方舟生存进化ol steamSTEAM大逃杀哪里玩,要下载什么吗

官方宣布将《适者生存(Survival of the Fittest)》重新整合到《方舟:生存进化》里,不再单独出售。新玩家必须在购买《方舟:生存进化》之后才能下载这款游戏。
&《适者生存/(Survival of the Fittest)》今年7月份正式上市,是一款从《:生存进化》分裂出的独立游戏,由饥饿游戏式的竞技模组做成,原本可在steam免费下载。然而近日官方又宣布将重新被整合到《方舟:生存进化》里,将不再提供单独下载。
目前steam上正在降价,《方舟:生存进化》将售价¥98,该优惠价截止到北京时间8月5日(星期)下午3点左右。两篇DLC则免费,分别是&核心岛&、&Primitive Plus&。
更多精彩尽在 专题:大逃杀比赛最新通知~求大神辛苦翻译一下!!!_方舟生存进化吧_百度贴吧
Sunday the 18th, Pre-Championship 01 UpdateHello Survivors! It’s been a rollercoaster of a day, from the testing, deployment and right the way through the first 240-player pre-championship. First of all we’d like to thank you all for being so patient with us throughout this period and being so understanding as we work through and deal with some of the growing pains in our prototype competitive gamemode, Survival of the Fittest. Qualified CompetitorsThe following players along with their respective Tribe have qualified thus far for the Grand Finale to take place on Saturday the 24th of October: Grand Finale Qualified Players Teams are not locked for the Finale -- during the Finale pre-match in-game, these players may opt to swap or combine Tribes with others who are also playing in the Finale. Any Pre-Champ players who didn’t make the cut today will be granted the option to participate again on Wednesday the 21st. This includes players who suffered disconnections, or were eliminated whilst playing the game mode. Something to note is also anyone who played in today’s game will not be able to participate during Tuesday’s matches, in order to ensure that we have enough open spots in the Pre-Champs for all Qualified entrants. We will have the disconnection bug fixed tonight, so that in the next sessions you will be able to reconnect properly. This is a new issue that came about after the recent performance improvements and we are incredibly sorry for the inconvenience and difficulty it may have caused. Missing Pre Championship and Championship QualificationsToday we were contacted by a small number of players informing us that they had also qualified in the preliminaries however they did not appear on our whitelist, nor did they receive a steam invite to friends or community group. Please get in touch with us if this is the case and we will look into why you were skipped over, whether it was a disqualification or whether it came down to user-error. Please keep in mind that whilst you may not show up on the Tribe List + Date, you should show up on the raw list. The same also applies to the Grand Finale, if you think you should be on there but for some reason you aren’t, just give us a shout. The ONLY place you will be able to get in touch with us will be the following thread: Survival of the Fittest Megathread We will get in touch and ensure we can get you on the list for hopefully Tuesday’s session, and if not then, then on Wednesday’s session! The Next Pre ChampionshipThe next Pre-Championship is to take place as scheduled, on Tuesday the 20th of October. The servers will again open at 1PM EST for players to form up their tribes and we are expected to launch again at 2PM EST. There will be various balance improvements and fixes made before then, however these will be made significantly in advance, as today’s patch was, so that downloading the update will not be an issue. BumbiThose who watched the stream noticed we had a mid-game disqualification during the Pre-Championship match. The tribe Bumbi was accused of ESP use, and removed from the game pending investigation. We want to address this publicly, because it’s important to us that people know what went down. During any tournament game, especially these pre-championships, we have staff members monitor the game for suspicious behavior. Several people alerted us to the Megapithecus Rampage, and we already had a number of people spectating it, along with BikeMan’s and our own coverage. It was deemed in the moment to be sufficiently concerning that in the interest of protecting the integrity of the tournament pre-finals, and not potentially jeopardizing all of the other players who were participating, we disqualified them and removed them from the game. To get an idea of what we were seeing, you can check BikeMan’s VOD at 3:08:40: We put this here just so that people understand what it was that we were looking at, and why we took what actions we did during the live session where we had to make a real-time decision based on what we were witnessing combined with historical monitoring. Upon further review of the evidence, including alternate vantage points, and several conversations with the members of the team, we are sufficiently convinced that their actions in this instance were more likely the use of extremely low draw distances, not ESP or any kind of third party program. We want to officially clear them of any suspicion in this regard, and apologize for any misunderstanding. We will be resolving the draw distance issues as of the next tournament match, so that this will no longer be an issue. Draw Distances will be automatically enforced in the application to a standard minimum-distance when playing SotF. Additionally, we will be qualifying Bumbi for the Finale which will be monitored from all vantage points, and will be expanding the Finale player pool by six players, so that no potential qualifying slots are taken up by their inclusion. We believe that their gameplay during the match and their incredibly strong position in the game at the time of disqualification warrants this. Keep in mind that we are always watching. Use of exploits in game mechanics or settings are taken just as seriously as hacks or 3rd party programs, and we will not hesitate to disqualify people that use these. We review every case very seriously, and very closely. Hey, it wouldn’t be a proper sport without a little referee-controversy, right? In all seriousness though, we appreciate everyone’s understanding that we’re still growing our experience with competitive gaming through Survival of the Fittest! Thank you all, and we look forward to a good next Pre-Championship round on Tuesday October 20th, pre-matching at 1pm EST and LIVE streaming starting at 2pm EST @, courtesy of the venerable BikeMan!!!!!!!!
