英语翻译这些电子游戏是鲍勃.迪伦 电子书的

英语翻译_诺贝尔颁奖晚宴 鲍勃迪伦会出现吗?_沪江英语
诺贝尔颁奖晚宴 鲍勃迪伦会出现吗?
编辑点评:诺贝尔评委会宣布2016年诺贝尔文学奖获得者是美国唱作人、诗人鲍勃·迪伦,而他却间接拒绝了。瑞典皇家学院表示放弃联系他同时坚信他一定会出现在颁奖晚宴上,英国卫报对此引用了他的一句歌词:the answer is blowing in the wind。
英国卫报10月17日报道,多次联系未果之后,瑞典皇家学院表示放弃联系迪伦,学院的常务秘书Sara Danius表示,他们坚信迪伦在今年12月10日举行的颁奖晚宴上一定会出现。而迪伦在被宣布的当天演唱会上也对这件事没有做任何回应,虽然很可能会是一番苦等,但不得不说此举确实为12月10日的颁奖晚宴设下了一个很好的悬念呢。关于这个悬念卫引用了迪伦的一句歌词说:the answer is blowing in the wind(答案随风飘逝)。这句歌词来自他的《Blowing in the wind》,我们一起来感受这首歌,了解他如诗的音乐世界。
&in the wind答案随风飘逝
How many roads must a man walk down一个人要经历多长的旅途
Before they call him a man才能成为真正的男人
How many seas must a white
Before she sleeps in the sand才能在沙滩上安眠
How many times must the
balls fly要多少炮火
Before they're forever banned才能换来和平
The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind那答案,我的朋友,飘零在风中
The answer is blowing in the wind答案随风飘逝
How many years must a mountain exist山峰要屹立多久
Before it is washed to the sea才是沧海桑田
How many years can some people exist人们要等待多久
Before they're allowed to be free才能得到自由
How many times can a man turn his head一个人要季度回首
that he just doesn't see才能视而不见
The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind那答案,我的朋友,在风中飘零
The answer is blowing in the wind答案随风而逝
How many times must a man look up一个人要仰望多少次
Before he can see the sky才能见苍穹
How many ears must one man have一个人要多么善听
Before he can hear people cry才能听见他人的呐喊
How many deaths will it take多少生命要陨落
'Till he knows that too many people have died才知道那已故的众生
The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind答案,我的朋友,在风中飘零
The answer is blowing in the wind答案随风而逝
1、blowing in the wind.
blow 此处的blow用作动词意思,表示&吹动;随风飘动&。
The door blow open. 门被吹开了。
The curtains blew in the wind. 窗帘随风飘动着。
2、How many roads must a man walk down before they call him a man
前一句里的man指的就是人、男人,单纯生物意义上的泛指。而后一句里call him a man里指的则是能称为真正男子汉的人,有精神意义上特别含义。
3、How many seas must a white dove sail
有朋友会问,为什么这里的sea是复数形式呢?难道大海是可数的吗?海作为&海水&含义来理解时它确实是不可数,而作为&海洋&理解时是可数的,比如:The sea is rough. 海上波涛涌。A sea of faces. 人山人海。当它成为&seas&的时候,那就应该理解为&海域&了。
另一个指代海洋的单词ocean,和sea还是有区别的。Ocean所指的海洋特有五大洋的含义,指代的海洋范围也相对更大,例如大西洋the Atlantic Ocean。Sea则没有这层含义,而是指代广义上的海,比如我们在说自己喜欢大海的时候,应该用sea而不是ocean。同时小范围海域、海滨也是用sea来表达,比如日本海Sea of Japan。
dove这里指的鸽子常带有象征和平的和平鸽,white dove的搭配强调了它白色的特征。pigeon虽然也是鸽子,但就比较普通,常用来指我们在公园里可以见到的鸽子,多是灰色的。不过二者的用法在口语中不会过于计较,而书面中dove多有一种温和纯洁的美好含义。再加上这首歌本身就是反战,dove更代表了对和平的向往。
这里作者在white dove上用了一个动词sail v. 航行,起航,是不是多了一种乘风破浪的感觉?
4、How many times must the cannon balls fly
cannon balls,可能很多玩游戏的小伙伴都熟悉&加农炮&这个词,而它也就是cannon的音译了,起源于14世纪。16世纪时,欧洲人称之为加农炮。其名来自拉丁文Canna,意为&管子&。Ball之所以用来指代炮弹,是因为最早的炮弹不像现在的炮弹都是尖头的,而是一个铁球,特别在海盗影片中能够看到,所以这种用法也就沿用下来了。
5、Before they&re forever banned
ban v. 禁止,取缔,指合法地或由于社会压力而禁止,含有谴责或不赞成的态度,通常搭配形式:ban ...from sth./doing sth.
