
What do you consider to be the most important room in a house? Why is this room more important to youthan any other room? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.『分析』比较自由的选择,参见:范文『范文』Whereas others might feel ridiculous, I reckon the bathroom as the most important room in my house, eventhough other rooms such as the reading room or the sitting room are probably equally important.First of all, the bathroom is the most important because it is highly visible to guests. We may be able to closeoff the bedroom to indicate that the room is "off-limits," but we cannot deny our visitors access to the bathroom.The most overlooked in general though it might be, the bathroom is a room which demands attention as much aspossible. For example, it is absolutely an ugly design if the toilet is placed directly opposite the door, all too oftenthe embarrassment happens when the door is accidentally unlocked. And it is the host to blame if the bathroom isdirty, smelly, or even scattered about in a mess.The bathroom is very important because every family member will inevitably use that room, in which the mostimportant part of family sanitations is located. Personal health of family member is no doubt superior to any otherconcerns. It should be spacious, bright, tidy, and above all, hygienic, and deserve frequent cleaning—in fact, theroom we cannot clean too much, specifically, the toilet seat. Moreover, more than one bathroom are virtuallyneeded, if possible. It is not only embarrassing or inconvenient but would also be absurd and irritating if someoneknocks at the door when we are using the lavatory.Another reason I put special emphasis upon bathroom came from my experiences. According to myconception, bathroom is not only for toileting, washing, and showering, but for reading as well. Don't be surprised,I have a very spacious and bright bathroom in my house, in which, an arm away from the stool is a small bookshelf,a little bit highly located on the wall to prevent books and newspapers from getting wet. I have already discoveredthat I have to spend more than 30 minutes a day in the bathroom, and that moment is so ideally quiet and easy to,只要能够列出三个理由,比如,洗手间...
官网通知:第106回J.TEST考试准考证下载系统已开通,现在第106回考试的准考证下载系统已经开通,第106回准考证下载时间:日~1月10日,第106回考试时间:日(周日)上午,参加第106回JTEST考试的考生们注意啦,JTEST应试准备(名人热线回顾),JTEST考试EF级题型解析及备考(名人热线回顾),注:准考证下载完毕后请自行用A4纸张打印,求资源求同伴:论坛J.TEST版>> 求最新考试信息:日语J.TEST站>>相关热点: J.TEST实用日本语鉴定考试J.TEST考试JTest考试主题,喜讯:成J.TEST官方唯一指定网络课程合作伙伴...
Many students have to live with roommates while going to school or university. What are some of theimportant qualities of a good roommate? Use specific reasons and examples to explain why thesequalities are important.参见:[15]『范文』While studying at university, many students find that sharing an apartment with roommates is the best livingsituation available. These arrangements can work out quite well, as long as one chooses the right roommate. Thereare a number of important qualities that one should look for in a potential roommate. These qualities includefriendliness, cleanliness, and a good work ethic.Choosing a friendly roommate is very important if one wants to create a healthy living environment. If one'sroommate is unfriendly, many annoying situations can occur. For example, if one's roommate is unfriendly, it isdifficult to hold a conversation with him/her. Being able to have a pleasant conversation is vital, as everyone needsto have a short break from studying from time to time. Conversations can help us to relax a little bit, and can evenbe a stimulus to continue our work.Page 95 of 201Having a clean roommate is also very important. If one's roommate is messy, it can lead to many argumentsover whose turn it is to do the cleaning. If one constantly has to clean up after his/her roommate, he/she will haveTOEFL.iBT 高分作文完美重排版Edited by Lost Lawyerless time to concentrate on his/her studies. Also, living in a clean environment allows one to be much moresuccessful in all endeavors.Finally, a roommate should have a good work ethic. If one's roommate is constantly procrastinating andwaiting until the last minute to do assignments, it can ruin one's ability to do his/her own work. If a roommate isalways coming home late or playing music loudly instead of doing work, it will be very difficult for a studiousperson to get anything done.In conclusion, I believe that having a clean friendly roommate with a good work ethic is most enjoyable. Itallows one to get on with his/her own work, and to concentrate on what matters most: getting good grades....


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