
→ 影子武士2新1.1.7.0补丁更新了什么版本更新内容一览
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& &《魔法门之英雄无敌7》目前已经更新至1.2版,具体更新了哪些内容?下面带来玩家&EvilP&翻译分享的具体更新内容介绍,以供参考。& &请注意:升级后读档会导致奇怪的问题或者相关BUG未修正。& &战役部分 - Campaign & Walkthrough& &全部,General& &[Fixed] The AI heroes may remain stuck in front of their town blocking the human player from attacking the town or the heroes. This could happen on various maPS/locations and should be fixed.& &AI英雄会卡在自家城镇门口导致玩家无法进攻AI的城镇或英雄问题;& &[Fixed] Solving two quests at once will not block the quest flow anymore. This lead tvarious potential blockers, especially on Necropolis 2.& &同时完成两个任务会导致任务卡住,尤其是亡灵第二关;& &学院第2关,Academy 2& &[Fixed] An issue that the player can`t complete the map, after choosing the &fight again& option at the Jadwa encounter.& &玩家在和嘉德娃战斗后,选择重新战斗会导致本关无法完成;& &[Fixed] An issue with enemy AI hiding in the sanctuary.& &AI英雄会一直躲在修道院导致任务无法完成;& &学院第3关,Academy 3& &[Fixed] A potential blocker related tsecondary heroes (aka not Hisham) being used for the final fight.& &使用副英雄进行最后一场战斗会导致任务无法完成;& &[Fixed] If a secondary herpicks up the &Flower of Dolor& the map can be bugged.& &副英雄拾取哀伤之花会导致游戏出现bug;& &[Fixed] The Tear of Asha is not placed at the exact spot indicated by the Treasure Map.& &亚莎之泪并没有在藏宝图显示的位置上;& &学院第4关,Academy 4& &[Fixed] If a secondary herpicks up the &Flower of Dolor& the map can be bugged.& &副英雄拾取哀伤之花会导致游戏出现bug;& &地牢第四关,Dungeon 4& &[Fixed] Light effect changes abruptly if the player navigates through the surface area using arrow keys.& &如果玩家在地表用方向键会导致光源突变;& &圣堂2,Haven 2& &[Fixed] Loading a saved game made after Tomas is trapped by Gloria on Haven Map 2 will trigger an infinite autEnd Turn.& &任务进行到托马斯被格洛丽亚困住后,如果此时存盘并读取,会导致永远自动结束回合;& &圣堂3,Haven 3& &[Fixed] Konrad could win the fight with Serguei Griffin which was not intended.& &康拉德战胜谢尔盖导致任务无法继续;& &[Fixed] There should now be a quest marker for the last step in Soul Quest quest.& &Soul Quest最后一步没有任务标记;& &[Fixed] There should now be quest markers for the State of Siege quest.& &State of Siege最后一步没有任务标记;& &[Improvements] Camera should now be focused on projectiles from triggered catapults.& &改进:使用投石车时,视角会追随投掷物;& &[Improvements] The narration should now play until the end when you find Biliashi.& &改进:找到Biliashi后,叙事部分会继续播放;& &[Improvements] The mines now become Neutral when you block those using catapults.& &改进:玩家使用投石车困住矿井后,矿井会变为中立;& &墓园2,Necropolis 2& &[Fixed] Final cinematic will not trigger if the user defeats the rebel AI before finishing the other objective.& &玩家再完成其他目标前击败叛军ai会导致结局过场无法播放& &墓园5,Necropolis 5& &[Fixed] Samaariih castle cannot be accessed.& &Samaariih城堡无法接触/进入;& &森林1,Sylvan 1& &[Fixed] An issue leading to the player being unable tenter a new ship after loading a save game.& &读盘后会导致无法进入新的船只;& &森林3,Sylvan 3& &[Fixed] Player is unable to board the ship manufactured in the shipyard on the spawning island& &spawning岛上船坞制造的船只无法进入;& &最终1,Final 1& &[Fixed] A crash when restarting fight against Vayaron on Final Map 1 (general crash fix for some misbehaving buffs).& &重新开始和瓦亚隆的战斗会导致游戏崩溃;& &[Fixed] The boat offered by Lasir resets after a Save/Load is performed& &拉西尔提供的船只在读档后的问题;& &最终2,Final 2& &[Fixed] Catapults had a problem where they would only shoot once instead of twice as was intended. Now all 4 catapults can shoot twice.& &投石车只发射一次。修改后全部4辆投石车都可以正常发射两次;& &[Improvement] The player is now informed of the available reinforcements that Andras receives after finishing the &Raven Wings& quest.& &完成Raven Wings任务后,安德拉斯将正确地接收到增援部队奖励;& &单关剧情,Skirmish/Scenario Maps& &[Fixed] issue related to the victory conditions on Yeshtar&pRIME;s Promise& &伊诗塔的誓约胜利条件有问题;& &[Fixed] FPS drop and constant freezes during combat after several gameplay hours on Bloodpact& &[Fixed] Major FPS drop (13 FPS) after at least 4-5 hours of gameplay on a hero with level 19 and massive army on Bloodpact& &Bloodpact地图在玩几小时后战斗时FPS狂掉,或者暂时卡住;& &[Fixed] Some maps are showing Day 1 twice on the second day& &有些地图显示第一天两次在第二天;& &[Fixed] The player is unable to finish the map as the Sweristal and Nawal castles cannot be captured on certain circumstances on Dungeons and Minions& &Dungeons and Minions地图,Sweristal and Nawal无法攻占导致地图无法完成;& &[Fixed] Ice Demons map has the standard Skirmish Quest active AI specific& &Ice Demons地图,AI问题;