同样表示禁止的还有prohibit、forbid,他们之间也有区别。prohibit指的是通过法律条文、法令等手段来禁止,带有很强的效力;forbid则多为较小的事物,由上级、长辈、个人发出的禁止规定,例如:I forbid you to tell her the truth. 我不准你把真相告诉她。
6、How many years must a mountain exist before it is washed to the sea
wash v. 洗涤;洗澡;冲走。这里指的是&冲刷&的意思。前一句中的must联系上下文的意思,此处可以理解为一种含有&不得不&的感情。
7、How many times can a man turn his head and pretend that he just doesn&t see
pretend adj. 假装的v. 假装,伪装;装扮;自称。pretend today is going to be great. 假定今天是个好日子。
8、How many times must a man look up
look up作为常见的搭配,有&查找; 向上看; 改善; 拜访(某人)&这些意思。
Look up the word in your dictionary. 用你的词典查一查这个词。
She looked up some friends of bygone years. 她去看望了一些过去的老朋友。
I looked up and saw the clouds rack at an unusual rate. 我抬头看到云朵在顺风飞驰。
9、How many ears must one man have before he can hear people cry
cry我们都很熟悉了,v. 哭;叫,喊,大声说。不过,因为cry指因痛苦、悲哀或伤感等哭出声的感觉。
1.你是否用过在线词典.Do you ever use an online dictionary? 2.一台电脑由很多不同的零部件组成.A computer is made up of many different parts .3老师在课上应强调网络的重要性.The teachers should put emphasis on the importance of the Internet in their classes.4这位商人捐给学校100台电脑.The businessman donated 100 computers to the school .5对不起 这里没有这款笔记本电脑.I m sorry but this type of laptop is not available here .6我通过电子邮件与中学同学保持联系.I write e-mails to keep in touch with my high school classmates.7信息技术改变了我们的生活.Information technology has changed our lives8我们班级的网站正在建设中.Our class website is under construction.1根据圣经上帝用泥土造人.According to the Bible God created man from the dust of the earth .2亚当与夏娃吃了禁果后开始知道善恶.Adam and Eve began to know good and evil after they ate the forbidden fruit.3亚当与夏娃因为不服从上帝被逐出伊甸园.Adarn and Eve were driven out of the Garden of Eden because they did not obey Go.4我小时候非常喜欢听民间传说.I enjoyed folk tales very much when I was young.5古代中国人宰杀牛羊奉献给老天爷.In ancient times the Chinese offered cattle and sheep to the Heaven .6雅典娜是智慧女神.Athene is the goddess of wisdom.7普罗米修斯因为帮助人类受到宙斯的惩罚.Prometheus was punished by Zeus because he helped human beings.8只有希望还留在潘多拉的盒子里.Only hope was left inside Pandora’s box.1罗伯特的昵称是鲍勃Bob is the nickname for Robert2我们给这对熊猫取名为团团圆圆We named the two pandas Tuantuan and Yuanyuan 3在一定程度上名字对一个人的命运会有影响To some extent a person’s name may affect his or her desting4调查表明现在的孩子时兴取单名According to a survey one-character name for children is now in fashion5我们称呼数学老师为李教授或李博士We address our math teacher as prof li or Dr li6中国人的姓名是中国文化的一部分Chinese people’s names are Part of Chinese culture7这首歌的歌名听起来很吸引人The title of this song sounds very attractive 8名字并不能真正反映一个人的品质A person’s name cannot truly reflect his qualities1这次流感的爆发是由鸟类身上的一种病毒引起的the outbreak of spread of AIDS has been under control2我发烧了,估计是感冒了I have a fever ,may
cold3随着生活条件的改善,人们越来越关心自己的身体健康Along with the improvement of living conditions people are more and more contred about their health4握手不会传播艾滋病Shooking hands will not spread AIDS5我们必须采取措施,防止这种传染病再次爆发we must take measures to provent another outbreak of the infectious disease6中国科学家对非典的研究取得了突破性进展Chinese scientists have made a breakthrough in their research onSARS7节日过后,医院有很多病人there are many patient in the hospital after the festival8在中国,艾滋病的传播已经得到控制In China the spread of AIDS has been under control1我相信,通过共同努力,我们一定会取得成功I believe that through our mutual efforts we will achieving success2平均而言,我们班女同学比男同学用功On average ,female students are working harder than male students in our class3幸福这个词很难定义It is diffcult to define
the word "hapiness"4她必须在出国留学和留在国内工作之间做出选择she must make a