Hey guys! Tomorrow the servers will open at approximately 1PM EST. It will have pre-match from 1PM to 2PM EST for you to setup your Tribes, and then it will launch at approximately 2PM EST! The server will be called: &Last Stand Pre-Championship - Hosted by Nitrado& You will be able to see the server on the Official Server filter and there will only be 240 slots available. It'll be based on first come first serve, and remember - if you compete on Sunday, and you didn't make it, you will be given the opportunity to compete again in the Loser's bracket on Wednesday. Patch NotesAfter the two testing sessions we hosted on Saturday the 17th, we were able to make some balance changes, as well as some optimization to improve the game mode and more significantly, it's performance. Thank you to all those who took part. These are the changes that were made: *** More sotf server performance optimizations *** Fixed center-platform ramp collisions *** Added more oil and silica pearls to the center-area rivers, to support higher-tech craftings *** More thrown spear damage *** Increased spectator light, spectator auto-gamma *** Fixed spectator attach to dino smoothness & fade *** Sudden death Evolution Events at 4 min intervals *** Increased taming speed by 20% *** Raised gather rates by 33% *** Raptor 20% hp & % more damage *** Stego increase run speed and reduce affinity cost *** Trike 15% increased tame time *** Increased spider minion walk speed by 30% *** Added 15% to the boss tame times *** On bosses, food of the gods is now equivalent to raw prime meat, not instant tame *** Tamed dragon lasts for 17 min rather than 20 (Broodmother & Ape last for 20) *** Argentavis slightly less hp and more stamina cost to grab someone *** Gigantopithecus 10% more HP, damage, and run speed, 10% tame time reduction *** Attached spectator view on dinos is now smooth, fixed Crossfade when cycling spectator view Good luck survivors!
原文链接发来下 这里面写的时间看着好混乱
Ark: Survival Evolved
最低配置推荐配置系统:Windows 7/8
CPU:AMD Athlon Dual CORE 4200 or better
内存:4 GB RAM
显卡:NVIDIA GeForce GT 430 or better
硬盘:20 GB available space
声卡:兼容 DirectX 的声卡
| &|&&|&&|&
从以前到现在玩了這么多游戏从来没有过今天玩方舟那么憋屈,方舟作为一个跨国大公司在中国steam发售,今天在准备攻打其他方舟外服时,游戏官方管理员参与游戏修改游戏数据,打压中国玩家,并且无限封禁中国玩家进入服务器,已经严重的损害了中国玩家的合法权。我们花几百块买游戏,外国玩家也花几百块买游戏,而外国玩家在游戏内多么的嚣张杀中国玩家,霸占中国玩家的家,种族歧视侮辱中国玩家怎样都可以。我们国人玩家在游戏内欺负外国玩家就不行,霸占外国玩家的家就叫管理员禁止让我们加入服务器。就是说這个游戏骗中国玩家去购买,让外国玩家去欺负我们中国玩家提升游戏乐趣,而我们一旦有了实力反击,就会利用管理员权限把我们全部抹杀,简直人神共愤!!现在已经封杀了我们所在的服务器,还被上了密码,来拆毁我们的家园。我们玩了这游戏一年多,被这无良的游戏公司百般侮辱,我们花费了一年的时间精力投入还有资金投入都没了,直接把我们全部抹杀。希望游戏公司能给我们团队一个交代,给我们中国玩家一个交代,给我们中国人一个交代,到底是什么意思!!我们的钱就不是钱吗,我们的时间就不是时间吗?难道我们中国玩家就低外国玩家一等?那这游戏在中国发售干什么?摆明了骗我们国人的钱,骗完了就不管了,还有法律吗? 这个是他们的官方邮箱 我发了个格式大家一起发邮件 Cant u stop racism???seriously?why keeping kicking us from nitradotest 3???why u make this server without battleye? only this server?only because we are chinese?U HAVE TO GIVE US A SAYING. and ur offcial admin even got involved the game lol. u didnt even let us transfer server from other server.AND U EVEN MAKE IT A PASSWORD SERIOUSLY? IT IS AN OFFICIAL SERVER.we have paid the game with same price , we bought this game! and this is how u did to us? if u keep doing this i\\'m sure we will do something back. U HAVE TO GIVE US A SAYING.