→ 辐射4 1.2补丁修复更新了什么内容 补丁修复内容一览
类型:游戏其他大小:1KB语言:中文 评分:.0
中的补丁终于来了,虽然辐射4中的bug太多当然也要适当的修复一下,下面小编就来给大家介绍一下辐射4&1.2补丁修复更新内容一览,希望能帮助各位玩家!内容一览:骗子任务玩家血量持续回复的问题得以修复新特性:数字小键盘可以被用来设置键位。激活改键可在快速集成界面中生效。修复:提升内存与游戏稳定性。优化可伟佳装配厂内的性能表现。优化游戏贴图效果。修复玩家卡在终端的问题。修复完成“重逢”(Reunions)任务后,装备武器被锁死的问题。修复“自由召唤”(When Freedom Calls)任务无法完成的问题。修复在“骗子”(Confidence Man)任务中,玩家的血量会持续回复的问题。修复跳入水中和载入游戏存档时出现的崩溃问题。修复启动器无法正常保存“级高精细度”(God Rays Quality)设定的问题。Bethesda更新正式补丁是一件可喜可贺的事情,不过也有玩家很快发现该补丁将MOD禁用了,这应该并非Bethesda的本意,可能不久之后就会有修复补丁出炉。
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→ 情热传说1.2补丁内容更新了什么 1.2补丁内容翻译一览
v1.3 中文硬盘版
类型:RPG角色扮演大小:11.40G语言:中文 评分:10.0
情热传说中1.2补丁已经更新,在这次的补丁中优化修复还是主要的内容,下面小编就来给大家介绍一下情热传说1.2补丁内容更新翻译一览,希望能帮助各位玩家!内容一览:翻译:激流描述:更新1.2的故事zestiria加改变,检查了文件的大小,并防止其玩如果它检测到它已被取代,因此# 748240不工作了。旧的一个仍然会在游戏中的游戏,它被触发,而不是在标题屏幕上。有dragonscy在Reddit上为我们提供了一个解决方案;西方的zestiria从介绍电影故事版歌词。用这个来得到那些回zestiria蒸汽版本。说明如下;打开你的故事zestiria复制游戏文件夹(蒸汽,PC),打开目录原/电影,在那里这个文件滴。发现和命名am_toz_op_001.bk2重命名为am_toz_op_001.bk2 new_am_toz_op_001.bk2现在,一旦介绍开始,它将包含歌词而不是吉他独奏。这个版本将在屏幕上播放。你可以看这个文件独立过,但你需要ra。现在,是有人为了创造一个字幕版本文件可以切换在相反的任务?(当然,检查了在zestiria 1.2补丁的故事使这一点我想……更难)一个翻译版本的电影介绍可以在这里找到。CRC:237c5072MD5:14dbf4fb9e如果你想这样做手工,这里是dragonscy指南;(如引用Reddit)报价:嘿!在最近的修补程序(1.2,与所有的错误修复),他们似乎已经阻止了原来的日本开幕式,发现在发射。有一种变通方法虽然,但它需要一点努力。游戏是(显然)检查文件大小,所以最简单的方法是改变文件大小。使用文件编辑器(如BK2 RAD视频工具)你可以把它周围的声音和工作。我用弧度,所以这是一个解释,软件。打开am_toz_op_001 RAD工具和选择,在声音的“点击”组合,并选择“am_toz_op_001_jp”来自哪里,你救了它之前。等几分钟,你会有另一个文件的工作!原文:1.2版更新在最近的a丁1.2,所有的bug修Torrent description:Update 1.2 to Tales of Zestiria added a change that checks the file-size of the intro, and prevents it playing if it detects it has been replaced, thus #748240 doesn't work anymore. The old one will STILL play in-game at the point where it is triggered, just not on Title screen.Helpfully DragonScy over at Reddit providWestern version of Tales of Zestiria removed lyrics from the intro movie. Use this to get those back to the Steam version of Zestiria.Ins-Open the game folder of your copy of Tales of Zestiria (Steam, PC), open directory RAW/MOVIE, drop this file in there.-Find and rename AM_TOZ_OP_001.bk2-Rename New_AM_TOZ_OP_001.bk2 to AM_TOZ_OP_001.bk2Now, once the intro starts, it will include the lyrics instead of the guitar solo. This version will play even on the Title screen.You can watch this file stand-alone too, but you need RadTools.Now, is someone out there up for a task of creating a subtitled version of this file that can be switched in instead? (Granted, the check introduced in Tales of Zestiria patch 1.2 makes this a tad more difficult I suppose...)A translated version of the intro movie can be found here.CRC: 237C5072md5: 14DBF4FB9EIf you want to do this manually, here is DragonScy' (as quoted from Reddit)Quote:Hey all! In the most recent patch (1.2, with all the bug fixes) they seem to have blocked the original japanese opening fix found at launch. There is a workaround though, but it takes a bit of effort.The game is (apparently) checking for file size, so the easiest way to get around is change the file size. Using a bk2 file editor (like RAD Video Tools) you can add the audio and work around it. I used RAD, so this is an explanation with that software. Open RAD Tools and select AM_TOZ_OP_001, click &mix in sound&, and select &AM_TOZ_OP_001_JP& from wherever you saved it before. Wait a few min, and you'll have another file that works!
10-20 / 60.58G
11-10 / 23.07G
08-13 / 153.4M
12-17 / 578M
11-05 / 11.40G
推荐理由:《情热传说(Tales of Zestiria)》是一款由BANDAI NAMCO Studio 制作BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment发行的日式R
11-05 / 1.47G
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