hungry shark无限钻石 world任务中的missions要怎样达成?急急急

饥饿鲨:世界(Hungry Shark World)里面任务应该有4个,前3个是ok的,第四个就出不来,说请检测网络链接,但是我ipad已经连上网络了。怎么处理。
保存至快速回贴Hungry Shark World (by Ubisoft) - Touch Arcade
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Size: 358.6 MB
Version: 1.8.6
Price: Free
Average User Rating: Not enough votes.
Sanuku's comments:
Genres: Games Action
The Sharks are back, and this time they are taking on the entire Earth! Take control of a very Hungry Shark in this action packed aquatic adventure. Survive as long as possible by eating everything that gets in your way!
Hungry Shark World opens up a brand new adventure with addictive fast-pace gameplay, console quality graphics, multiple massive levels to explore and epic enemies to chomp down! Loads of sharks to control and more of our own special blend of FGOL humour than ever before, Hungry Shark World is the ground breaking new game that you will play until the end of time! Hope you brought your charger!
Where there?s sea, there?s sharks: breath-taking levels filled with gorgeous environments, a massive array of prey, dastardly enemies to outwit and cunning strategies to overcome every challenge you face in your sharky life! They say humans have only explored 2% now?s your chance to find out what else is out there and be hailed the captain of discovery and adventure!
You?ve never seen sharks like this before! With 7 different strengths, sizes and skills, each tier of shark has its own special abilities! Each shark, big or small, has its own unique personality and quirky animations. From d?aww to ARGH, discover your inner shark and let it DOMINATE! And you can challenge the rest of your sharky shiver of friends to beat your hi-score with the Facebook Leaderboards!
How can a shark get any cooler, I mean, really? Well, there are limitless missions you will have to master in order to plan, advance and conquer! There are loads of missions to complete with great rewards and re-playability. Rise through the ranks of the food chain and level up your jawsome pal to bite harder, swim faster and grow HUNGRY?er!
No one said being a shark would be easy, eh? But they got swag! In this world, a passion for fashion has more than the obvious benefits of looking FABULOUS. Make sure to pimp your aquatic gastronome in only the finest in fin and tail accessories before going to dinner. Each finely crafted item of apparel will power up your shark in weird and wonderful ways!
Hungry Shark World is regularly updated with new features, content and challenges to keep you coming back for more!
Hungry Shark World uses Facebook to backup your progress to the cloud.
This app contains In-App Purchases which allow you to buy Gems and Gold currency which can be spent on upgrades and accessories. Gems and Gold can also be collected in game without requiring purchases.
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Minimum iOS Version: iOS 9.0
Download Size: 314.3MB
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More or less the same but still unique enough to keep me playing it over the upcoming holidays.
After &Hungry Shark Evolution& Hungry Shark World seem like the logical step forward to move the Hungry Shark Franchise to the next level. Everything seem to be bigger: Sharks, Levels, Fish and also the among of Secrets InGame seem to have improved overall if it comes to the Content that I have so far seen.
Also it does feel like i have only seen so far the tip of the iceberg it does already feel like a lot of tun and enjoyable to solve those Missions the Game is throwing at you to solve and gain that way Gold Coins to upgrade your Shark or even save enough up to buy one of the bigger Once.
So far I don`t have encountered anything in the Game after the first hour that would hold me back from keep digging myself into the Game over the upcoming holidays to see what Secrets the Team back in UK might have hidden below the surface.
The Game still does have it`s Mojo and if I wouldn`t have to take a break from playing it to drive to my Doctor earlier today I probably would have just kept playing it till my Battery would have drawn empty.
The Hungry Shark Games are overall one of those few Games that you just keep playing for hours and afterwards just buy here and there an iAP to thank that way the Developer for the time you could spent with the Game.
If I would have to come up with something that still is missing in the Game then it would be a Story but who needs a Story when you have big Sharks in a Game that are playable
Last edited by S 12-15-2015 at .
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Joined: Jun 2010
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nice find bro. will give it a try later.
ps. the graphics looks miles better than the previous hungry sharks evo.
Beta Testing : Forgotten Memories: Alternate Realities, Sky Force 2014, Rush Rally 2
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Just Based on looks and write up this appears to be the best so far. Will download later!
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I still play Evolution from time to time. I've always been a fan of the Hungry Shark series. Downloading now of course.
Last edited by NOEN; 12-15-2015 at .
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This game looks great I've always wanted to be a shark
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Yea, FGoL did a GREAT job on updating the visuals! I didn't think they could top HS Evolution that much more, but they did. As far as gameplay, it's pretty much the same (which is good) with some small tweaks here and there. This one seems to have a little more longevity then its predecessor. You have a bunch of missions to complete to make your shark bigger. The words seem way bigger and more detailed too.
As far as the F2P stuff, it's not too bad so far. I haven't run across any timers or anything. It looks like there's merely IAPs to progress faster.
It looks like it has cloud save, but I can't access Facebook because it's a NZ game and my FB is registered in the US, so it's not meshing well right now.
All in all, definitely worth checking out. Especially if you dug any of the other Hungry Shark games. This seems to be the best of the bunch so far.