从以前到现在玩了這么多游戏从来没有过今天玩方舟那么憋屈,方舟作为一个跨国大公司在中国steam发售,今天在准备攻打其他方舟外服时,游戏官方管理员参与游戏修改游戏数据,打压中国玩家,并且无限封禁中国玩家进入服务器,已经严重的损害了中国玩家的合法权。我们花几百块买游戏,外国玩家也花几百块买游戏,而外国玩家在游戏内多么的嚣张杀中国玩家,霸占中国玩家的家,种族歧视侮辱中国玩家怎样都可以。我们国人玩家在游戏内欺负外国玩家就不行,霸占外国玩家的家就叫管理员禁止让我们加入服务器。就是说這个游戏骗中国玩家去购买,让外国玩家去欺负我们中国玩家提升游戏乐趣,而我们一旦有了实力反击,就会利用管理员权限把我们全部抹杀,简直人神共愤!!现在已经封杀了我们所在的服务器,还被上了密码,来拆毁我们的家园。我们玩了这游戏一年多,被这无良的游戏公司百般侮辱,我们花费了一年的时间精力投入还有资金投入都没了,直接把我们全部抹杀。希望游戏公司能给我们团队一个交代,给我们中国玩家一个交代,给我们中国人一个交代,到底是什么意思!!我们的钱就不是钱吗,我们的时间就不是时间吗?难道我们中国玩家就低外国玩家一等?那这游戏在中国发售干什么?摆明了骗我们国人的钱,骗完了就不管了,还有法律吗? 这个是他们的官方邮箱 我发了个格式大家一起发邮件
Cant u stop racism???seriously?why keeping kicking us from nitradotest 3???why u make this server without
battleye? only this server?only because we are chinese?U HAVE TO GIVE US A SAYING. and ur offcial admin even got involved the game lol.
u didnt even let us transfer server from other server.AND U EVEN MAKE IT A PASSWORD SERIOUSLY? IT IS AN OFFICIAL SERVER.we have paid the game with same price , we bought this game! and this is how u did to us? if u keep doing this i\'m sure we will do something back. U HAVE TO GIVE US A SAYING.
从以前到现在玩了這么多游戏从来没有过今天玩方舟那么憋屈,方舟作为一个跨国大公司在中国steam发售,今天在准备攻打其他方舟外服时,游戏官方管理员参与游戏修改游戏数据,打压中国玩家,并且无限封禁中国玩家进入服务器,已经严重的损害了中国玩家的合法权。我们花几百块买游戏,外国玩家也花几百块买游戏,而外国玩家在游戏内多么的嚣张杀中国玩家,霸占中国玩家的家,种族歧视侮辱中国玩家怎样都可以。我们国人玩家在游戏内欺负外国玩家就不行,霸占外国玩家的家就叫管理员禁止让我们加入服务器。就是说這个游戏骗中国玩家去购买,让外国玩家去欺负我们中国玩家提升游戏乐趣,而我们一旦有了实力反击,就会利用管理员权限把我们全部抹杀,简直人神共愤!!现在已经封杀了我们所在的服务器,还被上了密码,来拆毁我们的家园。我们玩了这游戏一年多,被这无良的游戏公司百般侮辱,我们花费了一年的时间精力投入还有资金投入都没了,直接把我们全部抹杀。希望游戏公司能给我们团队一个交代,给我们中国玩家一个交代,给我们中国人一个交代,到底是什么意思!!我们的钱就不是钱吗,我们的时间就不是时间吗?难道我们中国玩家就低外国玩家一等?那这游戏在中国发售干什么?摆明了骗我们国人的钱,骗完了就不管了,还有法律吗? 这个是他们的官方邮箱 我发了个格式大家一起发邮件
Cant u stop racism???seriously?why keeping kicking us from nitradotest 3???why u make this server without
battleye? only this server?only because we are chinese?U HAVE TO GIVE US A SAYING. and ur offcial admin even got involved the game lol.