choice between studying abroad or working at home 5我们队人生应该有积极的态度 we should
have a positive attitude life6每天早上她的情绪都非常好she is in cheerful mood every moring7我不赞成浪费时间去抱怨i disapprove of wasting our time in
complaning8毫无疑问,他是我们班学习最好的同学之一without question,she is
one of the best student in our class1我真后悔在中学里没多花点时间学数学I regret that I did not spend more time on match at high school. 2我们需要考虑自己能为国家作呕点什么贡献We need to think about what we can contribute to our country.3他对中国历史感兴趣He is interested in Chinese history. 4我认为,今天的努力是明天成功的基础I think future success is based on today’s efforts. 5能够独立思考是成熟的表现It is a sign of maturity to be able to think independently 6我认为学一门手艺很有用I think it is useful to learn a trade. 7大家都夸他家具做得好We all praised him for making good furniture 8实际上,许多蓝领的薪水比白领的薪水还要高In fact, many blue collar earn even more than white collars.许多读者期待着能够早一天看到下一本哈利 波特故事。 Many readers are looking forward to reading the next Harry Potter books soon. 很多人喜欢这部电影,但我觉得它很无聊。
Many people like this movie, but I think it is boring. 3. 我听说有这本书,但我还没看过。
I have heard about the book, but I haven’t read it.4..看这本厚厚的小说是相当号时间的。
it‘s very time-consuming to read this thick novel5. 作者在故事的开头暗示,哈利的过去不同平常。 At the beginning of the story, the author hinted that Harry had an unusual past.6..现在,我已经把这本书看了一半。
At the moment, I’m halfway through the book. / At the moment, I have finished reading half of the book7. 从本质上说,这部小说是个童话。
Essentially, this novel is a fairy tale.8. 这部电影的主题是善与恶的斗争。 The theme of the movie is the fight between good and evil.
三加二没法用啊   --现在有些女孩子,整天在微信、微博上和男人打情骂俏、勾勾搭搭,聊不了几句就见面开房,视感情如儿戏,一点也不知道自重。 对于这样的女孩,我只想说四个字:请联系我。。
为兴趣而生,贴吧更懂你。或 您现在的位置:&&>>&&>>&&>>&正文
  []问题:中译英 (3 段)
It was a weekend in summer and all the town trains were overcrowded. An old man was walking along in the carriage, looking for a vacant seat. Suddenly he saw one and got in. A small bag was lying on the seat and a well-dressed man was sitting beside it.
Mrs. Brown’s old grandfather lived with her and her husband. Every morning he went for a walk in the park and came home at half past twelve for his lunch. But one morning a police car stopped outside Mrs. Brown’s house at twelve o’clock, and two policemen helped Mr. Brown to get out of the car. One of them said to Mrs. Brown: “The poor old gentleman lost his way in the park and called us for help, so we sent a car to bring him home.”
My brother, Bob, has a very good job at a bank. Last week, to my surprise, he told me that he had decided to give it up. I tried hard to make him change his mind, but Bob wouldn’t listen to me. Here is the dialogue between us.
--You should think it over. You’ve already spent five years there and you might become a bank manager by the time you’re thirty.
--I know. I’m satisfied with the bank. It’s a nice job at a nice place.
--Then why do you want to leave?
--It’s the money.
--But you are well paid.
--I don’t mean that. My job is to count money, you know. I feel unhappy when I do that.
--But why?
--I enjoy counting my own money, but I hate counting other people’s.
(1) 那是夏天的一个周末,所有的城际列车都挤的满满的,一位老人走在车箱里,寻找着空座位。突然他发现了一个并坐了下来。座位上放着一个小包,一位穿着很体面的男士就坐在它的旁边。
(2) 布朗太太的老祖父与她和她的丈夫生活在一起。每天早上他都去公园散步,并且在十二点半的时候回家享用午餐。可有一天早上,一辆警车在十二点时停在布朗太太家门口,两位警官帮着布朗先生下了车。其中一位对布朗太太说:“这位可怜的老人家在公园里迷了路,并给我们打电话求救,我们派了车把他送回家来。”
(3) 我兄弟鲍勃在一家银行有着很好的工作。让我吃惊的是他上周告诉我说决定放弃这个工作。我努力的想让他改变想法,但鲍勃就是不听我的。这就是我们之间的对话:
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