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More or less the same but still unique enough to keep me playing it over the upcoming holidays.
After &Hungry Shark Evolution& Hungry Shark World seem like the logical step forward to move the Hungry Shark Franchise to the next level. Everything seem to be bigger: Sharks, Levels, Fish and also the among of Secrets InGame seem to have improved overall if it comes to the Content that I have so far seen.
Also it does feel like i have only seen so far the tip of the iceberg it does already feel like a lot of tun and enjoyable to solve those Missions the Game is throwing at you to solve and gain that way Gold Coins to upgrade your Shark or even save enough up to buy one of the bigger Once.
So far I don`t have encountered anything in the Game after the first hour that would hold me back from keep digging myself into the Game over the upcoming holidays to see what Secrets the Team back in UK might have hidden below the surface.
The Game still does have it`s Mojo and if I wouldn`t have to take a break from playing it to drive to my Doctor earlier today I probably would have just kept playing it till my Battery would have drawn empty.
The Hungry Shark Games are overall one of those few Games that you just keep playing for hours and afterwards just buy here and there an iAP to thank that way the Developer for the time you could spent with the Game.
If I would have to come up with something that still is missing in the Game then it would be a Story but who needs a Story when you have big Sharks in a Game that are playable
What are the IAP's if you don't mind?
- I play games 24/7. Sleep is for the weak!
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i am an Evolution fan, and like you said, FGOL made it so you can play indefinitely and unlock everything, with no timers - only grind (which is fun for me while i am controlling a shark) - and just gave IAP as thank you to the devs. I hope this follows the same model. Will it be Worldwide on thursday, or should i download now? and will my progress be saved to Worldwide release if you can know?
Joined: May 2015
Amazing game. Its really fun
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Copyright &, , LLC.hungrysharkworldcheats - Hungry Shark World Cheats
Just like its forerunner Starving Shark Evolution, Hungry Shark World has one aim: consume just as much as possible to develop tremendous. Where, when you consume, and what may determine how quickly your small shark pup will develop in to an ocean-opinion Fantastic White. Always check out Gamezebo?s Hungry Shark World tricks, tips and strategies if you?re seeking to rule the oceans one bite at a moment.
Do The Missions
Missions come in units of three and a new one will be as each is finished by you. Challenges are included by them like high scores, space accrued, survival occasions and serving on prey that is particular. Your more coins will be got by realizing assignments, but may also provide you direction, rather than wandering aimlessly throughout the water. As you?re attempting to finish your missions, you?ll efficiently come up on the STARVING characters, which will give you points and gold and treasure chests. If you attain an assignment that?s not possible, it is possible to utilize a stone to skip it, but it?s probably worth holding out to get a stronger shark to attempt to realize it.
Rule The School
Consider effort to consume the entire team and the additional time when you strike a school of fish. You?ll for completing them all away get a ? bonus? that is shoal. Animals will also assist in this effort. Though they enter just how sometimes or can be distracting, animals may catch fish that might otherwise get away. If you consume a lot of seafood in sequence (which is simplest in the schools of fish), you?ll make a rating multiplier which will develop the mo Re you eat, while also contributing to your gold-rush points. Do?t stop ? til you get enough.
Understand The Right Path Around
In the store, you can buy a chart for coins which can help you avoid dead ends where you?ll not probably feed and navigate yourself. This map will even show two or one FAMISHED letters to you. The HUNGRY characters are randomly placed at the start of each treatment that is gameplay and reset but if you upgrade the guide with stone you?ll see the locations of each of the HUNGRY letters for that session along with the treasure chests.
On Departure
Also if you?re star Ving, you still have some period to eat something before you die, but you?l prevent anything dangerous while you?re recovering your power from star Ving if you're hit by an enemy in that state. You?ll have an alternative to save your shark by seeing a spending or video jewels when you are doing fundamentally die. You should be really quickly if you want because the option disappears in just about a 2nd to do this. Should you choose to resurrect your shark as soon as you die, you are going to come alive correct where you died- whether that?s among floating bombs or adversary sharks - so be prepared to swim from that area as fast as possible.
Other Helpful Bites
Golden fish and seafood that is purple provide you coins and gems, respectively. There are even gold folks walking on on the shores. Chase eat them for reward loot and them all down.
You understand you?re in a barren place and if you?re about hitting a gold hurry, attempt to swim to someplace more thickly inhabited to get the many coins potential.
Before investing in add-ons Maximum out your shark?s Foster stats, Bite, and Speed. Afterward, focus on a helpful dog to assist end those shoals. After a dog and maximum stats, you can begin decking your shark out.
Use the Foster to attack mo Re efficiently and to leap high in the air, get up onland, fight attackers off.
If you've four or mo-Re STARVING letters, keeping your shark alive may be more efficient than locating them again when they re set in the next treatment.
It is going to start the currency store if you tap on the plus indication alongside your currency. The last pill for ? Free may provide you for seeing game trailers coins and stone.
You can only just consume sharks your dimension or smaller, s O do?t also bother attacking something bigger. You?ll get a blinking forewarning when you get near. Heed it.


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