u didnt even let us transfer server from other server.AND U EVEN MAKE IT A PASSWORD SERIOUSLY? IT IS AN OFFICIAL SERVER.we have paid the game with same price , we bought this game! and this is how u did to us? if u keep doing this i\'m sure we will do something back. U HAVE TO GIVE US A SAYING.收起全文d
从以前到现在玩了這么多游戏从来没有过今天玩方舟那么憋屈,方舟作为一个跨国大公司在中国steam发售,今天在准备攻打其他方舟外服时,游戏官方管理员参与游戏修改游戏数据,打压中国玩家,并且无限封禁中国玩家进入服务器,已经严重的损害了中国玩家的合法权。我们花几百块买游戏,外国玩家也花几百块买游戏,而外国玩家在游戏内多么的嚣张杀中国玩家,霸占中国玩家的家,种族歧视侮辱中国玩家怎样都可以。我们国人玩家在游戏内欺负外国玩家就不行,霸占外国玩家的家就叫管理员禁止让我们加入服务器。就是说這个游戏骗中国玩家去购买,让外国玩家去欺负我们中国玩家提升游戏乐趣,而我们一旦有了实力反击,就会利用管理员权限把我们全部抹杀,简直人神共愤!!现在已经封杀了我们所在的服务器,还被上了密码,来拆毁我们的家园。我们玩了这游戏一年多,被这无良的游戏公司百般侮辱,我们花费了一年的时间精力投入还有资金投入都没了,直接把我们全部抹杀。希望游戏公司能给我们团队一个交代,给我们中国玩家一个交代,给我们中国人一个交代,到底是什么意思!!我们的钱就不是钱吗,我们的时间就不是时间吗?难道我们中国玩家就低外国玩家一等?那这游戏在中国发售干什么?摆明了骗我们国人的钱,骗完了就不管了,还有法律吗? 这个是他们的官方邮箱 我发了个格式大家一起发邮件
Cant u stop racism???seriously?why keeping kicking us from nitradotest 3???why u make this server without
battleye? only this server?only because we are chinese?U HAVE TO GIVE US A SAYING. and ur offcial admin even got involved the game lol.
u didnt even let us transfer server from other server.AND U EVEN MAKE IT A PASSWORD SERIOUSLY? IT IS AN OFFICIAL SERVER.we have paid the game with same price , we bought this game! and this is how u did to us? if u keep doing this i\'m sure we will do something back. U HAVE TO GIVE US A SAYING.收起全文d
你们别他妈比比了 老子家电脑是 nt的草 一群 怂蛋 渣逼
老子天下第一!你们一群撒比当前位置:&&&&&&&&&&&& 究竟闹哪样 《大逃杀》重新并入《方舟生存进化》究竟闹哪样 《大逃杀》重新并入《方舟生存进化》
??&《适者生存/大逃杀(Survival of the Fittest)》今年7月份正式上市,是一款从《方舟:生存》分裂出的独立游戏,由饥饿游戏式的竞技模组做成,原本可在steam免费下载。然而近日官方又宣布将重新被整合到《方舟:生存进化》里,将不再提供单独下载。?这意味着,如果已经体验并下载过《适者生存/大逃杀》,这对你将不会有任何影响,你可以继续玩下去。而新玩家必须在购买《方舟:生存进化》之后才能下载这款游戏。目前steam上正在降价,《方舟:生存进化》将售价¥98,该优惠价截止到北京时间8月5日(星期五)下午3点左右。两篇DLC则免费,分别是“核心岛”、“Primitive Plus”。&游戏截图:
进化最新动态??  不少玩家在玩方舟生存进化游戏的时候出现了野生龙偷袭的情况,游戏中被野龙偷袭家该怎么办呢?这里小编给大家带来了方舟生存进化野龙偷袭怎么办 野龙偷袭解决方法分享,快来看看吧。?方舟生存进化野龙偷袭怎么办?  鱼塘拿恐龙门或者巨兽门来围,尽量造大点,或者给水生龙造个豪华龙房。 ...更新时间: 14:01???Studio &Wildcard的沙盒游戏《方舟:进化生存》在登陆PC后在一个月内便售出100万份,PS4虽然花了多一些时间,不过也在日前突破了这个目标。《方舟:进化生存》于12月6日登陆PS4后,随便蝉联12月、1月PSN销量榜冠军,力压《最后的守护者》、《重力...更新时间: 13:56??  不少玩家在玩方舟生存进化游戏的时候出现了打字黑屏这种情况,游戏打字黑屏该怎么办呢?这里小编给大家带来了方舟生存进化打字黑屏怎么办 打字黑屏解决方法介绍,快来看看吧。?方舟生存进化打字黑屏怎么办?  出现这种问题是目前的BUG,游戏在全屏的时候打字会导致黑屏。  解决方法很...更新时间: 15:32


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